Abused Policewoman

By MercySlayer.

It had been a long shift, but Cindy was glad it was over. She had worked hard to join the police force and was moving quickly. She had dealt with the sexual bias of partners, including one sexual harassment charge. Cindy knew that she was attractive. At 5 feet 11 inches, her tall body was perfect for her 40D breasts.

It had always been said that she was “leggy” with near-perfect long, slender legs and a narrow waist. Even in a police uniform, she was stunning, and that had brought multiple unwelcome sexual advances from her peers. She finally chopped her long blond hair off short, and her constant rebuke of suitors led to a reputation that she was gay.

Cindy did not care. She knew she was not gay, she did not have time for a man in her life right now, and her pride would not allow her to be treated as a sexual object. She had a long relationship with a man who had been a fantastic and gentle lover, but he could not handle the long hours Cindy worked as a policewoman and broke it off.

Because of the controversy from the sexual harassment case, Cindy could not find a partner on the force, so she worked alone. She finally requested to be assigned to the evening shift. Getting off at 11 pm afforded her the isolation from the day shift and the luxury of sleeping late. She was now ending her shift, had two days off, and was looking forward to staying home and relaxing. The new police program allowing officers to take their cruisers home was a blessing as all Cindy had to do was sign out and drive home without returning to the station.

Cindy pushed the button on her microphone and told the dispatcher she was “off duty” and laughingly commented she would see everyone in two days. With that, Cindy turned down a side street to go home. As Cindy turned the police cruiser, she noticed movement at the end of an alley. She looked closely, and there appeared to be two young men stripping a parked car. Cindy thought to herself. This would not take long, and stopped the police cruiser.

As she got out, Cindy considered calling for backup but decided that she could handle this situation alone and proceeded down the alley toward the two young men.

The two young men were members of a gang called the Red Bloods. They had watched the same police cruiser with the policewoman turned down their street every night. The gang leadership had decided it was time to get the cruiser off their turf, and a trap had been laid. Now their prey unsuspectedly walked toward the two decoys. From the shadows, the other Red Bloods watched with anticipation. The leader licked his lips as he realized their prey was a tall, beautiful, blonde policewoman. They had known the cruiser contained a woman, but he had no idea how beautiful she was. Just a little further, and the trap would close.

Cindy approached the two men with her flashlight in one hand and service revolver in the other. She yelled her commands, identifying herself as the police and telling them to step away from the car. The two men were in their late teens, one Hispanic, one Black. Cindy could tell from the colors that they belonged to a gang, but she never suspected that more could be around. Cindy ordered the two against the wall and reached for her radio to call for assistance. She felt the blow to her head from behind, and everything went black as she fell to the floor.

The plan had worked perfectly. The leader of the Red Bloods, Jose, struck the policewoman with the bat before she could call for help. Other gang members drove the police cruiser out of site while Jose and the two that were the bait loaded her into an awaiting van. As the van drove away, Jose knew that they would have fun with this policewoman bitch, and as a bonus, she was built with big tits.

Within moments the van pulled into the old, abandoned warehouse, out of sight and far from people. Cindy was still out as her police uniform was stripped from her body. Jose gasped as he saw just how large her tits were behind the bra. He pulled the bra from Cindy’s body, freeing those beautiful mounds of flesh. Jose took in the long, thick nipples nestled on areolas the size of tin can lids. His cock jumped and strained at his pants as he thought about how he would use those tits.

The other gang members pulled her panties off and laughed at the huge amount of blonde pubic hair covering the woman’s cunt. Cindy had never trimmed that area, and now it was a source of amusement for the gang members. From her police belt, the gang members removed her club, handcuffs, and pepper spray. One gang member had found the taser under the cruiser’s seat and given it to Jose. Jose then ordered the gang members to hang Cindy up and prepare to wake her.

Cindy awoke startled by the cold water on her face. She was unsure where she was and shook her head to clear the cobwebs. As her eyes began to focus, she realized her predicament. Her arms were stretched above her head and handcuffed around a pipe. She was completely nude, and with her feet barely touching the floor, her posture caused her breast to jut out from her body. Her legs and been pulled wide and tied to two metal pillars in the warehouse.

