Chance Meeting (Gay Zoo)

By Gottabme.

This is a story about Rachel, a beautiful 25-year-old blonde with blue eyes and a perfect body, who every time she goes to a club, she has to show an ID because she looks like a 16-year-old. Although it bothers her, she is reminded by friends that the older she gets, and people still think she is 15 or 16, the luckier she will be. She figures her friends are right and has come to accept it.

Rachel walked into the club with some friends. Rob, the 35-year-old club manager noticed her right away and went to the doorman to ask if he had carded her. When the doorman saw who he was referring to, he said he did and that her ID says she was 25. This, however, was different because Rachel was legit but just looked like a teen. Rob had always fantasized about fucking a teenager, but with mottos like ’15 will get you 20,’ he never dared fool around with a teen. He had to meet her and hope to score with her. After waiting around a while, he noticed that the other girls with Rachel were all dancing. Rob decided to take a chance on asking Rachel to dance.

To his good fortune, she said yes, and they started dancing. Rob began to talk to her, and after exchanging names, Rob mentioned how young she looked. Rachel just laughed and said she gets carded everywhere she goes. Rob said he thought it was cool that she looked as young as she did, and Rachel smiled and said thanks. When the dance was over, Rob bought Rachel a drink and sat with her. Her friends were still dancing, so it gave Rob more time to talk to Rachel. They found they had quite a few things in common, including having a dog. Rachel said her dog Rusty was her best friend, and Rob laughed and said his dog Ali was also his best friend.

They had a good time at the club, and Rob asked Rachel to take her home. She said yes, and when they got to her house, she invited Rob inside. Rob already had a hard-on thinking about the possibilities of fucking and sucking this teenaged looking young lady. Rachel got them some drinks, and they sat on the sofa. Rob leaned over to kiss Rachel, and she leaned forward to meet him. Rob planted a passionate kiss on her lips and slipped his tongue in her mouth. Rachel responded, and Rob slowly brought his hand up her leg and inside her short mini-skirt.

Rachel spread her legs, and Rob started kissing his way down her body and pulled Rachel’s skirt off. Rachel then slipped her panties off, and Rob dove in. He placed his mouth on her muff and started licking her cunt with passion. Rachel was moaning, “Yes. Yess. Yessss.”

Rob took time to chew on her clit and drove a couple of fingers in her pussy. This set Rachel off, and she moaned through an orgasm. Rob got on top of her and drove his cock into her with no mercy as she was coming. Rachel moaned louder as another orgasm hit her when Rob penetrated her. As he was fucking her hard, then he felt something lick his asshole, and it startled him. He looked back and saw what must’ve been Rachel’s dog, Rusty.

Rachel scolded the dog, but Rob told her it was OK. He continued to drive his cock in Rachel as she began to meet his thrusts. Meanwhile, Rusty began to lick Rob’s ass again and then climbed upon his back. Because Rob lets his dog Ali fuck him, he wasn’t afraid and let Rusty mount him as he kept pounding Rachel. When Rusty penetrated his asshole, Rob came hard inside Rachel.

He stayed in her awhile while getting fucked by Rusty. He then moved off, and Rusty slipped off, shooting some precum on Rob. Knowing Rusty was horny, Rachel got on her hands and knees, and Rusty came up behind her and mounted her. He began fucking her. Rob got hard watching this and got up and walked in front of Rachel. He put his cock in her mouth, and Rachel started sucking it while being pummeled by Rusty. Rob was thrusting in her mouth, watching Rusty fuck Rachel. As he saw Rusty grip Rachel tighter, he knew he was ready to come inside her, which made him begin to shoot his load down her throat just as Rusty was shooting his load into his mistress.

Rob asked Rachel how long it took Rusty to recuperate and be ready to fuck again. She said he is always prepared in an hour if she is. Rob said he wanted Rusty to fuck him again but wanted him to knot him this time while he fucked Rachel again. They had a few drinks, and an hour later, they started making out. Rob placed Rachel on the floor. She spread her legs for him as he got between her. He slipped his cock in her cunt and started a slow fuck while ramming his tongue down her mouth. It didn’t take long for Rusty to get curious as he came up behind Rob and started sniffing his asshole. Rachel could see Rusty’s cock beginning to show. Rob started to fucking Rachel harder, which got her moaning. Rusty had his whole cock hanging out now, and he quickly mounted Rob. As he began to humping and found the mark,

Rob lost it and shot his load in Rachel as Rusty penetrated him. Rob quickly moved forward, which made Rusty slip out of him. Rob quickly went down between Rachel’s legs and started eating her out, tasting his come. This put his asshole even higher as Rusty again mounted him and quickly penetrated his asshole.

Rusty began humping for all he was worth as Rob kept eating Rachel, who was moaning, “Oh God, make me cum.”

Rob kept eating and stuck a finger in Rachel’s cunt as he felt Rusty’s knot at the edge of his asshole. “Drive that knot in me, Rusty.”

As he felt Rusty grip him tighter and lunge forward, he lunged back on Rusty’s cock, and the knot slipped in.

“Oh yeah. Fuck me, Rusty. Cream me.”

Rusty kept pounding Rob as his knot grew to lock him inside his ass. He began finger-fucking Rachel harder as he chewed on her clit. Rob felt Rusty start shooting his load, which caused him to shoot onto Rachel’s legs as she shouted out when her orgasm hit her. “Oh fuck yeah.”

Rob kept licking her clit and finger-fucking her for the 10 minutes Rusty stayed tied with him shooting his come deep into his ass. When Rusty plopped out, a gob of come spilled out of Rob’s ass as he finished with Rachel.

