Pleasant Valley Sunday 3

By Cybrgigolo.

Read Part 1 Here.
Read Part 2 Here.


Pleasant Valley Sunday 3…

I woke up a little late for a Saturday morning. I was usually up and in my garden by now. Last night was not an average day in my life. As I rolled out of bed, I smiled – maybe this is my new normal now? I slide on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt and head downstairs. I grab a pastry and a glass of OJ and click the news while eating. Nothing too dramatic is going on in the nation today. Guess that means I won’t have to solve those problems. HA! As if…

I go out to my garden and get things going. I can’t help but look through the hole in the fence – nope. Not there. I must have missed today’s show. Either that or she takes the weekends off? I go to my small shop and get my drill and an inch and a half Forstner bit. I check the hole again to make sure no one is there. I kneel, imagine where Jen’s ass would be, position myself, and carefully pop a nice clean hole in the fence. I also see where Jen would be and do the same for her vantage point. Kneeling there thinking about it has me starting to get hard. Not jacking off when I have a date with Jen to fuck her ass. I wasn’t sure what time that was happening, either. But Jen speaks in these ‘matter-of-fact’ ways. Everything is definite and well thought out. Didn’t ask if I would fuck her ass. She just told me I was going to because who wouldn’t?

Not upset. I find it funny. It was like sucking my cock. Who would refuse such a thing? I can’t help but think that maybe Jen’s parents kept the wrong one pure and innocent and should have done it with Sam. It sounds like it wouldn’t make a difference if Jen is truthful about her parents. I doubt any teen or early 20’s woman would be oblivious to all of that and not have some serious curiosities. When my outdoor duties finished, I went inside and jumped on the computer.

Amazon and a couple of sporting goods stores. Trail cameras or ‘spy’ cameras. I spent time on the various sites seeing what would best fit my needs. I wanted small but also exceptional clarity. Working at night could be good and motion activated. I also wanted sound as well. Waterproof would be good too, but any like that was too bulky for my needs.

After all my research and reading reviews, I made my purchase. Five of them, actually. They will be here on Tuesday. I put some shoes on, got my keys, and headed out the front door. I was serious about the lube – no way my cock was going in Jen’s ass without some help. I see Jen and Sam entering the car as I close the door. I get no more than a courtesy wave from Sam, but Jen smiles broadly at me.

She mouths at me ‘11 pm.’ I give a quick nod and get in my car. The girls leave just before me, and 20 minutes later, I am at the porn store. OK, adult novelty shop. I go inside and walk up to the counter and ask where to find the lube at. The young woman behind the counter points at the wall behind her and asks which I want. I tell her I need something water-based and extremely slick, long-lasting. I don’t need anything turning sticky. She takes a bottle from the wall and hands it to me,

“I think this is just what you are looking for.”

She also asks if there is anything else, and I say no but then look around the store. I wonder if Jen would be interested in some of their more exotic items. Of course, I snap back to reality with the thought of Jen shopping with me and telling me how these are the items we are buying today. I take the bottle of lube and walk out of the store. I get home and take the lube upstairs. I want Jen in my bed this time. I do some light cleaning around the house, eat an early dinner and watch some TV which is code for going to sleep. I woke up after 10 pm. I noticed the time and couldn’t believe I was asleep for that long.

I definitely should be ready for when Jen gets here. I clean myself up real quick and impatiently wait for Jen to arrive. Ten after eleven, and still no Jen. Did I get stiffed? I was about to ramble on about shit when I heard a knock at the door. I open it, and there stands Jen. There she stands in the shortest shorts they make and pretty low on the top as well. She has a button-up shirt that looks like mine and has it tied around her waist. She puts her hands on her hips,

“Well… Are you letting me in or fucking my ass with the door open?”

Of course, I let her in. As the door closes behind her, she practically leaps into my arms. Her body pressed against mine as she searched for my tongue. She asks if we are doing it on the couch again. I told her no and was about to say my room, but as I pointed at the stairs, she took off like a puppy or a 4-year-old at Christmas. I walk into my room and see Jen shaking her ass as she works the shorts off her. Love a girl with no panties. My cock is instantly hard and waiting to be inside her. She loses my shirt and plops onto my bed. As she gets to her hands and knees and I take my clothes off, she sees the bottle of lube,

“Is this for me?”

I nod, and she gets up and kisses me again. I feel her hand on my steel shaft as I put a finger in her wet slit. No way she is jacking me off – I am dumping all I can in her perfectly tight ass. She breaks our kiss and tells me to fuck her. Apologies for being late, but Mom and Dad have to wait to start having sex. I push her onto her hands and knees. She puts her head on the bed, reaches her arms back, and spreads her ass open for me. I quickly lube my cock and then slide a finger in her ass, getting it slippery as well. She whimpers a little but then shakes her ass with my finger. I pull my finger out and then press the tip of my cock against her back door. Holding my cock hard, I push the first bit of it into her.

OH FUCK! It’s the thought in my head. I don’t know if this is meant to fit, but it will. I hear Jen moaning into my bed as she holds her ass open. I get half of my cock in when I slide back out – each thrust deeper into her never used hole. I grab her wrists and pull her hard onto my cock, hearing her muffled moans and screams into my pillow. I feel her hands holding my wrists, and I fuck Jen’s ass hard.

Her ass is insanely tight as I fuck it faster. I feel her hands tighten on my wrists and hear her scream ecstatically into my pillow. I couldn’t believe she could get any tighter, but when that orgasm hit, I thought my cock would get snapped off. I tried but couldn’t wait any longer and pumped my hot seed into her ass. When I finally slid out, I fell beside Jen, my arm around her.

“That hurt, Derek. You will have to fuck my ass a lot more now to stretch it out.”

I agreed with her. I watched as she wiggled into the shorts and grabbed my shirt, which I inquired about. I got told I needed to lock up better. She came over and kissed me again and told me that Sam sleeps in a bit on the weekends and will be out with Spot at 8 am. That wasn’t a suggestion but a ‘be there or be square’ invite. Jen walked out of my room, shaking her ass exceptionally hard, even though she could feel my cock still inside her. Tomorrow sounds like a very pleasant Sunday.


To Be Continued…?



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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