The Stray


Samantha danced before the men and women that came nightly. She loved to dance. It made her feel free. It also turned her on knowing that everyone out there in the audience wanted her. But she never gave herself to them. Never let them take her soul away from her. Even when she was called into the VIP room she allowed very little other than what she was willing to give. Both men and women were satisfied despite not being allowed to touch her. It was her rules or nothing at all.

Tonight she danced slow. She was moving her body to the sensual rhythm of the music she had chosen. Many of the girls picked hard rock or some popular song, moving fast and turning it into some exercise rather than a moment of erotic pleasure. She wanted to make them hard and wet. Her body was toned and slender, long legs and firmness where it counted. She spread her legs wide showing all of herself to them hearing the groans and muffled whispers of those that appreciated her. Her moves designed to emit the ultimate fantasies.

At the end of the night she made enough to stay in the city, to keep her apartment, to eat another meal. Her apartment was in a rough neighborhood where she could afford the rent. Her neighbors were good people. They worked to survive and she did also. She could afford to get a better place but it would use up all her savings. That was her dream money. Someday it would take her far from this place.

She showered and felt clean from the roaming hands of the strangers at the club. Grabbing a beer from the frig she laid down on her bed and drank slowly, savoring the coldness of it. The summer heat was at its peak and she didn’t own an air conditioner. Just a small fan that blew air that did little to cool her off. She ruffled her short dark hair making it look spiky and wild. It would never dry right in this heat. Her apartment was on the second floor facing another building looking down at an alley filled with trash and dumpsters that smelled of rotten food during the summer heat spells.

She looked out her window past the fire escape landing to see the only view she had. It was a partial view but it gave her hope. It was of the Empire State Building. At least she had bragging rights about that.

Sami was young. Too young to be on her own doing the work she did. She should be living at home, going to college, falling in love. But her father put a stop to those dreams, at least temporarily. Her mother was to docile to control her fathers bad habits, especially his drinking. She would always find excuses for him. Before Samantha left she knew that he was looking at her differently. At times he would pass by her and give her ass a light tap telling her how beautiful she was. The taps turned into squeezes and then outright rubbing. She locked her bedroom door every night. One night she heard the doorknob turning and an angry grunt from the other side of the door. Minutes later he had taken it out on her mother who cried out when he took her sexually.

She through all she owned into garbage bags and caught a bus to the city. She met others like herself who got jobs, some worse than others. But she was lucky. She loved to dance and there was always work for a girl like her. She was young, beautiful and sensual. When she danced for the owner of the club she made him cum to the surprise of his wife who stood right next to him. She told him to hire her immediately. Then she took Sami to the VIP lounge and had her do a lap dance for her. Sami did, making sure to allow the woman anything for the job. By the time she was done the wife came also and told her to begin that very night. Since then she danced nightly, making money and putting some away for a dream she hoped would someday come true.

She awoke in the night caused by something in the alley. She had left the window open hoping to catch any breeze the city might offer. She got up and looked out. At first she saw little in the dark, but once her eyes adjusted she saw the animal. It was a very large dog rummaging through the trash trying to find something to eat. He looked less like a dog and more like a wolf, but she could see the large collar around its neck. The owner must be looking for him. The animal sniffed and knocked over several carts of trash checking them out and making enough noise to wake the dead. Sami felt bad for the poor dog knowing that it was hungry. She went to the kitchen and found some deli meats that she no longer wanted and went back to the window. She whistled catching the attention of the animal. Then she threw the package of meat down into the alley. It moved toward the package warily, at first sniffing it then tearing into it and swallowing the contents in seconds. When it was done it looked up at her. Sami felt her heart skip a beat when she saw its glowing eyes. He was beautiful. The animal turned and ran from the alley leaving Sami wondering if he would come back again.

The week went by quickly without the return of the animal. She decided to buy a doggie bowl and food which she placed on the fire escape outside her bedroom window. The stairs led to the alley and the animal would have to jump to the first set of them. But if he could smell the food he might get himself a free meal. Sami couldn’t understand why she was so attracted to the animal other than it was a survivor, like her. She didn’t want it to die out there without someone to give it a fighting chance.

That night she slept deeply after a strenuous night at the club. She awoke in the night hearing scratching on the fire escape. When she looked out the dog was there eating from the dog bowl. She Quietly moved from the bed to watch him. He ate and drank quickly. Then he stopped and looked directly at her. His eyes were the deepest blue and his thick coat of fur shone in the night. They stared at each other for a mere second before he moved down the stairs and into the night.

