Catholic Schoolgirl Raped by Dogs

By PornGirl/Kellie C.

Catholic high School is out for summer. I couldn’t wait to get home and just bask in the sun and do as little as possible. I stripped out of my shoes and the basic white socks, enjoying the feeling of the grass and dirt on my bare soles. I still wore my plaid skirt and white blouse. For some odd reason, I felt compelled to cut through the woods to get home. Little did I know the trouble I’m in for?

There’s a path that cuts through the woods, sprinkled with pine needles and dead leaves. They clung to my bare feet as I made my way through the woods. Pretty soon, I came to a creek. Usually, there’s a bit of a current, but today it’s calm, and I can see my reflection perfectly. I look at the water as if it were a mirror and pull my long dirty blonde hair up into a ponytail.

I’m starting to sweat, and the perfect outline of my perky ‘B’ cup breasts and nipples is evident through my thin white blouse.


I hadn’t worn a bra on purpose, but I hadn’t counted on this. I feel practically naked. Yeah. I’m hot shit for a sixteen-year-old. And I flaunt it every chance I get. But mom can’t see me like this. I kneel and take my backpack off, peeking inside. Usually, I keep an extra set of gym clothes with me.


Not today.

Something rustled in the brush behind me. Startled, I fumbled with the pack and dropped it. A dog, a mangy dirty mutt, came forth panting. I held out my hand for him to smell. He growled, sniffing the air. I lowered my head and tried to remain calm.

More rustling in the bushes. Three more dogs come out. They looked malnourished. Perhaps they’re wild dogs? I didn’t know at the time and didn’t care.

As I watched the one growling in front of me, another, a scraggly German shepherd, grabbed my ponytail, yanking my head back. I lost my balance and fell backward. The dog released as another bit my thigh, tugging at the plaid skirt. I threw my hands up to protect my face.

Suddenly, the one growling prodded my thigh with his cold nose, sniffing. I shivered, tears in my eyes. His long raspy tongue snaked out and across my pink cotton panties. I could feel his tongue probing my vagina. I tried to close my legs, but I knew not to mess with him after a quick nip. I begin to cry. Another nip and his teeth caught in the fabric of my panties.

He’s getting aggravated, and foolishly, I thought perhaps if I tossed them aside, they would be more interested in them. I rolled my pink panties cautiously down my thighs and over my ankles. The dog followed them as I took them off. I tossed them as far as I could. Then I rolled over onto my knees in an attempt to scurry off.

Big Mistake!

The German shepherd is suddenly on my back. Its teeth clamped on my ponytail. All his weight is on me, and he is tugging, pulling my head back. He starts hunching, humping against my exposed arse as my skirt rides up around my waist. Something warm and moist with a rubbery feeling touches my thigh. I dared tug my head forth and looked back between my legs.

“Oh, God… NO!”

I begin to weep, shaking uncontrollably as the full scope of what’s happening is dawning on me. The German shepherd humps against me, his huge weight pinning me in place. I’m sweating profusely now. His powerful forepaws wrap tightly around my tiny waist, and he fucks hard against me. His pointy red cock feels so warm. I could feel it poking but not finding a hole to penetrate. I try to move, wiggling my arse to avoid him. But he seems to catch on. He suddenly does still, readjusting himself on his hind legs with his forepaws still wrapped around me.

He moves forward, causing me to tilt on my hands and making my arse raise a little more. My bare feet were in the air behind me. Then suddenly, he slips inside me and simultaneously begins fucking me, pistoning in and out. It felt like a fiery hot poker was being shoved inside my cunt. I didn’t care who came along now, so I screamed.

The dog’s cock grew larger inside me. I could feel it swelling, stretching my tight cunt. I began to cry, sobbing hysterically. Yet my body began to respond to the friction of the huge cock against my pussy walls. This upset me even more. I zoned out, I remember feeling the pine needles on my legs, and I rested my head on my arms.

