My Cheating Girlfriend

By silkythighs.

Hi, I’m a 32-year-old lesbian in a happy and fulfilling relationship with Katelyn, a bisexual female. Like many lesbian couples. My partner is fem while I was more of a tomboy. But that’s not to say that I’m a Bull dyke or even a butch. As I certainly couldn’t pass for a man. But I am into sports. I played stickball, touch football, and basketball with the boys growing up. Played volleyball, soccer, and lacrosse in college. I always had more man friends than female. So much of my attitude and behavior towards other girls were in part shaped by this. But I was still feminine, and never had any problems attracting interest from guys. Yes I dated guys, even went to my HS prom with a man. But I always had strong lesbian tendencies, which, of course, I kept to myself.

Therefore, I didn’t really embrace my sexuality until I turned 18 and went off to college. In college, I didn’t have to hide my attraction for girls. But it was during spring breaks that I really embraced my sexuality. I usually went with a group of 4 or 5 girls. I would regularly hook up with, and bring other girls back to our room. My friends always got a real kick out of it, and openly marveled at it. After all, those girls were normal college girls like them. Identified as straight and looking to meet and have a good time with cute guys. Yet these girls were hooking up with me for some girl on girl fun.

My friends would often walk in on me and some girl in the shower, or in bed together. But they were always good sports about it. We had a “no guys” rule, but that since I was bringing back a girl, I was given a pass. My friends were always amazed at how easily I was able to hook up with these girls. At how I got them to openly sit on my lap or let me get all touchy-feely with them, and how they openly made out with me. But that was because I knew exactly how to talk to and act around a girl. I realized that my tomboy side added to my persona if you will. In many ways, I acted towards them, just like the guys these girls normally came across. My feminine, athletic physique, and with a more masculine approach made me very appealing to adventurous bi-curious girls.

So I was one of those lesbians that liked to “turn” straight girls. Of course, you can’t turn someone gay or bisexual. I simply enjoyed getting a girl to explore her sexuality with me. Also, my “player” attitude was further enforced in me. By two older women, I slept with after college. Both women were in their thirties and were married with children. They showed me that even married moms were not off limits to my charm. All my lesbian friends encouraged me to seek out other lesbians and not waste my time with straight or bi females. But I got a rush and a high when I pursued or was pursued by a female. Especially if they weren’t actually gay.

So I basically saw myself as a ‘confirmed bachelor, or bachelorette’ in my case, not interested in committed relationships. Even when I dated a lesbian, I cheated on them unconcerned at how it would affect the relationship. Then as often happens, a ‘playa’ meets someone who changes everything. That’s what happened when I met Katelyn, my soul mate and love of my life.

My relationship with Katelyn hit me like a ton of bricks. My feelings for her were unlike anything I had ever experienced before. Katelyn or as she preferred to be called, Katie, had been with her live-in boyfriend for over a year when we met. Although Katie was bisexual, she was more accurately pansexual, and she could love either gender. There’s a difference, most of the women I hooked up with were bisexual but romantically straight. However, Katie loved the person, gender simply didn’t matter.

My lesbian friends always warned me not to get seriously involved with bisexuals, which is a real, if not well-known conflict amongst lesbians and bi-fems. Many lesbians view bi-fems as greedy or just confused, which was fine if you’re a lesbian only looking for sex. Nevertheless, not for lesbians looking for a serious, committed relationship. They felt bi-fems simply wanted cock too much to be truly ever being happy with another woman. Thus, I should avoid getting into a committed relationship with Katie.

However, before I even met Katie. I had been very unhappy with my life. I just went through the motions in college. Graduated, but with no career path planned. Therefore, I simply drifted from job to job, mostly working retail. My best job without a doubt was working at Victoria’s Secret store in a local mall as I could flirt with many females. One of those married moms I hooked up with was a customer. But things eventually took a turn for the better when I got reacquainted with Lisa, my best friend growing up.

Lisa shocked me when she joined the Navy after high school. I constantly made fun of her for it. However, Lisa knew exactly what she was doing. Lisa had recently got back to town and looked me up. So here I was, living paycheck to paycheck occasionally having to ask my parents to help with my rent or car payment, while Lisa was working full time as a network administrator.

Driving a better car and living in a much nicer apartment. They both encouraged me to join the Navy. Pointing out that even at 25, it wasn’t too late. Also, Lisa’s mom was a police officer, and I had practically idolized her growing up. Therefore, I actually wanted to be a female cop myself, but I knew this wouldn’t go over well with my parents. When Lisa’s mom told me, the easiest way to become a police officer was with prior military training, I finally had a goal in life. I took their advice and joined up, and this time I really applied myself. Having a college degree also helped, and I was able to quickly advance through the system. I was serving in the Navy when I met Katie. I had served 3 of my required 4 years of active duty when Katie and I rented a small ranch house off base and moved in together.

