The Neighbor’s Mare


The night was warm and quiet, only a few clouds in the sky and no Moon above. There was always something magical in walking to the pasture in the night; everything was different. I could only guess, what surrounding me shapes were, even knowing how they look when the Sun is high.

There was also obvious reason, why I was walking there after sunset – even thought the whole terrain and horses belonged to my parents, I wouldn’t like to be seen by an accidental person in the situation I just couldn’t explain. It was what I needed, a cover of darkness, feeling of safety.

Few days before my parents were asked by a neighbor if they can keep their mare with our horses for few weeks. Her pregnancy was close to over and for some reason, the other mares she’s been spending time with began to bite and try to kick her, soon gelding accompanying them both started to do the same.

I’ve seen this mare many times on her pasture, and I was always impressed at how beautiful she was. Dark brown body combined with even darker mane and tail, with a white spot on her forehead. Because she was a breeding mare, she was always rounded – something I always loved even more than shaped muscles. What’s more, on her body there newer was visible veins, what usually made me a little disgusted. Also, even if she wasn’t so tall, she always looked massive, with her big hooves, a wide butt, and visible belly.

I’ve been dreaming about her many times. Walking with a dog, I usually sit way near her pasture to stop for a moment and cuddle with her. She was also very nice and calm, what made me think she just couldn’t protest when other horses were bullying her. Now, having her on my ground, I just couldn’t stop myself from thinking of her. I spend past three days working, playing games and taking care of the farm, but my mind all the time was with her.

Finally, I saw her shape, high on the hill, like a black hole on the background of the darkening sky. From this perspective, she looked almost like a mystery, the magical entity from the other world, for a minute or so I could only stand still by the gate, amazed with this view. Then she spotted me, staring at her. Walking slowly from the hill, she quickly became herself again, but still beautiful as always. She wasn’t afraid of walking towards the gate to meet me.

“How is it, sweetie?” I asked softly, stroking her head.

She sniffed me few times, feeling her warm breath on my neck made me shiver. I quickly jumped over the gate; this was just way faster and easier than opening it. Hearing me stomping hard to the ground, two other horses raised their heads and ears at me for a few seconds, then came back to munching their hay. The Neighbor’s mare shakes her head and neigh a little, then turned around and walked slowly, waving her big butt. That view, with the still fresh memory of her warm breath, made me begin to get hard.

I followed her, trying to calm my own breath. I could only imagine what was hiding under her long tail which was almost reaching the ground. Of course, I wasn’t sure how she would react if she finds out, what I’m up to. That was beautiful in horses; each one was different, so getting to know a new horse is always exciting. I had to learn about particular one now. I haven’t been expecting any trouble or resist from her. Still, I couldn’t let myself be unwary. I learned that excited horses can be always dangerous, even the calmest ones.

I came to her head and stroking it softly; I began to move my hand down her body, watching her reactions carefully. She glanced at me once, muscles on her back shivered a little under my touch, but she quickly calmed down and lowered her head to get some fresh grass. Petting her belly, I carefully reached under her to touch her tits.

“Goodness, I already envy this foal,” I said to myself, feeling two big breasts hard as rocks, begging to be sucked already.

Still, she has had two foals in the past, so she was familiar with touching her under, she didn’t protest or react, still biting the grass. Emboldened by her lack of reaction, I withdrew my hand from under her and, holding my breath; I carefully reached between her legs. Feeling my hand near her secret area, she stopped her meal and turned her head to look at me, obviously curious what I’m about to do. Despite this, she was standing perfectly still, what I took as consent.

I gulped and slowly touched her pussy with tips of my fingers, all the time watching her closely. I really, really didn’t want to piss off an animal that could kill me with one kick, yet she hasn’t been preparing for this. She looked rather curious about what I’m about to do than stressed with someone touching her like this.

“Holy fuck…” I thought, feeling how big her pussy was. I mean, I was playing with several mares before, but she was far bigger than any of them. As I mentioned, she gave birth two times already, so her lips were wrinkled, but still amazing in touch. When I pressed my fingers little stronger, her tail raised a bit. She made any move, just lower her head to the ground, waiting for what I will do.

I took one last look around and knelt behind her, then put her tail to the side, finally looking from very, very close distance at what I’ve been dreaming about for months. Her pussy was just massive as she was – big, black vulva, perfectly shaped and exposed, inviting to taste. She also smelled with this scent that was impossible to describe to someone that never knew it.

I wanted to go slowly at the beginning, but seeing how calm and beautiful she was, I just couldn’t wait. I opened her pussy with two fingers, showing her pink fleshy insides, and just couldn’t stop myself from pressing my mouth and diving my tongue into her. She shivered a little, but still didn’t protest with a single move while I was eating her pussy out. When you try this, you’ll quickly learn that the only better thing than mare’s pussy’s smell is its taste.

For a moment I forgot about everything else, licking her wildly, feeling her enjoy it. Her pussy winked two or three times like she was trying to kiss me back with her clit. Feeling me inside her, she shook her head and whinnied a little, then she stepped back, pushing her butt on my face. This was a little surprise, not being prepared, I fell on my back, for a moment being scared if she won’t step on me. Luckily we didn’t make another step, just looked at me, little worried. I quickly stand up and licked my lips, then swallowed remains of her juices. I just loved their intensive, half-sweet, half-bitter taste. Still, I knew I have to proceed with business; my dick was already standing so hard it hurt.

