Cave of the Wolves

By Jennifer Reyes.

The copper-haired girl pressed her button nose up against the one-way glass, looking down across the lush green jungle from her lofty eyrie. She reflected that the beauty of what lay below was almost surreal, almost as surreal as the journey that had brought her here, deep into the heart of the Novo Brazilian rainforest.

Looking out to her left, a modern facility seemed incongruous amongst the greenery. Several habitation buildings, a greenhouse, even an airstrip, control tower and hangar, containing her plane. Well, obviously not ‘her’ plane, in that Nordic Industries, the same as the rest of the entire complex, owned it. As the Operational Manager and sole pilot based out here however, Tamara took her responsibility seriously.

Being the personal woman-servant of the CEO of Nordic Inc. also helped her sense of belonging. Alice Stallrang was quite the powerful lady to be able to create this facility from scratch and in secret, in little over a year.

Tamara’s bionic eye zeroed in on the ‘Menagerie’, a large, flat roofed one-story shed, placed off to one side of the runway. What to say about that building? It was both the problem and the solution to why they were all living out here in the first place.

Tamara had green eyes and a snub nose with a freckled face. This was in line with her curly, copper hair, cut straight off at the nape, which gave her a slightly no-nonsense look. And her pale, milky, heavily freckled skin crisscrossed by tight strands of one of her many fishnet body stockings. A girl who loved to fly like a bird, but who bound herself up like a fish in a net. She smiled wanly to herself. Living in the heat of the jungle because of Alice’s plans probably was not the best long term, for someone of her skin tone but there were certainly some perks. She could always leave whenever she wanted to, right?

She sighed, studying her own reflection in the glass. Although the scar around her eye had faded it was still visible, but you could hardly tell that her left eye wasn’t her original unless you really looked closely. Just one of those things she guessed. You play hard and you take the knocks, and who wouldn’t like having built in ‘Goggle’ glasses? Okay then, a Goggle monocle. She was still plenty attractive though, or so she hoped.

She reclined in her favorite chair, wearing only the black laced body stocking and her standard issue indigo panties. Yes, each of the girls stationed out here had been issued with ‘Nordic Industries’ scientifically engineered latex thongs, custom designed and tailored for their owners and each in a color of their choosing. When Alice had first announced the rule, Tamara had never heard such a ridiculous idea in her life, but she had since come to appreciate the wisdom of the decision.

As the Menagerie had filled up with occupants, one had to be particularly careful not to agitate them, unintentionally, or otherwise. There was something about this location, something that awakened dark and perverse desires within any creature that entered into its orbit, including humans. Ever since she the day that she’d set foot here, life had never been the same.

Alice had told them all that the thong was designed to keep their feminine scents from arousing the other native wildlife, be it a creature, or be it Homo sapiens. Initially, they had all thought it was a prank, but then there had been the incident with Lupe and the monkeys. It had taken days to catch all the chimps again, and as for cleaning up the mess…still, they’d learned a valuable lesson, so it hadn’t been a total disaster.

And so it was that Tamara Johnson, the attractive, curvy, former top MIT scholar and air force test pilot, once of sleepy Plainview, Georgia, now found herself living here in the middle of the South American rain forest, wearing little else save for a tight indigo rubber thong, in order to keep her puffy Southern peach pure.

She giggled to herself and glanced back to her rumpled bed, where her lover lay asleep on the pillows. It had been one hell of a journey to get here and even though she questioned this reality every day, she wasn’t regretting a second of it.

After all, she would never have met her current squeeze if it hadn’t been for her piloting the fatal flight that was passing over this spot, little over a year ago.


In a blink, her mind was back inside her twin-engine Embraer Phenom 100, thrilled to be piloting the little jet over the gauzy cloudbanks of South America. Behind her sat Alice, whom she was flying to Sao Petro, for an important board meeting.

The remaining seats were empty. Even Alice’s personal Russian bodyguard, Kat, (no one called her Ekaterina), had been left behind at the head-office in Joyport, USA. However, despite the opportunity, as the trip was quite urgent and the flight short, Alice had ruled out any possibility of renewing their mile-high club membership.

Tamara turned to her boss. She never failed to be impressed by this lady. The CEO of one of the biggest multinational conglomerates in the world and yet very few people knew much about her, Tamara included. This was despite having been Alice’s key pilot, personal assistant and part-time lover for these past three years.

Alice was in her mid-thirties and Scandinavian in origin, with just the note of an accent remaining in her mid-Atlantic twang. She was consistently well presented, professionally dressed and manicured and with a very trim and well-toned body that defied her hectic life-style. Her hair was dark and curly rather than the Nordic blonde stereotype and she liked to wear it loose, tumbling down to her shoulders.

She avoided small talk at all costs and had never talked much to Tamara about her past, or how she had come to arrive in the United States. When Tamara had gently inquired or floated leading questions around Alice’s family, she had politely but expertly been rebuffed and she’d learned not to bother.

On a couple of occasions where Tamara had seen Alice worked up, her boss had joked that she had Valkyrie lineage in her blood. This was meant as a warning not to cross her, Tamara supposed, but she had rarely seen her leader completely lose her cool. On those rare occasions when she did, that Valkyrie claim had been pretty believable, as Tamara would rather have been anywhere else than in the same room.

“An hour to go, Ma’am,” she stated.

Alice nodded once. Yep, not much in the way of small talk.

“Will you need me this evening?”

Such a simple query, with so many permutations.

“Not tonight, Miss Johnson,” Alice responded.

Great, maybe a night spent exploring Sao Petro could be-

“I suggest you get an early one, I’ve just had news from Los Amantes. I’d like to pay the office an impromptu visit tomorrow a.m.”

Los Amantes. The Western seaboard. No rest for the-

One of the engines spluttered, coughed and expired in that order and in pretty much the time it took to read this sentence.

Alice looked up sharply; Tamara swung her attention back to her instrument panel. This was bad, but they weren’t carrying freight and she could nurse them to the nearest airport. But what was the cause? She focused, studying the panel of dials and instruments, trying to piece it together. Alice sat quietly behind her, knowing when not to distract at least.

Seconds later, there was another splutter. The second engine had gone the same way. This was a thousand times worse and there had been no warning. Such an event was a million to one chance without any external interference.

Even today, Tamara still struggled to comprehend how that malfunction had happened and maybe she would never know, although a lot of her most basic assumptions had been challenged over the year since the accident.

Despite Tamara’s frantic efforts to stabilize and get the engines going again, the machine went into a shallow descent. This meant that she had to lose altitude constantly to maintain the plane’s air speed and keep them from dropping like a stone. The pilot watched the green carpet below, slowly rising through the clouds to meet her. From high above the vegetation looked almost soft and deceptively welcoming, but this was looking bad. Terminal even.

Still, there was nothing she could do. She’d never felt so helpless. She thought of her family in Plainview and her acquaintances back in Joyport and how they might never be able to confirm her demise. For out here she could see nothing but featureless, verdant moss, stretching off in all directions.

