Mary’s First

By kalikay9.

We pulled up to the house. It was nondescript, just like every other little house on the street. It wasn’t in the best neighborhood; the sidewalks were cracked and buckled, and trash littered the gutters. The area was rundown, so I ensured all the doors were locked, and our brand new camera hadn’t been left in the car when we got out. Mary already had it slung over her shoulder, one step ahead of me.

“You ready?” I asked her as I put my hand on the small of her back and escorted her up the uneven driveway.

“I don’t know,” she said honestly, “I’m still nervous.”

“That’s understandable, babe. Don’t worry. I’m here for you, and you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to,” I said reassuringly.

Coming to the porch, we climbed the few stairs and stopped at the door for a second, waiting before knocking, knowing that our lives would be forever changed once we entered the little house.

I looked at her with the afternoon sun shining down on her long black hair. Coming down to her waist when it was loose was a wonderful thing to behold. As dark as a raven and smooth silk, it framed her face perfectly, accentuating her deep brown eyes instead of pulling attention away from them. Today it was tied up in pigtails which gave her a young schoolgirl look, adorable, and the perfect match to her short skirt.

Looking up at me, she absentmindedly bit her lower lip, a nervous habit she had that she did whenever she was anxious or in the throes of ecstasy. She rarely even realized she was doing it.

“Take a second and breathe, babe,” I said, putting my hands on her hips and drawing her close to me.

Drawing a deep breath, she held it momentarily and then released it, which seemed to go most of her nervousness.

“Ready?” I asked, looking deep into her eyes to make sure she was.

“Yeah, let’s go,” she said bravely.

Then I knocked on the door. Instantly we heard loud barking coming from somewhere in the house. The bark had a deep bass resonance that huge dogs can only attain, the kind usually associated with junkyards or dogfights.

She looked at me from the corner of her eye for a second, her nervousness starting to rise, but she fought it down and looked back at the door. We could hear footsteps approaching from the other side.

“Back, get back! Go to your room!” came a man’s voice from the other side of the door, and the barking instantly ceased. A second later, the door popped open.

“Hey, glad you guys made it come on in,” Ron said, holding the door open.

Gesturing for her to go first, we stepped from the warm, sunny summer day into the dark, cool air-conditioned house.

“Ron, nice to finally meet you,” he said as we shook hands and stepped into the house.

Although this was our first official meeting, we had all previously spoken through emails and phone calls that we were somewhat comfortable, as comfortable as strangers can be anyway.

Closing the door behind us and engaging the two locks, Ron said, “go ahead and sit down. Make yourselves comfortable.”

He was slightly older than us but didn’t show it. For a divorced construction worker, he had aged well.

“Are either of you thirsty?” he asked as he walked toward the kitchen. Opening the fridge, he yelled, “I’ve got a soda, water, beer…” and trailed off as he rummaged around looking for something else.

“I’m fine,” I said, then quietly asked, “what about you, babe?”

“I’ll take some water,” she said to me.

“One water,” I yelled, amending my order.

Walking back into the room carrying two big cups, he handed one to me, which I gave to Mary, and then sat on the couch opposite us.

“So, how was the drive?” he asked casually.

“Traffic sucked, but it wasn’t horrible,” I said, and it hadn’t been.

“That’s good. Sometimes it gets bad around here,” he said towards me and then turned his attention to Mary, “and how are you doing, little lady?”

“Good, glad to be out of the car,” she said and stretched her legs as if in emphasis.

“That’s a nice skirt,” Ron remarked, “even nicer that you don’t have any stockings on to get in the way.”

At this, she blushed a little.

“I figured it would be easier like this,” she said demurely.

“You figured right,” he said with a wink, then added, “are you ready to meet Abe? He’s been ready to meet you for a while.”

At the mention of his name Abe made his presence from the other room known with an excited whine.

“Sure,” Mary said, sounding slightly unsure.

Hopping up off his couch, Ron walked toward the back of the house, past the kitchen to a room unseen from the living room.

We heard a door click open and then excited panting and the loud running steps of Abe as he bounded from the back room to meet us.

