Fox and Hounds: Part 2

Ken L. Master (

Read Part 1 Here

—Part 2: She Makes New Friends and Starts to Earn Her Keep—

“What a good girl you are, angel,” the redhead praised, “that’s my good good girl. I think a good girl like you deserves a reward for being so pretty and such a good student; give Linda a real sweet kiss, Denise.”

“That’s a wonderful idea, Sally,” Denise said with a smile, “this good girl took off every last stitch for us, and our naked sweetheart deserves a nice long kiss.” She stepped forward and gathered the naked blonde in her arms.

Before the shivering teenager could react Denise squirmed against her and kissed her passionately, sliding her tongue into Linda’s mouth and fondling her bare breasts with both hands. Linda gasped as she tasted peppermint on the eager brunette’s tongue; Denise gave a low growl of satisfaction as the teenager’s nipples perked against her palms. The stunned blonde couldn’t think what to do with her hands and finally circled her arms loosely around Denise’s waist while the dark-haired woman gently caressed her sensitive nipples.

Denise was breathing faster as she fondled the teenager’s full breasts; Linda nearly stopped breathing when the brunette slowly reached down and soft fingertips stroked gently between her legs. The panicked blonde’s fingers clutched abruptly at the woman’s waist and she drew a deep gasping breath, flinching and shifting her feet nervously.

“No no, good girl, stay,” Sally said sharply, “you stay, good girl, stay.”

Linda froze shuddering in place as Denise’s gleaming polished nails trailed slowly across her bush; the slender brunette kissed the trembling girl again, putting more tongue into the action as she fondled the sensitive lips of the teenager’s slit. The petrified blonde thought dazedly that she should shove the dark-haired woman away and try to run from this beautiful bedroom cage before it was too late, but she was still weak and shaky and Denise’s passionate kisses stirred an awful excitement Linda would never have imagined or admitted she could have.

Sighing in resignation, she hesitantly returned Denise’s steamy French kiss and laid her head on the brunette’s shoulder, trapped between her apprehension and an awful anticipation. Her hands clenched at Denise’s waist as the dark-haired beauty pulled her tongue out of Linda’s mouth and slowly bent down to kiss the paralyzed teenager’s stiffening shell-pink nipples.

The sensation of soft kisses on her areolas made Linda gasp and shiver in the brunette’s embrace. The dark-haired beauty looked directly up at Linda while she licked deliberately at the blonde’s erect nipples, then turned her face away and slowly trailed kisses down over the teenager’s rib cage and onto her shivering belly. The blonde’s hands fumbled uncertainly up Denise’s back while the woman sank to her knees, until the teenager gave up and clutched the brunette’s shoulders; Denise’s warm breath huffed over the blonde’s hips, steaming against her thighs and crotch.

Linda gasped as the woman’s tongue stroked slowly across her hipbones; the slim brunette knelt gracefully between Linda’s knees directly in front of her, panting as she kissed her way nearer and nearer to the teenager’s brass-curled bush. Linda sobbed softly and her belly shivered under the brunette’s tongue; Denise knelt motionless with her mouth inches away from the teenager’s bronze bush, chuckling softly and panting furnace-hot breath over her snatch. Linda’s hands clenched at the brunette’s collar and she started to lean forward to plead with the woman.

“No, no, good girl, be still,” the redhead’s voice commanded instantly, “be still good girl.”

When the waiting blonde had remained motionless for almost a minute, the horny brunette leaned slightly forward and licked gently at the delicate skin of Linda’s inner thigh next to her bush. Linda’s breath caught in her throat as the woman’s warm tongue slipped over the thin skin and stroked slowly toward her snatch. The sweating blonde gave a gasping sigh and shook her head once as Denise started a slow kissing at the edges of her pussy, drooling on the fringes of curly bronze pubic hair.

The slender brunette panted and licked around the captive teenager’s snatch, and Linda’s cheeks quickly flushed glowing pink as Denise’s lips teased her crotch. After a few minutes, Linda was mortified to find herself breathing faster and her nipples standing stiffly erect, swelling as she got hotter; the teenager’s tan stomach twitched with the pulse hammering in her increasingly steamy snatch.

Linda’s forehead was beaded with sweat and she was gasping for breath as Denise’s tongue slithered around her bush, onto her thighs and up to her flat belly, then dropped back down near her tingling clitoris. The long-legged blonde moaned softly and shivers raced from her pulsing snatch over her belly; the hair on her arms was standing up and her tits prickled up with goosebumps. Despite her fear and mortification, she was starting to spread her knees to give Denise better access to her snatch. When the blonde gave a deep sigh and began to spread her thighs, the brunette stood up with a wicked smile.

“What a good, good girl you are, angel,” the dark-haired woman said, giving her another prolonged French kiss, “really, you were such a good girl for Denise, sweetheart, that’s just wonderful. I’d really love to romp with you some more, but you must be exhausted,” Denise whispered, taking her hand and leading her over to the enormous waterbed.

“You were up so late and it’s been such a busy morning for you, good girl. I’ll bet you’re starved, too, you burned up so much energy with pretty Rexie on the ride home.” She turned to the redhead and continued, “Sally, this poor angel is very tired and very hungry and we both promised her we would take real good care of her if she was a good girl. She needs breakfast and a nice nap right away.”

