Fox and Hounds: Part 12

Ken L. Master (

Fox and Hounds Parts 1-8
Fox and Hounds Parts 9-11
Fox and Hounds: Part 12

Linda had just finished putting on her makeup and perfume and was brushing her hair at the vanity table when the door swung open and Denise and Sally came in with breakfast trays. Sally smiled warmly at the half-naked girl and said, “Stay good girl, you stay, I’ll bring it to you.”

She brought the tray over to the girl and set it carefully on the vanity; the blonde’s eyes widened as she saw the shining silver dish-covers, the huge glasses of milk and orange juice and a cut-crystal bud vase with a single red rose. The teenager’s mouth watered at the delicious smells wafting off the tray and her stomach growled as she swallowed. Denise set her and Sally’s trays on the coffee table in front of the couch and gave an admiring whistle as Linda turned toward them and the brunette eyed her silk-covered tits.

“That babydoll nightie looks good on you, angel,” the redhead said, “you really look good in blue, and I like the way it stops short of your pretty pussy. I’m sorry you had to wait for breakfast, good girl. I wanted to make everything perfect for you ’cause you’ve been so good, and you’ve been getting all prettied up for us while I fussed with things downstairs. I’m sorry, lover, I really am; you just sit right there and eat a good breakfast, good girl. Today is gonna be a very special day for you.”

“Thank you for fixing it for me, Sally,” Linda replied, shivering as the redhead’s words triggered immediate thoughts of getting her hands on the huge dogs again, “I knew I was very hungry, and it all smells so good I’m afraid I might start drooling any minute.”

“You just take it easy and take your time, good girl,” the redhead said sympathetically, “I’ve got your plate ready and Denise and I will have a snack with you before we get ready for the final lesson of your program. Take it easy, good girl, enjoy your breakfast.You’ve really made wonderful progress, lover, and today is graduation day.”

“That’s right, babydoll, you just relax and take it easy,” Denise said, “let Denise and Sally talk while you get a good breakfast, angel. What good things do you have for our good girl, Sally?”

“There’s fresh-squeezed grapefruit juice today, milk and English Muffins dripping with melted butter, and look,” Sally said proudly as she lifted the silver cover off the plates, “Pancakes with sausages and a nice fresh fruit salad, and,” she added, holding up an ornate covered dish, “another surprise, special treats for our good, good girl.”

The two women chattered casually with Linda as the teenager ate, and Denise and Sally took turns making conversation with the suddenly-paranoid blonde. Sally made sure Linda saved some of her milk again, then picked up the covered dish and set it on Linda’s lap, saying, “You’ll really like these fresh-baked shortbread treats, good girl.”

Linda’s mouth watered as she saw the familiar shortbread cookies, golden-brown and looking delicious, all in the exact bone-shape of dog biscuit treats.

“These are for our final review of what you’ve been taught so far, angel,” Sally said with a warm smile. “You’ve learned a lot of important techniques since you came to us, and we’re going to go over them all again before you have your final exam today. You know how this works, it’sjust like show-and-tell at school, baby; I’m going to give you a treat and say one of the command words. You repeat the word back to me and eat your treat and then tell us what that word means you do with the pretty boys, understand?” The redhead waited until Linda nodded eagerly, then handed the blonde a shortbread milk-bone and said softly, “Strip, good girl.”

“Strip,” the teenager whispered softly and took a bite of the bone cookie, “strip means I can take off all my clothes for you, Sally.”

“Very good, baby, you do a nice strip act for us these days. Deni and I have noticed that you only get dressed now so you’ll have something to take off for us. Still, good girl.”

“Still means,” Linda smiled and washed the cookie down with a swallow of milk, “still means I don’t want to move until you tell me it’s all right, Sally.”

“Excellent, sweetheart, that’s right; of course, you know when to stay still and when to move now, so we don’t use that one much anymore. Stay, good girl.”

“Stay means I should stay right where you want me to be, Sally.”

“That’s perfect, angel, wonderful. It’s nice that we can leave your door open and you stay now because you want to stay, not because we tell you to stay. Spread, good girl.”

“Spread,” Linda swallowed and licked her lips, “spread means I get to spread my legs for you or Denise or the dogs, Sally.”

“That’s right, baby, it does. And how much fun it’s gotten to be for you, now you love to do it, huh” Pet, good girl.”

“Pet means I get to pet the pretty dogs while they lick me.”

“Very good, angel, you’re doing fine. You looked awfully sweet petting Prince and Rexie while they worked you front and back the other night, too. Speak, good girl.”

“Speak,” Linda answered as she picked up another biscuit, “speak means I should tell you or the pretty boys how much I like it while someone makes me happy.”

“You know those very well, lover,” Denise said approvingly, “especially since you’ve started practicing on your own. Doing extra homework is a lot of fun, isn’t it,” she added with a wink. “Now let’s make sure you know the others. Feel, good girl.”

“Feel means that I get to touch and play with all those dogs’ pretty cocks, Denise, or play with you or Sally’s clit,” Linda answered, winking back at the brunette and taking another cookie.

“That’s right, sweetheart, our pretty boys like it when you feel them up. Watch, good girl.”

“Watch,” the teenager said, biting into the milk-bone, “means that I get to watch them get a hard-on while I feel them up, Denise.”

“Wonderful, baby, you know them all. Pump, good girl.”

“Pump means that I can jack the dogs off and make them come all over me while you and Sally and my fans watch.”

“You do such a good job on them, too, angel,” the brunette said, “they know how much you like to make them come. Now let’s try the newest commands. Sit, good girl.”

“Sit means that I get to sit in the chair with my legs spread and let the dogs lick me so everyone can see me come.”

“And we love it so much, sweetheart,” Sally said, “you really put on a good show with the pretty boys. Beg, good girl.”

“Beg,” the blonde said, swallowing her cookie easily, “means that I need to ask please to lick you and Deni and make you come, Sally.”

“That’s right, angel, very good,” the redhead responded with a warm smile, “and you do beg very sweetly for it too. You’ve done real well, lover, there’s only a few more. Kiss, good girl.”

“Kiss,” Linda replied quickly, “means I can kiss the big dogs sweet cocks, Sally, or put my mouth or your or Deni’s pussy.”

“Sweet Prince looks so pretty with your lipstick on his dick, doesn’t he, angel,” Denise said, “now do the next one, baby. Lick, Linda, lick.”

“Lick,” the teenager whispered with a smile, running her tongue deliberately over a bone cookie, “lick means I get to lick some hot dick, Denise, or put my tongue on your clit.”

“And a sweet little slit-licker you are, baby,” Sally replied, “you really do tongue magic on my clit, angel. Here’s the last word, Linda. Suck, good girl.”

“Suck,” Linda answered, drawing a slow deep breath, “suck means that I get to suck dog cock or eat pussy until someone comes in my mouth, Sally.”

“That’s wonderful, good girl, you really know them all, that’s perfect sweetheart,” the redhead said delightedly, “you’re so clever and you’ve practiced so much, that’s our good good girl.”

“You really do a good job for our pretty boys too, angel,” Denise said encouragingly, “those big dogs love to feel your tongue on their cocks, good girl, they really do.”

“And you get so much enjoyment out of it yourself, don’t you lover,” Sally asked wickedly, “you’ve finally admitted you like rolling around with our sweethearts and licking those doggie hard-ons, don’t you Linda?”

“Oh, Sally, I–I–” the blonde stammered in embarrassment.