Then, off to her left she saw it, a teardrop shaped plateau, rising steeply from the surrounding jungle, tens of meters higher than everything around it and only lightly wooded on top. A landing spot! More than that, from atop it, she saw a thin plume of smoke rising into the hazy sky. Her heart leapt. Where there was life, there was certainly hope.

Alice reached forward and put a calm hand on her shoulder. As usual, she said little, but there really wasn’t anything to say.

Tamara grappled with the controls, dragging the joystick over to the left. Although sluggish, the plane responded until she was bearing directly down on the strange feature. However, they were still losing altitude quickly. The uniform green carpet was now a blur of individual trees. She quite liked the tropical hardwood in Alice’s Art-Deco styled office back home, but she wasn’t so keen on seeing it so up close here.

As the ground neared, she realized that some of the area had been cultivated into fields for crops. Although more or less flat, it was going to be once heck of a rough landing, even assuming that she could avoid the trees.

“Can you do it?” Alice asked.

“Maybe. Hell of a way to find out,” Tamara grimaced.

Alice squeezed Tamara’s shoulder but said nothing more.

They were coming in too steep, Tamara pulled back slightly, taking care not to over-correct.

The ground was coming up all too quickly. This was touch and go. The wheels bounced off the ground and the plane hopped, taking a chunk from their air speed. They were still airborne. One more go. It looked like a paddy field coming up. A water landing.

The nose dropped and before Tamara could react, the plane speared into the wet ground and went end over end several times, ending up on its roof.

All went black.


Tamara’s head throbbed so badly that it felt like her skull was split into fragments. She moaned lightly and opened an eye. For long moments, she wasn’t sure where or when she was. Wherever she was, it was quite dark, although a cool breeze played across her face and ruffled her hair.

She patted herself down, checking for injuries. Nothing hurt and although there were a few scrapes, there was no blood or stickiness. Good. She felt something wet on her thighs and, panicking, placed her fingers there. She was sticky, but not from injury or fear. The crotch of her body stocking was soaked through and sticking to her mound, which burned with an unnatural desire. Had she had a wet dream? Of all the time to get one of those!

A warm glow flickered against her legs. She tried moving them. Everything seemed attached. A fire crackled. The crash! She sat up hurriedly, fearing an imminent explosion.

A pair of eyes met hers. Not human. A loud growl cut the still air. Tamara froze in fear. Somewhere from the shadows, a female voice spoke in a strange language. The creature scowled and turned away from her, padding back into darkness.

The pilot looked up. A rocky roof hung above her, not very far away and a small wood fire was burning. Off to one side, a black archway, from where the breeze was emanating, led into the unknown outside.

There was a groan from beside of the fire. Alice sat up slowly. Her business attire was grubby and torn, but she seemed more or less intact. She gave a weak smile to Tamara and crawled over to where she lay, “I’d give you a two out of ten for that landing.”

There was a growl from the darkness, which sounded even louder in the enclosed space. “What the hell was that?” asked Alice.

Tamara pointed across the fire. A curvy, coffee colored young woman stood behind the flames. She wore only a simple brown cloth around her generous chest and a similarly plain loincloth. However, her neck sported an ornate golden choker that the straps of the chest piece fastened onto, straining over her rounded breasts.

“Where are we?” Alice whispered.

The jungle girl nodded in satisfaction, seeing them both awake. A furry head appeared from the shadows next to her left thigh. A dog? A wolf? A fox? She wasn’t sure. Tamara groaned, holding her head. Was this what the afterlife was like?

The girl oozed with an earthy sensuality as she walked over and knelt to check on them. Strong, brown hands checked Tamara’s limbs and joints for breaks or strains. As she lay back on her elbows, a furry muzzle snuffled up against Tamara’s stomach and she felt a rough tongue give her a lick. She smiled. If this was the afterlife, it sure felt tickly.

As the woman performed similar checks on Alice, Tamara noticed another set of lupine eyes staring from the darkness. And another. She swallowed back fear. The cave was full of these creatures, whatever they were.

The tribal girl finished up checking Alice over and seemingly satisfied, she moved back to the other side of the campfire and threw on some more wood. As the flames took hold, the circle of light in the cave expanded and Tamara could make out four maned wolves of varying sizes. One was clearly larger than the other three, the alpha male, or so she guessed.

Tamara and Alice sat together as the girl knelt and began chanting. She hitched up her loincloth, and moved onto all fours, exposing a well-rounded rump to the night air.

The larger wolf sniffed around the dusky woman, hunched as she was in a doggy position, her rear exposed lewdly to the air. Even in the flickering light from the fire, Tamara fancied that she could see her glinting wetness and smell the briny perfume of her lust. Horrified but not wanting to miss a second, she glanced quickly over to Alice, her boss and lover who sat beside of her. The dark-haired Valkyrie appeared transfixed. Even as Tamara watched, Alice’s right hand crept under her skirt, pressing urgently against the scarlet silk that encased her special place. A place that Tamara had visited so willingly and so often before.

Tamara looked away for a moment, trying to break the spell. She could scarcely believe that this scene was playing out before her. Even after averting her gaze, her eyes couldn’t escape it, as the dancing shadows on the cave walls showed her just what was going on.

The largest wolf, which she now impulsively named Shadow in her head, was already clearly semi-erect. Its strange-looking cock appeared even bigger in shadow form, projected waveringly onto the walls of the cave. The petite aviatrix gasped at the thought of what the wolf intended, but the tribal girl showed no signs that she wasn’t equally up for this ride.

Tamara’s mind immediately wandered to what that experience would feel like. What could it be like to feel that throbbing beast cock deep inside her delicate sex? Would it hurt, or would it be the best sex that she had ever had? Or both?

Despite countless role-plays and intimate discussions over her many years spent under Alice (both managerially and literally), nothing remotely close to this scenario had ever come up between the two of them. Tamara had never even contemplated that it was possible to be attracted to other species and the thought disturbed her greatly.

And yet, there was Alice, lying spread before her, as she had countless times before. Her silky red panties were already dark with her juices and yanked to one side. Alice’s index finger was already sliding in and out of her shaven, crinkled puss.

Tamara’s body quaked at the thought and yet she knew that she was sliding towards the same abyss. Something felt dark and twisted in this cave, and yes, inside her too. Underneath her air force blue flying uniform, she tended to wear very little. Flying so frequently did get a bit tedious and so she did her best to spice it up for her chief.

Typically, all that she liked to wear under her smart indigo skirt and blazer was the black stringed body stocking. Usually she chose a size or two too small for her curves, so that her underwear bit into her tender flesh and strained tightly as it bisected the two halves of her puffy, peachy labia. One glimpse of that sight would have Alice on top of her in seconds and that tended to make their journeys more bearable. “This is why they invented autopilot,” as Alice always said.

