Fox and Hounds: Part 16

Ken L. Master (

Parts 1-8
Parts 9-15
Part 16: New Kid in Town

As day after sun-warmed day slipped past, Linda almost forgot about the world outside, obediently licking the eager women and screwing the enthusiastic animals in varying combinations. The pretty blonde spent some sleepless nights before she realized she now really needed to have a warm canine cock at bedtime. Sally and Denise smiled in amused approval when the blushing girl stammered out her problem and asked permission to bring a big dog up to her bedroom every night.

The brunette and the redhead quickly agreed and watched in silence while the exhausted blonde pillowed her head on Mick’s furry belly and slid her lips instantly down the animal’s swollen cock. Linda nursed the dog’s dick in sighing contentment, sucking leisurely at the softly whining wolfhound for almost an hour before drifting off to sleep with the pulsing cock between her lips. After that night, Denise and Sally simply waved and blew the girl a kiss when she strolled casually back to the kennels to choose her animal pacifier for the night.

The suntanned blonde was in the back yard crouched on all fours underneath the Harlequin when sudden inspiration struck her. The sweating teenager fought to concentrate on her idea as the steadily humping animal arched over top of her, his smooth hot cock spearing her dripping snatch with maddening rhythm. Linda rocked mechanically backward against the dog’s powerful thrusts and clamped tight on the throbbing hardon as she pondered and probed at her gradually unfolding plan.

The girl was so preoccupied she scarcely paid attention as she swiveled her hips rhythmically under the panting animal, grinding his pulsing erection deeper into her hot bronze-curled cunt. She was caught by surprise and gasped in amazement as the whining Dane suddenly locked in place on top of her, slamming his pulsing cock full-length into her dripping slit and pumping spurt after spurt of hot dog come into her spasming pussy.

The blonde gave a squeal of astonishment as she felt the big dog’s throbbing dick jetting up inside her like a fountain of come; she dropped her shoulders to the ground and purred with contentment, raising her clamping snatch to take the last inch of swollen doggie cock. You learn something new and delicious with these fabulous fuckers every day, Linda thought with a smile.

When the satiated Harlequin finally pulled his pulsing shaft out and lurched off her back, Linda stayed patiently crouched, warm and dreamy as eager Mick closed in on her. The blonde waited while the aroused animal pranced close around her, pink hardon pulsing for the suntanned teenager. The girl spread her heels wide and arched her back with a harsh gasp of anticipation as the wolfhound moved forward expectantly.

Linda dropped her shoulders until her face was flat on the ground. With a quick check to make sure she could swivel her snatch around a pivot of thrusting dog cock, the delighted blonde settled back with a sigh and edged her knees a little wider, spreading the lips of her tingling pussy as the wolfhound moved forward.

“Mount up, big boy, that’s a good dog,” Linda whispered urgently, patting the inside of her thigh, “mount Linda now, sweetheart, Linda wants you right now. Aaahhhh, yesssss,” she hissed as the big dog arched over her hips, furry cock sheath sliding over her clitoris, “that’s my good good boy, Mickie, that’s Linda’s lover puppy.” The gasping blonde broke into goosebumps as the wolfhound’s hot dick slipped easily into her eager slit, the soft-furred hilt of the animal cock rubbing luxuriously into the lips of her snatch.

“Go slow, big dog,” the girl whispered huskily, shoving her hips up and back against Mick’s powerful humping, “go slow, lover, make it last for Linda. Yes, oohhhh yes yes yes, just like that, good dog, that’s just right. Just keep that up, pretty boy, while Linda does some more thinking…mmmmm, that’s my sweetheart…..”

The teenager spent the rest of the day on her hands and knees in the yard, mulling over her idea as the enthusiastic animals swarmed around, mounting her one after another for hours. The sweating blonde shrieked and sobbed as spurting dog cocks thrust her to orgasm after screaming orgasm throughout the afternoon. When her aching knees would no longer support the weight of the rutting dogs, the girl staggered to her feet, tottered over to a lounge chair and collapsed on her back, leaving her knees spread wide for the Shepherd clambering up over top of her.

The animals kept mounting obediently every time the blonde roused enough to rub her come-drenched snatch and beg for another doggie hardon. By the time she had sorted out the main points of her great idea, Linda was moaning constantly with tears sliding down her face while Prince rhythmically stroked his swollen cock deep into her bush. Sally and Denise found the teenager with her arms and legs wrapped tight around the Dane’s body, grinding her clit up against the humping animal’s hairless dick, whispering instructions and praise in a half-hypnotized chant.

It took four more days of nonstop screwing for Linda to figure out every angle of the plan and a cover for every contingency. The blonde had already decided how to broach the subject with Denise and practiced her presentation on a big dog every evening. In bed at night she rehearsed answers to every question she imagined the woman might ask, murmuring softly against Rex or Mick’s throbbing cock, emphasizing points with deliberate strokes of her tongue while the animal panted and whined at her skillful tongue. Imagining the brunette shivering under her caresses, the teenager gauged her argument against the twitching Shepherd’s swelling erection, adding tantalizing kisses and delicate licks to each new aspect of the unfolding plan.

Growing impatient when the big dog’s thrashing disturbed her concentration, Linda jumped out of bed to grab a pair of stockings from the bureau; knotting the pair into a silk rope, the frustrated girl quickly short-leashed the animal’s collar to the bed frame and swarmed back down onto his dick. Sliding her left arm under Rex’s side, the determined blonde caught the panting Shepherd’s left haunch under her armpit as she curled forward into his crotch. She scooted down further in the big bed, pulling the tied-down animal out full-length until his swollen cock thrust rigid to her lips, her shoulders easily shoving the dog’s hind legs wide apart.

Curling her left arm around his back, Linda held the trapped Shepherd in place, rubbing his back while she fondled his furry nuts and kissed the bristly sheath of his glowing erection. Picturing Deni writhing helplessly in place of the leashed whining Shepherd, Linda slavered over the animal’s hot dick and began her dress rehearsal. Licking and whispering, the blonde nursed the helplessly twitching dog, sucking and arguing through her presentation for nearly an hour, persuading with luxurious kisses.

