Caught In The Act

By comix.

If someone had told me my wife was having an affair, I’d never believed it.

If someone had told me that my wife was fucking not only a black man but my faithful Great Dane, Bailey, I’d never believed it, either.

It was only after I’d witnessed it myself that I believed it.

As it happens, I came home from work early one Thursday afternoon. We’d had a power outage at work, and it wouldn’t be fixed until sometime Friday, if then. When I turned the corner of our street, I saw a car in our driveway that I wasn’t familiar with. At least I didn’t remember it right then. As I pulled into the driveway, though, I recognized it as the vehicle one of my co-workers had gotten just a few months earlier, a sky-blue Kia Spectra. Calvin loved that car and always told everyone at work how great his mileage was.

When I got into the house, I didn’t see my wife, Alice, or Calvin anywhere, so I went into the kitchen and didn’t find them there. Looking out the window towards the pool, I saw no one there, so I assumed they were in the basement, with Alice showing off her new exercise equipment. She’d recently set up a workout area in the basement and was down there several times a day, trying her best to get her weight down by 15 pounds. Don’t get me wrong, Alice has a killer body for a woman 57, with a trim waist and not-too-large hips.

Her breasts were almost non-existent, and she’d recently told me she was considering getting a boob job to enlarge them. No matter that I preferred them just how they were, she wanted to be bigger. I tried to tell her that bigger isn’t always better, but she insisted she would save her money and get it done, probably within the next couple of years. I quickly learned not to say anything else about it, and she didn’t mention it to me after that.

As I got to the top of the stairs, I could hear her telling Calvin about her weight bench and the weights she lifted, starting with the smaller weights and eventually getting to the higher ones. Over the past months, she’d increased from 15 pounds to 20. She was sure that a gradual increase was the best, and I had to agree with her.

Over in the corner, Bailey was lying on his blanket, taking one of his daily naps. Still, his ears perked up when he heard my footsteps coming down the stairs, and he was the first one to greet me at the bottom. He easily jumped up, placing his front paws on my shoulders and happily licking me. I spent a few minutes petting and talking to him before pushing him back, walking over to Alice, and giving her a hug and kiss.

“Hello, dear,” she greeted me before our kiss. “How was your day?”

“It was going just fine until the power outage, and we had to shut down the plant and hope it’s all fixed for tomorrow. I’ve got a lot of work to do before the weekend, too.”

“Hey there, Calvin,” I greeted my co-worker. “Enjoying your vacation?”

“Yeah. Your wife called and asked if I could help her set up her new equipment, and I told her it would be no problem. Hope you don’t mind!”

“I thought you wanted me to do that when I got home tonight?” I asked her.

“Well, you know how I love working out, and I knew you’d probably be too tired. I remembered you telling me Calvin was off this week, so I called him and asked if it would bother me.”

“I had nothing else to do, so I accepted the ‘challenge’ and came right over. I should have checked with you first, though.”

“That’s fine, Calvin. It’s not a problem, and I know that Alice wanted to do some extra work down here tonight. Thank you for helping her. I know she appreciates it very much.”

“Only glad to help.” He turned to Alice and said, “Well, Alice, I have to go now. I have a date later tonight, and I must get ready. If you need any more help, just let me know. One of my brothers has this same system, and I’ve used it several times. You can get a great workout on it, but you have to be careful and not overdo it.”

“Thanks again, Calvin. I’ll see you out,” and they both headed up the stairs, with me staying behind and looking at the new set-up.

I had to admit that the equipment was top-of-the-line, and she’d spent a lot of money getting what she wanted and putting it down here. I was happy that she was happy. I heard the door shut and went upstairs, greeting Alice in the kitchen as she got herself a drink of water.

“I’m glad Calvin was able to help you, dear. I know you wanted to finish that all,” I stood back to admire her body.

“I still think it wasn’t all necessary, but I have to give you credit for wanting to do it and for sticking with it. I hope it’ll all turn out as you want it to.” I kissed her and entered the living room, heading towards our bedroom and the shower. I’d had a busy day and wanted to get cleaned up before supper.

Once I got in the shower, I stood there, enjoying the hot water splashing over my body. And, not a bad body for a man my age. I had just had my birthday last week, and the big 63 didn’t feel any different from the big 50 all those years ago. Like Alice, I worked out only at the gym, where I’ve had a membership for over 20 years. I go there three days a week, work out, and use the sauna.

I do what I can for a man my age to keep fit. I don’t want to end up like a statistic like my father, who died of heart disease when he was only 55. I lost my mother when I was 15 after her cancer diagnosis. It moved through her body like wildfire, and she succumbed to it in only three months.

My dad did a great job raising his only child, and we had a great relationship. My grandparents, on both sides, were long gone, so it was just me after he died. Luckily, he’d left me well off, and I was now the owner of my electronics business and did quite well for myself. Between my income and what Alice brought in as a CPA, we had no worries.

Life was good.

Little did I know that it would go to hell in a handbasket in only three short months!