Dressed in this manner, Tamara rocked back and forth, feeling the taut crotch of her lingerie sliding to and fro, tugging between her thick outer lips to torment her clit. God, she was so wet already. Usually it took a few minutes of Alice’s talented tongue or fingers to get her this far, but this time, it was just the thought of, what, exactly?

She looked back over to the erotic tableau in front of her. The feral girl had twisted herself so that she was positioned under Shadow, her mouth shaped into an ‘O’, her head bobbing up and down his tapered cock-tip. Tamara watched amazed, Shadow’s pale pink mottled shaft glistened in the dancing firelight. It was like nothing she’d ever seen before, a light tracery of veins giving it a weird marbled form. A slender point at the end, which widened out into a solid pink shaft before it flared out again into a wide knot at the base, as big as her fist. She wondered what it tasted like. She wondered what it felt like, to have that hard shaft spearing her, to have that knot stretching her, plugging her wetness…

Ahead and to her right, Alice’s head tossed as three of her fingers now pumped and slithered within her wet pussy and Tamara caught the distinct scent of her lover’s arousal. Was she thinking the same thoughts? She must be. The redhead squirmed back and forth, the tight fabric of her body-stocking already sopping wet around her crotch. Almost in a daze, her hand reached down, her fingers tearing at the fabric to force an entry. One finger slid inside of her fat rubbery labia, which only served to raise her libido even higher. Normally she would never be so uninhibited, but normal rules did not apply here. She was slick and furnace hot already and she needed a release.

Across the cave, eyes that are more glittering watched the whole show. The three other male wolves, cowed by their leader, were getting more and more restless as the smells and sights of copulation intensified.

Three others. Tamara fretted, wondering how long they would keep to themselves, given their leaders actions. She was petrified that they would long have been able to smell her arousal through the wood-smoke and yet she was unable to stop herself.

“Miss Johnson,” Alice husked, “get that sweet Southern peach of yours over here, now.” Her boss lay naked on a patch of freshly cut palm leaves near the fire, her clothes in an untidy heap beside her, save for her thong, pulled roughly aside. Her body glowed in the light from the fire, her eyes urgent, and her sex gleaming.

Tamara didn’t need asking twice, she crawled over to where Alice lay and knelt over her, placing her sex above the Valkyrie’s face so that her boss could get a good view of her arousal, before lowering her mouth to plant kisses along Alice’s toned stomach. The pilot’s nostrils filled rapidly with the scent of her lover’s musk, as sweet juices continued to ooze from her own plump labia. Her mouth moved lower and lowers, past Alice does belly button, to kiss across her neatly trimmed mons, taste her matted, downy pubic hair. Tamara cupped her lovers toned buttocks and paused a moment, savoring the sight and scent of her wetness. Only for a brief time, as Alice, unable to wait any longer, grabbed Tamara’s freckled ass, her fingers hooking and tearing at her body stocking, quickly ripping a larger hole around her crotch, to free it fully.

Alice deftly pulled Tamara’s ass downward, pushing the pilot’s pulsing sex onto her mouth. Tamara gasped, wriggling but Alice was more than impatient and her lithe tongue speared into Tamara’s hole, even as her lips rubbed against her hard little clit. Tamara moaned and nibbled at Alice’s distinctively puffy, crinkled outer lips, which led her boss to open them wider, exposing her wet, dark inner labia to inspection.

Tamara moistened her red lips with her tongue, before lowering her head to suckle deeply at her employer’s most sensitive spot. Locked into a mutual ‘69’ of oral pleasure, the two women’s passions rose quickly, to the exclusion of events elsewhere.

It was only when Tamara felt something wet nosing around her ass that she froze suddenly and raised her crotch up from Alice’s mouth, wriggling away from the interloper. She raised her head to see two of the wolf pack snuffling nearer, even as she realized that a third had jammed its wet nose between her taut buttocks. She heard Alice swear and hiss at it to move, but the other two approached nearer and as they did so, Tamara’s stomach fluttered at the sight of one’s arousal, all glistening and pink in the dancing firelight.

She had no wish to get involved with them and yet it appeared that the pack had no intent of giving up its attention. “What should we do?” she hissed back to Alice, shuddering with a mixture of fear, disgust and pleasure as a bigger, warmer tongue replaced Alice’s to probe at her salty sex.

“I don’t think they’ll take no for an answer,” her boss replied. “Maybe I can distract this one.” Tamara twisted her head back to see Alice tentatively reached up one finely manicured hand to caress the silvered wolf’s underbelly, moving nearer towards its throbbing shaft.

This wolf seemed older than the rest, a few traces of gray fur showing its age, although no less horny than the others. Tamara decided to christen him as ‘Methuselah’, based on one of her Sunday school homilies.

The elder wolf stopped paying attention to Tamara, seemingly fully preoccupied with the sensations below. Alice ran her fingernails along the length of his mottled wolf-shaft and the beast shuddered with pleasure, hips jerking as she did so.

“How is that helping?” hissed Tamara, turning back just in time for her face to bump against the dangling shaft of one of the pair of wolves before her.

This one let out a low growl, its shaft stiffening, only inches away from her face. “Oh, bless his heart”, she thought, “he’s giving me an eyeful, but what else does he want to fill?” She considered Alice’s plan, desperate for an alternative. The wolf pressed closer to her, its dick pressing into her nose. She winced at the strong, unpleasant odor of it.

She instinctively pulled back but the wolf persistently pushed forward, filling her view with its sex. Her head was swimming. “Urgh,” Tamara quickly reached up and gripped its shaft, to prevent it from pushing any nearer. The wolf panted hard as her hand closed around its shaft, rubbing back and forth. It was warmer than she had expected and smoother too.

“What now?” she hissed, twisting back to Alice. Her toned lover already lay on her back, holding Methuselah in one hand as she slowly moved it back and forth in time with her other hand, which was frigging away at her crotch. The creature seemed transfixed, happy to stand there in the glimmering firelight whilst Alice satisfied both of their appetites.

“Lord have mercy,” cursed Tamara, “really?” She noticed that the wolf that she held was missing a part of its ear. ‘One-Ear’ growled softly at her, as it looked at its companions. “I guess that you are missing out a bit.”

She moved her hand slowly up and down the length of its shaft. The wolf let out a tremble as she did so. Such a powerful creature and yet she had it in the palm of her hand. She found that the feeling of being in control was quite an aphrodisiac; her pussy was fluttering wetly at the utter shamelessness of the situation. Alice was groaning behind her, her breath hot against Tamara’s plump peach as she entertained the oldest looking wolf.

Tamara carried on stroking One-Ear’s shaft. Lying on her back as she was, Alice was missing out on the view over on the other side of the fire. The dusky girl was bent in supplication to Shadow. How on Earth was she going to be able to accommodate that monstrous shaft?

Tamara blinked, not sure, that she was seeing things correctly, but the local girl’s sex seemed to almost shift and move with the flames. Tamara was not overly familiar with wolven sexual organs, nor indeed, with any other species bar her own, but in this light, it seemed as though this tribal girl’s crotch had transformed into animal form to better accommodate her lover. What was this place? Was she dreaming?