After holding the trapped animal jerking on the edge of orgasm, she finally silenced his whining by sliding the length of his swollen and pulsating cock halfway down her throat while he exploded into howling orgasm. After two more nights of practice, Linda knew she was ready to try her plan on the brunette; Denise’s eyes widened when the teenager begged her to spend the night instead of asking for one of the big dogs.

The blonde dressed in her sexiest babydoll nightie to seduce the woman, wearing her fanciest hose with the lacy garter belt she knew Denise liked best. She met Deni at the door with a prolonged French kiss and began stripping the brunette as they moved toward the bed; Denise was shivering with desire by the time the girl peeled her out of her panties and gently pushed her backward onto the wide bed. Linda rolled immediately between the brunette’s knees as she leaned back against the piled pillows, crouched over the woman, kissing her way tantalizingly down over her shoulders and onto her breasts, licking gently at her dark nipples.

She began gently caressing the brunette’s stomach and thighs, hands sliding slowly over the woman’s ribs and down onto her taut belly, inching closer and closer to the red-pink clitoris. Denise whimpered eagerly and twitched her ass as the teenager’s teasing hands stroked nearer to her clit; panting hard, Linda finally reached out and teasingly rubbed her index finger over the brunette’s hot pink button.

Denise gave a moaning whimper as she felt the girl’s first delicate touch on her dripping brown-furred snatch. Gasping and giggling, the excited blonde pulled her hand away long enough to slide her fingers into her wet mouth, licked them deliberately past the second knuckle, then reached down and delicately stroked slippery fingers over the brunette’s hot clit.

Denise shivered and her long legs instantly spread wide as she felt Linda’s exploring fingers on her snatch, and the teenager sighed with satisfaction as she stroked carefully up and down the moaning woman’s open pussy. The freckled brunette sighed contentedly as Linda positioned her fingers deliberately and stroked harder at her slippery snatch; Linda giggled when the wet curls around Deni’s clit tickled her little finger at every stroke.

“Oh yes, I’m gonna spread you right out and take it real slow tonight, pretty girl,” the teenager whispered softly, spreading the woman’s long legs wide, “I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about us the past few days, and I want to show you how much I’ve missed you. Deni’s nipples were achingly hard and her belly muscles trembled as she got hotter and hotter on the girl’s incessant fondling.

The determined runaway began to masturbate the woman faster, with gentle quick circling of slippery fingertips; the brunette was shivering in delight, panting in deep gasps between prolonged moans of lesbian ecstasy. Denise gave an arching wiggle, thrusting until her slow-switching bush was almost brushing the girl’s blonde bangs; the twitching brunette made another quick arching thrust, moaning
urgently as she felt the teenager’s gasping breath warm on her exposed snatch. Linda ran her hands down the woman’s sleek thighs while the sure success of her plan flooded her brain.

Caressing the pleading brunette’s crotch with both hands, she leaned forward and huffed hot breath on the woman’s quivering clit; Denise moaned softly and writhed on the soft mattress, freckled thighs spreading wider as she shifted her knees. Linda lay on her belly with her mouth an inch from the brunette’s snatch, panting furnace-hot breath over her clit.

“I can’t let us get carried away yet, sweetheart,” she whispered softly, her lips brushing the damp curls around Deni’s slit, “I told you I’ve been thinking everything here and there’s something I need to talk with you about.”

When the gasping brunette stayed rigid with anticipation, the eager blonde leaned forward and gently licked at the delicate skin of her inner thigh next to the thick bush. Denise’s breath caught in her throat as the ardent runaway’s hot tongue slipped over the sensitive skin and stroked slowly toward her snatch, but the velvet touch of the artful blonde’s tongue was slow and carefully measured. The sweating brunette sighed and rolled her head from side to side as Linda kissed lingeringly over the woman’s curly dark brown pubic hair.

“Deni, I’ve had a kind of idea that I want to ask you about,” the excited teenager continued casually, quickly sliding her tongue over the brunette’s snatch; Linda’s eyes sparkled and flashed in triumph as Denise reached down with one hand and spread her slit wider. The blonde dropped her head until her lips and tongue were hovering over the woman’s pink vagina; she was salivating over the throbbing clit, panting over the dripping slit while Denise gently rubbed her cheek. Linda leaned over the woman’s wet clitoris, lowering her head and slavering down onto the exposed slit while Deni fondled with her own rigid nipples.

“I’ve been very happy and I’ve learned a lot since I’ve been here with you and Sally and the boys,” she whispered in furnace-hot breath over the writhing lesbian’s pussy, “and now that I realize how good things can be, I want more, lover. I don’t want you two to have to hide me or keep me a secret and I don’t want to stay a runaway forever. I want to be able to be a real partner in Fox and Hounds, and I think I see how it can happen…” The suntanned teenager paused to let the brunette think that over, dripping a thin line of slaver as she fondled the woman’s glowing pink clitoris.

“There’s two different things that we need to happen, lover,” the blonde continued, her phrases broken as she put tantalizing brief licks and kisses on Deni’s clit, “first is making sure we get another girl just to take care of the good dogs for a little while,” she whispered, fondling Denise’s dark-brown pubes with one hand. “And the second thing is getting me back to Aunt Jane’s house and in control of my inheritance.”

Linda looked up as Deni’s eyes widened, rolling her slippery tongue exquisitely slowly over the woman’s clit and added, “My folks were both killed when a train hit their car, Deni, a signal wasn’t working or something; the railroad had to pay off big, there’s like more than a half-million dollar trust fund, I’m not supposed to get it till I’m eighteen. Now here’s my idea, baby, listen to this…”

The well-rehearsed blonde held the gasping brunette on the frantic edge of orgasm while she whispered softly over the woman’s pussy, feeling the minute changes in the throbbing pulse of the Deni’s clit and licking leisurely at her slit in response, keeping the brunette seconds away from creaming. By the time the teenager slowly licked and kissed her way through her plan, Denise’s cunt was aching and throbbing, shivers
rippling over her bobbing stiff-nippled tits while she strained toward the blonde’s teasing tongue. Sweat rolled down Linda’s forehead as she fought to keep herself from giving in to sucking Deni’s pussy, salty drops falling onto the brunette’s clit while her own curly bronze pussy dripped down to a spreading wet spot between her thighs.