“Baby, you don’t need to be shy about it any more,” the brunette crooned, petting the blonde gently, “Sally and I know you do like it, good girl. That’s why we watched while you did your lessons, so we knew when you stopped doing things because we told you to and started doing the big dogs because you want to. Remember the other day by the pool, you licked Rex’s dick three times, you went down on Mick two times and you sucked Prince off four times, without Sally or I saying a word. Now admit it, good girl, you found out that you like to have pretty dogs’ dicks in your mouth, didn’t you?”

“I did him four times,” the blonde gasped in amazement, “I lost count, I mean I don’t remember. It was so, so…”

“So fucking much fun that you got carried away and didn’t even remember we were watching,” the redhead said with a laugh. “You sucked the pretty boys off nine times, Linda, nine times. You can’t look me in the eyes and say it wasn’t fun for you.”

“Okay, okay,” Linda said, dropping her eyes from Sally’s amused green stare, “I got kind of carried away, it was a rush.”

“And it was a rush for all of us when you asked to have Mick stay with you when Sally and I had to go out, angel,” Denise said with a smile, “that was when we knew for sure you were finally ready to accept your own wants and desires instead of fighting with yourself about it, baby. It really is nice that you leave your door open so the pretty boys can stop in and see you whenever you want them. I think you’ll want them a lot more often after today, lover; after you get your first real fuck, you’ll crave a whole lot more of it.”

As they gathered up the breakfast dishes, Sally looked over at Linda and said “It’s a another beautiful day outside, sweetheart, it’s sunny and warm for graduation day; would you like to go out and give your date a bath first, good girl!”

“Oh, Sally, I’d love to, but won’t you tell me how I’m going to do today’s lesson?” the blonde implored softly, “won’t you please let me know what I’m gonna do next?” Linda stared into the redhead’s green-eyed silence and finally answered, “Yes, please, I’d like to give the dog a bath; will you come too, Denise, please say yes.”

“Thank you for asking, angel,” the brunette answered happily, “of course I will, I wouldn’t miss it for the world. I’d love to see you and one of our pretty boys romping in the sunshine and having a water fight, baby; and the lucky puppy should be clean for our good girl today.”

The teenager followed the women downstairs and Sally dropped the breakfast dishes into the dishwasher as they headed outside. Linda was stunned when the redhead walked right past the desk and ignored her six-foot chrome-linked leash. The blonde gazed wonderingly at Sally, and her heart leaped as the redhead responded, “You don’t have to wear a leash when you go out anymore, good girl.” She approached the delighted teenager and held up the snap-link, saying, “See, good girl, no leash today, Deni and I know you aren’t going to go anywhere when you can get all the wonderful dick you want here. Go give your lover pup a bath and take it easy.”

Linda paused inside the door and Denise and Sally turned to her in surprise. The blonde smiled boldly and stared into the redhead’s eyes as she shrugged out of the gossamer silk robe and said, “Strip, good girl. It’s hot outside and I don’t want to get that silk all wet giving a dog bath, big girl.” The teenager giggled and blew Sally a kiss as she added, “besides, I like having you two see me naked, I know it makes you horny.”

The sun-warmed stones felt delightful under Linda’s bare feet and the warm breeze whispered softly as the naked girl led Sally and Denise onto the patio. As the women walked her around the pool and onto the soft lawn the teenager’s excitement and anticipation slowly mounted. While Linda and Sally strolled in the sunshine, Denise galloped back inside and down the stairs into the laundry room, opened the window and dragged the hose in.

With the hose screwed to the faucet, the brunette cranked on hot and cold mix, snatched up some liquid soap and ran back up and outside to watch Linda give the big dog a good bath. Prince came bounding out the instant Denise opened the kennel door, ran full-tilt over to the waiting blonde and shoved his snout squarely in her ass as she bent over to pick up the warm-running hose. The teenager jerked bolt upright and swatted the animal hard on the nose.

“No, Prince, n,o no, bad dog,” Linda said, waving a finger in front of his muzzle, “No licking my ass and no pussy right now big boy, okay. We’re gonna do this just right for Sally and Denise, you hear me?” Sally says I can give you a real nice bath, sweetheart, you gotta get cleaned up for me, after all; show some respect, I expect you to treat me like a lady, understand?”

She moved the hose smoothly as she spoke, running the stream of warm water over the dog’s neck, shoulders and back; at the haunches, she started back up the length of his spine, waving the hose back and forth to soak Prince’s sides and legs. When the big dog’s upper body was drenched, she knelt down beside him, brought the hose around and squirted it up onto his chest and ribs, then slowly reached back and eased the warm stream over her own fingers and onto the dog’s genitals.

Prince spread his back legs automatically as he turned his head to stare at her. Linda ran the hose back over the Harlequin’s splendid nuts and hairless cock sheath, her fingers caressing the organ, then dropped the hose and squirted liquid soap down the big dog’s broad back. She lathered the animal luxuriously from neck to tail, sloshing foam down over his shoulders and along his heavy chest, working back over his narrow flanks and onto the muscular haunches.

The big Great Dane was wriggling with enjoyment, back and belly muscles twitching as the giggling girl continued massaging suds over him. Linda shot a puddle of soap into her hand and rubbed her palms together, then began lathering beneath the big dog’s chest and working her way slowly back over his arching belly. The blonde caught her breath as Prince dropped his head and gave a long doggie rumble of encouragement; her crotch throbbed sharply as the Great Dane spread his back legs again and turned around to gaze at her imploringly.

“Relax, lover-pup, you’re gonna do just fine, I promise you,” Linda laughed, then added in a whisper, “oh yeah, big dog, you are most certainly going to have a lot of fun today, you can count on that. Linda’s been dying for the chance to really fuck with you for days now, sweetheart, did you know that?”

The blonde was panting for breath as she worked her slippery hands deliberately back between the animal’s thighs, sliding her fingers daintily along each side of his warm dick. She swallowed hard as the big dog’s cock pulsated and twitched between her hands, leaning down to watch as she spread her fingers and gently massaged his balls and cock sheath, slowly working up a thick lather.

The excited girl licked her suddenly dry lips and wrapped her soap slick fingers around the exposed doggie cock, thrusting back the lathered sheath and caressing the smooth length; the Great Dane gave another moaning growl of appeal as the blonde’s fingers circled gently, teasing around and around his cock. Linda chuckled and crooned soothingly in response to the big dog’s pleading whines; Prince kept up the groaning rumble, and she whispered back as she shampooed his heavy balls and delicately toyed with the twitching animal’s dick.

Prince whined and quivered but stood absolutely still for while the snickering teenager dallied with his cock. When the Great Dane was panting hard and practically vibrating under her hands, Linda slipped one hand off his genitals, picked up the hose and began rinsing him. Streaming warm water over his crotch, she washed his lathered nuts, maneuvered easily over and away from his pulsing cock to his back and shoulders; the big dog turned again to look at her as he felt her let go of his member, and the blonde murmured to him as she hosed off the foam.

“It’s all right, sweetheart, don’t be sad. This is only the beginning, Prince baby; you’re gonna spend all day and maybe tonight with Linda, won’t that be fun” I promise you that, lover, it will be fun for both of us. I’ve thought about being with you a lot the past couple days and nights, honey-pup, and you and I are gonna do it till we can’t do it anymore, angel.”

She tossed the hose aside, smiled up at the watching women and leaned to whisper in the animal’s ear, “I’m gonna fuck your brains out, puppy-love; I want to make you come till you can’t move.” Laughing in delight, the excited blonde jumped up and dashed into the house to shut off the hose, leaving the Great Dane to shake in the late afternoon sun and roll himself dry in the warm grass.

When they had walked the girl back to her room, Denise and Sally poured the eager teenager some brandy from the crystal decanter and Linda sipped at it slowly while she smoked a joint as the women began to dress her. The warmth of the liquor soothed her stomach and calmed the butterflies while Denise slowly dried the drenched girl.

