Fox and Hounds: Part 10

Ken L. Master (

Read Partts 1- 8 here!
Read Part 9 Here!
—Part 10: Loving Her Work, She Volunteers for Extra Duties—

Linda remained dazed and brooding as the days passed and her discipline sessions continued; Denise and Sally gave the obedient teen extravagant praise every night after a delicious dinner, then ushered her into the living room for more review of the videotapes. Every review was the same, watching herself on tape while Denise and Sally fondled and licked her to still more gasping orgasms. The flustered blonde lay awake for hours night after night in her beautiful bedroom cage, whimpering as she recalled the delirium of oral ecstasy with her eager canine lovers. The appalled teenager was stupefied with foreboding and depraved sexual yearning as she remembered her perverted pleasure while Sally and Deni encouraged her to go down on the big dogs.

After every session with the rutting dogs, Linda focussed on what she had done with the eager animals, and the debauched blonde spent hours replaying the scenario over and over again, trying to fathom what made her respond so incorrigibly. Linda told herself she had started out trying to do just enough to keep the women from tossing her back into the kennel; the girl knew she had quickly forsaken all composure and wound up a zealous partner with the animals.

Linda agonized anxiously as she took her morning shower, and brushed her teeth repeatedly to wash away the recollection of sticky dog come on her lips. She avoided looking at herself in the mirror as she rinsed her mouth, unwilling to face how she had performed with the rutting animals and how effortlessly Denise and Sally had persuaded her she really wanted to do it. The agonized blonde reminded herself again that it was much more sensible to perform with the avid animals while she had some option for action, to conserve some slender opportunity of eventual escape. The teenager struggled to evade the acknowledgment that day by day she was becoming more and more captivated and enslaved by her own debauched behavior.

The acquiescent girl stroked, kissed and licked the dogs’ cocks submissively for hours every afternoon while Denise and Sally gave her profuse compliments and fondled her to repeated orgasms. Linda concentrated on the dogs while Sally and Denise massaged her breasts and dallied between her legs as she sucked the animals. The teenager became more acclimated to licking the whining animals day by day and giggled in amusement when the dogs howled their orgasms and spurted hot come all over her.

The delighted women sponged layers of sticky dog come off the sex-crazed teen and permitted her to sunbathe and splash in the pool for several hours after lunch. After Linda had gotten warm and soothed, Denise waved to the expectant animals and the girl immediately hurried enthusiastically back to her blanket. The guilt-ridden blonde was growing perversely bewitched by the huge dogs’ continual erections and their ceaseless reserves of come; in spite of herself, it astonished and excited Linda that the animals could keep coming and coming on her after hours and even days of her increasingly accomplished licking.

Linda still believed it might be feasible to wear the animals out and tried every afternoon to suck just one canine hard-on into submission before the end of the day. To her constant frustration, although Mick, Prince, Rex and Denise and Sally were manifestly overjoyed by her exertions, the endeavor was completely ineffectual. Linda had repeated screaming orgasms from Denise and Sally’s attention, the dogs kept coming in her mouth day after day, and when the women took her inside after dark the animals were always eager for more.

Linda was constantly exhausted, perplexed and too overwhelmed to think when the women finished her lesson review at night, and Sally and Denise gently shooed her up to her room immediately after the brunette achieved Linda’s final orgasm. Frolicking in the pool, the constant ferocious orgasms and the perversely obsessive recollection of warm doggie cock against her tongue left the girl tormented and hollow-eyed as the days passed.

The stupefied blonde’s education agenda was the same brain-numbing practice of orgasms and animal masturbation in the morning, lunch and bestial fellatio by the pool with the brunette and the redhead till dinner, watching herself performing on videotape and repeating the commands every night. The women woke her up every morning and watched her do it all again, again the day after, and the days slipped past in a hypnotic stream. As the days passed, Linda became more and more promiscuously captivated by sucking off the big dogs; one afternoon she realized in a flash of shame that she had been licking the animals passionately for hours without any instruction from the redhead or the brunette.

After days of perpetual bestial euphoria, the languid teenager moved agreeably to whatever pose the redhead or brunette proposed and lounged contentedly beside the animals so Sally and Denise could toy with her clit while she sucked the dogs. The subjugated blonde ultimately became flawlessly conforming, taking the furry animal cocks in her mouth while the women smiled and fondled her approvingly and the dogs yowled and sprayed hot come over her tongue. Linda fell into dissipated slumber every night and woke from dreams of sweaty enjoyment and satisfaction without ever envisioning that her abasement was driving her closer to another assignment. Saturday night Denise and Sally kept her up after dinner; sitting tranquilly on the luxurious couch, the hapless blonde wondered what they planned for her next.

Sally moved the empty dishes to the kitchen cart, turned quickly around and gave the trembling girl a passionate kiss as Denise dropped to her knees in front of the captive teen. Linda couldn’t seem to move as Sally’s tongue darted into her mouth at the same time Denise licked deftly at the edges of her brickred snatch. The teenager gave one harsh groan as she squirmed her ass quickly to the very front of the cushion, spreading her legs wide apart to give Denise full access to her well-trained pussy. The flawless licking at her clit totally dissolved the girl’s resistance, and Linda closed her eyes and gasped for breath as she thrust her tongue deep into Sally’s mouth. As their steamy kiss continued, the redhead gradually turned and crawled slowly onto her knees on the cushion beside Linda; the blonde’s kisses trailed gently over Sally’s neck and down her collarbone as the redhead moved upward.

