Jade & Dulce Go Wild

Kelly Addams

Benard was tired. He hated his job, he hated tourists, he hated the lodge owners that worked him like a slave and paid him next to nothing… and for that nothing at the end of each month, he had to smile and bow and scrape to all the rich white ass-holes who treated him like he was a child, speaking so slowly, enunciating clearly… like he had no brain or education.

And now this, a night drive, after working since dawn, cleaning rooms, sweeping dust and shit and leaves, maintaining the bloody Toyotas!

Well, maybe not the last one he chuckled softly, it had been on his work sheet but with the owner away until the weekend he had skipped that chore. He was in control, second in command… so he had taken a nap. But it didn’t matter, he had the money from the two women in the back, plus the cash for the day safari from the others, so he wouldn’t get into trouble. And the owner, he didn’t care if an oil and battery change had been missed, he just wanted the money… besides, he would never know!

His radio crackled, as always it was loaded with static. No-one really considered what would happen in the event of a real emergency, because the radio was next to useless. At close range the lodge operator would manage to harvest maybe two words in every three spoken, but at distance it was far more difficult, mostly a hiss with the ghosts of human voices whispering in the background.

“What do you expect me to do about it?” Benard snapped as he toggled the switch on his hand held mic. The lodge generator had failed, and he was out in the bush on the very edge of the radio’s effective range. “I’m on a night drive… you know that.” He gripped the steering wheel hard and set his jaw… sometimes he felt utter despair for the people around him. “So light candles and kerosene lamps, make a big camp fire, set up the barbecue… make the guests think that it’s all part of the experience, I will be back by midnight, then I will get the generator running.” he paused before hanging the microphone on its hook beside the receiver, the signal had faded to nothing, but he had done all that he could do… now he had to return his attention to the giggling women sat in the darkness in the back of his truck.


An old trick he decided as he spotted the small patch of feathers ahead on the red dirt track. Caught in the glare of his headlights the Night-jar would freeze. Its defence against attack… to stay perfectly still and hide in plain sight. But the drab mottled bird was a blessing for safari guides, for most tourists it was a chance to get up and personal with something wild. Training a spotlight on the bird he would simply reach down and scoop it from the dust much to the amazement of his guests. He had a prepared speech, words that he could recite in his sleep, the diet, nocturnal habits, the mega large mouth behind a short beak that he would open and display, pointless facts and figures.

Plugging the halogen lamp into a socket on the dashboard he slowed to a halt before diving through the open door to pounce on his prey, laughter and giggling met him as he turned with his prize, he saw the older woman smiling down from the raised seats, then he caught a pale flash in the edge of his light, more movement caught his eye along with the shadowy outline of the younger woman. He had to look twice before he believed his eyes, she was naked, and suddenly clear to see.

Benard resisted the urge to shake his head in disbelief… because he did believe, he had seen it all before… maybe not in the back of the Toyota on a game drive, but around the camp, during the day light hours as well, topless women, bottomless women, sexy nude, definitely un-sexy nude… even the men!

Deciding that the best course of action would be to do nothing he returned his attention to the bird in his hand and ignored the hard nipples that had now come into the full glare of his lamp, and as a professional guide… he began his small show.


“Well done!” Jade stroked her fingers across Dulce’s breasts as the white light extinguished and the diesel engine laboured back into life.

“Did you see how he was trying not to look at me?” Dulce giggled and lowered herself back onto the spring.

Jade shivered, she had never envisioned taking the exposure that far but the black guy had caught them off guard… how were they to know that he would suddenly stop then shine a bloody great lamp at them. But when she had heard Dulce squeak in embarrassment as she dived behind the closest seat, she had felt a stirring between her legs and knew exactly what she wanted to do.

“Where are you going?” she asked calmly as the light returned to the small bird in his hand. “I told you to stay naked until I said… now come here and look at this bird he has caught for us.”

“That was nice Jade, you really are opening my eyes.” Dulce said as she leaned across the aisle to kiss as the Toyota bounced on into the African night, “I can’t wait to find out what you’ll make me do next!”


