Down on the Farm


Chapter 1

I use to think from time to time with fond memories of what brought me to this point in my life. I enjoy what I do; I’m a CPA for a medium sized accounting firm in Chicago. I’ve never married, and I’m fine with that. I would have no problems finding a man if I wanted one. I’ve been told I’m attractive. I have brown hair that I keep neck length, good complexion, and my mother’s frame. She is pinup model quality. Large hips, thick thighs, narrow waist with a bit of belly. I thought that was from my birth and she just never got rid of it, but I have one too. It formed around my 17th birthday. Now at age 28, it’s a little bigger (in part due to reasons you’ll read about), I can hide it with the right fashions. I’m also very top heavy; I’ll just leave it at that. My height may intimidate some (at six feet three), but that is their problem. But as far as men go, I just don’t have an interest in them. To understand why I have to start my story at the beginning of my “adventure.”

My father used to be a bomber pilot for the Navy during the Vietnam War. From what my mother told me, he flew the A6 bomber. On one of the missions his plane was shot down, and he was never found. The military listed him as MIA. I was only 2 years old at the time, so I only have vague short images of my father. Before he was drafted, my mother told me they were going to keep the family farm going that my grandfather on my mother’s side passed down to her before he died. My mom tells me that her dad and my dad got along so well you would think they were brothers. I guess my grandfather kind of adopted him since his parents died in a car crash at an early age.

My parents started to take over the farm when her father got sick, had a stroke that pretty much knocks all the wind out of his sails. My mother and father had married a few months before that happened. Once he could no longer operate the farm, my parents stepped in. Just a few months later, my father received a draft notice. Since he used to crop dust for a living (this is how he met my mother living on the farm), the military assessed him as a natural for a pilot. Next thing he knew, a few months later he was flying bomber missions over Vietnam.

During this time, my grandfather passed away. My mother knew it was coming but was still distraught about it for a while. Once she got over that, she gets a notice from the Navy that her husband was shot down on a mission over some area in Vietnam that she couldn’t pronounce. Although his death was never confirmed, there was little chance that he made it out of his plane before it crashed. So he was listed as MIA. Two months later, I came along. Other than some old photos and a marriage certificate, I’m the only living example of their love.

My mother never remarried, or even dated for that matter. It was just the two of us. The farm was fairly large, so there were hired hands that took care of most of the work, so mom took care of the administration side. Other than our time together, she put most of her life into the farm. It was quite successful. Most of what the farm did was along the lines of a dairy farm. We also had some sheep that was used for wool, but dairy was where most of the money was, and Wisconsin is the dairy state. When her and my father took over the farm, it was a mix of things, some dairy, some corn, some wheat, and some livestock. There were the common farm animals around, just because it wouldn’t be a farm without them. So mom kept some of the “typical” farm animals and sold much of the land for housing development. The cash that yielded along with smart business moves set us up financially for good.

When I started to reach my mid teens, I started to get curious about boys, relationships, and of course, sex. It was during this time I began to wonder what my mother did to “relieve” herself. My mother had me when she was 19, so we were always very close. We acted more like sisters than mother and daughter.

It was when I was 18 I came across my mother’s stash of playthings. It was the first time she and I were apart for more than a couple of days. There was a dairy convention of some sort going on in Indianapolis, and she was going to be gone for a week. I had proven many times that I was responsible enough to be left alone and take care of things. Mom taught me well. It was summertime and hot. I liked to read, so after I had taken care of my chores, I went up to the loft of one of the barns, closest one to the house. It is built on top of a small hill, so with the loft doors open, a nice breeze would come through once in a while. While I was in the loft, I came across a box that was partially covered by a blanket and a hay bale. I was curious as to what it was and opened it. I about fainted when I saw it contained at least a dozen dildos.