Denise’s lips worked hypnotically at the teenager’s wet pussy as the redhead slowly straightened up, bringing her full breasts under the girl’s eager kisses. Linda didn’t even realize what she was doing until she felt Sally’s nipple stiffening under her tongue; Sally gripped the blonde’s shoulders as the girl’s eyes snapped open. Linda glanced up to find Sally staring down at her while the teenager kissed and licked the redhead’s pale areolas. Linda moaned softly against the mouthful of Sally’s firm tit and brought her arms around the woman’s waist.

The gasping teenager couldn’t stop herself from crossing her ankles over Denise’s back as the brunette lapped exquisitely at her steaming pussy. Sally whispered encouragement as Linda reached up and began fondling the redhead’s breasts, licking hesitantly at the woman’s rigid nipples. The teenager brought her knees up and rested her heels on Denise’s shoulders, spreading her pussy wide to the brunette’s skillful kisses. Linda kept her tongue on the redhead’s stiff nipple as she dropped one hand down and fumbled blindly for Sally’s bronze-curled pubic thatch.

The panting blonde gave a low moan of absolute surrender as her fingers trailed through Sally’s curly bush and slid toward her slit. The redhead backed away instantly when the girl’s fingertips touched her clit; Linda stared at her in mute frustration as Sally drew her rigid nipples away from the blonde’s lips. The teenager gasped in sudden dismay as Denise abruptly stopped licking at her snatch and rocked backward from between her legs. Linda reached imploringly toward the brunette as she and Sally stood up and smiled down at her; the girl stroked the inside of her sleek thigh pleadingly and whispered, “Please, Deni, just a little more for me, please help your good girl..”

“I’m sorry, sweetheart, but it’s really too late tonight,” the brunette said, “it’s really sweet to know you want it, but that’s all for now, angel. Maybe tomorrow if you ask real sweet Sally will let you play with us a while; right now we have to run along so you can get your beauty sleep, baby.”

“Oh Deni, please, Sally please, how can you leave me like this?” The despairing blonde flung herself backward on the couch, bringing her knees up and spreading her legs until her bronze-bushed pussy spread wide for the smiling women; she reached down and began fingering her clit deliberately, adding, “You know I need help to relax when you get me all hot like this, Deni, please don’t go. I’ll be good, it can be like when you stayed with me before, remember?” Linda groaned and shivered as she masturbated slowly in front of them, staring into the brunette’s eyes as she continued, “I want you, I’d like to curl up with you like we did it before, please…”

“Oh angel, that’s so sweet, really it is,” the brunette replied, “I really hate to leave you when you’re so eager, but it really is bedtime, baby. You just calm down and try to relax and get some rest, sweetheart, okay?”

The overwrought teenager started crying as Sally and Denise walked to the door; the women turned at the doorway and looked back as the weeping blonde continued jacking off in front of them, writhing provocatively on the couch as she massaged her aching clitoris. The redhead waved Denise on into the hallway, smiled back at her and blew Linda a kiss as she stepped through the door behind the brunette. As Sally pulled the door shut, the frenzied girl broke into hopeless screaming, “Oh god no, please please don’t leave me like this, please make me come, please make me come. I want you to lick me, I want you to fuck me, I’ll do anything you want, please please please…”

“You see how quick you’ve come around to the right attitude, lover,” the redhead snickered malevolently with an exultant smile, “just get some rest, baby, and hold that thought for those pretty dogs, okay?” Sally started out the door, turned back to Linda and whispered, “What you really want is some more of that wonderful doggie cock, isn’t it angel? Deni and I will just keep you hot so that you’ll keep craving that fuzzy dick more and more. You’re already starting to like it a lot, baby, and before you’re finished with your exercises you’ll want those superb animal cocks night and day, sweetheart. You just play with yourself and imagine you’re with one of the pretty boys, good girl.”

Linda resisted her obsessive urges for more of the big dog’s cock for hours and hours after Denise and Sally had gone. The overwrought teen hustled anxiously around in her bedroom cage after dark, hearing the animals barking in their pens, standing inside her barred windows with her knees pressed tightly together. The teenager had surmounted nearly all misgivings or guilt about the escalating enticement to being snatched by Sally and Denise and the incredibly sensual things they had induced her to do.

Even more, Linda found she was becoming self-satisfied and corrupt by her scandalous and altogether brazen responses to getting mounted by the huge dogs and masturbated and licked by the two women. The electrifying memory of writhing and screaming under the obedient animal cock, the sensual recall of spastic ecstasy pulsing from her clit made her squirm at her vanity table, and fingering herself into sweating, gasping frustration in dark with images of the dogs and beautiful women growling in delight between her legs only made her more ardent and titillated.

