A Garage Stray


I live on the outskirts of good size city in a nice three story townhouse. I’m a professional in my thirties who keeps in good shape. I’m a small girl, just five feet tall, but I’m nicely rounded with breasts big for my size and a pronounced rounded arse. I am working out at just about a daily basis and keep my body looking good. I turned my bottom floor two car garage into a little mini-gym and I spend a lot of time there after work and on the weekends.

Of course nowadays I spend a lot more time there getting a really different kind of workout. Having dated quite a few guys and finding they were more interested in my tits than me, I decided to blow off the dating thing for a while and haven’t sexed up a man in at least six months.

I have a good routine to get myself off involving some sophisticated toys, the friendly produce aisle, and my workout gear, so I’m not going without orgasms. I had never considered having sex with anything but a human, but today I’m not sure I’ll ever go back to them. Like most things in life, my dog loving began as a simple chain of chance events and since has become a big part of my life.

This is my story. It all began one evening while I’m working out. My townhouse is on a cul-de-sac and backs up to a wooded area near a neighborhood and some farms. When I work out, I keep the big roll up door closed for privacy, but I leave the back door wide open. The back is fenced with woods beyond and because of the curve no one can see in.

I have a weight bench, treadmill, stair machine and a heavy bag. Working out really turns me on and is all mixed in with my sex. Sometimes, after punching and kicking my heavy bag, I’ll clinch it hard and grind my pussy and clit on it. Sometimes I tie my shirt up over my tits and rub my tits and nipples on the hard, rough canvas. When I’m through with the bag I’ve worked myself into a highly excited state and I head for the weight bench. I lay back and work the plastic covered ball end of a three pound dumbbell in and out of my pussy until I get good and wet.

I love the feeling of my pussy stretching and then closing around it. My bench has lots of attachments and I’ve added a couple of my own. I have two small bungee cords tied to the top with alligator clamps on the other end. They’re the perfect length to clamp to my nipples and pull my c-cup tits up. It’s not really painful, just strong enough to make my tits hot as hell.

I keep this up with my arse at the end of the bench, when I can fit the five pound dumbbell in my cunt I get it in and let it hang down over the edge of the bench. I clamp down with my pussy as gravity tries to pull it out and with my tits strung I get both hands free to work my clit until I nearly pass out from cumming.

After I regain control, I drop the dumbbell out of my pussy, slide my loose little shorts back over my pussy, release my tits and pull my top back down. I slide back up the bench and slowly start my workout. This is where I found myself when something new slurped into my life.

I’m lying on the bench covered in sweat with my pussy leaking all over my shorts and my nipples still burning. I picked up the bar and did a set of ten with fifty pounds, set the bar in the cradle let my arms and legs fall open and closed my eyes to rest for a moment. In a single instant I feel a hard breath on my clit and a big lick on my pulsing pussy.

I shot up ready to kick the arse of whoever is there. Then I saw the big mutt. He must have slipped in the back door while I’m cumming. I recognized him from around the complex, I think he lived with a family in the houses beyond the woods. He’s nice enough, very big and strong muscled, kind of tan all over and with a friendly face.

He seemed to have a gentle personality and is really kind of scared at my aggressive action toward him. He had retreated to the back door, but didn’t run outside. I called him over and gave his big head a rub and a pat ‘nice doggy’ and then whooshed him away. Again he went back to the door, but not out. He didn’t seem a threat to me so I laid back to continue my workout.

I’m three reps in my second set with the weight on my chest when I feel it again, the tongue is back. It almost took my breath away and it did take my strength away. It took me a good ten seconds to get the bar back up to the cradle and by this time the dog had licked my shorts aside and is after my pussy in earnest. In my excited state I’m not about to stop him, I just held onto the bar and slowly spread my legs. His tongue feels so good. As my legs came apart, he could get at my arse and my clit.

He really began to work me over. He licked my thighs, clit and pussy, the hair on my pubic mound, my arse and arse cheeks. He’s all over my sex. His big tongue snaked into my pussy, which swelled out to meet him and when he licked my arse I pushed so hard I thought I’d turn my arsehole inside out. I’m going to explode, his tongue is unbelievable and I could feel a long, massive cum rising up in me. I couldn’t control my sex or my bladder and I released a tense little spurt.

The mutt must have thought this is a sign of affection because he went over the top of my pussy like crazy. My clit couldn’t take it and I shuddered into a complete body orgasm. I’m shaking and gasping for air and my bladder lost complete control, I pissed right through my cum. The dog never stopped licking. The piss and cum ran down my arse crack and he followed it.

Finally, this huge orgasm began to subside enough for me to get a hold of what just happened. My sex feels almost numb, I could still feel him licking gently at my arse and my thighs. I had dropped my legs and could feel his big body between them as he twisted to get better access to my now not so spread pussy. The fur on sides feels good and it occurred to me that I had just let a dog lick me to the best orgasm of my life.

I’m not disgusted or bothered at all, the good feeling washing over me is too good, and after all who’s the dog going to tell. I sat up a bit to see him, his face is covered in my cum and piss, but otherwise he looked clean and well cared for.

I reached down for his head to scratch his ears, it’s the least I could do for the best orgasm of my life to that point. As I reached for him, he came up to me, knocking me back to the bench. It took me by complete surprise and now he’s standing with his big paws pressing into my tits. His huge head is right above me. I feel something hit my thigh and is able to look down and see a dick as big as my forearm hanging from his belly. It’s hard and waving around between my legs. He’s doing his best to get his cock inside me.

I’m not sure I wanted to do this, it’s all a little fast. Having a dog lick your pussy is one thing, but letting him fuck you with a huge dick is quite another. I reached up to get his forelegs off my tits and just as I’m ready to make my move his dick hit the bench and he humped forward. His aim couldn’t have been truer. In one thrust he’s into me six inches. It took my breath away.

Too late to stop now I figured, it beats the dumbbells. The dogs’ dick feels hot and very hard and is quickly sliding in and out of my pussy. I’m too far up the bench for him to get much more into me so I started to push down the bench and spread my legs at the same time. As I did this he hammered his huge dick into the bottom of my pussy. I came immediately, squeezing the shit out of his dick. I feel pressure on my pussy and could see the knot on his dick as he pulled out and could feel it as he pushed in.

I know about dogs, tying when they mate, but figured I had to have it anyway. It’s only about as big as my five pound dumbbell so I knew I could take it. I scooted down a bit more and pulled his front legs to my sides, his chest came down on mine and he’s able to grab my body. When I feel the knot this time I opened my pussy to let him get it in.

It went about halfway in and then out. My pussy relaxed and soon he’s humping the knot in and out me. God, it feels so good, my pussy would oval out and close behind it. I came again, hard. As my cum eased off I could feel the knot isn’t going in and out anymore, it’s all in me and it had swelled up much larger than my ten pound dumbbell. He’s still humping me like mad, holding onto my ribs with my tits being scraped and rubbed by his forelegs. My head is on his neck. I reached up and wrapped my hands around his neck, spread my legs wide and just let him have me.

