The Naughty Cheerleader


I had just turned 19 and was home for the Holidays from college visiting my parents. They live in a fairly small town, not much goes on. Their house is at the end of the street, with only one neighbour next door, the other house is vacant right now. I had never met the woman that lives next door to my parents, I just know she is fairly young, I thought she was close to my age. I’ve seen her a few times out walking her dogs, she has two Doberman’s that appear to be well mannered. I’m not much into dogs in general, they actually frighten me quite a bit.

I saw her the other night out walking her dogs, I knew she was attractive, and maybe it was the unusually warm air that night, but for some reason she looks especially hot tonight. She had long brown hair pulled back in a ponytail, was wearing a tank top that fit snug against what appeared to be perfectly shaped C-cup breasts and tight fitting jogging shorts. She looked to be about 5′ 5″ or so, not too short, not too tall. I found myself watching her in awe as she strutted past the front window of the house with a dog on each side of her.

Before I go on, I should describe myself. My name is Tina, like I said earlier, I’m 19 years old, cheerleader in college, I’m 5’3″, 100 lbs soaking wet, A-cup sized breasts with super sensitive tiny nipples, I’m told I have a perfectly shaped ass but I think my legs are the sexiest part of my body. I have long blonde hair and bright blue eyes. I’m no virgin, actually I love sex both with men and women, so it’s really no surprise I found myself watching my neighbour tonight.

Around an hour later, I saw the lights to her back yard come on and heard her let her dogs out back. I decided it would be a nice night to go sit in the hot tub, so I put on my yellow bikini and headed out to my parents back yard to have a soak. My parents were out shopping or something, so I had the place to myself. I eased into the tub and began to relax, it had been a little while since I had sex and felt my hand wandering to my breast, tugging on my nipple through my bikini top. My nipples began to swell and I moved across the tub, positioning myself in the tub so that one of the jets was spiralling on my clit through my bikini bottoms.

I pulled my top to the sides and let both of my breasts free, nipples swollen and rock hard. I eased my hand down between my legs and pulled my bottoms to the side, the powerful jet hit me all of a sudden and I let out a deep, “AHHHHH!”

As the jet spun circles around my pussy. I slid my hand down between my legs and slipped two fingers deep inside, feeling my orgasm approaching quickly. I continued fingering myself, pulling on my nipples one at a time, my breathing getting shallower. I knew I couldn’t stop now even if I wanted to! In a flash. My orgasm hit me like a ton of bricks. I was trying to contain my squeals because I knew my neighbour could be outside, so I tried my best to contain myself.

Slowly, my orgasm subsided and I just lay there, head on the back of the tub, heart pounding through my chest. Then I heard her speak. “Hello? Yeah, I’m home. Come over, I want to see you. I’m out back, going to take a swim, let yourself in. OK, see you soon.”

Oh my God, I wonder if she heard me, I thought to myself. Then I heard her dive into the pool. Curiosity got the best of me, so I lifted myself out of the hot tub and crept over to the gate. I don’t know why I wanted to see if she were naked or not, but I just had to look. I couldn’t get a good view from where I was, so I moved further down the fence line, trying to look through the cracks in the fence. Still, I couldn’t see much of anything, so I continued to try to find a better vantage point.

Before I knew it, I was almost in the front yard, peering through the cracks in the fence. That’s when I saw her, she was naked and so beautiful. I felt my pussy getting soaked again as I watched her swimming laps slowly. My hand slid again down my body and pulled my bikini bottoms to the side, the cool air hitting my shaved pussy made me gasp a little, my juices were flowing like a river! I started fingering myself again as I watched her through the fence, that’s when I heard a voice behind me.

“Do not move. Police,” a very authoritative voice commanded.

I froze. Not knowing what to do or say.

“Put your hands on the fence and spread your legs,” the voice commanded.

I did as I was told. I felt a strong hand grab my wrist and twist it behind my back, slapping a set of handcuffs on me. Quickly both hands were cuffed behind my back.

“What do you think you’re doing here? Watching people without them knowing is a serious offence,” he said.

“I am…. I was just… Err…,” I couldn’t get the words out of my mouth fast enough when he jerked me by the arm and spun me around, forcing me to walk next to him. Rather than walking to his police car, which was parked in my neighbour’s driveway, he began walking with me to the rear gate of my neighbour’s house!

OMG, he is going to tell on me and show her who was spying on her, I thought.

“Wait… Please… You don’t need to show her who I am. Isn’t there anything I can do to make it right? I wasn’t hurting anyone,” I protested, as he literally dragged me, kicking and screaming, through the gate and towards the pool.

Within seconds, the dogs were rushing toward us barking. I was terrified. “Stop resisting, or I’ll let them bite you,” he said.

I walked slowly beside him toward the pool, head hung low, totally ashamed of myself, clad only in my bikini. “Hey, babe,” My neighbour shouted, rising from the pool, grabbing a towel, and wrapping herself in it. “Who’s this?”
“I caught this one watching you through the fence. The little slut was fingering herself while she was watching you too,” he explained.

“Oh really? Your parents live next door, right? You’re Tina, if I remember correctly,” she said.

“Y-Y-Yes,” I managed to barely get out.

“So, you liked watching me, huh?”