The pretty blonde was overwhelmed with fevered hunger, tormented by the memory of muscular shoulders effortlessly spreading her clenching thighs and dogs licking her with luxurious tongue-thrusts. The feel of Mick’s tongue rasping over her shivered her tits into goosebumps as she sat on the bed in the moonlight, still stripped naked as Sally and Denise liked her. Closing her eyes brought vivid close-ups of the incandescent pink doggie cock pumping the first shot of sticky cream beside her as she jacked off another animal.

Forty minutes of erotic brooding left Linda sweating and shivering but resolute in her determination to go along with more fucking by the well-trained animals. After all, she debated herself ironically, everybody talked about safe sex; what safer sex could she practice than playing Lassie with Sally and Denise’s big horny dogs? They were clean, they didn’t sleep around (not with more than one good girl at a time, anyhow), and at this point it was certainly too late to worry about rumors spreading outside the grounds of Fox and Hounds.

“Get a grip, Linda,” the blonde murmured to herself, “and stick to your decisions about this. Admit it, this is not turning out to be a fate worse than death. You’ve got a beautiful place to live, mind-blowing orgasms with perfect obedience and total privacy and freedom. So people who don’t know how good it is would think it’s weird, so what. Denise and Sally are right, if more people knew, they’d be doing it too. They keep you safe and they keep you pretty, they love you and those pretty big dogs love you too. Let’s try and go with the flow here, give up this bullshit guilt and self-recrimination.”

“That’s right and that’s it,” she said aloud, jumping to her feet and fondling her crotch luxuriously in front of the long mirror, “I need to quit screwing myself up brooding about it and let them teach me the rest of it. In fact, I need to take some initiative to let those lover girls know I want a lot more of it. It’s time to stop thinking like a prisoner and start thinking like a participant.”

Accepting her bestial desire to crawl back under the skilled animals’ dicks brought a volcanic rush of clit-tingling memories. Linda slipped her hand into her crotch and closed her eyes, recalled twitching and moaning with faithful Mick lapping fervently at her dripping bush, heavy jaws panting between her spread thighs while Denise and Sally stared in fascination as he licked lovingly at her pussy. Breathing hard, the teenager mechanically stroked her joy-button with slow, torturous precision, concentrating on the remembered feeling of satin-smooth heat as her clit throbbed under the dog’s tongue.

Clamping her sleek thighs tight together, the panting blonde rubbed her throbbing clit like a miniature Aladdin’s lamp, waiting for the genie to give out the orgasm wishes. The mirror showed her nipples sticking out stiffly like pink champagne corks while a thin trickle of crotch juice slid slowly down her thigh. Gasping as the first surges of pre-come tightening pulsed out from her snatch, Linda crossed her ankles and writhed voluptuously around the hand buried in her pussy; she thrust her hips rhythmically against her stroking hand, squirming on the slippery, questing fingers, grinding her clit exquisitely on her wriggling fingertips.

A sudden flash of horny inspiration made Linda jerk her hand off her pussy and leap to the drawer where Denise and Sally kept the vibrator collection. Grabbing up the mechanical cock, she hastened to the vanity table and slathered the dildo with her slipperiest body oil and returned to the mirror opposite the foot of the bed. Standing spread-legged, the excited blonde bent sharply forward, worked her hand just down below her feverish ass, reached around behind and gently slipped the tip of the battery dick in. Slowly and deliberately relaxing her clenching hole, the teenager heaved a deep, gasping sigh and gave a half-twist at the base to turn the vibrator on.

Her mouth sagged open in breathless ecstasy as electronic rhythms jittered around and around her pulsing ring muscle, launching an irresistible rush of tingling energy through her abruptly humming ass and shivering up her spine. The blonde froze motionless in place, leaning stiffly toward the mirror with her right arm across her belly, hand rooted in her dripping bush while her left arm trailed over her back, hand carefully easing another inch or two of murmuring battery dick into her tight, squirming bunghole.

Panting silently, her mouth wide open in moaning pleasure, Linda stared at herself in the mirror, watching as goosebumps rippled over her shoulders and down her arms, while her heavy jugs went slowly pink and tautened into quivering globes.

She forced herself to slow her frantic fingering, nerving herself to keep her hand off her vagina, slipping her middle and ring fingers into her wet slit and lightly circling just the tips around and over her emerging clitoris. Within a few minutes, the ring muscle of her ass unscrewed and began pulsing gently, clamping and relaxing in rhythmic spasms that gripped the creamy dildo and slowly squirmed it deeper into her
throbbing rectum. Trembling in mute pleasure, the teenager dropped her head and squirmed around her golden crotch before the bevel-edged mirror; with no thrusting at all from her limp hand, the inexhaustible electric cock was creeping inescapably up her pulsating ass, driven minutely deeper and deeper every minute.

