How I Became A Zoo Girl

By gerry36_98.

To fill you in a little bit about myself. My name is Gabby, and I am 18 years old. I grew up with an older stepbrother, Edward, who is 22 years old. We were always close when we were growing up. Close enough that he was always there for me. He always looked out for me, ensuring I always cared for him. For most of our lives, we were always together. Our parents worked a lot, so Edward and I had to care for ourselves when they were gone. As time went on, we became sexual. Petting at first led to more and more. Before long, we were having sex regularly. Edward used to come into my room and have me take my clothes off, give him blowjobs till he would get hard, and then lay on my stomach and fuck me from behind. As time passed, we became more adventurous and would have sex many times a day in all different positions.

I remember times when he would tie me up and use me for his pleasure throughout the day. I would get so horny knowing he would be in my room after my parents left for work to give me the sex I desperately needed and became accustomed to having. We had a male husky named Wrath that would follow Edward wherever he went. When Edward would fuck me, Wrath was always there. I felt strange having sex in front of him but got used to it after time. When Edward was done with me, he would leave my room, and Wrath would follow him. I always thought it was strange that Wrath was always with him.

One day after Edward had finished fucking me, he had left my room with Wrath. After I put a robe on, I walked to the bathroom and past Edward’s room and heard strange noises coming from his room. Wondering what was going on, I walked to his door and listened to what was going on. I heard Edward whispering to Wrath, saying he was a good boy. Not thinking much of it, I opened his door and looked in. I was shocked to see Edward on the floor on his hands and knees with Wrath on top of him, dancing on his hind legs.

As I was looking in, I saw Wrath trying to lift a leg up over Edward, and that’s when I saw that Wrath had his cock buried in my brother’s ass. Edward didn’t know I was there, so I watched as our dog lifted his leg over him and turned where he was ass to ass with my brother. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I knew what was happening because I had seen Wrath fuck many female dogs in our area and learned about how dogs tie, but I never thought I would see what was happening in front of me. Our dog was breeding my brother.

I was shocked at what I was seeing. I closed the door and walked to the bathroom to take a shower. As I was showering, I kept thinking about what I had just seen. When I was finished, I went back to my room and was getting dressed when my brother opened my door and asked me what I was doing looking in his room. I told him I had heard noises and looked in to see what they were. He asked me what I had seen. I told him what I saw, and he acted like he was mad but didn’t say anything. He walked over to me, hugged me, and whispered in my ear that he wanted me to breed with our dog. I looked at him and told him I couldn’t do it. He gave me an angry look and turned and started walking out the door, mumbling that I was a little bitch.

The rest of the day, he wouldn’t talk to me. When I got up the next morning, I was starting to get dressed when Edward opened my door and asked where I was going. I looked at him, and he had an upset face. I told him I had errands to run. I turned towards my bed to put my skirt on when Edward came up behind me and pushed me on the bed. He held me down, lifted my skirt, pulled my thong to the side, and shoved two fingers deep in me. He was being very forceful with me and had never been this way to me. He said he hated me and that I was nothing but a little bitch. I was starting to get nervous and was getting tears in my eyes because of the way he was pounding me with his fingers.

He was being forceful. He pulled his fingers out of me and held his hand on my back, keeping me from getting up, and I felt his cock at my vaginal entrance. He shoved his cock in me and told me to take it like a good slut. He started telling me he wanted to see me get bred by our dog. I was telling him I couldn’t do it. Every time I told him no, he started pounding me harder and harder, saying he hated me and that I was worthless. He fucked me so hard that I wasn’t sure how much more I could take.

Finally, he shot his load in me and pounded until he was finished and pulled it out of me, pulled his pants up, and told Wrath to come with him. He told Wrath I was no good anymore and I was worthless.

This went on for days. He takin what he wanted from me and left me feeling useless. He would fuck me telling me how horny it makes him think about our dog fucking me. I was always thinking about the time I saw him being mounted by our dog and was starting to get excited when I would think about it. As a few more days passed and feeling bad about myself, I decided that maybe I should try it.

The following day, I was drinking my coffee in my room. I decide not to put clothes on except for a red thong and a red bra under my robe. As I sat and waited for Edward to make his morning visit my room, I noticed Wrath had walked into my room without Edward. I thought this was strange since those two were always together. As I sat there thinking about going through with this. I noticed Wrath giving me a funny look. I see his pink cock sticking out of his sheath about an inch, and he seems to be panting harder than usual.