I remained silent, totally embarrassed and afraid to answer. Suddenly, she reached forward and untied my bikini top, freeing my breasts to the cool air, my nipples hardening immediately. She stood back and admired my body for a moment. Stepping even closer, she whispered in my ear while taking my right breast in her hand and lightly pinching my nipple. “I asked you a question, did you like watching me?”

A slight moan escaped my lips, and I nodded. She chuckled a little and kissed my neck, then bent down and took my nipple in her mouth, sucking on it and teasing me with her mouth. It felt so good. I felt my juices flowing again.

“Well, since you like to watch, I’m gonna let you really watch. Bring her over here,” she said, and pointed to a lawn chair near the pool. She had the police officer uncuff my hands, then made me sit on the lawn chair, placing my hands above my head, they cuffed me topless to the chair, nipples fully erect.

With that, she reached down and untied the bottoms of my bikini, pulling them away with ease. She then pulled me to the edge of the chair, pulling my arms tight and then secured my ankles to the legs of the chair, spreading my legs just enough to see my juices flowing from my wanting pussy. She took her middle finger and eased it into my pussy, effortlessly sliding deep inside me. I gasped again. No sooner has she begun, she stopped.

Within a minute or two, the police officer came up behind her and removed her towel, he began playing with her breasts as she stood there staring at me, his hands exploring her entire body. She turned to face him and started to slowly remove his uniform, always glancing back at me to make sure I was watching. Within a few minutes, she was on her knees, in front of him, taking his swollen cock down her throat. Making slurping noises as she sucked. He had begun arching his back a little, holding her by the head, almost mouth fucking her. The sight was incredible and I was longing for a touch or something as I squirmed in the chair.

I was so consumed with the show in front of me, I had forgotten about the dogs. They must’ve smelled the sex in the air as next thing I know, there is one on each side of me sniffing. My heart stopped for a second, fear took over my body. I held my breath thinking they would just go away if I didn’t move. She kept sucking his cock, peering over at me through the corner of her eye, almost smiling like she knew what was about to happen.

One of the dogs stopped at my breast and snipped my nipple, his tongue snaked out and flicked across it, making me gasp at the contact.

“No! Bad dog. Go away. No,” I semi shouted.

My neighbour just looked over and smiled, then went back to sucking her boyfriend’s cock. Just then, the other dog found my scent. His nose immediately buried itself into my pussy. His breath was hot against the cool air and my pussy was aching for contact. But this was so wrong!

I tried closing my legs, but I couldn’t. He was so strong he kept my legs spread with just standing between them.

“Your dog… eww… He’s… He’s licking me… Make him stop! Please! I’ll do anything! No,” I begged.

My heart was racing, I was afraid he would bite me. The one licking my breast stopped and a low growl escaped him. My neighbour stopped sucking her boyfriend’s cock and looked over at me, smiling as she said “Oh, you’re about to do anything, alright.”

Then went back to sucking on her boyfriend’s cock. “What? NO! Please let me go. You’ve had your fun,” I shouted.

Right about then the dog between my legs let his tongue snake out and lick me from my ass to my clit in one swipe. I jumped at the contact. He did it again… And again… And again! His tongue seemed to slip deep inside me and reach places never before reached by any man or woman before.

I found my protests becoming weaker. My nipples were on fire, my cheeks flushed and my body was now betraying me. “OOOOHHHHHH,” escaped my lips unwillingly as the dog kept licking me deeper and deeper, as if he knew exactly what he was doing to me!

I started raising my hips to meet his licking. Tossing my head to the side and sort of nibbling on my bicep as the other dog would randomly lick my nipple. I knew I couldn’t hold off an orgasm the way this dog was licking my pussy. The other dog licked more of my body now, inching up towards my neck, I could feel his breath on my neck, licking the sweat from my body with his magical tongue.

“Your dog is going to…. Make…. Me…. Oh my… Ohhhhh… I’m going to… CUMMMMMMMMMMINNNGGGGG!”

The dog licked deeper than ever before trying to find the source of his tasty treat. I convulsed on his tongue, my orgasm still raging through my body. I lay there with my mouth hanging open while he continued to lick me.

I felt the chair move a little, but was so lost in my orgasm I paid little attention to it. Until I felt something warm and wet hit my cheek. I opened my eyes to find the dog that had been licking my neck, had now positioned himself to be standing, with his front legs on the table behind me and his cock just barely an inch from my mouth, bobbing and spraying pre cum all over my face. My mind said no, but my head turned, my mouth opened, and I took his cock in my mouth effortlessly, sucking him trying to get more in my mouth. I was straining against my cuffs, leaning my head forward sucking as he inched closer and closer, small thrusting of his hips began as his precum sprayed the back of my throat.

I felt the other dog back away, then felt his weight on the chair, I knew what was about to happen. I didn’t care anymore. He pulled at me with his paws, almost lifting me off the chair to position himself to fuck me. I spread my legs as wide as I could and offered myself to him. After a few tries, his cock finally found what it was looking for two inches inside me. I gasped a little in the heat, he adjusted again, five inches this time, and swelling inside me. I was lost in lust. He began jack hammering his cock inside me, getting bigger and bigger with each thrust.

I sucked harder and harder on the cock in my mouth, moaning loudly against it as the other dog made me his bitch. The one in my mouth began to swell, and a ball developed at the base of his cock, I didn’t know what this was, but it was huge! Soon, he was forcing his cum down my throat and I swallowed as much as I could. He pulled out of my mouth and continued to spray cum all over my face and breasts. It was so hot and sticky!