The delicious sensations in her ass made perspiration bead up on her forehead and trickle off her temples and cheeks as the machine crept into her. As her dilating rump got hotter and hotter, sweat popped out on her jugs, and the feel of salty sweat trickling down between her tits only made things worse. The steamy blonde’s nipples were achingly hard and she kept shifting and wiggling anxiously, dancing on her tiptoes in front of the mirror with the humming battery cock up her ass. The teenager was panting for breath and shaking like a leaf, the buzzing dildo clitoris driving her wild. The inescapable pulsations crawling over her squirming ass drove the silent blonde frantic with desire even as anticipation of Sally or Denise walking in made her bite her tongue to keep from smiling.

Linda was dripping with sweat and gasping for breath as the half-hidden vibrator snaked further up her dilating hole, sending delicate inescapable pulses up her smooth tanned back, down between her thighs, on to the fingertips massaging her dripping clitoris. The long legged blonde moaned noiselessly on her tiptoes and shivers raced from her pulsing snatch back to her twitching ass; the hair on her arms was standing up and her tits were covered with goosebumps. Her hips rolled mechanically back and forth under the ceaseless battery tickling, intensifying the pleasure with each lingering grind.

In spite her determination not to give in to the incredible sensation, she felt her ass constrict and dilate again with the tireless machine throbbing in her rectum. She sighed in mounting erotic preoccupation as she thrust and withdrew the vibrator slowly against the motion of her hips, rocking back and forth on the humming shaft, slowly jacking herself off both fore and aft as she sweated and squirmed before the mirror.

Twisting and writhing on her slippery fingers, the sweat drenched blonde moaned incoherently as her mind slowly dissolved and gushed out through her pulsating pussy. Biting her lip to keep from yelling aloud, the frenzied teenager’s fingers clung to the last inches of electric dick, her head rolling from side to side as her crotch exploded front and rear in waves of pounding orgasm.

Linda felt like her crotch was disintegrating; it was like slow motion electricity delicately shocking her clit and streaming uninterrupted up her spine. The blonde’s brain exploded into a red-hot fireball of orgasm as the inescapable machine probed between her sensitive goosebumped cheeks and maddening vibrations droned up inside her dripping cunt. Tears slid down her face, rolling down her tits and over her rigid nipples as the frenzied squirming teenager started on the mind boggling orgasm.

The come was so powerful it seemed to short circuit her intellect, leaving nothing but the mind blowing sensations of coming and coming as the incredible battery tingling jittered up her throbbing ass and her fingers crawled maddeningly over her pulsating snatch. Back and belly muscles rock hard, thighs and calves cramping, the moaning blonde stood paralyzed in front of the mirror, watching herself arch back on the electric dick while her fingertip clit tickling rasped away at her melting rust bushed cunt.

Helpless to control her delicious clit-and-ass masturbation, she clenched her fist over the end of the vibrator, knuckles white with strain, panting for breath as waves of mounting ecstasy flooded up from her dripping snatch. The moaning blonde felt like she was drowning in tidal waves of surging come, one rush of explosive orgasm after another streaming from her steaming pussy nonstop up her spine to shatter into her stunned brain.

The come seemed to last forever, leaving the shivering teenager exhausted and gasping, rolling her hips slowly; twitching, shuddering, Linda groaned feebly, panting desperately for breath and grinding mechanically on the shivering shaft up her ass. A flashbulb went off in the writhing teenager’s brain and she reacted instantly; as she straightened up, the vibrator slipped the last inch into her shaking ass, pulsing just inside the ring muscle and making her cheeks twitch convulsively. Linda jerked herself upright and stepped gingerly over to the vanity table again; she licked her lips as she pulled the second vibrator out of the drawer and carried it back to the mirror.

Spreading her legs wide, the sweating blonde reached down and gently slipped the tip of the second electric cock into her furnace-hot snatch. Slowly and deliberately relaxing her shaking snatch, the girl sucked in a deep breath and turned the vibrator on. Her mouth sagged open in amazed pleasure as new and different rhythms jittered inside her dripping slit, launching an instant incredible rush of energy through her buzzing twat and back into her already-clamped ass. The blonde froze motionless in place, standing tall before the mirror with her arm down over her belly, one dildo rooted in her dripping bush while her left arm trailed over her back, fingers carefully teasing at the murmuring battery dick inside her tight, squirming ass.

The shaking teenager nearly cried in excitement at the first faint scratching on her door; her shining blue eyes flew open, her head snapped around so fast she felt vertebrae grinding in her neck and her heart thudding in her ears. She waited, holding her breath until she heard the unmistakable sniffing and whining under her door; there was another, harder scratch against the door and a low growl from the hallway. As the half-creaming blonde straightened up, the vibrator slipped the last inch into her shaking ass, pulsing just inside the ring muscle and making her cheeks twitch convulsively. Linda clamped her ass tight over the humming shaft up and stepped eagerly over to open the door; Prince thrust his head in the second she cracked the door and kneeled inside.

The blonde had a sudden irresistible impulse to tease the big dog, to see what he would do if she broke the rules of the training program he was used to; with a muffled giggle, she moved from the bed to one of the heavy chairs. She sat at the front edge of the cushion, took off her sexy shoes and brought her heels up onto the seat in front of her hips, exposing her whole crotch to the waiting Dane. The well-trained dog instantly trotted across the room and sat in front of the chair, leaning forward and sniffing eagerly at her snatch.