He’s working his dick in me. When he pulled back the knot couldn’t release, but it would pull on my pussy and cunt lips from the inside and it feels incredibly good. When he thrust forward, it feels as if the tip of his dick is snaking into my cervix. He just kept on going, pounding and squirming around in me. I had at least two more strong orgasms, I feel like a fucking beast and began to fuck him back like one.

Finally he slowed down and would just twitch his butt from side to side, causing his huge dick to twitch in me deep in my pussy. Then I feel him really grip my body and push hard into me and his dick released a gush of his cum into me. It’s hot and shot into my pussy like a fire hose, filling me up fast. I grabbed his neck, humped my pussy up onto his cumming prick and came for five minutes, jerking and shaking and squeezing him with my pussy. He kept humping and cumming in me. Finally it’s over, or at least I thought it was.

He’s slumped over me not moving at all and I’m weak from cumming. We lay there for a moment just letting it sink in. He finally moved a bit and his dick moved in my pussy, then I could feel it. His knot is huge, it had swollen to the size of a softball and it’s firmly planted in my pussy. He began to get a little fidgety and soon he scrambled his front legs back onto my chest again, standing on my tits. Remembering how dogs fuck I realized he wanted to get down. I pulled my legs together as much as I could and eased up into a crunch. I helped him turn to my right and he got a paw on my leg and started to turn away from me.

The inside of my pussy went crazy. It’s being twisted around this huge cock and ball as the dog turned to face away from me. He hit the floor and stood there facing the wall, his cock buried deep and hard in my pussy and still twitching little spurts of cum into me. I rested for a minute, then felt my body. My tits were sore from his paws and the weight on them, I rubbed them back to a happy state and reached for my pussy.

My cheer shorts were still on, just pulled to the side. I feel the dogs back and his strong haunches and the search for my pussy. My lips were stretched over his dick and my lips were bulging out from the pressure of his knot. It feels so good. As I ran my hands down my belly I feel the bulge of his knot just above my pussy. I found my clit and decided to make the best of it, I worked it hard, cumming massively at least three more times with the dog stuck to me.

As I lay back exhausted, I could feel his dick starting to soften and soon he gave a pull and it plopped out of my now well fucked cunt. His cum poured out of me, all over the bench and puddled on the floor. He turned and gave my pussy one or two quick licks which feel like an electric shock.

I twitched and snapped my legs together, I needed a break from cumming. The dog went over by the door, lay down and proceeded to lick his dick clean with long slow strokes of his tongue. Finally, his dick shrunk almost all the way back into its sheath. He hopped up, came over to me, licked my thigh, turned and just trotted out the door. I lay there on the bench, a thoroughly fucked mess.

My eyes rolled up to the clock on the wall and I realized I’d been fucking the dog for almost thirty minutes including the tie and it’s the best fuck I had ever had. I gathered myself up for a long, hot shower. As I closed the back door, I looked at the woods and heard dogs barking, lots of dogs barking, not mean barking, more like happy howling. I hoped the big mutt would come back some day, I wanted to fuck him again, and be prepared this time. Little did I know what is in store for me?

I had to go out of town for the next two days on business and I couldn’t get the dog incident out of my head. Every time I thought about it my pussy would flower out and juice my panties. I went through six pairs in two days. I’m in a constant state of mild arousal the whole time and I’m planning the whole time. The first part of my plan is not to shower for three days and with all my little mini-cums my pussy is getting really rich, I figured the dog would like it. I also wanted to try him from behind, I wanted to be fucked like a dog bitch.

I got back late at night on the second day from my trip and just crashed and went to work the next day. Day three with no shower. I couldn’t wait to get home. My tits were scraped up from his paws the last time, so I went through my old workout stuff and found a sturdy Lycra body suit. I cut off the bottom at the top of my arse and I pulled the material out in front of each tit and cut a circle.

I’m able to pull my tits through the holes and the tightness made them round out nicely. My nipples had been hard all week, but this made them rigid. I had a plan to get the dog to lick my tits and hopefully my little dog sex body suit would help him hold onto me better and keep me from getting scratched up. I scrambled into my special top, put a half tee over it and some cheer shorts and headed for my garage to ‘workout’. I did forty five minutes on the treadmill and stair machine and worked up a big sweat. I skipped the heavy bag and headed for my bench. I laid back and slowly did a full set, keeping my eyes on the back door the whole time. Nothing.

I did another set. Nothing.

I hung around the garage for an hour, nothing.

I had to do something so I broke out my dumbbells and nipple clips and went to work on my clit. I came hard, at least twice fantasizing about the dog and added to the rich mess in my pussy. Still no mutt. I went to the door and looked into the woods. If I knew his name I would call him, but I figured he wouldn’t come to ‘big mutt’ or ‘fuck dog’ so I locked up, anxious to give it another try the next day.

I didn’t shower again that night but knew I could get away with one more day before people would start smelling me from a distance. I had two days of travel, a hard sweaty workout, and seven cums in four days on me. The next day I moussed it up and headed for work. All I could think about is the dog and how he had fucked me into oblivion. The day couldn’t go fast enough.

I got home and immediately headed for the gym in my special little dog fuck suit. I’m tingling all over. I did my same bit on the treadmill, stair machine and weight bench and still no mutt. I’m beginning to get a little pissed off. I had never even made these kind of plans to fuck a man and I’m feeling stood up by damn dog.

Rather than masturbate, I decided to let loose on the heavy bag. I punched and kicked it like a mad woman. Pretty soon all my prissiness left me and I started getting turned on. I yanked off my half tee and started grinding my tits and pussy against the bag. I’m beating the bag with my bulged up titties when I glanced over at the back door and who should I see, the big mutt, and he had a friend with him.

They were both sort of peeking in the door at me, I released the heavy bag and turned toward them. The other dog is a black and brown mix of maybe a Doberman and something else, he’s almost the same size as the mutt but bigger in the shoulders and haunches. He also looked well kept. These were family dogs and happy to be out. I dropped my shorts right there and could feel the juices bubbling in my cunt lips.

The dogs were smelling the air, which reeked of my musty, sweaty body. I walked backwards over to the bench and sat down and leaned back.

I called, “Come here, boy.”

The big mutt came right on in. I laid back and grabbed the bar and spread my legs wide and waited. Both dogs came right up to me and started sniffing me. The new one headed straight for my pussy and I could feel his hot breath on me.

The mutt is sniffing around my armpit and tits which I had prepared earlier by rubbing them with cat food and wiping it off with paper towels. They smelled really rich. All at once the dogs started licking me, the mutt snaked his tongue into my armpit and up the side of my breasts.

When he reached my nipple it feels as if it’s on fire. The new dog went straight for my arsehole. He’s sticking his nose in it and trying like hell to get his tongue in it. I pushed out onto his tongue. The dogs weren’t at me for more than a minute when I came hard. I knew this was just the first of many and I wouldn’t calm down till the dogs were finished with me.

