Gone to the Dogs: Part 2

By Randy Howard.

Read Gone to the Dogs: Part 1 Here



The burning cock throbbed in Donna’s throat as it spilled the last of Jasper’s spendings. Donna groaned beneath his weight, Jasper’s hands sliding against her hips and the swell of her ass as the boy rooted his nose through his sister’s cunt stink, lapping up as much of Maybelle’s spendings as he could reach.

“Ohhhhh, shit!”

Maybelle’s belly hollowed against her brother’s servicing, but his tongue was slowed now as he died the brief sexual death. He collapsed on Donna, his face between her cunt and his sister’s breathing in the two combined essences of womanhood.

“Shit!” He turned his face sideways to breathe. “Oh, Christ! Hot fuckin’ shit!” “Ohhhhhhh!”
Donna moaned against Jasper’s throbbing cock shaft, which showed no signs of softening, and pushed up against him. The boy grunted, at last, rolled away to fall on his back. Aware of her own uncomfortable position, Maybelle shifted her ass off Donna’s thighs. The two youngsters breathed heavily, staring at the sky, while Donna rubbed her aching pelvis, slid her hand across the mound of her cunt.

“Shit!” Jasper saw the motion of her arm, turned to watch her play with herself. “Dizzy fuckin’ bitch, ain’t you had enough?”

“Oh, please!”

Caution was cast to the wind. Donna turned her head to see his cock, still hard, her saliva on it drying in the air. She had to have it! “Please … do it to me!”

“Do what?” he asked, surprised. “Fuck me.”

Her voice was small as she said it, but they heard clearly. Maybelle laughed, slapping her thighs, and sat up, her tits bouncing, to wrap her arms around her knees. She was staring straight at Donna’s cunt.

“Shit, Jasper! She ain’t got no pussy hair!”

“Yeah?” He hadn’t noticed the naked appearance of Donna’s crotch before. “What the fuck-what’d you do, cunt? Shave it off?”

Donna nodded, too embarrassed to answer. Jasper reached a finger to rub across the swollen mound, his eyes raised in amazement.

“Shit, Maybelle! She feels just like you used to before you grew hair. Nice and soft!”

“Fuckin’ crazy, you ask me,” said Maybelle. She looked between her legs at her own luxurious patch. “Pussy is supposed to have hair. I got just as much as Maw.”

Her eyes fell on her brother’s cock.

“Too bad you ain’t got as much cock as Pa.”

“I got enough,” Jasper said sullenly. “I make you scream loud enough when it’s in your pussy.”

“Let’s hear you make her scream,” said Maybelle.

Donna blanched, swallowing rapidly. Oh, God .. . God! She wanted it! Oh, yes, please! She wanted every inch of that beautiful hard cock in her cunt! Oh, please, God . . . make him fuck me!”

Aloud, she only gasped, drawing her knees tight together, as though rejecting the idea. Maybelle caught Donna’s foot, twisting until pain darted through her ankle, and slammed it flat.

“C’mon, Jasper! Fuck the bitch!”

“I ain’t fucked a cunt without hair since you were eleven, Maybelle. It doesn’t seem right.”

“She ain’t no goddamn eleven. She’s a woman, full-grown. Shit, I bet she’s thirty if she’s a day.”

Donna’s ears burned at that gratuitous insult. “I’m 22!” she protested.

“I don’t give a fuck if you’re 62!” said Jasper, rolling over on to Donna’s body. His chest squashed her tits flat.

“I’m gonna fuck you, cunt! Yeah, I’m gonna fuck your ol’ goddamn cunt, cunt!”

His cock was between Donna’s thighs, trapped beneath his weight. Now the boy came up against her, cockhead sliding over her sweaty flesh to bang into the fleshy swell of her mound. Donna gasped and bit down on her lip as he raised his ass, reached down to maneuver the cockhead into a proper striking position.

“Yeah! Open it. Jasper’s comin’ in!”

He stabbed, and Donna gasped again. “Ohhh-Ohh! Oh, Please! Don’t!”