“No no, Prince, no pussy,” Linda commanded firmly, grinning as the dog’s ears twitched and then flattened, “no licking, good boy, you stay, hear me, stay.” The Dane whined appealingly as he stared at the brickred curls framing her slit and the teenager laughed out loud.

“No licking, Princie, you hear,” the blonde giggled, reaching down to fondle her tingling crotch, “you just sit and watch Linda play with it a little, big boy, and suffer. You stay, big dog, you stay right there and just dream about it, that’s all.”

The Harlequin shuffled anxiously from foot to foot as the teenager slowly fingered herself, making brief yips and begging whines, his muzzle inches away from her snatch. The electrifying memory of writhing and screaming under the obedient animal’s attentions, the sensual recall of spastic ecstasy pulsing from her clit made Linda squirm on the chair, and fondling herself into delicious arousal with the big dog snuffling between her legs made her even more excited.

Linda slipped her fingers into her slit and closed her eyes, focussing of the image of twitching and moaning with faithful Prince lapping fervently at her dripping bush, heavy paws clamped on her spread thighs, Denise whispering approval in her ear as the dog licked lovingly at her brick-curled pussy. Breathing hard, the teenager mechanically stroked her joy-button with slow, torturous precision, suddenly caught and fascinated with the remembered feeling of satin-smooth heat as the Dane’s cock throbbed under her tongue.

The pretty blonde was almost overwhelmed with anxious desires, the memory of feeling Prince’s tongue rasping over her nipples shivered her tits into goosebumps as she sat on the edge of the chair. Clamping her sleek thighs tight together, the panting blonde rubbed her throbbing clit like a miniature Aladdin’s lamp, waiting for the genie to give her the three orgasm wishes. Gasping as the first surges of pre-come tightening pulsed out from her snatch, Linda crossed her ankles and writhed voluptuously around the hand buried in her crotch; she thrust her hips rhythmically against her stroking hand, squirming on the slippery, questing fingers, grinding her clit exquisitely on her wriggling fingertips.

The Harlequin abruptly backed away and lay down at Linda’s feet and began licking at his dick deliberately. Linda stared in amazement as the hugeanimal continued lapping at his cock, stroking his tongue enthusiastically over the red-pink shaft; the blonde didn’t realize she was watching the big dog with such intent fascination until she noticed the tingling crinkles at her tits.

The teenager looked down to her nipples and gave a startled gasp; she flushed beet-red as she saw that her areolas were crinkling, her nipples hardening. The mirror showed her nipples sticking out stiffly like pink champagne corks while a thin trickle of crotch juice slid slowly down the curve of her ass. She was revolted by her own arousal over the panting animal’s activity, but she couldn’t resist the warm tingling from radiating from the stiff peaks of her nipples, drawing her full tits into taut globes.

“Oh, Prince, you poor baby,” she whispered, staring in fascination as the animal continued lapping at his cock, “I didn’t realize it would be so hard for you, big boy. Linda doesn’t want you to really suffer, angel, I was only teasing. You don’t have to do that, pretty boy; I made you all hard and unhappy, so I guess I’ll just have to be a good girl and help you out, okay?”

The aroused blonde drew a shuddering breath and swallowed hard as she moved down to crouch beside the Dane, then slowly brought her hand up and massaged down the panting animal’s chest and ribs. Closing her eyes brought vivid close-ups of the incandescent pink doggie cock pumping the first shot of sticky cream before she slipped it into her avid lips. She was shocked and surprised and guiltily fascinated by the intensity of the sensations of her swelling nipples and tingling snatch as she began fondling the big dog.

She petted and stroked the animal luxuriously from neck to tail, starting down over his shoulders and along his heavy chest, working back over his narrow flanks and onto the muscular haunches. Accepting her bestial desire to crawl back for more of the skilled animal dick brought a volcanic rush of clit-tingling memories. The captivated teenager could still hear the ecstatic Harlequin yowling when she muffled her own screams by jamming the full length of his swelling cock into her mouth.

Beside the guiltily-aroused blonde Prince started whining urgently and licking frantically at his swollen, glowing red cock. Linda couldn’t look away as the big dog began twitching and jerking spastically next to her, tongue working determinedly over his swollen prick, washing it around with his tongue as he kept lapping furiously. The blonde imagined she could see the big dog’s nuts throb as he gave himself stroke after stroke; she gasped when the spasming Dane’s tongue missed his cock on one lick and the dog’s dripping saliva flew onto the carpet. When the Harlequin gave up on licking at himself and flopped panting onto his side, the blonde gazed down to her bare breasts, humiliated to see her nipples had stiffened fully erect while she watched the big dog.

“Get a grip, Linda babe,” the teenager murmured to herself, “and try using your head about this. By sheer luck, you have stumbled onto every schoolgirl’s hottest dream: exquisite orgasms on demand with no risks, total privacy, skilled, dedicated lustful doggie obedience, and you’re worrying and complaining. You know you’re gonna wind up doing whatever they tell you to do anyway, so you might as well go ahead and get into it. Why are you racking your brain over decisions you can’t change anyway; stop torturing yourself and go on and do it to him.”