Katie coming into my life was the best thing that ever happened to me. Katie was amazing in every way, extremely attractive and highly intelligent. Warm-hearted and very emotionally supportive. But despite my genuine feelings for Katie. I just couldn’t control my ‘playa’ ways, and I cheated on her. Katie looked the other way for a while but finally threatened to end our relationship if I didn’t stop. I simply had to learn to put away my childish and immature behavior and fully commit to Katie.

As I mentioned earlier, Katie was highly intelligent, with a Master’s degree in biochemistry. Many would’ve been shocked to learn that Katie also had a rather kinky sexual side. Katie really loved to masturbate. She had a drawer full of vibrators, and I was always walking in on her. Katie was also obsessed with the female orgasm, especially the clinical side of it. She read all the clinical studies. Katie also loved to watch other women having orgasms, so female masturbation videos were a particular favorite. What really got her going were videos where a partner was masturbating a woman. For instance, there was one man who made what he called hands-on videos where he would masturbate a series of women to orgasm with either a vibrator or using his fingers.

There was also another man who made similar videos, only more of a clinical variety, which demonstrated the concept of tantric orgasms. He would edge women, bringing them to the brink of orgasm and then back down all as the woman consciously delayed the orgasm as best she could through deep breathing. Katie simply couldn’t get enough of these videos. Katie even flirted with the idea of contacting the producers. As Katie wanted to be one of the models, or even, be the one who masturbated the women. Katie also made a compilation tape of genuine female orgasms she dubbed from porn videos.

In fact, Katie was so into sex toys, she actually made her own homemade vibrator. She took the nozzle from one of those clit pumps and rigged it up to a vacuum cleaner. She would place the nozzle directly onto her clit and literally suction her clit to orgasm, but without the pumping effect. I loved watching her use this. However, she didn’t like using it too often as it always left her clit quite sore afterward. Katie would lie perfectly still, just letting the suction work its magic. The powerful suction, combined with the vibration from the vacuum, gave her some intense orgasms. I loved seeing her pussy as it began visibly, rhythmically snapping. Her juices literally oozing out after each snap of her cunt.

I really enjoyed that because I rubbed my thumb along her lips to taste all her delicious juices oozing out. Katie even worked her love of masturbating into our sex life. Being in the Navy meant I was away for months at a time. Katie would set up a camcorder to video herself masturbating, and she’d talk through it, telling me how she missed me and pretending I was there and we were having sex. Her favorite thing was grinding up against a pillow, again talking directly to me as she pleasured herself. Then when I returned, we’d watch the tapes together. I liked this as it made me feel all warm inside knowing how much Katie was missing me and wanted me while I was away.

I had recently returned from a deployment, and Katie was at work. I wanted to get a new car. I was selling my old car, but I couldn’t find the title after going through all of my papers. Thinking it might’ve gotten mixed up with Katie’s, I started going through her stuff. When I came across the box, the one she kept all her sex tapes. I decided to take a break from looking to watch some of the DVDs. As I was going through them, I noticed a quite a few of them had a large red X in magic marker on the plastic sleeves. Some had a single red X, others had XX on them, but I didn’t recall ever seeing those marking on any of the DVDs Katie brought out for us to watch. This immediately caught my attention. Simply out of curiosity, I picked out the marked ones. What I saw on those DVDs took me completely by surprise.

I started out with the ones marked with the single X. The DVD started with Katie standing in front of the camera, which was on a tripod. Katie is wearing her bathrobe, it’s untied, and I can see that she’s completely naked otherwise. I also see that Katie wasn’t alone, another female is in the room. I immediately recognized her; it was Kristen, the 19-year-old daughter of a man on my coed softball team. Katie was very much into physical fitness, she was into yoga, running and playing tennis. Playing softball wasn’t something she liked, but Katie always came to watch me so all the other wives and girlfriends new Katie. Kristen often showed up with her mom to watch her dad play, and I often saw Katie and Kristen talking during the games.

I never sensed anything odd or suspicious about it. But something was going on here that I was completely unaware of. Kirsten was behind Katie next to the bed. Katie was naked under her robe. Kristen was fully dressed, wearing jeans and a tank top. However, once Katie’s done adjusting the camera, she turns and moves directly beside Kristen. Katie then looks directly at the camera and says, “OK, this is Kristen. She and I are going to demonstrate the art of edging, or as it’s also called the expanded orgasm.” Then with a smile, Katie says, “But before we begin, I just have to explore this girl’s sexy ass body a little bit first.”

With that, Katie begins to undress Kristen, who just stood there as Katie unbuttoned her jeans. Kristen put her hand on Katie’s shoulder for balance as Katie slid Kristen’s tight jeans off, one leg at a time. Katie then stood up and began lifting up Kristen’s top. I could see Kristen’s erect nipples showing through her white tank top. Kristen lifted both of her arms up as Katie removed her top. Katie was calm and in control. She then began to manhandle Kristen. Katie proceeded to touch, squeeze, and rub practically every part of Kristen. Katie’s hands were all over Kristen’s butt, stomach, and lower back. She squeezed and gently slapped Kristen’s butt cheeks and rubbed her hand across Kristen’s stomach. She rubbed her upper arms and kissed Kristen’s neck and shoulders.

