Leashed to Lust 5

By Kate Kanine.

Read the first installment here.
Read the second installment here.
Read the third installment here.
Read the fourth installment here.


Part Seventeen

Debbi and Candi quickly undressed and crawled into bed together. The bed was big and very comfortable with soft sheets and a thick duvet—and the girls discovered it had just the right amount of a grating to add an exotic spice to lovemaking! Debbi rolled onto Candi, and the two sexy strippers entwined around each other. They kissed and squirmed until their moans and the scent of hot pussy coaxed Rex up onto the bed.

“Oh, Rexy, we won’t see you for a few days, boy,” sighed Debbi as she pulled the covers aside for the horny dog.

The dog wormed into bed between the girls. He stood over them, delighting in the scent of hot pussy and the big curves of the girls’ soft female flesh. His canine eyes flashed over them, over Candi’s thighs and bulging buttocks, over Debbi’s huge breasts and wide nipples. His penis sprang out of its sheath, getting longer and harder, flicking upward and stiffer and stiffer with every pulse of his racing heart.

“You wanna give us both a hot goodbye screw, Boy?” Candi teased. The girls pulled the covers up over Rex’s head, and the bed became a squeaking, giggling tent.

The girls squirmed down further and licked Rex’s erection together, sharing it like a meaty lollipop. Their tongues twirled and teased around his hot shaft and over his throbbing cockhead. But Rex couldn’t wait—the horny dog jumped on the plump woman! Debbi squealed with excitement and licked pre-cum from her lips as Rex wormed between Candi’s thighs, his boner throbbing with need. The dog’s erection sank into Candi’s juicy pussy as the big brunette wrapped her leg around him. Rex licked Candi’s tits as he fucked his mistress, and it didn’t take long for her hot pussy to suck a load of sperm from his balls.

The girls let Rex rest for a minute, and then Debbi got on her hands and knees. She bowed her back and tossed her long blonde hair as Rex mounted her. The dog stood on his hind legs, gripping Debbi’s wide hips. His penis flexed as he shuffled forward, spitting a sticky string of pre-cum across Debbi’s big buttocks. Then, the doggy buried his bone. Debbi moaned, and the brass bed squeaked as they fucked. Candi watched spellbound as her naughty doggy thrust and lunged until he pumped his second load into Debbi’s juicy pussy.

The horny girls embraced and kissed, moaning and licking each other’s lips. Though his balls had just been drained, watching the girls kiss soon made Rex hard again. The more they moaned and kissed, the more swollen his cock became. From the corner of her eye, Candi saw her pet’s cock was once again hard and throbbing.

“Oh Debbi, it looks like someone needs his big balls drained one last time!” giggled Candi. “Let’s really tease him nice and slow this time.”

The delighted beauties invited the dog back in between them. While Rex stood over the girls, Candi massaged his heavy balls and took hold of his hot shaft. The depraved brunette slowly jerked her dog off while Debbi cupped her huge tits and teased the dog’s cock head with her nipples. Rex stood in place, quivering with pleasure. Soon, both Candi’s hand and Debbi’s nipples were slippery with doggy pre-cum. Candi squeezed the dog’s shaft and tickled his balls. Debbi rubbed her sniff nipples around the canine cock-head, smearing blobs of spunk into her creamy tits.

The bed squeaked, the girls panted and gasped, the horny dog groaned. And suddenly, the dog-cock started squirting wildly. Candi sighed with satisfaction as the dog’s balls pumped splash after splash of semen all over Debbi’s big tits. Rex staggered to the foot of the bed, and Candi turned and pounced on her roommate. Debbi moaned as Candi sucked the thick gooey jizz off her nipples and slurped up the blobs and splashes of hot doggy sperm as they trickled down the slopes of the big blonde’s breasts.

At last, all three lovers collapsed happily, glowing with satisfaction and wondering what other pleasures their stay at Cleo’s would bring.


Part Eighteen

An hour before six o’clock, the girls got out of the cum-stained bed to get ready for dinner. On every floor of the mansion was a spacious bathroom with a big old claw-foot tub, and the girls bathed together luxuriously. They washed each other with thick, warm suds and then anointing each other’s warmly glowing bodies with creams and perfume. The girls wanted to be as attractive as possible as they were likely to make some new friends. By the time the girls heard the gentle chime announcing dinner they looked and felt radiant with perfect hair and beautiful dresses. Debbi and Candi made their way downstairs, following the sound of the chime. Staircases and hallways seemed to go in every direction within the huge house, but soon, they found themselves in the lobby. Rex followed along behind, his tail wagging happily.

At the bottom of the stairs was a wide hallway with double doorways leading off to a formal sitting room and lounge. Dozens of beautiful, elegantly dressed women were here, some chatting over drinks, some just arriving from other rooms or down the staircase with Debbi and Candi. A canine companion accompanied every woman; some even had two or three. Every breed and size of dog imaginable was there: quite a few Shepherds like Rex, some Labs and Pinschers, a few big Danes and Wolfhounds, even a pair of Dalmatians and a big French poodle.

And what fine animals they were, too. Their coats shone lustrously in the soft lighting of Cleo’s home, and they moved with powerful confidence among themselves and the women. Candi and Debbi had never seen such splendid animals anywhere, and the collection of so many of them in a single place made the effect all the more striking and impressive. “Ah, there you are!” came a gushing voice at their side. The girls turned to find Cleo approaching them from the lounge.

“Come this way now, girls, dinner is about to begin.


