Joining a Wolf Pack 2

By DarthCureis. Read Part 1 Here. ***** Part 2… Once fed, I felt better and nuzzled Kaela in thanks. We moved off again when cramps hit me. I laid down in the snow, whimpering at the pains of the cramps. Not now! No, it can’t be now, I hadn’t found Black yet or the pack. I couldn’t birth the pups here in the snow! God what was I going to do! I twisted and howled as the cramps hit me,

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Joining a Wolf Pack 1

By DarthCureis. My name was Samantha, but my close friends called me Ama. Not sure how it started because I didn’t start it, but one of my friends did it back in junior high, and it stuck. Anyways, I’m Ama, and I have a story to tell. See, right now I’m basking in the moonlight, in the middle of the forest…where exactly, I’m not sure. I still need to improve at tracking and direction. But this little meadow, I can

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A Walk on the Moors

By Shady Lady Julie & Hailey. “Fucking men,” I swore out loud as I tried to work out what was the best way to walk back to the holiday homes where I was staying with my parents. Cursing myself for agreeing to take a free family holiday as I should have known better at 19 years of age, even remotely to think that it might have been fun. The only thing that was a bit of a laugh was the

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Married to the Pack

By teejayh. After being your pet for a long time, one morning, as you eat breakfast while I am all fours sucking your cock as per my routine, you make an announcement. “I think it is time we made things official.” I know better than to stop sucking, but a flutter hits my stomach as I wait for the next bit. Your cock gets harder as you formulate your thoughts. “As much as I like sex before marriage, I think

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The Pack’s Bitch

By pinknectar. Margaret hurried along the narrow dirt path toward home, trying to ignore the dark trees looming overhead and focus on the delicious feeling of rebellion instead. She had just returned from a late night meeting with her beau, Jacob, the son of a farmer who lived just down the road. They’d met in church just a few months ago and had been going steady ever since, unbeknownst to their parents. The girl known as Maggie was from a

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Cave of the Wolves

By Jennifer Reyes. The copper-haired girl pressed her button nose up against the one-way glass, looking down across the lush green jungle from her lofty eyrie. She reflected that the beauty of what lay below was almost surreal, almost as surreal as the journey that had brought her here, deep into the heart of the Novo Brazilian rainforest. Looking out to her left, a modern facility seemed incongruous amongst the greenery. Several habitation buildings, a greenhouse, even an airstrip, control

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A Punishment and a New Life (Gay Zoo)

By Longsword. Chapter 1 The woods were thick and dark as Mike walked home from school, unable to find the path he had lost. The sun struggled to pierce through the thick canopy of the forest, despite it only being 4:30 in the afternoon. Perhaps that was why he had lost his path home, that, and his clumsy feet. “Damn it, Mike, why are you so bloody clumsy?” he said to himself, as he picked his way over the roots

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The Farm Bitch

By Knottybbwsub. Turbulence jostled the plane and Aria lifted her head from the window. The announcement was then made that the plane was landing. The news gave Aria a start of energy and she took a deep breath to calm her racing heartbeat. She was finally about to meet her longtime online lover, David. She opened her phone and used the camera as a mirror as she fixed her hair and touched up her makeup. She wanted to look perfect

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The Hunt

By Ike Man INTRODUCTION The setting for the story in my mind is similar to the mid-1700’s of America, if not really. The setting is still primitive, still wild and raw, still largely untamed, and in some places seemingly inaccessible simply due to geological formations. Outside the larger cities along the sea coasts, the economy of the inhabited, ‘civilized’ if you will, land is largely on the backs of slavery. The racial makeup of the characters in unimportant and purposefully

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One of life’s defining moments

Shady Lady Julie There are moments in life that define you, and this was one of them. I could feel the dog’s slobber drip onto my back, it’s hot breath panting in my ear, it’s slippery cock jabbing wildly leaving wet trails across my ass. It was at that moment that I knew with every fiber of my being that I wanted to become a dog slut. As I felt the dog’s movements become more frantic my mind flashed back

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