My Confession

By Shady Lady Julie.

I knew it was wrong, but I couldn’t stop watching dog porn like a drug. I knew that this addiction would have consequences. This is my confession.

I found it one day by accident, and ever since that day when I stumbled across the first picture of a woman being mounted by a large black dog, not a day went past where I didn’t fantasize about being fucked by a dog. Over the months, I pulled together a huge collection of pictures, stories, and videos, all in secret without my husband knowing.

I have lurked in chat rooms discussing how it would feel to be mounted and fucked, just used like a bitch in heat. Even now, as I am writing this, my pussy is wet, my nipples erect, and having to write one-handed as I touch my engorged clit gently.

I guess to start, I should tell you a little about myself, my name isn’t important, but just so you know, I am 27 and happily married to a very nice man. We have no children yet, and I work in a local branch of a household name bank, and my husband is an accountant for a large accountancy firm in the city. We are buying our first house, an old Victorian property that we are slowly renovating using tradesmen sparingly to preserve our cash.

I was a virgin until I met my husband, and we waited until we were married before having sex for the first time. I don’t wear outrageous or flirty clothes and live what I feel is a respectable and quiet life in public, but behind closed doors, things are different.

That fateful day six months ago, I was on my day off, the joys of flexitime, and indulging in my favorite hobby, dog porn chatting. I remember the conversation well, his name was Victor, and his opening line was, ‘I have a Doberman that would love to cover you.’

Those words sent shivers through me, and without conscious thought, I opened my knees and began to chat as I stroked my naked pussy lips. Over the next few hours, I must have orgasmed ten times as he described his boy in detail, what he would do to me, and how it would feel. Then he turned on his camera, and the face that stared at me was an older man with short cropped hair and piercing eyes that reminded me of Daniel Craig as James Bond. I loved how he reassured me that I didn’t need to turn my camera on as he spun his camera to rest upon a beautiful Doberman in fantastic condition.

“Don’t show your face, but can you show Rocky what one day he might have,” he said in a calm and reassuring voice. I took the camera and held it carefully under the desk before turning it on, pointing it at my naked and open pussy. It would have been quite clear by my puffy lips that I had been touching, and when Victor asked me what I had been thinking about, I had to tell him. As I heard my words tumbling from the speakers, I could feel myself getting hotter and hotter and just having to touch.

With Victor’s words of encouragement, I started to finger myself and alternated with rubbing my now engorged clit. Victor kept his camera trained on Rocky, who sat patiently, his tongue hanging out, slightly panting as if he knew what was happening. I remember Victor asking me if I wanted Rocky and my fingers working faster as I moaned ‘yes’ over and over, my orgasm building until I came shuddering and soaking my fingers.

Over the next few weeks, we chatted, and I played as Victor explained how he saw it as his mission to help women achieve their deepest desires. When he asked about my deepest fantasy, I described how I would like to be taken like a bitch in heat and fucked hard. We established that I would not be unfaithful to my husband with a man, but a dog was different, and he reassured me that it would only be Rocky that fucked me, no one else. Eventually, we decided to try to progress matters, and when I gave Victor my address, we were only twenty miles apart, to our pleasant surprise. We arranged a date and time, and I told him the key would be under the mat, and I would be waiting for Rocky to fulfill my fantasy and dreams.

I recall tying the blindfold around my eyes and, having already stripped, kneeling in front of the fireplace. Grasping the hearth, I pushed my ass into the air and waited, my heart beating like a caged bird in my chest. Pressing my breasts to the cold marble, I felt shivers run through me as I heard the door open and knew this was my moment of truth. The door to the living room opened, and the slight breeze of colder airbrushed my ass cheeks, raising some goosebumps.

At that moment, I had a rush of panic as I wondered if this was Victor, was this Rocky, would this happen, or was I a fool when I heard the click of claws on the hard floor. Although I couldn’t see, I knew it was Rocky, and I knew I ached to be his bitch. I heard the click of a camera capturing that moment forever, and I arched my cunt, a word I don’t use often, but it seemed so right to say it. Yes, I arched my cunt towards the doorway, my breath coming in short pants of anticipation.