For the next couple of weeks or so, I’d be so busy at work that I’d sometimes stay the night, using the spare room I’d set up as a temporary bedroom to get more work done. I was selling my business after an offer that was too good to refuse. With the money, we’d both be able to retire and do all that traveling we’d been planning for so long. With no children, it was just the two of us, and we intended to enjoy our ‘later years’ on the road.

I felt bad that I was neglecting Alice those weeks, and a night didn’t go by that we didn’t talk to each other on the phone, and, to me, at least, all seemed well.

Alice was lying in bed after her nightly call from her husband. As usual, she lay there in her birthday suit, relaxing and enjoying the time by herself. She’d always slept in the raw and loved to feel her silk sheets against her body. To the right of her, on hubby’s side of the bed, lay her ‘toys,’ her 12″ black dildo, and her 10″ black vibrator. She’d used them every night for the past two weeks.

With her husband spending all his time at work trying to work out the deal to sell the business, she’d found herself wanting him but unable to have him. He’d always met all of her needs, and now that those needs were wanting, she had to do something to satisfy herself; this was her only release. Hubby didn’t know of these toys, though, and she didn’t want to tell him, deciding to let him think he was doing his ‘husbandly duty’ and keeping her sated.

If he only knew.

It happened for the first time in the second week of being alone in the house.

While lying in her bed, after a rousing pumping of her cunt with the vibrator, with her juices still running down her inner thighs and pooling somewhat on those silk sheets, Bailey made his presence known for the first time. She didn’t even realize he was in the room until she felt his weight on the bed. She opened her eyes and saw him lying between her spread legs, her cunt open and leaking, and apparently, the aroma was arousing him. He leaned his head forward, and she felt his cold nose as it touched her shaved lips for the first time.

“Bailey!” she shouted at him. “Don’t do that!”

Though he was the animal, he was only aware of one thing. There was a female in heat before him, and it had ignited a fire in his loins that he wanted to douse, and the only way he could do that was to get ‘up close and personal’ with his mistress.

Inching closer, her once again pushed his nose into her cunt, extending his tongue and pushing it as far into her as he could.

Alice could only lay there and watch as her Great Dane began to probe her inner being with his tongue. While she was at first repulsed at what was happening, it was also becoming quite aware to her that it was beginning to feel good as well. Bailey never moved from his spot between her legs. Still, he continued to probe her wetness, swiping his tongue over her clitoris, causing her to suck in her breath in surprise. Even with her husband eating her out, she’d never felt anything that far inside of her, and the feeling was like nothing she’d ever experienced before. Slowly, so as not to cause any alarm to Bailey, she spread her legs, opening herself even wider, allowing more access to her depths.

That first night, all she allowed Bailey to do was lap at her until she’d orgasmed several times. Only after that was finished did she chase him out of the room, closing the door behind him, and use her vibrator until she climaxed again. Then, after catching her breath, she got up, stashed her toys, and took a nice hot shower before retiring for the night.

Closing the deal on the business was scheduled for the following week. The buyer and our attorneys would be present for the final dealings. I’d already been assured of the asking price, which was guaranteed, so no worries. All I had to work out was keeping Calvin and the other two men on. All three of them had been with me since the beginning, and I wanted to ensure their jobs were secure. Now, I know many people wouldn’t worry about things like that, but they weren’t only workers to me.

They were best friends for over 20 years, with Calvin being there the longest, 25 years. It was the least I could do for them. I wanted an ironclad guarantee that they’d keep their jobs, and it was written into the contract. I’d tell them about it on the first of next week when we had our last meeting as a group.

They all knew of the sale of the company, of course, but none of them knew about the new clause that kept them at work. I was sure they’d be pleased. I only had one more night at the shop to take care of the final things, and then I’d be able to get back home to Alice and pay her the attention I’d been neglecting the past two weeks.

Calvin showed up at the house on Wednesday night one week. He wasn’t expected, however. He wanted to surprise Alice with a new DVD of exercises he and his brother had put together for her to use. Little did he know what he was about to walk into, however.

After not getting an answer, Calvin knocked on the door and was about to leave when he realized Alice’s car was in the garage. He knocked again. Still waiting for an answer. He started to get worried that maybe she’d hurt herself in the weight room and couldn’t get any help. He knew how hard she was working out, but doing it by yourself could lead to trouble if anything happened. He tried the door and found it open, so he went inside and headed towards the stairs and the basement. He heard a noise in the bedroom before entering the living room.

Having been in the house many times, he knew the layout, and the noises got softer as he got closer. He could swear that Alice had someone else in there with her, doing things that brought her great pleasure. He slowed down and did his best not to give himself away to her. As he neared the room, he could tell that the door was slightly ajar, and some light was coming through the opening. Easing up to the door, he was eager to see who was pleasing the boss’s wife while he was at work.

Then he heard her…

“YES. YES. YES. Eat me out, big boy! Shove that tongue as deep into my cunt as you can! I want to feel it licking my womb!”

