Three Beastly Tales by Sheela

Sheela B.

It was summer on a nice clear sunny day with blue sky. I was looking out the window and thought it would be good to go out for a walk. It was late afternoon, I step out the door and my dog is sitting on the front lawn. Tail wagging, he knows he’s going out. He’s an all white husky. I go up to him and put on a leash and we started walking out the yard.

Were walking towards the back road, a little ways out-of-town, we go to a trail and onto a main road that leads down the lake. I could see the lake From where we are. I stopped and took the leash off my dog. He starts running around, here and there, exploring. He runs way ahead of me and I run to him, to catch up, but as I get close, he runs off-road into the bush. I chased him and ran quite a long ways until I caught up to him, he was chasing a squirrel. I put the leash back on him and I lead the way to the road.

As I’m walking, I trip on a stick and fell straight down. As I’m getting up I’m on my hands and knees, I could feel my dog’s nose sniffing my ass through my pants. Then he jumps on me, I feel his body on my back.

I look back and say, “You horny dog.”

He pulls me and tries to fuck me. I could feel his cock hitting my hole if it weren’t for my pants. I let him finish. He jumps off. He made me so horny.

I get up on my knees and I pull my pants down a little, just enough for my ass to show. I took the leash off the collar. I get down on my hands and he just takes over. He sniffs and licks my hole, he jumps on my back and he humps. The first time his cock goes on top of my ass line (not in my hole) and fucks me. He thinks he’s in and continues to fuck me hard, I could feel his balls slamming my ass. I hold on to both his paws I could feel his knot growing I try to squeeze his cock between my ass. He’s slowing down, Then I get down on the ground. He gets off. I’m so wet. He cleans himself first then licks me clean.

I get back on my hands and knees and right away he jumps on me. He’s humping, trying to get in my hole. I’m waving my ass around and then, he’s in, he pulls me and I grab both his front paws and he fucks me hard. His cock so deep in me filling me with his cum. I could feel his knot and cock growing, he’s slowing down trying to get off but I don’t let him I have both his paws. I continue to push his cock in me until I’m tied. Then he stops and, he still squirting in me. I push him off, he turns around.were stuck ass to ass. I fall to my face with my ass in the air, Were stuck like that about 15 minutes. I could feel his cock starting to get small and he slips out of me. I get up in a pee position and all our cum dribbling out of my hole. I touch it with my both hands Grabbing some, tasting it and smelling it. My dog finishes himself first, then comes and cleans me off.

I pull my pants up. So wet with our cum. I get up on my feet my legs shaking, my dog watching my eyes. Smiling. I didn’t bother putting leash on him. I didn’t say anything. I move forward and lead the way back to the road. We got on the road and continue our way down the lake where there is a beach. I got in the water with my clothes on. My dig didn’t get in with me. Lucky it was summertime too.

After my little swim I got off the water took my clothes off and squeeze the water out, I’m naked standing around the beach but its a really a bushy area. My dog sniffing my ass and licking once in a while. He tries and jumps on me. But I had enough for one day. I put my clothes on and went back on the road. I put leash back on his collar and walked home.

This is my first story and a true story. I hope you enjoyed.

The End.

Go Bronco’s

“The Superbowl is OURS! GO BRONCO’s” Gemma shouted in her local bar holding high another Margarita.

The crowd around her cheered and toasted, wearing the orange and blue jerseys with numbers of their favorite players, many had caps on with the Bronco’s fierce stallion emblazoned it, and some wore T-shirts with the same emblem. The crowd and Gemma have been celebrating for hours now in the small bar in downtown Denver and were by this point hammered. Gemma suddenly had a hundred new friends as she partied with people she hardly knew, and they brought her drinks hoping they could get into the pretty blondes pants too. So by two am she could hardly walk, and as her binge drinking became too much for her small body to handle, she suddenly felt sick.

Gemma decided she needed some fresh air and left the bar to go outside for a moment, but the extreme nausea wouldn’t abate and her head started spinning too. Looking around, she spotted an alley and staggered wildly down it, coming to some stables. A local horse and carriage operator kept his horses stabled here, although she didn’t know that at the time. Gemma needed a place to vomit, and fast. The door is open and a light on inside, however, no one is inside except a couple of white horses. She staggers to the horses, clutching her stomach, when suddenly she trips and falls headfirst into a stall, wedging herself between the wooden fence on one side of the stall.

The motion makes her vomit as alcohol poisoning takes its toll on the nineteen-year-old girl. Eventually she passes out, draped through the fence like a blonde rag doll.