“Do, bitch!” He grunted as he made the first thrust, his chin forcing her head back as it dug into the hollow of her throat. “Fuck!”

Donna’s knees drew up beside Jasper’s thighs as he pushed again, forcing his way into the passage. His hands were trapping her upper arms, but now she managed to get her hands onto his back. Jasper worked his cock again, halfway in now, and Donna drew in a sharp breath, her eyes glazing as the sexual flesh worked through the yielding soft cuntal walls.

“Ohhhhh! Oh! OH!”

This was nothing like taking a vibrator. This was hot, living flesh! The sensation was like those she had dreamed of for ten years as Jasper rotated his ass, drilling his way deeper and deeper into the depths of her body, striking the hot oil of Donna’s sexual passion.


“Please … what? Bitch.”

“Please… do it! DO it!”

“Do what, damn your scrawny asshole? Do . . . what?” “Ohhhhh, God! God . . . YES! FUCK . . . ME!”

“Yeahhhhh! She loves it, Maybelle!”

“YES! YES! FUCK ME! FUCK . . . ME . . . ME. . . ME!”

“Cunt! Cunt-whore! Cunt-bitch! Take … it! Take Jasper’s. . . cock! Yeahhhhh!”

He cried in triumph as he slammed his prick deep into Donna’s body until his pubic patch scratched against the soft vulval mound. He was in all the way, and there was still room to go! The boy grunted as he wiggled his ass against her.

“Shit, Maybelle! Shit!”

“What’s the matter?”

“Dizzy cunt ain’t got no goddamn bottom to it! Shit, she’s bigger’n Maw.”

“She tight, Jasper?”

Donna tightened down against the boy’s intruding cock as the girl asked the question, wrapping her muscle tissue against it until it was completely enveloped, gloved in soft burning moist cuntal walls. She worked her belly, her cunt, sliding the tissue back against him, trying to suck him in deeper.



Donna moaned in pleasure as Jasper’s burst of surprise made him jerk his cock up against the top of her passage. His burning muscle throbbed with the pressure she brought the blood trapped completely as she locked her outer ring about the base, forcing the life fluid into the muscular interstices, into the swelling cockhead.


“Ohhhhhh, do it! DO . . . it! Fuck me.”

“Yeah! Yeahhhhh.”


Jasper thrust again, although he was already buried to the hilt, trying to force his cock up through Donna’s belly, into the cavity of her organs. The girl’s tits would have jumped, but they were squashed flat by the weight of the boy’s chest against her. Donna’s arms moved around Jasper’s back, pushing through his greasy dangling hair and rubbing down, trying to reach his asscheeks as his cock jumped again with her.

“Fuck me!” she cried. “FUCK ME! PLEASE!” “YEAH! Yeahhhhh! Oh, take it, baby! Take it!”

“Oh, God! GOD! HARD! HARD!”

“Hard! Oh, baby! Baby! Oh, Shit!”

“Oh, please! Please!”

“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!”

“Fuck me! Me! Me!”

“Cunt! Hot. . . cunt! Hot. . . Cunt!”

“Cock! Hard cock! Big cock! Hot cock!”

“Oh oh oh oh ohohoh ohhhhhhh!”

“Fuck .. . meeeeee!”


Jasper still had not tried to draw back, Donna’s claws digging into his shoulder blades, moving down to claw and rake at the swell of his lean ass cheeks. The boy worked his face over the young woman, his lips slobbering as he reached up to capture her lips with his own. His tongue stabbed deep, pushing past the barrier of her teeth, forcing them open, and then past her resisting tongue.

“Suck my tongue, bitch! Suck it!”

Donna heard the command from a distance as the boy’s cock worked sideways, Jasper’s groin sliding from side to side over her entrance. She didn’t want his tongue. She wanted his goddamn cock! She wanted to feel him all the way inside, so far in it would swell and burst open from the pressure of her muscles against the base. That would be heaven! Break it off in me, God, so I can keep it forever!

