Victoria’s Story

By JenK9.

In this story, I was 26 years old and just divorced. My ex had moved out since the house was a gift to me from my father and in my name only, but he took everything else except the dog. There wasn’t a single piece of furniture, cutlery, or crockery in the entire house. It was empty. I was depressed and avoided going out to the shops or work. I didn’t need to work as my inheritance looked after my every need (which was, as it turns out, the reason that bastard married me), so I took a leave of absence from work and told my boss to give me a month or two and then I’d let him know what my plans were.

I was grateful that my ex left Alfa (Siberian Husky) with me. He proved to be a comfort and good companion while I was alone and deeply depressed. My friend Maureen brought me an extra mattress and some kitchen stuff so I at least had something to sleep on and could cook for myself. I told my friends that I needed some time alone and would call them when ready for company. For the next two weeks, I didn’t leave the house, not even for food, I just ordered in, and I made no contact with the outside world or took any calls from my friends. When one of my friends came over to check up on me, I told them to go away without opening the door. I let Alfa sleep on the mattress with me on the floor. It felt better to have a warm body next to me while I slept. Alfa woke me up in the mornings and tugged on my clothing to lead me to the kitchen so I could feed him. Then he would scratch at the fridge until I made myself something to eat. Alfa is exceptionally caring and could sense that I was unhappy.

If it weren’t for Alfa, I would have been far worse off. After about four weeks of being alone like this, I ordered my groceries online and decided that it was time to pull myself together. I went to the shops, did my shopping like an average person, and bought a few things. Now I had a living room suite, a home entertainment system, and a dining room set. I was feeling much better and called Maureen to have coffee. She was so happy to see me and so supportive. When I arrived home, Alfa was all over me. He tried to make sure I was ok and then pleased to sense I was feeling better. After the new furniture was delivered, I cooked up a storm as I was determined to live everyday life, but I felt so lonely again when I sat down to eat. After dinner, I checked my emails and found quite a lot waiting to be read.

Most were from concerned friends and family, a few from work, and one from the vet. The email from the vet was a reminder that Alfa was due for a check-up and that they had clients interested in breeding with him. The email also contained a schedule of available dates and times to come in for his check-up. I selected a date two days from that night and in the morning. One of the emails was a ‘GET A BIG DICK’ email which I deleted, but it got me thinking about sex, so I went online and looked at a few pics and videos and slowly got myself all wet. When in bed, I took off all my clothes and masturbated myself to a satisfying orgasm, and then went to sleep.

I had the most erotic dreams in the middle of the night, being fucked in every way I had ever fanaticized and enjoyed myself immensely. It felt so real, like someone was giving me an intense muff dive, but it was different than before. The muff dive was too real, and I slowly woke up. In my haziness, as I awoke, I realized that someone was licking my pussy, and for a moment, I had forgotten that I was divorced. I thought my ex was between my legs, licking me better than he had ever done before. Then reality crept back into my mind, so I thought maybe he had returned to apologize, and this was his way of doing it. But something was not right.

I looked down and could see the blanket bulging from the person under it, it was too dark to see clearly, but as a car drove by and the light came into the room for a second, I could swear I saw a tail. It was feeling so good I moaned, and then I leaned over to switch the side lamp on the floor next to the mattress. The light was sharp, so I squinted, rubbed my eyes, and focused on what was happening between my legs. I could see Alfa’s rear end and tail sticking out from beneath the blanket. I ripped the blanket away and shrieked.


Alfa stopped and sat down between my legs. I slammed my knees closed.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

Alfa just tilted his head, trying to understand my strange human language. He had such a loving look in his eyes as if this was the most natural thing on earth to do with me. I didn’t know whether to love him or hate him. He only loved me in his mind, so I guess his intentions were good. I got up, put some clothes on, and told Alfa.

“It’s bedtime. Lie down.”

Alfa lay on his side of the bed, and I looked at him in deep thought. He lived with me for over a month as my only companion, looking after me and even sharing my bed like a lover. No, wonder he thought he could pull moves on me. I slid under the covers next to him and lay there with my back to him as my mind raced, thinking about what had just happened. The next day went by as usual, except that I couldn’t stop thinking about the night before, and I got a call reminding me about Alfa’s appointment at the vet the next day.

The following day started as usual, but at least we had plans, so we got ready and headed off to the vet’s clinic. When Alfa’s turn to go in, I took him to the examination room, and the Vet’s assistant picked him up onto the table. Alfa’s vet was chosen out of about ten options as she had the best qualifications, and Alfa seemed to like her more than the other vets. Her name is Pamela (Pam). She looked him over, gave him a clean bill of health, and then asked if she could harvest his semen. My ex always handled that, so I wasn’t sure. Pam assured me that it was harmless and reminded me that the interested client would pay for the semen. The client was a breeder and had bought Alfa’s semen before. He was thrilled with the pups that came from that, so he wanted Alfa’s semen again as one of his other bitches was in heat.