Inside the stall is an old white stallion named Duke who stood passively chewing hay as Gemma fell through his stall. Tonight is his night off, and as the smell of vomit filled the air as he grunted, huffed, and shifted uncomfortably. As Gemma lay still, he decides to investigate and sticks his nose toward her upturned ass and takes a sniff. He smells her sex, something he knows since a previous owner used to hire him out for sex with women.

The smell of her young pussy made him feel young again. He remembered the feeling of a tight human cunt wrapped around his big knob. He pushed his nose into her taking a big deep whiff. Her cunt intoxicated him. Using his nose, he nudged her short skirt up to expose her ass. Gemma didn’t have panties on. He nudged her legs apart so she’s perfectly presented to him and the sight of her exposed cunt makes him nicker excitedly. His huge cock already hanging low by this point, is stiffening.

Gemma’s puffy pale labia, cute clit, and tuft of blonde pubic hair above, drive him wild with lust. He jumps, as if a bronco himself, and lands with his front hooves resting on the fence, supporting his weight. Her tight cunt still seems unreachable to his hard cock. He snorts in frustration, and decides to inch his way forward with his back legs. It’s hard to see looking back as this girl is so small compared to Duke. When he feels the end of his flared knob touch her. He gently probes, rubbing his flanged knob over her cunt, wetting it with his leaking precum.
His powerful muscles tighten, and veins stick out under his white coat. Duke pushes, feeling her cunt resist at first, yet the force of his intentions wins and slowly he splices her cunt open and slips inside her tight wetness. Gemma groans and moves, but not enough to dislodge his massive knob. He waits a moment, filling her inside with his sticky, slimy precum to lubricate her. Gemma begins to grind on his cock.
She mumbles, “Yeah, baby, your cocks so big.”

The horse starts to thrust his hips, sliding his cock as far as it can go, feeling how tight she is around him. Duke loves it. He starts to hump harder and faster. Each ramming stroke of his huge cock making her cunt longer and longer, so more cock is swallowed with every thrust. The sound of squishing and slapping fill the room. Gemma moans loudly, her head is moving around uncontrollably. Dukes cock slides deeper and deeper into her body, he can feel the fence palings pushing against her stomach.

Gemma’s so drunk she doesn’t feel pain at this maddening stretching of her pussy, she only feels the pleasure of the friction and the fullness. Duke is snorting and nickering above her as his massive organ slides deeply inside her. Her grunts and groans turn him on, makes his cock even harder. He fucks her faster now, as he feels an orgasm building in his body. Something he hasn’t felt in years. His balls tingle as the swing in the air below him.

Gemma begins to shake and quiver all over, as a full-body orgasm takes hold. She grunts and moans unintelligible moans as her face flushes red. Duke feeling her cunt spasm all over his cock rams her even harder, driving her orgasm into overdrive. Her body twitches below him helpless and overpowered by his big stallion cock. He feels the pride only a mating stallion can feel when he has his mare at his mercy.

He pounds onward, feeling his age leave his body and remembering the pastures and mares of his youth. Gemma’s cunt continues to spasm as one orgasm drives into another, as the waves on the beach, crashing over her and engulfing her in extreme pleasure. Finally, he reaches the culmination of his lust, and with a whinny, he unloads gallons of his hot, thick cum deep inside her body.

Her little body isn’t designed to handle this much cum, and soon after he starts cumming, white semen gushes from around his cock engulfed by her pussy. Cum squeezes out under pressure and sprays her legs and the floor behind her. Duke sighs and snorts satiated, and takes a few steps back.
His giant cock softens quickly, and eventually it pops out of Gemma’s abused cunt, making more cum dribble out behind. He jumps off the fence and moves to the back of the stall. After a while, he falls asleep.


“Oh, fuck, another drunk,” Jamal says to himself as he arrives back at the stables.

He stands with hands on hips, staring at Gemma with a deep frown. Suddenly, she raises her head and sees him.

“Go Bronco’s,” Gemma shouts, and her head drops again as she passes out, drunk.

The End.


A Ruff Life

The fight had been terrible, screaming, throwing things, and even fists thrown in anger. Her husband was drunk, taking out his anger on her. She begged and cried, yet her weakness only seemed to make him even angrier. Her nose bleeds, lips are swollen, and big black eye is forming around her left eye. He called her a bitch, slut, and whore, anything else he could think of. His anger unleashed, out of control, wild, and blooming in its fullness. His last act of rage is to throw her out of the house and screaming she should never come back.

Alone in the dimly let suburban street, she see’s shadows in windows peeking at her, reveling in her suffering. Reaching for phones to call friends and tell them about the fight. About what she did, as no doubt they would’ve heard her husband scream it at her. She feels like an animal in the zoo. Hard eyes glaring and laughing at her strangeness, her otherness.