“You’re right, Deni, she deserves a special treat for being so good and trying so hard for us,” the redhead replied immediately, “I’ll go right down and fix her a big delicious breakfast while you stay and keep her company.” Sally leaned over the limp blonde and gave her a lingering kiss, then stood up and hurried to the
doorway; as she unlocked the thick oak door, she looked back at Linda and added, “You really were just wonderful with Rex, baby, and he likes you a whole lot. You’re a good good girl.”

Sally stepped into the hall and the Linda heard the lock click once again. The dazed teenager’s brain spun into a black whirlpool of mortification and shame asshe realized what she had done with the slavering German Shepherd. She instantly burst into uncontrollable tears, sobbing hysterically as she remembered how she had begged and pleaded while the dark haired woman urged the big dog to keep up the awful animal licking.

The shaking blonde felt sick to her stomach, and her gut knotted with dry heaves as she gagged and retched, seeing herself lashed to the seat as the brunette looked on in delight, petting and praising the big dog as he lapped and drooled between her legs. She was suddenly revolted by the touch of the fur bed throw rubbing against her ass, long soft hair caressing the back of her thighs; the rich aroma of clean fur in her nostrils made the sobbing teenager want to vomit. She felt the waterbed toss and roll as Denise lay down next to her and the brunette cuddled the shaking girl tenderly.

“Easy good girl, take it easy, sweetheart, what is it baby, what’s wrong,” the woman crooned soothingly, “relax angel, it’s all right, tell Deni what’s wrong good girl. You take it easy now, good girl, easy now. Tell me all about it, lover, dry those pretty green eyes and tell Denise what’s the matter.”

“Oh shit, Denise, what’s the matter, how can you ask what’s the matter, you know what’s wrong,” Linda sobbed brokenly, burying her face in the pillow, “Jesus fucking Christ, you strip me naked in front of you and do that awful terrible stuff for hours with that goddamn dog. You hurt me and put a collar and a leash on me, you tell me I’m gonna have to do things that are even worse and then you want to know what’s wrong? You’re treating me like I’m one of the fucking dogs, you’re turning me into a goddamn trained animal, that’s what’s fucking wrong.” She choked off into wrenching hiccups, sniffling and wiping her eyes on the luxurious silk pillowcase.

“Oh sweetheart, don’t think like that, it’s no wonder you’re upset,” Denise replied tenderly, petting the back of her neck, “oh angel girl, you’re just torturing yourself, you’re going to make yourself sick if you keep on thinking that way baby. Sally and I care about you, good girl, we do, and nobody wants to hurt you or have you feel bad.”

The brunette cradled the trembling blonde in her arms and rocked her tenderly, saying “I know it’s hard for you to get used to, it’s awful when you go someplace new and you don’t know whatto do or say or how to act. That’s why we’re going to teach you everything you need to know, so you can relax and enjoy yourself with us.” Denise gently smoothed the hair back from Linda’s forehead and gave her a soft kiss on the cheek.

“Please don’t think such ugly bad things about yourself, angel,” she whispered, giving the naked teenager a reassuring hug, “you’re wonderful and Sally and I love you, you’re our good girl. You mustn’t fret so much, baby, just relax and take it easy; we love you and Rex loves you, and once you really learn how to get along with him I just know you’ll love him, too.”

Linda floundered to sit up in bed and grabbed the brunette’s hands desperately. “Denise please, please listen to me,” she wailed in despair, “I can’t stay here, I don’t want to do any of these things you want; I’m scared and I’m miserable and I feel all dirty and filthy and shitty. Please, please, tell Sally to let me go, if you care for me you won’t want me to do things that I don’t like, please tell her I don’t need to be here and you don’t want me to stay, please.”

“Oh sweetheart, you don’t understand, we do need you and we do want you to stay,” the brunette replied softly, “Sally and I do need to have you stay with us, lover, we do. And you’ll be do fine here, really you will; once you learn how to do the things you need to do, you’ll like it, you will, baby, believe me. You’ve done so well already we can tell that you’re going to just zip through all the other lessons really quick. You’re going to be the best, sweetheart, the very best, trust me. Once you get to know Rex and the others you’re going to love taking care of them, and they’re all going to love you, good girl.”

“Others, what do you mean, others?” Linda asked fearfully, her face going instantly pale.

“Why, our other sweet puppies, baby, don’t you remember,” Denise replied softly, “I told you right after you woke up, you must have forgotten. We have several big pretty boys you haven’t seen yet, angel, but you’ll get to meet them as your lessons go along. But you don’t need to think about that at all, Sally and I have a nice schedule all set for you; you just relax and take it easy, good girl, leave all that complicated planning to us. Now you dry your pretty eyes and sit up here, I think I hear Sally coming with your breakfast even now. About time, too, you must be famished, you poor baby.”

Linda heard the key rasping in the lock as Denise finished speaking, and the redhead came in carrying a huge tray loaded with covered dishes. Sally smiled warmly at the naked girl and said, “Stay good girl, you stay, I’ll bring it to you.” She brought the tray over to the bed and set it carefully on the nightstand; the blonde’s eyes widened as she saw the shining silver dish-covers, the huge glasses of milk and orange juice and a cut-crystal bud vase with a single red rose. The teenager had thought she’d never eat again, but her mouth watered at the delicious smells wafting off the tray and her stomach growled harshly as she swallowed convulsively.