Cindy hung like an upside-down “Y,” and the coldness of wherever she was made her nipples ache with hardness. Cindy looked around and realized that she was indeed in serious trouble. There were at least fifteen young men and six women standing around her. The men were a mixture of Hispanics and Blacks, and the women were all Hispanics. They all wore the colors of the Red Bloods. Cindy tested the bonds as one of the gang members approached her. She looked him straight in the eyes and ordered him to release her, adding that no charges would be pressed if they stopped now.

Jose just laughed, turned to his gang members, and announced that their “guest” was ready to be used. As he turned back around, Cindy saw her club in his hand. Cindy listened as Jose explained that she was going to “service” the gang members as their whore, then she would be used as a prostitute to help support the gang’s activities. Cindy defiantly informed the gang leader she would resist and would not cooperate in any way and threatened she would be looked for. Jose laughed, and Cindy watched in horror as in took the end of her club and began to rub her between her cunt lips. Cindy kept screaming to stop as Jose rubbed her clit with the club’s end.

He was tired of her screaming and ordered another gang member to gag her. Her panties that had been shoved into her mouth now muffled Cindy’s screams. Jose removed the club and inserted a finger into Cindy’s cunt announcing she had become wet and was now ready. With that, Cindy tried to jerk away as Jose pushed the club into her cunt about four inches and then began to slowly fuck her with it pushing it in another inch with each stroke. Cindy felt the club’s end against her womb, and the tears streamed down her face as she realized how helpless she was. Jose was content that the club would go no further into her cunt and stopped the cruel fucking leaving the club sticking out between Cindy’s legs and buried 12 inches inside her. Jose then ordered the other gang members to get Cindy ready.

Cindy began struggling again as the gang members swarmed around her. Two girls with scissors started to clip her cunt hair short against Cindy’s pubic bone.

As they clipped her cunt hair, another girl began to use a brush on Cindy’s hair, pulling and pinning it in various directions. Cindy felt cold liquid on her cunt and could look down long enough to see the shaving cream spread all along her cunt and cunt lips before the girl working on her hair jerked her head upward again. Cindy felt the razor’s edge as it removed all her cunt hair, and the girls shaved around the club protruding from her cunt.

One of the men then began to pull at her nipples with his fingers, pinching and twisting them, causing Cindy discomfort but no real pain. She felt her body betray her as her nipples became even harder with the abuse. Her cunt responded to the stimulation of being shaved, as evidenced by the flow of her cunt juices around the club. Cindy’s face was crimsoned with embarrassment because the only complaint her previous lover had expressed was the voluminous amount of juices flowing from her cunt, sometimes thoroughly soaking the bed. Cindy tried to shut the girls’ comments about the swelling of her cunt lips and the heavy flow of cunt juices running down the club and dripping onto the floor.

Cindy was jerked back to reality by the glint of silver she saw at her side. Cindy began to struggle against the handcuffs knocking down one of the girls shaving her cunt, and head butting the one messing with her hair. Cindy was trying to escape the large needle the gang member abusing her breast was now trying to push through her left nipple. He yelled Spanish to Jose, who ordered everyone to stand away from Cindy. Cindy shook her head violently as she saw the taser in Jose’s hand.

It was too late. The taser hooks hit their mark, one in each breast, and the voltage shook Cindy’s body and caused her to pass out. Jose removed the hooks from her breast and splashed water on her face to awaken Cindy. He informed Cindy if she struggled again, the pain would be worse and pointed the taser at her cunt. He asked Cindy if she understood, and she nodded.

Jose then motioned the gang member to continue, and Cindy wailed against her panties as he pushed the needle first through her left nipple, then the right, and quickly inserted large gold rings. Cindy looked down at her nipples, hard and pierced, and realized that the gold rings would keep them hard.