The blonde hesitated for a moment as Sally reached into the dresser and began taking out the lingerie the women had picked our for her, but the look of the exotic things they had bought specially for her final session with the Great Dane sent a shiver racing through the runaway’s crotch and she quickly peeled out of the towel Denise had wrapped around her. Denise took one look at the aroused blonde and dropped to her knees in front of the girl, panting harshly over Linda’s snatch; the teenager swallowed hard and then spread her legs wide without waiting for the brunette’s whispered command.

“Very good, good girl, now be still for Deni,” the redhead’s voice murmured approvingly, “be still good girl.”

When the waiting blonde remained obediently motionless, the horny brunette leaned slightly forward and licked gently at the delicate skin of Linda’s inner thigh next to her bush. Linda’s breath caught in her throat as the woman’s warm tongue slipped over the thin skin and stroked slowly toward her snatch; the sweating blonde gave a gasping sigh and shook her head once as Denise started a slow kissing at the edges of her pussy, drooling on the fringes of curly bronze pubic hair.

The slender brunette panted and licked around the captive teenager’s snatch, and Linda’s cheeks quickly flushed glowing pink as Denise teased her crotch. Linda was not surprised to find herself breathing faster and her nipples standing stiffly erect, swelling as she got hotter; the teenager’s tan stomach twitched with the pulse hammering in her increasingly steamy snatch.

Linda’s forehead beaded with sweat and she was gasping for breath as Denise’s tongue slithered around her bush onto her thighs and up to her flat belly, then dropped back down near her tingling clitoris. The long legged blonde moaned softly and shivers raced from her pulsing snatch over her belly; the hair on her arms was standing up and her tits prickled up with goosebumps. The teenager gently rested her hands on the kneeling woman’s shoulders and spread her knees to give Denise better access to her snatch. Linda gave a short moan of gratitude as the brunette’s tongue lapped delicately at her clit and reached out imploringly when Denise stood up with a wicked smile.

“What a good good girl you are, angel,” the dark-haired woman said, giving her another prolonged French kiss, “really, you are such a good girl for Denise and Sally, sweetheart, that’s just wonderful. I’d really love to romp with you some more, but we just have to get on with your graduation ceremony right now. You stay, good girl, you stay while Sally and I get you something real pretty to wear.”

Standing purposefully stripped, the excited girl downed another slug of brandy and stared as Denise glided the new stockings out of the wrapper. The nylons were thigh high and ultra-sheer white lace, a spray of flowers and bells in black embroidery up the ankle and onto the calf, and Linda was sure they’d set off beautifully against her allover tan.

The new stockings had starbursts of black sequins sprinkled up the thighs; they felt silky smooth gliding up her legs and she shivered as Denise bent to put them on her. Linda was pleased to realize how perfectly she responded to Denise’s skillful fondling and gratified to know she had been so ready to open her legs for the dark-haired woman’s ultimate caress. The blonde watched in thrilled anticipation as the women searched quickly through the dresser and the armoire, pulling out one piece of lingerie, then another, whispering eagerly to each other as they planned her ultimate commitment to bestiality. The full-length mirror showed Linda that her cheeks were flushed with excitement; her crotch was still moist from Deni’s teasing and her reflection’s nipples were standing out stiffly.

The exotic lace teddy with built-in garter belt was the most beautiful costume the women had offered her yet; it made her feel screamingly erotic, a bodice snow-white lace with a push-up half-bra that held her tits up and left them as totally exposed as if they were on
a plate. The front hem stopped just over the top of her trimmed bronze bush, with a near transparent train of lace ruffles running down over her ass almost to the back of her knees; matching the silk hose, the lingerie had random splashes of black sequins scattered over it.

The redhead fastened the back hooks for Linda and attached the stockings to the thin ribbon garter-straps, nodding approvingly as the runaway pointed out how the delicate snowy lace framed and accentuated her dark-blonde pubic ringlets. The elastic garter straps felt luxurious and decadent stretching down over Linda’s ass and hips, like fingers lightly fondling her whenever she moved. The lingerie was obviously designed to have matching panties, but the eager teenager definitely wanted nothing at all covering her snatch for this occasion.

Linda’s nipples stood out stiffly as Sally adjusted the lace half-cups of the push-up brassiere and the redhead was breathing hard as she watched the blonde wriggle in the stockings and garter belt. Quivering in anticipation as the women surveyed her lace costume in the mirror, Linda swallowed the last of her brandy and stared at her reflection in delight.

“Oh Sally, Denise, look how pretty,” she exclaimed, turning around before the mirror, “thank you both so much for getting me such pretty things. This makes my tits look like melons, and look at how nice it shows off my ass for you.” The blonde’s eyes widened as she stared at her reflection and she suddenly burst into laughter and snapped her fingers in sudden realization. “Oh my god, you two are too much,” she said with a giggle, pointing at herself in the mirror, “I didn’t see it until just now. With those black spots all over the white stockings and teddy, I look just like, like–”

“Go ahead, baby,” Sally said with a grin, “tell Deni and me what you look like.”

Linda tossed her blonde hair back and took a deep breath, making her full jugs stand out, then instantly dropped to her hands and knees in front of the mirror and looked up at the redhead with a sultry smile. “I’m your good girl, Sally, and I look just like a Harlequin bitch in heat, don’t I?” she whispered, licking her lips as she stared at her reflection.

“You certainly do, angel girl,” Denise replied with a chuckle, “and what a sweet hot little bitch you are, too. You and handsome Prince are going to be such a perfect fuck, these will be the best movies ever, you wait and see.” The brunette pulled Linda to her feet and gave her a lingering kiss, then dashed out of the girl’s bedroom to see if the ardent blonde’s canine lover was dry.

“What a pretty girl you are, angel,” Sally whispered huskily, running her hands over the blonde’s round breasts and down onto her hips. The red-haired woman caressed the teenager’s taut ass with both hands and whispered, “You’re a very good girl, Linda, you’ve been such a good girl. You look beautiful, sweetheart, Prince is gonna have a hard-on like a mule when he sees how pretty you are; there’s only a couple more things to talk over and then you’ll be all ready for your final lesson, your first real classic doggie-fuck.”

“Easy good girl, take it easy,” the redhead crooned soothingly, kissing Linda softly on the mouth and caressing her half-covered breasts, “it’s all right, you’ve learned everything and practiced a lot, it’ll be okay. All you have to do is listen to me and Deni and do everything we tell you. Prince is going to make you feel so good you’ll scream like a banshee for more of that hot puppy cock; and you know you’re ready to go all the way today, this is the payoff of all your lessons. Denise and I will tell you what you need to do good girl, take it easy.”

Breathing fast and trembling with bestial desire, the teenager swallowed the last of her fears and stared wantonly into the long mirror and the camera she knew stood behind it; her reflection gazed cheerfully back, a responsive blonde sacrifice in collar and lace, waiting in panting anticipation while her two cheerful trainers prepared her surrender to the binding accomplishment with her expert canine lovers. The Great Dane came in at an eager trot when the brunette opened the door; he dashed into the room and Denise stepped in and closed the door as hopeful Prince frisked around the room.

Satisfied with their preparations, the women led the blonde and the big dog into the middle of the room and the brunette removed another item from the armoire. Sally brought the consummate touch from the bottom shelf, found after hours of exploration through bridal stores and costume shops; pearly moir-silk wedding shoes with spike heels so high Linda could barely walk.

“All right, lover, I think you’re almost ready now,” the redhead declared, “except for one last detail. You made Princie all clean and got all dressed up for him, so he should be extra pretty for you. I got him some of the cologne you like so much, sweetheart, it’ll make our big pretty boy smell scrumptious for Linda. Let’s just try some on you, good boy, okay?”