“Oh sweetheart, you’re starving, you poor angel,” Sally said apologetically, “I’m sorry it took so long, good girl. I wanted to make everything perfect for you ’cause you’ve been so good, and you’ve been wasting away up here while I fussed with things downstairs. I’m sorry lover, I really am. You must be hungry as a wolf by now. Will you forgive me, good girl?”

“It’s okay, Sally, thank you for fixing it for me,” Linda replied woodenly, shivering as the word wolf triggered immediate thoughts of the huge German Shepherd, “I didn’t think I was very hungry, but it all smells so good I’m afraid I might start just drooling any minute.”

“You just lie still, good girl,” the redhead said sympathetically, “I’ll get your plate all ready and Denise will feed you. Lie still, good girl.”

“That’s right, babydoll, you just relax and take it easy,” Denise said, “let Denise take care of you, angel. What good things do you have for our good girl, Sally?”

“There’s fresh-squeezed orange juice, milk and toast dripping with melted butter, and look,” Sally said proudly as she lifted the silver cover off the plates, “scrambled eggs with hash browns and sausages and a nice fresh fruit salad, and,” she added, holding up a small covered dish, “a special surprise, a treat for our good, good girl.”

The women wouldn’t let Linda lift a finger, and Denise and Sally took turns feeding the suddenly ravenous blonde. Sally made sure the teenager saved some of her milk but would only say Linda would need it with her surprise. After the smiling women had fed the blonde every bite of her breakfast, the redhead picked up the covered dish and set it on Linda’s lap, saying, “I baked these specially for you, sweetheart, because you were such a good girl for Rex and Denise and me. Fresh-baked shortbread treats, good girl.”

When Linda lifted the silver cover the food in her stomach turned to lead. The shortbread cookies were golden-brown and still warm and smelled delicious; and they were all in the exact bone-shape of dog biscuit treats. The brunette held one out to Linda and Sally and Denise watched with enigmatic smiles as the teenager silently munched her treats with sips of milk.

“That’s for being wonderful, good girl, you did everything perfect for us, sweetheart,” the redhead said enthusiastically, “you’re so clever, what a good, good girl. You’re going to just do wonders with your training program, sweetheart, I think you were just made for this, you have natural talent. In no time at all you’ll be the perfect mascot for the Fox and Hounds Kennel.”

“And that reminds me,” Sally added with a snap of her fingers, “I’d almost forgotten, I have something else for you, angel.” She reached down into her bra, pulled something out from between her breasts and held up an odd-shaped golden medallion before the mystified blonde, saying, “This is a special gift from Denise and me to you, good girl. Now close your eyes and Denise will fix it for you while I get you a mirror. Close your eyes, good girl.”

Linda looked at Denise as Sally went toward the vanity table, and closed her eyes when the brunette nodded reassuringly. The teenager couldn’t figure out what the redhead intended; did Denise have a chain to go with the medallion, or was she supposed to wear it on a bracelet or what. The blonde flinched as she felt Denise’s fingertips on her collar and a horrible suspicion flashed suddenly through her mind.

“Easy good girl, be still,” Denise said softly, “I’ll be done in a second, easy now. There you are, good girl.”

“You can open your eyes now, angel,” Sally said, giving the teenager a hand-mirror from the vanity, “go ahead, look at what we have for you, good girl.”

Linda stared into the mirror at the shining medallion that the brunette had hung from the ring in the front of her collar. It was sort of shamrock shaped, with something engraved into the surface in fine letters; the blonde took a closer look, and finally her brain began to register what her eyes were telling her. The medallion wasn’t a shamrock at all, it was the shape of dog’s paw-print.

The fine engraved lettering fell into sudden focus and then blurred instantly as Linda’s eyes filled with tears; Denise and Sally had given her a custom dog license tag that read: Property of The Fox & Hounds Kennel–My Name Is Linda. Stricken with mute despair, the blonde flung the mirror down on the bed and looked from Sally to Denise and back to the redhead.

“Welcome to the pack, sweetheart,” the brunette said, giving the paralyzed teenager a quick hug, “welcome home, good girl.”

Linda collapsed back onto her pillow with an anguished moan, burying her face in the silk and sobbing bitterly. She didn’t look up when Denise told Sally, “This poor baby is just totally exhausted, Sally, she has to get some rest. We need to go away so our good girl can get some sleep, she is just beat. You just lie there and nap, lover,” she added, petting the weeping blonde soothingly on the nape of her neck, “we’ll let ourselves out and you have a nice snooze. Go to sleep, good girl.”

The women got up from the edge of the bed without another word and walked silently to the door. Linda heard the lock clack open and waited tensely for the door of her luxurious cage to close and lock her up with her collar and tag. After a long minute, the teenager looked up to find the brunette was gone and the redhead stood silently watching her from the doorway.

“That’s right, lover, welcome to the pack,” Sally chuckled, giving the blonde a warm, terrifying smile, “better get some rest, baby, ’cause you’re going to need it.” She started out the door, turned back to Linda and whispered, “Denise and I are gonna train you until you are absolutely the finest little bitch any of our pretty dogs has ever shoved his big hot cock in. Pleasant dreams, good girl.”