Rocky came closer, he was silent, but I could tell he was closer as I felt his heat and breath on my open cunt. I nearly orgasmed at that moment as he sniffed his bitch, inhaling my scent and my desire traveling into his nostrils. Deciding he liked what he saw and smelt, his next tester was to taste, and the long rough tongue that rasped along my pussy lips dragged a long groan of primeval lust from my mouth. The taste was pleasing as he began to feast on my pussy, his tongue seeking and finding the copious flow of juices emanating from my body.

Deciding his bitch was ready, which I most certainly was, Rocky rose and placed his paws on either side of my hips. To my frustration, the stabs of his cock slid along my ass cheeks, leaving a wet trail of his pre-cum until, in annoyance, he dismounted and moved away. Victor hadn’t spoken, as we agreed, but I knew he was there when I felt the tap of a leather handle against my cheeks, indicating I should lower my ass. Following this unspoken command, I lowered my hips and felt his strong palm gently tap my ass with a clicking of his tongue to encourage Rocky to mount again.

The second time Rocky jabbed with more accuracy and, with a thrust that drove the very breath from my body, slammed his cock into my willing cunt. Victor had described it, I had read about it, and I had seen videos, but nothing prepared me for that feeling. It was like my whole world had shrunk in focus to that small area between my legs and that every nerve ending in my body was there. Rocky’s cock was harder, bigger, and warmer than I could have imagined, and at the moment it slammed home, the first orgasm tore through my body like a raging forest fire. Rocky then set off on a sprint of fucking that hammered his cock into me with no regard for my feelings or reactions. I couldn’t speak. There were no words to describe it; it was just a stream of yeses repeated repeatedly.

I could feel what I knew to be his knot banging against my pussy lips, demanding entry, insisting that he could possess his bitch and breed her. It was like an explosion in my brain as his knot went in, and I mewed like a wounded animal as I opened to accept him and give myself to him. His movements stopped as the first jet of hot cum splashed my insides, coating my womb with his seed. Jet after jet followed, spraying my insides, sending waves of pleasure through me as I orgasmed on his knot like the bitch I was.

I lay with my face pressed against the marble, panting in time with Rocky’s panting as he drooled onto my back, waiting until the moment was right to pull away and leave an aching void in my pussy. As he pulled away, there was a loud plopping noise followed by the splash of his cum spurting from my body. I remember feeling and hearing the cum dripping slowly from my pussy to join the rest of the puddle between my knees as I remained in position, savoring that moment.

I heard the door close, and the house fell silent as they left, leaving me knowing that this was a journey I had just begun.


Over the next few months, Victor and I settled into a comfortable routine, we would chat, and cam and I would perform for him and Rocky, often using the dog dildo he had bought me. Then on my days off, Victor would bring Rocky to my house and, in silence, let himself in, and then Rocky would fuck me and leave.

Then disaster struck, well, a disaster for me. Victor and Rocky had to leave the area for work and moved 200 miles away.

Victor would often ask me if I had told my husband and encouraged me to do so, as keeping secrets in a marriage has many dangers. I was torn, on the one hand, I wanted to tell my husband, but in other ways, I was too embarrassed. In one of our cam sessions, Victor came up with the idea that I couldn’t stop thinking about, why didn’t I make a video and let my husband see it and would have the added benefit of making money for the renovations to the house.

The idea grew, and the first thought was to use Rocky, but as Victor explained, that would be impractical due to distances unless, of course, I wanted to tell my husband before, and then we could come up together. I knew that telling my husband would be a make-or-break decision, and I had a clear plan on how to do it.

Victor put me in touch with a very experienced director-producer who had a very experienced german shepherd called King. A few weeks later, I found myself outside the front door of a small secluded cottage surrounded by bushes. The production crew was so kind, and all of them were insistent that, above all else, I enjoy myself with King. Robin, the director-producer, explained that the best way he had found was for me to spend a day with King enjoying his company, and then they would cut together the finished article from the footage.

After completing the paperwork, they took me outside and into a large double garage that had been converted into a film studio. The most magnificent beast I had seen was sitting in his basket, silently observing me.