“…and I think it would work fine for all of us,” the blonde sighed, licking delicately at the gasping brunette’s hot slit, “don’t you, lover? I don’t expect you to answer me right away, Deni,” she added, kissing the shivering woman’s pulsing clit, “just lie back and think about it while Linda takes care of you, okay?” She planted her open lips against Denise’s spread snatch and sucked the brunette’s pussy into her mouth, thrusting her tongue up into Deni’s slit, sending her into moaning orgasm before the woman could say a word.

Linda had to go through the whole thing again the next day, after Denise talked to Sally. Knowing what turned Sally on, the blonde made sure she was in a chair with Mick lying between her ankles when the redhead came out to the pool to talk with her. The teenager slowly spread her legs wider for the animal’s tongue as she answered Sally’s questions, sweat beading on her forehead and rolling down her cheeks as the wolfhound lapped devotedly between her sleek thighs.

“I have to admit this sounds real good, angel,” the redhead said finally, smiling in satisfaction as the blonde moaned and twitched under the big dog’s tongue, “but I still don’t think there’s much chance of finding a sweet volunteer like you. If you can figure out where we’ll find another pretty runaway to take your place, we might be able to talk some more.”

“Well, I did some thinking about that myself, Sally,” Linda gasped, rubbing the wolfhound’s ears as he licked deliberately at her spread pussy, “and you’re probably right, I don’t think we’re likely to find another runaway as easily as I turned up. That’s not such a big deal though, really; if we look around, I’ll bet we can find a way to, well…like draft a volunteer, you know…”


Kinya didn’t realize she had missed the church bus back home until well after choir competition was over. She’d wandered into a room at the back of the auditorium for just a minute while the last choir was singing, and somehow she got so absorbed in conversation with the friendly white girl that she lost all track of time. When the cute little blonde finally stopped chattering and waved goodbye as she slipped out the back door, Kinya realized with dismay that everyone else was gone and the rest of the building was empty.

She ran outside in time to see the last set of departing bus tail-lights disappear in the distance. It was pitch dark and pouring as she stepped out, the wind whipping sheets of rain across the empty lot; the black girl turned back, but the door had locked behind her. The pretty soprano’s shoulders sagged as she tugged at the door again, realizing she was stranded in a strange town 200 miles from home.

The girl wondered how she would explain when she called Mama and where she could wait while someone came for her. After months of pleading and begging Mama to let her go to the choir competition and now this on top of it, Mama’s old-fashioned attitude was sure to get worse. I’m nineteen years old, Kinya thought sullenly, I think I can take care of myself for one night. I just want to learn new things and have experiences that will help me grow, and what I do but make a stupid mistake the first time I’m allowed away from home.

She took a deep breath and was almost ready to plunge across the huge empty lot to the pay phones when a shiny van pulled over to the curb beside her. The teenager saw a young brunette woman winding down the passenger side window as the truck came to a stop.

“Hi, babes, need a ride?” the dark-haired woman called as lightning speared the sky and the rain began pounding down.

“Wow, yes, thanks, you’re a lifesaver,” Kinya said, “I missed my bus; I thought I was gonna have to hitch in the rain, get washed down a sewer and disappear forever. Which way are you headed?”

“I thought I was supposed to ask you that,” the dark-haired woman replied with a laugh, “someplace warm and dry, sweetheart, where do you wanna be on a night like this; just catch that side cargo door and jump in before you get soaked.”

The side door scraped along the slide-track as Kinya jerked back on the handle. Kinya gave a quick prayer of gratitude at getting a ride so easily and scrambled quickly into the dark interior; she barely noticed there was no dome light on as she plunged inside. The shivering black girl had only a brief glimpse of the dark interior, some kind of curtains just behind the front seats, a half-naked blonde girl thrusting something toward her.

Kinya barely had time to realize it was the same blonde she’d just been talking to, and then she felt the stun-gun spark against her arm as she pitched forward onto the carpet. She heard the door slam as she twitched helplessly on the floor and the van pulled quickly out onto the highway. Muscles jerking and quivering, Kinya still wasn’t sure what happened; she sprawled like a broken puppet as hands pulled her floundering up onto the back seat. There was a ringing in her ears and her hands and feet felt numb and tingly.

Confused and weak, every muscle quivering, Kinya tried to focus on the pretty blonde dressed only in lace panties as the girl gently pulled her right hand up to the metal bar at the back of the seat frame. Before Kinya could move, Linda took a strip of wide velvet ribbon tied to the bar and looped it around her wrist, tying a neat bow to anchor the choirgirl’s arm in place. The shivering black girl couldn’t make her arms or legs move as the nearly naked blonde dragged her left arm into place and tied that wrist solidly to the seat.

As Kinya opened her mouth to scream, Linda wrapped a length of ribbon across her mouth and pulled it deep between her lips and tight over the cheeks, making a fancy bow beside her ear. The twitching choirgirl tried feebly to kick as the bare-breasted blonde pulled her left ankle over and lashed it tight to something fastened to the floor. The trapped black girl’s angry yells came out as muffled moaning noises while the blonde shoved her right ankle across the carpet, tying it solidly in position.

The longhaired girl watched as Kinya heaved and jerked uselessly at the velvet straps holding her spread-eagle on the back seat. Satisfied that the captive choirgirl was firmly tied down, the suntanned blonde settled next to her and whispered in her ear.

“You might as well just relax and get ready to enjoy the ride, angel,” Linda breathed huskily, “like they say, leave the driving to us, okay? Don’t worry, baby, you won’t get bored, I promise; in fact, I guarantee this’ll be the most exciting thing that ever happened to you.”

Leaving the helpless black girl struggling helplessly on the seat, the blue-eyed girl slipped through the curtain blocking off the driver and passenger seats. Kinya saw her silhouette against the fabric as she told the driver, “We’re all set, Sally, she’s nice and comfy, no problems. I think she’s gonna work out just fine, we might as well go for a spin.”