Running around the corner and into the room at full gallop, he immediately caught sight of Mary and headed straight for her. Abe was a truly stunning sight. Covered in thick muscles, he was immense and intimidating, the largest of his kind I have ever seen before or since. His head was larger than mine, and his excited panting revealed all of his gleaming, sharp teeth. Luckily the look he had plastered on his face was pure glee which put Mary at ease.

As he approached us, he slowed down, sniffed the air, gently sat down, placed his head on her lap, and looked up at her with a friendly and soulful expression in his deep brown eyes.

“Hi Abe,” she said as she stroked him under his chin and behind his ears as he panted with his tongue lolling out the side of his mouth.

In response, he licked her hand. His tongue was as wide as her entire hand was, but she was petite and Chinese, so her hands were small. When he licked her, he stared at her palm and ran his tongue up off her fingertips. His tongue caressed every inch of her flesh that it passed over.

At this, she grinned and let him continue licking as she ran her other hand down the length of his body.

Coming back into the room, Ron had a big smile spread across his face as he said, “it looks like he likes you.”

“He’s Huge!” Mary exclaimed to Ron, looking up with wide eyes.

“Yeah, I had no idea he was going to get that big when I adopted him,” Ron said in the tone of a proud parent.

“He’s the biggest Rottweiler I’ve ever seen!” she exclaimed, still amazed at his huge proportions.

“He is a big boy, but he’s a good boy too, the best friend I’ve ever had,” Ron said as he patted Abe on the rump.

All I could add to the conversation was, “it’s amazing how huge he is.”

His shoulders would come up nearly to the height of my hips if we were standing side by side, a giant even for a large dog. His fur was sleek and dark, recently groomed, and he smelled like fresh dog shampoo. Sitting between us, his nub of a tail wagged in excitement at the attention being lavished on him, and he had a grin of pure happiness that only dogs can achieve.

“You want to go to the other room? It’s a little more comfortable in there,” Ron said, directing towards the back room Abe had come bounding out of, adding, “plus, it’s a lot more private, no windows out to the street.”

“Sure,” Mary said and took one last large gulp of her water before setting it on the coaster and getting up.

I followed Ron, holding Mary’s hand as we went, and Abe followed closely behind, no doubt getting a good view up her skirt from his viewpoint.

The room was large, probably a third of the size of the entire house. It had wood-paneled walls and thick, plush carpeting. The only furnishings included a queen-sized bed, a brown fabric loveseat, an entertainment center, and a desk area. There was also a plant-filled atrium right outside the sliding glass door. The bright sunlight filtering through the abundant greenery inside it gave the room a dark and nearly tropical feeling.

Hopping in the office chair, he left the loveseat for us. Sitting down, we both noticed it was exceptionally low to the ground, Mary probably more so due to her miniskirt.

Following us in, Abe came right up to Mary’s feet and immediately began licking at her ankles, lightly and tentatively at first. Since he wasn’t turned away immediately, within a few seconds, he moved higher up, slowly caressing her calves with his big tongue and doing it in long, slow, accentuated licks.

“He’s comfortable with you. Whenever you are comfortable enough with him, I think he’s ready,” Ron said.

Looking over her shoulder at me, Mary looked nervous, trepidation in her eye. I could see she was extremely excited. Her pulse was hammering away in her slender throat.

Leaning off the couch, she got onto her knees and looked Abe right in the eyes while slowly stroking the fur behind his ears.

Reaching up her skirt with her right hand, she deftly slid her black, lacy thong panties off, still stroking Abe with her free hand the whole time, steadily wandering farther down the length of his body and closer to his belly.

She seemed almost hypnotized when she handed them to me absentmindedly over her shoulder without ever taking her eyes off him. I stuffed them in my pocket without ever taking my eyes off her, as if in a trance of my own.

Leaning forward, she got onto her hands and knees and pulled her skirt up, exposing her beautiful, naked, round ass.

Abe began licking his lips with anticipation as he slowly approached. Coming up directly behind her, he took several loud, deep sniffs before gently nudging her clit with his nose, eliciting a little squeal of delight from her.

With her head down, I could see her face between her parted legs and the smile growing there as Abe got more adventuresome and began loudly licking at her slit.

At first, his tongue moved in long slow licks, starting at her clit and then sliding up and between her lips which parted for his exploration and finished at her ass. His huge tongue seemed to touch every inch of her most sensitive skin with each lick, and soon she had her legs spread widely apart and was leaning back onto his muzzle, eagerly awaiting each lick.