Another snout nudged her in the ribs, breaking her train of thought. This wolf was smaller than all of the rest and somewhat more shy. Tamara knew how he felt; this situation was becoming pretty overwhelming for all of them. Given that he was the only one left unnamed, she found the first name that came to mind.

“Come here, Tiny,” she murmured, reaching out her left hand to touch his sheath. She stroked at the warm fur, feeling it swelling beneath her touch, as her right hand continued to work away at One-Ear.

Before long, another pinkish-white stick was poking forth from Tiny’s underbelly, rapidly stiffening up into a throbbing rod. This one felt even bigger and heavier in her left hand than that of One-Ear. “Wow, looks like I might have to rename you already,” Tamara husked, stroking both of her hands gently up and down the two lengths.

A loud moan in front called her attention back to the erotic tableau over the fire. Shadow was fully mounted across the jungle girl’s back, its large pink rod ramming in and out of her strangely animalistic sex. The sight, sound and smell within the cave was almost overwhelming her, even before she felt a familiar tongue delve back into her juicy sex.

“Mmm, such a juicy peach today,” Alice mumbled before renewing her attack. Tamara felt waves of desire and pleasure throughout her body, her mind almost detached from the sins of the physical that engulfed her. Glancing back, Alice’s face was now buried under Tamara’s ass, her sex pushing down on to her boss as she received such a pussy worshipping from her.

The Valkyrie’s right hand was wedged between her thighs, kneading at her crinkled pussy, whilst her left worked away at her wolf’s throbbing, veiny stick. Surrounded by such sights, it was quickly becoming too much for the horny pilot. Tamara needed a release, and fast, or her mind felt like it might break.

She increased the movements of her hands. One-Ear and Tiny faced her, Tiny on the left, One-Ear on the right. One-Ear let out a pleasurable howl and a little spurt of pre-cum shot forth and splashed against her hair and upper back. Trickles of it ran down his flagging shaft. She smeared the slippery liquid over her palm, meaning that she could increase the pace somewhat and soon One-Ear had stiffened up again.

She released Tiny for a second and held her left hand in front of One-Ear’s cum-slot. Another jet of liquid promptly fired into her palm and she gathered as much as possible, then smeared it along Tiny’s warm, dry shaft. The smallest wolf squirmed under the attention. “Hope you don’t mind, boy. Sharing is caring.”

Tiny certainly didn’t seem to mind, as Tamara felt his shaft getting harder and fatter as her wrist speed increased, gliding across his flesh. She could feel waves of pleasure rising up from her nethers; her boss/lover was still paying extremely close attention to her plump mound.

The pilot felt completely wanton. She wanted this and nothing else; she knew she was going to cum harder than she ever had before. Naked on her knees in a warm cave in heaven knows where, with her boss eating her out expertly, a mysterious girl getting the fuck of her life from an alpha wolf and with a whole pack of horny wolves to jack off. None of this seemed very real, but at the same time it was the most alive that she’d ever felt.

“Give it to me, boys,” she whispered, hands moving faster and faster, until One-Ear stiffened, releasing a high-pitched whine. His knot jerked and a jet of watery doggy seed spurted violently forth, his hot jism splashing down her right side. She bent lower, feeling a second spurt down the length of her back, and another.

One-Ear seemed momentarily exhausted, so she switched her right hand over to Tiny, who seemed to need a little more coaxing. She gently grasped at his dark red knot, squeezing and releasing as her left hand continued to work at his shaft.

Meantime, One-Ear’s cooling doggy-seed trickled slowly down the arch of her spine and into the tight crack between the smooth curves of her firm, freckled ass.

Below her Alice gasped, as her tongue met the first drops of animal sperm arriving at their destination. Tamara heard Methuselah grunt behind her and more spurts of warm seed splattered over her ass cheeks and (she assumed) Alice’s upturned face.

Her boss groaned underneath Tamara’s ass, her visage was indeed coated in fresh, stinking wolf seed, and she redoubled her efforts, sucking each of Tamara’s outer labia into her cummy mouth in turn.

It wasn’t long before Tamara felt the final wave rising, knowing it was going to be big. She squeezed on Tiny’s dick, “Don’t let me down big boy, and show me what you’re made of.”

Her left hand was a blur now, her mouth open in passion, fully focused on getting herself to the finishing line. She ground her hips down on to Alice’s face, working her hard clit against her boss’ nose. Not long now…

Tiny’s face was close to hers now, panting heavily. The pilot met the wolf’s gaze, realizing that she was panting almost as hard. The wolf trembled as she squeezed his knot harder, just hard enough to trigger him into a massive orgasm. Sprays of watery cum shot forth from his underbelly, hitting her in the chest and splattering over Alice’s pussy. Underneath her, Alice arched her back, the raven-haired cougar moaned into Tamara’s depths, tongue-lashing and biting at her plump, juicy peach.

Tamara exploded, her pent up lust released in waves of passion, lady-cum flowing freely over Alice’s face. Her head swam and she collapsed forward over her friend’s legs, with Tiny still spurting small jets of his cum across Tamara’s back as she writhed in unbound pleasure.

Tamara lay prone on the dry straw, her body heaving still as the waves of her lust slowly subsided. She found the presence of mind to swing her dripping ass from over Alice, hearing her boss gasping at clear air as she was freed from the grip of Tamara’s thighs.

Tamara turned and lay with Alice, their eyes meeting. Both had recovered slightly from their sexual exertions and there was a sense of embarrassment as their eyes met. But seeing the curves of her lover gleaming in the warm firelight quickly took her mind from that. Alice crooked a hand around Tamara’s head and drew her down for a passionate kiss. Tamara could taste the semen on her lips. They were in this together.

The three wolves silently snuggled around the hugging couple, forming a furry wall around them. A strange atmosphere enveloped her, the scent of the wolves and of her lover, the sounds of the strange girl, still rutting away on the other side of the fire. Tamara’s eyes flickered closed.


The night was filled with even wilder dreams and fantasies; a black unicorn; a hooded woman; a tentacle sea monster; an exotic Indian dancer; an army of Jaguar-men; tusks and hooves under a burning sun; fires burning inside a mysterious temple. Sights and sounds, smells and touch, yet unknown and inexperienced. Exhausted, Tamara slept well, but woke with a warm patch betwixt her nethers and Tiny’s tongue exploring it. She groaned and roughly pushed the wolf’s head away. Here they were, lying in a basic bed of straw and leaves, in a cramped reddish rock cave.

Mysterious white symbols were etched into the rear wall, above a crude depiction of a stick wolf and woman in the act of love. So, the events of last night had been no dream at least. However, of the mystery lady or the other three wolves, there was no sign.

The fire was burned down to its embers and the morning breeze stirred the fine hairs on her naked skin.

Tiny shook his pelt and trotted off towards the cave entrance.