The mutt left my tits and joined the other dog on my sex. Both tongues were lashing my pussy and thighs, cleaning all my musky smell off and slurping up the cum as it pumped out of my pussy. They were determined to lick me everywhere. Their tongues went up into pussy about two inches and they spent a long time trying to clean out the little hood over clit.

Every now and then they would stick their snouts in either my pussy or my arse and kind of snort in the hole. I just lay there with my knees behind my elbows and let them have their way. I shuddered through at least four major cums, or it might have just been one big one that came over me in waves. I knew I didn’t want the big mutt standing on my tits again so I turned over on my belly with my arse hanging off the end of the bench.

The dogs never stopped licking me until I got turned over. Then they hesitated, I couldn’t see them, but I figure they were working out who is going to go first. Clearly the mutt must have been the winner because the next thing I feel were a couple deep hard licks on my arsehole and then his paws on my back. I feel the tip of his cock hitting around my thighs and my arse and my pussy. I shifted to help him and on my second twist, he hit home and drove his dick into me. He gripped me hard and just jack hammered his dick into me.

My tits were squeezed out on either side of the bench and the new dog is walking around me just licking randomly on my body. When he found my left breast, he licked it as if he was trying to lick the nipple right off. He just kept up the little licks and nips all over my tits.

Meanwhile the mutt is pounding his dick into my gushing pussy. I’m cumming constantly, every now and then my body would just shudder for a few seconds. The dogs are relentless. I feel the mutt’s knot banging on my pussy lips and I arched my back to give him a better angle, he didn’t miss a beat and pushed his knot right into me. I came hard again and as I did it loosened my cunt up and he’s able to drag the whole knot in and out of me as it grew bigger. It’s getting pretty big and is sort of popping in out of my pussy lips.

Finally, he and I both had to push hard to get it in and then he gripped my body tighter and stuck everything in me. I could feel even his furry sheath sliding into the opening of my cunt. He’s still humping hard and fast and his dick is getting bigger. The knot is way too big to get out now and I could feel it slide up and down the walls of my cunt. The tip of his dick is poking at my cervix on every thrust and I could feel his dick rubbing inside me along the wall of my belly on the bench. I just arched up to him and let him go.

The other dog is still licking me all over, my tits, my face, my neck, and my armpits. Everywhere! I’m lost in complete orgasm, my body is kind flopping around impaled on the dog’s dick. Then I feel the mutt hunch hard forward and again, he hosed my cunt with his dog spunk. He held my body tight and must have jetted a dozen loads of cum into me.

I clenched hard and rattled through my constant orgasm. I could feel a huge amount of hot liquid in my guts. Finally, he stopped cumming in me and lay still for a moment. Then, like before he got himself back up onto my back and started to turn. The turn didn’t feel as good as from the front, but once he got turned it’s better. He immediately tried to walk away, but he’ isn’t going anywhere.

He’s knotted firmly into me and by keeping pulling pressure on my cunt, all his seed stayed in me. The pulling put pressure on the backside of my clit and drove me crazy. I reached down and did my clit slowly from below and came over and over again. Finally, I couldn’t take any more and just laid there with this huge dog dick stuck inside my cunt. It feels so good.

The new dog is taking long licks on my arse-cheeks and occasionally would wander up and slurp at my tits and nipples. At one point he put my whole tit in his mouth and bit down on it just a bit. He twisted it side to side but never hurt it, it drove me wild to have my tit in a dog’s mouth. He played with it, nipping it, mouthing it, and licking it like a dog toy.

I have never felt anything like it. As I watched him I could see his dick is a good halfway out of his sheath. It isn’t as big around as the mutt’s but looked like it could be longer. It’s dripping precum all over, clearly he’s ready and my night had just begun. The mutt softened and with a tug he got his knot out of me.

What feels like a quart of dog cum just flowed out of my pussy like a river. The mutt turned around and licked at my pussy trying to clean me up. He had his nose in there when I feel the new dog’s tongue on me as well. They both went after my pussy. I almost couldn’t stand it, my clit’s so sensitive it hurt, but I let them at it. After a minute or so the mutt wandered over by the door, lay down and started to lick his dick.

The new dog took a couple more licks and he’s up and on me. By now my pussy is bit sloppy and he had no problem sliding his dick down my leg and straight into my sopping cunt. In two strokes he’s home. His cock isn’t as thick as the mutt, but he soon made up for it in speed and length.

He gripped me right around the top of my arse-cheeks and just rocketed his cock in and out of me. He fucked so fast I could feel my pussy heat up from the friction, and his cock is long. Before his knot ever got to me, I feel his rapid fire dog dick probing the entrance to my cervix. I just held on to the bench and let him go as I started to cum yet again.

I feel his knot growing, but it’s just flying in and out of my pussy lips. I just held it there for him. It started to grow fast, everything about this dog is fast. His knot swelled up to full size in about thirty seconds. It isn’t as big, but it’s rock hard and big enough to be stuck. He just kept up the pace, fucking his knot into me at light speed. He’s breathing really hard right by my ear and pounding away at me. His dick gained another couple inches and by now he’s definitely pumping away at my cervix and then, without missing a beat I feel a huge load hot dog spunk blasting into my pussy and guts.

It must have lasted ten seconds. I’m cumming. Then he picked up speed for ten or so strokes and blasted another ten second burst of cum into me. He kept up like this for maybe two or three minutes. There is a huge amount of dog cum and it’s spurting noisily out of my pussy around his knot. In a flash he’s done and just flattened out on my back.

We stayed that way for maybe three or four minutes and then he popped up to turn away. I clenched to keep his knot inside my cunt during the turn, and once he got to the floor the angle rooted him in my pussy. He didn’t pull as hard, but it’s hard enough. I got off again without touching my clit, I just pulled and twisted my tits and nipples till I came.

I could feel his stubby little tail wagging across my arsehole the whole time. It didn’t take long for him to soften up. In less than ten minutes he’s out of me. He also gave me some licks on my pussy and thighs and lay down to lick his dick, which by now is bright red. I couldn’t move, I just laid there with my arms and legs dangling. I glanced up at the clock and realized I’d been fucking these two dogs for more than an hour. God, I feel good.

I think I drifted off, I’m not sure. I roused quickly though when I feel the mutt’s snout back in my pussy. He’s taking long swipes from my mound to my arse. The same kind of long, slow licks he had given his dick. It feels fantastic, I eased my arse a little higher and held it there for him. He kept his same rhythm and so I’m twisting my arse in the air like a whore.

I’m ready to cum again and ready to fuck again. The big mutt got the message because he’s up on my back in no time. I’m still twisting my arse around and he’s trying to hump me. His dick landed high on my arse crack, and as it slid down I twisted my arse and my horny little arsehole snapped over the head of his dick.

It hurt, his dick is thick, but I like butt fucking, and so did all the men I ever dated. Once they found out I liked it, it’s all they wanted. I only gave them my tight little brown eye when they were good or I feel like having a dick planted in my arse and right now I wanted the mutt’s dick planted way up my arse.

