Married to the Pack

By teejayh.

After being your pet for a long time, one morning, as you eat breakfast while I am all fours sucking your cock as per my routine, you make an announcement.

“I think it is time we made things official.”

I know better than to stop sucking, but a flutter hits my stomach as I wait for the next bit. Your cock gets harder as you formulate your thoughts.

“As much as I like sex before marriage, I think it is time for us to formalize the arrangement we have. Once you have made me cum, you will tell me whether you accept my proposal.”

I carry on sucking your cock, and as usual, just before you orgasm, my head is pushed down and held as you pump your hot semen into my throat. You hold it there saying, “Think very carefully before you answer as what you say next will change the rest of your life.”

I hear what I want to hear, I am so excited as I am allowed to pull my head free, a long string of come lands on my chin and my name tag tinkles as I raise my head.

“Yes, oh yes, of course, I accept,” I say.

“Are you happy?” he asks.

“Yes, very,” I reply

“Let’s not hang around then, I take it you would like all this to happen sooner rather than later?”

“Yes, please.”

“Good, then I have a lot to sort out, you have my permission to take my credit card and get a wedding dress. I want you to look stunning. I will sort everything else, as I want to surprise you. I will arrange for the venue, sort out getting your hair and makeup is done on the day. You will not regret this. It might seem quick but you have two weeks to get prepared for the ceremony.”


I so loved being out shopping, something I haven’t been able to do before as I spent most of my time being naked and fucked by you or your Great Dane ‘Majesty.’ With you working, I have to spend most of my day servicing ‘Majesty,’ who is one horny dog who loves to take me maybe two or three times a day filling my pussy with his sperm. I sometimes wonder where it all comes from, as he seems to flood me each time he knots and shoots deep inside me. Many times when you come home, I am sleeping in his dog bed with a protective paw around me.

I was sad to leave ‘Majesty’ on his own as I went shopping for my dress. After an hour in the wedding dress shop, I fell in love with a beautiful dress, white satin, low cut to show off my breasts, a small train with a hook to pin it up so that didn’t drag on the floor, lace petticoats underneath filling it out but without looking to Cinderella going to the ball. I returned home floating on air as I held the box with my dress tightly under my arm. I go to the back of the house and into the garage where I take off the clothes I have been allowed to wear for the day and put my collar back on. Then naked, still carrying my wedding dress, I go into the back door going on to all fours as per your instructions. I am not allowed to stand in the house even to do the chores.

As soon as I get through the door, Majesty is upon me frustrated, as he has missed at least two fucking sessions in my absence. The dress box is knocked across the floor as he pins me down and starts to thrust his muscular body on top of me. His huge cock soon finds its target and I whimper as he is urgent in his fucking, this only serves to spur him on even more and he even makes a small growl to reinforce his dominance over me.

Once he has his cock fully in me, I can raise my head and see you sitting there enjoying the spectacle before you. Your cock is swelling with the erotic sight of your bitch bred by your dog. You pick up the box, put in on the table, and continue to watch as Majesty fucks me hard and deep. I gasp as his knot grows inside me, stretching my insides so painfully. I know what is going to happen next as Majesty twitches and spasm after spasm of his semen shoots inside and keeps on for what seems forever.

Majesty’s drool drips down my neck as he licks the side of my face. It takes ages for his knot to grow small enough for him to pull out, and before it does, you give me a wine glass and tell me to put it under my pussy to catch all the come and my juices. I look up questionably, but you just smile and say, “Just do it.”

Majesty pulls out, and the glass takes his place by my pussy. As I sit up slightly my pussy makes a fanny fart, and a gush of dog semen floods out and starts to fill the glass.

“Keep it there, I want it as full as possible,” you tell me.

After ten minutes, the glass is 3/4 full, and you give permission for me to remove it from my pussy.

“A toast,” you say as you raise a glass of cold white wine up.

I know what is required and hesitate as I have only licked Majesty’s cock after he has fucked me only getting a small taste of his semen, now I am about to drink it.

“To the wedding, the bride and the groom…”

Wow, I thought, how sweet and touching as I raise the glass to my lips. The bitter taste of dog semen only lasts a few seconds as I drink it all down.

“To the wedding, Bride, and groom,” I say.

You smile a knowing smile.


The big day soon comes. I have not seen Majesty for over a day as you have told me it was best he not to see me before the wedding so that I can get ready without any interruptions. My hair and makeup are done by one of your friends and I must say I looked beautiful once the dress was on. Your instructions followed to the letter, no bra or knickers just hold up stockings worn underneath the dress.

The venue is a secret but taken in the hairdresser’s car to what looks like a big estate. Driven round to the part adjoining the big house, I see you have set up the complete stage for a wedding. There are flowers around an arch with you standing with who I only assumed was the wedding official who was conducting the service and Majesty on his lead. Nearby I can hear dogs barking from what I can assume a large kennel. Beside the arch was a small brazier burning with a rod inside. The hairdresser smiles, passes me a posy, links her arm with mine, and leads me to the archway.