Then she started to get wet, and he tasted how delicious her pussy juice was, and his licking began to grow frantic. With each lick, his tongue probed deeper and deeper as he eagerly tried to lap up every drop.

It didn’t take long before his passion overcame him, and he couldn’t be content with only licking the luscious pussy that had been presented to him. He mounted her without anyone prompting him or asking if she was ready.

Jumping up in one, well-practiced motion, he grabbed her hips with his front paws and pulled her back towards him as he pushed himself forward with his back paws planted firmly between her widely spread legs.

Mary went from feeling his pink tongue eagerly exploring her pink depths one second to the bulk of his weight on her as he positioned himself for penetration and instantly filled her with his hot, throbbing, wet cock the next. At that moment, her canine cherry was popped.

“Ungh!” she cried, in pleasure or pain it wasn’t possible to tell from the tone of her voice. Enormously thick already, the bit of pink cock visible between his dark sheath and her pussy was much larger than anything she had ever taken; I was left only imagining how much she was going to be stretched out when he was finished with her.

Not wasting any time, Abe began to frantically pump his hips, pushing his thick cock deeper into Mary’s tiny pussy with every thrust. With every pump of his hips, his cock grew thicker and longer.

“Jesus… he’s too big,” she said with her eyes shut tightly and her hands balled into fists as he pumped his sheath right up to her pussy and crammed every inch of his massive pink cock into her again and again, his enormous knot already growing inside of her.

Holding her hips tightly with his front paws, he had her effectively pinned down, and regardless of what she wanted at this point, he was making my sweet and innocent girlfriend his bitch.

Mary was biting on her lower lip as she took the pounding, her whole body rocking forward and backward with the force of Abe’s humping.

And then, just as suddenly as he had jumped up and shoved his cock into her, he pushed one final, an extremely hard pump of his hips and then fell still with his cock buried as deeply as he could get it.

With his knot securely tied inside her and stretching her to her physical limit, he began to shoot his massive load of cum, his big, ff.gif black balls emptying into her womb, which was forced to accept every drop.

“Oh god, I can feel every squirt,” Mary said from underneath him, her head resting cheek down on the carpet and her ass high up in the air.

Panting his hot breath in her ear, Abe leaned forward and licked her cheek. His enormous head sat over her shoulder, and his entire body was draped over her back.

“Every time his cock pulses, I can feel his cum shooting out,” Mary said from beneath her lover.

They sat like that, tied together for at least fifteen minutes while he bred with her. He panted in her ear the entire time as his balls contracted and released every few seconds, sending squirt after squirt of hot cum jetting into her. I could only imagine how much was inside of her now. If every pulse meant another squirt, her pussy was flooded.

“How long has it been since the last time he came?” I asked Ron as we both watched his dog cumming inside my girlfriend.

“At least a month, he’s going to dump one hell of a load into her,” Ron said, then added, “probably already has, eh. Mary?” as he gave her a light tap on her bare ass cheek to get her attention.

“It’s sooo much cum… I’m full. I can feel my pussy stretching to hold it all. I don’t know how much more I can take,” she said, and I could see she meant it. Her tightly closed eyes had tears gathering at their corners.

“How’s that knot? Ron asked, seeing how deeply buried his boy was and knowing how much cock was inside her.

“F-fucking huge,” Mary stammered.

“Lucky he isn’t any bigger,” I said, admiring the view from behind.

She was a petite girl, barely over five feet tall, and she was gorgeous lying there, with her ass in the air and an enormous dog balls-deep inside. I should have felt jealous, or maybe even worried that I wouldn’t be enough for her after she had Abe’s giant knot, but I couldn’t help but be turned on. It was the hottest thing I had ever seen.

“If he were any bigger, he wouldn’t fit,” she said as if reading my mind.

“Well then, I am glad he isn’t any bigger,” I said back to her.

“Ungh,” she said again as she started to lean forward.

Abe’s steely grip that he had maintained on her hips had finally grown lax, and she could ease herself out from underneath him a little bit. His hundred and seventy-pound bulk resting on her back started making her carpet-burned knees sore.