The choirgirl jerked desperately against the ribbons at her wrists and ankles, but it was like trying to pull down a brick wall; her brain went into screaming panic and she whined and gurgled behind the ribbon gag covering her mouth. Kinya abruptly froze motionless when she saw the dark mound behind the driver’s seat moving. Her eyes widened as the biggest German Shepherd she had ever seen got stood up and came back toward her.

The pretty black teen sat dead still and watched nervously as the huge animal approached; she flinched when the Shepherd sniffed at her toes and his cold nose slid over her bow-wrapped ankle. The captive black girl thought she’d die of embarrassment when the dog casually poked his muzzle under her long skirt and began sniffing his way up the smooth skin of her inner calf toward the thigh. The big dog sat soundlessly between her spread legs and leaned forward in front of her, tongue hanging as he sniffed at Kinya’s thin cotton panties. The Shepherd’s hot panting huffed over the trembling black girl’s leg, steaming against her thighs and crotch.

Kinya squirmed and wriggled helplessly on the seat as the dog nosed further up between her spread legs, her skirt sliding over his neck and down his back. The choirgirl nearly fainted in shock when she felt the huge Shepherd’s hot breath huffing over the front of her panties; her screams emerged as shrill nasal whining while the big dog nosed eagerly at her cotton-covered crotch. The desperate black teen tried swiveling her hips away from the dog’s questing muzzle, but all her frantic wiggling didn’t seem to discourage the animal at all.

Kinya screamed in horror when the big dog’s rough tongue rasped over her thinly-covered crotch. She heaved frantically against the ribbons anchoring her wrists and ankles, whining shrilly and squirming frenziedly as the Shepherd began delicately licking at her crotch and thighs. Kinya’s gagged as the sweltering dog-tongue rasped at the thin material stretched over her snatch, but the velvet touch was inescapable.

The squirming black girl shrieked in her throat as the big dog started a slow steady lapping at her pussy, drooling on her frizzy black pubic hair. The dog panted and slavered over the anguished choirgirl’s snatch and her panties soaked as doggie saliva saturated her crotch.

Kinya gasped and retched as the Shepherd’s tongue lathered over her thinly-covered bush onto her thighs and then dropped back down onto the light fabric covering her crotch. The black girl made a pleading whimper through her velvet gag, shuddering from her taut thighs over her belly; the Shepherd ignored the shaking spade’s desperate whining, his wide tongue stroking rhythmically against the cotton stretched over her sensitive clit.

The big dog soundlessly continued lapping and snuffling over the trapped choirgirl’s squirming crotch regardless of her whimpering pleading and thrashing. The Shepherd growled once between her legs and Kinya stopped twisting and screaming, frozen in fear with his gleaming fangs inches away from her bush; the big dog never slowed the eager licking at her crotch. Kinya collapsed against the seat, sobbing helplessly as the animal continued to his eager tongue job. As soon as she lay still the dog intensified the maddening licking, tail wagging contentedly as he slavered over the choirgirl’s dripping black pussy.

In spite of her terror and mortification, Kinya started breathing faster and her nipples stiffened inside her skimpy bra; the choirgirl’s stomach twitched as the pulse raced in her steamy snatch. When her quivering pussy began dripping into her soaked panties, the big dog licked harder and faster at the delicious spade crotch spread open in front of him; the hair on Kinya’s arms was standing up and her full tits broke out in goosebumps as he lapped her. The inescapable tongue swarming over her thinly-covered bush made the captive choirgirl squirm and sweat despite her terror of his gleaming fangs and the ribbons that kept her lashed helpless against the seat for him.

After twenty or thirty minutes of the dog’s interminable licking, Kinya was gasping so hard she couldn’t even try to scream anymore. She lay helpless on the seat, crying breathlessly with the aroused Shepherd wedged between her thighs, moaning as the fiery rough tongue danced over her throbbing pubes. She blinked frantically through the tears when there was a sudden lapse in the rhythm of the dog’s incessant licking. When she saw the bare-breasted blonde moving back toward her, the desperate black girl tried to beg for help, grunting and mumbling behind the gag; her eyes brightened with hope as the dark-tanned girl settled beside her.

“Hello again, angel, my name’s Linda, and I know from your ID that your name is Kinya. You’ve already met Rex, sweetheart,” the blonde whispered, “you’ll have to forgive him for being so forward; he wants to make friends so quick. Sally and Deni were sure he’d like you, and I know you’re gonna love him, angel.”

Kinya’s eyes widened in anxiety as the half-naked girl reached over and tugged open her sweater; the black girl snapped into full-blown panic when Linda started unbuttoning her blouse. She writhed helplessly as the topless blonde spread her blouse wide, exposing the choirgirl’s full jugs with stiff nipples standing out against the skimpy cotton brassiere. Kinya groaned in horror behind her gag as Linda’s hands moved down to her long pleated skirt and the blonde methodically ripped off one button after another, tearing open the skirt front nearly up to her waist to give Rex better access to her snatch.

Kinya’s round breasts bounced as the blue-eyed girl snapped the seam between the cups of her bra, leaving her full dark-brown nipples quivering erect. Kinya was too frantic to scream when she felt Linda softly rubbing her tits; the gentle massage was so casual and deliberate the sheltered choirgirl couldn’t believe it, especially when the half-naked blonde focused on fondling her stiff nipples. The feel of the young girl’s kisses on her areolas drove Kinya to a frenzy of helpless thrashing and whining; the blonde-haired beauty crouched close beside squirming black girl, looking up at Kinya while licking sensually on the choirgirl’s stiff and sensitive nipples.

“Hearing you rolling around back here with Rex really made me so hot, babydoll,” the blonde whispered, trailing kisses up Kinya’s neck and sighing hot breath into her ear. “I was ready to come myself just hearing you wiggling around with him, honey,” she continued, drawing her nails excruciatingly over the captive black girl’s tingling nipples, “and I really think sexy Rexie wants to get to know you better now that we have the chance. You just lie back and take it easy, angel, and let Linda help you relax for him, okay?”