“That’s right and that’s it, Prince boy” she continued aloud, stretching out beside the eagerly whining animal and fondling her crotch luxuriously in front of the long mirror, “I need to quit wasting time freaking out about all this and just go on and get totally into more of it. In fact, I need to take some time right now to get a lot more into it. Easy, good boy, wait for Linda.”

The Harlequin climbed onto the bed when she patted the mattress and lay back on his side as she pushed gently on his shoulder. The trembling girl stretched out head-to-tail alongside the big dog, the humming in her snatch and ass making her twitch uncontrollably. Linda reached and ran her hands up the Harlequin’s thighs when deranged craving swamped her brain. Cuddling the big dog’s dick and balls in both hands, she leaned forward and huffed hot breath on his quivering cock; Prince whined imploringly and began humping sideways at her face, tonguing deliciously on her spasming snatch.

Prince whined enthusiastically and wagged his tail as he felt the teenager’s teasing hands stroking nearer to his cock; the closer she moved, the more enthusiastically he wriggled and twitched under her groping fingers. The blonde suddenly came to the shocking comprehension that she was deliberately going to do sex with one of the animals without orders from Sally or Denise, without any force or threats or persuasion. Until this moment, Linda had been able to envision herself a victim, but if she went ahead with this, the pretty teenager would have to acknowledge that she wanted to do it, she was becoming a volunteer.

Panting hard, Linda shrugged and reached out and teasingly ran her index finger down the big dog’s hot red cockhead. Prince gave a yelping growl as he felt the teenager’s first feather light touch on his exposed doggie dick. Gasping and giggling, the enthusiastic blonde pulled her hand away long enough to run her fingers over her soaked bush, then reached down and deliberately wrapped her slippery fingers around the big dog’s long cock.

The Dane’s tail thrashed and his back legs instantly spread wide as he felt Linda’s wet grip on his dick, and the teenager snickered as she stroked meticulously up and down the length of the pulsing red shaft. Head propped on her right arm, the pretty blonde watched wide eyed while the big dog’s sides twitched as she excitedly investigate jacking him off for her own entertainment. She was fascinated by the feel of the hot smooth cock in her hand, and tried devising some new rhythms while Prince quivered and whined at her side; the panting Harlequin’s delighted growl left no doubt he was elated at her motivation in playing with his cock.

The big dog growled eagerly as she tightened her grip and pumped harder at his slippery dick; Linda snickered when the sparse hairs of his cock sheath tickled her little finger at the end of every stroke. Linda chuckled happily, feeling the big dog’s cock swelling in her fingers as she pumped deliberately between his legs. She swallowed hard as the animal’s cock throbbed and twitched between her hands, leaning down to watch as she spread her fingers and gently massaged his balls and cock sheath, slowly working at the animal’s hot red hard-on. It seemed somehow even more arousing, more satisfying to be playing with the big dog’s dick without any instructions from Denise or Sally.

Linda shivered as she pictured the women talking about her as they ran their errands; she thought of them wondering, trying to imagine what she might be doing with the pretty dog while they were gone. Well, they’d see it on the videotapes this evening anyway, and probably both work her over real good while they watched it, too. The teenager licked her suddenly dry lips and wrapped her slick fingers around the exposed doggie cock, thrusting back the furry sheath and caressing the smooth length; the Dane gave another moaning growl of entreaty as the blonde’s fingers circled gently, teasing around and around his cock. Linda chuckled and crooned soothingly in response to the big dog’s pleading whines; Prince kept up the groaning rumble, and she whispered back as she fondled his heavy balls and delicately played with the twitching animal’s dick.

“That’s right, pretty boy, let Linda do it for you,” she crooned, fingers dancing on the animal’s wet cock, “Linda really wants to make you happy, big dog, really,” she turned toward the big mirror and stuck her tongue out at the hidden camera, adding, “I’m gonna take real good care of you, sweetheart, just like Sally and Denise showed me. You lie still, lover, and let Linda have that big pretty cock for my toy. This one is just between me and you, pretty boy, ’cause I want to do it for you. Lie still, good dog.”

Prince whined and quivered but lay perfectly still while the giggling teenager played with his cock. When the Harlequin was panting hard and practically howling under her hands, Linda wrapped one hand firmly around his dick and began masturbating him determinedly. The big dog spread his hind legs wide apart when her fingers slipped onto the sparse fur of his cock sheath; she skinned the sheath back with one hand and felt the pink shaft swelling as she caressed the length of exposed dick with her fingertips.

The Dane wriggled in delight while she fondled his hot cock, twisting and rolling onto his back with all four legs sticking up; Linda chuckled as he dropped his forepaws on his deep chest. It was the same position he used when sitting up to ask for a biscuit, but the widespread hind legs and glowing pink erection left no doubt what the big dog was begging for. The teenager played gleefully with the dog’s throbbing cock, teasing him with slow caresses of her fingertips, periodically jacking him off with fast short strokes that made his belly jump and flutter. The Harlequin whined desperately while she masturbated him and Linda laughed with delight.