Linda never heard Sally swing the door shut, she was sobbing so hard; she cried herself to sleep and woke up pleading and screaming, dreaming she was in the dark van again. She dozed off once more, tossing fitfully on the pillows, woke up feeling fur against her thighs and whimpered in panic before she realized it was the bed and not the big dog again. The desperate blonde woke up crying and begging twice more before exhaustion kept the nightmares at bay; later in the night she had another dream, a very different kind, a flash of realization when she was caught half-asleep and halfway awake.

Blinking on the dark edge of awareness, the teenager floated into dazed consciousness covered with sweat, her nipples half-erect. Confused and breathing fast, she was petting and stroking the heavy fur throw, half-imagining she heard a voice in her ear; Linda shuddered awake in heart-pounding horror as she realized it was her own voice drowsily whispering, “…yes big dog, oh yes yes, yes…”

Linda thought when she woke up that she might have slept through an entire day, or two, or maybe a week. She woke feeling rested but couldn’t understand where she was for a long minute; she gazed around the lavish room in confusion until the feel of coarse fur under her ass suddenly hit home and she sat up with a gasp.

Sunlight was streaming in through the tall windows, the wrought-iron trellis-work throwing shadow arabesques on the thick blue-green carpet. The shadow of the swirling bars reminded the blonde that her elegant bedroom was a luxurious cage, that she had was missing, kidnapped, had foolishly allowed herself to become a captive. Linda felt she was somehow strangely detached from that reality; she knew she should be terrified, but her body refused to start up the wild adrenaline panic she had felt before.

The teenager knew she had practically no chance of escaping Sally and Denise, and the collar around her throat hammered home her helplessness every time she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. She saw herself a prisoner in a lace castle, controlled by two lovely and smiling women who turned out to be obsessed with using her as a sexual toy for a pack of trained animals. The blonde was numbly certain that there wasn’t a thing she could do to stop them from following through with their plans.

The despairing runaway’s thoughts spun aimlessly, and it never entered her mind to run again, or even to check if the door to her room wasn’t locked. The sheltered teenager’s brief spark of rebellion had barely been enough to carry her out the back door when Aunt Jane was napping. Her shattering night with the inescapable dog and her ultimate cooperation with the women’s mortifying instructions had utterly overwhelmed the dependent girl; she had never had a chance against Sally and Denise’s domination.

Linda’s own powerlessness seemed to lay a veneer of tranquility over her horror and despair, and it was easier not to think than to face her apprehension about what Sally and Denise would tell her she had to do next. She walked over to the windows and drew back the gauzy draperies, gazing out through the bars to the expanse of landscaped yard between the house and the
kennel. She shivered suddenly when there was a deep barking from the building and turned her attention to the flagstone patio just under her windows. Sally was sitting naked at a glass-topped iron table drinking coffee, with a large pot handy nearby and a second cup across from her, half-full.

Denise emerged from the kennel and strolled up the gravel walkway leading to the house; the brunette saw Linda standing at the window and waved energetically, then pointed upward toward her as Sally asked her something the blonde couldn’t hear. Sally stood up and looked up at her with a warm smile, motioning up with both hands until the teenager suddenly understood and raised the window.

“Good morning, sweetheart,” the redhead called cheerfully, “or almost good afternoon, sleepyhead. How are you, good girl?”

“I’m alright I guess,” Linda answered, and then stammered, “I mean, I’m not — I feel — I’m doing okay so far, Sally.” She smiled uncertainly at the woman and added, “How are you?”

“I feel great, angel, and I’m glad to hear you’re feeling better about life. Things always seem better after a good night’s sleep, I think.”

“Hi there, lover,” Denise said as she stepped onto the patio, “ready for some breakfast?”

“Oh yes, thank you,” Linda responded instantly, “that sounds great. I’m so hungry I could eat a horse.” She bit her lip the moment she thought about what she’d said.

“We don’t have any horses around the kennel, baby,” Sally said, looking up at the blonde with a wicked laugh, “but I’m sure we can find something for you.”

Denise giggled and then said, “Sally you’re terrible. Stop talking dirty and go fix our good girl something to eat, you mean thing. Take your mind out of your panties and give my sweetheart a break, can’t you see that she’s hungry?”

“I’m going right now, Denise, you don’t have to nag me,” the redhead replied, laughing as she headed toward the house, “and don’t try to put Linda on about who’s got their mind on their crotch, sister. What was Prince barking about while you were in the kennel, Deni?”

“I looked in to say good morning to him and he got a little excited, if you must know,” the brunette said primly, “and I didn’t want him raising hell so I took a minute to get him calmed down. Now stop fucking around and go fix Linda’s breakfast.”

“Sometime soon we’ll let you watch how Denise plays with that big puppy, sugar,” Sally called to Linda as the teenager blushed at the window, “it’s late enough for brunch anyhow. How about sandwiches and soup, some salad or maybe veggies, what do you think, good girl.”

“Yes, yes, yes,” Linda answered, “I want it all, Sally, thank you. Can I have some orange juice? Can I help?”

“Of course you can have juice, baby, you can have a gallon of juice if you want it,” Denise said as Sally went in the house, “and what a sweetheart you are for wanting to help. You are such a treasure, Linda, I’m so glad we picked you to come and stay with us. I’ll go help Sally and you can just relax and enjoy the sunshine, good girl. See you in a few minutes.”