Part Nineteen

Cleo’s dining room was just as impressive as the rest of her mansion. A very long table of polished wood stretched down the middle of the large room. The finely detailed walls were hung with pictures of dogs of all breeds, and all of this was bathed in soft light from the many candles and a crystal chandelier overhead. Rex, along with the other dogs, was taken away to be fed elsewhere, and the girls gave him a hug and a loving kiss on the nose, knowing they wouldn’t see him during his few days of stud duty.

After seeing Rex off, Candi and Debbi entered the sumptuous dining room. There were already about two dozen women seated at the table as Cleo guided Candi and Debbi to their seats. They took their places at the long table, smiling and nodding to Cleo’s other guests. Both girls sipped their wine and looked around the room. All of Cleo’s guests were elegantly dressed and made up beautifully for the evening, with dark lips and dusky eye shadow. The low candlelight lent the room a mysterious, almost decadent air, and to the girls, it seemed as though each woman was more exotic or beautiful than the next.

All the women, Candi noticed, were of a large build. If there were any model-thin customers of Cleo’s kennels, they had not been invited this weekend.

All around her, Candi saw big, beautiful women of every shape and color, with wide hips, plump thighs, and heavy, full bosoms on proud display. Next to Candi was a Latin beauty with deep, mysterious eyes whose long, shapely legs were topped by thick, delicious-looking thighs. A few places to Debbi’s left sat two beautiful brunettes who were clearly mother and daughter. Both shared the same dancing eyes and an easy laugh, not to mention truly impressive hips and bust lines.

Directly across from Candi was a big blonde of simply Amazonian proportions—not only was she tall, but her well-proportioned curves were like nothing Candi had seen before—she must have weighed 300 pounds, maybe a little more. Her low-cut dress revealed a long, deep cleft of cleavage. Her giant udders were even bigger than Debbi’s huge tits, pushing the limits of what was humanly possible.

At the end of the table, seated to the right of the ever-elegant Cleo, was a beautiful black girl who seemed to act as Cleo’s assistant. Her long dark ringlets cascaded down onto creamy mocha shoulders, framing a pair of enormous breasts that jutted far out over the table. To Candi, it looked like the only thing keeping the girl from falling forward was her wide hips and big meaty ass.

To Cleo’s left was another girl who also seemed to have a special place at the table. She was a beautiful redhead whose long red hair cascaded down across freckled shoulders. Like the rest of the women, her dress revealed a huge set of melon-like breasts. But this redhead’s most amazing feature was her wide hips and enormous bottom—certainly the biggest of all Cleo’s guests at the table, even the blonde across from Candi.

Cleo took her place at the head of the table and got her guest’s attention by ringing a small bell.

“Ladies, I’d like to welcome you all and thank you for coming to Ashbrook Kennels this weekend. I’m delighted you were all able to come, and I know we’ll have a wonderful week together.”

Cleo raised her glass and the ladies joined her in this toast.

“I’d like to extend my special thanks to those ladies who wear a Golden Key. You are our special guests this weekend, and I know you’ll enjoy your stay. All greatly appreciate your contributions to my kennel… especially our boys!”

The big blonde across the table caught Debbi’s eye and tipped her a suggestive wink. Like Debbi, she wore a golden key lodged in the valley between her giant jugs.

“Hi, Honey,” she said, addressing herself to Debbi. “I’m Jane. Have you worn the key before?” Jane spoke with a gentle southern twang that softened her bold appearance.

“Uh… no. This is my first time.” Debbi replied.

Jane smiled warmly and leaned forward. “Well, don’t you worry, Honey—you’ll love it. This is my ninth time!”

Looking down the length of the table, Debbi and Candi could see about half of the women were wearing golden keys. Cleo, who had overheard this exchange, smiled knowingly.

“Some of you have been to my guests before, and for some of you, it’s your first time. Either way, if you have a golden key between your boobs, please obey my two assistants, May and Mona, when it comes to your time.”

As Cleo’s guests laughed at her little joke, the beautiful hostess indicated toward the black girl and the redhead who sat on either side of her.

“And now, let’s eat!”

Cleo clapped her hands and a dozen girls dressed in saucy French maid outfits appeared to serve dinner.

Dinner was rich and delicious, with soups, salads, appetizers, and entrees of all kinds served over more than two hours. Wine flowed, cheeks became rosy, and all around Candi and Debbi were the musical voices of the many women as they talked and giggled. The candles burned lower, and dinner plates were cleared in favor of dessert plates.

Now, the table seemed to overflow with all kinds of little cakes and delicate pastries, and every woman had a glass of liqueur or wine. The evening grew later, and talk became bolder. Although nothing was said openly, subtle innuendo and a dirty joke or two made it apparent that all Cleo’s guests had canine lovers. Both Candi and Debbi felt excited that they were not alone in having discovered the delicious depravity of bestial love.

At last, Cleo’s beautiful guests began to tire. Some excused themselves eagerly, blushing as they hurried back to their guestrooms while the other women giggled and teased. Some lingered, their voices becoming hushed.

Debbi and Candi were full, content, and just a little bit drunk. Draining the last of her cognac, Debbi turned and kissed Candi’s cheek.

You look so beautiful tonight, Candi. “I’m so excited to be here with you.”

Candi’s eyes were heavy with wine. She smiled crookedly and leaned into Debbi’s ear. Her tongue flicked the big blonde’s ear quickly, and she whispered.

“You better watch it, or I’ll have to take you back to my room.”