My mom and I would talk about everything, so I do know what dildos are. She had even bought me one over two years ago and told me what women did with it. The more I used it, the more I liked it. Over the course of a few months, it did feel as good as it did at first. I talked to my mom about this. She got me one that was a little bigger and suggested I try it. I did, and that made the difference. She would ask, “How was that little toy I got you? Did it work out okay?” I answered, “Sure did. I liked the fuller feeling this one gave me.” She told me I was her mother’s daughter. She likes the bigger ones also. The full feeling and stretching gives her orgasm like no other. I didn’t know how big she liked them until now. I pulled out a fairly large one. It was heavy. It had to be at least 18 inches long and about 3 inches in diameter. As I held it, I started to get that familiar itch between my legs that only one thing can scratch, and that’s my toys or my “new” toys. I don’t think my mom would mind if I helped myself, but I wondered why she hid them up here. We never kept secrets from one another, but she was also known for not volunteering information that was not asked of her. I would have to investigate this later, but for now, I had an itch to scratch.

It was not hard for me to get worked up. The book I was reading was one of those collections of romance stories. The collection that filtered out the long winded stuff and got down to the action. It seems that in no time my clothes were off. It was about 4 in the afternoon, so I knew that I would not be disturbed by any of the farmhands as they go home around 3:30. My cunt started drooling at what I was about to do. I didn’t even think about trying something smaller to work my way up to this monster; I just started to rub the big rubber head back and forth across my gooey snatch. It was feeling so good. I started to push a little, then back off. I did this over and over again until the head started to go in a little. As my cunt cream would lubricate the thick rubber shaft, more of it would penetrate me further.

This pole had a flat base on the end, so I stood it on end and squatted over it and started again. This time I was bouncing up and down on it. Each time I would let a little more go in. I couldn’t push too much in at once because it was dry. Once my juices coated further down, I could take more. I lost track of time as I did this. This dildo did such a better job of filling me than the dildo I was previously using. After an unknown period of time, the full feeling blossomed into many multiple orgasms. As my cunt would contract from an orgasm, it would then loosen, almost slacking out. This was usually the opportunity I would take to push it further in, then another orgasm would start, and my cunt would contract. This went on for a couple of times. The last orgasm I had was so powerful my legs went weak, and I fell back. My eyes were clutched shut so tight I could see stars.

When it subsided, I got a shock. I looked at my belly and saw what looked like something trying to poke out of it. It looked about the size of a baseball. I thought for a moment that I might have ruptured something. Carefully feeling around I felt sore, but no real pain. As I moved to pull the dildo out, I realized that I nearly took the whole thing inside me when I fell backwards. I had no idea that my hole was that elastic. As my fear was set aside, I started to get excited again at taking so much rubber in my gut. I grabbed the end sticking out of my cunt and started to pull it out. The lump in my belly went down as I did and I had another orgasm at the feelings that were being generated in my lower region. Since there was no pain, only pleasure I pushed it back it.

The lump would rise up slightly, and then go down as I pulled it back out. As my pussy cream lubricated the dildo more, it glided in and out or easily. Eventually, the lump would no longer form, no matter how deep I pushed. Only my belly would ripple slightly at the movement from within. I guessed that I stretched out inside. I slowly pulled the dildo out all the way, enjoying the feeling as it did so. I had a small orgasm as the head cleared my opening; I then collapsed back and rested for a bit.

I looked up at the clock in the loft; it was only 4:30. I had started around 4. All that happened in just a half hour? The orgasms were so powerful and so many that times seemed to slow to a crawl. That’s good because I wasn’t done by a long shot. I just needed a breather. My itch got worse.

After resting for about 10 minutes or so, I went to see what else mom had in her hidden pleasure chest. The one I pulled off the top must have just been the appetizer; larger ones loomed below. I dragged out one that took my breath away. Being on a farm, I recognized the shape of this one immediately. It was in the shape of a horse penis. It looked like when the penis is semi-erect. It was only a little bigger that the one I just used, so I dug further to see what else I could find.