She leaned over and sucked Kinya’s dark chocolate nipples one after another, keeping her hand pressed against the shivering choirgirl’s throbbing pubes. Kinya sobbed in despair as Linda pushed the Shepherd’s muzzle away from her crotch and tugged gently at the front of her panties. The desperate black girl writhed and jerked against her bonds, horrified to imagine what the bare-busted blonde had in mind.

She got her answer as the girl caught the elastic of her panties and jerked abruptly, snapping the string, ripping the shredded panties completely away. The captive choirgirl screamed hysterically behind her gag as the big Shepherd lunged forward again and his slavering tongue stroked over her totally exposed pussy. His eager lapping parted the shaking black girl’s drool-soaked pubic bush, leaving her delicate pink lips and throbbing clitoris completely open to the slippery probing dog tongue.

“Now there, isn’t that better, baby,” Linda whispered to the sobbing black girl, running her fingers easily over the frantic choirgirl’s hard nipples. “Rex really loves eating pussy, honey girl, and you’ve never had anything as wonderful as his licking in your life. How about I just stay here and keep you company while he gives you a treat; I want to watch him make you wiggle and sweat.”

Kinya screamed in mortification, shudders heaving her belly and shaking her round tits; she wriggled futilely in the seat as the Shepherd’s wet tongue washed her open snatch, spreading her lips wide and sliding over her clit like a velvet ribbon. The big dog seemed even more intent now that her hot pussy was totally exposed to him, rumbling deep in his throat and wagging his tail as he worked on the gasping choirgirl. Moaning and shaking, Kinya collapsed on the seat and dropped her head back, crying silently as the eager animal lapped maddeningly at her melting pussy. She realized she was totally helpless, tied spread-eagle and powerless to stop the obstinate animal licking eagerly between her legs.

With a burst of absolute horror, Kinya suddenly realized that Mama wouldn’t even knew she was missing for hours; everyone thought she had caught another bus, she wouldn’t be missed and this crazy half-naked bitch could let the canine demon between her legs keep doing it to her until she went insane. At the smiling blonde’s softly whispered command, the dog sat deliberately on his haunches between her knees, his wide tongue lathering over her open pussy as fast as he could lick. The mortified choirgirl was panting for breath and shaking uncontrollably, her buzzing clitoris driving her wild. Shrieking shrilly against the gag, the horror-stricken black girl heaved and thrashed desperately against the ribbons pinning her wide open for the Shepherd’s attention.

“That’s right, angel, fight it, that’s real good,” Linda purred, kissing the frantic choirgirl’s nipples, “work hard, you try real hard, baby. Rex really likes to feel pretty girls squirm when he eats ’em and we just love to watch. I want you to try everything you can think of, sweetheart, watching you fight to get away from it is really sweet.”

The choirgirl gasped with relief as the blonde straightened up and stopped sliding her tongue over Kinya’s stiff nipples. Her relief turned to sobs of despair when Linda reached down and ripped off three more buttons, spreading her skirt completely open and leaving the horrified black girl stripped practically naked before the eager Shepherd. Overwhelmed by shame and disgust, she shrieked incoherently against the velvet ribbon gag and jerked her hips away from the animal’s probing tongue.

The Shepherd growled once between her legs and Kinya gave a muffled scream behind her gag as the dog abruptly snatched the waist of her torn-up skirt in his fangs and snapped his head back and forth savagely, shaking the girl like a doll. The last buttons snapped instantly and the animal jerked the tattered rags completely away; the stunned teen sprawled against the seat trembling as the now docile animal resumed the awful licking, tail wagging happily as he drooled over her dripping pussy.

The black girl burst into choking screams again as the blonde reached down and started petting the dog while the animal lapped delicately at her exposed clit. Kinya struggled uselessly against the ribbons as Linda giggled and whispered praise and encouragement to the enthusiastic dog.

“Oh yeah, all right, pretty boy,” the blonde crooned to the big dog, reaching over to spread Kinya’s pubic bush wide for the eager Shepherd, “Pretty Kinya can’t stop you and I know she won’t say a word about it, go ahead and do whatever you want, do it to her real good, good boy.” The black teen’s dark nipples were achingly hard and her belly twitched as she got hotter and hotter on the unrelenting doggie licking.

There was no way the frenzied choirgirl could escape the obedient animal licking eagerly at her crotch. Sensing that the quivering black girl had no way to resist, the big dog gave a low growl and began slowly washing the retching choirgirl’s bare pussy, tongue languidly flicking between her delicate inner lips and sliding over her exposed clitoris. Within minutes, Kinya was moaning through the gag and writhing against the restraints, loins throbbing as her snatch warmed under the dog’s incessant licking. Her thoughts were racing and her brain screamed in panic and shame even while her traitorous pussy responded terribly to the exquisite torture of the velvet tongue.

“Oooohh, Jesus, that’s good, she’s really good, Rex, go on baby, do it nice for her now, don’t stop good dog. Aaahhh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes,” Linda hissed through clenched teeth, watching the pulse in Kinya’s burning snatch, “do it now, Rexie, mmmmmm, yes yes yes, pretty Kinya can’t stand it, big dog, this pretty little spade is gonna cream all over you….”

Powerless to escape the bestial licking, Kinya clenched her fists and screamed behind her velvet gag, panting for breath as waves of awful ecstasy flooded up from her dripping snatch. As her thoughts raced with fear and total mortification, her hips rolled mechanically back and forth under Rex’s lingering licking, adding to the intensity of each slow stroke. Despite her determination to fight against the horrible feeling, the choirgirl felt her ass tighten with every flicker of the scalding dog tongue over her lips. She whined in disgust as she found herself spreading her legs wider to the big dog, straining the tendons at the side of her snatch like cables from the edge of her drool-soaked nappy bush to the sensitive skin of her inner thighs.

“Jesus, yes oh yes, Kinya, come now, baby,” Linda whispered hoarsely in her ear, watching the struggling choirgirl, “I can’t believe how much you need it, go ahead and do some more for us, good girl.” The captive black girl’s tits heaved as she sobbed, her thighs and calves pulsed as she trembled and twitched, starting to come on the big dog’s skillful licking.