I got up, walked over, and leaned down to pet him. He must have smelled my scent because he started trying to put his nose in my crotch. He kept trying to lick at me. I must admit that I love having my pussy licked and would get so wet when Edward licked me. I decided to open my legs a bit and let him get a little closer. He gave me a quick lick on my pussy through my thong as soon as I opened my legs. It sent shivers up me as I had never had before. As I opened a little farther, he started licking a bit faster now, and it was feeling fantastic.

I stood up, went over to the edge of the bed, opened my legs, and pulled my thong to the side to expose my pussy to him. I noticed I was soaked. Wrath came over to me and started in again on my pussy. He was licking fast and hard, bringing me to an orgasm. My first with a dog. He must have liked my taste as he started digging his tongue into me. I could feel his tongue going inside me, and I lost control.

I started quivering, and my body started shaking as I started coming again. I kept telling myself this was wrong, but my body was telling me differently. Wrath made me cum three more times when I noticed Edward was standing in my doorway.

He walked in, closed the door, came up to me, and whispered that he had been watching since my first orgasm. He told me he had jacked Wrath off but wouldn’t let him cum before Wrath came into my room. Edward started rubbing my body like he used to and told me he loved me, and he had been acting the way he had because he knew that I would love it if I tried it. All this time, Wrath was going to town on my pussy, bringing me to another orgasm.

I was getting so hot that I knew I needed fucked or I was going to go insane. Edward had me get on my hands and knees and explained to me what to expect. I was so horny that I knew I needed this. Once Edward had me in position, Wrath came up behind me and started his onslaught of my pussy again. He was getting in me deep from this position, and I noticed I was pushing back on his tongue to get him deeper.

I was cumming so hard that I couldn’t stop. Edward was rubbing my tits and had my nipples so hard that I thought they would explode. I felt Wrath stop licking and was begging for him not to stop. Edward reached back and patted my ass, and that’s when I felt the weight on my back. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I felt him poking towards my pussy and ass, causing pain when he was missing his mark. Then I felt him hit the opening of my cunt.

A few more jabs, and he was inside me. My eyes widened when I felt him thrust into me. He grabbed me by the hips and started pounding into me with such fast thrusts that I wasn’t sure if I was going to b able to hold myself up. Edward came in front of me and held his cock in front of my mouth. I opened my mouth and started devouring him. Wrath was humping hard now, pushing me with each deep thrust making me swallow more and more of Edward’s cock. I could hear my wetness as Wrath was breeding me like a bitch in heat.

I started feeling him swelling and the knot going in and out of me. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I knew I was getting fucked from both ends as I have never been. I was cumming non-stop, moaning, and screaming with Edward’s cock in my mouth. Wrath lunged hard forward suddenly, and I felt my cunt stretch like never before.

I knew he had just buried his knot in me. I could feel his cock trying to get in my cervix to feed me his seed and breed his bitch well. He kept swelling and swelling, so he couldn’t pull free. I could feel him pumping cum in me, splashing off the walls of my pussy. I looked up at Edward, knowing he was getting ready to cum. He tilted his head back, grunted, and started filling my mouth with cum. I couldn’t take it all, and it was running out of the side of my mouth while he was still pumping cum in my throat. Wrath locked his knot in me and filled my pussy with his cum. He was dancing on his hind legs and trying to lift one leg over me.

He was finally able to get it over me and turn in me. We were ass to ass, and he was still pumping cum in me. I came three more times as he filled me, and I looked down at my pussy and saw my cum and his leaking out of me. Edward saw this, got under me, and started licking my clit and licking our cum that was leaking from me. We stayed in this position for close to 15 minutes till Wrath’s knot shrank, and he pulled it out with a plop, and cum started flowing. Edward stayed under me and licked me clean. After he had finished, he got out from under me. I could hardly move. Edward helped me to the bed, laid me down, covered me up, and told me to rest once I had rested, he would put me in the shower and clean me up. He kissed me and told me he loved me and that he would always be here for me.

I became addicted to dog sex and was so happy that Edward introduced me to it. We now have sex with Wrath constantly, and I never can get enough. Once you try it, you have to have more!


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean the narrative/plot flaws in a story are fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech.

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