Linda took the bottle from Sally and sprinkled the musky fragrance over the Harlequin’s back and massaged it into his fur, working down his sides and onto his taut belly; pouring a puddle in one hand, she stroked it inside the big dog’s muscular thighs. She cupped his heavy balls in the palm of her hand, fingers delicately caressing the almost hairless skin.

As the big dog’s dick swelled, she slid her hand out from under his nuts and gently gripped the smooth cock sheath; the animal gave an imploring whine and wagged his tail as Linda tenderly milked his dick a few gentle strokes. When the aroused Harlequin’s cock was hard and heated, the mesmerized girl deliberately released the throbbing member and clambered to her feet.

“Sit, Prince, sit boy,” she commanded while Sally and Denise watched with a satisfied smile, spreading her legs and patting the smooth inside of her thigh just below her snatch, “come sit right here for Linda, sweetheart, sit up baby.”

The blonde widened her stance and stood tall in her towering heels as the obedient animal moved to sit between her legs. When she felt the dog’s first sultry breath waft over her bush, she stroked his head and rubbed his ears; she gasped in delight as the warm tongue rasped against the silken lacework surrounding her bush.

“Slow, baby, go slow for Linda,” she pleaded as the Great Dane began working up a consistent rhythm, “go slow for me, lover, make it last so Sally and Denise and all my friends can watch. I want to be all wired up before I start on you, big dog.”

Linda felt her crotch loosen and throb as hot blood surged to her pubes. The scanty lace lingerie gave no cover at all to her responsive snatch, and within a minute her bush was moist as her deprived pussy dripped onto the dog’s tongue. Looking down, the blonde was thrilled with the vision of the impressive beast crouched between her thighs, jaws gaping as he licked slowly and deliberately between her silk-sheathed thighs.

The tall heels put her slit at the perfect height for the big dog’s lapping, and his broad tongue slathered across the width of her snatch, spreading her lips wide open. Spreading her legs wider, she swayed her hips from side to side, shifting and jittering until she was virtually dancing, shivering and gasping with her clit hovering over the skillful animal’s tireless licking.

Letting go of the big dog’s ears, she ran her hands down his neck and shoulders, then stroked up the insides of her stockinged thighs; the feel of the dog’s smooth coat encircled by her sheer stockings and sleek skin brought goosebumps out on her shoulders. Linda rubbed the lace ruffles of the embroidered teddy against her smooth round ass and brought her hand up to caress her swelling breasts.

Her mouth was dry and her breath came fast as she fondled the firm lace-supported globes and rolled her distended brown nipples between thumb and forefinger. Standing straight up, she dropped her head back and panted for air, playing with her tits and swiveling her crotch in lingering circles over the continuous doggie blowjob. The Great Dane gave recurrent encouraging whines as he continued tonguing her eager pussy toward meltdown.

Sally and Denise took the excited teenager’s elbows and gently maneuvered her backward onto the couch, with zealous Prince shuffling forward to keep his splendid tongue working between her thighs. Linda gave a husky moan of delight and spread her legs wide for the ardent animal, then lay back on the sofa and crossed her ankles over his lower back.

The blonde was gasping for breath and trembling uncontrollably; then she reached between her legs and peeled her lips back with both hands, giving the eager dog total access to her crotch. The Great Dane backed off momentarily and lunged instantly back to her exposed pussy with one delighted yelp; the panting girl gave a single scream of ecstasy as the animal’s drooling velvet tongue lapped between her lips and slithered over her pulsing clitoris.

Moaning in delight, Linda slithered further down on the couch and raised her legs straight up, spreading them in a wide vee that opened her dripping snatch and ass to the incredible mind blowing licking. The Great Dane growled in anticipation and switched to a willful lapping that washed from her squirming asshole over her spread pussy and flickered over her exposed clit with every stroke.

Groaning and trembling, the straining teenager held her legs spread rigidly for the skillful animal, gasping approval and encouragement while her feet slowly went numb from lack of circulation. When she couldn’t hold her shaking legs up any longer, she kicked off the high heeled bridal shoes, curled one leg around the Great Dane’s shoulders and slid the other down between his haunches, rubbing his cock with her instep while pins and needles prickled up her ankles.

Stroking the animal’s dick with her silk sheathed toes, the blonde giggled in delight when Prince whined encouragingly; her chuckles were broken by breathless whining of her own when the agitated Great Dane started lapping harder, tongue tip stroking exquisitely directly on her clitoris. Quivering with pleasure, the pretty blonde unwrapped her left leg from around the big dog’s shoulder and slid it down his side, working her foot back under his belly, lightly pressing his genitals between her paired insteps.

Pressing her soles together to trap the torrid shaft, she flexed her toes gently, massaging the animal’s throbbing cock in a prolonged rhythm that soon had him wriggling ecstatically as he crouched between her thighs. Linda found flawless control of the Great Dane’s licking when she matched the pressure on his pulsing organ to the waves of pre orgasmic pleasure surging in her twitching pussy. Within minutes, the trembling blonde and the big dog were moaning and whining in slow harmony, panting in unison and twisting slowly under each other’s manipulation.

The teenager was nearly stupefied by the continual slow throbbing in her crotch; it took all her concentration to maintain the delicate strokes that made the horny dog lap her just to the shivering edge of coming without letting him or herself get carried away. She gasped in every breath with sweat trickling down her forehead; every exhale was a sighing moan that made her tits heave while her nipples throbbed stiffer over the lacy demi-brassiere. When the excited animal attempted getting his front paws over her thighs and appeared ready to try mounting her on the spot, the writhing blonde knew it was time to switch positions while she could still manage both the Dane and herself.

“All right, lover, back off,” she said, sliding her toes away from the hot animal cock and nudging gently at the dog’s massive shoulder. “You have to wait, sweetheart, we can take our time. You and Linda are gonna fuck real good and real long when I’m all ready, but right now everyone wants to watch while I play with that pretty doggie hard-on of yours, okay?”

As the Great Dane stepped back, Sally helped the unsteady blonde to her feet, pulled a thick down comforter from the walk in closet and spread it out in front of the mirror. Linda was not surprised to see that Prince obviously recognized the blanket; he barked eagerly as the redhead unfolded it, then moved immediately to lie down before she said a word. Trembling with anticipation, Linda climbed back into her long pearly heels and strutted slowly over to animal waiting in front of the camera.

Kneeling by his belly, she stroked the Great Dane’s sides and chest, watching the pink doggie erection twitch as she worked her way leisurely back over his quivering gut. The big dog spread his hind legs instantly when her fingers slipped onto the nearly hairless skin of his cock sheath; she skinned the sheath back with one hand and felt the pink shaft swelling as she caressed the length of exposed dick with her fingertips.

The Great Dane wriggled in delight while she fondled his hot cock, twisting and rolling onto his back with all four legs sticking up; Linda chuckled as he dropped his forepaws on his deep chest. The Harlequin was on his back in the same position he used when sitting up to ask for a biscuit, but the widespread hind legs and glowing pink erection left no doubt what the big dog was begging for.

The blonde played gleefully with the dog’s throbbing cock, teasing him with slow caresses of her fingertips, periodically jacking him off with quick short strokes that made his belly jump and flutter. The Great Dane whined desperately while she masturbated him and Linda smiled at Denise and Sally while they laughed with delight.

“That’s excellent, sweetheart, you’ve learned your lessons really well,” the redhead chuckled, “so well that you’ve earned a reward for being such a good girl.”