“Oooohh, aahhhh, yeah, that’s good sweetheart, that’s so good, Kinya, go on baby, do it for Linda now, don’t stop now, girl. Aahh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes,” the blonde panted, sensing the orgasm pounding in the writhing teen’s throbbing snatch, “please do it now for us, angel, mmmmmm, oooohhh, don’t stop now, baby doll, we’ve gotta have it all now, come all over for us, angel girl.”

Kinya felt like her crotch was being electrocuted; it was like bolts of slow-motion lightning striking her clit, running straight up her spine. The choirgirl’s first orgasm was so intense it short-circuited her mind, leaving the shattering guilty sensation of coming and coming as Rex’s incredible tongue slithered over her pulsing snatch. Back and belly muscles rigid, thighs and calves cramping, the sobbing black girl sat paralyzed while the massive Shepherd panted and lapped at her melting black-bushed cunt.

“MMmmmmmmmmm, unnnhhhhhhhh, nnnnnnnno,” she shrilled through the ribbon smothering her cries, “nnnnoooo, dnnnt, aaaahhhhhh, ssttp ut, pplllzzz, unnnnhhhhhmmmmmmmm….” Her muffled pleading and frenzied moans seemed only to encourage the dog, who burst into excited licking at her spasming crotch.

The disgusted choirgirl’s brain exploded into a revolting fireball of orgasm, panic and mortified shame as the animal’s inescapable tongue probed between her exquisitely sensitive lips and slid up inside her dripping cunt. Tears slid and dripped from her rigid nipples as the frantic black girl squirmed into her first mind-boggling orgasm.

Howling and whining around the ribbon strip, Kinya gagged and retched as the smiling blonde watched the big dog make her come, petting his neck and murmuring praise as he snarled and drooled over Kinya’s dripping ebony-bushed pussy. The overwhelming orgasm seemed to last forever to the sheltered choirgirl, leaving her shuddering, exhausted and gasping, rolling her hips slowly under the big dog’s exquisite licking.

Kinya was stunned and paralyzed when the huge Shepherd kept on lapping eagerly at her dripping, quivering snatch. Aroused by the taste of the horrified choirgirl’s dripping young pussy, the big dog seemed impatient to keep on licking no matter how Kinya reacted. As the unnerved black girl tried to slide her ass back on the seat, the blonde whispered a command and Rex reared up on his haunches and clamped his forepaws over her legs.

The dog’s powerful shoulders easily shoved her thighs apart, keeping her hips pinned inescapably and holding her snatch wide open at the front of the seat. Kinya wailed desperately to the watching blonde as the big dog lathered at her dripping snatch; her gaze locked on Linda’s face, pleading for relief from the mind-blowing animal lapping between her legs. The sweating black teen moaned in despair when the smiling blonde picked up the choirgirl’s ruined panties and used them to wipe away the sweat trickling down her forehead.

“There, that’s better for you, huh babes,” Linda crooned softly, blotting Kinya’s tears with the scraps of tattered cotton, “Linda knows how Rex makes a girl sweat, and we wouldn’t want anything to distract you from his wonderful tongue, would we? Oh I know, don’t worry, sweetheart,” she added, smiling as the captive black girl wriggled frantically and muffled begging whined behind the gag, “I know how much you want to give up more of that sweet spade pussy for him; don’t worry, angel, Linda isn’t gonna make him stop. You’re just starting to get the good stuff, angel,” Linda whispered huskily, petting the Shepherd as he licked steadily at the sobbing black teenager, “you won’t believe how good it is once he gets warmed up. Let’s see if Linda can pump up a little more enthusiasm for you, babydoll.”

Kinya watched in unbelieving horror as the lovely blonde slid down next to the huge Shepherd, reached between his legs and started playing with the animal’s hairy organ. The choirgirl retched as the big dog’s penis swelled quickly and pretty Linda pumped the furry dog tool meticulously, whispering praise while the Shepherd’s tongue crawled over her crotch. The animal growled between Kinya’s knees as the blue-eyed blonde giggled and pumped his dick, his tongue lathering Kinya’s pussy as fast as he could lick.

Whimpering shrilly against her muffling ribbon, the horror-stricken choirgirl heaved and thrashed desperately against her bonds, pinned wide open for the Shepherd’s deliberate attention. Her muffled pleading and frenzied moans seemed only to encourage the watching blonde, who started a high-speed pumping at the panting animal’s swollen cock. As the shaking black teen tried again to scoot her ass back away from the big dog, Rex reared up and snapped his fangs on her left sleeve, heaving backward until material shredded. Linda laughed out loud as the Shepherd grabbed again near Kinya’s shoulder and ripped the whole sleeve away, long shreds dangling from the cuff at her velvet-tied wrist.

“No no, Kinya, you need to be a good girl, be still,” Linda said sharply, “puppy won’t like it if you make him disappointed, you don’t want him to get angry, so be still, good girl, still.”

Kinya lay obediently still as the animal chewed and jerked her other sleeve, ripping her blouse away, leaving tatters trailing beside the dark mounds of her breasts. She gagged with disgust as the big Shepherd licked the salty sweat off her tits, tongue crawling repulsively over her stiff nipples; the eager dog dropped back down and clamped his paws over her legs. Gritting her teeth to keep from throwing up, the frenzied choirgirl arched futilely up against the animal’s heavy forepaws, shaking her head as the excited Shepherd slavered over her, tongue dancing maddeningly at her slime-soaked pussy.

Kinya realized with horror that the huge animal wouldn’t stop while the gorgeous blonde-haired maniac kept fondling his throbbing organ; her gaze locked on the blue-eyed blonde kneeling beside her, eyes pleading for release as Linda stroked the dog lapping her disintegrating snatch.

“I think you’re ready for the final lesson, baby,” Linda cooed tenderly as sweat beads rolled down the black girl’s forehead, “watching you give it up for sexy Rexie has me about ready to come myself, but I saved the best for last.”

The horrified choirgirl literally couldn’t believe her eyes when the lovely blonde curled up beside the panting animal and leaned in underneath his belly, saying “I know you can’t thank me now, it’s all right; you can pay me back later. You watch now while Linda shows you how to really get the most out of one of these pretty boys, okay?”