Linda had just finished getting cleaned up and was brushing her hair at the vanity table when her door swung open and Denise and Sally came in carrying trays of club sandwiches and tomato soup, with fresh-cut vegetables, two kinds of dip and a pitcher of fresh orange juice. The women set the trays on the coffee table in front of the couch, and Sally gave an admiring whistle as Linda came over to them.

“That bikini tan really looks good on you, angel,” the redhead said, “you’ve got beautiful skin color and I like the way your breasts show off against it, makes your nipples extra pretty.”

“You won’t be mad if I put something on, would you, Sally,” Linda asked softly, “I didn’t know if I should get dressed or not.”

“I’ll explain the dressing rules and then it’ll be easy for you, lover,” Denise told her, putting soup and sandwich on the table and waving the teenager toward the couch, “sit good girl, and I’ll tell you how it goes. You can wear whatever you want to unless Sally or I tell you different. If we tell you we want you to wear something special, you have to wear what you’re told. If we want you to put it on by yourself, you do it; if we want to dress you ourselves, we’ll do it.”

The brunette came over and settled beside the teenager on the couch and began softly massaging her shoulders, adding, “If we tell you to strip, you have to take everything off; if we want to strip you, we’ll take all your clothes off. Except for those four rules you’re on your own. When you’ve admitted you’re ready to strip one of us down, we’ll talk about it. Eat your sandwich, good girl.”

As they were finishing brunch, Sally looked over at Linda and said “It’s a beautiful day, it’s sunny and warm; let’s play a dress-up game first, and then maybe later you’d like to go for a walk, good girl?”

“Oh, Sally, can I, I mean can we?” the blonde exclaimed, clapping her hands, “can we really? Yes, please, I’d like that a lot; will you come too, Denise, please say yes.”

“Thank you for asking, angel,” the brunette answered happily, “of course I will, I wouldn’t miss it for the world. I’d love to see you romping in the sunshine, baby; a good girl needs plenty of exercise. Let’s pick out something nice for her first dress-up game, Sally, come on.”

The blonde watched in embarrassed dismay as the women searched quickly through the dresser and the armoire, pulling out one piece of lingerie, then another, whispering eagerly to each other like two girls playing dress-up. The full-length mirror showed Linda that her cheeks were red with embarrassment and shame, but her reflection’s nipples were standing out stiffly. Her mind was a whirl of fear, doubt and confusion, but she had no time to think before Denise and Sally were back with a handful of lacy lingerie.

“Easy, good girl, take it easy,” the brunette said soothingly, “Denise and Sally are going to dress you all pretty now, good girl, just be easy.”

“Look what I have for you, angel,” Sally said, holding out a pair of long silk stockings, “these lovely hose will help you look pretty for us.” She knelt quickly beside the teenager and commanded, “Lift your foot, good girl, so I can put them on you. Lift your foot, good girl.”

The stockings were thigh-high and ultra-sheer white, with a scatter of rhinestones up the ankle and onto the calf, and Sally told Denise that they’d set off beautifully against Linda’s tan. They felt silky smooth gliding up her legs and it gave her shivers just to watch in the mirror as the redhead slid them slowly up her thighs.

“And now this, sweetheart,” Sally whispered, picking up a ruffled garter belt and reaching around the blonde’s hips.

It felt screamingly erotic as the redhead circled it around Linda’s waist, all jade green lace and white elastic, with near-transparent ruffles of pale emerald silk running down the sides of each garter strap. The blonde shivered as Sally fastened the waistband hooks and attached the straps to the sheer silk hosiery, murmuring approvingly as she noticed how the delicate green lace framed and accentuated the teenager’s bronze pubic ringlets. The ruffled garter straps felt luxurious and decadent stretching down over Linda’s ass and hips, a lot like Denise’s constantly caressing fingers, lightly fondling the teenager whenever she moved.

“Now see this, angel,” the brunette crooned, holding a length of sheer fabric up toward the mirror, “another pretty thing for our good girl.” She stepped close behind the blonde, stroked the soft lace slowly over Linda’s firm smooth ass and added, “Let me put this on you, lover, hold your arms back here for me. Such a pretty girl you are, what a good good girl.”

Denise had brought her a sheer silk and lace babydoll nightie, creamy kelly-green with lacework so gossamer it was like putting cobwebs over her tits and ass. The dark-haired woman held the hip-length gown as the teenager slipped her arms in; then Denise gently slid her hands around from Linda’s back, fondling the blonde’s full breasts with both hands as she adjusted the open front of the nightie.

Linda’s nipples still stood out stiffly as the brunette smoothed the perfumed lingerie over her jugs, and Denise was breathing hard as she tugged the ruffled hem down to the garter belt. Linda reached up to tie the string bows that held the nightie closed, and Sally instantly reached to hold her hands down at her hips.

“No, no, good girl, be still,” the redhead ordered firmly, “leave it open for us, hear me? If we want it tied, we’ll tell you can tie it. Now be still, good girl.”