Sami watched him, admired his strength and his rippling muscles that carried him down the stairs through the alley and beyond. He was a handsome beast. She could not understand why the owners could not find him. Each day she expected to find posters displayed showing the animal and a number for contacting the owner. But not a one was seen in the neighborhood.

She felt particularly horny when she awoke the next morning, why she couldn’t guess, but it gave her an incentive to make lots of money at the club. She danced with more energy driving the crowd wild and getting more request to enter the VIP room, which she did. Her boss watched her and smiled knowing that something had changed her. He didn’t care what it was as long as he made more money. Those that took her into the VIP lounge certainly got their monies worth. She allowed anything this night and found that the men were willing participants. Hands found her breasts and ass making her grind all the more onto their bulging crotches. She made a great deal of money on that evening and went out to buy a steak for her new friend.

She placed the steak in the bowl making sure to chop it into smaller bites. She didn’t want him to just grab it whole and run. She wanted to watch him. After her shower she remained naked loving the cooler air that came through the window. Her nipples hardened immediately, the breeze making them so sensitive. She wanted to masturbate thinking about her wild night at the club. So she cupped her small breasts and toyed with her long thick nipples making her moan softly. She sat on the edge of her bed and began to lean back spreading her legs wide feeling that breeze tease her sopping pussy and tickling her clit.

She loved to masturbate, loved to make herself squirt and tonight she felt the urge even stronger. She arched her back as she pulled on her clit crying out as she squirted onto the bed and floor. She trembled with passion and started again, making her whole body shiver with the next orgasm. A sound made her stop and she looked out her window to see the dog staring in at her. He was watching her masturbate. So enthralled was he with her that he had not even taken a bite of his food.

Sami stared at the beautiful brute and he looked back as if he was waiting for more. She wondered if he really was waiting for her to continue. She laid back down and started again but this time she was slower, teasing herself before the animal, letting him see everything she did. Her mind raced with excitement over what she was actually doing. Her body thrilled over the idea of this dog watching her, seeing her being so sexual. She tried to imagine him as one of the patrons of the club but realized he was much more.

She slid a finger inside her pussy feeling her own wetness. She was so juicy and hot inside and she moaned as she pushed it slowly in and out. She watched the dogs response and she was not disappointed. He sniffed the air and soon his cock began to protrude from his furry sack. Sami was mesmerized by its size and shape as it slowly slipped out. She was obviously affecting him greatly. She continued, wanting to please him, to make him understand that she was giving him something she didn’t even give those that paid at the club. Herself.

The animal whined softly and moved closer to the window opening staring at her, watching with those intense glowing eyes. She spread her legs wider opening her pussy lips for him as she fingered herself. Her juices were now running down her legs to the bed making a large wet spot. His cock was now fully engorged and hanging down making it look painfully swollen. But he didn’t move a muscle. She slid a second finger in and cried out as she felt her cuntal muscles clench and squeeze. She came hard, squirting all over the floor and on the window sill before the dog. She trembled with the orgasm, her body so hot and ready.

Sami watched the animal lean down and lick at the droplets of her cum on the sill tasting her and when he was done he turned to the bowl and ate. Soon he was done and moving down the stairs. She rushed to the window and wanted to call out to him and found herself face to face with the animal who had hesitated. At first she felt fear at being so close to such a brute but then she realized he would never harm her. Their faces were just inches away and she could smell his breath and feel his eyes looking into hers. He licked out his tongue swiping across her face and mouth. She knew it was a kiss of sorts, a thank you for what she did. He turned and left.

She thought about him all day the next day. She could not get the image of him out of her fevered mind. His body, his face, his huge cock. She knew that it was a silly romantic fairy tale fantasy. One that included a prince turned into a beast. But it was her fantasy and it excited her. She could never tell anyone what she did that night. She masturbated before a dog who obviously enjoyed it enough to make him harder than any man she knew at the club. She wanted to please the animal and make him happy. Like her, he was a survivor and they were partners in that.

Sami had few friends in the city and what few they were at the club and they counted as fair weather ones at best. She went to the club and performed all night making the patrons crazy with lust. She thought of nothing but the dog and wondered if he was waiting for her even now. She rushed home after work to find the doggie bowl still filled with food, untouched and felt a sudden sadness. That night it was humid and hot and she slept naked with the fan close by giving little comfort.

She was awoken by a touch. Something was licking her and her heart raced with fear. Then she knew who it was. She was lying on her side facing away from the window. She remained still allowing the dog to investigate her, to see she was not a threat. She could feel his nose near her ass and a soft sniffing noise as he smelled her. Then to her surprise he licked out, his tongue sliding between her legs running from ass to clit in one wet swipe.