Around the walls were pictures of other women King was in various stages of copulating with, and the first thing that struck me as I stripped was just how big King was, physically and in the cock department. Robin explained how King was large for his breed, and his cock had been measured at nearly ten inches, including the knot. I remember him telling me some story about how King’s previous female owner had given him to Robin, assuring him he was well-trained in pleasuring women, and by the looks, on their faces, she wasn’t lying.

My pussy responded to the words by starting to get damp, as it had been three months since the last time Rocky had covered me, and I was aching for it. My scent must have reached King’s sensitive nose as a quick sniff in the air, and he was up and over to me, checking for the source of the scent. I remember Robin telling me to stay on the extra-large blanket in the center of the room, but after that, I have no conscious memory of anything he or the crew said. My only focus was King’s cock, growing from his sheath.

I knelt and looked into a pair of the kindest yet most dominant eyes I have ever seen in my life, and with no words passing between us, he told me I was his bitch. My body was already way ahead, and my juices flowed freely down my inner thighs as I lay on my back before him, opening my legs. He devoured my pussy, his tongue lapping and licking from my ass to my clit in eager strokes, sending me into shock waves of orgasms. As I arched my ass off the blanket to his tongue.

Twisting around on the floor, his cock was next to my face, his pre-cum freely flowing as he stood like a furry statue allowing me to devote my ministrations to his wonderful cock. It was the first time I had tasted a dog cock, as Rocky had always fucked me without me even seeing the size of his cock. The taste was bitter yet strangely addictive, perhaps made even more so by the thought that I was sucking a dog’s cock and someone was filming this. I even took his cock from my mouth and smeared the tip across my face making sure it left trails of seed for all to see. This made it even hornier to me, and I swear to this day that as I worked even harder on his cock he made a doggy moan of pleasure.

I knew King was bigger than Rocky, and my whole body burned with a desire to feel him inside me, possessing me, owning me. Rolling to my hands and knees, I presented myself and patted my cheeks with encouragement. Not that King needed any as he rose majestically and thrust forward, seeking my pussy that was more than ready to receive him. I had already reached under, ready to guide him, and as I felt the tip brush against my fingers, I guided him to the promised land.

It was like a flesh baseball bat had been rammed inside me, and if I hadn’t got my hand back down quickly, the sheer ferocity would have slammed me to the floor. Bracing as best I could against this assault, King battered my insides into submission as he drove his cock in and out with passion and intention that sent my head into orbit. I have no idea if he meant to, but as I orgasmed on his cock for what seemed like the hundredth time, he slipped out, leaving me empty, my mews of unintelligible frustration filling the room as I begged him to remount me and use his bitch again. Then in a flash, he was on me and fucked me hard and fast before finally driving the knot deep in, almost causing me to pass out with pleasure and pain, his hot seed spurting deep inside me until he was sated.

After he had pulled out, I knelt there panting as if I had just run a marathon with my pussy on full display, waiting until King wanted to mount me again. Over the next few hours, King fucked me many times, each time bringing forth multiple orgasms until, finally, neither of us could continue. I remember slipping into a semi-coma as one of the production crew threw a blanket over me.

Robin was hyper-enthusiastic, saying he had plenty of footage and would be working on putting together the final version that afternoon. We agreed on the date and time he would send a copy to me for approval and, at the same time, a copy to my husband, as I had requested.


The video was released today, which is why I am sitting here watching myself on screen being fucked by a German shepherd as I confess. It is my moans filling the bedroom, and I can’t resist lifting my legs onto the computer table where the screen is mounted and touching myself. As my on-screen excitement grows, I reach for the doggy dildo and push it deep inside, and, at the same time, I hear the front door open and footsteps on the stairs.

It is silent behind me, and knowing it must be my husband delivering his thoughts, I don’t turn but fuck myself harder and deeper. As I cum loudly in synchronization with my on-screen self, I hear the click of my husband’s camera to capture the moment, and he utters the words I hoped I would hear.

“I love you, baby. Let’s get a dog.”


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean the narrative/plot flaws in a story are fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here. The title has been changed. The original title was: Confessions of a Profile.

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