Katie then sat down on the bed and continued to explore Kristen. Katie grasped both her of Kristen’s butt cheeks and squeezed them as she licked, kissed, and gently nibbled on Kristen’s stomach. Kristen was looking down and watching it all. Yet I’m surprised by how little reaction Kristen was showing. It was clear Kristen liked it, yet she just didn’t seem to be very into it all. Katie was giving long slow licks with her tongue as if Kristen’s stomach and lower groin area were made of candy. Katie then started focusing in on Kristen’s belly button. Katie actually spent almost five full minutes kissing, licking, and eating out her belly button. But Kristen enjoyed it, that much was clear.

Even though I was watching my woman being unfaithful and with a much younger girl no less, I was aroused watching this. Katie was a grown ass, 33-year-old woman, and Kristen was 19. There’s a difference, and that’s what made them so hot together. Katie finally stopped enjoying Kristen’s belly button and reached up and gently but firmly pinched and squeezed Kristen’s nipples. Katie then reinforced my own feelings by looking up at Kristen and telling her how sexy Kristen was and how she just couldn’t keep her hands off her. Katie then told Kristen that it was time to begin the edging session. Katie helped Kristen get into the most comfortable position to receive oral sex. I loved watching as my Katie physically spread Kristen’s legs apart.

Again, it was clear that Katie couldn’t resist exploring Kristen’s young sexy body. Katie rubbed, licked, and gently bit Kristen’s inner thighs. She also ran her well-manicured nails along Kitten’s stomach and up and down her thighs. Kristen’s legs actually twitched from the sensations as Katie gently scratched her thighs. Katie continued this exquisite foreplay by sucking and playing Kristen’s nipples. She worked on both for about 5 minutes, then slowly worked her way down, kissing and licking Kristen all the way down to her crotch. Katie was fully in control, and I couldn’t wait for her to actually start going down on Kristen. I was fully aroused as Katie finally began exploring Kristen’s pussy.

“Hmm, baby, you’re so wet,” Katie tells Kristen rubbing the girl’s lips with a thumb. “Wow, girl, you’re all juiced up.”

Then after some more thumbing, Katie finally started going down on Kristen. Initially, it looked just like any lesbian porn video. Katie was using her tongue and was rubbing Kristen’s clit with her thumb. I had been surprised at Kristen seeming lack of enthusiasm up to this point. It was obvious that Kristen was enjoying Katie’s technique. Almost immediately, Kristen began fidgeting and moving around on the bed, and her breaths started to become heavier. I could see Kristen’s stomach muscles contracting, and she began gently rolling her hips. Katie sensed that Kristen was already close to an orgasm. She stops. Kristen finally opened her eyes and looks down at Katie, and asks why she stopped. Katie then gently reminds Kristen they were making an edging video.

It was important that Kristen relax and breathe out the waves of pleasure. With that, Katie then resumed licking and rubbing Kristen’s clit as before. However, it only took about a minute before Kristen let out a deep moan. Her whole body suddenly stiffened, her feet went rigid, and her thighs closed around Katie’s head. Kristen had just climaxed. Katie quietly watched as Kristen came down off her orgasm. I was a bit surprised when Kristen practically scolded Kristen about not listening to her.

“Remember what I told you about how edging is supposed to work.”

Once Kristen had recovered, Katie asked her if she was ready to try again. Katie then told Kristen to tap her arm or the bed whenever Kristen was about to cum. That way, Katie could slow down or stop and allow the orgasmic wave to pass before resuming.

Kristen agreed, and with that, Katie began another session. As instructed, a couple of times, Kristen gently tapped Katie’s hand. Katie stopped and let Kristen calm down before resuming. Then Kristen suddenly banged the bed with her palm like someone tapping out in wrestling match, it was almost as if Kristen had forgotten about letting Katie know she was close and was desperately trying to let Katie know she’d better stop. Katie immediately stopped, and just kissed Kristen’s inner thighs as Kristen slowly calmed back down. Everything seemed to be going better this time around. Then once again, Kristen suddenly climaxed. Again, Kristen’s body tensed as her orgasm surged through her. Katie waited for Kristen to calm down before voicing her frustration.

Katie shook her head. “You know…you just don’t listen, do you. You’re hardly putting any effort into this, gees!”

However, Kristen quickly shot back, “Well, I’m sorry, I like cumming, gees.”

“Yes, of course, I realize that sweetie, but we’re supposed to be resisting that urge to cum. I mean, how many times do I have to explain this to you!”


Continued on the next page (link below).


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