The Wolf Pack

By Michelle M.

I submitted a series of pictures showing a beaver family surviving in the winter, taken not far from my home in Colorado. Since I was only 16 and still living with my parents, the two ladies from a major publishing company had to have Mom and Dad present when they made me an offer to come and join them.

The offer was more than generous. They would provide tutors to help me finish high school. I’d be sent on different assignments around the world to film and capture scenes the public never knew existed.

The bonus start-up check they had with them was more than my dad made in a year. It only took a few minutes for me to accept the offer. A few days later, a very striking redhead arrived at our door.

“Hi, I’m Brenda, and you must be Nikki. I’ve heard so much about you, but I also saw the work you did on the Beaver family, which was breathtaking. We have an assignment along the border of Montana and Canada. There is a pack of wolves the company would like you to see what they are up to. There have been stories of different statuses in this one; apparently, no Alpa male. I also have a full outfit of Nikon cameras and lenses, so no need to bring your own. This is top of the line, need your clothing and personals, and we’re off.”

I was already packed, following Brenda to the four wheeled SUV vehicle. I had never told my parents that I was gay but with no experience. They say a lesbian can spot another lesbian easily. If that was so, I thought, Brenda may be the one to introduce me to the new lifestyle.

I moved the new equipment to the back seat to easily get into it and sort it to my preference. I am a brunette with larger than average breasts, coming in at the Double D’s, a thin figure, always go braless, and in most cases, my nipples seem to be hard all the time.

The trip would take several hours, with numerous stops along the way, but I noticed each time I leaned over to the back seat, Brenda took advantage of small peeks at my body.

We talked, getting to know each other better. I found out she had been all over the world, assisting photographers, but this was the first so I could keep up on my final year and graduate in the spring.

Our first stop was for a breakfast-lunch combo. There was more touching of each other’s arms. Her hand casually was on my bottom when I went into the cafe ahead of her. It was all something that made me look forward to the winter with Brenda and her hot body.

By the time we stopped for dinner, touching each other was common. She had her hand on my knee off and on. It was getting dark, so we got something to eat before we went into the mountains. It was also starting to snow, so stopping now only made sense.

The cabin was perfect. The garage had two four-wheelers for us to use. It took a few trips to get everything inside. While I was unpacking some of my equipment, Brenda made a nice fire. When I came over to join her, she opened her large blanket.

“Here, come over here and join me. It will be warmer if we’re together.”

She had her legs spread wide apart. I eased down between them, leaning back into her body as she covered the two of us with the blanket. As soon as we were covered up, she leaned in, kissing me lightly on the neck. Then, pulling back, waiting for a moment, “You have such a hot body. Do you like it when I kiss you?”

Pulling her arms around me titer, I told her it felt good, really good, and I have been anxious to explore this lifestyle, but I’ve never even kissed another woman. She laughed, slipping her hands below my pullover tee, cupping each breast.

“Well, the way it is snowing outside, it will be a few days before we can head out to see the wolves. Should be plenty of time for us to explore everything you have ever wanted to.”

Turning so I could kiss her, this time a deep, passionate kiss, exploring her mouth with my tongue, moving to sit on her lap, all of my clothes shed, at the same time, she only had on a pair of thong panties. She had two fingers buried deep inside me, pumping in and out, triggering my very first climax with someone else helping me. When I finally calmed down, we moved to the ground, lying side by side. I slid two fingers up inside her, pumping as she had done to me and kissing and sucking on her pert nipples. Between gasps, she directed me to her magical spot inside each woman. Then I smiled when she had her orgasm between the two of us.

We moved to the bedroom, made love one more time, then slipped into a restful slumber – the following morning, she had packed a Feeldoe, something I had not seen before. She slipped in the smaller end inside her pussy, and with the larger one, she showed me what it would be like to be taken by a big cock, something I enjoyed but didn’t want anything to do with some guy. Before we showered that morning, I did her, enjoying the fact that we could both enjoy the spike simultaneously.

It continued to snow for three days, so she showed me Tribbing, rubbing our pussies together, a chance to share our combined juices. Needless to say, when we packed the four-wheelers, we had broken in every place in the cabin that was possible to fuck in.