The stunned black girl’s eyes widened in amazed disgust as Linda crawled in until her lips were inches away from the whining animal’s red erection and added, “You’ll want to watch real close, sweetheart, you’ll need to know this later.”

Linda looked up at the captive choirgirl and winked wickedly, then turned back and deliberately thrust the dog’s organ into her mouth. As the pretty blonde’s lips slipped down the length of his cock, the Shepherd lowered his head over Kinya’s snatch again; Kinya screamed and gagged behind the ribbon as Rex gave a low whine of delight and launched into furious lapping at her snatch while Linda sucked him.

Kinya’s muffled cries and groans turned into breathless shrieking as the frenzied choirgirl thrashed helplessly on the seat. Twisting and writhing, the sweat-drenched black girl moaned and pleaded with the bare-breasted blonde as her sanity dissolved and gushed out through her pulsating pussy. Rex growled deep in his throat as her spastic snatch pumped juices over his dripping tongue while Linda licked happily up and down his glistening red organ.

Gritting her teeth around the gag to keep from throwing up, the frenzied choirgirl heaved futilely against the seat back as her crotch exploded in waves of pounding orgasm. The excited Shepherd slavered over her gaping snatch and slippery thighs, tongue sliding loathsomely over the clamping ring muscle of her drool-soaked ass.

The sobbing black girl felt like she was drowning in tidal waves of surging come, one rush of explosive orgasm after another gushing from her steaming pussy straight up her spine to crash into her numbed brain. As the incredible shuddering spasms shook her bobbing jugs, Kinya realized with horror that the huge animal still refused to back off and the enthusiastic velvet tongue was still there. Muffled cries and groans
turned into a constant nasal moaning as the hysterical choirgirl thrashed helplessly on the seat with eager Rex crouched slavering between her thighs.

Kinya’s mind shattered in a red cloud of orgasm, guilt and horrified squirming desire as the dog’s inescapable tongue probed between her exquisitely sensitive lips and slid up inside her dripping cunt. Tears mingled with the sweat dripping from her throbbing nipples as the shrieking choirgirl started on another mind-boggling orgasm.

Howling and whining through the gag, she could not keep herself from straining toward the panting Shepherd and pressing her knees against his shoulders as he snuffled and drooled over her avid ebony-bushed pussy. Limp as a dishrag and sobbing uncontrollably, Kinya groaned and giggled crazily through the strip of muffling velvet, wriggling and thrusting her bush at the eager animal slavering between her thighs. Alternately begging, screaming and praying behind the gag, the delirious choirgirl gripped the seat back with both hands, spreading her thighs wide to hold her dripping lips apart, exposing her throbbing and demanding clit to Rex’s velvet tongue.

Kinya screamed and fought the overwhelming ecstasy, sobbing behind the muffling ribbon, gagging and retching as the dog made her come; as the endless doggie cunnilingus kept on, the demented choirgirl couldn’t even recognize separate orgasms. She kept coming and coming and still coming, on and on as the dedicated animal lapped and licked at her screaming snatch. The black girl gave another hoarse scream as the blonde’s tongue flicked against the big dog’s dick and passed out. Kinya was never sure how many times she fainted; when she came back to consciousness, the van was stopped, the blonde-haired degenerate and her dog were gone; she saw the brunette woman and a pale redhead sitting on either side of her.


“…has been disconnected. If the name appears in your directory, the listing has been changed. Please hang up and make sure you are dialing correctly. This is a–”

Linda banged the receiver back on the hook and swore in frustration. It was her third call from a different phone booth in the bus station, she’d tried once more in hopes it was some mistake. The teenager couldn’t believe it when she got the first recording, but she couldn’t deny it now; there was no answer at Auntie’s number, not even a ring, just the jerky tape message that the phone had been disconnected. The blonde had spent the long bus ride from the station in the town nearest the kennel rehearsing her apology and explanation to Aunt Jane and she was stunned to realize she might have trouble at this stage of her plan. The old maid had never taken a vacation in Linda’s lifetime, so where could she be now that Linda finally needed to talk to her?

One final flash of inspiration sent the anxious runaway searching through the yellow pages with shaking fingers; Auntie never did anything without talking to her lawyer, Mr. Kravitz would know what had happened. Linda told the secretary her name and waited in nervous anxiety until Kravitz picked up the call. When the old man told her the news, the blonde hung up in numb silence and cried quietly in a chair by the door until the cab came to pick her up. Her eyes were swollen and tears streaked her cheeks as she walked into the attorney’s office; she was still weeping silently while he talked for nearly an hour.

“…you couldn’t have known, she absolutely forbade any mention of her illness around you, Linda,” Kravitz concluded, shaking his head in regret. “I of course urged her to let you know that her condition was terminal, particularly when the pain became severe and you two began to quarrel.”

“Oh god, Mr. Kravitz, I feel so terrible,” Linda sniffled, “if only I’d known, we could have worked harder or something. And if it hadn’t been for the wonderful ladies who took me in, I’d never have come back, I’d never have known. They did so much for me, Mr. Kravitz, they made me really think about what I want and what I need to do and how to learn to like a job and responsibilities and everything, all the things Auntie tried to show me. Oh god, what will I do now, I thought everything would be okay once I came back and explained and apologized, now everything is screwed up…”

“Well, this probably isn’t the best time to mention it, but things aren’t all bad,” the lawyer replied understandingly, “your aunt knew she had to make some plans after you ran away. She had put off telling you what she intended to do until it was too late to take you into her confidence, but we made the best arrangements I could develop to under the circumstances. Since she had never charged you with being a runaway, it left some avenues open that made things easier. Before I go into the details of her will and your inheritance, there is one important item
to explain; does the term emancipated minor mean anything to you, my dear? If not, please listen carefully…”

It took a couple of weeks to get through the court forms and getting the estate settled and all the insurance paperwork finished and then finally have her new ID delivered. The new driver’s license and the checking and savings account books were brought to the house by a young lawyer named Jack, the youngest partner in old man Kravitz’s office. Jack had been very friendly since the first day Kravitz had introduced him to Linda, and eagerly volunteered to take over all the donkey work of dealing with the estate details. After he handed her the license, her savings account info and checkbook, Linda walked the young lawyer to the door; she was just ready to say thanks and goodbye when Jack reached into his satchel briefcase and pulled out a large beige cardboard folder.

