The House of the Cat

By houndddog

Ann is a woman about 56-years-old, she is still very attractive with long legs and small but firm breasts. She often likes to admire her body using a full-length mirror attached to her bedroom closet door. Her ass is still tight and round, more like a 25-year-old. Ann lives alone with her son Peter who is 25. They have planned a trip to an island in the West Indies. That offers something for everyone. The day of departure arrives and no sooner had they boarded the plane then they were touching down at their destination.

As they stepped out a hot tropical breeze, hit them. Peter grabbed the bags as Ann unbuttoned the top of her blouse while exclaiming how warm it was. A cab pulled up and took them to the hotel. The driver removed the bags, and a concierge placed them on a dolly. They approached the desk and were greeted by an attractive woman. Who asked with a smile may I see your reservations. Ann smiled and handed them to her. The clerk said, “Everything is in order.” She handed Peter the room key smiled and said, “You will be staying in room 407. It is a delightful room with an ocean view. The bellman has already taken your bags, enjoy your stay.”

They got into the elevator and were soon at room 407 the bellman opened the door and placed the bags on the floor. Peter gave him a five dollar tip, and he smiled thanked them and left.

Ann kicked off her shoes, threw herself on the bed, and said, “I’m exhausted!”

Peter smiled and replied, “It’s the sudden change in temperature and the flight.”

Ann answered, “I feel like getting rid of these clothes and taking a bath.”

Peter said, “I’ll run the water.

Ann smiled. “Aren’t you sweet.”

Peter asked her what name did you use on the hotel register and replied coyly, “Why Mr. and Mrs. Smith.” She then kissed him on the lips and whispered, “After all, you are my husband.” She took off the rest of her clothes all except her bra and panties.

Peter said, “The bath is now ready.”

She slipped off her panties and bra and immersed herself in the tub allowing the tops of her breasts to show she exclaimed this feels so good after a long day. Ann spent about thirty minutes and then stepped out of the tub wrapped herself in a warm towel and entered the bedroom.

Peter said, “I finished unpacking and put everything away. Your drawers are on the left.”

Ann replied, “Super.” She let the towel drop exposing her naked body, she said to her son, “Sweetie, please hand me my white panties and my pink bra.”

Peter reached into the drawer found them both Ann sat on the bed and slipped on the panties she said, “Sweetie, will you help me with my bra?”

As Ann stood, Peter got behind her, found the clasp, and fastened her bra. Ann slipped on a dress with a deep cleavage and short hemline. She took a tube of lipstick and applied it thickly on her lips moving it back and forth. She then took a perfume bottle and applied it under each cheek.

“There…” she smiled as she stepped into a pair of spiked high heels, “What do you think?”

Peter replied, “You look like a high-class hooker.”

Ann kissed him on the lips as he moved his hands down her back and then holding the cheeks of her ass tightly. He whispered, “I love you, fucking bitch.”

She returned his kiss and said, “Let’s go have some fun.”


They asked the woman at the desk if she could recommend a good restaurant and some fun places to go to. The woman said there was a fine restaurant in the hotel and the concierge could suggest a few night places. After dinner, they approached the concierge who said there were a few places but one they would find unusual. Ann said, What is the name?”

He replied, “The House of the Cat.”

Ann said, “That sounds like fun, let’s try it.”

They followed his instructions and were soon standing in front of a club that says ‘The House of the Cat’ step in at your own risk. This piqued Ann’s interest she said, “Let’s try it.”

She pulled Peter’s hand, and he followed. The club had many tables and was beginning to fill up there was a stage in front of the tables. A waiter approached, and Peter asked if there was a cover charge?

The waiter replied, “Two hundred dollars.”

Ann raised her eyebrows. “Two hundred dollars…” she smiled at Peter and said, “For that price, it better be worth it.”