The other dog was now pounding me hard and fast…Another orgasm was on the rise as I could feel his ‘ball’ sliding in and out of me, getting bigger and bigger each time he entered me. I knew how big the other one got and thought there was no way my pussy could take such a thing! Boy was I wrong! Just as I thought it, he adjusted and pushed hard! The entire length of his cock crammed inside me and my pussy locked tight around his ball. His thrusts became shorter and harder.

“Oh Wow! It’s in me… It’s so big!!! OHHHHH FUCCKKKK MEEEEE! YESSSSS! That feels… sooooooo good!”

By this time, I didn’t even care who was watching, I was so lost in the moment. As my orgasm began to climb, I felt a hand on my clit and began rubbing it. I opened my eyes long enough to see my neighbour spreading her legs and lowering herself down on my mouth, her boyfriend frantically rubbing my clit as their dog fucked me!

I immediately sucked against her pussy, moaning loudly as her boyfriend forced my orgasm out of me! I bucked wildly against his hand and the cock inside of me. I looked up again and saw my neighbour, smiling, looking down on me as she ground her pussy against my tongue. I felt the dog tense up and begin pumping his seed deep inside me, I came AGAIN! His cum was so hot and so deep inside me. Her boyfriend continued rubbing my clit and then lowered his head onto my nipples, pinching them one at a time and sucking them deeply while their dog was stuck inside my pussy, pulsing, pumping cum inside of me.

Within a few moments, my neighbour began to cum in my mouth, screaming out loudly and grasping her own breasts in the night air. As she climbed off of the chair, their dog pulled a few times, and then popped free, his cum and my juices falling to the ground sounding like a glass of water being spilled. Her boyfriend uncuffed me and untied my legs. I lay there, legs spread, letting the night air caress my abused pussy, shocked at what I had just done.

After a few seconds, my neighbour came over to me and handed me a cold glass of water, then sat down next to me.

“My name is Nikki. This is Matt. The dogs are Thor and King, nice to finally meet you,” she said.

“Ummmm… Nice to meet you too, I suppose… I’m sorry about…” And before I could finish, Nikki leaned in and kissed me passionately. As we were kissing, I felt Matt sliding something around my neck, I realized it was a leather collar.

As our kiss broke, Nikki looked me in the eyes, smiled and grabbed a digital camera that was on the table next to us. She showed me pictures of me enjoying the dog cock in my mouth, the one fucking me, and many, many more.

“You can go home now if you want, or you can stay here as long as you like, either way. When I want to see you, you had better come running, or these pics find their way to your parents, and don’t waste your time with clothes when I want to see you. Your body is incredible and no sense in concealing it.”

As soon as she finished saying that, I saw my parents headlights pull in the driveway, I gathered my bikini and ran through the side gate back to the hot tub, slipping inside just as the kitchen light came on and my dad stepped outside.

“Oh, you are home, good… Dinner in thirty minutes OK?”

“OK, dad,” I replied, getting used to the feel of the collar on my neck and trying to think what I was going to tell my parents about it!


I sat in the hot tub for a few, mind racing at what I had just done. My pussy sore, but my body on fire with desire, I’m not sure if it was the new collar I had on, then being handcuffed and fucked, seeing my neighbour get fucked, or a combination of everything, all I knew is my body was on fire with desire. I knew sleeping tonight was going to be a challenge. After about 15 minutes or so in the hot tub, I finally gathered my composure and decided on a good lie to tell my parents about the collar, so I hopped out, put my bikini back on and wrapped myself in a towel, heading inside for dinner.

I quickly walked past my dad in the hallway, who gave me a ‘what the hell’ sort of look as I passed him, but he said nothing for the time being. I hid in the bathroom for a few, pretending that I was getting dressed for dinner, but all the while my heart was about pounding out of my chest. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, I joined my parents for dinner. Sitting down, I avoided eye contact with both of my parents for a few minutes, staring down at my plate and meekly playing with my food, my pussy throbbing the entire time and I just knew my cheeks were flush.

Finally, the silence was broken with a question from my father, “So, um what is with the collar honey? A school thing?”

I about choked on my food, really? This was the ‘ice breaker’ of the evening? I was mortified! “I… Um… Well, we, the cheerleaders at the school… And, um the local police department… Well, we agreed to wear these collars to bring awareness that pets are yum… Part of families… Kind of a different take on animal abuse,” I managed to blurt out.

“Interesting, good for you. I like to see you getting behind causes,” my dad said.

Just when I thought the worst was over, my mom joined in, and asked, “So, are you taking donations? Is there a web site or something that people can donate to?”

My heart jumped into my throat now. If she only knew what I had just done. I quietly replied, “No website yet, it’s kind of in the development stages right now. Nikki and her boyfriend from next door are helping me with it, kind of.”

Great, now I was going to have to tell Nikki about my lie to my parents and hope she went along with it! “That sounds great! Remind me to thank her for helping you,” my mother said.

The dinner returned to the clanking of silverware and plates and I finally excused myself and went to my bedroom. I drifted off to sleep only to be awakened by the doorbell about thirty minutes later. My father opened the door and there stood Matt in his uniform.

“Good evening, sorry to bother you, but is Tina available,” he asked.

I was terrified. What could he want?! He already saw me at my rawest! Oh God! What if he told my parents! I jumped up and threw on some loose fitting shorts, no underwear and a T-shirt, then headed towards the door.