She’s not one of us, they thought. She’s damaged goods.

Her tears flow as she sobs, shivering in the cool night air.

Suddenly, a warm tongue licks her hand, and she sees her dog, a golden Labrador named ‘Ruff’, her only friend in the world. He whined, mourning her damage. She patted his head and he wagged his tail. She sighed deeply.

“It’s only us now,” she said softly. “Come on, let’s get outta here.”

She turns and leaves her home. The night wraps around her in a cool embrace, yet she feels comforted by it. The darkness hides her from the cold eyes of the judgmental, but also from herself. She feels freer, happier to be alone with her dog in the murkiness around her. Her life is murky, and her pain is real. Muscles ache as she limps through the nearby park, Ruff by her side.

Where shall I go, she wonders? Nobody will welcome me, Tom will see to that.

Tiredness overtakes her and she decides to rest in a nearby concrete pergola. Shivering now, as her body gets cooler. Her clothes are thin and OK for indoors where it’s heated. Not outdoors late at night.

Ruff snuggles close, trying to warm her. She cuddles him and he licks her neck and face. Her hand run over his furry back as she cuddles the only being in the world who loves her. Rubbing under his stomach, she bumps into his half-erect cock and gently she pulls at it and rubs it. The warm dick gets bigger in her hand. She moans, rubbing her face into his neck and listening to his deep panting.

This is why I got in trouble, she thought. My addiction to Ruff’s cock.

Memories of being caught with Ruff knotted deep in her cunt flashed through her mind. Her husband’s anger at her betrayal, boiling into rage.
She rolls onto her hands and knees, and pulls her dress over her head and off. Her nudity making her wet with anticipation. She pats her ass, her signal for Ruff to fuck her. Ruff doesn’t hesitate, and mounts her, wrapping his strong legs around her waist while humping at her. Reaching under, she grabs his hot cock and guides it into her cunt, moaning loudly as her thrust deep inside her.

“Fuck me, Ruff. Fuck me hard,” she whispered. “I need to feel loved.”

His thick cock slides into her making her stomach tighten, and her clit burn with desire. His panting grows heavier and deeper in her ear, interspersed with whines and groans. She rubs her clit between her fingers, feeling her love button stiffen, with her nipples. Breathing rapidly, she grinds her body back into her bestial lovers cock. Fingers start to pull and rub her hard nipples. Her body sways under the force of Ruff, taking her wet cunt as his, just as he has done for the last year.

“Oh, god, yes,” she moans. “Oh, Ruff, I’m your bitch. Fuck your bitch.”

Her legs feel wobbly, her head moves rapidly as the nuances of Ruff’s cock slide against the walls of her pussy, throbbing and pulsating, swishing and sloshing. Taking her mind to another place, a place her love for Ruff, and his love for her is normal. Two beautiful creatures sharing the most intimate of moments. When two become one, and when his flesh and her flesh merge into a single sexual force.

Her groans and his pants reverberate in the empty pergola, a primal sound as old as time. His thick red cock thrusting into her now sloppy cunt as fast as he could manage, stimulating himself so his knot will grow. As his cock thickens, he stretches her wider each time his growing knot enters her greedy pussy. The feeling made her whimper in delight as it pushed against her g-spot. Her body flushing and sweating as her heat grew.

“I’m gonna cum. Fuck me with your knot,” she moans loudly.

The knot getting bigger and bigger slaps in and out of her pussy lips with a wet sound, and each time Ruff drives it inside her she moans loudly. Eventually, his knot gets too big for her, and he can’t pull it free anymore as her body wraps around it, clenching on it, as if it’s the center of the universe. Her head shoots up and she groans and gurgles as her body starts to rattle and pulsate. The force of her orgasm fills her with unbearable heat, the worst of it inside her pussy. Her clit explodes in a rhythmic fury, send the shock waves to wash through her body. Her cunt squirts all over Ruff’s balls and back legs as it spasms on his huge knot.

Ruff has settled now and blinks rapidly as his thick meaty cock shoots his gooey dog cum inside her womb, making her stomach begin to bulge. The perfect union of a dog and woman, joined by love and lust, find peace in that moment. The turmoil of life ebbs away, and she finally relaxes as her orgasm abates. Ruff eventually dismounts and they lay ass to ass in the night, connected by flesh and soul. She falls asleep, feeling she can now make it.


In the morning she wakes, her bare back against the cool concrete wall and Ruff snuggled into her stomach as if a big doggy blanket keeping her warm. She smiles as she rubs his belly. He whines and thumps his tail on the floor in response. A new life awaits her now. A life for her and Ruff.

The End.



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