The Walk Home
Sarah waited for her classmates to pile out of the lecture theater before following them at a distance. In the hallway, Sarah checked the coast and made sure it was clear of Milfred before grabbing a textbook from her locker and quickly making her way to the double doors at the end of the hallway. The campus’s parking lot was full of students making their way onto the bus stop while the alumni honked at the annoyance of having their way blocked.
Sarah watched as many of her classmates got into their different cars and sped away from the college. Sarah sighed deeply and took a moment to feel sorry for herself before walking home. She was used to going without what the other kids had. Her parents had struggled her whole life to keep the house from being foreclosed on, which sadly made Sarah often go without. But today was different. Her favorite aunt Megan was meeting her at her house after college and had hinted that she was thinking about getting Sarah her cell phone. The very idea made Sarah giddy with excitement.
Sarah hated walking home from college; she didn’t live far away, and the walk wasn’t the problem she had with it. Only two streets went from the college to her house, adding an extra mile of pointlessly curvy roads, while the shorter way made Sarah uneasy. Since she had moved into the neighborhood at the beginning of 7th grade, the Old Man Reynolds’s dog would stock the fence and bark incessantly when she walked down the street. It freaked her out so much that she hadn’t walked down the street for a year when she was younger.
Sarah thought about taking the long way for a moment but remembered her aunt would be waiting for her, and she couldn’t quench her excitement about potentially getting her first phone. Sarah’s mind was filled with thoughts of showing off her new toy with her classmates tomorrow and finally being able to get texts from her friends. She smiled at the thought of how great tomorrow might be.
The neighborhood wasn’t in itself dangerous. It was a nice street full of different colored townhomes, some with ornate flower beds or a swing set in the backyard. However, Sarah always dreaded her run-in with the older man’s dog. He lived on the corner of the street just a half dozen houses up from her own. Sarah groaned when the driveway came into sight, and she saw Mr. Reynolds’s pick-up truck missing from the driveway. Sarah had learned that his dog was forced to play in the backyard if he wasn’t home until he returned.
“Roof!! Roof!! ROOF!” The large Rottweiler/Mastiff exploded from behind the fence. Sarah frowned, remembering how that fence had been new only a few years ago. Now, it was spotted with head-sized holes in the wooden fence that the beast had desperately made to get out. She could hear him scratching and trying to bite the fence apart as the determined K-9 fought his snout and neck through a damaged section of the fence.
Sarah made a mental note not to risk returning this way unless necessary. She turned her gaze off the ferocious animal and kept walking forward as fast as her feet could carry her without breaking into a run. She could see her house. She was almost halfway to it from the dog when…
“ROOF!” Sarah’s heart froze in her chest. She couldn’t get herself to do anything but stop and turn around. He was standing right in front of her, not but two feet away. After all these years, she had never gotten a proper look at her nemesis, but seeing him up close outside his cage was a whole new level of scary. On four legs, its shoulders were taller than Sarah’s waist, and his head was wider than hers.
The dog didn’t waste any time taking down his prey. To Sarah, he was just a massive fuzzy blur as he leaped square into her chest. Sarah lay in place, her back against the hard concrete, trying desperately in vain to catch her breath. Sarah realized she was holding her eyes closed as hard as her face would let her. When she opened them, a big ol’ glob of drool almost immediately greeted her left eye.
“Ewww!” She screeched and violently dabbed her eye on her sleeve. The agitated dog flinched at her sudden movement and repaid her by biting down on the arm she used to wipe her eyes. Sarah tried to scream for help, but she still couldn’t get her breathing under control, so instead, her plea for help sounded like a balloon losing air as it spun around the room. The beast yanked on her arm a few times before letting go and grabbing her jeans and part of her leg in his fangs. Sarah didn’t even notice as his teeth pierced through her ankle. She felt the skin tearing when he pulled her back towards his fence.
I must have blacked out… Sarah thought to herself. She was back where he must have broken out of cause half her body was outside the fence, but her feet had been dragged into the yard where the animal was still trying its hardest to pull the rest of her into its enclosure. Sarah scrambled to get free, but like a dog playing tug-of-war, the more she struggled, the harder he bit down on her leg. Finally, the fear was too much for Sarah to deal with herself. She felt herself lock up, unable to move a muscle. What is that…? There was no doubt her panties were warming up, and then immediately went from warm to soaked as Sarah could not stop herself filled her panties full of pee, which seeped down her legs and backside, getting her tightly fitted jeans properly wet.
