Canine Therapy 5

By Chilean Gold.

Read Part 1 here.
Read Part 2 here.
Read Part 3 here.
Read Part 4 here.


Part 5…

Amy MacDonald lay in bed snuggled against her teddy and felt odd. She could still hear Aria’s laughter from outside her room, having just caught the girl grinding frantically against her plush dog to a loud and desperate orgasm. Amy cursed herself for not locking the door but was too horny to think about it then. From her erotic fantasies to her reinforcement exercises earlier that day in therapy, she was surprised she even made it to her room before getting off. Dr. Conseil had given her the plush toy of a large rottweiler, complete with black and brown fur, for masturbation reinforcement.

It had even been scented to smell like the real thing, to Amy’s distaste and arousal. In her afterglow, Amy couldn’t help but squeeze tighter and bury her head into the soft, scented fur, the smell of canine musk drifting deep into her nostrils. It made her feel a bit queasy; she had always disliked the smell of dogs. She had been advised to keep up with reinforcement exercises to keep her libido under control, which involved frequent contact with the plush toy in her arms. She pulled her nose from the fur and breathed in, allowing herself some fresh air. It was sickly, but the smell gave her tingles. She felt appalled with herself and threw the toy across the room in frustration. She felt restless and exhausted but eventually drifted into an uncomfortable sleep.

~‘I don’t fear dogs. I fear my lust for dogs.’

~‘My lust for canines should be explored and encouraged.’

~‘A dog’s cock is an aphrodisiac to me.’

These words floated in Amy’s mind as she slept. Amy dreamed she was walking through an abandoned alleyway in the dark of night before being halted by a gang of mutts, unsheathed and erect. They closed in, sniffing under the poor girl’s dress, trying as she might to keep their snouts away.

Amy woke up feeling groggy and confused. Her eyes focused on her toy, which sat lopsided against the opposite wall.

“Good morning, Teddy,” the girl mumbled.

She remembered the playtime she had the previous evening and cursed herself. In the heat of the moment, Amy could ignore her revulsion. So far, therapy has helped her to ignore her moral attitude to bestiality somewhat. However, it still felt wrong in the aftermath. At least she didn’t feel overly horny as she had done the previous week, so perhaps Teddy was doing his job in keeping Amy’s lust under control. Despite the queasiness, she felt in her stomach, her sex responded entirely differently to the toy.

She felt herself come over with a familiar lustful pang. She stepped out from her covers to retrieve her playmate before diving back into her warm duvet. Under the covers, Amy pulled herself over the toy, straddling it between her legs, and began grinding against the plush. Her mattress squeaked in rhythm with her hips, and the girl arched over, sinking her head into Teddy’s fur to take in that horrid canine musk.

“Like that, just like that,” she murmured into Teddy’s ear. “I want it so bad. Give me that…doggy cock,” she whimpered between humps, almost too afraid to say it.

The words felt like lightning on her lips, and she moved faster. She ground her pussy against the fur, the individual hairs sifting between each fold on her lips and tickling her clit. She pretended she was one of those girls from the many videos she had watched, trying to squeeze as much cum out of her canine mate. Soon she was cumming; her body stiffened as she squirted against the soft fur, dampening it with her juices. Her mattress creaked beneath her shuddering frame as pleasure waved through her.

As much as she tried to hold back, Amy couldn’t help but moan as she came; her entire body wrapped tightly against the stuffed toy. Her orgasm eventually subsided, and Amy felt her body relaxing against the plush and a newfound shame sweep over her. From her previous masturbation sessions, she had been learning to move through the doubt and ignore her feelings of shame. Still, the toy and the scent became too much as her morality returned.

Amy threw Teddy across the room again. Acting out such bestial fantasies, even with a toy, felt wrong. But she enjoyed doing it, at least on a purely physical level. It helped her to feel more in control. She buried herself under her blanket, conflicted and not wanting to do anything. Unfortunately, as much as she would like to stay in bed, Amy had to get up. She needed to attend her gymnastics training session, so the girl showered before putting on her leotard. She then wore her tracksuit on top, the neck of her tracksuit top barely touching her collar and leaving it exposed.

Amy was starving. Being in such a rush to get off last night, she missed eating dinner and needed a nutritious breakfast. She stepped into the kitchen only to see Aria in a robe, sitting at the kitchen table with a knowing smile hidden behind a cup of coffee.

“Sounds like you were having fun this morning,” Aria teased.

Amy wasn’t amused and felt her face go a tad pink. Given the show she put on last night, it was no use trying to pretend the moaning sounds were anything other than her orgasm.

“Oh, S-sorry about that,” she mumbled. “I’ll try not to be so loud next time.”

“Next time? You really are a bitch in heat,” she joked, enjoying the girl’s humiliation.

“I don’t have time for your jokes, Aria,” replied Amy, trying to redirect the conversation, “I somehow need to cook breakfast and get to my training in twenty minutes,” she said, pulling out a small bowl from her cupboard and two eggs.

“Cook? Just take one of my breakfast bars. Super healthy for lots of energy.”

Aria stepped to her cupboard and pulled out a clear plastic package with two biscuits inside. Amy looked at Aria suspiciously but didn’t have the time to question her generosity.

“Um, thank you, Aria,” she said, cautiously taking the biscuits and pocketing them. “I’ll have to eat them on the bus,” she said, noticing how little time she had from the wall clock.

Aria waved goodbye, smiling as Amy stepped out, leaving the house through the backdoor as usual. The brunette’s smile became full with the coast clear as she snickered into her coffee.

“Enjoy those dog biscuits, you gullible bitch,” she giggled, taking a satisfied sip.