Sami closed her eyes from the intense pleasure it caused her. She dared not move. She didn’t want to scare the animal or drive him away. Instead she remained still allowing him to do what he wished. His tongue licked again and again making her realize that he was tasting her juices. The animal no doubt thought she was in heat. She would not disappoint this night either since his tongue was making her really heat up quickly. Sami moaned softly while his tongue was doing its magic on her pussy. She moved very slowly opening her legs wider for him, giving him access to her.

The dog continued driving his tongue into all her openings and crevasses. Sami could not believe that he was turning her on so much. His tongue was sliding inside her now licking out every drop of her cum. It twirled and slipped in and out like a bee getting honey. Every once and awhile it dipped into her asshole making her moan from the pleasure of it. The slop, slop, slop of his wet tongue made her crazy with lust and soon she found herself grabbing at the sheets and burying her face into her pillow as she orgasmed. She squirted hard onto his tongue and found that it only motivated him more. His face was buried in her pussy, his nose almost inside her as he licked for more of her juices. She pushed back against him hoping it would not disturb his actions and it only encouraged him more. His tongue licked even deeper now making her cry out as she came and came.

All her life she wondered what she was created to do. She loved dancing and she loved being free and now she loved this. This act of bestiality was the final act of her absolute freedom and the pinnacle of her desires. She wanted to do this not only for her but for him. She reached back carefully and opened her ass cheeks wider. The dog moved closer his muzzle deeply into her pussy as his tongue sought out more nectar. She shook in endless orgasms from his attack on her pussy and rotated her hips to feel his tongue slip over her clit.

Suddenly she felt him move back. She turned slowly and saw him on the bed his huge body towering over her, his dark face with those huge glowing eyes staring into her soul. His snout was soaked in her juices and he licked at it. She could not understand why he stopped but as she looked below his belly she finally understood. His huge cock was dangling all swollen and ready. But was she for such a sexual Union?

Sami knew what he wanted and she wanted him to. But to allow such a sexual act went against everything normal in a world such as theirs. She saw his eyes upon her waiting for approval to mount her and she knew what she had to do to allow that approval. She got on all fours and raised her ass high looking back at him as she spread her legs wide.

He moved quickly an experienced animal mounting her with his front paws encircling her waist as he drew her toward him and his large cock. She moaned as she felt the tip press against her dripping opening. Then he was inside her. His cock opened her up and made her grunt from its thickness. She moved back accepting more, wanting all of him inside her. He delivered. Soon he was driving into her fast and hard with the speed of a jackhammer.

Sami felt her body respond the only way it was meant to by cumming and squirting. The animals cock filled her so fully slipping in and out pulling her vaginal lips with it. She moved her ass back to capture every inch of this magnificent beast. His grip on her tightened while his head rested upon her right shoulder. His tongue licked at her face and she turned her head to take it into her mouth, sucking it and allowing him to lick down her throat. She squirted harder her juices running like a river down her thighs making her cunt slippery and allowing his cock to move with greater ease. Then she felt it. Something was growing within her pussy. Then she remembered. It was the animals knot. He was getting ready to cum inside her.

It swelled and grew and she felt her pussy stretching to its limit. Then he came. She groaned in pleasure as she felt his hot spray filling her. She continued to move beneath him loving the fullness inside her. His cock was so huge and he was still cumming. His body covered hers and the soft fur made her warm. His face was next to hers and she kissed him while he came. Her hand came up to his face lovingly, rubbing, petting him as she felt his cock pulsing within her. Then he was backing away, his cock stuck at first with the huge knot at her entrance. Then she cried out as it finally worked its way out along with a stream of doggie cum. It was all she could do not to cry from the pleasure he gave her.

She knelt before him his face in her hands and kissed him like a lover, her mouth over his, her tongue seeking his. Then he was gone.

For several days she looked for him and could not find him. Then she saw the posters on the windows of shops and telephone poles. The dog’s name was Max and the owner offered a high price for his return. Her heart sank at the sight. It was then that she realized she loved the animal, wanted him in her life. She went home and cried.

That night she heard a scratching at her window and jumped up to open it letting Max in. She hugged him and kissed his face lovingly so happy that he returned. They made love throughout the night. She sucked his cock while he lay upon the bed taking him deeply into her warm wet mouth. She licked down to his balls taking one then the other in her mouth, then back up licking the tip of his huge red spear. He spent much time licking her pussy driving her wild and tasting her hot squirts of pleasure. Then they fucked, his cock driving so deep inside her wetness until she cried out with one orgasm after another.