Debbi turned to gaze into Candi’s eyes, her pussy beginning to heat up.



Part Twenty

The girls giggled as they walked down the hallway and arrived at their suites. Candi reached into her purse for the key, and Debbi leaned in to kiss her. Their tongues wound around each other in a slow dance, further exacerbating their excitement.

They entered the room and, still kissing, stumbled to the bed, where they collapsed. They giggled happily and rolled upon one another, squealing like excited girls at a sleepover.

Then Candi sat up, playfully pinning Debbi beneath her.

“Well, since there’s no Rexy to play with tonight,” she said, “we’ll have to make our fun.”

Debbi sighed happily, squirming beneath her sexy roommate.

“Oh? And what do you have in mind,” the big blonde whispered.

Candi’s eyes glittered with excitement. “Oh, I know just what I want to do. If I play a nice game with you, do you promise to obey my every word?”

Debbi kissed Candi long and deep before replying.

“I hope it’s a dirty game,” the big blonde hissed. “How do we start?”

Candi sighed happily, his breathing becoming quicker as her excitement grew. Over the months that she had been Debbi’s roommate, Candi had discovered a submissive side to the big blonde. It excited Debbi when Rex was a little rough or demanding, and she was always willing to follow Candi’s lead. After their initial night of passion with Rex, Candi had instructed Debbi further, turning her on to all kinds of exciting and kinky thrills with Rex. Candi had slowly become more dominant in their relationship, and it had come to excite the plump stripper to have a sexy blonde roommate at her disposal.

Now Candi bit her lip in delicious contemplation.

“For starters, you can get out of that dress—and into your violet corset and stockings,” she said.

Debbi moaned throatily and then quickly rolled off the bed. She disappeared into her side of the suite through the shared doorway and returned a few minutes later. Candi had just finished turning the lights down low and straightening out the bed when Debbi came back into the room.

Debbi was in a beautiful violet corset, ornately detailed with panels of black lace and crimson embroidery. Her huge breasts threatened to spill out the top of the cups, and wide violet garters held up violet fishnet stockings. The big blonde oozed sex as she slowly crossed the room, a delicious twitch in the swing of her hips.

Candi caught the blonde’s face in her hands and kissed her roommate passionately before gently slipping the black blindfold around her eyes and tying it tight at the back of her head.

“Now stay right here like a good girl,” intoned Candi with mock severity.

Debbi heard the bedside drawer open and close, and then Candi went into the other room. A minute later, her soft footsteps returned and stopped in front of Debbi.

“Now kneel,” Candi’s voice said.

Debbi sank to her knees, her boobs and bottom wobbling.

“And now open your mouth,” said Candi as she leaned forward to remove the blindfold from her blonde roommate.

Candi stood before her, wearing a black bra and panties and something else. The long pink jelly dildo jutted out from her crotch. The stiff shaft just inches from Debbi’s parted lips.

“Oh, Candi,” Debbi moaned. She licked her lips and reached out for the busty brunette who leaned over her.

Debbi took Candi by the hip and brought her near her, caressing her luscious body, cupping her big tits and plump ass. She kissed her lips, down to her neck, then she kissed and licked her cleavage and went down to her soft belly, kissing and licking. She went down to her thighs and her calves and started making her way back up until her tool hit her right cheek. Debbi opened her plump lips and swallowed the cockhead, her tongue racing over the slick rubber tip. Then she slowly deep-throated Candi’s cock, holding her lips firmly around the shaft. She bobbed her head slowly and passionately.

“ Yeah, mmmmmh… that feels good, suck it, baby,” Candi said, playing along with Debbi. Candi arched her back and wiggled her hips, working her strap-on cock around in Debbi’s mouth before pulling out and looking down at Debbi, who was looking up at her wickedly.

“You like sucking Candi’s cock, don’t you, baby?” Candi cooed. “You’re sucking it like it’s a big hard doggy cock, aren’t you?”

Candi nudged the dildo forward, the head parting Debbi’s lips and the shaft sinking in again.

Debbi moaned high-pitched, girly moans as she sucked on the big cock, pumping the dildo’s shaft with one hand. Then Debbi reached up, running her hands over Candi’s boobs, caressing them as she arched her back as if she was actually taking physical pleasure from all this, playing her role perfectly.

“Oooo yeah! You’re such a good cocksucker, Debbi.” Candi teased. “All the dogs in the kennel are going to want to get their hot boners between your lips!”

Candi was really horny now. It felt like the dildo really was her cock, long and stiff and swollen with cum. Watching Debbi’s big pouty lips stretch and pucker around the pink rubber shaft was making her pussy boil. The horny brunette started bucking her hips to get more rubber dick past Debbi’s eager lips, holding her head in place as she jammed her dick in. Drool started dripping out the sides of Debbi’s mouth as she teased the rubber cock with her lips and tongue. Candi loved the wet slippery sounds Debbi’s sucking made as her blonde hair bobbed up and down.

Candi closed her eyes and fantasized she was Rex. Rex with his hard cock in Debbi’s mouth. Rex, with his swollen balls about to blow.

Candi started fingering herself underneath her strap-on, her fingers swirling through her pussy lips and around her buzzing clit. Candi rubbed anxiously, blinded by lust. She felt Debbi sucking harder and harder, taking the jelly dildo deep into her mouth, letting it bulge in her cheeks.

Candi rubbed herself furiously, her climax beginning to peak. Her face flushed as she whispered dirty talk to Debbi:

“Ooooo yeah, suck it like that. Suck my hard doggy- cock!”