It was one surprise after another. Only the one that was on top was shaped like an oversized human male cock; all the others were molded after horses. I was shocked. What was my mother doing? So many situations and questions started flooding my mind. The thought of my mother using these was enough to remind me of my itch that needed to be scratched. Then I heard one of our horses neigh in the distance. Then I began to wonder if she did anything with the horses. That thought got me so fired up; I just had to simulate what that would feel like. I found a bottle of lubricant in the box, a couple of them actually. Some of them were used up, and some half full. She probably was up here just before she left for the convention. Every so often she would disappear for a couple of hours at a time.

There were sometimes I couldn’t sleep and would find mom walking outside in the shadows. Sometimes she would come back in, sometimes not. Now I wonder where she was going and what she was doing and what with! I grabbed a dildo that before I would have been frightened of, but now all I wanted to do was fuck this huge rubber horse dong in my snatch. It was 2 feet long easy, from base to head. It was about 4 inches across at the base of the head, then it narrowed about an inch suddenly and then gradually widened to at least five inches at the base. I doubt I could get all the way to the base, but I was going to have fun trying!

I lubed up the head and part of the shaft. I took the half filled tube and put the end into my cunt. I squeezed all the lube into my already gooey, dripping snatch. To get an idea of how much lube, a full tube is about the size of a tube of tub and tile caulk. The lube was very slippery, more so than K-Y. It was also thicker. I stood the cock up on its base and squatted down as before. I rubbed the head back and forth a little. It felt so nice. The different shape was stimulating me in a more erotic way than the first one. I started to push down, and to my surprise, it slipped in with no trouble. I began a slow, steady push downwards. The rubber cock was going further in inch by inch, but it wasn’t stretching me as much as I thought it would. I got about a foot of it in me when I realized that this wasn’t going to do the trick.

The lube had gotten me so slick that the horse dildo went in with little resistance. My cunt had gotten greedy. I leaned over to the box with the rubber cock still in me and pushed my hand to the bottom. I put my hand on one that I could barely get my hand around. I tugged it to the top and pulled it out. It had to be two and a half feet long, with a big stable base. At the base was a big set of balls, about the size of melons each. The head resembled that of a flared horse. The head was softer than the rest of the dildo, but it was huge. It had to be every bit of six inches across and five inches tall. The rest of the shaft behind the head was about five inches in diameter and expanded to about eight a foot from the top, then about to 9 or 10 at the base. My loins yearned for this toy. I stood up off the cock that was in me. I didn’t even lube the new one up, I just squatted over it and started rubbing around, then started pushing. As I pushed, the soft head started to compress some. I wondered if this is how a real horse cock would feel.

As the head started to enter, I had an orgasm. Due to my hole contracting, I had to temporarily stop my downward descent. As it subsided, my pussy seemed to open up further, trying to suck the rest of the horse dildo inside. I pushed just slightly and the head passed inside where the pressure of the flare sprang out a bit. This triggered the hardest orgasm of the day. After it had passed, I started to push a little further, then go up and down. Each time I went down, I put a little more into myself. I felt the veins molded onto the cock surface pass into my slacked greasy pussy. This triggered a massive continuous orgasm that didn’t stop until I passed out.

When I came to it was dark outside. I woke up in the darkness disoriented, but the memories of the day’s events started to quickly return. As I tried to get up to turn on the light in the loft, I notice I had trouble moving. It seems that when I passed out, I sank as far down on the rubber horse cock as far as my pussy would handle. My legs were sore as they were folded under me for hours. I pulled my legs out from under me and sat there waiting for the feeling to fully come back before trying to get up again. As the moonlight reflected through the loft opening, I saw the huge head of the horse dildo pushing up through my belly, just a few inches below my rib cage. I didn’t think this was possible. I only felt a dull ache from within.

As the feeling came back to my legs, I stood up to remove the rubber cock that was firmly buried within me. I squatted down and put my feet on the base then started to pull my way off it. Inch by inch it came out. It made snap, crackle and pop noises as it did. My body was so tired, but it did manage to put me through a few micro orgasms before the spongy head popped free. The lube that remained inside me oozed out behind the head. I closed the loft doors and turned the light on. I didn’t bother to put things away for now since mom will not be home for another four days.


Continued on the next page (link below).


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