The wolf pack was easy to find; with some satellite help, they were beautiful when I first saw them, so I took some pictures of them initially. But when I got closer, taking more pictures, I noticed something very different. First, it looked like they had an alpha male and female, but the female seemed to have the upper hand. Next, we noticed there seemed to be two packs: an alpha pack and a beta pack. Both seemed to be ruled by the female and yet at night, it looked like they bedded down together, a huge den located deep in the woods, someplace I couldn’t get close enough to for a better look.

One evening, the two of us were nude in front of the fireplace. Having just enjoyed a satisfying climax, I had many shots up on a big screen, and both of us noticed something strange. They were all wolves, but the younger ones didn’t look just like the older ones. Nothing specific, but they did look different.

After sending my pictures back to the main office, we received a phone call to stay through the spring and see what we could find out.

Both of us thought spring would bring in new puppies, so we were anxious to see these new ones. That was when a new wolf showed up. A big black male seemed to wander between the two packs easily. Neither of us had any idea what he was or why he was there, and he didn’t seem to be there earlier.

March or late February, we were surprised to have a beautiful female lying on our porch. She was a grey-white combination, medium-sized, and didn’t seem to be shy being around us. We were cautious at first, but in a day or so, she was invited in. She just relaxed, so in a day or so, we were back to being nude again. That evening, she joined in licking our pussies just after we had enjoyed a fantastic orgasm. This surprised us, but she was so soft and calm that we thought nothing of it.

A few days later, she took part in our lovemaking when Brenda noticed, “Nikki look at her pussy. She is wet. It looks just as wet as we are. Do you think this is turning her on when we have sex?”

She was lying on her back, legs wide open. When we both looked at her, a sudden scent seemed to fill the room. It was the most sexually erotic smell I have ever come in contact with.

My eyes rolled up in my head, and a foggy haze covered me, my eyes floating in and out of focus as they fluttered open and closed. The scent was like a hypnotic haze, something I would never consider. I leaned forward, moving closer and closer to her pussy, finally licking the moisture. As soon as I tasted it, my whole body shook, licking more and more. Finally, a huge orgasm washed over me, making me pass out on the floor in front of the fireplace.

Woke in the morning, wrapped up in a blanket; the fire had gone out; looking around, I Brenda was also wrapped in a blanket. I assume she must have indulged in the dog’s juices as I had, but it was still having some effect on me. Laying back, rubbing my boobs, moving between my legs, I was already completely wet, turning when Brenda started to wake also.

“I have no idea what was in the wolves’ juices, but it made me pass out, and I’m still not feeling back to normal.”

My girlfriend was rubbing her body, looking closer at her. She was in a sexual haze; it looked very close to an explosion. Watching her was spiking my own body, just when I heard our wolf come walking in. My eyes went directly below her body. She had ten huge full tits. She moved in between both of us. Brenda rolled over, looking at her. We were drawn to her, leaning down, taking in one of her nipples for some reason. I began to suck, looking over at my lover. She was on one also. The milk rushed through our bodies, leaving us in a dazed, hazed, dream-like state. When all the nipples were empty, she got up and left. The two of us are now in a sexual frenzy, slowly coming back to normal, but knowing we did not feel the same before we began to interact with her.

We got up, showered, then sat down to try and figure out what was happening. Both agreed we had no choice with anything we had done, but it definitely had something to do with that pack of wolves we were watching. Both of us got online to see any information about wolves and human women sexually. There were multiple porn sites and stories, but nothing legitimate to speak of.

Breaking for lunch, our arousal was building, and finally giving in; we ran to the bedroom in a frantic sexual need; we were in each other’s arms, enjoying our pussies, our juices, and multiple explosions. We broke for food, rest, and personal items the rest of the time. We were like crazed sex addicts. Our bodies finally slipped into sleep.

The next morning, our wolf was there, more milk ready for us, and like before, when she was empty, we were in a sexual haze. The more milk we consumed, the less memory of who we were or why we were there became more and more cloudy.

At some time, maybe 30-plus days after our first nursing, the huge black wolf I had seen earlier was on our porch. Neither of us was frightened, just the opposite; opening the door, we were surprised to see two of them that walked in without any concern. Both are large and identical in every way. Dropping down on all fours, the two of us recognized the dominance these wolves had over us.