As Candi’s orgasm built, she reached down to squeeze the dildo’s big balls. She wanted to cum all over her pretty roommate.

“I’m…. unnnnnghhhhh…. cumming!” Candi moaned.

“Cum on my tits, on my tits… cum all over me!” Debbi pleaded.

As her orgasm crashed through her, Candi gave her balls a hard squeeze. The dildo made a popping sound, and what seemed like gallons of vanilla semen spurted out, splattering all over Debbi’s face and chest, all over her nipples up to her chin. Debbi moaned as she rubbed it all in, swallowing the few drops that went past her lips onto her tongue. A month ago, she could never have imagined that she’d ever be swallowing cum from a girl, let alone her sexy dog-fucking roommate.

“Wow!” Candi moaned, “you really are a cum slut—you swallowed all that hot doggy jizz.”

Debbi licked her lips and looked up at her roommate.

“Oh, I’m just getting started.”


Part Twenty One

The next morning arrived bright and clear, and Candi awoke when a beam of sunlight fell across her eyes. She rolled over to face her sleeping blonde roommate and was about to give her a playful poke when she suddenly stopped.

Debbi’s tits were enormous!

They had always been huge, but now, half hidden under a rumpled sheet, they looked positively gigantic. Candi slowly pulled back the sheet to get a better look. Debbi was asleep on her side, and her breasts bulged out before her, one fleshy globe stacked atop the other like fleshy beachballs. Her nipples seemed to have grown too, and the big blonde’s pink areolas were now thick and puffy and wider than Candi’s palm.

“Um… Debbi?” Candi cried, “Wake up, Debbi!”

Debbi’s eyes opened a fraction into dark slits, her eyes smudgy with last night’s makeup.

“Wha?…” Debbi mumbled. Then her eyes flew open.

“Candi!… your boobs!” the big blonde cried, sitting up.

Candi suddenly realized her chest felt much heavier.

As Debbi gaped, Candi looked down at her breasts. The plump brunette let out a little squeal of surprise. Like Debbi, her breasts seemed to have magically swollen overnight. Her pale tits were twice the size they’d been before, swollen and taut. Her nipples looked like brown gumdrops, and her aureoles, which had always been wide, now looked like two big brown cup saucers.

The girls stared at each other, their mouths open in disbelief. They got out of bed and sat down together in front of the mirror, staring at the reflections of the strange women in front of them. They let their eyes wander all over their scantily covered bodies, taking in every luscious curve.

Candi’s sheer camisole top bulged obscenely with her transformed breasts. The huge mounds were wrapped tightly in the smooth material, and her hard nipples poked through the thin fabric like steel points. She pulled off the camisole top that barely contained the huge breasts beneath it and gazed at her enormous tits with awe and bewilderment.

Next to her, Debbi took in her swollen jugs. They hung like two enormous melons, sagging slightly into fat teardrop-shaped udders capped by big pink nipples. The big blonde shook her chest from side to side, and her mammoth melons swung heavily. Her hands instinctively rose until her slender fingers gently cupped the soft flesh and lifted them gently, gauging their weight and mass carefully, almost as if she was still unsure that they were hers.

Both pairs of breasts felt full and firm, and it was quickly obvious to the girls that their bosoms were swollen with milk! Candi moaned involuntarily as she realized that this incredible change to her body was real and not some twisted dream.

Just then, there was a knock at the door, and a feminine voice called out.

“Good morning, ladies. I have room service with breakfast!”

It was Cleo.

“Umm…. Just a minute,” called Candi as she and Debbi scrambled to find something to cover themselves with. Debbi barely squeezed into her oversized t-shirt while Candi wrapped herself in a nearby robe.

A moment later, the door opened, and Cleo strolled in. Behind her, pushing two covered carts, were May, the beautiful black girl, and Mona, the big-bottomed redhead.

“Good morning, ladies. I trust you slept well?” Cleo grinned knowingly at her two guests. Before the two confused girls could answer, Cleo raised a hand:

“I can’t stay, but May and Mona will give you your assignments. Candi, you’ll be with Mona. Debbi, you’ll be working with May. I know you both have a lot of questions, and my girls will be happy to answer them. Goodbye for now.”

Cleo smiled warmly and then left just as quickly as she’d arrived.

May turned to the girls and smiled. She gestured to the bed, indicating that Candi and Debbi should sit. Too stunned to question, the girls sat.

Mona began. “Okay, first of all, I know you’re both a little freaked out right now. The changes your breasts have undergone are not permanent—the herbal elixir you drank only lasts a week or so, and before you know it, you’ll be back to your normal selves.”

Then May spoke. “The elixir triggers an unusually strong lactation and also causes the release of a few very specific hormones. This is how Cleo’s dogs become so bonded to their female companions. Instead of their mother’s milk, the puppies here are raised on human milk.”

Candi felt her fear and confusion slip away to be replaced by a growing erotic flame in her tummy.

“You mean the puppies will…” Debbi began.

Mona stepped forward, hugging the big blonde warmly.

“Suck hot milk out of your titties,” the plump redhead giggled gently.

“All those other girls who have a golden key will be nursing puppies, too,” she continued. “We’ve all done it, and a lot of girls come back and do it again and again just for the pleasure of it.”

“It’s a little difficult to explain it all. I’ll just show you,” May said with a smile. She handed both girls a thin cotton robe cut extra wide across the chest.