“What a pretty girl you are, angel,” Denise crooned, running her hands over the blonde’s round breasts and down onto her hips. The dark-haired woman caressed the teenager’s taut ass with both hands and whispered, “You’re a very good girl, Linda, you’ve been such a good girl. You look beautiful, sweetheart; there are only a couple more things and then you’ll be all ready.”

Satisfied with the teenager’s exotic costume, the brunette led the silk-clad blonde closer to the long mirror and removed another item from the armoire. She brought the consummate touch from the bottom shelf, pearly patent-leather mules with wide ankle straps and spike heels so high Linda knew she could barely walk in them. Linda was afraid to even wonder what she was getting all ready for, and she was almost relieved at the break in her thoughts when she got more instructions from Denise.

“Lift this foot, good girl,” the brunette ordered, kneeling beside her and guiding her stockinged foot into the high-heel shoe, “and now lift this foot. That’s right, that’s my good good girl.” Denise buckled the broad pearl-studded ankle straps and said, “Stand tall now, baby, that’s good. Look how pretty you are, sweetheart, isn’t she a pretty girl, Sally?”

“Just like an angel,” the redhead whispered, “disguised as an expensive whore. You are beautiful, baby, and I think you’re ready to get started your first lesson. You stay right where you are, good girl; Denise will put your bracelets on while I go get Rexie for you.” Linda’s eyes widened in panic and she gazed pleadingly at Denise as Sally went over and unlocked the door, then peered into the hall; the teenager started shaking as the redhead stepped out the door and whistled sharply.

“Easy good girl, take it easy,” Denise whispered soothingly, kissing her softly on the mouth and caressing her bare breasts, “it’s all right, you’re okay.” The brunette reached into a dresser drawer and pulled out a pair of wide, velvet-lined leather wrist bands, studded with rhinestones and heavy buckles. “All you have to do is listen to Sally and then do everything she tells you,” the woman continued, wrapping a heavy bracelet around the blonde’s right wrist and fastening the buckle.

“Rex won’t hurt you, angel, he’s going to make you feel good; and there isn’t much new to learn today, this is only the first lesson, kind of going over what Rexie showed you last night,” Denise added, buckling the other strap around Linda’s left wrist. “Sally and I will tell you what you need to do good girl, take it easy.”

Sobbing in despair, the teenager balanced carefully on the spike heels, swallowed the last of her tears and stared blankly into the long mirror. Her reflection gazed tearfully back, a beautiful blonde-haired victim in collar and lace, waiting in numb horror while her two cheerful captors prepared to introduce her to her trained canine lover. The huge Shepherd came up the stairs and down the hall at a full gallop as Sally stepped back in the door; he dashed into Linda’s room and the redhead locked the door while hopeful Rex frisked around the room in eager anticipation.

Linda could see that the big dog obviously knew what was coming and was looking forward to working her over once again. The teenager threw a last desperate glance at Denise, but the brunette was breathing hard and her eyes were shining as she watched the eager animal prancing in circles around Linda. Sally walked over to the blonde and smiled encouragingly, patting her gently on the shoulder.

“Stand here in front of the mirror, good girl,” she said quietly, pointing where she wanted the teenager to move; Linda obediently positioned herself in front of the huge mirror and waited fearfully to see what would happen next. The girl watched in surprise as Denise went over to the closet and brought two tall, heavy brass pipes over beside the mirror.

The blonde stared in confusion while the brunette slid one post into a socket in the floor about five feet in front of the mirror on the left side, then moved over to the right side and fitted the other post into place. Linda still couldn’t figure out what was going on as Denise took her hand and pulled her gently into place between the two metal posts, facing the huge mirror.

She gave a strangled moan as the redhead commanded, “Now spread your legs, lover, make some room for your big boy down there. Spread your legs for him, good girl.” She watched as Linda shifted her feet apart slightly, then said, “Wider, baby, move your feet apart more,” the redhead stepped close to the trembling blonde, using her foot to move the girl’s high-heel shoe to the right spot, “that’s my good good girl.”

Linda watched in bewildered silence as Denise pulled a short length of chain from the dresser drawer and dropped to her knees beside the confused blonde. The teenager had a flash of shocked understanding when brunette quickly snapped one end of the chain to a heavy ring at the base of the brass post and the other end onto the ankle strap of Linda’s right shoe. Before the stunned girl could speak, the woman moved to her other side and snapped a second chain at her left ankle, anchoring the blonde in place between the metal posts with her legs spread wide.

The big dog scrambled around in front of the mirror and stopped directly in front of the horrified teenager; tongue lolling, the Shepherd sniffed delicately at her stockinged thigh and then turned to look at the redhead, obviously waiting for Sally’s permission to begin eating her alive. “Please, Sally, please,” the anguished teenager whispered imploringly, “please don’t let him–”

“Quiet good girl, be still,” the redhead ordered sharply, “don’t make me scold you again. We’re almost ready, baby; now raise your arms up like this for me.” Sally took Linda’s hands and pulled the girl’s arms up over her head, stretching her wrists out to either side. Linda gave a strangled sob as Sally held her arms stretched up over her head while Denise took two more short chains from the drawer and anchored the hapless girl’s wrists to the brass pillars.

Sally walked around Linda as the weeping girl stared at herself, studied the sobbing blonde chained spread-eagle before the mirror and then said, “That’s good baby, that’s a good good girl. Now stay, hear me, you stay good girl. The only thing we need to do now is give you a little something to help you relax and enjoy yourself; get the surprise for our good girl, Deni.”