I asked with the biggest lump in my throat ever, “Oh… Hi, Matt… What brings you by tonight?”

“I was just going back on patrol and remembered you wanted to do a ride along, and I figured we could work out some of the details of the ‘training program’ while we were out. That is if it’s OK with your parents here?”

Without hesitation, my father answered for me, “No problem, she has a key, plus she couldn’t be in safer hands. Go ahead, honey, have fun.”

“Um, OK… Let me change clothes real quick,” I said.

I was quickly stopped by Matt, saying, “Oh, you’re fine, it’s a warm night and you’ll be in the car with a heater if you get cold, grab your flip flops and let’s get going!”

My dad just smiled as I slowly followed Matt to his patrol car. He opened the passenger door for me, turned and waved with a smile to my parents and then closed the door after I sat down. I did not realize at the time, that Matt was a K9 handler and his German Sheppard was in the back seat, sitting quietly watching my every move.

Matt got in the car and backed out of the driveway, not saying a word, and we drove off into the darkness. We drove about two miles and he pulled off the road, again not saying a word, and stopped the car. He looked over at me, smirked, then got out of the car coming to my side and opening the door.

“Get out,” he commanded. I complied without saying a word. “Strip,” he commanded again.

“What? No way.”

He suddenly slapped my face hard. “I said strip, and I won’t be telling you again”, Matt said sternly.

I looked at him in awe. My nipples and pussy however, were telling a completely different story and Matt knew it. I complied with his command, stepping out of my shorts and lifting my T-shirt over my head. I tried to cover myself with the shirt, as if I were embarrassed or something. Matt just smiled and stepped towards me, pressing my back against the cold metal of his patrol car.

His hand slid up the inside of my thigh, forcing my legs apart a little. I bit my lower lip as he roughly found my soaking wet pussy, sliding his middle finger deep inside me all I could do was gasp as it slid effortlessly inside me. I reached down and grabbed his wrist lightly, he knew exactly what I was doing, helping him finger me right there in the middle of the street!

“Oh, you’re a nasty little slut, aren’t you,” he whispered in my ear.

This only made me moan against his finger now pumping in and out of my pussy, my clit swelling and getting more and more sensitive. He had total control over me and I knew it. In fact, it only made me hornier than ever! Suddenly, he stopped and pulled his fingers away from my begging pussy.

“Stay right there, slut,” he commanded. I didn’t move.

He went to the back door of the car and opened it. He extended his middle finger towards his dog who immediately began sniffing and licking his finger, getting more excited with each swipe of his tongue.

“Good boy, Max. You like that sweet little fuck juice, don’t you,” I heard him say. “Now you sit tight and you’ll get a treat.”

He returned to me with a leash in hand. Taking my chin in his hand, he lifted my head and snapped the leash in place on my new collar. Then he spun me around with lightning speed and twisted my arms behind my back. I was cuffed, naked, wearing only a collar, pussy juices running down my thighs, nipples swollen and longing for attention.

Matt reached down and again, slid his fingers deep inside me. I pushed back and opened myself to his touch. He fingered me fast and hard for maybe a minute, pulling his drenched fingers from my pussy, he pulled me back so I was leaning back against his chest, he then rubbed my own pussy juice all over my nipples, again making me moan loudly against his touch.

Once he was happy, he led me to the back seat of the car and opened the door. Max stepped back and made room for me. Matt shoved me in the back seat of the patrol car. Clipped the other end of the leash into a loop that kept me from moving more than a foot, looked at both of us, and then said, “Max, this is Tina, your treat.”

He closed the door. I looked back at him as if he was kidding, and right about then, Max moved in toward me, sniffing loudly in the air. I had nowhere to go as Max’s tongue reached out and flicked across my nipple. I shrieked at the initial touch of his rough tongue. That didn’t stop him at all.

Again, his tongue reached out… Again… Again… Again. Each time licking my nipple and making me moan loudly with desire. I looked up and saw Matt watching in the rear view mirror. I could tell he was smiling and enjoying the show. The car hummed down the road, merging onto the freeway, I knew people could see right through those windows! My breathing was getting heavier and heavier as Max’s tongue was driving me mad! Suddenly, Max stopped licking and decided he wanted to find the source of this nectar. He backed away and nudged my left leg, I responded by trying to close my legs tight, but he wasn’t having any of that.

A low growl escaped his chest and he tried again to nudge my legs apart. I tried to resist. He then sat back and started digging on my legs!

“OWWWWW! OUCH! STOP! OK. OK. OK!” I shouted.

Max seemed to understand and stopped digging. He looked at me as if he was telling me to spread my legs, so I slowly spread them apart, giving him access to my soaking wet pussy. He wasted no time diving between my legs, his tongue went deep inside me, sending me into oblivion and panting like he was. I spread my legs more, inviting him in. It was useless to resist, I wanted it, and I was such a slut.

“Oh God, that feels incredible Max. You’re going to make me cum!” I moaned as his tongue drove deep inside me, raking across my clit, and diving deep inside me.

I found myself pushing my hips against his tongue, trying to get more inside me, trying to make him make me cum. Within minutes, his magic tongue had me over the edge! I screamed loud as I came on his tongue in the back of the patrol car. I heard Matt chuckle as my chest was heaving up and down while I tried to come off of my orgasm.