Once she rode atop him as he lay below him, his body inert as she began to grind down on his shaft. She leaned down running her tongue inside his mouth and he licking hers. Then she came squirting all over his furry coat. He slept at the foot of her bed and only awoke at night to lick her bare ass and pussy awakening her to intense pleasures from his tongue.

Soon the posters disappeared and they remained together. Each satisfying the other. She let him have her anytime and in any way he wished. Once they were in a store bathroom and she was in a stall with him as he slathered away over her drenched pussy making her cry out to the concern of others within their stalls. They barely made it out of the store before security came looking for them. Another time she let him have her in the ass, loving the full feeling it gave her as he drove hard into her tightness. His knot gave her pain at first then pleasure as she practiced more with him. Before long she could handle him back there with ease his knot slipping in and out of her asshole making her cum buckets for him to lick up later.

One day she returned home to find that he had gone. She called out for him but realized he had left through the open window. Days passed with no sighting of him. Then she learned that someone saw him and reported it to the owner who paid well for his return. He was gone from her life and she cried for days.

A month later she was asleep and heard the familiar scratch at the window. She cried out in happiness as she opened to see her lover returned. Next to him was another dog,very similar to him in size and breed.

“Well now, who’s this? ” she said aloud to him as he entered the apartment.

The other dog hesitated at first but soon followed. It was another male and her lover brought him back with him. Max moved between her legs his snout pressing into her damp panties. She knew what he wanted and she was so happy to see him she would grant him anything. But what to do with his friend. At the moment all that was necessary was to please Max who at once began to lick her pussy once she got undressed. The other dog, equally handsome watched as Max licked Sami’s pussy. She spread her legs wide for him.

Max barked and the other dog moved forward joining him. Now she felt both tongues sliding over her cunt and asshole trying desperately to enter her and taste her juices which were building quickly. She cried out as the new dog licked her swollen clit. A hot spray of her juices taught the animal quickly that to continue meant more tasty juice. On and on they both went until Max brought his front paws upon the bed on either side of her face his body between her legs and his thick cock seeking entrance to her warm wet pussy.

Sami grabbed his cock and placed it against her opening and he quickly slid inside her. The other dog kept licking, his tongue wrapping around Max’s cock as it withdrew carrying with it thick tasty cream from her pussy. Sami could not believe the pleasure she was receiving from them both. Max brought another dog to enjoy her and she gratefully complied. The other dog stood back, his long thick cock dangling like ripe fruit. Max pulled out and the other dog took his place. She felt his cock slide inside her as Max watched. He was a powerful beast driving his cock hard and fast into her making her arch her back moving her hips up and against his thrusts. Soon she felt the animals knot and felt the hot sprays of pleasure.

Throughout the night they fucked. She mounted the stray that came with Max and allowed Max to take her from behind. Both animals using her at the same time. Max’s cock was stretching her asshole while the other was deliciously filling her pussy with hot juices. She never felt so fulfilled.

Max was back and numerous times brought someone home with him to entertain Sami who did so lovingly, wantonly. Once he delivered another female dog that He fucked in front of Sami. She wasn’t jealous but enjoyed their obvious Union. The female dog took him and growled when his knot expanded filling her with is sperm. He pulled out of her and waited wanting Sami to do something with the female dog. She laid down between the females splayed out legs and began to lick her pussy tasting Max as his sperm dribbled from her womb. The dog whined in pleasure when she slid her tongue inside her wetness and then slid a finger into her tight warmth. Max watched approvingly.

Her life was changed. Her pleasure rose dramatically when she met Max. Now they shared everything together. She made good friends with another girl at the club. A new girl called Mira. She was young and beautiful and spoke often of sex and wanting to try other things. Sami was careful not wanting to entice the girl into something that would get her in trouble. But it didn’t take much to convince the horny beauty to indulge in her kinky sex.

She brought her home and introduced her to Max. It didn’t take long for Max to seduce her. Soon the girl was on all fours with Max pumping his thick cock into her making her moan in pleasure. Sami loved seeing his cock slide in and out of the young beauty. Especially the lustful look on her face every time he did so. She was really enjoying Max. Soon he was cumming his knot buried deep inside the tiny girl who squirted in hot gushes.

She was in love with Max. He loved her too, in his own way. She knew that his interest was mainly to breed with her. But she didn’t care. Mira was a regular part of the family now and moved into the apartment making it easier financially for each of them. They shared Max and each other. Max would bring back other strays that would use them both like dogs in heat. They loved it. Mira would sometimes take two at a time. Once both dog cocks slipped into her pussy at the same time making her orgasm endlessly while they pushed and pulled in and out of her.

Samantha was happy now. She had Mira and Max and any other dog who wanted her. It was what she wanted.


The End.

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