“I’ll bet it’s just like fucking a bunny, isn’t it lover?” She giggled again at the sudden image of Prince crouched low over a frantic fuzzy-white bunny and added “I’ll bet you’ll never dick Linda this quick no matter what Denise taught you. And you love it too, don’t you big dog, does Deni ever do this to you, loverpup? Not like this I bet, feel Linda do this, sweetheart; ooohh, make some more noise, baby, that’s sweet. You made Linda scream like crazy the first time, lover, and now it’s my turn. So come on, big dog, tell Linda all about it; I want you to talk to me, baby. I’ll bet I can wiggle your dick till you actually talk to me about how good it is.”

Her pussy clamped spasmodically and she pumped rapidly at the doggie hard-on, sliding the furry sheath back and forth with light pressure and the fastest rhythm she could manage. The big dog’s whine sank to a low wailing growl, a wavering canine groan of ecstasy the brought goosebumps to the blonde’s tight bouncing tits. She shifted sideways till she was lying right beside the Dane’s haunches and leaning over his red-pink erection. Cradling the moaning animal’s nuts in one hand, she kept masturbating him with whisper-soft high-speed strokes, watching intently while the big dog’s dick went slowly brighter red.

After some delightful research with the slick twitching cock, Linda determined precisely the proper rhythm to make the big animal shiver with ecstasy; closing her eyes, she continued jacking off the delighted animal. Shuddering with excitement, the panting adolescent slipped into a twilight zone of delectable sensations, enthralled with the distending heat of the satiny doggie cock in her hand. The pretty blonde and the big dog whined and moaned in unison as she playfully manipulated the animal nearer to explosive coming. Linda felt the hot lump in Prince’s cock heave as the Harlequin commenced an almost breathless yelping; she opened her eyes as the dog’s swollen dick turned fiery red.

Prince’s cock pulsed convulsively, and the delighted blonde burst into giggles as he began shooting hot spurts of doggie come. The big dog writhed and heaved, viscous jets squirting up the laughing girl’s arm and splashing over her rigid nipples while she zealously pumped his throbbing hard-on. The Dane’s howling animal orgasm sent shivers rocketing up the teenager’s spine, and her cunt throbbed as Prince kept on spurting pungent come on her tits.

Linda trapped her horny laughter deep in her throat as the big dog humped frantically at her jerking fist; shaking and giggling in ecstasy, the excited teenager continued jacking off the whining Harlequin, milking squirts of animal come while she panted and laughed. By the time the shivering blonde let go of his cock, Prince’s sides were heaving with hard panting and the hair actually stood up on his back.

While she clutched at his throbbing and come-sticky nuts, Prince gave a small sideways wiggle, shifting until his slowly wagging tail was actually brushing in her hair. Linda opened her eyes to find the panting Dane lying right beside her with hind legs spread wide, his red pink erection only inches away from her quivering lips. The massive dog effected another quick sideways twitch, whining excitedly as he felt her gasping breath warm on his exposed doggie dick. Half demented from her animal experiments, Linda reached and ran her hands up the Harlequin’s thighs when deranged craving swamped her brain. Cuddling the big dog’s dick and balls in both hands, she leaned forward and huffed hot breath on his quivering cock; Prince yelped encouragingly and began humping sideways at her face.

Saliva flooded her tongue and she licked her lips again and again while the excited Dane’s growling wavered in her ears; she leaned over the dog’s glowing erection, lowering her head and slavering down onto the exposed cockhead. Linda smelled the musky fragrance of her favorite men’s cologne, mingled with the rich exciting aroma of clean fur; she suddenly knew that Denise must have perfumed the big dog before she brought him upstairs.

The women must have anticipated that she would wind up sucking the Harlequin’s dick and put on the cologne to add extra enjoyment to her first (well, almost her first) voluntary blowjob. Glistening drool dripped from her lips over the wailing Dane’s dick and the backs of her lightly-clasping fingers, trailing back onto his bristly cock sheath and over his furry balls. The entranced blonde dropped her head until her mouth was less than an inch away from the animal genitals and closed her eyes; she kept salivating over the pulsating cock, panting hot breath over the shaft.

Drool soaked the big dog’s organ and Linda used her own lubrication to masturbate him even faster, with gentle, rabbit-quick flicks of her circling slippery fingers; the animal was writhing in delight, panting in abrupt deep gasps and rumbling through his nose in prolonged groans of canine pleasure. Linda panted in furnace-hot bursts over the big dog’s dick, dripping slaver in a thin stream as she whipped at his glowing red-pink cockhead. Clamping her sweating thighs hard around her pulsing pussy, she began rocking slowly, rhythmically squeezing her buzzing clit, drooling up and down the Harlequin’s genitals, panting on his dickhead, jacking the dog off feverishly until he was yowling continuously in ecstasy.