Her attackers’ demeanor immediately shifted. He let go of her leg and used his snout to nuzzle her wet lap. Sarah groaned. What the hell does this dog want with me?! There was a large splinter digging into her back as she lay there halfway inside the yard, unable to see for herself what was going on with her bottom half. She felt him begin tugging her inside the yard again and winced as the shard of wood scraped open her back, pulling her shirt up to her neck before she was deposited fully into the yard.
The yard was big; a shed sat neatly in the back corner, and a small fire pit and seating. The older man’s house had a large back porch on its backside full of cigarette butts and things the dog had torn apart so much you couldn’t tell what it had been before. The older man didn’t like mowing his lawn, the front yard was freshly cut, but his backyard was covered in one to two feet tall grass. Sarah could begin to feel the grass burns along her skin that had been dragged across the yard forcefully.
The beast released hold of Sarah and stepped back, never unlocking his eyes from the body he had successfully retrieved. He wanted to see what Sarah would do next if left alone. It took a little longer than a minute, but she began to move slowly as she squirmed her sore body against the ground. She was lying on her back, her shirt still pulled up between her neck and bra. She un-spread her legs and tried to stand up. Though besides her leg, Shooting outbursts of pain, the dog began to growl loudly when she attempted to stand up.
Sarah tilted her head back in exasperation. She felt the tears welling up in her eyes till they were streaming down her face, her stomach shifting up and down as she sucked in shallow breaths of air the best she could. She felt her chest getting warm and, unable to see through her freshly teary eyes, felt around with her hands instead. The massive dog was standing on her right side with his leg up, delivering a warm, stinky stream of urine over her bare chest. Her bra was drenched when the dog finished marking his newly claimed territory.
For the next (what seemed like an hour to Sarah), they lay on the ground next to each other. Sarah could not move without getting growled, and the large dog took a light nap, only stopping to periodically open an eye to ensure his prize was still there. When Sarah seriously considered running for her house, the back porch door slid open, and the older man, Mr. Reynolds, entered the yard.
“What’s going on, Roofus?” The older man asked calmly. He must not be able to see me. Sarah tilted her head and stared at the older man, pleading with her eyes for him to help her. The older man was already looking at her, though, and his expression never lost its little grin. “Who’s a good boy!” Mr. Reynolds encouraged padding his dog proudly on the top of its massively thick head. “Did this girl try to break into our yard? Did you show her why that’s a shit idea, boy?”
Sarah was horrified, “Sir, no! Your dog broke down the fence and attacked me!” Sarah was struggling to get the words out through her hyperventilating crying episode.
The old man didn’t listen; instead, he turned around to go back inside, but before he did, he turned around and said, “I’ve seen you walk by my house day after day, my dear child. I had a feeling you were up to no good, I hope Rufus has taught you your lesson.” and with that, he slid the door behind him leaving the girl and the dog alone. Rufus didn’t waste any time. He was excited to play with his toy with the new approval from his master.
Sarah let out her disappointment and fear through small, silent sobs that rocked her body back and forth. Rufus’s mouth was between her legs. Sarah tried to keep her dignity and close the wet gap between her thighs, but she was only met with a growl at her unwillingness to play along. So Sarah decided she had no choice but to lie motionless, legs open for her capturer. Rufus used his snout to push her legs far enough apart to fit his wide, muscular head into her crotch. The dog was drooling so much every few seconds that a puddle would fall onto Sarah, who was forced to lie there. Sarah could tell the dog was getting restless. She waited patiently to see what he was getting so worked up about. Rufus snorted violently at the poor girl’s panties and pranced away from her and toward his dog’s house. Sarah didn’t know what else to do besides lay motionless, so it was a while before she got the hint she was to join him in the doghouse. She could tell he wanted her to come on her own this time, but she couldn’t get herself to go over to the beast who had mauled her in the first place.
The screen door opened again, and Mr. Reynolds stepped out smoking a cigarette. “What are you doing there?” He asked, inquisitively glancing towards his dog. Sarah assumed the question was directed towards the dog-like before, but his face was burning with a hungry curiosity that worried Sarah deeply when he turned to her. “He wants you to get in his dog house, looks like he has found a new play toy, and I didn’t even have to get it for him this time.” The older man chuckled at his own words. Sarah felt helpless and angry about how the day’s events had turned out. Her face was furrowed into a scowl. The older man muttered something vile and strode over to her. He slipped the back of his hand underneath her piss-stained white cotton bra and gripped it like a handle, pulling her roughly to her unstable feet. Without any hesitation, he began towards the dog house with Sarah trying desperately to stay on her feet while simultaneously being yanked forward by her bra. Mr. Reynolds tugged on her bra for her to hurry up, but instead, it made her fall forwards. The older man never let go of her bra as it shredded off of her, sending her half-naked and wet into a dusty clump of dirt she supposed the dog must dig in often.
