Virgin For Horses 1

By David Crane.

Chapter 1

“Wanna come play with my doggy?”

Marylou Carter smiled strangely when she made that suggestion, but Rachel Germain didn’t know what the older girl meant. It seemed totally out of context to Rachel (18yo). The teens had just been talking about boys and fucking, and the conversation had gotten Rachel horny. Rachel was an innocent young teenaged virgin, and Marylou (19yo), also a teenager, was a lot more experienced. Marylou had been telling the more youthful girl about some of the boys she had fucked with, relating a lot of juicy detail. She had even confessed to being a cock-sucker, which had thrilled Rachel. Why, out of the blue, should Marylou have changed the subject from fucking boys to a thing like playing with a dog?

“You mean like throwing sticks for him to fetch and stuff like that?” asked Rachel.

Marylou giggled. “Not quite,” she said.

“I don’t get it.”

“Gee, you are silly,” said Marylou.

Rachel looked hurt. Defensively, she said: “Well, I like dogs and all, but I don’t…”

“You don’t like dogs the way I like dogs,” said Marylou, smiling mysteriously. She gave the younger girl a speculative glance and seemed about to explain what she meant. But then she merely shrugged.

“Well, I’m gonna go have some fun,” she announced. “Maybe I’ll see you later, okay?”

“Sure,” Rachel agreed.

Rachel was just as happy that her newfound friend was leaving now. That naughty conversation had gotten the young girl go horny that she was in the mood to be alone — so that she could give her cunt a good finger-fucking.

The innocent girl had no idea that a girl didn’t have to have privacy to enjoy a hand-job, nor that Marylou would have been more than happy to do the job for her.

“Bye!” she called.

Marylou turned and waved. Rachel watched her walk away, heading for the farm across the field. Marylou was a farm girl, and Rachel was a city girl who had just arrived for a two-week vacation on the adjoining farm, where room and board had been arranged so that the teenager could enjoy a healthy, wholesome holiday in the open air.

She watched the older girl’s heart-shaped ass sway provocatively as she walked away. It was a great ass — and Marylou had the tits to go with it, too, big thrusting tits with stiff nipples that pressed out in twin peaks against her cotton tee shirt. She was wearing a pair of cut-off jeans — cut so short that they were dragged right up into the vee of her crotch, as if by the suction of her pussy.

Rachel felt tremendously excited.

But she knew that it must be because of the erotic conversation they had had. The girl was too innocent and naive to realize that sexy Marylou’s lush body also turned her on. She realized that she would have liked to see Marylou naked but supposed that was only out of curiosity. After all, they were both girls, so there couldn’t be any sexual feeling involved.

Rachel waited until Marylou’s hip-swinging stride had taken her halfway across the field, and then, giggling at her mischief, she went back to the farmhouse to frig her pussy until she creamed.

And Marylou went to play with her doggy.

Kingfisher was a big, shaggy brute with a jet-black coat and a wide, broad muzzle and pale-gray eyes. He had a long red tongue, as well. And when he saw Marylou coming across the field, that long red tongue lolled from the side of his jaw.

He bounded across the farmyard to meet her.

Marylou grinned at how enthusiastically Kingfisher greeted her as the big doggy yelped and wriggled and lapped at her hand. She stroked his head and shoulders, feeling the stiff muscles ripple under his fur. He was a mighty beast — and potent, too.

“Glad to see me?” she asked.

The dog barked happily. Marylou knelt and rubbed his flank. She looked around to make sure no one was watching, then slid her hand under his belly and ran her palm over his cock and balls. His big prick began to tense immediately. Marylou purred. She loved to feel the big dog’s prick turn from soft to hard in her hand. She stroked him, palm upward, from his balls to the tip of his cock. Kingfisher whined and squirmed, twisting around to lick at her caressing hand.

“Does the nice doggy like that?” she whispered.

He gave a little yelp as if he understood. But then she drew her hand away. Kingfisher cocked his head, one ear lifted. Being only a dumb animal, he didn’t know it was wrong for a girl to play with his cock. But Marylou didn’t want him to get a real hard-on — not yet. If her mother or father happened to see her with the dog, they might begin to get suspicious, especially if the dog’s huge prick was all set for action.