“Sally is so right, angel,” Denise added with smile, “it’s time to practice that new command now, just because you’ve done so well. This one is very important, it’s the first one that really let’s our big boys treat you the way a good girl deserves to be treated. You need to get down on your hands and knees by the mirror for the pretty dog, lover. Down on all fours, Linda. All fours, good girl.”

The blonde suddenly swallowed hard as she realized she had unalterably arrived where all the women’s rehearsal had intended to tempt her; today was the debut of her career of total bitch service for the eager animals. Linda stared complacently at the two women until Sally took a deep breath and said slowly, “It’s time for some real dick now, sweetheart; the pretty boys have been waiting for this for weeks, and we know you’re ready to give them all that pretty hot pussy of yours now. All fours, good girl.”

Linda smiled and slowly rolled to her hands and knees and watched eagerly as panting Prince padded around behind her; her breath caught in her throat as she felt the Harlequin’s sudden hot panting at her ass.

“Oh, Prince, sweetheart, don’t start it that way, dammit,” Linda whispered, fumbling for words, “Lick Linda’s pussy a little, good dog, no, no, no, no ass-lick lover, go away, you hear me?” She gasped in shock as the big dog moved in from behind and sat between her spread ankles, then casually thrust his muzzle between the cheeks of her ass. The kneeling blonde was so overwrought that it took her a moment to comprehend the warm liquid slurping at her rear end. She nearly stood up when she realized that hundreds of people were watching the Harlequin lapping delicately between the cheeks of her ass, dripping saliva down the insides of her thighs.

“You be still now, good girl, you know what’s coming,” Denise whispered, kneeling down beside her and giving Linda a sip of the brandy, “Prince is really an ass man, angel, so just take it easy. Easy, good girl.” Linda gulped at the brandy and nearly screamed as the big dog continued lapping at her ass.

“Please stop it, Prince, no, no, Sally please make him do something else first, down boy, off,” she begged breathlessly, hoping to entice the watching women to make the big dog to pull his muzzle from her spread cheeks, “I said go, now get back, get down ”

Linda flailed blindly backward with one arm, then the other, trying to slap the big dog out from behind her; she was stunned when Denise and Sally grabbed her wrists from each side and pulled her hands to the floor, holding her in place to make sure she couldn’t reach the intent animal with either hand.

Despite the runaway’s piecemeal acceptance of Sally and Denise’s erotic dominance with the animals, the blonde was suddenly mortified by the mirror’s reflection as she knelt there, submissively watching the dog’s dripping tongue sliding into her ass. Now that she was really in position for the final act of bestial indoctrination, Linda couldn’t accept the prospect of people watching her underneath the expectant animal.

The confused teenager balanced on one knee and kicked back at the big dog; her leg slid past Prince’s shoulder and the clever Dane immediately stepped forward, planting his forepaws between her knees. When Linda brought her leg forward again, she had to keep her knees open wide around the dog’s feet. As she clutched frantically at the comforter tangled around her fingers, the Harlequin continued lapping lazily at her tight smooth ass, his tongue stroking between her cheeks and crawling over the sensitive ring muscle.

“Denise, you can’t let him do this to me, Sally please tell him to treat me better, stop it,” Linda pleaded, “get him back, get him the hell out of here, I can’t stand it, you mustn’t make me do that, I’ll fuck him or suck him off or whatever you tell me to…” The brunette interrupted the girl’s desperate begging by jamming her tongue into Linda’s mouth while still holding the blonde’s wrist pinned to the floor; Sally held her other wrist with one hand and fondled the teenager’s suntanned tits with the other, stroking her nipples gently.

“Don’t bother to try and tell us you don’t want it now, angel,” the redhead said with a chuckle, “cause we all know better than that. You’re our pretty little bitch and you like getting to act like one; this is the way Prince likes to take it, so just relax and give it up for him, lover. Just smile for all the people out there watching, angel; you’re on candid camera.”

The blonde dropped her head in despair as Denise and Sally giggled and continued feeling her up while the Harlequin lapped languidly at her twitching ass. After a few minutes of casual licking, Prince laid down directly behind the sighing teenager, sliding his forepaws forward; his chest and shoulders easily shoved the kneeling blonde’s calves further apart, opening up her crotch and ass to his deliberate tonguing. Linda gasped and groaned as the dog’s wet-velvet lapping washed over her snatch and up onto her dripping ass; each delicate stroke made her grit her teeth and sweat popped out on her forehead as she fought desperately to keep herself from surrendering to the incredible feeling.

Tears leaked from the blonde’s wide blue eyes as she felt warm slaver sliding slowly down the insides of her thighs; Sally and Denise stared directly at the teenager’s face as the big dog’s tongue worked deeper into her ass. Linda kept shifting her weight from one knee to the other, her ass and snatch were dripping with dog drool; the sticky slurping sound of the Great Dane lapping devotedly at her twitching hole seemed to echo in her ears. Worse yet, the steady familiar licking was starting to overcome her sudden disgust, and the teenager shivered as her hard ass began opening to the inescapable liquid stimulation.

“Prince, you big bastard, please, please get away from me, you’ve got to stop that,” she begged, “aaahhhh, Jesus, I can’t stand that, you’re making me crazy again, I don’t want to like this, please cut it out…”

Prince gave a satisfied growl as the kneeling girl’s squirming ass irised open under his skillful licking; the big dog leaned forward and started working the sweating girl in earnest, his wide tongue dipping deep between her cheeks and washing inside the hot, dilated hole. Linda’s heaving gasps changed to slow sighing groans as tingling waves of pleasure spread outward from her relaxing ass.

The tall blonde’s face flushed and she sobbed brokenly in mortified arousal as her crotch began throbbing under the Dane’s steady tongue job; before she realized it, she was rocking slowly from side to side, actually wriggling her spread ass back against the eager animal’s juicy lapping. When Denise and Sally abruptly let go of her wrists, the teenager looked to her reflection in the mirror and the redhead smiled and blew her a kiss as the brunette rested her hand on Linda’s steadily swaying hips. Her belly twitched, shivers raced up her back and down her muscular thighs, and she felt her nipples crinkled and stiff; almost overcome by the delicious tonguing in her ass, Linda snapped to attention as the Harlequin broke the hypnotic rhythm and heaved to his feet.

“Oohhh, what are you doing now, you bastard,” she sniffed, groaning as the slavering dog panted furnace-hot over her ass, “Jesus, you’re eating me alive and making me love it, what more could you possibly do to me, you big son-of-a-bitch!”

Linda turned to stare again at her traitorous reflection and was gawking at the mirror in horrified fascination when Denise quietly said “Get ready for him now, angel, and remember your fan club; people are paying thirty dollars a minute to watch pretty Linda give it up for the big dog. All right, Prince, now mount up, you get to mount the hot little bitch now, good dog.”

Before the astonished teenager understood that the ultimate fuck was finally happening, Prince reared up, clambered over her back from behind and mounted her like Lassie; the big dog’s front legs slid clamped down around her ribcage, trapping the already immobilized girl underneath him.

The surprised blonde stopped trying to talk to the women beside her and writhed helplessly as the Dane’s hot smooth belly settled on her back; she arched up ineffectually under the Harlequin’s heavy haunches, twisting futilely underneath the excited beast. Her eyes widened in shock as the slender tip of his smoothcockhead zeroed in at her dilated and dripping ass.

Her well-lubricated hole squirmed closed on the first inch of the Dane’s cock, and Prince gave an approving whuff over her shoulder. His hot belly arched off her back as he made the first powerful hump against her slippery ass; Linda whined frantically as the narrow end of the dog’s dick slipped easily into her drool-slick hole. Feeling the ring muscle iris open under his thrust, the big dog instantly shifted his back feet forward, arching his back in classic dog-fuck posture over the frenzied teenager.