With a sudden shock, Tamara realized that they had no idea where they were or what to do next. This odd wolf was her only connection with this strange new world.


Alice stirred on the ground, bleary-eyed. She hurriedly sat up as Tiny trotted outside and out of sight.

“Hey!” Tamara ran after the slender wolf, her bare feet slapping on the cool stone floor but as she stood at the entrance, there was no sign of Tiny either.

Crestfallen, she trudged back to Alice. Alice pulled a face as she studied her pilot closely. “By the Halls of Valhalla, do I look like you?”

Tamara cast her gaze over Alice, the internationally famous, jet-setting executive of Nordic Industries. Her long curly hair was matted, her face caked in dried wolf semen.

“Worse” she said.


Tamara Johnson watched the sun setting on the distant horizon. The Novo Brazilian sky was alive with orange and pink hues it was beautiful. She studied her reflection in the window of her room. A snub-nosed, freckled face stared back at her, green eyes, curly copper hair, chopped short at her nape. Not bad. She had been trying to get more sleep lately and it appeared to be paying off.

She caressed her C-cup breasts, moving her fingers in circles around her perky nipples, so that they poked out from between the fabric of the black fishnet body stocking that she habitually wore. It wasn’t going to be long until the big show and having just recalled her first encounter in the Cave of the Werewolves, she was definitely getting into the mood.

Tamara smiled to herself, turning away from the view and back to her room. The mountaintop plane crash that had left her and Alice stranded in a cave had only been a year ago. And yet now, here she was, living back on the plateau of the Monte de Venus, in what was officially referred to as the Facility, (more informally known as the Valk-eyrie in honor of their fearless leader).

Tiny lay asleep on Tamara’s bed, the young adult werewolf taking the opportunity to rest up in the warmth of the Facility’s living quarters. She snuggled up next to him and flicked on a monitor. There was a perimeter fence in place around the base, but the whole area was also wired for sound and pictures, both inside and out. Not that anyone else knew this, outside of herself and Alice. Her boss had charged Tamara with establishing the base and during the build; she had merely added some ‘optional extras’ into the design.

Tamara had always felt somewhat of an outsider but she liked to be in the know. Also, given the nature of this place, it seemed wise to be keeping an eye on nocturnal activities. After all, tracking the behaviors of the humans living here was just as much a part of their research program as studying the animals. She hadn’t bothered to mention it to the rest of the party, as she wanted to study them naturally, with no play-acting for the cameras.

Ah, who was she kidding? The Aviatrix had grown increasingly fascinated by sex since arriving here and loved to study how the others engaged in it.

She still wasn’t sure as to why she had become such a voyeur. Maybe she enjoyed watching other couplings because she had always found it difficult to engage in committed relationships. A confused lesbian in her teens, she’d switched to celibacy during her university years, possibly missing out on a fair bit of what life had to offer, it was true. Following that, the Air Force had not been a great environment in which to figure oneself out despite some bisexual experimentation. Then came the Nordic job and her first meeting with Alice. She had loved it, of course, but it had meant a great deal of travel and very little in the way of routine or stability.

Not that Tamara had any regrets. Working for Alice had also allowed for some sexual release but with low emotional commitment. Think of it as a perk of the job. Still, to think that even in her late twenties, she remained a virgin was a little depressing. Over the years, she had found humans pretty disappointing in terms of loyalty and had never really felt that special spark. So whether for a man or a woman, she was still saving herself for that special someone.

She gently stroked Tiny’s flanks. He had been a very different monster when they had first met, but over the year or so that the Facility had been operating, they had grown closer and closer.

How had all this started? It seemed hard to believe that they’d come this far in little over a year. Rebecca had played her part it was true. Tamara switched the monitor view to show Rebecca’s room, but there was no sign of her currently. Rebecca Knight was Alice’s spiritual instructor. Tamara understood that they had met through a yoga course some years ago and had really hit it off.

She was a plumy voiced Brit, who practiced Yoni Magick amongst other things, i.e. a self-proclaimed sex witch. She also had a thing for the color purple and wearing thigh-high kinky boots, both of which clearly marked her out as a social deviant in Tamara’s book. The Aviatrix had long been convinced that Bec was a total fraud, but she was now wavering slightly on this position due to more recent events.

Tamara cast her mind back as to how it had all come to this.


The morning after the crash, they had been airlifted from the mountaintop, the search and rescue helicopter had easily seen the spirals of smoke from their wrecked jet.

Once safely landed at Sao Petro, Alice and Tamara had undergone some quick medical checks before flying straight back to Joyport in the business section of a commercial flight. They sat in virtual silence, each processing what had exactly happened to them on that first, fateful night on the mysterious mountain. Tamara cupped her water glass between her palms, lost in her thoughts.

Nothing on Earth would have possessed her to behave in that way normally. Was it a drug? A hallucination? There had been that strange feeling, that writhing within her, somewhat out of body but also as if her most base desires were given free rein. She didn’t know what it had been, but it disturbed her greatly.

Alice looked across, reading her mind. “Don’t worry about it,” the older woman smiled, “Don’t tell anyone else, and leave it with me to worry.”

Over the next hours and days, Tamara tried to behave as advised, but the images and sounds of the night kept creeping back into her head at the most inappropriate times. Driving into work one day, her mind had wandered back to recall the feel of One Ear’s cock in her hand and she’d narrowly avoided crashing into the rear of a suddenly braking station wagon. Passing by the lingerie shop in the underground mall every morning reminded her of Alice’s red silken panties, shining in the firelight. Even seeing an ad for a dog shelter had made her wonder what Tiny was doing now, and if he missed her.

Little more than a week later, Alice had called her into her office for a ‘private meeting’. ‘Not that private,’ thought Tamara, seeing the big Russian woman, Kat, standing guard by Alice’s office door, as she often did. Everything else always seemed smaller when Ekaterina Igonova was present. She stood over two meters high, but didn’t seem excessively tall due to her powerful form. She was an Amazon in every sense of the word, an ex-Olympic wrestler and power lifter.

Her platinum blonde hair was closely cropped, giving her a boyish look, but her ample EE chest immediately removed any possible confusion as to her gender. Somehow, she managed to embody both male and female in one, hard and soft, a walking paradox.

Tamara got on okay with her, although Kat tended not to engage in much small talk. Tamara was also sure that Alice and Kat had something going on, although she had never witnessed any improper behavior in her presence.

Also, present inside the office was the smiling Rebecca, wearing a typical fuchsia-colored dress and black thigh-highs. Rebecca Knight was a tanned, slightly older woman, still attractive and very limber indeed but with a few lines around her blue eyes that betrayed her life experience. It hadn’t all been easy.

She came across as a bit of a ‘nature child’ and Tamara was convinced that Bec’s C cup breasts had never even seen a bra. Despite this image, she also possessed a cut-glass British accent that ran totally against type. Tamara had often speculated about her background, as Bec certainly sounded like she could be an integral part of the English upper crust.