Right about then, Max wanted more. I knew what he wanted, my body wanted what he wanted. I didn’t even try to resist. Somehow, I managed to manoeuvre myself so that I was on my knees in the back of the car, pressing my head against the door window while the leash kept me from dropping my head any lower. Now I knew why he locked me in this position, anyone we passed would be able to see my face while Max was fucking me! I partially panicked, but was brought back to reality when Max jumped up on my back and gripped me by the hips.

Immediately he started poking around, missing his mark, adjusting. I was trying to help, I wanted him inside me as much as he wanted inside me! After fifteen tries or so, finally two inches managed to slide inside me, I gasped at the heat and the intrusion. He adjusted again, never slipping out, and pounded another six inches inside me. I pushed back, wanting more, like a slut in heat. Max sensed this and began pounding his red hot vein filled cock into my pussy.

“Fuck me, Max! Fuck me hard! Your cock is MAGIC!” I shouted as if my mouth had a mind of its own.

His cock got hotter and he began pushing down on my shoulder with his chin. I felt his knot forming and pressing against my clit. I pushed back again, feeling my pussy opening up to accept his gift. Slowly, my willing pussy stretched open and took Max’s baseball sized knot. My mouth hung open as his thrusts became short and violent. I hadn’t even noticed the car had stopped.

Matt wasn’t even in the driver’s seat any longer. Max was now fucking me like he was never going to get laid again. I had turned into the loudest fuck slut in history, all of a sudden and found myself screaming as orgasm after orgasm ripped through my body. Max just kept fucking me, it felt so good. The leash kept me from dropping my head and Max just held me up with his massive cock lodged deep inside me working miracles on my g-spot.

Somewhere between my third or fourth orgasm, I realized that Matt was performing a traffic stop while Max was fucking me silly! About that time, the rear door opened and there stood Matt and another man, I was so embarrassed, but couldn’t say a thing as yet another orgasm ripped through my body just as Max started filling me with his cum.

“Tina, this man’s fate is now in your hands. If you manage to get him hard right here on the side of the road, then suck him off, swallowing all of his cum, of course, before Max is able to pull out of you, I will let him go. If not, well, let’s just say your head will be in his lap while Max will be stuck inside you all the way to the station, so I can book him,” he just looked at me with a smile.

With that said, Matt pushed the guy to me and told him to drop his pants. The man was in shock and slowly pulled his pants down, his cock was limp and dangling inches from my face. I couldn’t use my hands as they were still cuffed behind my back and I couldn’t move forward too far due to the leash! I hungrily opened my mouth and he moved closer, allowing me to suck him into my mouth. I moaned against his flaccid cock, as Max was still spurting his load into me.

Slowly, his cock became harder and harder. I sucked him all the way down my throat, moaning at the same time due to Max’s swollen cock locked inside me. I felt another orgasm of my own building just from Max’s swollen cock throbbing inside me. I sucked harder. I felt his hands caress my head. I knew I was going to be able to get this guy off soon! He began face fucking me, Max began pulling, I sucked harder, deeper, wanting more of both! Right as Max pulled, my orgasm raced through my body again, sucking Max’s knot back deep inside me. At the same time, the man started cumming in my mouth. I swallowed, moaned, tried to breathe. My pussy milking Max for every drop of cum he might’ve had left.

Max felt my pussy contracting and decided that was a sign for him to start up again. His paws wrapped around my waist and he started fucking me harder than ever. All I could do was moan against him while the stranger withdrew from my mouth. Matt closed the door while Max fucked me again, escorting the man to his car.

“You did pretty well there. I think these ride along’s are going to be fun for us,” Matt said as he pulled back onto the highway.

Max fucked me frantically while we passed car after car. I could see some people saw my face and weren’t quite sure they saw what they thought they saw, but I knew. Max filled my pussy again and laid on top of me, panting as his cock pulsed inside me again. So hot, so big, and so incredible.

Within fifteen minutes, Max finished with me for the night. He pulled, pulled and his cock popped out of my abused pussy. Right about then, Matt pulled off down a dark street and stopped the car. He came around to the back door, removed the leash and pulled me from the car. Spinning me around, he pushed my head back inside the car and undid his pants.

“Clean his cock, you little slut,” he commanded.

I inched forward and took Max’s salty cum coated cock in my mouth like the stranger on the freeway. Just then, I felt Matt rubbing the tip of his cock on my ass. He pressed hard against my opening. I had never been fucked in the ass before tonight. Matt was not gentle either, he forced his cock deep inside my ass. I moaned against Max’s cock and found myself sucking him hard and loving the taste of it. I began pushing back against Matt’s cock as he fucked my ass. I didn’t think I would love it, but here I was, sucking a dog cock and getting fucked in the ass on the side of the road. I was LOVING IT!

Max’s cock slowly went soft and disappeared into his sheath. Matt I could tell was getting close to cumming, as he had a firm hold of my hips now and was pulling me back onto his cock hard! I too was nearing yet another orgasm as Matt’s hand reached under me and began flicking across my clit.

“Fuck my ass! Fuckin cum inside me,” I shouted.

Matt picked up his tempo and I felt my orgasm rip through my body, triggering Matt’s orgasm as well. He pushed deep inside me and emptied his load deep within me. My own orgasm kept me panting while I was filled with yet another load of cum tonight.