“C’mon, boy — let’s go to the woodshed,” she said, getting back to her feet.

She moved off, and the dog bounded along beside her, wagging his tail, his semi-hard cock swinging under his shaggy belly. Marylou looked around again when they had arrived at the woodshed, saw no one about, and opened the door. The dog had been there with her before, and he trotted in happily, knowing he was in for a treat. He didn’t know just what kind because Marylou liked the variety. Sometimes she let the dog fuck her, sometimes she gave him a blow-job, and sometimes, if she wasn’t horny, she only jacked him off. But it was all the same to the dog, as long as he got his rocks off.

The dog didn’t even know that it was depraved for a girl to suck a dog’s prick and drink his cum. What did dogs know about such things? Even French poodles didn’t give blow-jobs. But Marylou knew that it was depraved that was why she enjoyed sucking dog-cock. She entered the woodshed behind the dog and pulled the door closed. She felt safe in the dimly lighted shack. It was warm weather, and no one would be coming for firewood, so there was little chance of being interrupted like there was in the barn. Kingfisher was squirming around expectantly.

Marylou gazed at the giant beast, wondering just what she felt like doing today. She was feeling exceptionally randy. It had excited the naughty teenager to tell her nubile young friend about her sexual experiences. That conversation had very obviously thrilled Rachel, and that, in turn, thrilled Marylou. Marylou had been tempted to tell the girl that she liked to fool around with other girls sometimes, too. But she resisted the impulse, unsure how Rachel would react to it and figuring it would be better to work up gradually to it. Rachel would be her neighbor for two whole weeks, and in that long a time, Marylou felt pretty sure she could get the innocent virgin interested in doing some sexy things. But she didn’t want to risk spoiling that lovely prospect by coming on too strong and too soon. She didn’t want to frighten Rachel off. Oh, no, that was not at all what she wanted to do to Rachel.

She didn’t want to frighten her off. She wanted to suck her off! The very thought made Marylou’s mouth water. And if she could get Rachel to return the favor, so much the better. But at the moment, she had other things to do. She sat down on a pile of split logs and patted her knee. Kingfisher came over and placed his muzzle on her leg. Marylou stroked his flanks, then reached under to feel his prick and balls again. She lifted his hairy balls in her palm as if judging by the weight of just how much jism they contained. The dog’s balls swelled in her hand, and his hard balls jiggled around in the hairy sac.

“Ooooh, your balls are nice and full today, aren’t they, you horny doggy!” she squealed.

Kingfisher rumbled deep in his throat. Marylou ran her hand up from his balls, along with his thick cock. She leaned to one side to look under the animal and see the reaction her petting had on him. With her open palm, she rubbed up and down the underside of his cock sheath. The dog began to hump, pushing his prick across her hand. The wedge-shaped cock-knob began to come sliding out from the hairy black sheath.

“Ooooh,” Marylou sighed as she watched that rubbery red cock-head squeeze-out and flare.

She rubbed some more, then folded her fist around his cock rod and began to jerk him off with slow, steady strokes. His prick shaft expanded in her fist, and his naked cock-head turned a deeper shade of red and started to throb. The sight thrilled the dog-loving nymph. His thick cock stalk was getting harder by the moment, pulsing in her hand. The feeling and the sight of his fucker made her mouth water and her cunt smolder. She still hadn’t made up her mind where to take that big dog-cock, whether she wanted a mouthful or a cuntful.

Her hand had been skimming lightly up and down his prick. Now she tightened her grip so that she was pulling the hairy cock sheath back and forth. As her hand pulled up, the foreskin curled up over the ledge behind his cock-head, and as her hand pushed back toward his swollen balls, the naked red cock- knob flared out mightily. The girl was tempted to keep frigging the dog until he came. She liked to do that because it gave her a real kick to see all that hot, thick doggy-jism spurt out. But she was too horny to settle for that today. Marylou wanted to get her rocks off, too. She gave his big prick a last push-pull, then drew her hand away. Kingfisher whined. His hairy haunches humped, pushing his abandoned cock in and out.