Amy made her way to the bus stop, ignoring the stares people made at her dog collar as she passed. It was still embarrassing for her to wear it in public, and being seen like this made her blush. Still, she persevered, hoping they would eventually get bored and ignore her. She couldn’t wait to get this thing off of her neck. Once on the bus, she pulled out the so-called ‘breakfast bar’ Aria had gifted her. Amy had never spent much time around dogs, so she had never seen a dog biscuit up close.

‘Perhaps she isn’t so bad,’ Amy thought, opening the packet. Amy’s brow furrowed. It was like no breakfast bar she’d ever had before. Picking one out, she could feel the texture of the biscuit and how much tougher it felt than a regular oat bar. Perhaps this one was from Italy? It was pale, and the smell was oddly savory. Her stomach rumbled. Since last night, all her playtime with Teddy had burned up much energy, and Amy was getting painfully hungry. She looked at the biscuit in her hand. Perhaps it tasted better than it looked. Breaking the dry biscuit between her teeth, she chewed it slowly.

‘Ugh, it tastes awful! Does Aria eat these every day?’ she thought, her face contorting with disgust. Amy continued chewing the biscuit into a bitter mush before forcing it down her throat with a gulp. Her stomach rumbled again; it wasn’t enough. She lifted the biscuit to her mouth and took a larger bite, focusing on chewing and swallowing rather than the taste, though it was hard to ignore.

She finished the biscuit with another bite, then moved on to the remaining biscuit still in the packet; the mushy, savory paste sticking to her teeth as she chewed. After finishing, Amy took a swig from her water bottle, which didn’t remove the unpleasant aftertaste in her mouth. At least she wasn’t so hungry anymore. Once the bus stopped at the campus, she went to the gymnasium.


After a few hours, she had completed another gymnastics session with Coach, which went surprisingly better than last week. Regular practice helped her get back into her rhythm, and her plush-aided masturbation sessions had simmered down her sexual fantasies just enough to allow her to focus much more compared to a few days prior. Her balance beam routine was solid, her timing was on point, and she only faltered slightly on her landings. By the end of the session, Coach gave her a round of applause.

“Kid,” he said, patting her shoulder, “That was wonderful! I had doubts about your performance last week, but you’re beginning to show the improvement that will impress the gymnastics board.”

Amy beamed with relief at his approval. “Thanks, Coach. I was having trouble focusing, but the therapy’s been really…helpful,” she replied.

“Good to hear. I take it the, erm, the necklace is a part of it?” the coach asked sheepishly.

Amy froze for a second. It was, but she didn’t want to ask further questions about her therapy. “It’s for charity,” she blurted out, not knowing what else to say.

“Oh,” replied the coach, sounding as surprised as Amy was. “I thought you were scared of dogs?”

“I am. I just thought it would be good to…push myself. You know, try new things, test my boundaries. Plus, it’s for a good cause, so I was interested,” Amy lied.

Coach nodded. “Well, that’s fantastic. What’s the charity for?” he asked.


“Yeah, you know, what’s it called? What does it do?” he continued.

‘Oh no,’ she thought. Amy was not a good liar. “It’s the Society for the Ethical Treatment of Dog Cocks,” she said.

“Say again?” he asked, perplexed.

‘Fuck, what am I saying,’ she thought, panicking internally. These past few weeks of mental conditioning and masturbation therapy had Amy thinking about bestiality more often. Lying was already difficult for her, but talking about her collar while avoiding the topic of therapy or bestiality was too much, and the words just slipped out.

“Err… Locks…” Amy corrected. “Ethical treatment of Dog Locks. That’s what it is! It… I mean… We stand against abused dogs being locked in cages or kennels. They get deprived of sunlight and much-needed social interaction. It’s really, really awful! And that’s what the collar is for, to show my support for the cause. We vow to wear a collar to convey that animal cruelty is wrong,” Amy said, blushing quite hard.

Coach Matthews stared at her quizzically for a few long seconds. “Heh, always putting in the extra effort, eh?” he said, patting her shoulder as his expression relaxed. Amy just smiled, not believing her lie had worked. “So, how much have you raised?”

“Oh, um, something close to…one thousand pounds?” Amy lied, considering putting her foot in her mouth.

“Impressive! I’ll let the gymnastics board know. They favor students with extra-curricular activities like charity work. It helps with the team image and all.” Coach brought his head down to hers and said, “And between you and me, it would help to score some brownie points ahead of the review period.”

“Really?” she asked, lighting up. “Maybe you shouldn’t tell them about the charity work. Wouldn’t it be better for me to earn my place with my gymnastic ability?”

“Amy, I know you’ve got skills, but you need all the help you can get. Our Brunnicks University gymnastics team has a reputation for creating future Olympians. We have some of the highest standards in the world. Students from all over fight for a chance to be on our team.”

Both of his hands were on her shoulders now, and Coach was looking her directly in the eye. He then said, “I see a future Olympian in you. I really do. But, even training every day like we’re doing already, you’ll only be meeting the minimum requirements of ability that the board expects. I’m doing what I can to keep your spot, but if you’re less than perfect, the board will drop you from the team. Do you understand? They’re already unhappy with you missing so much training, and your charity work can be the boost you need to keep you here.”

Amy was dumbfounded. She wasn’t expecting any of this from such a small lie. “I don’t know what to say,” she replied.

“You don’t need to say anything. Just bring in a list of your donors and their contributions tomorrow, and I’ll put in a word with the board. They’ll eat it up.” he said.

“I don’t think I can get that prepared for tomorrow,” she replied.

“Fine, just bring it in before the review period so I can pass it onto the board. That gives you about two weeks.” He said. Amy sighed with some relief.