I look at you and smile. You smile back. Majesty strains at his lead and wags his tail, pleased to see me after over a day of absence. We stand together in front of the official. The hairdresser releases my arm and stands to one side.

“We are gathered here today to witness the marriage and bonding of two like-minded souls and bodies. Does anyone here present have any objections to this union?”

No one replies, I smile.

The official resumes, “Then, I shall begin?” He turns to me and says, “Will you repeat after me, I give myself fully to this union, and accept all that it entails by giving my total submission and body.”

I repeat the words and smile.

“Do you accept your body is no longer owned by you and will be owned by another and of those who he deems fit to share it?” the official asks.

I reply, “I do.”

“Who gives the hand of this bitch for marriage?”

Now I didn’t expect this.

“I do,” you reply.

I look into your eyes, and you smile.

“Do you have the symbol of marriage?” the official asks you

“I do,” you reply, and you produce a lockable leather collar with a new golden nametag and a small bell attached.

You then proceed to attach and lock it to my neck, I cannot see what is on the tag, but the sound of the bell seems to excite Majesty in a way I have never seen before as his cock comes out and gets hard in front of my eyes. The sound of the bell seems to make the dogs in kennel nearby bark even more loudly.

The official then said, “This collar signifies your ownership and your willingness to submit to others and seals your commitment to your betrothed. Repeat after me, I accept this collar as a sign of my love and submission.”

I repeat the words.

“There is only one more thing left to do before we finalize this marriage, and that is the seal of ownership.” He looks at me. “Please kneel and get on all fours for this part of the service.”

As I get down on all fours, my bell tinkles again, and Majesty almost breaks free in his urge to get to me. My train is then lifted and attached allowing full access to my backside. Majesty is brought to the front of me his head touching mine blocking my view from what is about to happen. I hear something metal removed from the direction of the brazier. I am kept busy with Majesty licking my face but it doesn’t prepare me for the pain I receive on my backside as the red hot branding iron places a letter ‘M’ on my soft skin. I scream making Majesty growl. I lower my head instantly in case he bites me because I have frightened him.

The next words seem to come from miles away as the pain sears through my body. “I now pronounce you dog and bitch, you may fuck the bride.”

Majesty is released and immediately mounts me pushing against my sore backside making me scream in pain, this and the constant tinkling of the bell only seems to urge him on more. His cock insistent and soon finds its target as he shuffles along my slippery satin dress with his muscular body and large legs pinning me down. Once the shock of all that has happened wears off, I realize my husband is fucking me and had legally agreed to it!

When I look up, I see you and the official waning into a wine glass, the hairdresser is watching with open-eyed fascination. I go through the humiliation of sex with Majesty in front of strangers and they seem to love the sight in front of them. Once Majesty has finished shot his semen into me and pulled out I am handed the wine glass of semen floating on what I later found out was the hairdresser’s piss.

“Congratulations, bitch, on your marriage to my dog, Majesty,” you say to me. “Now, drink to celebrate your marriage and consummation.”

I lift the glass in drink, my throat dry, so it accepted willingly.

“I have just one more surprise for you, bitch, and that is the honeymoon. You will be spending it here on this estate for a whole week with Majesty and his friends. The bell on your collar has been used to train Majesty and the working dogs of this estate to want to fuck whoever is wearing it, so there will be no hiding from the constant fucking you are about to receive. You are my property now by virtue that you are Majesty’s bitch so your place in my household is the lowest of low so don’t forget that. You have ten minutes to run before the dogs are released, we shall be watching from the comfort of the house on the many CCTV cameras about the estate, have fun.”

You turn and leave with the others and Majesty leaving me laving on the floor on my own.

Gathering my senses, I kick off my high-heeled shoes and run toward the woods the bell ringing so loud. It is not long before I hear the dogs barking as they’re released from the kennels. It is not long before I am surrounded by a pack of dogs. I am desperately trying to stop the bell from ringing but I am scared and it rings even more. I am pushed to the ground by an Alsatian and he tugs and tears at my dress to gain access to me.

I then suffer hours of being fucked repeatedly by this insatiable pack. As the sun starts to go down, I hear a growl and the dogs back off as Majesty approaches. They seem to know this is his bitch, he rips the remainder of my wedding dress from me, and the other dogs play tug of war and rip it apart. Majesty then straddles me and fucks my cunt that is full of jizz from the pack of dogs. His big cock slips in easy as it’s well stretched and fucks me hard and fast. As his knot grows and fills me, he lets out a howl as he orgasms, causing all the other dogs watching to do the same letting all that who can hear, I am his bitch.

The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot has remained the same. Just remember, even with the limited editing we do, it doesn’t always mean the flaws in a story are always fixed.

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