His curiosity was beginning to get to him, and he moved closer. His cock was already getting hard in his pants, and he had to reach down and adjust to be comfortable. He couldn’t see the bed from his position at the door, so he had no idea who was in there, even though the words and sounds told him what was being done.

He was fully erect now, his 8-inch, uncut cock, threatening to break out of his pants if he didn’t do something about it. She unzipped his pants, gaining some relief, but it wasn’t enough. Next, he undid his belt and popped the button above the zipper, which greatly helped. The pressure from his pants and his erection wasn’t as bad now.

He pushed open the door, hoping and praying it was well-oiled and wouldn’t make any noise as it opened wider.

He saw Alice on the bed for the first time. Her eyes were closed, and from the movement of her arms, she appeared to be either playing with herself or opening herself to her lover. He had to look into the room further to see who was satisfying this woman.

He pushed the door even further, slowly revealing who was at the foot of the bed.

Imagine his shock when, instead of a man being between Alice’s legs, he saw their dog, Bailey, lapping at her cunt with great enthusiasm. His front legs were positioned on the foot of the bed, with the rest of his body still standing on the floor. From his position, he could see the erection the Great Dane possessed.

‘No wonder they’re called Great Danes,’ he thought.

The canine cock dangling between the dog’s legs was even bigger than he was, in both length and girth, and it was steadily oozing and dripping on the floor. Well, not directly on the floor. Alice knew what was going to happen and had placed a large towel on the floor that was collecting the fluids leaking from the canine’s cock.

As he watched, Alice moved down to the edge of the bed, opening her legs wider as she went until once on the edge of the bed, she commanded Bailey, “Up, boy! It’s time to get up here and give Mama what she’s been craving all day. I want your cock deep inside my cunt. Fuck me, Bailey. FUCK ME!

The dog had done this before because, on her command, he jumped on the bed, legs straddling her waist, and drove his cock forward. Alice had to reach between her legs to grab and direct him to her opening. Still, once he felt her warmth and realized how close he was, he drove his cock right into her cunt, not stopping until his sheath was mashed against her hairless pussy.

Calvin was now jacking his uncut cock, precum dripping from his cock head. The sight before him had taken him unaware, but now, seeing the enjoyment Alice was getting, he was ready to make his presence known and to take part in the action before him.

With no hesitation whatsoever, Calvin approached the side of the bed. Bailey noticed him first and growled at him, alerting his mistress to the intruder. Opening her eyes, the first thing she saw was the uncut cock directly in front of her face, its glistening head dripping with sweet nectar. With no hesitation at all, she reached out, grabbed that cock, and pulled it into her mouth, where she proceeded to cuck it like a popsicle.

She’d not had a cock to suck on since her husband started camping out at work to finalize the business sale. Now, with her want so bad she didn’t care who the cock belonged to, she sucked and licked, drawing it deep into her throat. There was no gagging at the length or girth of this dark cock, as her husband wasn’t much bigger, and she easily managed to deep-throat him with no problems at all. All she knew was that her hunger, both in her mouth and her pussy, was finally being taken care of, and all she wanted to do was enjoy the moment.

Calvin stood there and let the wife of his boss suck his cock. She pulled it out of her mouth and licked it, pulling his foreskin back and revealing the purplish head. She kissed and licked that head, sucking slightly on it to get all that precum on her tongue and eventually into her mouth so she could swallow it all. Then she sucked on his excess skin, feeling it slide against the back of her tongue.

She loved sucking an uncut cock. Her husband had an abundance of foreskin, and it always thrilled her to feel it slide down her throat. This cock didn’t have as much as her husband, but she wouldn’t complain at all. It was a cock, and it needed to be sucked, and she needed to suck it until it shot all its load into her mouth, where she could savor the taste before she swallowed it.

Neither heard the car door shut as her husband finally got home.

As he pulled up, he recognized Calvin’s car again, thinking he was helping her with the weight room again, as he’d promised earlier. In a way, he was glad Alice was getting help with her training. He always disliked the idea of her doing it all by herself.

The front door was opened, but he failed to hear anything from the direction of the bedroom. His concentration was on the weight room, where he figured he’d find the two of them in the first place. Once at the bottom of the stairs, though he realized neither was there, he returned upstairs. When he got to the living room, he noticed the noises coming from the direction of the bedroom.

It was hard not to hear them as Alice exploded with a powerful orgasm…


“What the hell is going on in there?” he asked himself.

The bedroom door was ajar, and as he got closer, he could hear the commotion of more than one body.

What he saw gave him quite a shock.

His friend was having his cock sucked while, at the same time, his faithful dog was fucking his wife.

“HOW COULD YOU!” was all he managed to say before falling over, gripping his chest, as a massive heart attack gripped him.

So engrossed in their efforts to fuck and suck and be sucked, neither Alice nor Calvin heard the shout. It was only after they regained their senses that Bailey got off the bed and found his master prone on the floor.

It was too late when they got off the bed and discovered his body. He was dead.


The End.


*This story has been edited by AI to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). Also, AI can be inaccurate at times when editing grammar. The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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