“Thanks, Coach. I won’t let you down,” she replied, picking up her bag and shutting her mouth before getting in too deep.

She knew she needed that little bit more to impress the reviewing board, but how would she come up with a list of donors worth over a thousand pounds in under two weeks?

“Good to hear. Oh, and while you’re at it, take this as well,” Coach Matthew’s said, handing her a mint. “No easy way to say it, Amy. You’ve got dog breath.”

“Oh?” Amy said, regretting those damn biscuits even more. “Thanks, Coach.”

She popped the mint into her mouth and made her way home.


Once back home, Amy found Aria and asked her how she could stand to eat those biscuits every morning for breakfast, only to be met with laughter from the Italian. Once her laughter subsided, she put on a face of remorse.

“That’s such a shame you don’t like them, but I have plenty more if you change your mind. They’re in the cupboard in the clear container, help yourself,” Aria said before returning to bed.

Amy wasn’t keen to take her up on the offer and went to the kitchen for a real meal.


The rest of her week went by normally, or as normal as Amy could hope for. Though her thoughts were preoccupied a lot by dogs and their knotted cocks, her fantasies around dogs were much more manageable than last week. She had Teddy to thank for that. As the doctor said, simulating real canine sex with a toy was much more efficient in keeping her mind clear. It seemed to appease her anxiety and release the pent-up fantasies from her mind for a short time. The only problem was that the smell made her feel nauseous, and she felt a revulsion with herself shortly after her orgasm.

She would masturbate twice a day, Once in the morning to keep herself mentally sound during classes and training and once at night before bed so she could rest peacefully. She still found the smell of the plushie unpleasant, that unmistakable smell of a dog. Still, it was becoming near impossible for her to masturbate without it. Anytime she would use her fingers, she found herself having a weak orgasm, if any, only to be swept up into another stronger haze of lust a few hours later.

Just fantasizing about dogs on its own was losing effect. Each morning and night, she would straddle her toy, grind her nude, collared body against the plush pooch, and fail to hold back her moans as she came. She would often squirt when she did, leaving a mess for her to clean up afterward, which was a bit of a pain. Her orgasms were noticeably better with Teddy; something about the taboo nature of the act drove her wild and left her with tingles.

The fur on her skin, dog musk in her nostrils, was a step closer to the real thing, and Amy found herself reveling in it. The scent of dog fur was becoming linked to strong orgasms in Amy’s mind, and while the smell wasn’t any more pleasant, she found herself more aroused by it as the days went on.

It was now Thursday night, and Amy knew that tomorrow she would be meeting Nicola and, more worryingly, her dog. She had made some progress, but being in a room with a dog terrified her. She hadn’t been near one since the attack and was nervous. Her left arm was still scarred with teeth marks from her bite, and the idea of willfully getting that close to an animal frightened her. Amy couldn’t help but think about tomorrow and feel the need to relieve her anxiety.

She fiddled with her pajamas, stripping down to her black leather collar, reminding her to identify with her physical lust for dogs. It wasn’t as uncomfortable as it used to be on her neck. Once again, she pulled Teddy’s large, fluffy body onto her bed and rolled over him until she was on top. She could feel herself heating up as she wrapped her legs around his waist and rocked herself into his fur.

“You’re such a good dog, Teddy. You’re quiet, and you don’t growl or bite. You’re not like the real thing, though,” she whispered, leaning closely into the dog’s ear. “I know it’s wrong, but I can’t help it. You smell like a nasty, awful dog…and it makes me so wet. Maybe my pussy’s broken. I’m completely wrong in the head because I spend all day thinking about dogs and the red, swollen cocks between their legs. But I feel better with you, Teddy. You make me cum better than my hand, and after we play, it’s like the fog in my mind clears away, and I become myself again.”

Amy leaned in to inhale a deep sniff from his neck and tried to imagine how a real dog would feel up against her like this. Her hips built a tempo, grinding faster to an approaching orgasm.

“Good boy, good boy,” she whispered between her moans. “Good… Oooooo,” she spasmed as her orgasm took her.

Wave after wave of pleasure flowed through her, slowly subsiding into a soft, glowing feeling. As she slowly drifted into that night’s sleep, she looked into his glassy eyes. She felt intense loneliness come over her. She wanted, needed, something more than a pile of fluff.

“You’re really not like the real thing.”


Amy was feeling nervous up to her neck. Once again, it was Friday Afternoon, and Amy stood outside Dr. Conseil’s home and office. A black van was parked outside the home, with a large ‘DogLover’ sign written on the door in white, with a similarly shaded paw print in place of the first ‘o’ in the logo. Today was the day. She forced herself to knock on the door. Laura Linton welcomed her inside, dressed in a magenta robe similar to what she had worn on previous visits. An audible buzzing accompanied her. Amy looked down to see a thin antenna protruding from her pussy lips and a trail of juices running down her inner thigh.

“Sorry if I seem a little…spaced out,” Laura said breathlessly. “I’m wearing a vibrator,” she whispered as if it wasn’t already obvious.

“Why?” asked Amy, not thinking.

Laura had worn some risque things before, but nothing so explicitly sexual. “Therapy never really ends for some of us,” she flustered.

Amy decided not to press any further out of her politeness. Like last week, Amy was attached to a leash, and Laura led, or rather waddled, her upstairs to Dr. Conseil’s office.

“I won’t be very hands-on for today’s session. I have some other chores to attend to,” Laura said.