She typically wore her brown hair in a short bobbed style, with a baby lick curl. Overall, she had a languid but confident looseness about her that never failed to irritate Tamara. In fact, many things about this new-age Brit did so.

For a start, Tamara was slightly jealous that Bec had a direct line to Alice’s ear and that she was a friend / consultant rather than a direct employee. Also, the fact that Rebecca had asked everyone to call her ‘Becka’, rather than Rebecca, Bex or Bec, because, ‘that’s not who I am’. Tamara had stuck to ‘Bec’ after that.

The thing that annoyed her most though, being a rational and scientific sort, was the sort of psychobabble that Bec often spoke, which she was convinced Alice would have laughed out of the room, had it come from anyone else.

“Did you get that?” Alice asked sharply, clicking a finger in Tamara’s face. Tamara blushed, as truth be told, she’d zoned completely out of the conversation. Bec had won again!

“I’m relocating down there. We want you to come too,” Alice offered. Rebecca was looking fixedly at the floor as Alice spoke.

Tamara was immediately taken aback. Her first inclination was to ask Alice to repeat where, but then, she already knew. She felt herself flushing deeper red.

“You told her,” it was more of a statement than a question.

Alice nodded.


Alice nodded again.


Rebecca replied, “Miss Stallrang was somewhat shaken up by recent events and came to me for assistance to better understand them. I’m glad that she confided in me. I’ve followed up with some investigations and there have been an increasing number of other reports of, shall we say non-standard behavior amongst the local peoples and fauna in the Magos Verdes region of Novo Brasilia.

In the past week I visited the area, to run some checks on the ground and my results show that orgone levels have sky-rocketed across that entire region.”

Tamara vowed to Google ‘orgone’ later to find out what she was talking about.

“Just think of it, Tamara,” replied Alice, “if we could discover whatever it was that caused us to…do what we did. What an opportunity! What a possibility!”

“It sounds like a massive risk to me,” Tamara replied, “We lost our inhibitions. We lost ourselves. Do you really want to put yourself back into danger?”

“I’m not sure that the two of you were ever in danger. Regardless, whether the cause is physical or psychological, Alice needs to find out,” smiled Rebecca, “Plus, wouldn’t we all be a bit happier if we could corroborate your stories?”

By ‘corroborate’, did Bec mean to go through a similar experience? Tamara idly wondered if Bec had any personal moral boundaries whatsoever. Oh Lord, she was so annoying! Plus the whole night was meant to have been a secret between Alice and herself!

“What about Nordic Industries?” asked Tamara.

Alice shrugged, “They can live without me, and I’m due a sabbatical. I’m already putting plans in place to purchase that region, from the Novo Brazilian government to develop as an eco-reserve. Over two hundred square kilometers of unspoiled rain forest and the plateau where we crashed, Monte de Venus, is right in the middle of it all. I’ll need a pilot to get me there. And a Director of Operations for developing the research base once we arrive. You’re a double threat Tamara you could easily do both. And so much more.”

“I have already agreed to be Miss Stalldrang’s Head of Research out there,” piped up Bec.

‘I bet you have’, thought Tamara.

“Don’t feel like you have to give me an answer straight away. This is going to be a private enterprise, strictly off the record and you’re welcome to stay on the pay roll here at Nordic. Just know that personally, I have to get to the bottom of what happened to us out there. And I think you do too.”

Tamara paused in thought. What had happened had been becoming less and less real in her mind with every day that passed. She was starting to doubt herself, but this conversation had brought it all home once again. Deep inside she knew that she had to understand or go crazy trying.

“I’m in.”


And so here, they were. Early on, the British hippy had come up with a name for the organization: ‘Orgone Research Group for Analyzing Sexual Mania or O.R.G.A.S.M.’

Clearly Rebecca had a love of Sixties spy capers. She had also determined that the ‘increased orgone was leading all creatures in the region to be increasing in virility at the same time as losing their sexual inhibitions’. Apparently, this phenomenon was already reported as happening in several other disparate regions of the world and was continuing to spread.

Tamara had initially dismissed the witch as totally crazy, but then her own sense of unreality had grown incredibly over their time here. Away from the rest of the world, it was easy to slip into new behaviors. Something was definitely going on in this place. The cause was uncertain, whether natural or supernatural, but the epicenter seemed to be based directly around Monte de Venus, the extinct tabletop volcano upon which they had established their research base.

Rebecca and Alice had then determined that the nature of their research needed to be protected. Malevolent powers behind these events may be seeking to expose them or hurt Alice. Therefore they decreed that the research group should have code-names with which to reference each other, and protect their identities should their activities become public. This seemed to have spurred them all on to adopt exaggerated personas, which would have led to a few public indecency charges had they dressed this way on the streets of Joyport.

For example, Rebecca had promptly declared herself ‘Lady Midnight’, allowing her to dress up in a lilac hooded robe and dress, split right down the front to show off her cleavage, her purple panties and her black thigh-highs.

Alice became ‘Valkyrie’, presumably due to her Norse heritage and nickname. She had moved on from her previous corporate role and taken to dressing in simple blouse and skirt combos, with her curly, mid-shoulder length hair tied back. Usually she wore a splash of red, accessorized with leather jungle boots. She always remained impeccably stylish however, even in the humid heat of the rain forest. Tamara had no idea how she did it.

The giant guard, Kat, had given herself the moniker of ‘Molniya’, which apparently meant ‘Lightning’ in Russian. Alice had problems wrapping her lips around the Russian term and so had rechristened Kat as ‘Blue Lightning’. ‘Blue’ because, for her part, the big bodyguard had taken to frequently wearing a royal blue Lycra body suit that more than did justice to her impressive muscles and curves.

As for herself, Tamara had become ‘Aviatrix’, due to her aerial exploits. Come to think of it, she had found herself wearing her skimpy flight uniform and body-stocking combo more and more often these days, even if she wasn’t flying. It just made sense to dress light, given the climate.

The others had followed suit, even if they had felt silly. ‘Others’, because beyond the founding group of Rebecca, Alice, Kat and Tamara, the make-up of team O.R.G.A.S.M had swiftly expanded over the course of their adventures in the past year or so.

Tamara flicked the TV monitor over now. There was some activity in Alice’s room. Another girl was in there, a familiar one -the jungle girl from the cave.

This was Guadalupe Arias, a native local. ‘Lupe’ was a chunky but graceful young girl, with coffee-colored skin and deep brown eyes that danced with life. She preferred to live wild, out in the forest but recently she had visited the base regularly to assist in their research. She had first turned up again in the early weeks of building work and had offered to assist the team with the Menagerie in return for some supplies. She didn’t even speak any English at this point, so communication had been difficult, but they had found a way to manage.

Her O.R.G.A.S.M. name was Toteni, after her local tribe, and she’d since become an integral part of the team. Lupe’s local knowledge and skills with animals were unsurpassed. She simply seemed to have an innate ability to communicate with nature.