“These are nursing robes. They’ll keep you warm and covered as you come and go from the nursery. Cleo likes the nurses to be naked in the nursery – it helps the puppies bond.”

Mona clapped her hands girlishly, her pretty round face shining with excitement.

“Okay, enough talk. We’ll be back in one hour to take you on the tour. In the meantime, you ladies enjoy breakfast.”

May and Mona left the room, leaving a stunned and excited Candi and Debbi alone to eat breakfast.


Part Twenty Two

An hour later, May returned to the girls’ rooms.

“I hope you ate well, Ladies,” the gorgeous black girl smiled. “We want our sexy nurses to have big full udders for our pups.”

May waited patiently as Candi and Debbi slipped into their robes, the thin cotton hanging down from their impressive busts and barely covering past mid-thigh.

“Mona is helping Cleo in the breeding kennels this morning, so I’ll take both of you to the nursery,” May said as she guided the two plump beauties out of their suite and down a quiet back hall. The trio left the mansion and followed a path that wound between some of the other buildings on the property. Dogs barked in the distance, and the girls saw some of Cleo’s other guests coming and going on the grounds.

Holding Debbi and Candi by the hand, May led the busty girls into a small barn-like building. It was dark inside, and the girls followed May blindly until their eyes adjusted to the darkness. May led them through a narrow hallway and then into a small room with a few chairs and a row of gowns hanging on hooks.

“These used to be a horse stable,” May said. “But with a few minor conversions, it’s become a perfect nursery for the kennel. This area is the change room–you can hang your robes up here.”

There was a broom closet here, too, and as Candi and Debbi slipped out of their robes, a small terrier mutt poked his head out from behind the door, yawned, and gazed at the three women.

“Oh, hello, Dusty,” May said, then bent to scratch the little dog’s ears. Dusty was not much larger than a puppy himself, but he growled happily as May petted him.

“Dusty is the unofficial guard dog in the nursery,” May giggled. He’s a stray who wandered in a few months ago. He’s rather small and not exactly breeding stock, but Cleo lets him stay here. The poor little guy’s balls must be swollen with all of the sexy girls who undress here in front of him.”

Indeed, Dusty seemed to look at the naked girls with longing before hanging his head and shuffling back into his closet.

May now guide the girls into the next room. She closed the door behind them, and the girls were alone with the beautiful black girl. The room was rather small and bare, with walls of rough wood and a floor hidden under a thick carpet of straw. There was no furniture except four odd-looking low benches that had a wide opening in the seat and were padded with thick upholstery. A dim red glow came from a small red light bulb above. As rough as the room was, it was dark and warm and somewhat cozy.

“We keep it warm and dark in here for the puppies. Some of the younger ones are still getting used to the light,” May whispered.

It is warm in here, Candi thought. Even though they were completely naked, both Candi and Debbi could already feel themselves beginning to glow with a thin sheen of sweat.

As if sharing the thought, May now untied the front of her robe and slid it off her shoulders. A moment later, she stood nude except for a bra. May’s dark skin glowed in the soft red light, and her long, curly hair cascaded down her broad back like a shining midnight river. May’s body was a delicious series of curves, her strong, thick legs supporting wide hips and a big, perfectly rounded bottom. Most impressive of all was her enormous bust, straining within her red bra. May’s breasts were even larger than Debbi’s own huge and swollen tits!

“This is the secret of Cleo’s amazing dogs,” May whispered as she reached behind her back and unsnapped her thick bra strap. “As I said, the herbs you drank have swollen your breasts with milk, but they also have other hormonal properties that allow an unusually strong bond between a dog and his human mistress. In fact, sometimes, these naughty puppies get excited and do a little more than just nurse. You’ll see.”

May slipped off her bra, freeing her gigantic breasts. She sighed and cupped her big jugs, shivering as she squeezed her nipples.

“This always gives me a thrill, girls,” the beautiful black woman whispered. “I’m glad I can show this to you. Just watch for now—then I’ll let you two take over.”


Part Twenty Three

Debbi and Candi watched as May squatted down next to one of the benches and then leaned forward, settling on it face down. May was on all fours while her udder-like breasts hung down through an opening, her big nipples nearly brushing the floor. Suddenly, the girls understood the odd design of the benches.

May settled herself comfortably and then pressed a button on the side of the bench. On the opposite side of the room, a small automatic door opened, and three puppies came running out towards the smiling black woman. Excitement building in their bellies, Debbi and Candi sat on a bench near May to watch.

May reached under herself. Grasping each of her swollen nipples, she squeezed the flesh between thumb and forefinger, pulling and tugging on them, milking her fat breasts for the young dogs. Rich white drops of milk began to bead and spray from each big nipple as the pups began to yip excitedly. The woman offered her dripping nipples to the eager mouths of the hungry pups, and they began to suckle ravenously. May’s chest heaved, and her clit buzzed with erotic delight as she felt the sharp teeth of the little beasts nip and tug at her nipples.

“Aaaahhhhh, yessss!… suck my big titties,” she sighed.

The burning rush of her falling milk was like a balm to the swollen flesh of her engorged and throbbing tits. May loved having her tits suckled like this. With the pup’s little tongues flashing at her nipples, she always had a delicious orgasm while she nursed.

May moaned as two pups feasted at her fat udders, and the third busied himself lapping at the lips of her pussy. Debbi and Candi gazed with growing lust as the pups feasted at May’s plump flesh. The beautiful black woman looked like a sexy cow, passive and contented as the hungry pups feasted upon her fleshy curves. The pups worked away at May’s big nipples, hot breath hissing through their snouts, their throats swelling as they swallowed her sweet milk in eager gulps.