The girl stood up and unsnapped her shorts. Squirming as she worked them down over her heart-shaped ass and flared hips, she tugged the shorts down and kicked them from her feet. Then she tucked her fingers under the elastic of her bikini panties and tugged them off, as well. The crotch band of those panties was sopping wet with cunt juice. Marylou held them up to her face and sniffed. Then her tongue came out, and she took a lick. She loved the taste of pussy juice, even her own — although it was a lot more delicious when she drank it, all hot and foaming, out of another girl’s cunt. She held the soaking panties in front of the dog. Kingfisher’s long, wet tongue slithered out. He lapped happily at the crotch band of the girl’s panties, his slobber running into her cunt cream. His cock got even bigger and harder as he licked up that pussy juice with such doggy enthusiasm.

“You like that, hey, boy?” she asked.

His tongue slurped merrily away.

“Want some more of the fucking stuff?”

The dog cocked his head inquisitively. Marylou tossed the panties aside onto the woodpile. She sat down again and extended her long legs, her thighs parted. She patted her pussy. Marylou was a blonde and her cunt mound was a mass of golden curls spread wide from the vee of her crotch onto her belly. Lower down, her open cunt was flowing like a swampy river between her sleek legs. Her pink clit stood out, throbbing and erect.

“Come and get it, Kingfisher,” she coaxed.

The shaggy brute thrust his blunt snout between her thighs. His cold black nose sniffed at her pussy. Then his long, agile tongue began to slap up against her cunt hole.

“Ooooh! Yeah! Lap the fuck juice out of my pussy,” the excited girl whimpered. “Tongue it up, fella!”

The dog was slurping away at the delicious feast with long, rippling strokes. Marylou hiked her ass higher, and the dog’s lengthy tongue began to sweep up the crack of her ass, whipping from her asshole to her pussy mound. Cunt juice sprayed out of her open pussy slot, milky drops splashing into the golden curls of her pussy thicket. Ribbons of pussy nectar trickled over the doggy’s whipping tongue, and doggy slobber was running into the flowing slit of her cunt. Marylou closed her thighs around the dog’s big, bobbing head as if to hold him where he was, but Kingfisher needed no encouragement, for he was enjoying the snack. Then she spread her legs open again, gazing down past her heaving tits and watching that hot tongue slap-up her fuck hole.

She reached down and spread her cunt lips farther apart so that the brute’s tongue could lap right up inside her pussy. The darker flesh of her inner pussy was streaked with frothy cunt juice. The doggy’s slurping tongue lapped the cunt cream up and slid on over her tingling clit, causing the blonde teenager to shudder. His tongue felt terrific. Marylou was tempted to let the dog keep on lapping away until she creamed and then to return the favor by milking his fat cock into her greedy mouth. A nice drink of steaming dog-cum was always welcome. But she felt like some dog-prick up her cunt, as well. It was always hard for a girl like Marylou to make up her mind about such things.

Her ass was perched on the very edge of the woodpile, grinding and churning, and her slightly rounded belly was pumping up and down as she squirmed, with a fucking motion, against the obedient doggy’s slapping, slurping tongue. Cunt juice poured from her fuck hole and trickled down into the taut crack of her ass. Then the dog’s head dipped down, and his tongue ran up that crack, reclaiming the stray cunt cream. Her whole groin was flush with cunt juice and doggy-slobber. She moaned and squirmed. She wondered, vaguely, if sexy little Rachel Germain could lap a pussy as well as a dog did.

That thought added to her passion.

‘Do I wanna cream on his fucking tongue?’ she wondered. ‘Or do I want my cunt hole to melt on his prick?’ The thought of having that massive slab of iron-hard cock meat fucking in and out of her steaming pussy caused her to whimper. She loved to feel the doggy’s cum squirt up her fuck hole when she came.

Marylou decided to let the dog fuck her today.