They circled us multiple times and then started to lick us between our legs. Once they were convinced we were in heat from the milk we had been drinking, they jumped up on our back. As soon as I felt his cock, inside me, my whole world spun out of control. The faster he was pounding into me, the more I was pushing back on him, and then his knot was against me. Before I realized what was about to happen, the pain shot all over my body. Dropping my head, trying to figure out what was happening, getting away maybe, but the pain was intense. Just as my eyes shoot wide open, his first load of warm seed spreads all over my pussy, instantly taking away the pain, changing me, making me more submissive, knowing he now owns me and I’ll do as he wants from now on.

Load after load fills me up, my body experiencing small mini orgasms, combining our juices. I’ve entered a place where I am so at peace, loving what is happening to me, loving how full his cock is making me feel, and the warm cum coating every part of my sex area. Finally, he stops pumping. In time he pulls out of me, leaving an empty feeling. Watching him walk to one side of the room, laying down on a large rug, something inside of me guides me to him, leaning over, cleaning our juices off of his cock, then sliding back against his body, feeling so close to him.

Before he is ready to retake me, I see Brenda all curled up with her new owner, sleeping soundly. He takes me multiple times that day. Finally, my body is exhausted. Sleep overtakes it. Waking slowly in the morning, visiting the bathroom, looking in the mirror, my body is changing, quickly joining him on the floor, he again enters me, and the day begins. I remember getting something to eat. Then he is back in me – sleep comes again as the third day follows the previous two.

Showering the fourth day, my mate is gone, along with Brenda’s. Enjoying a warm cup of coffee and some sweet rolls, our tummies distended from all the cum we have in us, looking at her when she joins me after a shower.

“What just happened to us, Brenda? Do you have any idea?”

She sips her coffee. “My dad raised dogs and bred them. I think we were in heat. I have no idea how, but the milk we drank changed us. If I were guessing now, I’d say we’re both pregnant with wolf puppies.”

Rubbing my tummy, I felt something had changed in me. I didn’t understand what, but something was different. Looking at my lover, I saw that she had also changed. That day, we just relaxed and sat on the porch for a long time.

The next day, with my camera gear, we headed for the pack, or what we confirmed, two distinct packs living as one. They were not frightened. They just continued to do what they had been doing. I was able to get some close-ups that have never been seen before. A few of the females came up to us, some pressing their snouts between our legs. Each time, it would excite us, causing us to give a small whimper.

Looking at the younger, smaller ones, it became evident that they were wolves, but there was a difference between them.

On the ride back, Bre turned to me, “Who do you think the women were who gave birth to the young ones who were born last year?”

I had studied the area around the wolves, and there were only a couple of homes, maybe only one, that might house the women. Unless they came forward, it wasn’t something you would want to talk about.

Over the next few weeks, our bodies grew, showing more and more evidence of pregnancy. One morning, we both woke in each other’s arms.

Turning to my lover, I said, “I think today is the day we will be giving birth. What do you think?”

She agreed. Out the back was a large grassy area covered by large trees. Fixing something light to eat, we moved out back, surprised by two female wolves lying on the grass, just waiting for us.

Picking a comfortable place, it wasn’t long before I saw the first of 6 all-black puppies. Looking over at my love, she had seven little ones around her. The two wolves that had come to help us were busy cleaning the little ones, then two of them for each of us were placed on our breasts, immediately sucking on each nipple. The milk that had come in the previous night flowed easily into their hungry mouths.

The little ones grew quickly, and in a short time, they joined the pack. There was so much to film, and in and around this area, Brenda and I chose to stay here as our permanent home. We visited the pack many times as the seasons changed, winter slowing down the opportunities I had to take some quality pics. To our surprise, just as we first saw the spring signs, the same female wolf showed up at our door, letting her in.

The familiar scent filled the room. Looking at Brenda, I said, “I guess we know what our spring will be like?”

We both laughed, then knelt to lick her wet pussy and start the process over. I’m so looking forward to that big cock being in me again.


The End.


*This story has been edited by AI to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). Also, AI can be inaccurate at times when editing grammar. The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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