
By Desmond Young.

Cindy woke to the feeling of a wet tongue brushing over her face. She opened her eyes to see Rover the pet dog licking her face with his long wet tongue. Cindy yawned as she pushed Rover’s roving tongue from her face.

Rover stepped back and sat on the floor, wagging his tail, looking at Cindy. Cindy lay there, trying not to disturb her husband beside her. Cindy had a secret, one that she kept from her husband.

It happened two weeks ago when he was out of town at work. Cindy was taking a shower and had accidentally left the bathroom door open. Little did she know that Rover would come in.

As she showered, Rover joined her and overpowered her. At first, she resisted but then gave way to his advances as she lay trapped under Rover’s Body.
Rover took her, thrusting his big penis into her. At first, she resisted, but Cindy began to moan in delight after a few minutes as she felt his long hard penis thrusting into her.

Cindy sat there in the shower for 10 minutes, locked with Rover as the water from the shower washed over them.

As the memories of the past two weeks came flooding back into her mind, she looked at Rover as he looked up at her with his big doggy eyes.

Moving herself to the side of the bed, Cindy removed the sheets and lay there at the edge of the bed. She was wearing a cotton nightshirt and white silk panties. She stretched out her hands and pulled Rover’s head towards her body.

Rover obeyed obediently as he walked forward and started licking her face. Slowly he made his way down Cindy’s body, running his wet nose over her body as his tongue darted in and out of his mouth.

Cindy watched Rover as he sniffed her and explored his body with his tongue. After a few minutes, Rover had made his way down her panties. Rover seemed to enjoy this area the most as he ran his nose over her panties, his tongue licking the tops of her thighs.

Cindy could tell Rover was excited as his nose probed the junction between her thighs and panties. He was nuzzling her, trying to part her legs. Cindy Teased Rover as she pressed her thighs to keep them closed. This made Rover push his nose harder into her junction. The feeling of Rover’s nose and tongue over her thighs and panties was just too much for Cindy as she released the pressure from her thighs.

Rover took advantage of this as he slid his nose between her thighs. Greedily he sniffed as his tongue darted in and out, running between the inside of her thighs and in between her legs.

Slowly her legs opened more and more as Rover worked his head between her thighs, his tongue magically running and probing Cindy. Cindy lay there with her eyes closed as Rover now had full access between her legs. Her breathing had now become erratic as she started to breathe heavily. She was now very excited and was nearing orgasm.

Cindy slowly moved her hand to her panties and pulled them to one side, exposing her naked pussy to Rover. Rover understood and obeyed as his tongue began to lick. Rover could tell her master was excited as he licked the juices between her legs. Rover knew the taste was different from his saliva.

Rover knew he pleased her master as he felt her thighs clamp against his face locking his head into position. Rover continued to lick as her master began to orgasm. Cindy opened her eyes and watched Rover. She orgasmed, her juices flowing into Rover’s mouth.

After Cindy had orgasmed, she stood up and made her way to the door. She turned around and looked at Rover as he wailed through the door. Rover knew and obeyed as he followed her, his tongue wagging happily.

Cindy walked through the hall and unlocked the door that led out into the garden. She made her way over to the table in the middle of the garden. Rover followed happily, his tail wagging with anticipation.

Cindy sat down on the table, her legs wide open, waiting for Rover. Rover knew what her master wanted as he jumped up, his paws resting on her shoulders, licking her master’s face.

Rover stood on his hind legs, his body pressed up against Cindy, his long hard, doggy cock standing hard and erect. Rover let out a small bark of delight as he felt her master’s fingers wrap over his dock cock. Her fingers massaged his cock as her grip tightened and loosened.

Cindy could tell Rover was enjoying this as her fingers moved up and down Rover’s cock. As she did, she pressed her thumb against the head of Rover’s cock. Each time she did this, she could feel the wetness of Rover’s pre-cum. Cindy used this to lubricate Rover’s warm dog cock, and within minutes it was slippery and lubricated.

It was now time. Rover had worked himself into a frenzy of delight as he felt her master guide his penis to the entrance of her vagina. Accepting the invitation, Rover pushed forward, the tip of his dock cock sliding into her warm wet vagina.

At the same time, Cindy let out a small moan of delight as Rover thrust forward, pushing his entire shaft into her. Rover gave a small bark of approval as he began sliding backward and forwards into her master.

Yes, Cindy moaned as she felt Rover’s cock sliding in and out of her, his powerful hind legs thrusting backward and forwards. Rover continued to thrust wildly for 5 minutes before he could no longer hold himself.

He gave one last thrust as he locked with Cindy. He began to bark wildly as he pumped all he had into her master. A wave of dog cum spurted into Cindy as she sat there locked with her beast. Cindy also moaned with delight as she felt Rover fill her with his dog lust.

Cindy and Rover spent the next 15 minutes locked together. Cindy had her arms wrapped around Rover, hugging him as his body pressed against her breasts. Her legs were wrapped around his body.

Cindy and Rover stayed in that position until Rover unlocked. Cindy then put Rover back into his kennel as she walked happily back to bed.


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Remember, even the limited editing done here doesn’t always mean the narrative/plot flaws in a story are fixed.

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