As she moved forward, a grimace of pain crossed her face for one second as Abe’s knot shifted inside her. Then with an audible pop, it slid out of her. It was easily the size of a softball, and I was awed watching it come out. I would never have imagined something so big could fit inside my tight little Asian girlfriend’s pussy. It was almost like watching a magic trick. As his knot came out, it was followed by one large splash of thick white cum which dripped from her clit. Then Abe repositioned himself and plugged her up again, pushing his cock into place to ensure no one drop of his seed was wasted.

Releasing her pent-up breath in a whoosh as the knot popped out of her, Mary immediately went limp under Abe’s weight, obviously relieved not to be stretched to her limits anymore and content to just be filled with his thick cock as he finished off inside of her.

Relishing the feeling of her silky, smooth pussy wrapped around his cock, Abe kept himself inside her as long as he could, with his knot pressed tightly to her body. His thick pink cock made as effective a dam as his knot had, holding every drop of his cum inside her as he continued squirting and filling her more to replace what little had spilled out.

His panting began to slow down to regular heavy breathing, and soon the constant contractions of his balls slowed to a crawl as they ran empty. Unable to squirt another drop of his cum into his new bitch, Abe finally pulled his cock out of her with a loud plop, satisfied at a job well done.

It was by far the most enormous cock she had ever had. I could have guessed that from seeing how big he was, to begin with, or his immense knot, but his cock was almost disproportionately thick. It resembled a small, cum covered, pink baseball bat.

As it slid from her now gaping pussy, a flood of cum poured out, spilling down her clit and then pooling on the floor.

It seemed like a river of thick, white dog cum flowed from my girlfriend’s little pussy as Abe pulled his massive cock out of her. I could see why he had such a satisfied look on his face. He had bred with my girl and made himself a new bitch. Walking to the corner of the room, he lay down in exhaustion.

Dripping steadily from her well-fucked pussy down to the ever-growing puddle of cum between her feet while she caught her breath, the puddle from all the cum spilled out of her was enormous.

“That was fucking amazing,” Mary said, her head still down, eyes still closed, and cum leaking from her pussy.

“It looked amazing,” Ron said, to which I added, “fuck yeah, it did,” enthusiastically.

Getting up off her reddened knees, she squatted over the puddle she and Abe had made and pushed another gush of cum out of her pussy. Reaching her fingers down between her legs, she slid them into her pussy and pulled them out sticky with cum.

Playing with it for a minute in fascination, she soon brought the fingers up to her mouth, and Ron and I watched in amazement as she licked Abe’s cum and pussy juice off of them.

“Now That is hot,” Ron said.

I was too dumbfounded even to respond. I only know my jaw was dropped.

With a sly grin, she did something neither of us would have ever conceived of her doing. Leaning down, she slid her delicate little tongue from her mouth and began lapping the puddle of cum from the floor.

She didn’t finish off the whole thing, it would have taken her forever to have slurped it all up, but she got a good mouthful of hot dog cum, fresh from her pussy, off the floor and swallowed every drop of it.

With dog cum sliding down her chin and slowly leaking out of her pussy, she finally smiled and said, “all done.”

Standing up, she slipped her skirt back down, wiped the cum from her chin, licked her fingers clean, and then turned to me, “panties?” she asked with her hand out.

Pulling them from my pocket, I handed them back.

She slipped them back on calmly and then turned to Ron and said, “thank you, I had a lot of fun.”

“I’m glad you enjoyed it. Looks like ole’ Abe did too,” Ron said, looking over at Abe, who was already half asleep and barely lifted his head to look in our direction in acknowledgment of his name being called.

Looking at my watch, I noticed how much time had progressed, “honey. We have to pick your sister up in two hours,” I said, knowing we had an hour and a half drive ahead of us if traffic was light.

Sighing, she said, “sorry we can’t stay longer, but we will have to come back and visit you two soon.”

“I hope so, I know Abe will always be happy to see you, and you’re welcome whenever you want to come by,” Ron said, getting up to walk us to the door.

As we passed by Abe, Mary gave him one last long loving stroke from the top of his head, past his ears, down his side, and finally ending with a playful rub on his sheath.

“See you soon,” she whispered in his ear quietly enough that she thought no one else heard. But I did and was very glad to hear it.


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Remember, even the limited editing done here doesn’t always mean the narrative/plot flaws in a story are fixed. The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech.

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