Chapter 2

Marylou took the dog by the head and dragged his snout away from her smoldering pussy.

Kingfisher had been quite happy to be lapping her pussy and was willing to continue, but he was a dutiful doggy, and he sat back on his haunches, wagging his tail and eyeing his mistress expectantly. His tongue hung out from the corner of his jaw, lolling over his fangs. Cunt juice, mixed with dog-slobber, dripped from the red meat. The dog was panting. His cock thrust up under his belly, and Marylou noticed that the head of his prick was the same color as his tongue — and she was eager to get it stuck up where that tongue had just been. She arched her back, pushing her ass to the edge of the log and tilting her foaming crotch up into position.

Kingfisher twitched, and his cock rippled. His balls were like over-inflated balloons, and his whole powerful body was vibrant and tense as he awaited the girl’s command. She patted the log beside her. It was clue enough for the dog. Sometimes Marylou got down on all fours and let him fuck her doggy-fashion, and sometimes she wanted it face-to-face. It was all the same to the big-balled, long-cocked animal. As long as he got his prick fucked into hot pussy, he didn’t give a damn what position the rest of the girl’s body happened to be in.

He whined and bounded up, placing his forefeet on the log on either side of her nubile hips. His massive prick jutted out over her inclined belly. Marylou gazed rapturously at the fat slab of his naked cock-head. Kingfisher began to lap at her tits. Her nipples exploded under the cotton tee shirt. She pulled the shirt over her head and thrust her tits out, letting the doggy tongue the fat tit mounds and slurp up her deep cleavage. Reaching down, she took his cock in her hand, holding it by the hilt, and began to brush his cock-head against her explosive nipples. Those rosy tit tips were standing out like bullets. One time when she had been rubbing the dog’s cock against her tits, he had come unexpectedly, and the thick slime had squirted right up into her face. Her mouth, luckily, had been open, so the tasty dog-cum had not gone to waste.

Now the piss hole in the dog’s cock-head parted, and a trickle of spunk oozed out. The sticky stuff flowed sluggishly down his naked cock-knob and onto Marylou’s stiff nipple.

“Ooooh!” she cried at the sight.

She hauled his cock up higher and tilted her face down. Another drop of quicksilvery cum was squeezing out of his piss hole. Marylou flicked the tip of her tongue over his hot prick meat, gathering that juicy nugget of dog-jism onto her taste buds. She let the cum slide around in her mouth, savoring the flavor, then swallowed. The slippery stuff went down like a fine brandy, warming her belly. She gave his cock-head another slurp, curling her wet tongue all around the dog’s prick. But she didn’t dare take his cock-head into her mouth, as delicious as the prospect was. Marylou knew from experience that once she started sucking on a prick — dog or human, it made no difference. She just couldn’t stop until she had milked the fucker and swallowed all that creamy cum. Her lips got stuck on a cock-head like a suction cup and wouldn’t let the tasty slab disengage until it was emptied.

Today, having decided to get fucked, the cock-loving teenager wisely resisted the temptation to take a few sucks on the brute’s prick, although her mouth was drooling at the thought and her tongue, as she licked the head of that cock, was every bit as hot as her clit. Her mouth and her cunt were interchangeable. She loved to get vigorously fucked in the mouth, and her cunt sucked cock as well as her mouth. She took the last lick, then drew her head away. Kingfisher’s huge red wedge of a cock-head was pulsing in and out like an inhaling lung as it hovered over her tits. It was high time to get that sweet prick stuck up her fuck hole, she figured. She was so hot that she might just cream at any second, and it would be a shame to come before her cunt was stuffed full of the dog’s mighty prick.

Holding his cock by the root, she levered the big fucker down into her hairy groin. Kingfisher had his big, powerful body rigid and trembling as he waited for the girl to make the coupling. He could manage to get his cock jammed up a bitch in heat with no trouble, but manual guidance was necessary with a girl. Marylou began to run his naked cock-head up and down in her pussy slot, tracing up the parted cunt lips and rubbing the hot prick against her equally hot clit. She whimpered with the sensation, using his cock like a spoon to stir her creamy bowl and tantalize her clit. The dog’s hindlegs scrambled on the floor, and his haunches began to hump, even before his cock was buried in her. Cunt juice poured onto his cock-head, creamy white ribbons of the stuff flowing over that steaming red prick meat.