The tongue stabbed again, demanding, commanding obedience. The cock was still and would do no more until she obeyed his first need. Unwillingly at first, Donna began to suck the boy’s tongue, which slid roughly over her soft palate, punishing her teeth as he shaped it into a rounded, fucking instrument that seemed almost as hard as his cock trapped between her other lips. “Gahhhhhhh!”

Jasper fought for breath, the root of his tongue aching as Donna brought unbearable pressure against him. Her teeth clamped down, and pain stabbed through the boy’s organ, exploding in sparks behind his eyes as he fought to free himself. He swallowed when his tongue came out, his adam’s apple bobbing violently, and raised himself over her on stiff arms.

“You fuckin’ bitch!”

Suddenly his hand slammed across Donna’s face, cracking her cheek so hard she felt pain stab through several teeth. Her jaw ached when the hand dropped again, and she began to cry.

“Oh, God! Please, don’t, please!”

“Why’d you fuckin’ bite?”

“I’m sorry. I couldn’t help it! I couldn’t!”

“Well, bite on this!”

His cock had ridden out until almost half of it was free. Now Jasper slammed back into her again, with all of his strength, until his pelvis slammed against her own saddle. Donna felt the shock of the blow as the boy threw himself down against her, his hands digging cruelly into the flesh of her arms, his forehead banging her nose. It was her turn to see stars.

“Owwwwww! Oh, God! Don’t!” she cried. “Bitch!”

“Please . . . please!” she sobbed now, her tears flowing freely. “You hurt me.”

“I’ll fuckin’ kill ya!”

“No . . . no, please! Fuck me . . . yes! Fuck me! You can fuck me all you want!”

“Shit, I’ll do anything I fuckin’ want!”

He grabbed her tit with both hands, arching his back until he could bring his mouth down to the nipple and ground it between his teeth, working them violently sideways until Donna screamed again.


Her head rolled from side to side as she moaned, her hands flat on the ground. Her nails dug into her palms. A haze of pain was over her eyes now, and through it, she barely felt the boy’s cock begin to slide back from her pussy.

“Please!” she moaned. “Please!”

Jasper stared at the rolling teeth marks that cut across Donna’s areola, stabbed a fingertip at the bruised nipple. She gasped again at the contact, head still rolling.

“You hurt me!”

“Next time, I’ll bite the goddamn thing off!”

“Shit, Jasper!” Maybelle was unable to restrain her laughter, rocking back and forth with her head against her drawn-up knees. “Go ahead, do it. Let’s see how big a hole you can make in her tittie when you rip the nipple out by the roots!”

By the look of anger in the boy’s eyes, Donna thought he was going to do it. But Jasper subsided, his thumbs digging hard into her armpits until she gasped at the new source of pain. Then his cock began to move within her cunt again, and she sighed with pleasure as the sensation renewed.

“Oh, yes! Yes!” she implored.

“Bitch!” he yelled.

“Oh, yes! Fuck me! Please, fuck me.”


“Yes! Yes, whore! I’m a whore! Please! Fuck me.”


“Oh, God! Yes! Yesssss! My cunt . . . your cock!”

“Fuckin’ cunt-whore bitch.”

“Yes! My cunt! Fuck my cunt! Fuck my cunt with your cock! Your cock.”

“Fuck! Shit!”

“Fuck! Cock! Cock! Beautiful cock.”

“Take it, cunt! Take … it.”

“Yes! Yes! Yesssssss.”

“Oh, Christ! Oh, fuckin’ christ!” “Do … it… to … me! Ohhhhhhhh.”

“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!”

“Fuh. . . uhhhhh . . . uhhhhhk! Fuuhhhhhhhhh-hhk!”


“Fuhhhhhhhk … me! Fuck . . . meeeeeee!”

Jasper thrust his cock deep into Donna’s burning, begging pussy, throwing himself down until the force of his blow rocked her back, threw her ass across the slippery grass. She raised her legs around her, thrusting her hips against his pounding, falling cock flesh, trying to drag the boy all the way inside.

Hot cock! she thought. Beautiful cock! But it wasn’t big enough! It wasn’t big enough! “Ohhhhhh, God! God, fuck me! Fuck me!” she implored.