Peter handed him a credit card and said two double martinis. The place was nearly full. When a small combo started playing an introduction, Peter noticed how sexy all the woman were dressed. With deep cleavages and very shot hems. Soon a man appeared on stage, and their drinks arrived. Ann began sipping hers and said how good it was. The man welcomed the audience and said we have a night of very unusual entertainment in store. The combo played soft, seductive music. The MC said, “I want you to meet the beautiful Vana…” a gorgeous woman in a cage came onto the stage, and then he said, “Now meet Marco…”

They wheeled out a cage that was covered the MC remove the cover and inside was a huge tiger. The MC then lifted the door of the cage and Marco walked out. The audience was hushed. Soon the MC disappeared, and the woman’s left alone with the tiger. The crowd is hushed once again. As the naked woman approached the tiger, Ann whispered, “Isn’t she beautiful.”

Peter nodded. The woman was now lying down as the beast began licking her left nipple then the right she began to moan. Ann watched intently as her own nipples began to harden. The tiger now moved his open mouth next to the woman who extended her tongue soon; they were tongue kissing. Ann whispered after taking another drink, “He is so handsome so strong,” as she squeezed Peter’s hand. “What women would not want such a male to love and dominate her.”

Soon the woman spread her legs as the tiger began performing cunnilingus licking her vagina with sweeps of his tongue the woman began to moan. Ann felt her nipples were about to bust her bra; they were so large and stiff. The women in the audience began to moan as the tiger mounted her and moved his large penis into her vagina. The woman wraps her legs around the tiger’s back and matches him thrust for thrust. She screamed as she came and many of the women in the audience were so wet they felt orgasm after orgasm.

Ann’s panties were now soaked as if she had peed. The MC then turned on the light and said Vana would like to share her lover with any of you woman in the audience. Ann looked at Peter almost pleading who nodded his head, and said, “I’ll be proud to see you.”

Ann whispered, “Thank you.”

She finished her drink and then moved swiftly to the stage. The MC asked, “What is your name, little lady?” Ann told him, and the MC said, “Everyone, meet Ann…” The crowd clapped. The MC said, “I see you want a new lover?” Ann nodded. The MC said, “Don’t be shy. Do you know Marco has a brother?” Ann shook her head no. “Yes, his name is Victor. Would you like to meet him?” and Ann nodded yes.

The two large tigers were brought onto the stage by a woman scantily clad holding them on a leash. The MC said, “Here they are. Aren’t they handsome?”

Ann replied, “Yes.”

The MC said, “Would you like to be their mate?”


The MC said, “Now a hand for the lady…” The audience clapped, and the lights were lowered the music began a soft rhythm and the crowd hushed. The MC said, “Show the audience how much you want them.”

Ann unbuttoned her dress the MC helped her remove her bra. She kicked off her shoes and removed her panties. Now completely naked the two approached her she lay down and heard the audience whisper in hushed tones as the big cats moved closer. As she lay there, she could feel Marco’s tongue on her breast as he gently lifted one then the other moving with ease knowing her pleasure points she felt her nipples harden. As he licked one then the other faster and faster, she slowly spread her legs allowing Victor full access to her vagina. He began licking it and finding her clit rubbed it gently back and forth. She was beginning to lose awareness of the crowd as she was lost in passion wanting these huge males to dominate her and satisfy their every need as a submissive female. She could feel Victor’s penis begin its penetration as it moved the lips of her vagina and rubbed her clit moving slowly in and out. Ann moved her hips to match him slowly in and out.

Marco now straddled her head as she began stroking his sheath soon his large penis emerged and she began licking the long shaft and sucking the tip. Ann was feeling the passion as she had never felt these big cats now owned her. She felt Victor move faster, faster over her clit, and deeper in her vagina. The audience began clapping as Ann could feel all three of them about to orgasm. She and Victor orgasmed together and her vagina filled with a river of cum, his and hers. She continued sucking as Marco came in her mouth, on her breasts and her hair was covered with cum as she hungrily licked it off her fingers not losing a drop. There wasn’t a dry vagina in the club as the women moaned and clapped.

“More…More…More…” the audience cheered.

Ann knew she was now a cat woman. On their way home as they walked to the hotel holding hands, Ann whispered to Peter, “What do you think of your cat lady now?”

Peter kissed her on the lips and whispered, “I couldn’t be more proud.”

Ann smiled whispering, “I’ll have to grow a tail.”

The End.



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