Fascinated, the teenager held the big dog on the frantic edge of orgasm, feeling the changes in the swollen knot of come at the base of his sheath and skillfully manipulating his dick in response to keep him always seconds away from creaming. Her cunt was aching and throbbing, shivers rippling over her bobbing, stiff-nippled tits; sweat ran down her forehead, falling onto the Dane’s cock, while her rust-bushed pussy dripped down to a spreading damp spot under her clamping ass. The big dog’s low wavering howl took on a note of frenzy and the teenager’s steaming snatch pulsed into accelerating pre-orgasmic throbbing; grunting with surges of increasing pleasure, she hovered over the writhing Harlequin, drooling and playing the animal dick like a musical instrument.

Linda held just her thumb and forefinger curled around the end of the cock sheath, varying the pressure of the circle on his cockhead to wring shrieking growls of anguished pleasure from the thrashing animal. The groaning adolescent was only seconds away from coming herself; her thigh muscles were clenching spastically and the ring muscle of her ass was squirming, dilating and clamping in increasing rhythm. She gave a harsh moan of pleasure, her head bobbed as she sighed in ecstasy and the tip of her drooling tongue touched the end of the dog’s red-hot cock.

“That’s right, big dog, you got the idea,” Linda whispered hoarsely, fingers dancing on the animal’s slippery cock, “I’m gonna come right along with you and just keep going until you go crazy with me all night long. I’m too hot to quit now, there’s no way you’re getting out of it.” The panting blonde carefully leaned over to the hot doggie hard-on, wetting her lips as she fondled the animal’s hairless balls. “So get ready for the best goddamn suck job you ever had, lover pup,” she sighed softly, “it’s Linda’s turn…”

Mesmerized by her own approaching orgasm and shivering with obsessive fantasies, the spellbound girl playfully ran her tongue down the length of the Harlequin’s quivering cock. Prince gave a low moaning growl of satisfaction as he felt the pretty young teen’s tongue wash over his dick; Linda gasped and giggled as the slick warm shaft twitched against her lips.

Captivated by the familiar silk smooth warmth of the animal cock, she gently kissed up and down the length of the big dog’s red pink dick, pulling back the hairless sheath to display every inch of Prince’s pulsing hard-on. The delirious teenager wriggled further around till she settled to the perfect comfortable position to suck off the waiting animal, lips poised over his expectant hard-on. The Harlequin’s taut abdomen shivered as Linda put tantalizing quick licks and kisses on his cock, cradling his hairless nuts in one hand while jacking him off elegantly against her slippery tongue.

“Oh, Prince, you beautiful furry sweetheart, this is real real good,” she sighed, drawing her head back, panting on the animal’s long pink erection, “Denise and Sally really got us started on something wonderful, you know that? I never thought it would be this good, big boy, but I think this might really be the best thing that ever happened to me. Let’s go real slow lover pup, I’m gonna have a lot of fun with you…”

Shivering in ecstasy as vibrator-driven pulsations washed over her inflamed clit and between the cheeks of her squirming ass, she cradled the Harlequin’s rump in both hands, sucking continuously on his twitching dick as he whined and writhed beside her. Linda felt like her snatch was disintegrating; it was like slow motion electricity delicately shocking her clit and streaming uninterrupted through her pulsing asshole and right up her spine. The big dog’s warm, satin slick dick in her mouth was a spellbinding feeling for the hypnotized blonde; clamping her ass on the rear vibrator, she settled on her side with a gratified sigh and tenderly sucked the full length of animal cockhead into her trembling lips.

With eyes closed and both hands full of hairless Great Dane genitals, Linda drifted into a sexual trance, tongue spiraling around the sweltering shaft while she sucked luxuriously at the slippery doggie dick. Prince laid his head on the girl’s quivering thigh and his ears perked to the dildo humming in her throbbing blonde pussy as she sucked his swelling cock. While the moaning adolescent was enthralled with giving the bestial blowjob, the Great Dane lay panting directly on her spread twat; his hot breath huffing over her vibrating pussy kept Linda sucking deliriously on the smooth warmth of his swollen and throbbing dick.

The blonde’s brain surged into a red-hot cloud of approaching orgasm as tireless machines throbbed inside her sensitive cheeks, maddening vibrations droned up inside her dripping cunt. The Great Dane gave an occasional brief lick at her buzzing twat as Linda fell into an orgasmic frenzy of sucking, moaning softly with her drooling mouth sliding on the big dog’s dick. Tears slid down her face, rolling down her tits and over her rigid nipples as the frenzied blonde writhed in the mind boggling orgasm.

The come was so intense it seemed to block out everything around her, leaving nothing but the mind blowing sensations of coming and sucking and coming, the incredible battery dick jittering up her throbbing ass, the Harlequin’s hot breath maddening on her pulsating snatch as she nursed at his dick. She giggled around the throbbing feral hard-on when she felt the sparse bristles of his cock sheath prickling against her lips; Prince whined eagerly as the lovely blonde began rolling her head slowly back and forth, wrapping her tongue lovingly around his exposed dick. Back and belly muscles rock hard, thighs and calves cramping, the moaning teenager lay paralyzed beside the squirming animal, writhing on the electric cocks dancing in her crotch, moaning continuously on the throbbing animal dick while furnace-hot doggie drool slid down her melting bronze curled cunt.


To be continued…



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