Slowly, Matt withdrew and removed my cuffs. He handed me my clothes and let me get dressed. Then, like a gentleman, opened the front door for me. We drove back to my house and Matt again opened my door for me. Only this time, he took me in his arms and kissed me deeply, allowing his hand to slide up the leg of my shorts and finger my abused pussy.

“See you tomorrow night for another ride along. That’s if you make it through the day Nikki has planned for you.”

He brought his soaking wet finger to my mouth and made me suck my juices from them, the mixture of Max’s cum and my own was enough to re-ignite my lust for the evening. I knew I wouldn’t be getting much sleep tonight!


I watched Matt drive off into the darkness, still shocked at myself for what had taken place in the last twenty-four hours. My body was tingling all over though, as if some new fire had been ignited deep within me, I couldn’t rationalize or even comprehend why I was allowing all of this to happen to me in such a short amount of time. I felt Max’s cum dripping down the inside of my thighs as I slowly walked to the front door, my ass burning a little from what Matt had just done to me, but my nipples were fully erect and my clit was overly sensitive for some reason. Every step I took felt like someone was sucking on my clit, it was the longest walk of my life getting to the front door.

When I finally reached the front door, I was nearly panting like a dog in heat. Something was going on with me, and I could not explain it for the life of me, but I was loving every second of it! Trying to compose myself, I reached for the door. Just then I received a text message, it was from Matt: You’re probably just about to the door by now and your clit is just aching for attention isn’t it? I read in awe not understanding how on earth he could know such a thing. I looked around, maybe he was spying on me from a distance, and I saw nothing.

Then, another text message: Remember when I was fucking that sweet little ass of yours and I reached up under you and rubbed your clit until you came? Well, I cheated. I had applied a very special gel to my fingers before rubbing your clit.

I immediately text messaged back: What do you mean special gel?

As soon as I hit send, it was like my clit went into overdrive and my nipples were suddenly ON FIRE with lust!

Matt text back: See, I make this special gel for women like you. It’s a combination of things really, a little ecstasy, a little of this, and a little of that. The longer it stays in contact and absorbs through the area, it was applied to, the more sensitive that area becomes. In your case, your clit and nipples. Sleep well.

I wanted to complain to someone, but who would believe me! I was standing outside the door, but every step I took was bringing me closer and closer to orgasm. Slowly, I managed to open the door and a sigh of relief escaped me when I realized my parents were in bed for the night. “Now the walk to my bedroom… Just down the hall… Should be a piece of cake,” I said under my breath.

Next step… OOOOHHHHH… I reached inside my shorts and slowly started massaging my clit as I took baby steps towards my bedroom door. “FUCK that feels good… Few more steps and I’m there,” I whispered to myself, all the while I was now frantically rubbing my clit as if trying to set a new record. Max’s juices were now fully mixed with mine, the hallway echoed from my moans and panting as I inched towards the door, which was slightly ajar for some reason.

Final step to my room and I pushed it slowly open as my orgasm raced through me like a freight train. I was trying everything I could to keep quiet, that’s all I needed was for my parents to find me on the floor passed out with my hand in my shorts, especially after I had been acting so strange the last twenty-four hours. I managed to crawl the rest of the way to my bed and lust lay there, massaging my pussy and clit again, pinching my nipples, one at a time to try and relieve the sensation. Nothing seemed to be working.

My body was now NEEDING to be touched. Whatever Matt did to me, was now working overtime on me and I NEEDED relief. My bedroom window looked out over the back yard and right into Nikki’s. I heard some rustling out there so I stopped what I was doing long enough to try and take a peek. Just then, another text message, this time from Nikki: Hey sexy. Matt told me about your night tonight and the little gift he left you. Tell you what, look out your window. If you can get down here by the time Thor unloads his cum in me, you can have King for a bit to take the edge off of that lust for the night. And we start NOW.

I looked out the window and sure enough, there was Nikki, taking her bathing suit off with Thor right behind her. She laid out on the grass onto a big blanket and spread her legs, looking right at me through the window. This was going to be too much! I brought my fingers to my mouth and started sucking Max’s juices from them, not realizing I was now putting that gel on my lips too! Thor stepped in front of Nikki and buried his snout into her pussy. She was lifting her hips up off the floor, allowing his magical tongue to go deeper and deeper with every swipe. I was almost frozen, wanting so bad to be down there getting my pussy licked like that, but terrified to move and inch or make a sound as to not wake my parents.

Nikki looked up at me again and pulled on her nipple, biting her lower lip as Thor continued his assault on her pussy. Just then, she turned over and presented herself to him, he knew what to do. Immediately he jumped on her back and grabbed her tiny little waist, adjusting his stance, trying to hit his mark, her hand underneath them helping to guide him inside her. Nikki cried out loudly as Thor finally found what he was looking for. Inch by inch his red veiny cock buried deeper and deeper into Nikki’s bald pussy, which was now glistening in the evening moonlight. I had to get down there, no matter the cost.

I managed to make it to the door before I heard my dad wake up and open his bedroom door. My body was still on fire and I could hear Nikki in her yard telling Thor to fuck her like the slut she was.

I stood just inside my door listening to Nikki’s moans in the night air, wondering if my dad would hear them as well as he sleepily made his way down the hall. My body was on fire, I needed to be fucked, every fibre was aching to be licked, touched or fucked. I heard my dad in the kitchen and decided that I would try to slip past him while he did what he did, which sounded like he was just getting something to drink.