She then bid the girl farewell and left the room, closing the door behind her. Amy turned to the office that she had been dreading since she arrived. The table that usually sat between the two sofas and the rug beneath it had been removed, leaving an empty space, and there was no smell of incense in the room. There she saw the doctor standing next to a strange woman. She was around five foot seven, thin with mousy features, a fair complexion, and a light-brown pixie cut. The woman has dressed comfortably: a long-sleeved cotton t-shirt, blue jeans, and work boots, topped with a grey sleeveless fleece. She looked older than Laura but younger than the doctor and sported faint smile lines.

“Good Afternoon, Amy. I want to introduce you to Nicola,” Dr. Conseil said, gesturing to the woman.

“Here, in the flesh,” said the woman in an eager tone. “Dr. Conseil has already told me about you, so let me tell you a little about myself. My name is Nicola Greenwall, and I will be your specialized canine handler for your therapeutic journey. For the past decade, I’ve run a dog grooming service in the city called ‘DogLover,’ where we handle all kinds of pet problems. There’s dogsitting, relocating, and grooming, of course.

“We also run a hush-hush specialty service to help owners and their pets get more…intimate. That wild, sexual love between a pet and its lover is sadly untapped in most couples, and few can experience the joy of finding that real, ultimate connection to their furry friends. It requires sacrifice and dedication, but dog sex brings the relationship to the next level and creates a fulfillment most women lack in their normal sex lives.

“Every true dog lover is hesitant at first, but in time they understand that such a strong desire cannot be ignored. It must be embraced and nurtured. However, every single woman I’ve had the honor of servicing has felt attracted to both men and dogs. I thought it was a fact of life. So imagine my surprise when a certain doctor tells me of a client, a young woman, a virgin, who was exclusively sexually attracted to dogs and in denial.

“Why I was enamored, I simply had to meet her. You’re something of a unicorn in that way, Amy. Seeing a woman so unsure about her true desires saddens and excites me. Still, in the right hands, she is a block of clay ready to be molded into the dynamic sexual beast she was always meant to be.”

The woman sure said a mouthful, but at least she was enthusiastic. Amy was a little concerned by her language on Amy’s ‘true desires’ and being ‘in denial,’ but she supposed one must be a little kooky to be involved in this line of work.

Amy didn’t know how to react and said, “Hello.”

“How very cute you are,” said the woman, stepping towards the girl and looking down at her. Amy stood still as the woman gently picked up the leash which hung from her collar, “And how appropriately decorated. This collar suits you very nicely.”

Amy felt a shyness creep over her but mumbled a thank you, taking the words as a compliment.

Dr. Conseil said, “I’ve performed all the relevant checks, and Nicola is one of the few experts in the field of dog sex that can be of use here, and I’m happy to say she will be joining us as we continue with your therapy.” He motioned to the two women, saying, “I’m sure you have much to discuss. So please, both of you, sit and talk.”

“Sit by me, Amy,” Nicola instructed, gently pulling on her leash.

Amy was hesitant to be led by her and walked to the sofa. She looked to the doctor, but he stayed silent. The doctor gave her a reassuring nod.

“Come, Amy. Sit with me.” she smiled.

Amy reluctantly followed, sitting beside the woman on the red sofa, her hand still gripped tightly on her leash.

“The doctor was right about you, resistant but ultimately submissive. Milo is going to love you.”

Amy tensed up under the woman’s grip. “Milo?” she managed to ask, her throat dry.

“Milo will be your new therapy dog,” Dr. Conseil interjected. “Nicola and I had a lengthy discussion about what kind of companion would fit you best for today’s session. Given her dog experience and my knowledge of your condition, I assure you that Milo is perfect for your training.”

“Yes, perfect for breaking in new bitches,” Nicola teased, her eyes bright.

“Ahem, perfect for helping you understand your condition,” the doctor corrected.

“I’m having second thoughts about all this, doctor,” Amy forced through her silent panic.

“Amy, we have talked about this. You will never see the benefits of exposure therapy without experiencing some exposure, hence the name. I understand your concern, but Milo is a well-trained and gentle dog. I’ve seen him, and he won’t budge an inch without Nicola’s expressed order. You have come here for help, which you will get. Prepare yourself because we are bringing him in now.”

He left the room, returning with a large, black labrador on a leash. A rush of emotions shot through the poor girl, the most intense being her fear and lust. The dog looked huge, close to eighty pounds, and brought Amy back to the fateful day of her attack those few months ago. Amy couldn’t help but shriek at the sight and tried to rush away, only to be held in place by Nicola, gripping tightly to her leash. They tussled, but Nicola held a firm grip and kept her seat.

“It’s all right, Amy. Milo is far away across the room. He is gentle and loving. See?” Nicola said, stroking the girl’s forearm.

Amy couldn’t see, for she had shut her eyes and was shaking her head.

“Amy, you are safe. Breathe slowly, in and out. Follow my breathing.”

Amy tried to relax, breathing in tandem with the older woman, though her eyes were held shut, and she shook like a leaf. Amy could feel tears roll down her cheeks, and Nicola motioned for Milo to come closer.

“Amy, we will bring Milo a little bit closer now,” Dr. Conseil said, causing the girl to whimper.

“Please, no. It’s too much,” Amy begged between breaths.

She hated how little she could say, it was as if a balloon was in her windpipe, and she couldn’t make a sound. The worst part of all was how hot her sex was becoming. Being in the presence of a real dog, just like the attack from so long ago, was turning her on, and she hated it.

Laura still held onto Milo’s leash but didn’t need to. The well-trained dog stepped slowly, looking to Nicola for his next instruction. Amy could hear each step, his claws clacking on the wooden floor only getting louder until he sat on Nicola’s other side, a mere two feet away. The clacking stopped. Amy could hear it breathing, panting in the way dogs do.

“Amy, try to open your eyes,” said the doctor.