She sat up before anyone could drag her back up themselves. She spat the dirt out of her mouth and used her shirt to wipe off her dirt-covered face. Sarah immediately remembered her aunt was less than a couple hundred yards away, waiting for her to get home from college. Sarah looked desperately towards the fence hole, though. Unfortunately, Mr. Reynolds could see right through her. He grabbed her by her tangled blonde hair and forced her on her knees. He held her head in place with an iron grip that made her scalp scream in protest. Sarah looked up at eye level with the older man’s hand. He quickly undid his pants button and unzipped them, letting them fall slightly, putting only his tighty whities between her face and the bulge that was slowly expanding before her eyes.
Mr. Reynolds looked down at the petite young blonde child he had kneeling less than an inch from his old cock. “I’ll give you a chance to be a good girl.”
Sarah’s eyes moved from his to his crotch. She knew there was no way out of this. Better to give him what he wanted than deny it to him. Having made up her mind, she leaned forward to pull his underwear off with her teeth (something she had seen in a porno). But the older man didn’t give her time even to touch it. He wasn’t in the mood to wait. He reached into his underwear that had seen cleaner days and retrieved his curved cock. He let it drop onto the girl’s face and slide off, dangling against the side of her cheek, ready to be sucked. Sarah closed her eyes and opened her mouth. As it slid down into her mouth, fear gripped her. I have never done this before. What if I do it wrong? She attempted to put that thought in the back of her mind, which proved to be easy as her focus shifted to the taste and feel of the man’s cock in her mouth. The older man pulled his pants and his briefs down to his ankles and leaned back, gripping her hair tightly and arching his cock forward to go deeper down her throat. He groaned in pleasure to let his toy know she was doing what she was supposed to. Sarah felt sick about it but did her best to do a good job. She was trying to suck him off like a professional.
“Hey!” The older man yelled, making Rufus, who had been peacefully watching, jump up in his dog house. “No teeth. What is wrong with you?”
Sarah slid her mouth off of the cock and looked up at the older man to who it belonged. “I’m… sor..sorry,” She stammered awkwardly.
The older man glared down at her, slammed her head into his crotch, and held her tight against his groin. “Do it right, or I must break your teeth out now. Don’t pull away till my whole dick is down your throat, you understand?”
Sarah looked up and nodded as she tried to line her mouth up with his member. A second later, she had it in her mouth again and was trying with all her might not to scrape her teeth against his penis. The older man pulled her shirt off with Sarah’s help, who didn’t resist but lifted her arms reflexively. As a bonus, he tossed the shirt into the doghouse, where Rufus set about shredding it apart. Sarah wanted to speak up, scream for help, and even run for it with Rufus right there, but as the minutes passed, her situation was getting worse. She quivered as her mind flashed to her bent over face first in the dirt while the older man and his dog forced her to give them her innocence.
Sarah’s jaw felt like it was close to falling off her face by the time Rufus had gotten bored, tearing her shirt and bra apart into smaller and smaller pieces. Sarah didn’t know if it was possible to die from sucking dick, but she was beginning to believe it may be possible as her body became sorer and sore, and the older man seemed to get bigger and more relentless. Rufus walked over to Sarah and watched her head and neck bob back and forth back and forth onto his master’s erect man meat and into his groin before pulling back again and repeating. Her chest was bare, and her hair wrapped tightly in the older man’s grip. Her developing breasts slapped lazily back and forth against her chest.
The older man, Mr. Reynolds, had his head thrown back to the heavens, and his pelvis thrust forwards toward Sarah, who wasn’t missing a beat as she licked and slurped away at his privates. Rufus perked his ears up as the older man half moaned and half groaned. Sarah did all the work, rocking back and forth to ensure she did everything perfectly. She had to remember not to let her teeth get away from her. She figured out quite quickly if she kept a certain pressure in her mouth and used her tongue to lick the head of his prick, he would reward her efforts with a grunt or pulling her hair a bit. He looked down at the little slave his dog had brought home for him and smiled at the effort she was putting into sucking his old cock. He gripped her hair tight and held her head still while he took his slobber-covered pecker out of her mouth and replaced it by picking up his old stretched-out nutsack and setting his balls directly on her face.
Sarah grimaced as the older man placed his sweaty testicles on top of her mouth, but she quickly forced herself not to look quite so unhappy.
“Lick them, dunk them in your mouth, kiss my balls like you can’t get enough of them.”