“Fuckin’ bitch! Fuckin’ cunt! Fuckin’ whore.”

“Fuck! Fuck . . . fuck . . . fuck.”

“Fuckin’ you, whore! Fuckin’ you.”

“Ohhhh, please! Harder! Harder.”

“Hard! Hard! Hard!”

Jasper grunted as he slammed against her with all of his force, his hair tumbling wildly over his eyes. Donna raked his back with her hands, felt the pressure of his ribs against her tits. The pain where he had bit her was only a numbing ache now, forgotten in the burning sensations coursing through her insatiable body. His cock was swollen as large as his heated blood could make it. It was scraping painfully through the death-grip of her aching muscles.

“OH! OH! OH! FUCK … FUCK … FUCK!” she moaned.

“FUCK!” cried the boy. “FUCKIN’! FUCK-INGGGG!”

Donna was exploded against him, coming again and again in machine gun blasts, her juices beaten to a froth as the boy pushed deep, as deep as he could go. Yet there was still more of an opening that begged, demanded to be filled. She reached down, stretching her arms painfully, until she could dig her claws into his ass cheeks, drawing him deeper, trying to bury his whole goddamn wonderful fucking body inside her cunt!

“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck . . . meeeee!”

“Yeah! Yeahhhhh! Shit, Yeahhhhh!”

“Oh, shit! Oh, God! Oh, Please, God!”

“Yeah! Yeah, God! Fuck her, God!”

“Fuck! Fuck . . . meeeee!”

Jasper pounded against her, thrust his cock deep within Donna’s body, his balls aching as they slammed between her thighs, against her ass. His first quick spending was done with, spilled into her mouth and her belly. Now his semen fermented there, intoxicating Donna as it worked through the boy’s body and into her bloodstream. His boy-essence reached her brain, maddening her with the sexual fever, the need to be fucked.

“Oohhhhhhh, Jesus! Jesus! Jaaaaaas. . . per!” she cried.

“Christ! Jesus Christ! Christly Jesus! Ohhhhh-hh!”

“Jasper! Jasper! Jasper!”

“Yeah! Yeah, I heard you, bitch! I hear you, cunt!”

“Fuck me, Jasper! Fuck . . . me.”

“Yeah! Shit, yeah! Take … it! Take … my cock!”

“Whore! Dizzy whore! Crazy whore.”

“Hot! Hot . . . whore! I need … it.”

“Bastard! Fuck me! Fuck . . . me . . . bastard.”

“Ohhhhhh, mama! Mama.”

” Jaaaaas-Perrrrrrr!”

Donna was beyond seeing, beyond hearing.. . beyond any sensation but that of the wonderful throbbing cock that pounded into her cunt. She milked the shaft of the boy’s manhood with all of her strength, trying to draw out his life force, trying to force him into an ejaculation that would madden him as much as she was maddened by her constant eruptions, her boiling spendings. Her juice flowed out as the boy’s cock withdrew, to trickle and then poured down her ass, between her buttocks, through the flexing asshole and inside.

“Ohhhh, fuck! Fuck … me! Fuck . . . me!” she asked.

“Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!”

“Give it… to . . .me! Give it… to me!”

“Take it! Take it! Take my cock!”

“Yes! Yessss! Fuck me, Jasper!”

The two young people were oblivious to the world as Jasper continued his wild pounding ride into Donna’s yielding, welcoming body. He filled her as completely as he could, his balls aching, boiling, boiling. . . boiling over! His cock was burning, sore, when his load shot up the tube of the cannon, blasted deep into the target of her body, painting the entrance to her womb.

“Oh, shit! Shit! Shit!”

“Oh, God! Don’t. . . don’t stop! Nooooo!”

“Comin’! Comin’! Comin’!”

He emptied his balls, his guts, deep into her body, his thrusting slowing, stopping completely as his throbbing cock continued to spill the last bursts. Jasper’s heart pounded heavily as he fell over her, lay against her, his ears ringing with distant sounds, impossible sounds.

“Donna? Don-naaaaa! Where are you?” cried Susan.