“Aaahhhh, no no no please, Prince, oh Sally not there first, please not that, good boy,” Linda pleaded, sobs jerking her belly and shaking her taut tits, “I can’t stand it, you mustn’t please you mustn’t let him do it to me Denise, please please don’t do that to me, it’s too much, ooohhhh, no, aaahhhhh…”

Linda tried to keep her firm ass clamped tight as the Dane slowly humped her again to settle his hot cock in deeper; she bit her lip to keep from screaming as she felt the animal’s thrusting dick slowly sliding into her gradually loosening ass. The hot shaft widened behind the narrow tip, and the blonde’s sensitive asshole twitched and dilated as Prince’s strong thrusts spread her goosebumped cheeks.

Linda stared over at her reflection in amazement as Denise commanded, “Now fuck Linda, big dog, she wants you to fuck her in the ass, good boy, fuck Linda.”

Linda sobbed at the women’s treachery as enthusiastic Prince began dicking her asshole determinedly, jamming his huge dick into her so deep the sparse bristles of his cock sheath rasped her ring muscle on every thrust. Helplessly trapped under the massive Harlequin, the captive teenager burst into short panting groans as Prince began bucking energetically on top of her; Linda felt the big dog’s hairless nuts bumping and tickling down at the slit of her pussy. The long-legged blonde moaned each time the Harlequin’s distended dick stroked deep into her, feeling like a warm velvet snake slithering easily up her ass. Her breath caught in her throat each time the prickly cock sheath rubbed exquisitely on her pulsing asshole.

In spite of her loathing at the thought of hundreds of unseen perverted strangers paying Sally and Denise to watch every stroke of the aroused animal cock up her ass, the dog’s rhythmic dicking gradually ignited the gasping blonde, and her tanned nipples throbbed as chest fur rasped over her arched back.

Linda’s grunting sobs changed to deep gasping sighs as her ass cheeks started throbbing around the big dog’s skillful dick. As the exquisite slick penetration stimulated the blonde’s squirming ass, the ring muscle pulsed wide open, taking the full length of Prince’s swollen shaft. With the hot slick cockhead completely engulfed, the teenager’s hole clamped down, then surged into rhythmic spasms against Prince’s thrusts.

“Oh shit Sally, that’s incredible,” she gasped harshly, spreading her long legs wide for the eager Harlequin, “all right, big dog, I can’t stop you and I don’t even want to anymore, go ahead and do whatever you want, do it to me, good boy.” Linda’s crinkled nipples were achingly hard and her belly muscles twitched as she got hotter and hotter under the unrelenting doggie dicking.

“Oooohh, Jesus that’s good, Denise that’s really good, Prince, go on baby, do it for me, don’t stop good dog. Aaahhh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes,” she hissed through clenched teeth, feeling the animal’s hot organ swelling in her clamping ass, “do it now, Prince, mmmmmm, unnh, oooohhh, I can’t stand it, you can fuck me like a big dog forever…”

Linda hung her head and shivered as waves of pleasure rippled over her ass and flashed down her tight thighs and up her back. The suntanned teen felt the pulse racing in her steaming snatch and shivers raced over her heaving belly as she gradually responded to the Dane’s prolonged screwing. Slowly, the pretty runaway settled forward, pillowing her face on her forearms with her ass thrust up and back for the Dane’s hammering dick.

The shivering blonde squirmed her ass back against the heavy dog as he humped forward, jamming his swelling dick into her; her arms and tits burst into goosebumps as Prince whined ecstatically, his dick submerged in her sleek spasming ass. Feverish from feeling and watching the unrelenting animal dicking, she was just reaching up to stroke the Dane’s shoulders as Denise’s voice said, “Now slow down, good boy, slow down now, Princie.”

The hot cock stroking strongly in and out of her steaming ass made the impatient blonde frantic for more, and the teenager groaned in dismay as the Dane abruptly shifted to indolent slow motion humping, just when she was into taking a fucking from the big dog.

“Oh god, Prince, don’t stop now, Sally don’t tell him to do it slow, please get it on, step on it,” Linda begged while Prince humped tantalizingly at her wriggling rear “I can’t stand it, Denise you’ve got to make the pretty dog do better for Linda, go, go, g,o go…” The Dane ignored her pleading and kept dicking infuriatingly slowly in her clamping ring as the gasping blonde squirmed and thrust her ass backward at his cock.

“Prince, you big bastard, please please get a move on for me, you’ve got to either fuck me hard or stop that,” she pleaded, belly shivering as she arched her back, “aaahhhh, Jesus, I can’t stand that, you’re making me insane, Sally please make him cut it out, Deni please…” The smiling women totally ignored the shivering blonde’s desperate whispered moaning, watching with glittering eyes and petting the huge Dane approvingly as his warm slick shaft stroked lazily into Linda’s screamingly eager ass.

“God, god, please please fuck me now, I can’t stand it, that’s too intense, he’s driving me nuts,” she wailed to Sally and Denise as the dog maintained his deliberate cock action, “ooohh, no, you’re killing, me, Prince, you son-of-a-bitch, please, please, please do it hard for Linda, aahhhhh, Jesus…”

The big dog continued rhythmically humping and growling over the trapped teenager’s steaming asshole, ignoring her frenzied pleading and threatening. The unescapable lingering pumping into her dilating hole drove the captive blonde frantic with desire while the Harlequin’s massive weight kept her pinned on all fours in front of the elegant mirror. After twenty minutes of Prince’s devoted slow-motion dicking, Linda was gasping for breath so hard she couldn’t even try to beg the laughing women or the big dog anymore.

The shattered blonde crouched helpless under the diligently fucking brute, crying silently with the Dane stroking slowly between her trembling thighs, moaning as the hot slippery cock speared into her grasping, squirming ass. The enslaved teenager was panting too hard to scream as the Dane thrust leisurely into her again and again, his slippery cock stroking her totally open, twitching rectum. Every second, his satiny smooth dick parted the shaking blonde’s soaked cheeks, leaving her delicate pink hole and throbbing ring muscle dripping and yearning for more of the slick probing hardon.

“Aaahhhh, please, Prince, more, please please make your good girl come now,” Linda moaned pleadingly, shivers racing over her belly and up across her shaking tits, “I can’t stand it, you can’t just keep doing it to me, please please don’t do it that slow to me, it’s too much, ooohhhh, no, aaahhhhh…”

She wriggled frantically on all fours as the Harlequin’s hot cock sheath rasped her open hole, spreading her cheeks wide and sliding into her hot rump like a velvet poker. The big dog seemed satisfied now that her ass was totally open, making a contented rumbling deep in his throat and wagging his tail slowly as he labored over the gasping blonde. Moaning and shaking, Linda crouched obediently on the floor and dropped her head onto her forearms, crying hysterically as the eager dog humped maddeningly at her dilating hole. The long-legged blonde was completely helpless, trapped into programmed obedience with the determined animal dicking skillfully into her ass.

With a burst of total panic, the pretty runaway suddenly realized that the big dog would go on for hours, she knew he could last. If Denise and Sally just watched and let him go, the well-trained animal would keep on fucking her in the ass until she really started screaming out loud. Recognizing the quivering teenager’s powerlessness, Prince shifted his haunches further between her shaking thighs, his pink erection splitting her open asshole, fucking as slowly and deliberately as he’d been trained for it.

The overwrought teenager was panting for breath and shaking like a leaf, writhing and twisting under the inescapable cock, her buzzing crotch driving her wild. She reached back between her legs with one hand, fingering her swollen clitoris; she caught the big dog’s heavy nuts and rubbed the hot globes against her gaping pussy.