Toteni was typically lightly dressed, and was wearing a dappled orange and brown halter and loincloth combo today. She also always wore an intricate golden necklet, which acted as anchor for her halter-top straps. Her noble presence was accentuated with finely crafted earrings, made from feathers and beads.

Lupe perched on the edge of Alice’s bed. Viewing from afar, Tamara admired the range of dildos that were racked behind along Alice’s wall, like a trophy room. That was pretty close to the truth in fact, as each one had been individually molded from someone (or something) over the course of their various research trips.

Lupe leaned in to say something to Alice and the Valkyrie wrapped her arms around the jungle girl, kissing her passionately on the lips. Tamara caught her breath and leaned in for a closer look. She wasn’t jealous as such, Alice’s appetites were more than she could handle, and her boss had surrounded herself with a growing harem of beauties after all.

But Tamara knew how that kiss felt and how warm Alice would be right now. She knew the tang of her tongue, she knew how her crinkled pussy would be juicing up and budding open like a flower.

Tamara tugged aside her indigo rubber thong, exposing her sweaty, wet pussy to the air. Beside her, Tiny’s nose twitched but the he-wolf stayed fast asleep, as Tamara settled in for the show.


As the two women kissed, Alice hugged Lupe closer, pressing the shorter girl’s face between her breasts. Lupe craned her head to nibble at Alice’s breasts through the thin material. The Norse girl’s head arched back, her hands reaching down to untie Lupe’s loincloth which dropped to the floor, revealing the girl’s O.R.G.A.S.M. issued yellow thong underneath. The bright yellow stood in strong contrast to her caramel flesh.

Lupe returned the favor on Alice’s boob tube, rolling it down to reveal her already crinkled nipples, straining with passion. Lupe took the leftmost in her mouth, rolling her tongue around it, as she suckled hungrily. Alice gasped at the sensations, arching one hand around Lupe’s neck and unhooking her halter-top.

Now it was the darker girl’s turn to gasp as the cooler air hit her sensitive areola. They were not only sensitive, they were immense, easily the biggest that Alice had seen and such a dark brown in color that they were almost black.

Alice’s fingers brushed delicately over the dark-nubbed crown of Lupe’s right breast, and as the jungle girl’s nipple hardened, she witnessed the entire areola increasingly crinkle up, in line with her arousal.

As Alice continued kneading gently at her lover’s breast, her other hand reached down to squeeze at that rubbery, yellow thong. It bulged noticeably outwards into a rounded mound and Alice knew why. This tribal girl was incredibly gifted downstairs.

Alice slipped two fingers under the material, entering a place of heat and wetness. The key reason for wearing these thongs was that the material wasn’t breathable, which kept in any potentially arousing scents, but also usually meant that each of the girls became a mini-furnace down there. Therefore, regular activities to release any sexual pressure had become a practical part of their daily schedule. Without wasting time, Alice yanked the thong downwards, leaving Lupe’s squished cunny-lips quivering before her.

These outer labia were something to behold. Two prominent, darkly crinkled lips now hung loosely downwards, slowly unfurling under their own weight. Rebecca had said something about their size being part of the local female tradition and related to tribal status. A piercing in her prominent, near black clit, studded with a fiery red gem, signified that she was the first daughter of the Toteni clan chief. Above it, her pubic area was scraped clean of hair, the darker patch of skin around her pubis was clearly visible, with only a little stubble.

Alice’s throat was dry. She could never get enough of seeing this sight, as it never failed to make her incredibly horny. Come to think of it, she had the exact same feeling when seeing Tamara naked, or the others in her growing research group. Put it this way, she hadn’t exactly regretted stepping down from her corporate position yet.

Alice reached over to a shelf that was recessed at the foot of her bed. She often entertained guests here and had a special shelf for each one. This time for Lupe, she picked up a couple of lead weights, each hanging at the base of a fine silver chain and with an adjustable tightener at the top.

She sat on the bed, with Lupe standing facing her, legs parted. It was all Alice could do not to dive in headfirst, as she was both fascinated and aroused just by the sight of that dark beauty. She held one of Lupe’s labia in her fingers, it was heavily wrinkled, warm and silky soft. Alice gently turned the screw of the weight until it pinched into her dark skin, firmly attached. She gently lowered the weight until it hung suspended, tugging heavily downward on the straining lip flesh until it was stretched out fully, smooth and shiny.

Lupe moaned, biting her lower lip at the mixture of pleasure and pain that wracked her. Having had several piercings and initiation scarring already, this sensation was something that the young girl welcomed.

Alice repeated the job on Lupe’s other cunt-lip. Both weights now hung side by side, Lupe’s labia stretched out to be fully four inches long from base to tip.

“Walk for me,” Alice demanded, and Lupe took slow steps forward, each one setting the weights swinging in opposite directions like pendulums. The poor girl took another step and nearly stumbled at the sensations that assaulted her body.


Alice knelt to inspect Lupe. The tribal girl’s labia were shiny with her secretions, fully demonstrating the heights of her rising lust. Alice took a sniff. Lupe always smelt so different to the other girls, earthy and untamed. The dark-haired Valkyrie spread her tribal treasures apart, nuzzling her nostrils into the welcoming wetness until the bridge of her nose bumped against Lupe’s clitty-gem.

Lupe trembled, sitting on the bed as Alice roughly spread her further, spearing her hungrily with her tongue whilst quickly pulling down her own red latex panties, leaving her clad only in a crimson mini-skirt. Lupe clutched the back of Alice’s head with one hand, grinding her pussy in time with her lover’s movements.

Without breaking from Alice, Lupe arched back and selected one of the generous ranges of canine dildos that hung from the back wall. She inspected it briefly, hefting it in her palm. It was mid-sized as far as the selection went. Colored purple and red, it was realistically contoured, almost as if it had been modeled directly from a real canine. Which it had. If she remembered correctly, this selection was ‘One-Ear’.

She handed the firm rubber cock to Alice. Still with her head buried between coffee-colored thighs, the Swede pulled a leather harness from under the bed, fixing it around her waist without coming up for air. A plain black dildo pointed inwards and she shifted her weight slightly to slide it gradually into her greedily waiting cooze. That done, the doggy dildo clicked nicely into place onto the opposite side of the harness, so that both herself and whoever was on the receiving end could be equally satisfied.

Alice raised her head from Lupe’s thighs, her eyes gleaming and her mouth-shining wet. She assisted Lupe back to her feet and readily lifted her into the air, which would have been surprising if one wasn’t aware of the Valkyrie’s innate strength. Without breaking gaze with Lupe, she dropped the local girl downwards, plunging One-Ear’s replica cock deep into her cunny in one quick movement.

Lupe howled, animal-like in her pleasure, the weights now hanging down the curves of her thighs and swaying from side to side as Alice quickly set a steady fucking rhythm.