“What the fuck?” Jasper said.

Jasper stiffened, thrusting his cock deep into Donna’s cunt again in the movement, staring at the hedge. The call came again, Donna sucking in a breath.

“Donna! Don-naaaaa!”

“Who the fuck is that?” said Maybelle. Jasper stared at the woman beneath him.

“Well, bitch? You better speak fast, or I’ll knock your fuckin’ teeth down your throat!”

“Please!” Donna shook her head. “It’s my sister. Susan is only sixteen! Please, don’t do anything to her! I did what you wanted!”

“You lyin’ bitch! You said you were alone! Maybelle, c’mere, and sit on her fuckin’ face! If she makes one goddamn noise, smother her!”

Jasper spoke quietly as Susan came closer, although she was still well down the lane. Now the boy pulled out of Donna’s cunt, his cock plopping wetly against her leg and leaving a trail of slick as he came to his feet. He stood over the woman a moment longer while his sister came, sat down on

Donna’s face, almost in the same position as when the prisoner was forced to suck her pussy. This time, however, the weight of her ass was higher, over her eyes-but ready to slip down over her nose and mouth at an instant’s warning.

“Donna! Darn you,” Susan said.

Susan was close enough to see the panties caught high in the hedge. The three on the other side of the natural wall heard her gasp in-breath, recognizing the fabric as her sister’s property. Jasper and Maybelle saw a flash of green as the youngster ran past the place where Donna had spied to grab the panties from the thorn holding them.


Finger to his lip, Jasper moved down the row of the hedge and slipped through the trees. He moved back when Susan turned his way, the girl failing to notice his hard cock sticking out of the brush. Nearly frantic, Susan moved on down the road. Jasper came out behind her, running silently on his bare feet.

“Donna! Where-oh!” cried Susan.

Susan gasped, as Jasper’s hand caught her shoulder, spinning her around. The child fell back for a moment of confusion and then realized Jasper was naked, his cock standing hard. She gasped in horror.

“No! Get away, get away from me! Help! Somebody help me!” she cried. Jasper laughed meanly.

“Nobody’s gonna help you, you little bitch, least of all your goddamn cunt of a sister! Now shut up that yawlin’!”

“No! No, I won’t! Help! HELP!”

Susan battered at him. She was a pretty young girl, her breasts just barely swelling her blouse, her hips almost as slender as a boy’s in her jeans. She kicked out against Jasper, caught his shin. He yelped, bending to grab his wounded leg, and the girl turned and ran.

Jasper caught her before she had gone a dozen paces, wrapping his arms around her and picking her up into the air. Susan felt his hard cock sliding over her ass to poke between her legs. He locked his wrists against her belly, cutting in sharply when her arms continued to flail against him.

“Stop it! You little cunt!” he demanded.

“Put me down! Put me down!” she cried.

“I’ll put you in the fuckin’ ground, damn your ass! Goddamn, stop it!”

Suddenly he let her drop, Susan, staggering and nearly falling to her knees. He caught her arm, twisting it behind her back. Pain stabbed sharply, and the girl couldn’t help crying out.


“Scream, damn you! You’ll have plenty to scream about when my cock gets in your asshole.”

“No! NO!”

Susan blanched in horror, but Jasper was forcing her to march along the hedge until they reached the end, and then the boy pushed her through the trees and out into the clearing.

She saw Donna trapped beneath a naked girl. Donna was naked herself! “Oh!Ow!” Susan cried. Dear God, what was happening to them? “Stop it, darn you, stop that!” Susan yelled.

She twisted against Jasper, and he tripped her. Before she realized what was happening, the boy tugged her blouse out of her jeans and ripped it up the back. Beneath it, she wore a bra; he pulled it apart and forced it over her shoulders, stripping the blouse down with it as he spun her around.

“Stop! Stop it!”

Maybelle laughed as the young girl tried to protect her exposed breasts.

“Shit, Jasper, what the fuck you botherin’ strippin’ her for? Her titties ain’t big enough to fill a whiskey glass!” Maybelle said.