“Aaahh… that’s it,” May cooed. “Suck out all my creamy milk, you naughty puppies! Oooo… it feels so good, girls!”

Moments stretched into minutes as the pups continued to feed. May’s brown aureoles were smeared with milk and saliva, and rivulets of cream trickled from the pup’s mouth. The room was silent except for May’s sighs and the juicy, wet sounds of the nursing pups. Not to be left out, the puppy licking May’s swollen pussy lips came forward. He nudged one of his brothers out of the way and pounced upon Maya’s nipple. Now and then, May winced and sighed as a sharp tooth pricked her nipple or a claw scraped along her breast as the three pups slathered and slurped.

“Ooooo…. God…. puppies are gonna make me come,” May moaned.

Debbi and Candi could see her quivering with a building orgasm. The sexy black puppy nurse shuddered, causing her giant hanging breasts to swing gently. May’s dancing nipples excited the pups even more, and they tugged and sucked even harder as if a primal lust was growing within them too.

May squirmed with delight as the pups continued to tease hot milk from her nipples. One pup was at her pussy again, his little tongue flashing up between her plump pussy lips. Debbi became aware of her ragged breathing. She slid a hand into her panties to rub her wet pussy, her fingers circling her buzzing clit while she thought about the little tongues swirling around Maya’s nipples. Beside her, Candi licked her lips and tweaked one of her big brown nipples while rubbing her pussy. Soon it would be the girls’ nipples that the hungry pups sucked from, and Candi shuddered with erotic need at the thought. Now the girls watched with fascinated hunger as the small red cocks of the pups peaked out from their sheaths! Just as May had said, the pups were becoming excited! With their little bellies full of May’s milk, they turned to other primal urges.

As Debbi and Candi masturbated together, one of the nursing pups reared up on his hind legs to hug May’s breast with his forelegs. May gasped as the pup began hunching his hips, thrusting against her. The girls watched in disbelief as the puppy’s penis, no bigger than May’s pinky finger, sprang out from his sheath. The pup growled with pleasure and jigged his hips forward, poking his little pink penis against May’s enormous breast. His little cock slid back and forth across the smooth surface of her breast until it rubbed up against her nipple.

May squealed as the little dog pumped, stabbing his young cock into the woman’s swollen nipple. Pleasure soon overwhelmed the young pup, and his pumping became erratic. He slowed to steady himself, then hunched stiffly and splattered a creamy jet all over her wide brown areola.

Another pup circled May, seeming to size her up before hopping up onto her leg. Straddling one of May’s meaty calves, he clutched her thick thigh and wiggled excitedly. Debbi’s fingers swirled around her clit, and she moaned in orgasm as she saw the pup’s small erection bounce against May’s plump flesh, then spit out a sticky string of semen. Sated, the pups gathered to lap at the black woman’s nipples for a few moments more. At last, their appetites spent, all three wandered back through the small opening in the wall.

May sighed deeply and then rose to her feet. She took Debbi and Candi by the hand and let each plump beauty to a bench. The girls dutifully sank to their knees and climbed aboard their benches, gingerly lifting their enormous swollen breasts into position. Both Candi’s and Debbi’s heavy tits hung like ripe fruit, their nipples mere inches above the rough straw floor.

Once the girls were settled, May pressed a button on the wall. A different little door opened, and four small Rottie pups tumbled through. They raced over to Debbi and Candi and immediately latched on to her tits.

May whispered in Debbi’s ear, her breath hot and exciting.

“Just relax and enjoy! Now we’ll put those fat tits to good use. If you’re a good girl, I might even let the dog that studded this litter try you!”

Debbi’s blue eyes watched as the two pups gnawed at the fat nipples capping her breasts. She moaned in pleasure, helpless to stop the tiny carnivores as they feasted at her swollen tits. Her breath caught in her throat, her eyes rolled, and her back arched as the sensations released a tide of endorphins.

Next to her, Candi writhed on the bench as though strapped in place by invisible bonds. No bonds existed except those in her lust-drunk mind. She was slavishly bound to her own erotic need. A contented sigh escaped her wet lips as she watched the pups nurse at her milky melons. Jets of hot creamy milk were sucked out of her breasts as her nipples opened under the avid attention of her four-legged children. She could only arch her back and revel in the sensations coursing through her as the pups used her big breasts for their nourishment and pleasure.

The weight of the girl’s heavy breasts pulled. Their heavy udders wobbled beneath them as their chests heaved with labored breathing, evidence of the pleasure they derived from their large puckered aureoles feeding the hungry pups.

“Oh girls, you are taking such good care of these little pups,” May whispered in her ear. “They just love your big tits! I’m going to leave you two here. Make sure you let all the puppies have a good feed.”

The next two days were devoted to helping May feed her many puppies. Debbi and Candi enjoyed it, and so did the puppies. Each day dozens of puppies came into the nursing room to tug and suck and slurp at their swollen nipples. One by one, the little pups would come over to the girls and clamp their tiny mouths to their nipples, vigorously sucking away their sweet milk. And that wasn’t all: with each feeding, the older pup became bolder and bolder, often getting erections as they fed and sometimes rubbing their little cocks against the girls however they could, excitedly squirting hot semen upon their sexy human female nurses.