Lupe took the shaft without too much trouble, at least as far down as the fat knot, which pushed up impatiently against her slippery opening. Alice/Valkyrie had Lupe/Toteni right where she wanted her. With both hands cupping the girl’s brown ass, Alice thrust and pulled back and forth, wiggling her hips to force that generous bulge past the noble girl’s threshold. Lupe howled upwards, firmly plugged and not resisting the canine assault.

With a sudden plop, the last 3 inches of the canine cock was sucked inside Toteni’s depths. Even her pussy seemed shocked by the intrusion, her dark inner entrance stretched into a startled ‘O’ around the bulky cock-base. The tribal princess thrashed wildly as the tapered tip of the rubber shaft thrust inwards towards her cervix. She was never happier than when riding one of her extended wild family and this strange foreign lady had introduced her to the next best thing. Lupe had experienced such magic and adventure since that fateful day when Alice had literally crashed into her world.

The caramel princess abandoned herself. Normally she was the one dominating her wolf pack, undisputed head of the local pecking order. However, although Lupe had a level of dominance over the animal kingdom, Alice seemed to be able to control her entire world. Lupe was in awe of the facilities here, she had found magic hiding in every corner. Moving picture screens, flying houses, mechanical animals, mysterious sources of heat and light. And so Lupe, the Princess of the Toteni, knowingly submitted to the toned Valkyrie in recognition that Alice was the Queen of this world of magic.

Alice loved this feeling too, taking the local princess roughly and putting her in her place, even using a familiar wolf prick from her own pack. Lupe’s ass was generous indeed, allowing Alice a firm grip with which to plunder her bounty. The muscular Norse warrior and ex-CEO was now back to conquering new and exotic frontiers.

Lupe’s eyes were closed, the girl was focused on the sensations spiraling out from her pleasure center. She could barely move, impaled as she was on the firm canine cock. Alice fell forwards with Lupe onto the bed, landing on the girl and merely increasing her rhythmic thrusts as Lupe moaned and thrashed, helpless to resist. Alice began moving a little from side to side also, setting the weights jumping against Lupe’s thighs. Her drooping labia were now shiny with her secretions, sensitive and as sore as a woken bear. She couldn’t take much more of this.

The door opened almost silently and Rebecca slipped inside. ‘Lady Midnight’ as she now was, was dressed in her usual way that left little to the imagination. She wore dark boots, purple elbow gloves and her dress, slit generously down the front to expose her midriff and cleavage, also exposed her glossy purple latex panties underneath.

Rebecca threw back her hood, her eyes widening at the scene that met her. She reached back to unclip the back of her dress, which readily slid to the floor. Now clad only in boots, gloves and panties, she looked ready for action, her perky pink nipples poking out like coat-hooks.

It was now obvious that Rebecca’s panties were more fully formed than the skimpy standard-issue thongs that most of the others wore. This was due to a number of reasons. First off was that Rebecca refused to shave herself, believing that hairiness, being a natural state, helped her in any sexual magic. The second was that Rebecca was incredibly naturally hairy, both ‘down there’ and under her arms.

Rebecca stood by Lupe and tugging out the waist of her panties, wiggled them down her trim legs. Beneath, Rebecca sported a thick thatch of brown pubic hair, tangled and wild. The third and final reason for her wearing them was about to become apparent.

Alice had paused to watch, smiling. Lupe wriggled even more, shaking her head from side to side, “No,” she gasped, “I can’t take it.”

“Oh, but you will my dear,” replied Lady Midnight in her cut glass tones.

She swung one leg over and sat over Lupe’s face, positioning her hairy cunny right over the jungle girl’s face and pinning her arms to the bed.

Lupe snorted as the strong scent assailed her, but there was no escape. Rebecca slowly lowered herself. Her ripe pussy was already dripping on to Lupe’s cheek. “Lick me,” she ordered and Lupe began to tongue lash the English witch. Despite gagging at the bitter taste, she was clearly getting into it, burying her head deeper into Rebecca’s lust-hole. Satisfied that everything was going according to plan, Alice resumed her short thrusts, leaning forward to French kiss the grinning Rebecca as she did so.

Pinned like a butterfly between the two others, Lupe was writhing. She’d already been close to climax before Lady Midnight’s unexpected arrival and this unexpected pussy worship now had her whole body humming.

She bucked up and down on One-Ear’s cloned shaft, working it deeper. The pointed tip grazing her soft inner walls, grazing until, BAM! Lupe came long and loud, wailing and lost in her animal passion. Her juicy inner walls spasm around the firm rubber prick inside her, until she thought she would pass out.

Rebecca and Alice were still groping each other’s breasts as they kissed. Alice, the slightly shorter of the two, was plucking at Rebecca’s visibly erect, pencil eraser nipples, whilst in response, Rebecca had taken hold of Alice’s breasts and was kneading them softly.

Alice kept jiggling up and down, grinding the dildo inside of herself. She was close now and getting closer. Rebecca broke their passionate kiss and moved down to attend to her partner’s breasts, knowing how sensitive they were. Her tongue teasingly circled the nipple, feeling it tense and harden in her mouth. She suckled the whole teat into her mouth, twisting and teasing it.

Alice gasped in pleasure, her breathing becoming more ragged. On to the other nipple Rebecca went, leaving her silk-gloved fingers, tugging on Valkyrie’s freshly sucked breast. It took only a minute of this before Alice’s eyes widened as she tensed and shook, biting her lip as her pleasure burst forth. She was the opposite of Lupe, no writhing and screaming for her, but a silent shudder and a low moan of satisfaction.

Rebecca slowly released Alice’s nipple as her breathing returned to normal. The purple-clad witch rolled herself off of Lupe’s face, exposing the tribal girl’s juice smeared visage. Alice steadied herself against Lupe’s thighs, unclipping the wolf dildo from her tool-belt but leaving it inside her partner. The two women were separated once again.

Alice then quickly unclipped the labia weights from Lupe, freeing her nether lips from the constant tugging. Lupe gasped, reaching down to massage her pained mound.

“Not so soon,” Rebecca demanded, “clean isn’t my natural state, so maybe you can mess me back up. I’m sure that the Princess of Beasts could handle just one more cock?”

Toteni didn’t look so sure, but Rebecca wasn’t taking no for an answer. “First off, I’ll be needing this!” She grasped the end of the doggy dildo still impaling Lupe and waggled it firmly back and forth. Lupe writhed and groaned once more, still sensitive. The witch tugged the cock firmly outward, watching Lupe’s pussy-mound bulge, with the knot resisting any backward movement. “Wow, I bet that is sore,” Rebecca teased, only to pull at it more firmly.

Lupe squealed as the fat knot slowly strained apart her aching hole, lewdly stretching it out into a perfectly widening circle, as the bulk of the knot relentlessly slipped past her slick gates. With a plop, the wobbling dildo popped out of her stubble cunny, leaving it quivering and gaping, exposed to the view of the other two (and to Tamara, still watching remotely, unknown to all).

The End.



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