Linda felt like her crotch was being slowly dissolved; it was like slow motion electricity starting in her ass and running straight up her spine. Her screaming need for the orgasm was so fervent it short circuited her brain, leaving nothing but the mind blowing sensations of being fucked and fucking back as the Dane’s incredible dick slithered into her pulsating ass. Back and belly muscles rock hard, thighs and calves cramping, the moaning blonde was stupefied with desire while the big Dane continued panting and pumping at her melting hole.

The indolent doggie fucking seemed to last forever, leaving the shivering runaway exhausted and gasping, rolling her hips slowly under the giant dog’s exquisite dicking. Obviously electrified by the feel of the panting blonde’s squirming ass, the huge Dane seemed determined to keep on dicking no matter how Linda reacted. The dog’s powerful haunch muscles easily shoved her taut buttocks farther apart, pushing her ass wide open for the stiff cock.

“No, Prince, no, please,” she moaned, “oh goddamn, stop, please big dog, let me go, please don’t do that anymore, aaaahhhhhh, I can’t do it any more, please give me a break, oh god, help….”

There was no way to escape the obstinate animal dicking diligently at her ass; Linda crouched desperate and yearning under the determined beast, head hanging, tears rolling down her flushed cheeks, squirming backward against the giant Dane’s pumping hard-on.

The big dog gave a contented rumbling growl and kept up slow motion balling at the frantic girl’s open ass, his distended shaft stroking between her delicate inner cheeks and sliding easily in just an agonizing inch over the ardent blonde’s melting twat. Linda was moaning aloud and arching on the floor, loins pounding as her snatch dripped and screamed to come under the dog’s unrelenting dicking. Her thoughts were racing and
her brain screamed in panic even while she felt her asshole responding automatically to the exquisite tyranny of the Harlequin’s velvet cock.

Helpless, she let her head drop to her clenched her fists, knuckles white with strain, panting for breath as waves of mounting ecstasy flooded up from her dripping ass. Even as her thoughts clamored with desire and obsession, her hips slid mechanically back and forth under Prince’s languorous fucking, intensifying the delirious pleasure of each lingering stroke.

Linda felt her drool wet ass tighten with every thrust of the sensual dog cock between her clamping buttocks; she moaned in submission when she realized she was actually spreading her legs wider for the Harlequin, tendons on each side of her snatch stretched like cables from the pale edges of her bush to the tan skin of her inner thighs. Gasping, the panicked blonde slid into a red haze of desire as spontaneous crotch reactions took over; she realized she was babbling to the dog as she got closer and closer to a volcanic ass-centered come.

“Jesus, yes oh yes, please, please, please big dog,” she cried fervently, “I’ve got to have it now, please go ahead and do it to me, good boy.” Her full hard tits heaved with her panting and her thighs and calves pulsed as she trembled and twitched, starting to come at last on the interminable dicking.

“Oooohh, aahhhh, that’s good big dog, that’s so good, Prince, go on baby, do it to Linda now, don’t stop good dog. Aahh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes, oh Sally please,” she screamed, feeling the redhot orgasm building in her throbbing snatch, “please do it now, lover, mmmmmm, unnh, oooohhh, don’t stop now, big dog, please Denise, Princie, I’ve gotta have it now, Linda’s gonna come all over you. Fuck me now, Prince, fuck me hard, big dog, please, please fuck me, fuck me fuck me…”

Twisting and writhing under the panting animal, the sweat drenched blonde shrieked incoherently to the huge Dane as her mind dissolved and gushed out through her pulsating ass. Prince growled deep in his chest as Linda’s tight spastic ass clamped hard around his dripping cock. Biting her lip to keep from screaming over and over again, the frenzied teenager clutched at the tangled blanket, shaking her head from side to side as her crotch exploded in waves of pounding orgasm.

The enthusiastic Dane hammered at her squirming ass, his scorching hard-on jamming maddeningly inside the clamping muscles of her dripping hole. The moaning blonde felt like she was drowning in tidal waves of surging come, one rush of explosive orgasm after another gushing from her straining ass straight up her spine to crash into her stunned brain. Twitching, shuddering, Linda groaned feebly and panted desperately for breath as Prince pumped and labored over her saturated crotch.

“Please fuck me hard, good dog,” she howled hysterically, thrusting her hips up and jamming the Harlequin’s knot at the base of his hard-on against her pulsing hole, “come on now, Prince boy, fuck Linda, please fuck Linda real hard.”

Denise dropped down beside the gasping blonde, turned Linda’s face toward her and gave the girl a passionate kiss, tongue squirming in Linda’s mouth. Sally began petting the humping dog with one hand and fondling his bouncing nuts with the other. The redhead laughed and said, “All right, good girl, you beg real pretty for us, you can have it all now. Good boy, Prince, fuck Linda real hard, big dog.”

The Harlequin gave a fervent bark and diligently started hammering rapidly at Linda’s dripping ass; the obsessed blonde screamed in ecstasy as she felt the slippery animal dick spearing deep into her. She found that dropping her shoulders to the floor made the hot doggie cock dig in even deeper than before, the bristly sheath actually spreading her cheeks and shooting prickling electric sensations throughout her inflamed ass. Tightening pectoral muscles turned her jiggling full tits to taut globes, grinding her suntanned nipples into the fuzzy blanket; she felt the ring muscle of her ass clench as the first slow spasm of approaching orgasm pulsed through from her cunt.

“Oooohh, Jesus, that’s terrific, don’t stop now, go on baby, fuck hard, do it all to me, fuck Linda real hard good dog,” she cried through gritted teeth, “aaahhh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes, fuck me like you like it, fuck me like a bitch in heat, lover dog.” Feeling the approaching orgasm surging in her dripping snatch, the squirming blonde begged “Do it now, Prince, mmmmm, fuck Linda, unnh, oohhh, fuck hard, fuck me real hard, I can’t stand it, big dog, you’re gonna make Linda cream all over….”

Prince began whining eagerly as the contractions of her seething ass clamped down exquisitely on his swelling cock. Feeling the hot animal come load bulging at the base of the big dog’s dick drove the inflamed blonde wild; she rolled her hips voluptuously, grinding the animal dick onto her twitching ass while the Dane whined and humped furiously at her spasming hole.

“Oooh, that’s really really good, big dog,” the frantic teenager crooned hoarsely, “yeah, that’s real good for you too, isn’t it baby” You like fucking Linda’s ass with that big pink hard-on, don’t you Prince boy,” she chuckled, feeling the big dog’s cock pulsing in her hole as he humped, “well I guess you know Linda likes it too, lover dog. Yeah, good boy, that’s right, you just keep on doing that to me and I’ll get used to doing it right back at you, won’t that be nice?”

Absorbed in sexual frenzy, the delirious blonde writhed and shivered enraptured on the throbbing Dane dick while the dog quivered and whined with ecstasy between her legs. She was ready to scream again when Prince began writhing on top of her, yelping eagerly, then launched into unrestrained high speed dicking at her spasming ass. Linda felt the big dog’s hairless balls throbbing and the bulge at the base of his cock swelling inside her; she clamped her ass tight as Prince rammed the long dick deep into her hot hole.

Prince gave a low wavering howl as the come surged down to the tip of his cock; Linda instantly thrust her hips back hard onto the animal’s pulsing dick, catching the first explosive jet in her burning ass. She jammed the Harlequin’s squirting erection full length into her eager wet hole, begging for the slick hard-on as warm animal come spurted into her.