Part Twenty Four

One night, May asked Debbi to do an additional night shift in the nursery. Debbi didn’t mind—she loved feeling hot little tongues on her nipples. Debbi lay on the bench until after midnight, when the last of the thirsty pups had drank themselves into a deep, contented sleep. Then, the big blonde slipped into her robe and returned to Cleo’s mansion. As Debbi walked down a dark hallway, she heard some faint sounds. It was late at night and all Cleo’s guests were in bed sleeping –who would be awake at this hour?

Debbi paused to listen. Very faintly, she heard a muffled growl and what sounded like water splashing. The big blonde listened intently and followed the sounds down the hallway of the quiet mansion. As she turned a corner, Debbi saw a thin sliver of light spilling out from under a doorway. She stepped closer and saw the light coming from one of the shared bathrooms that were on each floor of the mansion. The door was shut tight, but there was an old-fashioned keyhole in the lock. If she was quiet, Debbi thought, she’d be able to peek in. The plump blonde hesitated a moment. Then she got down on her hands and knees.

Debbi’s engorged breasts swung heavily beneath her as she knelt, their big nipples brushing the floor. Her plump bottom bulged from beneath her short robe, displaying puffy pink pussy lips that were already beginning to moisten. Debbi would have some explaining to do if someone happened to come around the corner! Holding her breath, the big blonde peered through the keyhole…

Looking through the opening, Debbi saw a large, beautifully decorated bathroom similar to the other bathrooms throughout the mansion. In the middle of the bathroom was a big old-fashioned claw-foot tub. The room was dimly lit with candles, making it seem mysterious and romantic. And Debbi gasped excitedly at what else she saw – a girl giving a dog a juicy blowjob! The tub was full to the top with a hot bubble bath, and in it were a fat red-headed woman and a dog. Debbi recognized her – it was Mona! Mona was very busty and plump, with a pair of big, kissable lips. Her face was pretty, and with her long red hair done up in pigtails, she looked like a naughty schoolgirl taking a bath with her doggy. Mona was kneeling at one end of the tub. Her wet skin shone in the candlelight, and her enormous breasts swung and jiggled above the bubbles as she sucked eagerly on the dog’s prick.

Also in the tub, with his forepaws up on the edge of the tub, was a big French poodle. Debbi was shocked to see such a dainty, feminine-looking dog with an erection, but something about the dog’s prissy grooming made the scene even kinkier. The dog’s penis was long and slim and very hard. The poodle’s boner pistoned between Mona’s pouting lips, bulging out the redhead’s cheeks with every thrust. Mona’s head bobbed and bounced, her pigtails swaying as she teased the long shaft with her lips and tongue. One of Mona’s hands massaged the dog’s big balls while the other reached back behind her, fingering her own asshole.

Debbi peered in excitedly. Her hand crept down between her legs to find her clit. It was already tingling excitedly, and her pussy was getting wet. The blonde hoped no one else was awake to come to interrupt the fun!

Debbi watched the poodle whimper and thrust, pumping his boner between the woman’s red lips. The redhead moaned as she sucked, savoring the taste of meaty dog- cock. The poodle thrust back and forth, his big balls squeezed by her hand. Debbi watched the sexy redhead lick and suck on the poodle’s penis until the dog’s erection popped free of her mouth. The penis flexed, and a big squirt of pre-cum splashed her lips.

“Oh, you naughty boy,” Mona gasped happily. “You want to fuck me now, baby?”

The big redhead giggled. She licked the dog’s salty pre-cum from her lips as the dog’s tail began wagging furiously, and he whined with excitement. Debbi’s fingers rubbed furiously in her hot pussy—watching Mona suck the dog’s dick was exciting enough, but now she was going to get to watch them fuck! As Debbi peered through the keyhole, the redhead got up on her hands and knees. The bath water sloshed gently as Mona turned her big ass towards the dog and leaned forward, her huge breasts bulging up almost over the lip of the tub.

Debbi was spellbound as she took in the erotic scene before her: at one end of the bubbly bathtub was Mona, bottom turned upwards as she gazed back at her dog. Behind her was her French poodle lover, his boner quivering like a tuning fork as he hopped up and mounted the fat girl. The dog’s hind paws scrabbled on the tub bottom. Water sloshed, and bubbles jiggled. Mona sighed with pleasure and licked her lips in anticipation.

Grabbing his mistress’s wide hips with his forepaws, the poodle thrust forward. The desperate dog stabbed his hard dick against the girl’s ass, but he missed the mark. Debbi saw his penis slide across Mona’s buttock and bend to the side between the lovers, stiff and throbbing as it pressed out against the girl’s hip.

Giggling, the fat redhead reached back and found the dog’s penis. Her hands were slick and bubbly with soap, and she stroked the dog’s shaft. The dog stiffened and held still as the slutty girl began rubbing the dog’s cock all over her bottom. Debbi could hear the girl whispering dirty talk to the dog.

“Oh Lucky, your boner’s so stiff! Do you like that, boy? You like your cock on my big bum?”

The girl rubbed the poodle’s erection all over her bottom, slowly painting her cheeks with his dick like it was a soapy paintbrush. When her big ass was finally shiny and wet, Mona tilted her wrist and squeezed the stiff penis in between her cheeks. Debbi gasped. Was the girl really going to have anal sex with this dainty-looking poodle? Debbi’s mind reeled with lust at the thought.