Benard wasn’t following an established route, he knew a better place than the usual. A deep river during the rainy season it turned into a series of small pools when the rains had departed, and the pools concentrated the animals. Now the rains were just a distant memory and the ground on the plains was covered in wiry dried grasses and thick dust, all life was centred on the water, and a truce had been called, predator and prey drunk side by side, the need for water quashing every other instinct. Even the lion and hyena ignored impala and gazelle choosing to keep a wary eye on disgruntled hippos instead.

This was the place that Benard was going to show them, the moon had risen high casting a silver grey light across the bush, he knew exactly where he was, these had been his tribal lands, this was a path he had walked many times as a small boy herding cattle, here he was actually closer to his ancestral home than the lodge… which proved to be bad news for the two women under his care and protection, because this was the night that Benard would lose his job, this was the night that his decision not to maintain the Toyota would backfire. This was the night that the vehicles electrical system would fizzle and die shortly before he lied that he would return to the lodge for help.

But of course neither of the women could possibly have known that he had set off walking in the opposite direction!


An hour had passed since Benard had left them alone in the darkness. “Stay in the vehicle,” had been his parting advice, “And if you need the bathroom… just stay close.”

Now Dulce needed the bathroom… urgently.

“It’s light enough to see quite clearly,” Jade said, her voice light and confident. She wasn’t a worrier, life always had a way of ironing itself out regardless of the problems… so they were stranded in the African bush, but the guide would return in a few hours with a fresh vehicle, they had snacks, they had water, they had a full moon, and rather than the bush crawling with wildlife, they were alone… which in her mind equalled safe!

“Go in those bushes over there… I want to watch you walking naked out there.”

Dulce grinned, she drew confidence from the older woman, she was also as horny as hell, her exhibitionism combined with the action of her favourite spring had her feeling ready for just about anything.

“Okay,” she giggled, “I’m going to mark my territory… I watched a National Geographic documentary… wild animals piss on the bushes to say hey, this place is mine… keep out!

“Interesting!” Jade chuckled, “So if that’s a mark of ownership… I will have to piss on you later!”

Dulce shivered before nodding eagerly, “So watch me now, here I go.”

And carefully she clambered down from the raised viewing platform and dropped softly onto the track. The earth was warm under her bare feet from the days intense sun, and talcum fine dust oozed up between her toes. A gentle breeze fanned her naked body which felt good, it reminded her more clearly of her nudity and made her wonder quite why it should feel so incredibly arousing despite being alone except for Jade. Maybe the animals are watching me and getting horny she joked as she began to pick her way toward the outline of riverine bushes as Jade had instructed. Not for a second did she consider her actions rash or unwise, like Jade she felt secure in solitude, she couldn’t see anything, ergo, nothing was there.

Little did she know just how wrong she was. And as she stepped into the shadow cast by the line of stunted bushes and trees the ground beneath her feet began to crumble and she felt gravity draw her down the invisible river bank to the dry sandy bed below. The fall wasn’t far, but it knocked the air from her lungs leaving her crouched on all fours gasping for breath.

“Are you OK babe?” she heard Jade call from above, she drew a breath and gathered her wits to answer, but the words died in her mouth as a low and menacing growl rumbled behind her.


Jade felt her arousal growing as Dulce picked a dainty path away from the vehicle and toward the trees, the girl was perfect, so kinky, so willing, so incredibly sexy.

Clearly she loved kink! Pain, humiliation, submission. Images of bondage flooded her thoughts, she pictured the pretty girl tied tightly, her arms secured above her head, her legs lashed to the lower arms of a St Andrews Cross spreading her wide. Then I can push her limits, Jade chuckled softly, she had lots of ideas, the bottle and her fist had just been the beginning.

Dulce crossed from the moonlight to the darkness of the bush and Jade strained her eyes to keep track. That’s far enough she thought and made to call out, but before she could voice her instructions there came a muffled cry and a slither of dried earth and grass.

Guilt gripped her mind as the worst case scenarios flooded imagination, galvanised into action Jade leapt from her seat hitting the earth beside the Toyota’s open drivers door. Against all odds she reached inside and laid her hand instantly on the spotlight, flicking the switch quickly she heaved a sigh of relief to find that it had an internal battery. “I’m coming lover,” she gasped as she began the short dash toward the bush. “Are you OK babe?” she called out louder… but only silence answered her.