The brunette hurried to the dresser, then came back with a small carved wood box and took out what looked like the clear plastic face mask they used to give people oxygen in hospitals. Linda watched dumbstruck as Denise took a thin cigarette from the box and stuck it into a short tube in the front of the mask. The brunette held a lighter to the end of the cigarette, held the mask against her face and inhaled, breathing deep as the smoke swirled into the clear plastic covering her nose and mouth. She stared as the woman held her breath and pulled the mask away from her face, holding it out toward the captive teenager.

“All you have to do is breathe, angel,” Sally said with a smile, “Denise will hold the mask for you.”

“I don’t want any of that, Sally, whatever it is,” Linda whispered, “I’ve never smoked in my whole life.”

“You do now, angel,” the redhead replied, “and you’re gonna like it a lot, I promise. This isn’t tobacco, sweetheart,” she added as Denise exhaled noisily, “no nasty nicotine at all, it’s a little mixture Deni and I put together.”

“It’s really great shit, baby,” the brunette added, moving the mask toward Linda’s face, “it’ll make you feel so good and you’ll really like it, we know you will.” As the desperate teenager angrily turned her face away, Denise clamped one hand around the back of the girl’s neck and pressed the mask tightly over the helpless blonde’s nose and mouth.

Linda twisted and jerked against the chains holding her in place, but there was no way to escape the determined brunette. The captive blonde tried to hold her breath, but Denise kept the mask clamped over her face until the girl gave up and gasped for air. Smoke swirled into the mask and Linda choked as she sucked the heavy, spicy-smelling vapor down into her lungs. The blonde gave a wracking cough and her next strangled breath pulled even more of the smoke into the mask; the stuff tasted acrid and somehow sweet at the same time as she choked and sucked in a third gasping breath.

The teenager’s ears rang and she felt suddenly dizzy. Sally watched with a smile as Denise held the mask in place while Linda struggled and screamed, coughing and gasping in still more of the dense, sweet-smelling smoke. Linda was sobbing and panting for breath when the brunette finally pulled the mask away. The girl’s head was spinning and she could feel her pulse racing; her knees were weak and she thought she would have fallen if she hadn’t been chained in place. Her skin tingled and she thought she could hear her blood rushing through her veins.

“What-what is that shit,” she gasped, swaying with tears in her eyes, “what is going on, I feel weird as hell, what the hell did you give me?”

“Just a little something Denise and I came up with, a mixture of things, baby,” Sally replied with a chuckle, “a little hashish and some opium to help you relax, some mushroom to increase your sensitivity, and a pinch of cocaine to speed up your heart and get you excited. It will loosen you up, kind of put you in the right frame of mind to really appreciate sexy Rexie more. And I think she’s about ready now, Deni, so go ahead and get him started.”

“Sit, Rex, sit boy,” Denise commanded, patting the smooth inside of the blonde’s thigh just below her snatch, “come sit right here for Linda, sweetheart, sit up baby.” The blonde tugged helplessly at her bonds and stood shaking and crying in her towering heels as the obedient animal moved to sit between her legs. When she felt the dog’s first sultry breath waft over her bush, Linda dropped her head and closed her eyes.

“Now be still, good girl,” Sally ordered softly, “you be still. All right, Rex, make Linda happy.”

Rex sat quietly with his dripping muzzle inches away from the teenager’s spread bush, snorting softly, and panting furnace-hot breath over her snatch. When the sobbing blonde remained obediently motionless, the big Shepherd leaned slightly forward and licked delicately at the front of her crotch. Unable to escape the watching women and the determined animal, Linda stood helpless in front of the mirror, legs spread wide on either side of the big dog, balancing awkwardly with her wet pussy spread wide over his gaping jaws.

Rex wasted no time in settling in for some prolonged tonguing of the succulent teenage snatch; his hot panting huffed against Linda’s frizzy bronze pubic bush, sending shivers up her flat belly and making her nipples stiffen instantly. Linda’s breath caught in her throat as the sweltering dog-tongue rasped over the curly hair around her snatch, but somehow the velvet touch of the Shepherd’s tongue on her mons today was not quite bad enough to send her into the screaming panic she had felt last night. Her heart was pounding, her skin tingled and she felt like electricity was running through her nerves; her thoughts were racing and she realized with horror that the drug the depraved women had given her was taking over her body and her brain.

The excited Shepherd’s drool-slathered tongue washed up between the captive blonde’s shivering thighs, slithering from the back of her twat forward, spreading her sensitive lips and flickering over her exposed clitoris on every stroke. Helpless, marooned spread-legged with the gargoyle dog lapping at her contentedly, Linda felt her crotch warming and her snatch buzzing with depraved excitement minute by minute. She writhed and jerked over the animal’s muzzle, realizing that Sally and Denise were right, the drugs would make her respond no matter how horrified she felt.

The big dog’s licking escalated as her renegade pussy began to melt and juices flowed down onto his probing muzzle. Sally and Denise watched with wide smiles as the teenager’s cheeks flushed and her nipples crinkled beneath the thin silk negligee. The defenseless blonde heard herself breathing harder, and felt herself straining up on tiptoe each time the tenacious Shepherd’s velvet-smooth tongue lathered over her clit.