When they finished, Rob got dressed and said: “We will have to do this again at my house so I can introduce you to Ali. I know he would love to fuck you too.”


The following weekend, Rob saw Rachel walk into his club with the same two ladies with her before. They all sat at a table, and Rob went to greet them. Rachel said hi and introduced her two friends as Betsy and Donna. Rob immediately wondered if Rachel got it on with either one of them or maybe with both. Rob ordered them all a drink. A couple of guys came over and asked Betsy and Donna to dance, so Rob sat down with Rachel. They talked about the great time they had last weekend. Rob reminded her that it was now her turn to come over to his place to meet Ali, his Doberman Pinscher.

When the club closed, Donna and Betsy said bye to Rachel and left together. Rob and Rachel left shortly after that to go to Rob’s. When they walked into his apartment, Rob’s Dobie, Ali, greeted Rob, walked up to Rachel, and stuck his snout in her crotch.

“Looks like he likes you,” Rob said.

Rob pushed Ali away and told Rachel to make herself comfortable. He went into his room to change and told Rachel she could use the other room. Ali followed Rachel as if he could smell a female in heat. Rachel was indeed leaking pussy juice thinking about tonight. As Rachel changed, Ali kept putting his snout in her crotch.

She quickly undressed and lay back on the bed, letting her legs hang out over the end of the bed. She spread her legs and tapped her tummy. Ali quickly stuck his nose in her crotch again and took a couple of swipes at her pussy, tasting her juices. Rachel was dripping wet as Ali kept up his insistent licking. Rachel began to moan, thrashing her head from side to side. Rob heard her moan and walked in the room to see Ali lapping up her pussy with Rachel laying back with her eyes closed. Rob climbed up on the bed and started sucking on Rachel’s tits as Ali kept lapping up her pussy juices with each moaning orgasm.

“Oh God, he’s made me come twice already.”

Rob pushed Ali away and quickly got on top of Rachel and drove his cock into her pussy. She screamed with the force of Rob’s penetration. As Rob started pounding her, Ali began to ream Rob’s ass with his tongue. This triggered Rob’s orgasm, and he shot a load into Rachel, who had her legs wrapped around Rob’s waist. Ali already had his cock dripping pre-cum as he kept licking Rob’s ass.

As Rob pulled out of Rachel, Ali climbed up on his back and began humping. Rob moved around to let Ali find his asshole and started eating Rachel out. Rachel quickly lay spread-eagled and began to moan. Ali penetrated Rob’s ass and began to drive his cock in and out at a furious pace. Rob pulled forward, and Ali slipped out, shooting pre-cum on Rob and Rachel’s legs. Ali quickly climbed back up and drove his cock into Rob’s ass again, humping faster and harder. Rachel was moaning under Rob’s insistent licking of her clit and finger-fucking. She was coming, and Rob just kept licking up her juices as Ali kept pounding him.

Ali gripped tighter, and Rob felt the knot slip in. As the knot began to swell, Rob moved so he could drive his cock into Rachel as she was in the throes of another orgasm. Ali was pounding Rob and suddenly stayed still as Rob felt his load filling his ass. This made him pound Rachel harder, and at the same time, he was driving his ass back on Ali as the dog kept squirting his come inside him. Rob then shot his load into Rachel just as he felt the last squirts from Ali. When Ali finally slipped out of Rob’s ass, he pulled his already flaccid cock out of Rachel.

Rob then said, “Let’s take a break and get a drink so Ali can fuck you.”

They were now in the living room when they saw Ali come in and go straight to Rachel’s pussy again. She spread her legs as Ali gave some quick swipes making her moan. She quickly got up and got on all fours on the floor. Ali knew an invitation when he saw one. He quickly climbed up on her back and began to hump. Rachel moved around till she felt Ali find the mark and then stayed still so Ali could drive his cock home. She moaned as Ali began humping her for all he was worth. Rob walked in front of Rachel and presented her his cock to take it in her mouth and suck it. Rachel took it in her mouth, and Rob started to slowly fuck her mouth. He was trying to time his orgasm with Ali so Rachel could feel herself be filled in two of her holes.

Rob could see Ali grip Rachel tighter and give a hard lunge, and he knew he was driving his knot inside her so he could lock and fill her with his come. As Ali kept pounding Rachel, Rob could see he was about to unload his come deep inside Rachel, so he started to fuck her mouth in earnest. He could feel his cock actually slip partially down Rachel’s throat as she took all he had to give. When he saw Ali stop humping, he knew he was coming, triggering his orgasm as he shot his load down Rachel’s throat. He kept thrusting until his last squirt shot into her mouth, and then he pulled out as Ali stayed tied to Rachel.

Ali suddenly turned on Rachel remaining tied to her. Rob suddenly got an idea which got him hard again. He walked up behind Rachel and coming up over Ali. He began to probe Rachel’s ass with his cock. Rachel saw what was going on and let out an: “oh my God, I don’t think I can take you both.”

Rob was able to maneuver enough around Ali to drive his cock in Rachel’s ass. She grunted, and Rob began to slowly fuck her. Rachel began to push back on Ali’s cock, which actually got a few more squirts out of him as she felt Rob shoot a load into her ass. Ali could untie just as he was coming, and Rob drove his cock harder into Rachel’s ass, giving his last couple of squirts before pulling out. He then pulled Rachel to him and pressed his lips hard on her mouth, driving his tongue into her mouth. Their tongues were sword fighting as they pressed their bodies into one another. As they broke the kiss, they both fell back exhausted and drifted off to sleep.


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Just remember, even with the limited editing we do, it doesn’t always mean the flaws in a story are always fixed.

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