This is definitely going to top the boy toys. I kept twisting, but in smaller circles, and I tried to relax my arse. The mutt is pushing, but making only a little progress, he’s maybe three inches in my arse. All of a sudden he dropped down on my back, gripped my ribs with his paws scraping my swaying tits and just pushed. I grabbed the bars and pushed back and about nine inches of cock meat is forced into my arse. It really hurt, but I knew it wouldn’t last.

The mutt just held onto my upper body and tits and started to hump his massive dick in and out of my arse. Within a minute, my arse is fucking him back. It feels like he’s up inside my torso, I must have had twelve inches of thick dog meat in me now. I reached back and spread my cheeks and feel another inch or more slide in.

I feel around my stretched arsehole and ran my fingers along his dick as it slid in and out, humping a good six inches a stroke. I could feel his balls banging my clit on each stroke. I just lay there and held my arse open for him while I came again. His knot is cumming and I knew I couldn’t get it into my arse, I just let him bang it against my arsehole on every stroke.

I’d have to practice before I could get that thing into my arse. He fucked away at my arse for almost ten minutes and then pumped my bowels full of hot dog spunk. I could feel it pushing way up into my guts. As soon as he stopped filling me, he pulled up and started to turn, but with no knot he slipped right out. That is ok, I’m done for tonight. The new dog had already left and now the big mutt gave my arse a couple good licks, his dick a couple good licks and wandered out the back door headed for the woods.

Now I’m really a fucked mess, there is dog spunk everywhere, my pussy and arse were dripping dog jism, and my tits were bright red. I thought my nipples were going to pop off my tits. I dragged myself up with my arse just barely at the end of the bench. As soon as I got vertical, half a quart of dog spunk sprayed from my arse onto the floor. I just let it go.

I pulled off my little Lycra top releasing my tits and checked my body, a couple little scratches on the white of my tits, but the little suit had done its job. It’s now my official dog fucking outfit. I showered finally and then hosed down the garage and my bench, washing all the dog cum, my cum and the dog spunk enema out into the cul-de-sac. I locked up and slept like a baby that night. I decided to call the mutt ‘Big Mutt’, and his black and tan friend ‘Speedy’. I knew they would be back and I’m already planning for it.

I stayed away from the garage the next day, my entire sex is way too tender to take another pooch pounding, instead I made plans for my next go around with the mutt and whoever showed up. Today is Friday and I can ‘workout’ all night if I want. I hope that the weekend will be one long canine fuck Fest. Four days ago I was just a small shapely girl jaded about men and masturbating every other day. Today I’m constantly in a state of mild arousal.

I had never even considered having any kind of sex other than my toys or a man, and here I am today, having fucked one dog, three times and another one once and I can’t wait to get them back into my pussy and arse again. It’s been an amazing four days that all started with one big lick. In a way they’re the best fuck toy a woman could want, they have great cocks, big knots, they don’t talk, they lick you up before they fuck and they lick you up after, then they just head out the door. I’m sold. I’m even thinking about shopping for a dog of my own, or starting a breeding or stud service, but for now I’m just happy to be the neighborhood ‘bitch’ and whenever they want some, they can have it. I only hope Big Mutt has even more friends.

Work today is very stressful. I can’t stand stupidity and when things don’t get done or get done wrong I get pissed. The whole day is fucked up. It isn’t until I got in the car and saw my shopping list that I could think about the dogs and a workout tonight. I made a quick stop at the store for some produce and cat food. I had cat sat for a friend six months ago and had a can of leftover cat food. On impulse I had rubbed some all over my tits, let it dry, and then wiped it off, leaving my tits coated in a dry film of the stuff and smelling rich.

My hunch is right, the dogs had licked my titties into oblivion and I’m definitely going to repeat the process. I got home and had a couple of stiff drinks to try to calm down, but decided the best way to get work off my mind would be to get into my dog fucking outfit and head for the garage. As I’m upstairs changing into my little suit and pulling my tits through the holes I could see two dogs out in the woods wrestling around and playing. My cunt bubbled up immediately and I headed for the kitchen.

I did the cat food thing on my now bulging tits, and thighs again and while it’s drying I pushed a really good sized, well-oiled zucchini in my arse to start stretching it. If Speedy is back, I wanted his smaller knot in my butt for sure. Standing in the kitchen looking out the window at the dogs with my tits covered in cat food and a giant zucchini up my arse I couldn’t help but get myself off. I twisted and rubbed my clit with my smelly fingers for about thirty seconds and came so hard my knees almost buckled. I wiped off my titties and headed downstairs to the garage.

I had no shorts on and no half tee, just my red Lycra fuck suit. I’m not going to bother with the treadmill today. It’s hot in the garage, I looked out the door and saw the dogs about fifty yards away, now I could see Speedy and Big Mutt and at least one other dog. I can’t call out to them, or my neighbors might get nosy, so head for the bench to do a few presses, I figure the mutt will find his way here soon.

As I work out, the thing in my but keeps twisting and moving around kind of turning me on, it has nicely stretched my sphincter which is now feeling good and ready. I squeeze through three sets and still no dogs, now I’m covered in sweat, horny as hell and still pissed from work. I blow off the rest of my sets, retie my little bungee tit clamps to the bottom of the bench and head for the heavy bag. From where the heavy bag hangs I can see right out the back door and can still see the dogs playing in the woods.

I rear back and take a good roundhouse kick to the bag, hitting it good. As soon as I kick it, I see the mutt stop and turn toward the door, ears all pricked up. I land a good combination on the bag and kick it hard twice. I look out the door and here come the dogs. I can see three. That’s it! They hear me punching the bag, that’s how they know I’m in here, that’s how I can call my dog fucks whenever I want.

I see them coming toward the house, not running, just kind ambling along. I attack the bag again with a flurry of punches, kicks, knee kick and butts. Everything is just flying out of me. I keep attacking the bag, venting anger and building arousal. I start to clinch more with bag, grinding my tits into it and rubbing them across it, finally I grab it and grind my clit onto it again.

The dogs are just outside the door, watching me, mutt’s dick is already showing and the new dog, a Dalmatian, is clearly excited. Speedy is lying in the grass licking his balls. I keep hunching my clit and mound onto the bag and turn my back to the dogs, then I reach around and give my arse a pat and pull my cheeks apart a bit.

The next thing I feel is a tongue on my arse, then two tongues, then three. The dogs are lathering me up, squeezing their tongues into the crack of my arse and cleaning the inside of my thighs. I’m ready now, it feels like I’m floating, my whole body is tingling. I ease my arse back and the dogs go crazy licking around the zucchini sticking out of my arse.

Their tongues are moving it around in me. I push and about half of it comes out, they’re licking it like mad. Finally, one of them grabs it and just yanks it out of my arse, which is now very loose. Noses and tongues are digging into my arse. I can feel them stick their nose in my arsehole and snort inside my butt. I’m too weak now to keep holding onto the bag so I let go and head for the bench. The dogs go right with me, their tongues licking my legs and arse, the Dalmatian tries to hump my leg. I reach the bench and lay on my back, grab the bar and pull my legs open wide.