Maybelle exaggerated; Susan’s breasts were small but well-formed and large enough to fit completely into Jasper’s hands when he cupped them, pulling the girl against his nakedness. She gasped at the contact, the boy rubbing his palms over her nipples. Susan’s ears burned as she erected to the stimulation. Then Jasper reached down to open her belt and her jeans, forcing them down her legs.

“Donna! Stop him!”

“Oh, Susan!” God, what was she going to do? “Don’t. . . don’t fight him, Susan! It’ll be worse if you do!”

“Gettin’ smart, cunt,” said Jasper, laughing again as he threw the girl to the ground, then tugged her canvas shoes off her feet. He threw the shoes with all of his strength, both of them landing in the middle of the swimming hole. One floated a moment.

“Donna!” cried Susan. “Don’t let him do this!”

“She can’t stop me, little cunt,” said Jasper. To prove his words, he stabbed his finger into Susan’s cunt and met the barrier of her maidenhead.

“Shit! She’s cherry!”

“So what?” said Maybelle.

“She won’t be in just about one minute.”

“I hate takin’ cherries. It hurts my cock. Goddamn!”

Disgusted, Jasper finished stripping the young girl, exposing the soft brown curls that only lightly covered her mound. Susan wrapped her legs together in hopes of covering her nakedness, but the boy’s foot slammed against her tits, knocking the breath from her lungs. She fell back, exposed completely, and he brought his foot between her legs, pushing his big toe into her opening.

“Shit, she’s ready for it,” he said. “She’s juicin’.”

“No!” cried the girl. “No! Donna!”

“Please!” begged Donna. “Leave her alone! I’ll… I’ll do anything you say!”

“You’ll do what you’re fuckin’ told to do whether I fuck your cunty sister or not,” said Jasper, sourly. “Shit! A fuckin’ cherry!”

“Let Fuckhead take her first,” said Maybelle, evilly. “Let him pop her.”

“Yeah.” Jasper grinned. “Now why didn’t I think of that? Fuckhead! C’mere, boy!”

Susan and Donna both stared in horror as the hound got to his feet. Fuckhead had been a silent observer of the battles Jasper had waged against the two women, but now Donna clearly saw his cock protruding from the sheath, ready again for action.

“Hot pussy, boy!” said Jasper. “Come get it!”

His foot stayed in Susan’s tits, pinning the girl to the ground as the dog came over, nosed around her. Susan yelped when the animal tongue slurped wetly against her mound.

“Oh, God! No!”

“Shit,” said Jasper crossly. “Shut your belly, achin’ brat! Fuckhead fucks good, ask Maybelle.”

“He sure does,” said the blowsy teenager, rubbing her cunt suggestively. She grinned, exposing yellowed teeth as Susan shook her head. “He ain’t got the biggest pecker in the world, but he knows how to use what he does have, honey. You’ll love it!”

“Oh, please . . . please!” begged the child. “I’ll do anything-anything, you say! Please, don’t do this!”

“Anything I say?” said Jasper slyly.

“Yes! Anything!”

“Okay. I want you to let my dog fuck you! Now that’s what I say, an’ that’s what you’re gonna do!”

He twisted his foot, grinding it into her chest, and Susan cried out at the renewed pain. Then Jasper reached down to grab her feet, pulling her legs straight into the air. Fuckhead moved around until his tongue slurped down the youngster’s slender asscheeks, pushed across her pouting cunt. He tried to mount her, but his paws slipped down from the vertical legs.

“Shit,” said Maybelle. “Open her up, Jasper.”

“Yeah. C’mon, Fuckhead. I’ll help you.”

Now he pushed down until Susan’s legs bent, doubled back until her knees hit her tits and her ass rose off the ground. Jasper used her feet as levers to open her legs, exposing her completely.

“C’mon, Fuckhead! Mount her, boy!”

The hound rose against Susan again, his paws sliding over the backs of her thighs as he arched his back, bringing his prick against her opening. At first stab, the dog cock slid right across the cunt slit, slick with its pre-lubrication, against her belly.