“I can’t,” she answered. “Because I know I’ll see that horrid mutt!”

“His name is Milo,” Nicola corrected with a slight annoyance. “And he is a black labrador. You’re afraid, I know, but he is a lovely dog.”

“Amy, Milo is sitting two feet away from you. Nicola is between you both. Opening your eyes will not change that, but it will make you a little bit braver,” the doctor said.

It seemed to make sense to the girl, but opening her eyes was difficult. “O-only a…dog. Only a dog,” Amy replied. “Okay.”

She breathed in deeply and forced her eyes to relax and open. Still shaking, she looked at the doctor before slowly shifting her sights to the large beast not two feet from her. The dog was sitting, its tail wagging and pink tongue lolling up and down, and Amy could see those sharp teeth behind black lips and the crude smile it made. The dog’s fur was completely black with a grey shine, contrasting its brown eyes, which were looking right at her. Amy squealed, shutting her eyes again and trying to retreat to the other end of the room, only to be held in place by Nicola. A real dog was nothing like a picture on a projector or a teddy.

“There. I looked,” said Amy, now squeezing the arm of the sofa.

“Very good, Amy. You’ve faced your fear. How do you feel?”

“Horrible,” Amy shuddered.

“Anything else?” he asked.

“Horrible,” she replied.

“Anything positive?” he sighed.

Amy thought. “I do feel a bit…better,” she answered.

“That’s good,” he replied. “Now, do you feel any sexual arousal?” he asked.

Amy didn’t need to think about it. “Urgh. You know I do,” she admitted.

Nicola couldn’t help but smile.

“How about we move away from looking and try to pet Milo?” he suggested, to the girl’s dismay.

“I don’t know, it’s a lot for one day,” Amy replied, her breathing still haphazard.

“How about I give you a little bit of help?” Nicola gently held the girl’s right hand. “Just relax your arm and let me do the rest.”

“I guess. Okay,” Amy relented and did her best to relax.

Nicola lifted the girl’s hand from her lap, gently dragged it over to Milo, and gently placed her hand on the dog’s head. Amy flinched when her fingertips touched his fur but did her best to keep it there and focused on her breathing. Her clit was throbbing against her panties, and her heart was racing.

“How does it feel, Amy?” the doctor asked.

“Scary,” Amy squeaked, “and warm.”

“I would like you to keep your hand where it is while we talk,” he said. “Can you do that?”

“I think so,” Amy answered.

Now that her hand was there, she counted the seconds until it would get bitten off, but she tried to reassure herself logically that it wouldn’t happen.

“First things first,” he said, pulling out his notepad and pen. “How are you?”

“All right, I think,” Amy answered, fidgeting. She could feel every little twitch or movement Milo made. “My whole week has greatly improved since our last session.”

“Good to hear. What exactly is better about this week?” the doctor asked.

Amy knew the doctor wanted details, especially anything sexual. “I think the new toy you gave me. The plush dog. I think it’s been really helpful in keeping me focused on things like my gymnastics training and my studies,” she blushed. “As you said, I uncovered my subconscious lust for dogs last week. When I masturbate with Ted, my plushie, it settles me down.”

“Interesting and unexpected,” noted the doctor. “The stronger stimulus appears to work well, and you seem to be growing more comfortable with your canine-based sexuality. Can you tell me more about your… Ted, was it?”

‘Shit,’ Amy thought. She didn’t want to admit that she gave it a name. She should have expected the doctor to figure it out, especially when she practically told him.

“Teddy,” she blushed. “I named him…it…Teddy.”

“How adorable. There is a Teddy down at the kennels. You two would get along,” teased Nicola, toying with her leash and making Amy slightly alarmed.

“It’s nothing to be ashamed of, Amy. Teddy is a nice name, fitting. It’s a good sign that you see dogs as more than violent beasts,” said the doctor.

“Yes, they are violent beasts that make you cum,” Nicola teased.

“Please, don’t say it like that,” Amy mumbled, feeling herself redden. Nicola wasn’t wrong. Her clit was throbbing hard. “It isn’t my choice. Masturbating with my hands just isn’t as effective anymore. I can’t even get through one day without playing with Teddy first. Without him, I can’t orgasm. Without that release, I’m stuck fantasizing about…dogs…all day. I’d go mad without him. But that doesn’t sound like a ‘true desire’ to me. It sounds like addiction,” she argued, still thinking about what Nicola had said earlier.

“Isn’t *love* a kind of addiction?” Nicola replied.

Amy didn’t really know. She had never been in love. “Maybe, but I don’t *love* Teddy,” she returned.

“These are all good things, Amy,” the doctor continued. “With your mental energy matching your physical lust for canines, you are much more attracted to dog sex. This may seem wrong, but allow me to explain. As you know, we must address your fear of canines through sex because the two are intertwined due to your attack. You have made much progress through masturbation, but the fear is still entirely unresolved without exposure, which we’ve made some progress on today. So far, we have merely reduced your aversion to dog sex from a purely mental standpoint. I take it thoughts of bestiality still dominate your sexual fantasies?” the doctor asked.

“Yes, they are,” replied Amy.

“Whereas before, your thoughts were dominated by that of dogs as violent and frightening. By bringing forth your subconscious carnal desire for dogs into your conscious mind, we have allowed for this switch in your viewpoint. Sadly, this has limited use. Without constant and increasing reinforcement, your conscious mind will dismiss your lust for dogs. It will return to the deepest folds of your brain, and you will, without a doubt, revert to your irrational, dog-fearing self.

“Think of your brain like a computer. We have lifted the covering of your unconscious mind and now must rearrange the tangled wires. If we do nothing, the covering goes back on, and the problem remains unsolved,” Dr. Conseil said.