Pam took hold of Alfa’s penis and started jerking him off. She explained that she needed to get an initial erection by hand, and Alfa started to hump her hand. Then she put a see-through semen collection cone over his rapidly growing penis, and he continued to hump. I stood back with my eyes wide open, a little shocked at what I had witnessed. Alfa was humping at a frantic pace, and Pam just held on right up to his knot and only had to apply a little pressure and manipulation. When Alfa stopped humping, Pam bent his penis between his legs and squeezed it gently to get every last drop from his massive member. Then Pam removed the cone thingy, still holding his penis with one hand.

“Let’s just give him a minute or two to deflate,” she said

I was silent, my heart was racing, and I was breathing a little heavily. Pam noticed this

“Not something you see every day. Got any questions?”

“His penis is so big, I’ve never seen one before. I mean a dog’s penis.”

Pam and I giggled at my comment, and then she continued.

“You know, many women have sex with their dogs. They tell me it’s very satisfying.”

“Isn’t that like dog abuse or something?” I asked in my ignorance

“Any male, including dogs, love to have sex. Trust me, the dogs love it.”

The thought of having sex with a dog both disgusted and intrigued me. My body had a mind of its own, I had a nipple stand, and my panties were wet.

“So, you know women who do that. Are they weird or something… I mean, what type of people do that?”

“You probably know a few of these women yourself. They are as regular and diverse as you and I.”

Alfa’s penis had deflated and went back into its sheath, and Pam told me politely that she had to see her next appointment, so Alfa and I went home. During the trip home, my mind was filled with images of sex with Alfa. I couldn’t get them out of my head.

“What the hell’s wrong with me? Stop thinking this way, dam it.”

Alfa and I went into the house as it started to rain. The rain became a severe downpour as we settled in, and the power went off. I planned to watch some TV to get my mind off having sex with Alfa, but now that wasn’t possible. I switched on my laptop as it’s the only thing I have that has a battery to keep me preoccupied from the thoughts I was having. I connected to the internet and opened Google. I had no idea what to search to get my mind off Alfa’s penis, so I sat there just staring at the blank search bar for a couple of minutes. Eventually, I searched ‘Sex with dogs,’ convincing myself that I could get it out of my system if I just looked at a few pics. The images and videos I found just made me want to try it. I was so horny that my pussy was starting to ache. I stood up and took off all my clothes; Alfa just stared at me as I made my way to the sofa. I kneeled in front of the couch with my breasts on the seat cushion, spreading my legs.

I put my hand between my legs and started rubbing my clit, I began to moan as I imagined Alfa fucking me from behind, but I never looked back at Alfa. As an orgasm began to build, I felt Alfa’s tongue rasp between my pussy lips, completely taking my breath away. I pushed my butt back which opened my pussy a little more and closer to Alfa. Alfa took this as a sign to continue, and he did. I felt his tongue slither inside my cunt, stimulating my clit, and even teasing my anus for the next few minutes. It didn’t take long for me to orgasm. At the height of my orgasm, Alfa mounted me and shoved his cock deep inside my cunt. Being that he did that while I was orgasming made my orgasm more intense. Alfa began to fuck me fast and hard like I saw him do at the vet, it was the best fuck of my life, and his dick was so big. I felt more pressure on my pussy lips, and suddenly he forced his massive knot into me. It was painful for a few seconds, but he didn’t stop or even slow down.

I bit my lip and just endured the pain until it slowly subsided and became a new level of pleasure. Alfa’s humping was changing, so I knew he was about to come. I pushed back on his cock and arched my back to get him in as deep as possible, and then he shot a tremendous amount of come into my cunt. I could feel every squirt as it hit my cervix. It was warm and wonderful. Alfa slowed down and eventually stopped, with his tight grip on my waist weakening with every passing second. Then he hopped off me, but his cock was wedged in my cunt and wasn’t going anywhere. I started to panic, unsure what was happening or what to do. I tried to get loose a few times, but every attempt either hurt Alfa or me. My phone was close by, so I slowly edged over it and called Pam. It was after hours now, so I had to call her on her cell.

“Hi, Pam here.”

“Hi Pam, it’s Victoria here. How are you?”

“Fine, Vicky. Everything ok with Alfa?”

I was so embarrassed, but I needed her help.

“Well… that’s why I called. I’ve been thinking about what we spoke about earlier today… you know… women having sex with their dogs….”

“Yes, how can I help?”

“Well, when those women do it, do they sometimes get stuck to their dogs?”

“Oh yes, it’s quite common. The male dog has a bulb at the base of his penis that expands, the knot. If he gets that into a female, he will tie with her. Have you been thinking about trying it yourself?”

I didn’t know what to say, I remained silent, trying to figure something out, but my silence was too long.