Flicking the switch she trained the lamp on the ground, she quickly saw the place where Dulce slipped, the friable earth had crumbled easily and left a Dulce sized gash in the hidden ridge. “I’m coming.” Jade repeated quietly and edged closer to train the light down into the dry river.

What she saw below sent her blood cold and stopped her heart for a moment, before her wits returned and she grasped the situation unfolding. Steadily she trained the light on her crouching and terrified lover and called down quietly. “Just stay still… don’t move!”


The growl rumbled clearly and Dulce froze. Lion! She thought, or leopard! Not that it really mattered, a large predator was stalking behind her and she had almost fallen straight on its head, regardless of the species she understood that she was probably dead, and as she heard paws disturb sand and gravel her bladder surrendered sending acrid pee jetting toward her nemesis.

Snuffling replaced the growls, the movement of paws ceased, the sniffing increased. Now the growl was replaced by the smallest of whines, just as blinding light shattered the darkness, Dulce risked turning her head a fraction but obeyed Jade’s advice. She couldn’t move anyway, even if she had wanted to run she couldn’t, terror had her in its grip, she was too scared to move.

She saw its eyes first, they glowed on the edge of the light. “The light will drive it away.” Jade called.

Dulce couldn’t answer, her tongue cleaved to the roof of her parched mouth, her mind was filled with those menacing yellow eyes. It was becoming bolder, and Jade’s assumption that the light would drive it away was proving to be very wrong.

Oh my God, she groaned inside as the beast edged closer, drool hung from its powerful jaws and dripped into the course hair on its broad chest, rounded ears pricked and swivelled cautious and alert. The pink tongue lolled as it scented the breeze, something had its attention and its courage was growing by the second.

“Keep still,” Jade repeated quietly, “If you run it will chase you!”

How do you know? The question seemed pointless, she probably would have considered running if she hadn’t been so terrified, but flight was the furthest thing from her mind, she had already decided that her best chance of survival would be to stay still and quiet… and hope that it soon lost interest and walked away.

But it wasn’t losing interest, in fact, its interest was mounting by the moment. It smelt female urine, it smelt fear… but most importantly, the big alpha male Hyena smelt her arousal, and he was ready to mate!


To Jade’s horror, directly behind Dulce another dark shape appeared, then another, two more large Hyena crept into the pale circle of light. “Stay perfectly still.” she gasped and momentarily caught the attention of the leading newcomer. Strangely, as he looked up Jade could have sworn that he wore a wicked grin.

Dulce felt her arms begin to shake, the effort of staying perfectly still was starting to take its toll, yet she knew that she couldn’t move. The Hyena at her side had edged closer now, she could smell it, its breath was rank like a grave, the stench of death literally oozed from it.

Suddenly its attention was drawn and she heard her lover above warning yet again to remain still, a growled warning escaped the beast she could see, and risking the smallest of movements she turned her head slowly. Dulce felt her heart begin to pound as on the very edge of her vision she saw the two new arrivals.

Should I try to run? The thought forced its way past her fear. I have even less chance now, she reasoned, to escape one would have been improbable, but to escape three… impossible.

Surely they would have attacked by now… if they were going to? She debated if she was simply clutching straws, maybe they were simply being cautious before the attack, clearly they didn’t happen across naked white women in their bush every day!

“I don’t think they are aggressive!” Jade whispered, “They seem more curious. Stay calm, give them a few minutes to leave. If they start getting too close I’ll find something to throw.”

Stay calm? Dulce almost gasped at the temerity of the statement, it was very easy for Jade to say that, she wasn’t naked, on her hands and knees, and surrounded by predators.

And it gets worse she groaned silently as the original Hyena turned and sniffed the air, between his hind legs hung a long, thin cock, the lamp illuminated it clearly and from the flared tip a shiny clear fluid oozed and dripped.

He smells me! Instantly Dulce understood, she was sending out signals, she just hadn’t expected a wild Hyena to react. Before she slipped she had been dripping with her own arousal, Jade had forced her to strip, to expose herself to the guide, then walk through the bush on display. He could smell her excitement, then I pissed myself, he probably likes that too! And now I’ve given him a fucking hard-on!