They get after my pussy and arse with a vengeance, particularly my arse. My arse is loose and I swear one of the dogs got half his snout into me. Big Mutt has been cleaning my clit this whole time and I’m back into one long rolling orgasm again. The Dalmatian is up by my head with his paws on the bench trying to lick the skin off my tits.

The next thing I know, Big Mutt is up and on me, knocking the Dalmatian out of the way and standing on my tits again. I need to get him down and the quickest way to do that is to reach down, grab his dick and plant it in my cunt. This takes about five seconds, he feels the warm slush of my pussy, and in one massive push, buries about two thirds of his cock inside me. I grab his front legs and pull them to my sides, he gets a good grip and just humps his entire tool into me. His dick is huge and I start cumming on it. He makes a few adjustments on me and gets into his motion. I pull my legs back by my sides and I’m spreading wide for him, somehow Speedy is still down there licking my arsehole. Big Mutt starts pounding into my hole filling me completely.

I feel his knot start to grow and he humps it in and out of my pussy lips a few times. Finally, when it gets big enough to stop his stroke he pushes hard into me and humps it up and down the inside of my cunt. I’m in a constant state of orgasm now. I wrap my arms and legs around the big dog and let him have at me for the next ten minutes, he boils his cum into me and then it’s time to turn. I help him around and he starts tugging on his knot, trying to turn my pussy inside out.

At one point he snaps at the Dalmatian and he jerks me down the bench a good six inches. I’m being yanked around by my cunt and it’s like nothing I’ve ever felt, it’s unbelievable, I cum even harder, shaking like a leaf. He tugs on me a couple more times and I have to grab the bench to keep from being jerked onto the floor and dragged around the garage by my cunt, but the thought of it drives me crazy and I’m cumming incredibly hard and it feels like it’s centered right on my pussy lips and clit.

I can feel my pussy lips trembling and my clits swollen and is as hard as a rock. This is like no orgasm I’ve ever had. Finally, he calms and just stands there with his dick twitching in me and after about fifteen minutes he’s able to pull out of me. I’m trying to catch my breath, but instantly the tongues are back. The mutt and Speedy are lapping away at dog cum pouring out of me and I’m just trembling.

I know I can’t take another stroke in my pussy for a while and I want to feel Speedy in my arse so I slowly flip myself over on the bench. The dogs don’t stop, even the Dalmatian is now licking all over my arse-cheeks. Big Mutt’s had enough for now and lays by the door. Speedy keeps after my arsehole with a vengeance, it’s completely flowered out now pushing into his mouth. My tits are now hanging and I reach down for my little bungees I tied to the feet of the bench.

I grip the two clamps to my nipples and the dark meat around them. Now my tits are being pulled and stretched down. I love a little pain in my nipples and tits and this is perfect. I tilt my butt up, my arse now being the only hole I have left to fuck today and Speedy doesn’t disappoint. He’s up on my back in a flash. His dick is flopping around and landed in the crack of my arse. I didn’t want to waste any more time, so I reached back and plugged him in my arsehole.

He gave a couple little thrusts, dropped onto my back, grabbed me around the hips and nailed his whole dick into my arse in one huge thrust. The shock of it freezes me, my arse is pulsing, and I feel filled to my belly. True to his name, Speedy doesn’t wait to get after his bitch, and he grips me tighter and starts to power his meat into me at lightning speed. I just hold on and tilt my arse a bit to get him in deeper.

The Dalmatian is dancing around my body, nudging and licking where he can. He starts a rapid fire tonguing of right breast and every swipe of his tongue pulls my tit against the bungee and when it releases my tit snaps back. My nipple is beet red, I can feel the blood in it and my tits being twisted and jerked by his tongue. I start to feel Speedy’s knot cumming, it feels about the size of an egg and he’s ripping it in and out of my arse. The knot is popping in and out of my arsehole, which now feels like rubber.

Speedy is relentless, his stroke is always the same, and the knot keeps banging in and out of my brown eye. My whole arse feels like it’s turned to jelly and I cum hard again, which causes my arse to completely spasm open and Speedy to fuck it even harder. His knot starts to blow up fast to about the size of a baseball. Every arse has its limit of pounding and I’d reached it. At this size, Speedy can’t stroke it as easily, he’s having trouble popping his knot into me at speed. He pressed in hard, my rubbery arse made it around his knot and I tried to grip his dick with what is left of my buttery arsehole.

He must have got the message because he shifted his grip and got a little more dick into me, then he went back to speed fucking me with little short strokes, his knot moving up his dick as it dragged along the inside of my bowels. I closed my eyes and relaxed into his arse pounding, I’m in heaven. Hopefully he would be stuck well and would spend some time trying to pull his meat out of me. I’m lost in the feeling of my arse fuck when from out of the blue I feel the Dalmatian land between my shoulder blades.

I blink back to reality and right in my face is his dick humping madly in the air, the crazed animal is trying to fuck anything. His dick is dancing around wildly and getting bigger. One stroke hits me in the forehead and another one nearly pokes out my eye. I reach out and grab the base of his cock to try to control it, at least he won’t be randomly poking at my face, but he’s horny and pumping his dick in my hand like crazy. Now I’ve never been much a head kind of girl, but I’m good at it. You have to be if you want to keep the men quiet and not sleep in a damp spot, but sucking a dog cock?

I just fucked a big dog in my pussy and now I’ve got one buried in my arse, I guess that pretty much makes me a dog slut so I might as well try a double fuck. I get close enough to smell his dick and give it a little lick, no worse than some of the men I’ve met so I give a couple more licks and then just kiss my lips around the head of it. It feels different in my mouth than a man, the shape is different, and it has a little point at the end. I lather around the end of it and the Dalmatian starts to go crazy.

I’m not letting go of the base of his dick, the last thing I want is for him to throat fuck me, and in my state of orgasm it could kill me. I get in a good mouthful until it just bangs the back of my throat on the up stroke. I start using my lips and tongue on him, sucking and slurping the end of his dick. He’s humping like mad at my hands holding him back, his grip on my shoulders is tight and his paws keep scratching at my still clamped tits.

Now I’m just a dog cum slut being fucked from both ends by dogs. I start sucking harder and start grinding my arse in circles on Speedy and I start cumming, growling like a bitch. We go on like this for maybe three or four minutes and I feel Speedy doing his ten second hosing of my bowels, it’s so hot and seems to jet up into me. He’s twitching a bucket of cum into my arse.