Slowly I tiptoed down the hallway and down the stairs, trying not to make a sound, although the damn collar Nikki had put on me had a tag on it that jingled every now and then, which somehow alerted my dad from the kitchen, “Tina? Honey? Is that you?” He asked from the kitchen, setting his glass down on the counter and I could hear him walking towards me.

Crap, what to say. What to do, as my pussy is on fire, the juices are literally running down the insides of my thighs, my nipples have never been this erect or this revealing in my sheer T-shirt and now my dad is about to corner me and question me! I decided to reply, “Yeah, it’s me. Couldn’t sleep so decided to get some fresh air.”

I thought that would be enough to deter him. I was wrong. “Oh, it is a nice night out, maybe I’ll join you for a few. You can tell me about your ride along tonight with that officer, Matt was it?” He asked.

My heart jumped to my throat! He would for sure hear Nikki now! I had to think fast, say something, anything to change his mind! I was at a loss for words. I made my way to the kitchen and decided to get a glass of water, maybe if I sat at the kitchen table, he’d go back to bed and forget about going out back. Every step, though my body trembled a little more and my pussy got wetter and wetter, my cheeks more and more flushed.

I grabbed my glass of water and made my way to the table, right about then another orgasm raced through my body and I couldn’t help but let out a slight squeal. “OOoooooohhhhhhhh,” escaped my lips as I gripped the sides of the table, almost spilling my water as I tried to set it down, my knees getting weak. I sat a quickly as I could.

“Tina? Are you alright?”

Again, flushed and panting, what to say? “Oh… Um… Yeah dad, it’s just…” Was all I could get out when he interrupted me.

“Cramps?” He nodded wisely. “Your mother gets them like that, I understand. I’ll leave you be, as I know how your mom hates talking when she’s like that, we can catch up in the morning.”

He leaned down, kissed the top of my head and set a bottle of aspirin on the table. “See you in the morning,” he said and made his way down the hallway back to bed.

Oh my goodness, if he only knew what was really happening to me right there in front of him! I had to get outside to Nikki. I needed to have a cock in my pussy NOW! I chugged my water and slid open the back door. The cool night air hit every part of my body and made me tremble with pleasure. If my nipples could’ve gotten harder, they did. I tried to run to Nikki’s gate, but it was too much pressure on my clit. I fell to my knees and had to rub my pussy right there, at the gate! I could hear Thor pounding away on Nikki. I could hear both of them panting loudly as Thor took his bitch.

I was frozen again as another orgasm raced through my body. One hand in my shorts, two finger jack hammering in and out of my drenched pussy, face in the grass and my other hand pulling on my rock hard nipples. I found myself finger fucking myself to the rhythm of Thor pounding his cock into Nikki! Finally, after what seemed like forever, my orgasm subsided just enough for me to regain my composure. I could still hear Thor and Nikki, so I still had time! I needed King to fuck me badly!

I reached for the latch and swung open the gate, trying my best to hurry to where Nikki and Thor were in the yard. As I turned the corner, the sight was just amazing. There was Nikki with Thor on her back, one arm holding herself up, her left hand cupping her breast, mouth slightly open and her breath in unison with Thor’s pounding of her pussy. I could hear the wetness of her pussy as his cock drove deeper and deeper into her. I stripped off my shorts right there and made my way over to them.

She was so lost in her own orgasm she didn’t see or hear me approach. But what a sexy sight. I wondered if I looked that sexy when I was getting fucked. I sure hope so. I laid down on the blanket in front of her, spread my legs wide, then reached up and put my hand on the back of her head…Her eyes flickered open slightly as she smiled, dropped down to her elbows and started licking the juices from my thighs. Slowly she teased me as Thor continued fucking her. I could tell he was getting close to cumming because his thrusts were short and powerful.

Nikki’s tongue was like magic as it flicked across my clit ever so slowly she sucked my pussy, sliding two fingers inside me easily. She was now moaning loudly as Thor began pushing his head down on her shoulder, indicating he was now cumming inside her. “MMMMMMMMMMM OHHHHHHHHHHHH YEEEEESSSSSS,” she hissed as she tilted her head away from my pussy and continued to finger me.

I was arching my back, spreading my legs as wide as I could, cupping both breasts and pulling on my nipples while yet another orgasm ripped through my body!!! Nikki and I came together and I couldn’t believe I was still hungry for more!

We all laid there panting for a few. Nikki occasionally licks my clit and making me jump. Thor is panting away waiting for his knot to shrink enough to pull out of Nikki, and after a few minutes, Thor pulled out and Nikki rolled over on her back. Thor immediately began licking her pussy, cleaning up his bitch as I watched in awe. Nikki spread her legs welcoming his tongue deep inside her. I HAD to get fucked and NOW!!

“King! Here boy!” I called and he came running.

I couldn’t get on my hands and knees fast enough! King, of course, didn’t need much coaxing, he knew exactly what to do and jumped on my back in record time! He danced around, at first, missing his mark, adjusting trying to find my well lubricated pussy. I reached under me, took his growing cock in my tiny hand and guided it to its place inside me. With one hard thrust, King buried his cock so deep inside me, I thought I would pass out!

“OHHHHHHHHHHH FUCKKKKKKKKKK YESSSSSSSSSSSS!” I literally screamed, not caring who heard me or who I might wake up! “Fuck me, King… Fuck me hard!”