“You like that?” I asked with a grin, reaching my hand under her tail again.

Now I was completely sure about her consent, so I could step forward more bravely. Meanwhile, our gelding, slightly smaller, came to her obviously aroused. Then happened strange thing – neighbor’s mare whinnied and bit to keep him on distance, meanwhile waving her butt with my fingers in her. That was funny, seeing she was actually into me, but not into her new, horse friend.

“Sorry, bud, but from us two I’m the one that is able to fuck her,” I said to him, still working with my fingers in her warm and wet inside, feeling how it clench around my hand.

Her tail lifted even more, and she began to push on me even harder. Maybe it was her pregnancy, but she’s been acting like she really needed sex. I took a look around if anyone’s coming, then I stood behind her to see if I’m tall enough to enter her. When I withdrew my cock to be sure about the height, she took a look back at me and pushed her pussy on me again. I was amazed cause none mare I met before wasn’t so eager to mate with me without any training. Still, she seemed to be so horny she couldn’t stay in one place. Also, I needed few additional centimeters.

I returned to play with her pussy using my hand and taking a look around. I could feel her soft insides getting more and wetter, clenching rhythmically in my hand. It felt so good I felt precum leaking from the tip of my penis just because of thinking about pushing it in her.

A moment later, still lifting her tail, she walked slowly to her hay. I followed her, worried a little if she had enough, but she just stood there, still waving her butt a little. Before I came to her again, I reached behind the fence for my secret weapon against tall mares – old car tire, hidden in the bushes. She was obviously interested what it is, reaching her head in my direction she was trying to sniff it. I stroked her head again and placed my helper behind her, shivering a little.

It’s now or never. The mare I wanted to have sex with for so long was finally mine, on my ground, doing everything to help me do my job. When I was behind her, with my cock standing hard like never before, she took a look back at me and pushed her tail to the side just a moment before I grabbed it. Then she stood perfectly still, while I began to push a tip of my cock between her lips. Damn, it felt so good, even if she wasn’t as tight as other mares, she was more wet, soft and warm. Also, the way she’s been acting. For the very first time, I saw a horse that was so horny with a man touching her.

Holding my breath, I slowly pushed my hips forward. In few seconds my dick sank into her with its entire length. Like it was what she’s been waiting for, she returned to munching her hay. It was like she’s been saying “Good, do your job, take your time, I’m okay with this.”

I placed my hands on her back, moving slowly at the beginning, just to don’t finish in the first minute. Feeling of warm, pink flesh clenched around my cock made me feel like I was about to cum already, so I took my time, trying to get used to this feeling. I calmed my breath and continued to mate her, slowly increasing the pace.

After a minute or two, when I was sure I wouldn’t make a false start, I began to hump like an animal. Also because she wasn’t so tight, my pressure was rising slower than with other mares, still, if I wouldn’t have experienced this before, I would probably blow my load after a minute.
I closed my eyes and focused on this feeling. I loved that moment when I could just stop holding back myself. There was only me, hammering her with all my force and her, her body jumping with my every trust. Still, she was eating her hay all the time, like pretending nothing’s happening. After ten minutes with short breaks, I could feel pressure in my balls rising to its limits. I clenched my teeth and strengthened my grip on her back, couldn’t stop myself from moaning. She seemed to be enjoying it too, more and more fluid was coming from her, her pussy was making louder and louder slapping and flopping noises.

After last hard thrusts that she couldn’t ignore, I made a short scream, feeling like built up pressure finally releases with portions of cum, squirting from my penis deep inside her. Holy fuck, I almost blacked out for good ten or fifteen seconds before I finally ended spasming and landed on her wide, soft back, still with my softening cock inside her. I was trying to catch my breath, feeling my face twitch with the last portions of cum, still coming out of my tool.

She stopped eating and looked back again at me, lying on her like deflated inner tube. For two or three minutes I was just enjoying the feeling of being inside her, still exhausted and shivering from orgasm.

Then I felt it. Her insides, already flooded with my cum and her juices made my cock began to get hard again! For the very first time, I felt I was ready so fast after such intensive climax like my body couldn’t get enough of her. Yet, she seemed to be okay with this and ready for another ride. I smiled widely then and said to myself “Let’s treat it as a warm up then!”

Shortly after that, I got hard again… well, at least enough to fuck her properly. I was a little worried if it won’t hurt my cock after cumming, but her insides were so soft and wet it couldn’t cause any pain. After another half an hour of hammering her, my hips began to hurt, but I just couldn’t leave her unrewarded.

The second climax wasn’t as intensive, but still, I could call it best sex so far. When I finally came to her again, I lied on her back for way longer, not wanting to move even when my soft and definitely overworked penis shrunk and slid out of her.

When I regained my senses, still shivering, I stood back and just sit on the ground, breathing heavily. Mare in front of me took a look back, then turned around and lowered her head to nudge me a little, like she’s been checking if I’m still alive. I was. Barely. But even exhausted like this, I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face. I stroked her head and gave a soft kiss, feeling more and more sleepy.

“You were amazing,” I said to her, but it wasn’t exactly true.

She was the best mare I’ve ever had like someone trained her for years for this. That gave me thought my neighbor was probably very naughty.

I could barely stand up, but finally, I was on my legs again, feeling totally exhausted. I stroked her for the last time and then hide the tire, and I walked back to my house, still with a blissful smile on my face. I knew one thing for sure – this definitely wasn’t my last time with her.


The End.



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