“Ohhhhhh!” Susan gasped at the slimy contact and tried to withdraw. But she couldn’t escape Jasper’s hands. She looked straight up as the boy moved around her, his feet on either side of the child’s head, his cock bobbing out over her tits.

“C’mon, Fuckhead! You can do it!”

Encouraged by his master’s voice, the dog tried again, wiggling his ass around and working against the girl-child. His hairy skin was loose and hot against Susan as he stabbed once more, and this time he entered her.


“Yeahhhhh! Yeah yeah yeah! Do it, Fuckhead!”

Once more, the dog thrust, his cock sliding only far enough to meet the barrier. Susan was crying freely as Jasper leaned his weight against her, pushing down and spreading her as far open as he could. The pain in her joints hurt terribly, but the worst hurt was in the humiliation of being opened to the dog.

“C’mon, Fuckhead! Goddamn it, dog! Fuck the cunt!”

Fuckhead was trying, manfully-or dog fully-in this particular instance. He thrust again, his hairy belly sliding between Susan’s thighs and rubbing raw against her own exposed groin area. Again, stabbing, his tail bobbing as he tried to work past her barrier. The dog’s tongue lolled, wet against the skin as he tried once more.

Finally, he broke through. “YAHHHHHHH! DONNA! DONNA!”

Susan screamed at the sudden stab of pain, Jasper and Maybelle grinning in triumph as Fuckhead bottomed out. The dog settled himself to the position, moving his hind paws just a trifle for better balance. Then he began to pump wildly, throwing himself against the girl.

“Oh, yeah! Do it, Fuckhead!” crowed Jasper. “Fuck the bitch, dog!” cried Maybelle. “Fuck her!”

“Oh, please!” begged Donna. “Please!”

“Ow! Ow, ow, ow, ow, owwwww! OW! IT HURTS! IT HURTS!” Susan cried.

“Shit!” said Jasper. “You don’t know what hurt is, you stupid little bitch. Wait till I get my big pecker inside you! You’ll have somethin’ to holler about!”

“Hey, Jasper!” said Maybelle, excited. “Let’s take the little cunt home to Pa and let him ram his goddamn shovel handle up inside her. Shit, he’ll split her open from twat to tit!”

“Maybe we will,” said the boy, grimly. “As soon as I get finished fuckin’ her myself. Shit, let Pa smell this young pussy, an’ that’s the last my pecker’ll see of it this week.”

“Oh, God!” cried the child. “Oh, oh oh oh, ohhhhhh!”

“Hold on, Susan!” cried Donna. “It’ll be over in just a minute!” “Ohhhhhh OH! OH! Ahhhhhh!”

The pain was gone from the sudden sigh, Susan relaxing as Fuckhead worked his prick completely within her cunt. The hurt was still there, but with it was something more, a gentle aching as her body responded to the invader. Now the pain was evaporating. She could hardly recall the first terrible stab as the dog broke through her body’s defenses and tore into her inner passage.

“Ahhhhh, ah, ah, AHHHHHH!”

“She likes it!” crowed Jasper. “Goddamn, Maybelle-the little bitch loves it!”

“Sure she does,” said Maybelle, moving closer and abandoning Donna to stand beside Susan, seeing the sigh of sexual pleasure transform her features into a relaxed repose. Now the child was trying to push back against the entering dog prick, her asshole opening and closing in reflex as he stabbed into her gut, blowing out hot air each time the animal cock withdrew.

“Ohhhhhh! Donna .. . ohhhh!”

“Oh, baby!” cried Donna, coming to her knees. “Susan . . . it’ll be all right, baby!”

“Yessss … yes! Oh, it’s . . . good! Good!”

“Yeah!” cried Jasper. “Fuck her, Fuckhead! Fuck her!”

“Oh, yes!” begged the girl, clawing at the ground and trying to pull herself down closer to the marvelous, throbbing impaling prick. “Oh, yes! Fuck me!”