Amy shuddered at the thought of returning to square one, afraid of leaving her room, anticipating an attack around every corner, especially with the review period so soon.

Dr. Conseil could see the look of terror on her face and continued to explain. “This can happen because we haven’t yet tackled the root cause of your fear: your lust for dogs. You have seen pictures and played with toys, we have lifted the cover, but we must introduce real dogs as soon as possible to replace your wiring. However, with your subconscious desire currently brought out, we have a golden opportunity for a long-term solution. In these past few weeks, we have only primed you for the real physical therapy we will be doing from now on.”

Amy could only imagine what her ‘real’ therapy would look like. “I understand, doctor. Can I remove my hand now?” she asked as calmly as she could.

“You may, but first,” Nicola said. “We need to set some ground rules with you, Amy.”

“Ground rules?” Amy replied with concern, but the doctor reassured her.

“First, during therapy, you will be lowered in status to that of a dog, or rather, a bitch. This means you will be collared, leashed, and nude unless otherwise specified,” Nicola stated.

“That’s fine. I was told about this at my last session,” Amy replied, inwardly cursing herself for agreeing to such a condition last week.

“Second, bitches sit on the floor and crawl on all fours. They do not walk on two legs or get to sit on the furniture,” Nicola said, and Amy was taken slightly aback.

“Is this beneficial, doctor? I mean, I’m still a person,” Amy replied.

“Of course it is, and of course you are. Remember what we talked about last week, Amy? We want to encourage and strengthen your canine identity, and you certainly cannot envision yourself as a dog if you wear clothes and walk around like the rest of us. You agreed to do what was necessary to keep your subconscious lust in reach of our therapeutic methods,” Dr. Conseil pointed out.

“Fine,” Amy relented. “No clothes and no sofas.”

“Third, good bitches get rewarded, and bad bitches get punished,” Nicola smiled, her fingertips toying with the lead still in her hand.

“What does that mean?” Amy asked. “Punishment?”

“Allow me,” Dr. Conseil said, reaching into his pocket. He pulled out a small remote. “Amy, your collar comes with a few features I elected to keep from you. It also acts as a shock collar to dissuade you from unwanted behavior.”

Her eyes were open now, staring in disbelief at the doctor. “What!” Amy cried. “You psycho!”

“There is no need to be alarmed,” he said, waving the remote around. “This function will only be used during therapy when commands are strictly disobeyed. It is not some toy, but a learning aid.”

“It’s cruel and unusual,” Amy pouted, pulling at her collar with her free hand.

She looked down to see her left hand on Milo’s head; more surprisingly, Nicola’s hand wasn’t there.

“When did you move your hand away?” Amy asked Nicola.

“About ten seconds after I put yours down,” she answered. “Keep it there. No one has told you to move it,” she ordered.

Amy pleaded with her eyes, but it was of no use.

“Would you like to test the shock feature, Amy?” the doctor asked.

“Are you mad? Of course not,” she answered. “Besides, I haven’t done anything wrong.”

“All right,” he concurred, returning the remote to his pocket, “We will save it for later. You may only remove your hand from Milo’s head if you want to.”

Amy’s hand left the pet’s head instantly, and she breathed a sigh of relief. The palm of her hand felt warm after being against Milo’s warm fur for so long. Milo looked up at the girl, panting and smiling, but Amy was still unnerved by this and looked away.

“What do we do now, then?” Amy asked.

“We are going to do another touch exercise, but you will need to be nude, Amy,” said the doctor.

“Another touch exercise?” she asked with concern.

“Nothing too sexual, just petting,” he promised. “Please, get undressed. Those are the rules.”

Amy looked to Dr. Conseil, remembering what he said last week about ‘ensuring maximum skin-to-fur contact,’ and felt uneasy as she began removing her clothing. Blushing, she removed her jacket, shoes, top, and jeans, folding both as she went. Then, more carefully, Amy removed her bra, revealing her small breasts, and pulled down her panties, baring her smooth crotch, which Amy had shaved that morning, which the doctor commended her on.

She prayed no one could tell how stiff her clitoris was or the faint wetness she left on her panties. Finally, she pulled off her socks, placing them atop the pile of clothing she had made on the red leather sofa. Her body turned a shade of light pink. Amy stood before the three of them, feeling very exposed, but she kept her eyes on Milo, who remained sitting in place, his tail wagging. She didn’t like how he looked at her, and she especially didn’t enjoy how her body responded to the presence of a real dog.

“Do bitches stand?” asked Nicola.

“No, Nicola,” she answered before lowering her hands and knees.

“Good girl, and from now on, you will call me ‘Miss Greenwall’ or ‘Miss,’” said Nicola.

“Is this necessary?” Amy asked.

“Well, bitches normally don’t talk at all. Would you prefer that?” Nicola asked.

“No,” Amy answered.

“‘No what?” she replied.

“No…Miss,” Amy said.

Nicola smiled. “Very obedient. You might earn yourself a reward soon,” she said.

“Now, positions,” said Nicola, clasping her hands together. “For now, I just want you to sit, so when I say ‘sit,’ you should be on your knees, sitting on your heels, with your knees spread to a ninety-degree angle, forming an ‘L’ shape. Your front paws will be on the floor, slightly in front of your pussy, your back straight, chin up, and your eyes straight ahead. Understood?”

“Yes, Miss,” Amy answered.

“Then sit,” Nicola ordered.

Amy adopted the position, spreading her knees and arching her back. In this position, she could only get her fingers to touch the floor, but at least that offered some cover for her nude pussy.