Strangely a feeling of relief washed over her, she almost felt reprieved… maybe Jade was correct, maybe they didn’t want to eat her, maybe they would lose interest when they realised that she wasn’t a horny lady Hyena. Her confidence began to grow. And how many girls can boast that they made a wild beast hard? She almost giggled aloud and cast another glance at what she had created. It’s actually quite impressive she told herself, the Hyena wasn’t exactly small, about the size of the average Labrador dog, but his cock was far out of proportion, it would have made many men that she had know turn away in shame and jealousy.

Once again a low rumbling growl emerged from the beast at her side, he moved closer now, his sloping hind quarters close to her head, his head close to her ass. He was warning the others, they had edged closer to the tantalising scent, Dulce couldn’t see but two other cocks also stood to attention. The Alpha was warning his younger brothers to stay back, he was the leader, he led the way, he would eat first, the choicest parts of the kill… but now feeding was far from his mind. He was first for everything… always, and now he was faced with a small confusion, but as Alpha, he had to be decisive, he couldn’t show fear, and with another, final warning growl he ran forward to scatter his kin before turning swiftly to mount the pale creature that had been driving him to distraction!


In a state of shock Jade felt her hand shaking, the lamp trained down on Dulce wavered and she grasped her wrist to steady herself.

“Don’t move!” she groaned. She couldn’t believe what she was witnessing.

The largest Hyena had taken her by surprise, yes, she had seen the long cock dangling, but in her wildest dreams she never pictured what had happened next.

It had pounced forward, just two or three rapid strides, she had stooped to grab a rock to throw, but as her fingers hunted in the dust he turned, and with incredible agility he had launched himself onto Dulce’s back and plunged his long cock deep into her cunt.

Jade gasped and released an involuntary groan, Dulce squealed and staggered forward.

It was then that Jade had cried out, “Don’t move!” Dulce had steadied herself and crouched with her head low to the ground, her ass raised almost as if welcoming the Hyena that was now frantically pounding her pussy.

Feeling ashamed yet unable to stop herself Jade forced her hand down inside her panties and dipped three fingers as she watched the Alpha gently grasp a mouthful of long black hair and pull. Once again Dulce squealed, but Jade saw how she was pushing back against the savage thrusts.

I just knew that you were a dirty little slut she groaned, and then gushed cum over her fingers.


His sudden pounce had taken her completely by surprise, and her numb brain barely had time to react before he returned.

Dulce squealed as he jumped on her back, he is going to kill me she thought as panic filled her, then she felt the shocking invasion as the cock she had been admiring stabbed deep. His weight drove her forward and Dulce gasped again as he began to thrust frantically. Never before had a cock probed so deeply, it wasn’t thick but it felt like it had grown in length in the few seconds since she last looked at it. He was whining… and grunting, his pace was impressive. Hot panted breath hit her neck, but strangely she didn’t mind the stench so much now, she had submitted to her fate, while he was fucking her he wasn’t attacking her… and why would he kill her after, he was an animal with instincts, her reasoning grasped slim hope as he pulled her hair with his powerful jaws, in response she pushed her ass back to meet his deep thrusts, he isn’t going to kill me… just fuck me. He thinks he can make me pregnant… he isn’t just fucking… he thinks that he’s breeding me!

It was over quickly, and Dulce cried out again as his hot cum jetted deep inside her. For only a moment he paused, his full weight on her back before he quickly pulled out and with a yip bounded into the darkness.

“Don’t move!” the cry from above was urgent, suddenly Dulce remembered the two others that lurked in the shadows. Sand and gravel shifted behind her, Dulce closed her eyes and gritted her teeth, they were coming, could she remain lucky, would they leave her alive.

Her mouth flew open as a tongue began to lap at her gaping pussy, cum was leaking from deep inside, now the boldest of the brothers licked enthusiastically.

This is so wrong! The words circled in her brain but still she wriggled provocatively against the powerful tongue… she was going to get fucked again, they didn’t want to eat her, they were going to gang bang her.

This is an excerpt from the eBook Jade & Dulce Go Wild – The full story can be purchased at smashwords.com.



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