Sarah felt out of her depth. Not only did she hate every second of this situation, but she also had no idea how to do it well. This older man expects me to know how to service a man already. Does he even have any idea I’ve never done any of this before?… Sarah was trapped in her thoughts. She felt too many things at the moment and needed to feel less. She thought about making a run for it again. Maybe she could get away. But what about when she got home? How would she explain being half-naked and covered in ball sweat?
She looked up and knew she had waited too long to follow instructions. The older man was frowning down at her. “It’s a shame you turned out to be such a disrespectful little girl–” Sarah shut him up mid-sentence by holding his shaft straight and after licking the tip of the old man’s cock began to motorboat his scrotum with the tip of her nose gently and her tongue while occasionally planting a seemingly passionate kiss up and down his shaft and sack.
Rufus edged around Sarah’s backside and pressed his nose sharply against her jeans directly on top of where her asshole would be. Not expecting to get nudged so forcefully, Sarah fell forward into Mr. Reynolds. She immediately opened her mouth so whatever was inside wouldn’t get hurt as she fell. She stuck her arms out, desperately grabbing onto the old perverts’ legs for balance.
“Her ass smell like roses, boy?” The older man jested to his dog. He gripped Sarah’s now matted hair in his right hand and slipped his left hand down her chest into the front of her jeans. He suggestively flopped his cock in front of the girl’s face and tugged at her hair if she needed some extra motivation. He had her tight jeans unbuttoned and unzipped in record time. He used the extra space to turn his hand around inside of her still-soiled panties. He ran the tips of his fingers against her lips. He was delighted her pussy lips weren’t flabby, but instead, they hugged tight to the form of her vagina. He slipped two of his fingers into her like he was cutting butter with a hot knife. Her urine-soaked privates made entering her a breeze.
Sarah was beginning to lose track of everything that was happening to her. She felt her scalp being tugged roughly every time he wanted her to take his cock deeper into her mouth. Rufus was all over her backside, sniffing something he found interesting. She tried to push Mr. Reynolds’s hand away from going down her pants, but she was futile in her half-ass attempt to discourage him. Sarah felt his palm brush over her clit, sending a little electric shock down her body. She could feel herself getting wet between her legs all over again, but this time, it wasn’t urine. She wouldn’t ever admit it, but it felt good. She kept sucking his dick through the whole thing. A minute later, the older man had become bored with touching her lady parts and took his hand out of her vaginal entrance. He gripped her pants near the small of her back and yanked them forcefully down to her knees.
Rufus took advantage of the wardrobe change and pressed his snout into her ass crack as he rooted around in search of her precious little brown hole. His oversized tongue began lapping away at her ass. Sarah couldn’t help but laugh as the dog that had attacked her an hour before was tickling her butt. She felt the cock slip out of her mouth as the older man backed away from her. He motioned for her to stand up, which she did without hesitation. Rufus looked annoyed; his tasty chew toy had abandoned him. Mr. Reynolds pulled Sarah close and pushed her slowly toward the ground. He finished yanking off her damp, dusty pants and spread her legs as far as he could get them. He had his old man’s cock inside the young girl within a couple of seconds and was pumping her rigorously with deep strokes from his thin but long cock. He looked down at her face as he unknowingly stripped her of her virginity. She cringed each time he sank himself in her, but he didn’t care. He was about to blow his funk all inside his new playtoy.
Mr. Reynolds whistled for Rufus to approach him and instructed him to stand over the petite girl. “Suck it.” He commanded Sarah as he plunged himself inside her. She squinted her eyes and grunted but hesitantly began to inch closer as she sat up and petted Rufus. He looked at her with an annoyed dog face till she stopped petting him. She reached up under his belly and stroked the sheath of his dog cock gently with three of her fingertips. The skin’s pouch immediately responded to her touch as Rufus’s red rocket inched until it was at least 6 inches long. She scooched forward on the ground and placed the animal’s member in her mouth, finding that she enjoyed the shape and taste of a dog cock more than Mr. Reynolds. It didn’t take her long to have a face full of dog spunk as the older man continued his attack on her insides.
“Did you learn your lesson about trespassing on someone’s private property, miss?” He asked her, not slowing down his strokes even a little. He could see the dumb look on her face as she tried not to enjoy his cock going in and out in and out.
“Mhmm, you taught me my lesson, all right!” she exclaimed. “FUCK YES!” She screamed in pleasure loud enough. He was sure his neighbors must have heard their outdoor fuck session. He slammed himself inside her harder and faster than he had been going; right before he thrust as deep inside her pussy as he could go, he held himself there as he emptied inside her.
The End.
*This story has been edited by AI to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). Also, AI can be inaccurate at times when editing grammar. The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.