“Good. Stay like that while I bring Milo over,” Nicola said, which caused Amy to shiver a little.

Nicola led Milo to Amy’s left side and ordered him to sit, his fur brushing against her thigh. Amy shrieked at the touch and jumped up to a standing position letting her leash swing, only to feel a short zapping pain on her neck.

“N-ah-ahh!” she yelped, gripping at her collar. Her eyes darted to Dr. Conseil, remote in hand. “You bastard, that hurt!”

“You did not have permission to stand up, Amy,” he replied. “Bad bitches get punished. Now, sit down.”

“I can’t. That dog is…touching me,” Amy whimpered.

“That’s the point,” Nicola interjected. “You’ve already petted him. This isn’t much different.”

“I wasn’t naked then, and it’s our bodies touching, not just hands!” she emphasized.

“I understand this is difficult for you, but these are the rules. You either sit down or get punished,” said Dr. Conseil, raising the remote.

Amy felt desperation hit her and succumbed to her situation. Slowly, unsteadily, she knelt beside Milo and looked straight ahead as she adopted her position. Nicola then scooted Milo over until their bodies were pressed together, side by side. Amy whimpered, trying to control herself for fear of another shock. She could feel the heat coming off Milo’s body, and she felt a similar sickness in her stomach accompanied by a wetness in her sex, her clit begging to be touched.

“One finishing touch so you don’t jump away again,” said Nicola, pulling a double-ended lead from her bag and joining their two collars together.

Hence, they were only six inches apart at the neck. Amy could feel tears welling up in her eyes. She whimpered in fear, dread visible on her face but doing her best to stay still while Milo was unfazed.

“Aren’t you two just so cute together?” Nicola teased, petting them both on the head, “Now, stay there. We’re going to watch a film.”

Nicola and Dr. Conseil both wheeled out the projector. They set it behind the pair on the floor, facing the opposite wall as Amy had seen previously. The wall lit up with the image of a redhead sitting with a large black dog and immediately began to play. Amy could feel herself heating up with the need to touch herself again. All this teasing, Milo pressed up against her, and now this? She didn’t know how much more sensory overload she could handle.

The film continued, the woman and the dog playing in the bedroom, the woman playfully undressing for her lover before bending at the hip to be mounted by the beast. Amy was fixated on the screen. She didn’t dare look away for fear of another shock and for fear that she may startle Milo next to her. Amy knew by now that Milo was well-trained and unlikely to do anything, but the thought stirred in her mind nonetheless. She thought about what other punishments she might face for disobeying orders.

Amy would hate something like making her lay with Milo for an hour. She also thought about what a reward might be for her. She would love something like letting her remove her collar for a week. One week without any stares or comments from strangers, one week of feeling normal. Although, laying with Milo for an hour wouldn’t be so bad if she could just cum. Her fingers were so close to her pussy. They were itching to rub her clit. The actress’ moans filled the room as the canine knot stretched out her pussy before disappearing inside her. Amy felt her wetness leak onto the hardwood floor and nearly died of shame.

“How are you feeling, Amy? Aroused?” asked the doctor.

“Yes,” the girl squeaked.

“Would you like to masturbate?” he asked.

Amy stayed silent out of shame, but she did want to touch herself.

“Amy? It would be best if you answered the question,” said the doctor.

“Yes, I…I would,” Amy answered, her breathing becoming shallow.

“You are free to do so, but you must ask for permission to cum before you do. You do not orgasm without permission, understood?” the doctor asked.

“Yes, doctor,” she replied.

“Good. We can add that to the list of rules,” Dr. Conseil said.

‘Oh God, more rules,’ Amy thought. She could feel her clit harden, reaching out to her fingertips. Even with permission, it felt wrong to masturbate in front of others, but she was desperate for release from all the training. Being pressed against Milo, his musky smell deep in her lungs, his fur against her smooth skin, it was like being at home with Teddy. But he was the real thing.

She moved her right hand back onto her mound and touched her clit. She was dripping wet and gasped at the touch she was waiting for. She quickly forgot about the two professionals watching her from the sofa and rubbed to her heart’s content. All she could think of was good it felt to masturbate, and she found herself leaning a little more into Milo’s coat. His heartbeat, the muscle underneath his fur. It set her alight.

She watched the woman onscreen get pounded into bliss, and she could only imagine what that must feel like. She wondered what Milo thought of the film until she saw his large veiny cock emerge from its sheath. It was pink, with red and blue veins lining the shaft. It must have been nearly six inches, and the knot wasn’t fully inflated. She hadn’t seen a real dog’s cock since the day of her attack, but it didn’t feel as scary as it did then.

All it did was drive her closer to orgasm. She thought about how it would feel in her hand, on her lips, in her wet and dripping pussy. Nicola could see how fixated the girl was on the canine cock and wanted to push her.

“Touch it, just a little bit. It’s okay,” Nicola whispered.

Amy didn’t even look up. She had permission and felt the temptation eating at her. Amy lifted her left hand and gently touched the tip with her finger before lifting it away, a string of precum joining her to the dog’s member. Milo didn’t budge at her touch, and she took it as the go-ahead to do some more. Amy was frightened, but in her mentally clouded state, Amy couldn’t help but give in to her deeper desires.

She slowly wrapped her hand around Milo’s cock, feeling its warmth and fullness. It was solid like a bone and throbbed. Amy rubbed harder and faster on her pussy, her orgasm approaching like a train. She tried to suppress her moans, but with her senses of sight, sound, and smell being focused on dog sex, it was impossible not to. In her distorted mind, Amy was in heaven. She rubbed until it was almost too late to hold back before remembering that she needed permission.

