Horse Milking

By JasonSensation.

Millie: Finally! I moved out. I’m moving in with my older sister, and we are splitting the rent, so we have a little extra money.

Rachel: I think now’s a good time to invest in our future. Grow a garden, and have goats for milk, maybe even cheese!

Millie: Our little farm? We could even have a horse! I’ve always wanted one!

Rachel: A horse is a good idea. We could rent it out for birthday parties if we wanted!

Millie: Always money with you.

Rachel: I think it would be good to be self-sustaining.

Millie: Too bad there isn’t one animal that could provide all our nutrition. That way, we would never have to pay for food again.

Rachel: Wait, why not a horse?

Millie: You can’t milk a horse, can you?

Rachel: You might be able to.

Millie: I don’t think a horse can give us enough milk for both of us, and don’t they have to be raising their young?

Rachel: I’m not talking about a female horse.

Millie: A male horse? But how would we? Oh, OH! Hahaha! Very funny.

Rachel: More for me then.

Millie: Wait, you’re not serious, are you?

Rachel: No, well, I mean, scientifically, there should be a lot of sugars and protein. That, and a little garden, and our needs are met!

Millie: Rachel! That’s, that’s not a bad idea. But how can one-horse produce enough for both of us?

Rachel: Hmm, we could do it the boring way and google it, or we could find out for ourselves.

Millie: Find out for ourselves.


Millie: I found one, only $500! Young male, too large and expensive to feed, low price to get rid of him.

Rachel: Oh yeah, what are we going to feed him? There are plenty of weeds in the backyard. Don’t horses eat grass all day anyway?

Millie: You’re right, and we save on lawn care! If we need to, we can share from our garden. Rachel! The price goes up every 24 hours. We have to buy it now! It’s only four miles down the road. Let’s walk.


Zach: Hey! Are you here to take that horse off my hands? He has an insatiable appetite, and I’m not talking about all his eating.

Rachel: It’s ok. We’re pretty hungry ourselves! We’ll get along just fine.

Zach: Are you sure you have enough food for him?

Rachel: It’s ok. We’re going to let him eat the weeds from the backyard. We could lease him to the neighbors to cut their lawn too.

Zach: Wow, why didn’t I think of that?

Millie: Compost comes free!

Zach: Well, ok. Let me get him for you… Ok, here he is. I just fed him. It’s the least I could do.

Millie: Wow, he’s raring to go, isn’t he?

Zach: Oh, that? He’s a charged male, alright. Bred from a healthy line of bulls. He’s been acting crazy without any mares around. I hope that isn’t an issue.

Rachel: Oh, no issue. We know how to take care of that.

Zach: Well, you’d best be getting out of here. Say, do you have a trailer?

Rachel: No, we thought we would ride him bareback together.

Zach: Oh, he should be able to handle the two of you no problem.

Millie: Here’s your cash. Ok, we’re off!

Zach: Bye! Wait, take me with you!


Rachel: Oh my god, we’re here. That thing never died down, did it? I bet this baby shoots buckets!

Rachel slaps the side of the horse’s cock like a car salesman.

Millie: I know, I can’t wait! So how do we?

Rachel: Like a regular guy, I suppose. Maybe a little massage oil, light a few candles.

Millie: Omg, you’re hopeless.

Rachel: Maybe I’ll think clearer on a full stomach. Let’s get him lubed up… Yeah, just like washing a car. Don’t be afraid to apply pressure! Ooh, a drop of honey is squeezing out.

Millie: I want to try!

Rachel: Yeah? Go ahead and collect it on your tongue.

Millie: Mmm, it’s salty, but I like it!

Rachel: Really? Let me try! … Oh my god, that tastes so good! Mmm!

Millie: Hey! You’re hogging it all to yourself!

Rachel: Mmm, I’m so hungry!

Millie: Me too! I can’t wait to eat it up!

Rachel: So who is going to eat it first?

The horse could take it no longer and started shooting his load directly on Millie’s face. Rachel had to think quickly and grabbed Millie by the back of her head and pushed it onto the horse’s cock. Her mouth engulfed the head of his throbbing penis and caught the bulk of his creamy product.

Millie: Mmm, mmm, mmm. (gulp, deep inhale through the nose, gulp, gulp, gulp, sharp exhale, gulp, gulp, gulp, gulp, gulp, gulp, gulp.)

Rachel: Wow, you should see your throat.

Millie’s eyes rolled in the back of her head as she swallowed.

Rachel: Save some for me!

Millie falls back after gorging herself. The horse shoots one final time on her face again. Millie takes a moment to burp and catch her breath.

Rachel: You did it, Millie, you satisfied that horse! Look, his cock is dying down!

Millie: Good, cause I can’t have another gulp.

Rachel: Wait, I’m still hungry!

Millie: Well, I get to keep what’s on my face until I need a snack. You can ask the horse if he wants round two.

Rachel: I’ll let my mouth do the talking.

Rachel wraps her mouth around the horse’s flaccid penis and takes him down to the balls. The horse was indeed ready for round two. His cock sprang back into action and elongated down her throat, plugging it tightly. Unfurling into her stomach. Rachel squirms and tries to pull it out. She pulled back by a foot, but the horse had none of it. He slams back into her with the force he would use for a mare. She pulls him back out, and he slams it back into her again. Then he would wait for her to pull back out. He liked the sensation.

Rachel (thinking): Maybe if I get him off, he will die down, and I can remove his penis.

She pushed herself off of him again, and the horse took over this time. No longer waiting for her to pull away, he starts fucking her throat with volition.

Millie: Wow! I can see it in your stomach! It’s making a huge bulge right next to your belly button! I’ve never seen anyone’s throat that swollen either!

Rachel was now leaning into his cock, letting gravity hold her down. She frees her hands to rub her pussy and massage her breast. Then the horse dives straight into her small intestine and drops his second payload. Rachel’s digestive tract swelled in conjunction with the horse’s throbbing cock. She could feel her intestines quake as he filled her up, forcing her to pass gas. She sweats under the heat as his cock crushes her womb, giving her a womb orgasm. This tightens the muscles in her whole body, making her a vibrator for that horse. This gives him a solid finish to his orgasm. Rachel needed to breathe, but she was not done yet. His cock deflates, but only a little. It now hangs in her stomach as he begins to empty his bladder. Millie watches in amazement as Rachel’s stomach swells almost instantly. Piss shot out of her nose and leaked out of her mouth. Finally, the pressure was too much, and they were forced to separate. The horse trickles the remainder onto the grass.

Millie: Wow, you ok?

Rachel was busy coughing and trying not to vomit.

Rachel: I can’t believe it. His pee is sweet.

Millie: I heard pee is good for one free pass, so it should be quite hydrating.

Rachel: I need to vomit. (burp) Wait, no, I just needed to burp. That was… (burp) amazing. Look at us. It’s like we’re both pregnant!

Millie: I think I’m ready for round two!

Rachel: I’m so full. I think we can skip the garden!

The horse takes a drink and lights a cigarette. It was BoJack Horseman the whole time.


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Remember, even the limited editing done here doesn’t always mean the narrative/plot flaws in a story are fixed. The opinions/views expressed in this story are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech.

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