“Shall I put your big prick up me now?” she whispered.

His cock swelled inside her like a fist, and his prick knob rippled and expanded in her soaking cunt slot. The dog whimpered. Marylou tilted her wrist and pulled the tip of the big brute’s cock into her fuck hole. Her cunt lips sucked on the big slab greedily, and her cunt hole began to ripple in anticipation of the lovely load. Squirming, she worked her pussy down over the swollen crown of the animal’s prick. With the cock-knob buried, the dog could do the rest. She drew her hand away and arched her back, and wriggled her ass. Kingfisher braced himself, then humped, driving the entire length of his giant prick up the girl’s fuck hole.

“Oh!” she gasped. “Oooooh!”

No matter how many times she let the doggy fuck her, the girl never got over the initial thrill of having his giant cock slide in on the first fuck-stroke. The dog’s prick was buried balls-deep in her cunt, throbbing and pulsating inside the girl. Her cunt muscles began to work on that hot cock meat, rippling up his cock stalk and molding her pussy around the contours of his flaring cock-head. She threw her legs around the animal’s hairy haunches, hooking him with her thighs and holding him at the full penetration for a moment so that she could savor the pleasure of having her juicy cunt stuffed to the brim with hot cock meat and the doggy could enjoy having every inch of his prick buried in pussy. Holding him, she wriggled her ass, working her cunt around on his cock with a twisting motion. Her cunt walls clutched him like a slippery velvet clamp. Her pussy lips were unpeeled around the hairy root of his prick, sucking like a mouth, and cunt juice was running down into the crack of her ass.

Then she unhooked her legs. And Kingfisher began to fuck her ass off! His powerful hindquarters humped, driving his fat prick into the girl’s steaming fuck hole. His backbone twisted into an S-shape as his loins drove his cock into her, then he withdrew. He pulled back until only his naked cock-head was embedded in her cunt, then he fucked the whole cock rod back into her vigorously. Marylou met the beast with equal energy. As his cock fucked up her cunt, she shoved her crotch down to meet the thrust, and as he withdrew, she twisted her hips from side to side so that she was winding her cunt hole around on his prick like a juicy nut onto an iron bolt, adding the friction of torque to the fucking.

“Ugh! Ugh!” the girl grunted each time the doggy fucked his stiff cock up her pussy.

Her fist grasped the loose skin of his shaggy shoulders, clinging to the big dog as he fucked furiously into her. His bloated balls swung in and slapped against her ass. Dog-drool splashed on her tits, and cunt juice coated his cock. The fat prick stalk came out slathered with creamy pussy fluid, then hissed back up her fuck hole, vanishing entirely into the horny farm-girl’s pussy.

“Pour the fucker to me, Kingfisher,” she gasped. “Oh, shit! Fuck the prick up my pussy! Shovel your hot fucking cock meat into my juicy fuck hole! Feed it to me, boy!”

The dog fucked faster and faster. His balls swelled larger, and his cock expanded, getting thicker with every fuck-stroke. His naked cock-head felt like a lump of molten iron deep inside her cunt, and the stalk of his prick was like a crowbar, prying and wedging into her pussy, tilting her ass up from the woodpile. Marylou was wild with fuck-lust now. Her whole body thrashed about in the throes of ecstasy. She reached down to hold his balls, squeezing gently, lovingly, as if to coax the cum from them. Her belly pumped, and her thighs opened and closed around his hindquarters as her ass jolted up and down. Kingfisher’s long tail was swirling behind him like a propeller driving his ass in and out. The dog was yelping and whimpering and whining in doggy joy. His big, tight-fitting plunger of a prick was stuffing her so full that each time he fucked in, a flood of cunt juice was pumped out. As he drew back, the juice evaporated from his cock, steaming in the air.