The Dalmatian’s dick starts to twitch also and I can feel his cum rushing up the length of his dick. A couple little spurts splash into my mouth, it’s strong tasting, but not in a bad way, but I’m not ready to drink all his jizz, so when I feel the big one cumming I take him out of my mouth and aim his dick at my tits. Stream after hot stream wash all over my tied down breasts, it flows down them and drips down the nipples and clamps. I feel Speedy slump onto my back and the Dalmatian jumps down off me. Speedy gets up onto my back and makes his turn and

I can feel his locked in dick twist one hundred and eighty degrees in my arse. He’s good and stuck and I feel as if I’ve got a basketball blown up in my arse, it feels huge. It doesn’t hurt, it’s just a giant pressure. Speedy tugs, it’s uncomfortable for me so I slide more of my arse off the bench, stretching my tits even tighter. This is a better angle for both of us and it starts to feel better for me. I can relax my arse more like this and soon it starts to feel really good, I can feel the tip of dick pushing down on the inside of my belly.

The crazy Dalmatian gets around by Speedy and tries humping me from the side, Speedy whips around to bite at him and his dick just yanks around in my arse, Speedy tries to go after the Dalmatian and starts yanking at my arse. I hold onto to the bench for dear life and then
realize he’s scraping the bench along the floor an inch or so at a time with me on it. I clamp my arse as hard as I can around his knotted hard dick, the last thing I want is for him to yank his knot out of me before it goes down, and it’ll surely tear my arsehole. My arse is freaking and still being yanked this way and that. I reach back and grab his haunches and pull him into me and hold on.

He tugs a few more times and again the feeling of being dragged around on the end of a dog dick overcomes me and I shudder through another shattering orgasm. On the other side of the orgasm my whole body gives up and relaxes. Speedy isn’t jerking at me anymore, just a steady pulling. Slowly I feel my arsehole oval out and I shit his tangerine size knot slowly past my sphincter. Once he gets his knot out he just yanks his dick out and walks away. I pull my body up on the bench and go limp.

In a flash the crazed Dalmatian is up on my arse humping away. I don’t have anything left really, but I reach back and plug him into my arse which is completely wet and sloppy. I can feel him humping into me, but I’m spent. I just hold my arse there and feel him squishing in and out. His knot isn’t big enough and my arse is way too sloppy to tie him so I just wait for him to cum in me. Speedy wanders up and licks my ear and head and then checks out my dog spunk covered breasts still clamped to the little bungees.

He starts licking away and I can hardly take it, then he does what he did before, he takes my whole tit in his mouth and starts twisting it, I can feel his teeth on me but he’s not trying to bite me, it’s like he’s playing with a tit toy. He keeps mouthing it and at one point jerks it out of the clamp, the blood rushes back and it feels like my entire breast is on fire. Freed now, Speedy concentrates on the nipple and licks and nips at it fast.

I actually feel a sort of mini-cum centered in my tits. I brush Speedy away, I can’t take anymore. The Dalmatian has picked up his pace and I feel him spraying my soaked bowels with his hot cum. He gets most of it in me and just dismounts and heads for the door. I realize Big Mutt is already gone and Speedy is sitting by the door licking his dick. I reach down, pull the clamp off my left tit and hold my breast as it recovers.

I can’t move, I just slump on the bench. I look up at the clock and realize I’ve been fucking the dogs for over two hours and I just smile as I think what I must look like lying there in my little Lycra top with my tits dangling down still half covered in dog jizz and my pussy and arse leaking a steady stream of the stuff. I’m a completely fucked woman and a man had nothing to with it. I know I’m a cumslut, I live for powerful orgasms, it’s a drug for me and I’m not ashamed of it.

A few days ago the mutt came in the back door and into my life and then into my sex and I discovered a whole new level of cumming as a dog fucker. I still can’t believe it. If somebody had asked me to fuck a dog a week ago I’d have told them to get lost, or just kicked them in the nuts, but now that I’ve done it I’m a convert. I could get addicted to this kind of fucking.

The beauty part is, there’s no bullshit, they just fuck the crap out of you and bounce out the back door and I’m really good with that. They’re like giant living fuck toys and I’m getting hooked. I’ve got a three day weekend ahead and I’ve got a plan, I need a new fuck toy and I know just what I want.

* * *

I douched the dog jizz out of my arse with my old red hot water bottle in a nice hot shower and then I slept like a baby. The next day I got started early. I went to this huge gym equipment warehouse store on the other side of town. I found exactly what I’m looking for, a little three foot long bench that is height adjustable on both ends and a big leather lifting belt. The top bench part is a little bit wider but I planned to change it anyway.

Sixty bucks and I’m on my way. Next stop is the hardware store, I bought four heavy duty rubber caster wheels with stops for them and some staples for my staple gun. Next it’s more cat food and zucchini. I headed for home and unloaded everything. I put all the hardware in the garage and headed upstairs to change. I grabbed an old, big support bra, a pair of panty hose, a big tee and some loose shorts.

In the kitchen I put on the old bra and stuffed it full of cat food. I spread cat food on the inside of the panty hose and pulled them on also. I reeked, but I knew the dogs would like it later. I headed for the garage, made sure the back door is closed tight and broke out my toolbox. I’m fairly handy having been self-reliant for quite a few years, so I took the soft part of the bench and carefully removed the vinyl cover and stuffing.

I cut into the bottom board making cutouts for my tits, then I stapled back the stuffing and cover and mounted it back to the base. I attached the caster wheels to the holes in the feet of the bench as well as my bungees with the clamps. Then I screwed the big belt onto the middle part of the bench underneath. I stepped back to check my work. I lowered the front end two notches lower than the back end and mounted up. My tits fit perfectly in the holes and my arse is raised up at the perfect angle.

I locked the caster wheels and pushed with my feet, the bench didn’t want to move at all, I released the caster wheels all the way and pushed and I glided smoothly across the floor. I could also set the stops about halfway and it would roll but with resistance. It’s perfect. I turned over facing up and wrapped the big belt around my belly and buckled it tight. I could still reach the caster wheels and hold on to the legs of the bench or pull my own legs wide open, the big belt kept me pretty stable.

I couldn’t wait to try this out. I grabbed two dumbbells and headed back upstairs. By now I had worked up a sweat, the cat food is drying out, and my pussy is already starting to get slippery. I stepped into the utility shower and lost the bra and pantyhose and wiped off the cat food with a dry rag. I took the little two inch bungee with the clamps and clamped my nipples, pulling them against the weight of my breasts.

I lay down, lubed up a two pound dumbbell and my arse and started to work the little ball end in and out of my arsehole. It’s tight at first, but then I loosened up and could control my arse sliding over it and clenching down on the shaft. I also worked the whole thing all the way up into my arse and would then shit it back into my hands. I was getting pretty worked up already, so with the first dumbbell all in my arse I stood up and stretched the bigger dumbbell into my pussy and just let it hang down.

I yanked on my tit bungee a couple times and I could feel my cum rising in me. I looped the bungee around the water tap stretching my titties and leaned over with my head against the wall, finally I could get my hands on my clit. I got some cat food on my fingers and began to work my clit fast. It doesn’t take long, I rocked my hips and could the feel the dumbbell in my cunt swaying around between my legs. I came, pushing hard on my clit, shuddering and feeling weak in the knees. I recovered and kept working on my clit and pussy lips. Slowly I tried to shit out one ball of the dumbbell in my arse.