“Miss Greenwall, Dr. Conseil, I’m about to cum. Please, may I cum? Please?” she asked hurriedly.

“Not until we say, so keep rubbing but do not cum. Unless you want another shock,” the doctor said. Amy whimpered, already on edge, but kept rubbing. “I am no expert in dog sex. Nicola, do you think she’s earned an orgasm today?” the doctor asked.

“Maybe,” teased Nicola. “I just don’t think it’s fair for Milo to help Amy cum her brains out without Milo getting to cum, too, don’t you think, Amy?”

“No, Miss Greenwall, it isn’t fair,” she answered, already guessing what Nicola would say next.

“Don’t you think you should return the favor and help Milo cum, too?” she asked. “Does that sound fair to you?”

“I’m sorry, Miss, but I don’t know if I could….” Amy answered.

“Then I’m afraid I won’t be able to let you cum today,” Nicola replied.

“No! Please, I’m so close! Miss, please,” she begged, her entire body on the teetering edge.

“Promise you’ll help Milo cum next week?” she asked.

“Promise!” she answered.

“I want to hear you say it,” Nicola ordered.

“I promise! I’ll help Milo cum next week! I’ll play with his cock. I’ll kiss it and rub it until he shoots all over me!” she cried, her sordid fantasies bleeding into her words and pushing her past the point of no return, “Please, may I cum?”

“Fine. You may,” said Nicola, and the girl cried in relief, agony, and bliss.

She spasmed as much as she could be tied to Milo and felt her knees wavering as she finally came. All of her pent-up frustrations from the past hour were being released in what had to be the most intense orgasm the girl had felt in her life. She squirted directly onto the hardwood floor of the doctor’s office, and her face contorted with a flurry of emotions as she did. As the cascading waves of her orgasm faded, Amy felt her rational mind re-enter her consciousness.

‘Did I really promise to suck Milo’s cock?’ she wondered. Feeling faint from such an explosive climax, her body went limp with pleasure. She slid down, only being held up by her collar and Milo’s body supporting her slouched form. Nicola and Dr. Conseil went to release the girl’s collar and put her on the sofa to get some rest, her folded clothing acting as a pillow. The two looked down at the girl in her peaceful slumber.

“She made remarkable progress today, Nicola,” he noted. “It really is very interesting to see the lust wash away the fear from her body and mind. She transforms into a different person, a part of herself she refuses to be without the proper encouragement.”

“Yes, for someone so afraid of dogs, she seemed very comfortable once she could touch herself,” Nicola concurred.

“She is a special case. All this multifaceted anguish and bestial fixation came from a single attack.” Dr. Conseil paused. “It must have been a spectacle.”

“You don’t really believe all that, doctor?” Nicola replied. “Some girls are simply born with it and live in denial until one fateful day they meet the right pooch which undoes all of that social conditioning like that,” she said, snapping her fingers for effect.

“I try not to rush to conclusions; it introduces bias,” he answered.

“I guess that’s why you’re the therapist,” she added. “Milo, come here.”

The black labrador slowly stepped beside Nicola, his tail wagging. She knelt and fiddled with his collar.

“I take it that will be all for today, doctor?” Nicola asked, removing Milo’s leash and placing it into her bag.

Milo never wore a leash. Today was just for show, to keep Amy’s mind at ease.

“Yes. Thank you for coming in today. Your services are much appreciated,” the doctor replied, opening the door for the woman and her pet and leading them downstairs to the entrance.

“Same time next week?” Nicola asked, stepping through the doorway into the now dark evening.

“Yes, same time,” Dr. Conseil answered. “Before you go… Earlier, when Amy agreed to give Milo an orgasm in return for hers, did that seem rushed at all? I fear her lust may get the better of her, and it would be unwise to try pushing her too quickly.”

“Relax, smartypants,” Nicola teased. “Amy’s a big girl who can handle much more than you give her credit. I get she’s ‘in a very unpredictable mental state, but I think she could benefit from more pushing.”

The doctor thought for a few seconds. “I agree,” he said.

“Great,” Nicola said. “I can’t wait for next week. The spoon game is a favorite of mine.”

She stepped out and walked to her car, sliding open the side door for Milo to enter before shutting it, getting into the driver’s seat, and exiting the driveway.


Nicola pulled away as Dr. Conseil closed the door, and he headed upstairs to Laura’s dressing room.

“Apologies for being late, dear,” he said, opening the door into the dimly lit room. “Work ran over a little.”

The room was dark apart from the spotlight beside the large floor-to-ceiling window, which shone directly onto the nude Laura Linton.

“It’s all right, dear,” Laura cooed, her voice wobbly.

Her robe was hung onto a peg beside her, and her hands were held behind her head with interlocked fingers buried under her curls. She stayed facing the window as she spoke and stared at her reflection in the spotlight, knowing how prominently displayed she must be to the passing cars and Friday night partygoers below. Her vibrator buzzed inside her, as it had done for over an hour.

“One hour and twenty-five. Did you cum?”

“N-no, dear,” she answered.

“Good. Five more minutes, so close to earning that wonderful orgasm you have been waiting for,” the doctor said, grabbing her neck from behind with one hand and tracing his fingertips along her stomach with the other. “It would be a shame to cum before then because then we would have to ruin it. All that work for nothing.”

“Please, dear, I’ve been so good. I’ve been holding it for so long. Just let me cum this once, please. It’s been months. I could do it, but when you touch me like that. It’s too much,” Laura begged.

“Just five more minutes, dear. Surely you can handle that?” the doctor teased, his hand stopping at her mound, pressing her g-spot against the egg inside her.

Laura whined.

“I’ll try, dear.”


To Be Continued…?



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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