I was cooing, totally lost in the moment, pushing back on his cock, my nipples raking across the coarse fibres of the picnic blanket as I arched my back wanting his cock deeper and deeper inside me. I could barely push myself up enough to adjust and get one hand under me. I wanted to feel his cock sliding inside of me, his balls slapping against my clit.

I finally managed to get my hand under us, my head turned sideways and laying on the ground, watching Nikki get tongue fucked by Thor next to me. I reached under me and grabbed King’s cock, pulling him inside of me. I could feel his knot growing both in my aching pussy and around my hand. I couldn’t believe how big his knot was and that my tight little pussy was taking it without a problem. It felt so hot and wet in my hand. Finally, he pushed hard and his entire knot disappeared and locked inside of me, it felt incredible! I lost my breath as his cock sunk deeper than anything ever before!

As King continued pounding me and my panting filled the midnight air, I suddenly heard my dad’s voice out in the back yard. “Tina? Are you out here?” He half shouted.

Now my mind was really racing. I couldn’t let him catch me like this, but there was no way I could stop it either! I was just about to try to respond when Nikki jumped up and made her way to the fence. “She’s over here visiting, sitting in the hot tub, she probably can’t hear you over the pump” she replied, as she stood on a bench along the fence allowing her to look over the top. “I’m Nikki, by the way. You must be Tina’s dad?” She asked.

He had no idea she was totally naked on the other side of the fence or that his little daughter was getting the fucking of her lifetime just around the corner from him.

“Oh… Uh, yes. I’m Tina’s father, Jim, nice to meet you Nikki,” he said.

Right about then, Thor came up behind Nikki and started licking her pussy again. She paused for a moment, her eyes closing for a second as she embraced the pleasure of Thor’s tongue snaking deep inside her. My dad didn’t even notice. My orgasm was growing faster by the second as I tried to whisper to King, begging him to fuck me harder and deeper. Begging him to give me his cum.

“Nice to meet you too, Jim,” she said. “Tina is a sweet giiiirrrrrlllll,” Nikki stammered as Thor continued licking.

“Are you OK?” Asked my dad looking concerned.

“Ohhhhhhhh yessssss… I almost tipped the bench,” Nikki muttered. “It’s not very stable,” she continued.

“Ok… Well, tell Tina I said Goodnight and it was nice meeting you Nikki,” and he gave a wave and went back in the house.

Within two seconds of him going back inside, my orgasm ripped through my body like a hurricane. I couldn’t control my screams as they filled the night air! King loved it as he tensed up and began filling me with his cum. My pussy tightened up around his knot milking him for every drop of cum he had to offer.

After ten or fifteen minutes, we both lay there still panting away, cum dripping down the insides of my thighs, my nipples still fully erect. King started tugging, which my body reacted to once again. It was like any little movement sparked a whole new level of lust. I started pushing back on his knot that was shrinking inside me, trying to keep him inside me but it was no use. He was done with me for now, and his cock slid from my well fucked and abused pussy with ease, leaving me panting and wanting more.

Nikki came over to me and kissed me deeply, which only made matters worse for me. Feeling her body against mine as we laid on the blanket, kissing was making me wetter still! She broke the kiss and looked me in the eyes…”Come with me,” she said and took me by the hand, leading me into the house.

Once inside, the lights were dim and she led me to one of the bedrooms. The room had been converted to some sort of dungeon looking room, with devices and what looked like torture racks, etc. Along the walls. She led me to what looked like a weight bench, although the angle was wrong and it was really narrow, fully padded, but strange looking.

She had me kneel down and lay on the bench with my ass in the air, the bench pushed my body forward and down, she then secured my thighs to the sides of the bench, and my ankles to some straps, which forced my legs to spread and my pussy to open up! As I laid forward, the bench rested between my breasts, allowing them to hang freely and untouched. She took my hands and secured them in front of me together, stretching me forward and unmovable.

With a smile, she went to the cabinet and brought out a rubber dildo shaped like a dog cock, only this one was a little bigger than Thor’s or King’s, the ball was larger. She also had a ball gag in her hand. She set the dildo aside and placed the ball gag in my mouth, I was now only able to moan.

“We have to get you ready for the party tomorrow night,” she said.

In my mind I was screaming, WHAT PARTY, but only, “Mmmmmrppprppphhh,” came out.

Just about then, I felt her, pressing the dildo inside me. I heard the hum of a machine of some sort, the dildo started moving. It started fucking me, I wasn’t protesting at all. In fact, I was pushing back on the dildo now without even knowing it, wanting it deeper and deeper inside me. The knot of the dildo was now inside me and the machine switched over to short, hard thrusts, shaking me with every thrust and elevating my level of lust. I was lost in orgasm after orgasm and didn’t want it to end.

Nikki squatted in front of me, “I’ll see you in a bit, you enjoy that for a while and I’ll go enjoy Thor and King. We have lots to prepare for and this is just the beginning,” she whispered and turned a knob on the machine, which shut it off.
She then turned off the lights, closed the door, and left the room. There I was, totally naked, bound to a bench, ball gag in my mouth with a giant dildo stuffed inside me and my body needing to be touched! What I didn’t know is that she had set a timer on the machine, it would come back on about every five minutes, long enough to get me close to orgasm, then stop.

This was going to be one long night!

The End.



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