I remember seeing the other dogs and could not help but look between their legs. Their cocks are emerging from their sheaths also. Red, pointy cocks twitching as if in anticipation. I tried to think of something else. Anything. However, I could feel an orgasm building inside me. My hips arched, involuntarily rolling, bucking back to meet the German shepherd’s jackhammer thrusts. My toes curled in the air, my cunt muscles clasping, tightening around him. Squeezing. I bit my lip and closed my eyes.

There’s something new. Weird. I could feel something new now, swelling against me. The shepherd fucks me harder.

“OHHH!” I moan in pleasure and pain,

Now, it’s inside me. Whatever it is, it’s swelling inside my cunt, stretching me further. This brings my clit right up against his cock, and suddenly I’m shaking, racked by a series of orgasms. Be somewhere else, I tell myself, not wanting to admit how good it feels. Then, like a fire hose, he explodes inside me. It feels so warm! I lower my head, moaning like a whore as I cum again. My vision blurs.

I can feel his cock twitch, sending more spurts of cum deep inside me. I scream again. He hops off my back, but he’s still inside me. He turns around, hind leg turning over my arse as he turns his arse to me. But he’s still in me! He drags me backward with his cock still lodged inside my cunt. This hurts, and I began to cry again. Another dog laps at my underarm, nipping at my blouse. He licks the sweat from my skin. God, these mutts reek.

The dog inside me eventually slips out, and I tuck my feet under my arse as warm doggy cum flows from my cunt down my thighs with some dripping onto my soles. My cunt hurts. I don’t think I can move. I can feel his cum so warm, sloshing around inside me.

Another mutt comes forth and leaps onto my back. “NO!” I cry out, but it’s too late.

He slips inside me easily now my cunt is gaping from the German shepherd. He starts pounding away. My stomach hurts. With each thrust of the new dog, more cum leaks out and runs down my thighs. God, these dogs stink.

I’m crying. It hurts so bad and still, and yet feels so wonderful. His dick slips out, but he’s still humping. I lick my hand and reach back under me and grasp him. He fucks my hand with his juices splashing onto my belly and over my shaven cunt. He goes still exploding in massive spurts on my skin, my blouse, and some even splashed onto my face.

The thought dances around in my mind, but I don’t dare taste it.


The stinky mutt jumps off me, so I roll onto my back. My cunt aches. Two more dogs to go. I grasp one by his hairy sheath, stroking him. I can’t afford any more abuse on my battered cunt. The other is licking the sticky dog cum off my soles at my feet.

They’re dogs, I think. It’s their nature. They don’t know better. As I stroke the scraggly mutt left over, I rub the underbelly of the fourth dog with my barefoot. He humps back against my soft sole.

Before I even think it, I extend the tip of my tongue and lick the tip of the mutt’s cock. Not bad. Kind of coppery tasting. A bit nutty. If that makes sense. I lose all care as I begin deep-throating the massive cock in my mouth. I continue jerking him with my hands. The other dog lets out a whine, and suddenly warm jets of dog cum flood my leg. Still cumming, he completely covers my small foot in warm sticky dog goo.

The final dog continues fucking my face without warning. Suddenly he too explodes. With such force, it goes up my nose, and I gag. His cock twitches, cumming all over the front of my shirt and on my wrinkled skirt. The last one licks my face, and just like that, they are gone.


I lay there a while. I try to take in what’s happened. It’s both fascinating and disturbing for me. I gather my strength, clean myself off in the water, and continue home. I look and smell horrible. Wet dog. Sweat. The thick, musky smell of sex. I walk without further care. Dog cum leaks down my thighs.

I walk through the garden gate of my backyard. I’m at the back door. Mom’s cooking dinner. She doesn’t even turn to look at me. That’s good.

She asks, “How was your day, sweetheart?”





*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Just remember, even with the limited editing we do, it doesn’t always mean the flaws in a story are always fixed.

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