“Holy shit, you’re tied right now, aren’t you? Where do you live? I’ve gotta see this for myself.”

“Um… it’s ok… um… we’ll be fine, thanks.”

I hung up the phone and blushed from head to toe. I calmed myself down and tried to enjoy the experience, and after about 15 minutes, Alfa’s cock popped out of me. I turned and sat on the sofa with my pussy over the edge so the fluids could run out onto the floor without staining my new couch. Alfa licked my pussy clean, and I enjoyed the experience again. About 10 minutes later, after I had just finished cleaning up, the doorbell rang. I quickly slipped my skirt and shirt on (I couldn’t find my panties), took a deep breath, and opened the door. Pam stood there with a grin on her face and said nothing. I blushed the second I saw her.

“Ahh, Pam… um… please come in.”

Pam came in, and her eyes searched for Alfa.

“So? How was it?”

I didn’t know how to react or what to say. Out of nervousness, I began to giggle. I turned away from Pam, headed to the lounge, and sat down. Pam followed and stared at me, waiting for a response in anticipation.

“Pam, why did you come here? I’m so embarrassed.”

“I’ve heard about this so many times and wondered what it’s like; I just had to find out.”

“I’m not quite sure what to say.”

“Just tell me what happened.”

After some more convincing, I gave into Pam’s interrogation and told her exactly what happened. She had a smile on her face and then said she’d always wanted to try it. Pam looked at Alfa lying on the rug as if nothing had happened.

“Do you think I could try with Alfa?”

“Right now?” I asked surprised

She nodded with a sparkle in her eye.

“Well, if he has no objections, I suppose it’s ok.”

Pam called Alfa and got him to follow her to the carpeted guest room, which was otherwise empty. She closed the door behind her, and I sat in silence, listening intently. Pam spoke to Alfa as she got naked, and then I heard her say

“Lick me, Alfa, here, boy.”

A few seconds later, I could hear moans of pleasure coming from the room. I moved closer to hear better. Eventually, I stood at the door with my ear pressed against it.

“Fuck me, Alfa, please, boy. Fuck me”

As if I had no control of my body, my hand lifted and turned the knob, and I slowly pushed the door open. Pam was on her hands and knees while Alfa fucked her like a bitch in heat. I stood there watching in silence as if in a trance or under a spell. Pam opened her eyes and looked at me.

“This is so much better than I imagined.”

Then she closed her eyes again and enjoyed the rough fuck she was getting. I went into the room and kneeled beside her, she was so beautiful, and her body was gorgeous. Pam didn’t seem bothered with my presence, so I put my head under her and watched as Alfa’s cock slid in and out of her cunt with fantastic speed. I lay down in that position and watched until both she and Alfa had come, and they tied. At that point, I slid out from under her and sat alongside her as she opened her eyes and looked at me.

“That was amazing.”

“Watching that was also amazing,” I replied

Alfa swung his leg over her back and faced away from her, so they were butt to butt. Pam explained how it felt and how much she enjoyed it.

“I thought I wanted to be alone with Alfa, but I quite liked having you in the room with us.”

“I’m sorry about that. I couldn’t help myself. Why have you never fucked a dog before? Surely you have your dogs?”

“I do, but they’re both small bitches. I can’t have sex with them.”

Alfa’s amazing cock slipped out of Pam’s cunt, and she turned around and sat on the carpet next to me with her legs spread open. As the fluids oozed out of her, I found myself staring at her pussy

“This has never crossed my mind before… watching you stare at my pussy like that… will you lick it?”

Once again, I had no control of my body. I leaned down and started licking her pussy. I was laying on my side with my head over her left thigh, licking like an experienced lesbian even though this was the first pussy I had ever been so close to other than my own. Pam lifted my skirt, lifted my leg, lay down next to me, and started licking my pussy. We weren’t trying to get each other to orgasm. We just got caught up in the moment. Eventually, we both sat up, and I gave Pam a deep sensual kiss, and she kissed back as our tongues twisted around the others.

“I have to go. I don’t know how I’m gonna explain this to my husband. He’s probably wondering what’s taking me so long to get home.”

“How did you figure out where I live?” I asked her

“After we spoke, I went back into the office and got your details off the database. I live three blocks from here.”

“Are you going to tell your husband what happened here?”

“Definitely. I want to do this again, and I don’t intend to sneak around. I’m sure he’ll understand. He’s a horn dog. It’ll probably turn him on.”

Pam did tell her husband that night, and it was a turn-on for him. The following day Pam asked if she could bring her hubby over to watch her fuck Alfa again. Two days later, they were there, and I watched her give him a show and fuck him too. It was awesome. Pam still comes around, sometimes with her hubby and sometimes by herself. We both agreed that we wouldn’t fuck each other again, but we can’t control ourselves when we get into it.


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Remember, even the limited editing done here doesn’t always mean the narrative/plot flaws in a story are fixed.

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