The softly weeping blonde moaned deep in her throat and Denise and Sally stared in fascination as Rex continued the slow steady lapping at her pussy, tail wagging, drooling on the frizzy bronze pubic hair between the lacy garter straps. The massive dog panted and slavered over the teenager’s warm snatch, and the lace tops of her stockings quickly darkened as aroused doggie saliva trickled down her thighs. Within minutes, Linda began breathing faster and her pink nipples began stiffening under the transparent babydoll gown; the teenager’s tan stomach twitched with the pulse hammering in her increasingly steamy snatch.

When her quivering pussy began dripping into his mouth and his saliva soaked her lace-trimmed stockings, Rex began licking harder and faster at the delicious teenage pussy spread open in front of him. Linda felt her crotch begin to loosen and throb as hot blood surged to her pubes; the scanty lace garter belt gave no cover at all to her responsive snatch, and within a minute her bush was saturated and her pussy dripped sweet sticky ooze onto the big dog’s tongue.

“Slow, baby, go slow for Linda,” Sally commanded as the Shepherd began working up a consistent rhythm, “go slow for the good girl, lover, make it last. I want to see her all wired up before you finish, big dog. Open your eyes, sweetheart,” she added to Linda, “I want you to watch him while he does it to you. Open your eyes, good girl, watch.”

Linda’s eyes snapped open, focusing on the huge Shepherd lapping enthusiastically amid the silk and lace around her soaked and thoroughly inflamed snatch. Staring in horrified fascination at her reflection in the huge mirror, the blonde was mortified at the awful vision of the enormous animal crouched between her thighs, jaws gaping as he licked slowly and deliberately at her saturated crotch. The tall heels put her sensitive slit at the ideal height for the big dog’s lapping, and his broad wet tongue slathered across the width of her snatch, spreading her lips wide open.

His eager lapping parted the shaking blonde’s drool-soaked pubic bush, leaving her delicate pink lips and throbbing clitoris completely open to the slippery probing dog tongue. The teenager’s forehead was beaded with sweat and she gasped for breath as the big dog’s tongue lathered over her bush, onto her thighs and up to her flat belly, then dropped back down between the ruffled straps that framed her dripping clitoris.

The inescapable eager tongue swarming over her lace-sheathed bush made the captive blonde shudder with shameful desire, and she sobbed with humiliation as the chains held her spread-eagled in front of the mirror. Linda moaned in despair as she realized that the incessant licking was slowly making her hotter and hotter while Denise and Sally watched her every move; she choked back a sob when the redhead’s voice gave the next order of her awful lesson.

“Pet the pretty boy a little bit now, Denise,” Sally whispered huskily, “let Rex know how much Linda likes having him do that for his baby doll. Pet the big dog so he knows he’s making his good girl happy.”

Hanging her head and crying silently in her silk and lace, Linda watched in despair as Denise slowly reached down to the big dog and stroked his head and rubbed his ears; she groaned in despair as the warm tongue rasped against the silk and lacework around her bush. The shattered blonde stared at herself in the long mirror with the brunette petting the panting Shepherd and rubbing his ears and neck as he snuffled and drooled over her gaping bronze-bushed pussy.

Shivering uncontrollably, Linda groaned and panted desperately for breath while Denise kept patting and stroking the enthusiastic animal crouched slavering between her thighs; the throbbing in her crotch was building and she knew she had to get some relief or she would come at any moment.

She tried swaying her hips from side to side to keep the velvet tongue away from her clit, shifting and jittering until she was virtually dancing before the mirror, twitching and gasping with her clit hovering over the skillful animal’s tireless licking. Despite her fear and mortification, Linda found herself responding with increasing excitement to the dog’s expert tongue. Letting go of the big dog’s ears, Denise ran her hands down his neck and shoulders, then stroked her hands up the insides of Linda’s stockinged thighs; the feel of the dog’s coarse fur encircled by her sheer stockings and sleek skin brought goosebumps out on the blonde’s tits shoulders.

Denise rubbed the lace ruffles of the garter belt against the teenager’s smooth upper thighs and brought her hand up to caress Linda’s swelling breasts. Linda’s mouth was dry and her breath came fast as the redhead also reached over and fondled the firm globes, rolling the blonde’s swollen pink nipples between thumb and forefinger. Straightening bolt upright, Linda dropped her head back and panted for air as Denise and Sally kept playing with her tits, still swiveling her crotch in lingering circles over the continuous doggie blowjob.

The Shepherd made delighted whining noises between the shuddering blonde’s legs as he continued tonguing her eager pussy toward meltdown. Moaning and shaking, Linda clenched her fists around her chains and dropped her head down, crying in silence as the eager Shepherd lapped maddeningly at her melting pussy while Denise leaned over to lick her aching nipples. She realized she was totally helpless, every move controlled by the women intently watching the obedient animal licking eagerly between her legs. The teenager thought that she couldn’t be more humiliated, desperate and ashamed, but Sally’s next order made her understand that the two women had other plans.

“Now talk to the big dog, good girl,” the redhead commanded softly, “I want you to tell Rexie how much like to have him lick you. Let the pretty dog know how good it is for you, baby. Speak to him, good girl, speak.”


To be continued…



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