The gang members abusing her breast and brushing her hair moved away, and two more replaced them. One held her head in place while another applied makeup. Cindy knew they were fixing her to look like a whore, but she also knew they could not make her prostitute herself.

The female gang members shaving her cunt had finished and had now moved to her ass. One pulled her ass cheeks apart while the other applied cream to the remaining portion of her cunt and her ass and began to shave those areas. Cindy saw a female gang member looking at a tank top tee-shirt, and short leather skirt Cindy assumed were for her to wear in the distance. She was resolved not to let them dress her.

Finally, all the gang members were through with her. Cindy still hung in the upside-down “Y” position, but now her hair was spiked, and her face had heavy makeup with red lipstick, thick blue eye shadow, and dangling silver earrings. Her breast heaved as she breathed, and she could see the two gold rings through her nipples. The pain of the piercing now subsided, but the nipples were still hard. Her cunt and ass were completely bald and smooth, and the club still lodged deep in her cunt was soaked with her juices, and a puddle had formed on the floor. Jose walked up to her and informed Cindy that he would take his pleasure for free, but then she would become their prostitute.

Cindy just looked at him definitely as he walked behind her. She turned her head to try and see what was happening and renewed her struggles as Jose unzipped his pants, and his 10-inch erection jutted outward at her ass.

Jose ordered two gang members to hold her as he ran his hand over the club and transferred Cindy’s cunt juices to his cock. Cindy tried in vain to move away as Jose pulled her ass cheeks apart, exposing the bud of her asshole. Cindy had never allowed anyone access to that most private area, and now she was nearly panicked as she realized that Jose intended to fuck her there. Cindy looked around frantically, trying to discern an escape from this sexual abuse.

She could not believe he would leave the club buried in her cunt while he tried to fuck her ass. Cindy could not comprehend how this would happen until she felt the head of Jose’s cock at the entrance of her ass. She screamed, struggled, and tried to move away as the head of Jose’s cock passed through her tight anal ring and began to slip easily into her ass.

Cindy suddenly held very still. Afraid her struggles would produce permanent damage as Jose pushed all 10 inches deep into Cindy’s ass. As his hard cock slid through her rectum and into her biles, Jose could feel the club between the thin tissue separating Cindy’s ass from her cunt. Once deep inside her, Jose announced to the group how “tight” Cindy’s ass was and that it would take some work.

With that, Jose began a rapid, brutal assault on Cindy’s ass, driving his cock in and out like a piston. Cindy’s body jerked against its bonds, and Jose violently fucked her ass so that within minutes Cindy felt his cock grow and then the warmness of his sperm deep in her intestines. Cindy’s spirit was damaged but not broken. Cindy knew she could be raped but would never submit to prostitution.

Jose removed his cock with a “pop,” and trickles of his sperm leaked from Cindy’s ass. He moved to the front and abruptly pulled the club from her cunt. Cindy just stared at him as he removed the gag. Jose held his taser in one hand and told Cindy not to speak. He signaled to the others, and two gang members pried Cindy’s mouth open and placed a block of wood between her teeth in the back, effectively keeping her mouth wide open.

Jose then placed a flexible hose into Cindy’s mouth and pushed it into her throat. Cindy gagged violently as the hose passed her esophagus and down toward her stomach. When Jose was content that it was where it needed to be, he showed Cindy a small, circular electronic device, then placed the device into the tube and forced it into Cindy’s stomach. Jose explained that the device would help him control Cindy. As soon as he was finished, the hose and blocks were removed, and Cindy was released from her bonds.

Cindy looked around and began to chastise Jose and tell him how many laws he had broken and how much prison time he would get as she tried to cover her cunt and breast against the stares of the other gang members. Jose laughed, took a box from his pocket, and turned a dial. Cindy doubled over in pain, her bowels released their contents onto the floor, and her bladder opened up, all from the pain. Cindy fell onto the floor into her urine and feces, trying to escape the intense abdominal pain.

