Serana Gets A New Family

By Deathlocke.

This story is based on the game Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Specifically, it’s Dawnguard DLC. But it doesn’t have the same elements as the DLC. A lot of things have changed to fit the story. Hope this doesn’t bother anyone.

It was eight in the morning. Rays of sunlight came through the windows onto Serana’s face, waking her up. She had been looking forward to this day for a long time. She turned back to the bed and saw the Dragonborn had already left.

A few weeks ago, after Lord Harkon was killed in Castle Volkihar, the Dawngaurd decided to head out to Dawnstar to build a smaller Dawnguard fortress. The idea was to build at least one fortress in each hold to deploy forces in case of any vampiric threat. And today, the entirety of the forces of Fort Dawnguard had left. Since they needed to get the work done and the fort didn’t have as many forces, they needed everyone.

But Serana wanted to stay back. She told the Dragonborn she needed some time alone, which he respected. After all, she had to watch as her father killed her mother and was forced to kill him. But that was not the reason she wanted to stay back. It was because the fort was empty now, and she could do whatever she wanted. And she had just the thing in mind.

Serana always liked staying naked. The thought of being naked in a big empty space made her horny. And since the Dawngaurd forces had left the fort for a few weeks, she had weeks to avoid wearing any clothes unless necessary.

She got out of bed and headed downstairs. Gunmar, the blacksmith and overseer of the Armored Trolls, told her she had to feed the Trolls while she was alone, to which she agreed. And now, she was on her way to check up on them.

She walked through the corridor, still getting horny from being exposed, and finally arrived at the Troll Fence. A stairway led to a platform over the fence used to check their behavior and the food left over. Serana used these stairs and saw that the food had run out. She climbed back down and walked over to where the meat was.

Now she didn’t know how to do this. She could open the gate and go in with the meat, which would risk their escape. So she thought of getting up the stairs with the meat and dropping it inside. That seemed like a good idea, right?

She picked up as much meat as possible, but it was too much for her alone. Multiple people went in with the meat when they had to feed the trolls, while two guarded the gate. Since she was alone, all this meat was hard to carry. She went up the stairs, slowly and carefully, trying not to slip. She made it to the top… almost when her foot hit the last step, and she tripped. She tripped and fell inside with the trolls. Since the food had also fallen in with her, some trolls started eating. But others had different plans.

One of the trolls walked toward her. As she tried to get up, her ass got up a bit, enough for the troll to slide his dick in. Serana was hit with a shock. What just happened!? The troll continued, sliding it in and out. Slowly at first, then speeding up gradually. Serana screamed but realized quickly that it meant nothing since nobody was around to help her. But her screams did make things worse for her…

Another troll came to her, irritated by her screams, and shoved his dick right down her throat. She tried to fight using her hands and suck away their life but remembered she was not a vampire anymore. So she tried punching, but the first one held her arms in his tight hands.

Then, minutes passed, and the troll behind her finally had an orgasm and sprayed his semen inside her ass. Her ass was overflowing with Semen. Her throat was still not done, though. And a few minutes after that, she was swallowing all the semen left in her throat by the second troll.

Serana was exhausted and wanted to get a bath and sleep right away. She gathered the energy to get up and walk to the gate. She opened and closed it swiftly, not letting any of them escape. She was on the verge of crying. Two trolls had just raped her. She ran to get a nice, hot bath. While in her bathtub, she thought about it. It didn’t feel that bad. She got pleasure from the trolls. Maybe even more than the Dragonborn?

She went to bed and cried to sleep. She woke up a few hours later, feeling hungry. She went over to the kitchen and cooked some horker meat. She still couldn’t stop thinking of her pleasure from those trolls. She knew she had to experience it again. And so she headed to the trolls again. This time, willingly. And just for some more kink, she grabbed a pair of Handcuffs from the armory, a chain, and an iron collar used to detain prisoners. She knew she was in for a long time.

She got inside the pen and put the chain in the collar. She then put the collar around her neck and locked the other end of the chain to a pole. She then placed the keys in the pile of hay nearby, so she would have a hard time finding it, and the more time it took, the more she could be fucked. Then she placed the handcuffs around her wrists and put the key away. Now she turned around and faced the wall. Her ass was facing the trolls, which grabbed their attention. One ran towards her. His dick was erect as a pillar.

Not waiting around at all, he proceeded to shove it in her. She felt the pain but endured it. Not like she could do much anyway, she was locked in place. The troll increased his speed and rammed her like a battering ram. She loved this feeling. She loved the feeling of being rammed by a beast while being locked in place. The troll finally reached an orgasm and left, but another approached. This went for the rest of the day as all the trolls took turns using her.

Serana had passed out from exhaustion by then. She woke up a while later while the others slept. She looked for the key, found it, and unlocked the collar. She decided to keep it in place but removed the chain. But she couldn’t find the handcuff keys anywhere.

“Shit. I need to get out and get these off me. Why did I think this was a good idea?”

She walked out, but an idea sparked inside of her broken mind. She enjoyed the trolls ramming her more than the Dragonborn fucking her. Might as well spend the rest of her days with them. And these trolls are animals belonging to the wild. She went to bed still cuffed and collared.

After waking up, she got some food and checked on the trolls. She gave them food and unlocked the gates for them. And led them outside using her ass as bait. They found Broken Helm Hollow’s cave once they had put a reasonable distance between them and the fort.

Outside of this cave, they encountered two bandits. The trolls, being sixteen of them, quickly killed the two bandits. And the three inside were just as quickly killed. Now that this cave was empty, they decided to use it as their home. There was food around, along with a lot of water.

And right away, the first troll to have ever raped her came forward and grabbed her. Then he put his dick inside her. She had been waiting for this. She enjoyed this a lot and was looking forward to it. After the amazing ramming, Serana fell asleep.

Months had passed. This was her life now. Just be used by trolls forever. She considered herself married to the first troll; she named him Stone due to his grey skin. She even carried his babies inside, something she didn’t think was possible. But she was happy that it was and that it had happened.

She prepared months for her babies to arrive, and when they finally did. 4 of them, 2 being grey, one being black, and one being blue. After all, although Stone was her husband, she was shared by every troll.

It was hard for her to do tasks around the caves due to still being in handcuffs, but she managed. At this point, there was little she could think of other than sex. Every time Stone went for a hunt, she would hope for his return. She could barely even speak anymore. All she did was think of sex with her loved husband. The Dragonborn didn’t matter now. No one did. Only her family. Her troll family.


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Remember, even the limited editing done here doesn’t always mean the narrative/plot flaws in a story are fixed. The opinions/views expressed in this story are those of the author, and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech.

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