Marylou felt the crest coming. Long, lateral waves rippled across her pumping belly and shot like electric currents up her trembling thighs. A whirlpool of sensation swirled in the depths of her stomach as her cunt started to melt.

“Shoot it up me, boy!” she wailed, longing to feel that doggy-slime squirt into her pussy at the same time that she creamed. “Spurt that hot fuck juice up my cunt hole! Fill me full of jism!”

The dog’s black haunches were a blur now as he fucked in and out in a frenzy.

Marylou felt his balls explode.

“Yes!” she wailed. “Feed it to me!”

The thick cum rushed up his cock and came spurting in a creamy deluge out of his cock-head and into her fuck hole. The instant the horny girl felt that dog-jism splash into her cunt, she creamed. Her cunt juice gushed out to blend with the animal’s cum. Wave after wave ripped through her as she thrashed about in multiple orgasms, her cunt and clit pulsing.

Kingfisher pumped the fuck juice into her cunt, spurting another hot dose out with every thrust of his hairy loins.

He emptied his big balls to the dregs, then slowed, panting and trembling, the last few drops of his cum trickling out into her clinging, sucking fuck hole.

Marylou kept grinding away on the dog’s fat cock, even after he had stopped fucking, as she worked off the last spasms of her orgasm and milked out the last drops of her release.

“Fucking hell,” she murmured. “What a fuck that was!”

A dreamy smile turned up the corners of her mouth. She leaned back. Kingfisher eyed her, and she nodded.

“Okay, boy, you can climb off,” she said.

His prick was still big and hard and, when he drew back, her cunt sucked on his cock so that it came out inch by inch, almost turning her pussy lips inside out as they clung to the retreating cock as if reluctant to be vacated. Then his cock-head slipped out, and the dog jumped down from the woodpile. His big prick swayed up and down under his shaggy belly like a horizontal pendulum. A slimy mixture of doggy- jism and cunt juice dripped from his slippery cock-head.

The exact blend, but a lot more of it, poured out from Marylou’s empty cunt hole and soaked her crotch.

She felt terrific now, with her pussy so well creamed and her fuck hole full of all that thick, hot dog-spunk. Kingfisher had turned sideways to her, and she saw his long cock, still standing out stiffly. She knew his prick would start to draw back soon, that the naked cock knob would vanish up the hairy cock sheath and the whole big thing retract into his loins — and it seemed a shame not to take advantage of his hard-on while it was still there. She slid down from the woodpile, her ass gliding fluidly over the cum- soaked surface, and knelt beside the dog. She tilted her head and ducked under him.

Now the cock-hungry girl could have that tasty mouthful that she hadn’t dared enjoy before the dog had shot his wad, knowing that she would not have been able to stop until she’d milked him off. She flicked her tongue over his cock-head, lapping up the fuck juice. The big cock knob jerked. The naughty girl kissed the prick tip, then slowly slurped it into her mouth and began to suck the dog’s prick.

“Ummm,” she purred happily.

Marylou adored a mouthful of dog-prick. She loved the taste and the texture. And it was thrilling to be sucking doggy-cum and cunt juice from that big cock. Her nimble tongue laved all around the fat wedge of cock meat, and her sweet lips sucked lovingly, polishing the prick to a bright luster. She slid down lower and tongued a few stray drops of jism from the dog’s balls, then kissed her way back to the head of his prick and gave it another sucking, savoring the succulence of a cock that had been soaked in pussy juice. Marylou had never decided which she liked to drink better — cum or cunt juice. But having the two together, and sucking them off the head of a dog’s cock, was the best of both worlds. She drew back, a slippery trickle of fuck slime running from the corner of her sensual mouth, down her chin. Her tongue gathered it up again. And Marylou thought about sexy little Rachel Germain again now, with her taste buds tingling from what she had just drunk and, too, from happy expectations. She wondered if Rachel would like to fuck the dog.


To Be Continued…



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Just remember, even with the limited editing we do, it doesn’t always mean the flaws in a story are always fixed.

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