Finally, it stopped. Cindy lay still, panting, naked, looking at Jose. Jose ordered her to stand up. When Cindy hesitated, he turned the knob on the box again, producing similar results. Cindy jerked and twitched as the feces poured from her ass and urine soaked the floor. Her lower body was covered in her waste filth when Jose turned the knob to zero again. He causally ordered Cindy to stand up. Cindy struggled to her feet, anything to avoid the pain. He then ordered Cindy to a sink and told her to clean up but not to mess up her hair or makeup. While Cindy cleaned up, he told the paying gang members to strip and be ready.

When Cindy was done, Jose explained that six males and two female gang members had paid to have sex with her. Cindy would willingly service them as they described, or he would turn the knob again. Jose explained he had only taken the knob to “one” and that it had ten settings. With that, he instructed the first gang member to retrieve Cindy and go to a secluded corner where a mattress was thrown onto the concrete floor.

Cindy began to cry and was torn between actually, willingly fucking this gang member or the pain in her abdomen. She pulled against the member leading her and immediately found herself on the floor with intense pain in her stomach. Nothing was left in her bladder or bowels, so thankfully, she did not soil herself again.

When the pain stopped, Jose warned her she was to do whatever she was told to do without hesitation, or the pain would return. Cindy followed the gang member who told her he had paid $50.00 for a blowjob, dropped his pants, and pushed Cindy to her knees. Cindy glanced over her shoulder at Jose, whose hand was on the dial of the box and took the gang member’s gamy cock into her mouth, and began to administer the best blow job she could muster. She decided to make them all cum quickly so her ordeal would be over soon.

As she ran her tongue across the head of his dick, she groaned as he grabbed the rings in her nipples and pulled her breast out. Her strategy worked; within seconds, he squirted the back of her throat with her seed. Cindy coughed and pulled her head away to spit the cum from her mouth and felt just a momentary tingle of pain from the box. No instruction was needed as Cindy realized she was to swallow.

The rest of the night, Cindy took the initiative with the other gang members. Those that had paid to fuck her cunt would lie on the mattress, and Cindy would climb on top and bounce up and down on their hard cocks until they came. Those that paid for her ass, she would kneel on all fours and push her ass onto their cocks, rocking back and forth. Most would cum within 3 or 4 minutes. They mauled her large breast, biting her nipples or pulling the gold rings. Cindy was thankful that her abuse was so quick with each one.

The women were more difficult as Cindy had never been with a woman. They each laid on their backs, spread their legs, and held their cunt lips open while Cindy licked them. The first woman took longer than Cindy thought she could endure, but she realized a technique. The second woman, Cindy, licked her clit to erection and gently sucked it, causing the woman to climax within minutes. Cindy became an expert whore, dispensing with 8 “john” gang members in less than an hour.

After Cindy had fucked the last gang member with her ass, she lay passively on the mattress as Jose approached her. Cindy could feel the cum leaking from her ass and cunt onto the mattress. Jose looked at her with lust in his eyes. He then turned the knob to three and laughed as Cindy doubled over and crawled toward him, trying to reach for the box. Cindy felt beads of sweat cover her body from the pain, and her stomach contracted violently while Jose just laughed.

Finally, Jose turned the knob to zero, and Cindy collapsed, barely conscious. Jose explained that Cindy would work the streets the remainder of the night. He told her that she would bring the customers to the warehouse, they would pay him, and she would fuck at least ten an hour or feel the pain. Jose also reminded Cindy she would be watched, and the range of his device was indefinite in case she had thoughts of running.

As a reward, Jose told Cindy once she made $5,000.00, he would let her go. After the instructions, Cindy was allowed to wash off. One of the female gang members gave her the tank top t-shirt and red leather mini-skirt to put on. After Cindy was dressed, she looked like the gang wanted her to, a whore. Her hard nipples strained against the tank top that was two sizes too small, and the skirt barely covered her naked ass and cunt. Cindy sighed, resolved to her fate as Jose led her out of the warehouse and onto a street corner.