The child heard her sister’s cry of horror. Susan rolling her head back and forth. Jasper’s cock was poking down toward her, the boy’s legs spread wide for balance as he pulled her feet apart to make the fucking easier for the hound. Suddenly she reached up, captured his throbbing hot cock in her hand, squeezing with all her strength.

“Jesus!” Jasper nearly released Susan in the stab of sexual pain. “Christ, take it easy! You want it. You’ll get it just as soon as Fuckhead finishes!”

“Ohhhhhh, yes.” Susan sighed again, her head rolling, her eyes closed. She still held the cock, her other hand falling against the dog’s head, stroking

Fuckhead while he continued to drive into her. “Oh, yes! I want it! I want it all!”

Oh, God! Donna sank back in horror, her ass against her heels, watching as her sister awoke to the sexual yearnings of her body. The child was pushing with all of her strength now, ass rising each time Fuckhead thrust in, to fall back again when he withdrew. Several times the dog’s cock fell out of the opening, but he always managed to slam it in again without losing a stroke.

“Oh, GOD! FUCK … ME!”

Suddenly Fuckhead erupted, spilled his second spending, and dropped away from the girl. Susan’s ass still pushed at the air, outraged at losing the sliding hot animal prick. She gasped in anger.


Grinning, Jasper moved around the girl, his cock pulling from her tight grasp as he came between her legs, although Susan released him reluctantly. The boy fell to his knees, the girl’s feet against his shoulders, studying the smear of blood against Susan’s ass. There wasn’t much, hardly enough to worry about.

“You want it?” he demanded.


“Okay! You got it!”

He pushed the head of his throbbing shaft down and rubbed it through the combination of slick that was half-dog, half-child, coating her cunt. Susan gasped in anticipation, forgetting everything except the sight of that marvelous prick as Jasper’s legs straightened and he rose above her. It wasn’t the first prick she had seen or grabbed, but none of the boys in the neighborhood, or in her seventh-grade class, could begin to match him. Timmy Alford had the biggest, but he only had six inches. And all he wanted was to have girls kiss it for him when it was hard.

This before her, was a cock-a man’s instrument! Susan remembered the lectures in sex education, where they said the average man wasn’t much bigger than Timmy, although probably a good deal thicker. This cock certainly was far better than average!

“Oh, do it!” she begged. “Do it!”

Jasper glanced at Donna. “You like seein’ me fuck your sister, cunt?”

Maybelle laughed at the look of horror on Donna’s face-for. She saw where Donna’s fingers rested. The middle one was pushing into her own slit, trying to stab deep without attracting attention.

“Shit, she’s jealous, Jasper! She wants it herself!”

“No!” But the truth was yes! Yes, she did want it! The memory of it working it her was too strong to forget, her body still demanding release from this terrible sexual pressure. Yes, she wanted it, and more!

“Please, you’ll hurt her!”

“Does this hurt, cunt?”

Jasper slammed into Susan as he asked the question, his cock finishing the job of tearing the hymen. Susan gasped against the pain, which was gone almost immediately, and then she sighed as he buried six inches in her.

“Oh! No . . . no! It doesn’t hurt!”

“See? She loves it!”

“Fuck her, Jasper!” said Maybelle. “Fuck her good!”

“Yes!” begged Susan. “Yes-fuck me!”

“Comin’ down! Comin . . . down!”

He thrust again, balancing himself on stiffened arms above the girl, his tongue protruding from the corner of his mouth as he pushed his cock completely within her. Susan gasped again at renewed pain as the intruder pushed beyond the place reached by Fuckhead, the walls aching as they were shoved apart. The child’s clit was doubled back out of the way by the slamming cock shaft.

“Ohhhhhh, God! GOD! FUCK ME!” “Tight!” gasped Jasper. “TIGHT! YEAHHH- HHH!”

He thrust once, twice, a dozen strokes-and stiffened, sucking in a breath that he held as his heart stopped. Then he gasped again.


“Christ!” said Maybelle. “You comin’ already?” “YEAHHHHHH! CUM . . . IN’!”

To Be Continued…



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Just remember, even with the limited editing we do, it doesn’t always mean the flaws in a story are always fixed.

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