I pushed it ever so slowly out of my arsehole, stretching it around the ball. When I got the ball out the shaft slid slowly out my arse and stopped when it got to the other ball. Now when I rocked my hips back and forth the dumbbells would bang into each other and reverberate into my arse and pussy and when they moved I could feel the balls of them in my holes rubbing together, one in my butt hole and the other in my pussy. I’m just hacking away at my clit now and within seconds came hard again.

My pussy and arse were pulsing and I could hardly stand. I pulled both dumbbells out of me at the same time very slowly and I could feel every inch of the balls stretch my holes. When they were out, I released my nipples and pulled the feeling back into them. That is enough for now, I needed to save some for later, and I needed to be a bitch ready to service whatever walked in. I sat right down in the shower and rested, closing my eyes and waited for dusk.

At one point in my nap, I had to pee and I just let it go in the shower, it got on my legs and dribbled for a while over my pussy. My sex smells strong, the mutts would love it and I couldn’t wait for their tongues. I drifted off again. I dozed for about an hour sitting there in the shower and when I woke up I could see the light is going off the day. It’s time.

I went to my room, put on my Lycra top, pulled my tits through the holes and tied my hair back in a ponytail. I went back to the kitchen and got the beef broth and headed back to the utility shower in the garage. First, I douched my arse with some water, then I filled the bag with the broth and gave myself a beef broth enema. It isn’t so much that couldn’t hold it in, just enough so that I could give my mutts a treat for licking me. I plugged the two pound dumbbell back in my arse to make sure it stayed in and headed for the garage.

I got on the treadmill and worked up a good sweat walking fast for about fifteen minutes. The thing in my arse just kept rolling back and forth and it felt great, every now and then a bit of broth would squirt out greasing between my butt cheeks. I’m already in a long, low orgasmic state so I headed for the bag and opened the back door. I rubbed my tits and my mound on the rough bag and they got all flushed with blood and excitement.

Finally, I stepped back and landed a good combination on the bag. The sound is unmistakable. My arse is pulsing. My pussy is oozing. I kept working on the bag with heavy hits and soon enough I saw Big Mutt step out of the woods. After him is another dog I didn’t recognize and a smaller medium sized dog. The three of them sauntered slowly up to the house from the woods. It’s like a dinner bell, I would just ring the heavy bag to tell them the bitch is ready to fuck.

This is great, my own trained fuck dogs. I reached back and pulled the dumbbell from my arse, the broth is leaking and running down my legs. The dogs were almost to the door. I went over to my new bench and assumed the position, spun it around to face the door, locked the caster wheels, clipped my tits, and spread my upraised arse as wide as I could.

There is no fooling around this time, I knew what they were there for and I offered it up like a bitch should. I heard them at the door and they came right in and went straight for my sex. The new dog is bigger than mutt, but lankier, I didn’t know what breed it was, nor did I care. They went after my pussy and arse like wolves on a kill, they licked my legs, my feet, my arse cheeks, everything.

They were digging their noses in my holes again and trying to get their tongues up my arse. I let go a little stream of the broth every few seconds and they went after it frantic. The little medium dog couldn’t get in, but he found my tits and is working them over furiously. I unclamped them and let him work them.

My arse is about empty and I could feel Big Mutt’s familiar tongue cleaning every crevice of my clit as the new dog concentrated all he had on my arsehole, which now puckered out into his mouth as I came hard and long for the first time of the night. From now on I would stay in a near constant state of orgasm.

As I eased off my first big orgasm, I’m surprised to see Big Mutt has moved off to the side and laid down. However, the new big dog is still licking me from my mound to the crack of my arse, while the little one kept after my tits. It’s as if Big Mutt is offering me to his buddies making me feel like a real dog whore, and it didn’t bother me a bit.

The next thing I know the really big dog is up on my back. I can feel his dick banging my butt cheeks, but before I can reach back and get him in my pussy, his dick slips down the crack of my arse and the tip pops right into my arsehole. There is a tiny pause and then he pushes. His dick is as big as my wrist and he just humps about five inches into my arse in one big thrust. He feels really huge in my arse.

There’s another little pause and then he digs another three or four inches into me. I can feel him up in my belly, it feels like he’s going to tear me. Another pause as his dick is twitching in my pulsing freaked out arse. I know it’s tight for him because my arse feels like a glove on his dick. I’m not really ready for this, but I’m a good bitch and I’ll take it. Both of us seem to be getting a grip and then he drops down onto my back and grips my body and I feel more dick go in my arse.

I’ve never been this full of anything. I think there must be ten or twelve inches of dog dick plugged up my arse. I just try to relax around it. He starts to stroke, pulling about half his dick out and pounding back in me. He’s bottomed out now and I know I can take him so I tilt my arse up to him, push it open and let him have it. His stroke heats up and is relentless, steady and fast. My orgasm hits me and now my arse completely relaxes and gapes open for him. I can feel my sphincter ovalling out for him.

His stroking is long and steady, bottoming every time, this part of my bowels has never been fucked before. I feel his knot starting to grow near the base of his dick and it starts to stretch my arse even further as it slides in and out. Within a minute it’s too big to stroke past my hole and so he pushes all he’s got into me and the knot is now firmly inside my arse. He keeps up a shorter, faster stroke driving the knot up and down the inside of my arse for a good long while. Then it gets too big to stroke easily and he just keeps stuttering in my quivering butt.

The little dog is still after my tits and I cum again. I feel his dick start to twitch fast and he gives a deep growl and starts spraying my bowels with his cum. Spurt after hot spurt, it feels like he sprays a quart of hot dog jizz way deep in my bowels. Some of it eases back and leaks out around my stretched arsehole.

I’m cumming again and want him to get turned. After a couple minutes of jizzing in me, he scrambles his legs onto my back and manages to get turned, rotating his dick in my arse with no chance of it coming out. I couldn’t shit his knot out if I had to. Once he gets down on the floor I feel him tugging on my arse with his dick and I immediately start a long steady cum. I reach down and release the caster wheels a bit and the next thing I know this big dog is pulling me around the garage by his dick.

As he walks and turns his dick jerks around in my arse and I keep cumming. I reach back for my clit and as soon as I touch it my orgasm racks up a notch. The dog takes a few steps every couple minutes, trying to unplug his dick, but all he does is pull me after him. Just the thought of being pulled around my garage by my arse stuck on dog dick makes me cum. My pussy is dripping all over the garage.

Finally, I relax the wheels and he just keeps a steady pulling. I need to rest my arse. I’m panting like a dog, my mouth wide open. The little dog has been following us around and is clearly excited but I don’t think there’s any way to fuck him. He licks me on the face a couple times and jumps up and grips my neck, humping his little six inch dick at my face.

I’ve got nothing to do but wait for the big dog to soften up and that could take a while so reach down and plop the little fellows dick in my mouth. He goes crazy humping my face. He’s pumping away at my mouth at light speed, on every stroke he goes down my throat a couple inches but it’s so fast there’s no problem breathing. I just get my throat at the right angle and let him fuck my face. He’s really excited and it doesn’t take long for his knot to get about the size of a plum. It slips into my mouth a couple times and makes his dick go a little further down my throat, but it’s too big to comfortably suck on. I keep it back with my hands and soon I can feel his dick getting ready to cum.