“Aaahhhh, please, Prince, do it now, please don’t ever stop,” she implored, shivers rolling over her belly and up over her stiff-nippled round tits, “P-please, don’t stop now, good boy, I’ll keep doing this with you forever, sweetheart, please, please don’t stop doing that to me, it’s too much, ooohhhh, aaahhhhh ” Linda choked off as the thunderous orgasm roared up her spine; she sensually rubbed her hard nipples, her lean tanned body heaving under the big dog’s unflagging dicking.

Prince shivered and bucked convulsively as Linda fucked frantically back underneath him, hair standing up along the length of his back, humping frenziedly at her hot spasming ass. The sweating blonde moaned deliriously under the big dog’s dick, clamping her asshole and drawing out squirt after scalding squirt while Prince thrashed and creamed inside her.

Linda’s spasming ass couldn’t hold the amount of jetting come the howling Dane kept pumping, and spurts gushed back out from between her grinding cheeks, dripping from his hairless cock sheath. The moaning teenager milked the long dog erection with her clenched ass, bucking his back legs off the floor with her hips, grinding her squirming ass hard on the squirting length of his dick to coax the last sticky spurts from the panting animal. As the satiated beast shifted some weight off of her, the exhausted blonde strained desperately back toward his withdrawing dick, her pink asshole pulsing for more of the animal hard-on.

“Oh, that’s good Prince, good boy, that’s wonderful, good dog,” she sighed, gasping for breath, “now you can slow down, big dog, you slow down, okay?”

The Dane instantly shifted to slow relaxed humping, his warm slick cock sliding effortlessly in and out of the submissive blonde’s dripping ass. As a matter of fact, she thought, this big fucker is probably used to doing it for hours and hours, the way you always hear about dogs screwing. Viscous animal come crawled slowly down the flexing curve of her wriggling ass and oozed over Linda’s thighs; a frantic switch of her hips jammed the dog’s dripping dick back into her sticky hole.

Breathing hard, the delirious blonde thrust and wriggled beneath the Dane, whispering “Go slow, Prince boy, slow down lover pup, slower, fuck Linda slower.”

The dog slowed down and slowed again, then stood statue still, quivering all over as Linda writhed and wiggled on his immobile cock. She moaned and giggled to herself as she rocked back faster at the big dog, switching her ass teasingly on the shivering animal’s throbbing dick and chanting, “Still, Prince, be still good boy, still, good dog, be still,” each time the Dane started to hump.

Prince whined imploringly in her ear but she commanded him to be still and the massive dog obediently stood dead stationary on top of her while she clamped her ass tight and fucked back onto his rock steady erection. Linda heaved and bucked under the motionless animal until she felt the torrid swelling at the base of his cock; the Harlequin’s whine turned to a low yowling as the giggling teenager fucked harder and the pressure of hot come built inside his aching dick.

“All right, big dog,” she cried, spreading her long legs wide for the impatient Harlequin, “I can’t stand it either sweetheart, go ahead, fuck hard big dog, do it hard, fuck Linda real hard, good boy.” Her stiff nipples were achingly hard and her belly muscles locked as she started coming again on the suddenly ferocious dicking.

“Oohh, Jesus, that’s good, that’s so good, Prince, go on baby, fuck me, do it hard for Linda, don’t stop good dog, aahh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes,” she hissed through clenched teeth, feeling the orgasm pounding in her aching crotch, “do it now, Prince, mmmmmm, unnh, oooohhh, I can’t stand it, big dog, I’m gonna cream all over you….”

Prince’s cock pulsed convulsively, shooting sudden hot spurts of doggie come. The big dog writhed and heaved, sticky jets squirting up into the writhing teenager’s ass and splashing out over her hot cheeks while she bucked avidly back at his throbbing hardon. Her round tits bobbed with panting and her thighs and calves cramped as the humping Dane trembled and twitched, both of them coming volcanically on the animal’s astounding dicking.

“Oooohh, aahhhh, that’s good big dog, that’s so good, Prince, go on baby, do it to Linda now, don’t stop good dog. Aahh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes,” she sobbed, feeling the red hot orgasm spasming back and forth from her ass to her throbbing snatch, “please do it now, Prince, mmmmmm, unnh, don’t stop big dog, I’ve gotta have it now, come on big dog, you come hard baby, cause Linda’s gonna come and come and come for you….”

The Harlequin’s howling bestial orgasm sent shivers rocketing up the moaning blonde’s spine and her snatch exploded into overwhelming coming as Prince kept spurting scalding come in her hole. Linda screamed deep in her throat, over and over again as the dog humped frantically at her spasming ass; shaking and sobbing, the creaming teenager kept bucking and thrusting at the yowling Harlequin, milking jets of animal come while she twisted and jerked under his dick.

When the shivering blonde finally collapsed forward and pulled away from his blazing cock, Prince’s sides heaved with hard panting and the hair stood up all across his shoulders and down his back. Linda lay gasping and groaning underneath the big dog, delirious with the intensity of their astounding orgasms. The brunette and the redhead hugged the shivering teenager and helped her up off the floor, half-carrying her to the couch as she staggered weak-kneed across the room.

“Oh sweetheart, what a good, good girl you are,” Denise whispered huskily, kissing the still-quivering runaway and rubbing the girl’s hard nipples. “You were so pretty with him, baby, it was beautiful watching you both come so good. What a perfect first-time doggie fuck, don’t you think, Sally?”

“You’re so right, Deni, that was just lovely,” the redhead replied with a smile, “our pretty girl looked so good crouched underneath that big puppy; and you both had so much fun, angel, that’s the best part, seeing you enjoy it so much.”

Sally stepped quickly over to the door and wheeled in a small tea cart with a silver ice-bucket holding a bottle of sweet champagne. The redhead peeled away the metal wrap and removed the cork with one expert twist, popping it up against the ceiling and catching it as it bounced back at her.

She poured and handed sparkling crystal glasses to the blonde and the waiting brunette, adding, “I’m proud of you, angel, you did beautifully and it certainly justified our faith in you, seeing big Princie come so hard in your hot ass. Let’s drink a toast to pretty Linda, the best and sweetest and most willing little fuck our pretty boys have had in a long long time.” The crystal stemware chimed softly as Denise and Sally clinked glasses with the pretty runaway.

“Oh Sally, thank you,” Linda whispered, blushing at the redhead’s praise, “thank you, Deni, I’m so glad to make you both proud of me. I’d never have done it without you two, I’d never have dreamed anything like this could ever happen for me, and I know I owe it all to you.”

The teary-eyed blonde took a long swallow of champagne and then looked up at Sally with a sudden giggle, adding, “And you both tricked me again, you sneaky bitches, that was mean and a dirty trick to pull on me, even if it was a terrific fuck. You know I wasn’t expecting to have to take it in the rear like that the first time, that was embarrassing.”

“But I wanted you to have it up the ass first, baby,” Sally replied with a smile, “it’s good for you to learn to surrender completely the first time. You have to overcome the last bits of those stupid old habits that make you guilty and ashamed, lover, and coming real good with hot cock up your ass is the best way to get rid of all that Auntie Jane garbage. A good stiff doggie dick is wonderful any way you can get it, angel, and you want to enjoy it every way there is. Now you can really let yourself go and get into it from every direction.”

“Sally’s right, sweetheart, you know she is,” Denise chimed in, giving the blushing runaway a quick kiss, “we only want what’s best for you, and we’ve planned it all for you from the beginning. Finish your champagne, baby, it’s time for the final lesson. You drink up and Sally and I will show you how to get on your back and take that wonderful cock into your cute little pussy, won’t that be nice?” Linda instantly gulped down the last swallow and sat the glass carefully on the coffee table.

“I’m ready right now, Deni,” the runaway whispered huskily, her nipples stiffening as the women watched, “just show me how we get it together, I want it now.”


To be continued…



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