Within minutes, she began work, selling her cunt and ass like a common whore. The men flocked to the tall, leggy blonde, and Cindy lost count after twenty the number of men who had fucked her. Jose took the money and charged hundred dollars for her cunt, and 150 for her ass. Cindy was not even allowed to remove her clothes. The john pushed the top up and the skirt out of the way to access her tits, cunt, and ass. Cindy thought she could be humiliated no more until five fraternity brothers wanted her at once, and Jose cut them a deal of 500 dollars.

The first one lay on his back with his cock sticking straight up, and Cindy mounted him. She was then pushed over as he held the rings in her nipples while a second one pushed her skirt over her ass and plunged his cock deep into her ass. Cindy did not mind the ass-fucking anymore because it had been used so much, but the experience of two cocks simultaneously made her groan with pain. Impaled in her ass and cunt, the third now shoved his cock into her mouth while her hands were wrapped around the two cocks left.

Once in place, they began to fuck Cindy in rhythm, making her body bounce from side to side as her ass, cunt, and mouth pounded, and she tried to jack off the two on each side. As the one in her ass announced he was cumming, the others joined in, and soon Cindy felt their seeds in her throat, deep in her intestines, and her cunt. The two with the hand-jobs just sprayed the sides of her tits. Her final humiliation was the photo of the experience Jose took as they finished before they removed their softening cocks from Cindy’s body.

As the five fraternity brothers left, Jose announced Cindy was a thousand dollars short, but the photo had given him an idea. He sent two gang members away and ordered Cindy to clean up again. Cindy had no resistance left and resolved herself to being a whore. She cleaned up the best she could just as the gang members returned with a large German Shepard and a video camera. Jose ordered her to fuck the dog. Cindy adamantly refused to forget the pain until the first jolt shot through her stomach.

Jose kept asking her if she would fuck the dog. Cindy would shake her head “No” through the pain as Jose turned the dial higher. Finally, Cindy could stand the pain no longer and agreed to fuck the dog. Jose was not satisfied with that answer and wanted Cindy to beg. After only a few more minutes, Cindy could not endure the pain and began begging to fuck the dog. Jose turned the video camera on and stopped the pain while Cindy lay on the floor, begging to fuck the dog.

The German Shepard came to Cindy, who took her hand and began to stroke the dog’s cock. The dog’s cock immediately jutted out from its sheath, long, bright red, and shiny. He was excited as Cindy turned around and presented her well-fucked cunt and ass.

The dog knew immediately what to do as he placed his paws on her shoulders and began stabbing at her cunt. Finally, he hit the mark, and Cindy wept at her total degradation. The dog jammed into her cunt, and Cindy suddenly felt the swelling on his knot and tried to crawl away while he continued to push forward. Finally, the knot slipped into Cindy’s cunt, and she screamed and shook her head from side to side as the dog fuck her hard.

The dog’s knot filled her more than even the double impalement, and as the dog continued to pound Cindy, she could feel her final betrayal as the first tinge of an orgasm began. Cindy shouted out her refusal and tried to get the dog to stop. But when she felt his cock enlarge and start shooting dog cum against her womb, Cindy could no longer hold back, and orgasm began. She groaned and grunted, thrusting herself back against the dog’s dick, getting into his rhythm as she fucked herself, willingly, not wanting the dog to stop. Her orgasm lasted for several minutes after the dog lost interest, but the knot sustained Cindy’s orgasm until she collapsed with the dog stuck inside her, pulling at her cunt lips to dislodge himself. Jose laughed; he had caught the entire scene on video.

After Cindy awoke, Jose showed her the videotape and informed her that copies would be sent to her precinct and family if she did not return every weekend and assume her role as the Red Bloods’ whore. Cindy was given her police uniform back and allowed to dress, but Jose had instructed her not to remove the rings from her nipples and to keep her cunt shaved. After Cindy had dressed, she was taken to her cruiser.

It was morning; Cindy drove home and immediately went to the shower and washed for over an hour, trying to decide what she should do. After her shower, she lay naked on her bed, stroking her cunt and feeling the wetness as she thought about the following weekend.


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean the narrative/plot flaws in a story are fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech.

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