I let all his dick go in me up to the knot and he hoses his first blast right down my throat. I pull him back out of my throat, but full in my mouth and suck on him hard. He jets another six or seven loads into my mouth and I swallow it. I’m still sucking his dick hard, but he’s got nothing left and he starts to whine. He starts to shake and jumps down off my neck. I let the little fellow go and he whimpers over to the corner to tend to his well-sucked dick.

I’ll bet he’s never had his cum sucked out of him like that before. I release the wheels and the big dog starts tugging me around again, he pulls me around the garage for the next ten minutes until finally he pulls out of me and wanders out the door without so much as a lick. His spunk flows out my arse and onto the bench and floor. I turn over on my back and reverse ends, with my pussy a bit lower than my tits. I reach down and grab the big belt and buckle it tight around my waist.

I pull my legs back and pat my pussy a couple times, saying, “Come here, big boy, your turn.”

Big Mutt gets up, stretches and lazily walks up to my pussy looking me straight in the eyes. A couple sniffs of my pussy, a couple licks at my clit and he jumps right up. I get his paws on the belt, saving my tits, and reach for his cock. It’s ready and I guide it straight into my cunt. Big Mutt’s getting used to this by now as I’m his regular piece of arse. I get him just inside my cunt and he immediately drops down and humps forward, burying all of his beautiful dick into me in one great thrust.

I’m already cumming. I love his cock, it’s my first and it still feels special, I reach up, put my arms around him, bury my head in his neck and start to fuck him with my pussy. I love the feeling of my tits on his fur and the feeling of his sheath as it dips into me. He just fucks me hard and deep and steady. I just hold on and cum and cum and cum. His knot gets bigger and we push it in together and let it get bigger.

His dick is familiar to me now and I just fuck him right through his cum. His dick spent and stuck in my cunt, I help him get turned. I release the wheels and let him pull me, he pulls me all over the garage while I savage my clit. The feeling of being yanked around by my cunt lips is unbelievable. My clits so hard and swollen I can grab it and pull it.

I’m banging into things, his dick is twitching and twisting in my cunt and I’m cumming and twisting and pulling my flopping titties. My clit feels as if it’s an inch long. This lasts for a few minutes, until I feel like I can’t breathe. I let go of my clit and reach and lock the wheels. After about three minutes Big Mutt gives a mighty tug and my rubbery, sloshy, cummed-out pussy opens up bigger than it’s ever been and plops his dick out. A river of cum runs out of it. I’m completely spent.

Big Mutt comes up and give my face and head a couple big licks, a couple more for my left tit and he turns and wanders out the door. Again, I just close my eye and lie there, another well fucked mess, a good bitch for the dogs of the neighborhood. I’ve been fucking for more than an hour and my new toy is perfect, I love the feeling of being yanked and pulled around by my pussy and arse. I’m lying there half asleep when what should I feel, but a lick on my thigh.

I look to see Speedy, late for the party, but ready to go. I’m already wide open for him and he doesn’t miss a beat. He starts cleaning me up for his dick. While he’s doing that the little dog comes wandering back in. Back for more of that sucking sensation I bet. Speedy’s getting worked up and I don’t want him in my pussy so I get up and reverse back on the bench onto my belly. Speedy is at my arsehole in a shot, trying to get his whole face in it. It’s nice and soft still and he can easily get his tongue in it, which he does. I reach over and clamp my tits to the bungees.

The little dog is back at them and they are coming to life under his tongue. My arse is also starting to pulse and I’m ready. I reach back and pat my arse and in an instant Speedy is up. His dick is in the crack of my arse and I curl up as he pulls back and on the way down half his dick pops right into my arse chute. A veteran, he drops right down and plants his whole dick right in me and then he’s off to the races.

It’s so fast, it makes me cum right away and pretty soon his egg sized knot is hammering in and out of my bunghole turning it to jelly. This time I can take his knot popping in and out until it’s bigger because of the arse reaming earlier and it feels like he’s turning my arse inside out. Finally, it’s in me to stay and he’s still hammering away. The little dog sure enough shows up at my face and wants to go again. It’s a little bit harder because Speedy is pounding me and I’m jerking back and forth with his strokes, but we get it going and soon I’m sucking the jizz right out of him again.

He just keeps his dick in my mouth and whines away, his whole body just trembling. Finally, I let him go and he gets down and stumbles away stiff legged. He won’t be back tonight. Speedy is getting ready to hose my arse, so I arch for him and he fills my belly full. After a minute or two he’s ready to turn and I get him down and release the wheels. Speedy is frantic and he yanks me all around the garage, he keeps trying to turn and lick my face, which causes his dick to really stretch the inside of my butt.

I tighten up the wheels until he pulls just moves me a few inches. This puts big pressure as he pulls and I’m cumming again. He doesn’t last as long tied up to me this time, because my arse is so pliable. I’ve never in my life had my arse gone after like this. Two good size dog dicks and a dumbbell. My arse feels great. It’s becoming a fucking machine. Speedy gives a good hard tug and yanks his dick out of my arse and a slurry of dog cum dribbles out of my loose sphincter. I just flop there on the bench with my nipples clamped. I can hear the dogs outside and they sound happy.

Just then Big Mutt comes back through the door, walks over to me and without a lick is up on my back. With a little help from me his dick finds my arse and we’re off again. It’s pretty sloppy, but he saws his pole in and out of me anyway. He stays standing on my back as he humps, like some proud conqueror of the human bitch, but it’s true, he’s turned me into a dog slut in one week. He gives me about twenty strokes of his dick and cums in me, adding to the all the dog jizz already in my arse.

Standing on my back, he can’t get his knot in me and I don’t think he wanted to, he just wanted me to know my arse is his if and when he wanted it. After his last gush of cum, he hops down, gives my arsehole a couple good, hard licks and heads for the door, not even looking back. I’m done for tonight. I slide myself on my new little fuck bench over to the door and lock it shut. I pull the clamps off my tits and push myself up off the bench, I stand there rubbing my nipples while dog cum drips out of me onto the floor.

I feel so satisfied and my arse and pussy are just warm and happy. I head to the kitchen for some dinner. Out by the woods, I see a couple of the dogs romping around. They’re happy, and why shouldn’t they be, they all just got laid, some twice, and they know anytime they want more, I’ll be there for them bent over my dog bench. Not a bad life for a dog.

As I eat a huge meal I start adding up in my head how much cash I can get from my investments. Tomorrow I’m going to look for kennels for sale, I need my own hand-picked stable of studs so I can have as many as I want as often as I want. Just the thought of ten or twelve of my hand picked stud dogs lining up to fuck my holes whenever they want me makes me wet.

As it happens, I didn’t have to wait long for my dream to come true, or at least part of it.


The End.



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