“I think that takes care of the last of the professional details, Linda,” he said, smiling and looking directly into the surprised blonde’s eyes, “and now that the business stuff is all finished, I was wondering if maybe I could ask you for one little personal favor?”

“Why sure, Jack, I guess so,” Linda replied uncertainly, “I mean, I really do appreciate all the help you’ve given me, so if there’s something I could do show my gratitude…” She trailed off in bewilderment as he extended the manila folder and placed it in her hand with an even bigger smile.

“I was hoping,” he said, handing her a pen as she glanced down in confusion and began to open the folder, “that maybe you’d autograph a couple of these for me…”

Linda pulled open the folder in total mystification and then gasped and burst into laughter when she realized the contents: the first thing she saw was an 8 by 10 color computer photo printout of her, down on all fours with Rex mounted on top of her like Lassie. She
flipped to the next photo, a close up on her face, looking into the camera with a smile as she sucked Prince’s cock with come dripping off her chin. The folder was filled with still prints from her videos, all shots of her sucking and fucking the Shepherd, the wolfhound and the massive Harlequin. Linda looked up from the photos and found the young lawyer watching her with a huge grin.

“I recognized you the minute I walked into Mr. Kravitz’s office that first day,” he said simply, “I’ve got all your videos from day one at the kennel, and I’d say I’m one of your biggest fans. I’d really love to have your autograph on a couple of those pictures, and maybe someday you could tell me how you got into that situation, and how you managed to get out.”

“Sure, Jack, I’ll sign a couple of them,” Linda said with a chuckle, “anything for a fan.” She quickly scrawled ‘Love & kisses from Linda, big boy’ on the top two pictures and handed the pen & folder back to the smiling attorney, adding, “Maybe sometime I’ll talk more with you about what happened.”

“And maybe some day, if you’re really lucky,” she continued, walking him out the door and staring him straight in the eye with a smile, “you might catch me in the right mood and I’ll give you a private show.”

Linda gratefully locked the door as the young lawyer drove away, and then closed all the blinds before wriggling out of her clothes; the delighted blonde gave a loud whistle and burst into laughter as the year-old Pyrenees stud galloped into the room and eagerly thrust his muzzle between her legs. The nearly-grown snow-white pup weighed over a hundred pounds and was barely sexually mature; he was a smart and obedient dog and had learned amazingly quickly under the teenager’s skilled training. Linda spread her legs, leaned back with a sigh of satisfaction and picked up the phone as her big fuzzy bear licked lovingly at her spread snatch. She rubbed the animal’s ears as she dialed and waited for the distant phone to ring.

“Hi, Sally, it’s your lover-girl,” she giggled when the redhead answered, “Did you guys get my card? Yeah, it is amazing; I still didn’t believe it until all the paper shit was finished. Oh yes, the house, my inheritance money, plus insurance and savings and I still don’t know what all; I just got the checkbook & my driver’s license today. I’ll show you all the stuff when I come up this weekend, okay?

“Yes, you nosy bitch, I did get a dog of my own, he’s right here at my feet while we’re talking; no, a Great Pyrenees, he’s all white and furry and beautiful. The breeder said he’ll go about a hundred and eighty pounds when he’s full grown, I’m not sure I’ll be able to hold him up. If he gets me pinned over a footstool or bench or something I guess I’ll just have to fuck till he gets tired of screwing. How are you all doing down there, is Deni around? All out by the pool, hey, I can imagine what’s going on; is Kinya there by any chance, I’d like to talk to her. Oh, I’m sure she’s a little tied up right now, I thought she might need a lot of training. Spending every night out in the pen is she; she must be a bad girl. Just hold the phone next to her ear, lover.

“Hello sweetheart, how are you? This is Linda, you remember me, we met at the auditorium, and I was with Rexie the night we picked you up. Oh no, baby, you don’t understand, it’s going to be wonderful for you, you’ll see, the pretty boys are only being nice to you like Sally and Denise taught them. Of course I’ll help you, angel, I’m going to show you all kinds of things just as soon as I get there. Kinya, that’s not the kind of help you really want and I know it, just forget all about that and try letting yourself go. Yes I will help you; I’ll help you learn everything you need to know no matter how long it takes for you to understand. I’m sure we’ll find you’re really a dog lover at heart…

“Now is that any way to talk, how can you be so ungrateful? Yes I do know what they’re doing to you and I know you’re going to accept it more and more as time goes on. I’m really disappointed in you, angel, you shouldn’t say things like that to me, you know
you’ll regret it later. I can see I’m going to have to spend a lot of time with you when I come back, baby; I’m sure I can make you love me after a while. Now screaming like that won’t help, I can’t understand a word you’re saying with you crying that way…

“Oh hi, Denise, I can’t wait to see you again. Oh yes, I can hear her all right, sure is noisy isn’t she? Yeah, I think it’s exciting too, good thing you’re out in the boonies with plenty of privacy. Oh I think we can bring her around all right, I’ve been doing some reading and I have a couple ideas. Have you ever seen those electric shock collars they advertise in the dog magazines? No, not for the pretty boys, you doofus, for that pretty little piece of dark meat you have tied in the chair. Uh-huh, I’ll bring it with me when I come this weekend. I love you too, Deni, bye…”

Linda dropped the phone back on the cradle with a giggle and slid easily off the couch beside her fuzzy loverpup. The teenager spun on her hip to lay end for end with the dog, opened her legs and slid her hands over the animal’s belly as the excited yearling began faithfully lapping at her pussy. The dog whined imploringly as the blonde’s fingers danced over his furry cock sheath and the girl giggled again as she leaned over the swelling pink hardon.

“That’s right, baby, lick Linda real pretty,” she coaxed, skinning back the sheath to expose the full length of the young dog’s swelling erection, “yes yes yes, that’s my good, good boy, oh baby that’s wonderful. You go on lover, go on and lick Linda sweet,” she added, leaning over the animal’s sensitive dickhead, “it’s time for Linda to show you what a real dog treat is…”




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