Mona bowed her back and balled her bottom out, obviously eager to let the dog enjoy her fat cheeks. The poodle needed no more coaxing; he shuffled his hind legs around his painfully swollen balls and tightened his grip on the woman’s hips.

Then, the poodle strained forward. The redhead moaned and pushed her ass back. Debbi watched as the dog’s tapered cockhead popped through the girl’s anus. Then the redhead sighed as the excited dog pulled her hips back, slowly easing his shaft halfway up her big bottom. Mona’s eyes closed in pleasure, and she bit her lower lip as she felt the soapy erection sink in.

“Ooooo, Lucky!” she squealed. “It feels so good! Your boner’s so hot, boy!

She tossed her pigtails and rolled her hips, and Lucky strained forward, working his hard erection up her ass with a slow corkscrewing motion. Debbi’s heart pounded in her ears as she watched. This was so sexy! The bestial couple wasn’t just fucking. They were making love, tenderly enjoying every little thrust and jiggle of the first penetration.

The poodle’s long, hot erection disappeared between Mona’s cheeks until his boner was buried in the balls. Neither of them moved for a moment. The doggy was savoring the pleasure of having his hard erection deep between those big cheeks. The redhead was pressing back into his furry loins, thrilled to the sensation of having her plump bottom stuffed with a load of iron-hard, throbbing doggy prick.

Then the poodle began to fuck. His hind legs quivered in the soapy bubbles as he pulled his prick out. Only the tip of his throbbing red cock remained in the woman’s anus, and then he eased all of that long boner back into her. His cock-shaft slithered up her soapy asshole with one long thrust until his swollen balls slapped against the redhead’s pussy. And Mona loved it! She rolled her buttocks back on the jabbing doggy cock as he began to pump her. Moaning and wriggling, the fat redhead gazed back over her shoulder and urged her pet on:

“Aaaaah!… do it, Lucky!” she whimpered. “You just love to bumfuck me, don’t you, boy?”

The redhead’s heavy tits swung in the soapy bubbles while the lusty poodle danced on his hind paws, pumping her with long slow strokes.

Debbi could tell the dog loved it. He growled and quivered, his teeth bared in a lusty snarl as he hunched over the big woman. He was in doggy heaven, feeling the redhead’s hot anus gripping his shaft and her plump cheeks jiggling in his crotch. His heavy balls slapped against the woman’s pussy with every thrust, swinging with the big creamy load of jizz she’d soon receive.

Debbi stared at the dog’s long glistening penis pumping in and out between the girls jiggling cheeks. She was thrilled by the way the dog screwed against the redhead, clutching her wide hips, eager to squirt his cream up her bouncy bum. Debbi’s clit buzzed excitedly as she watched. It was so delicious spying on this pair of bestial lovers—the candlelight, the bubble bath, the girl kneeling in front of her dog—Debbi wanted to share in this moment, to time her orgasm to theirs. She didn’t have to wait long.

As Debbi watched, the dog’s thrusts became faster and deeper, the woman’s plump ass exciting him more and more. Mona’s bottom rippled and jiggled, and her huge breasts bulged over the lip of the tub. The redhead sighed and licked her lips, pushing her bottom onto the dog’s dick and gazing back lovingly at her canine master.

“Aaaaah, yeah! I’m gonna come from your fucking, Lucky,” she moaned.

Debbi could see Mona’s cheeks squeezing the dog’s shaft as an orgasm began to build. The poodle was hunched right over her now, riding the big girl with his panting muzzle over her shoulder. The redhead looked up at him, whimpering with pleasure and need. Her face flushed as she whispered dirty talk into her pet’s ear.

“Yeah… that’s it, Lucky—cum for Mona,” She teased. “I know you want to come so hard, boy. Do it, Lucky—pop your balls up, my big bum!”

The dog’s thrusts became erratic, and Debbi’s fingers swirled deep in her hot pussy. The redhead sighed excitedly, feeling her orgasm peak. Suddenly, the dog sank his hot, slippery boner balls-deep, quivering with bestial pleasure. The plump slut’s eyes fluttered as she rolled her ass back into his loins – Debbi could see Mona wanted to feel every inch of his twitching cock in her bottom.

“Oh yeah! Squirt my ass, Lucky! Do it, boy!”

The dog was jerking and twitching. Debbi could see his swollen balls contract and knew he was finally pumping jet after jet of hot doggy cum into that fat ass. Debbi’s orgasm rushed through her as she watched the redhead come, gasping with each of her poodle’s hot jets.

“Oooh, cream me!…” Mona gasped, feeling each squirt of hot semen: “Aaah!… Aaah!… Oooo!… Aaah, Lucky!… Ooooo Yeah!”

Debbi’s clit exploded, and a hot rush of pussy cream bathed her swollen lips. She blinked and gasped, barely able to stifle a groan of pleasure. Debbi watched the poodle pull his long drooping erection from Mona’s ass and dismount as the redhead lay gasping against the end of the tub. Not wanting to be discovered, Debbi quickly rose to her feet. She glanced both ways before hurrying down the darkened hallways of the mansion until she reached her room.

As she crawled into bed, the big blonde wiggled her bottom against the mattress, imagining what a hot doggy dick might feel like between her cheeks. It had never occurred to her to make love with Rex this way, but she knew she wanted to try this with him soon. The idea was so sexy that Debbi couldn’t resist fingering her anus and teasing her clit again as she drifted off – she couldn’t wait to tell Candi what she’d seen!


The End.



*This story has been edited by AI to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). Also, AI can be inaccurate at times when editing grammar. The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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