Crossing the line

By dragongirl42.

I am Lisa, a German girl living close to the border of the Netherlands. I am 21 now and live in my flat with my dog Charly.

The first time I got in touch with erotic animal stuff was two years ago in Amsterdam, a great city. I was on a weekend trip with my two best friends, and we had a lot of fun. We visited the sex museum, which is not that big but quite funny. It has many different rooms that all cover a specific aspect of sex. Some of this is crazy, and I wouldn’t say I liked it all.

They even had a small room with animal porn, and I didn’t know that it was allowed to make such stuff open to the public, but in the Netherlands, it was no big problem. My two friends were both nervous but also a bit curious about the pictures of women having sex with dogs and even horses. But I pretended to be calm and uninterested, but I have to admit that was only the outside me. The pictures hit a nerve deep inside, and I desperately hoped that nobody had noticed it!

Back at home, I quite instantly went to my computer and started searching for more stuff. After a while, I stopped because I felt so dirty, but soon the hormones took over again, and I continued digging. And I found a lot! Some stuff needed a credit card, but there was also enough for free, and I became a bit of an addict. Always with an evil conscience, but I got used.

Then two months later, it happened. My aunt called and asked if I could take care of Bruno, her male Golden Retriever because she needed to go on a business trip for a week, and of course, I said yes! I was very excited when Bruno arrived. I didn’t intend to go too far (at least what I told myself), but I was excited and eager to know how to have such a dog, even if it was only for a week.

On the first day, we just had a nice long walk, and in the evening, we played and cuddled a little bit together. On the second day, we did the same, but the cuddling got already a little bit more intense in the evening. I was already wearing my pajamas, and suddenly I felt his weight on my back. I was slightly shocked because that was more than I originally had planned. I let myself fall and turned over on my back so I could get rid of Bruno.

I ended the play and went to sleep, but I still felt the warm weight of Bruno on my back, and it felt pretty good. The next day I decided to repeat this play. I still wore my pajamas, so there was no danger of unintended accidents. I got on all fours, and Bruno didn’t need much time, and he was back on me again. Again it felt pretty good, and I enjoyed it for a while. I must have enjoyed it a lot because I didn’t recognize that Bruno had started to hump me and suddenly I felt something between my legs.

I looked and saw his dig between my legs (Yes, I still wore my pajamas), and I stopped the play again. I was less shocked and more curious this time because this was the first time I saw a dog dig in real life. I didn’t dare touch it, but I took a close look. We soon continued, telling myself that this was just a game and nothing (really) wrong. I liked it to watch his prick under my belly. Sometimes he also hit his mark, but he had no chance to get inside me with my pajamas still on. We also continued the next day, and I learned to gain control over his prick so I could avoid him just by my movements to hit his mark (which hurts a little bit) and guide him under my belly. If you know how to do it, it is not difficult.

Becoming more courageous and voluptuous, I first put off my shirt and still even the rest of my pajamas, ‘trusting’ my new skills of ‘prick control.’ What can I say? Of course, it was a mistake! Sometimes everything went well, but then I became too careless, and finally, Bruno hit his mark and entered me! I was instantly clear, totally shocked, and it hurt! A horny dog is not a gentle lover, and Bruno was quite eager to use the moment with all his strength. I don’t know how long it took me to react, but I instantly let myself fall to the ground and tried to get rid of Bruno. I fled to the bathroom and started crying because I was bewildered.

Yes, I liked the ‘game’ with Bruno, but there is a difference between fantasy and reality. I got fucked by Bruno, by a dog! Totally perverted! I took a shower and went to sleep without looking at Bruno, who didn’t know what had happened. Of course, I couldn’t sleep, still thinking about what had happened! I still felt his hard and hot prick entering me, the pain and his strength. Strangely enough, the memory of the pain faded first, and so after a while, I just felt the hot thing inside me.

The following day I still felt terrible but better. I scolded a bit at Bruno, but when I looked into his innocent eyes, I got him his food, and everything was OK. Then suddenly I started to play again with him and this time I was naked from the beginning. Again it took not long, and Bruno was on me, and after a few humps, he entered me. It hurt again, but I was more relaxed this time, and after a short repositioning, the pain was gone. Bruno took me hard with all his strength, and I started to enjoy it. Really enjoy it! Soon I felt his knot entering me, and at this moment, it struck me like lightning, and I had one of the biggest orgasms in my life.

Not only because of the dig but at this moment, I realized that I was made for this! After some more humps, Bruno finished. It took a short while until his prick and knot were small enough to leave my vagina but then it was over. It was quite a mess, but nothing I couldn’t clean.

Unfortunately, Bruno had only a few days left until my aunt came back to pick him up. We used the time, but then it was over, which was quite sad. Meanwhile, I have my own dog Charly, and OK, the rest is for your imagination.


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Remember, even the limited editing done here doesn’t always mean the narrative/plot flaws in a story are fixed.

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