The Neighbor (Gay Zoo)

By Jack Morningwood.

In a sleepy hollow cul-de-sac in Watsonville, California, the neighbors of number five have finally breathed a sigh of relief as a new calm descends upon them.  Domestic violence is such a problem these days, and those homes surrounding the infamous number five may not have directly affected by the constant fighting of Sam and Carla Davidson, but to hear it every night takes its toll on everyone.  This includes the eighteen-year-old gay teen living with his family in number six, the house next door.  Josh Benson’s room faces the Davidson’s on the second story, and the volume of the disturbances made for many sleepless nights.  His mom eventually brought him earplugs so he could sleep; she got them for all in the household.

Sure, the police came multiple times to break it up, but this only ever gave the cul-de-sac a brief reprieve.  Even the Davidson’s golden Labrador Baxter would run and hide when the fighting got at its worst.  Eventually, a marriage like this just cannot last, and to the relief of all, one day, Carla took the kids and left for good.  No one knows where she went, some said to her parents, other to a sister in Fresno, but the fact the fighting was over was all that mattered.

Sam Davidson didn’t seem too perturbed by this turn of events initially.  Seen watering his garden in a grungy white singlet and stained sweatpants beer in hand, the man was in a real funk.  Many said he had hit rock bottom.  All Sam got from the divorce was the dog Baxter and some furniture.  The house he lives in is a rental, so there was no need for him to leave since Carla and the kids aren’t coming back.

At this point, Josh started his new life as a student at UCLA, and it wasn’t until the following summer when the now nineteen-year-old came home for the break he noticed things had changed.  Josh’s bedroom window overlooks the backyard of number five, and the first thing that struck the teen is how tidy Sam Davidson’s yard is now.  There had been a lot of rubbish strewn over it before Josh left for college, but now it’s pristine.  Same with the front, the garden and lawn are immaculate.  He asked his mom if Sam had moved out because it seemed out of character for the man he remembers.

“No, honey,” his mom said.  “Sam has really got his life together while you were away.  I think his divorce gave him the motivation he needed.”

The other thing Josh noticed is Sam had cleaned himself up too, the grungy, dirty clothes have gone, and the man looked like he’s been working out.  Sam has gone from a flabby, dirty man to a total hunk, and this sexually attracted Josh.  There’s something so sexy and dangerous about the neighbor now, and Josh felt it in his cock.  Sam Davidson got his shit together.  The neighborhood gossipers said most condescendingly that Sam lost any chance of joint custody of his kids due to being such a loser.  When Josh first heard this spoken across their living room in the same nasty tone, he thought, ‘That’s nothing to snicker at, give the guy a breakTo lose any access to your kids must be fucking terrible.’

The nineteen-year-old college sophomore had his own reasons for feeling a little more sympathetic toward his neighbor, and that was because he had developed a crush on the man.  Josh would see the man working in his backyard shirtless.  The sight something that made Josh’s cock hard, as Sam is now hot.  A washboard stomach and muscular arms topped off with a bulge in his pants showing he had a big cock as well.  Yes, Josh Benson suddenly found himself jerking-off to the neighbor.

There’s another reason why Josh felt empathy for the neighbor, and as a gay teen who isn’t out and lives in a homophobic community, he too feels like the outsider.  The first time he passed Sam on his way home from visiting some old high school friends, he said hi.

“Hey, dude, wassup,” Sam would say in a deep voice that made Josh’s cock twitch.

“Not much, same ol, same ol…” Josh said, “How you doing?”

“I’m good, dude.”

“I like what you’ve done to the place.”

“Yeah, the landlord was gonna kick me out if I didn’t clean it up, then I just got into it,” Sam said with a slight grin.  “How’s college going, UCLA, right?”

“Pretty good, nice to have a break from it,” Josh said with a smile.

“Well, you put your heart into it,” Sam said.  “Don’t fuck up your life like me by thinking schools for faggots and do-gooders.  I was wrong…I was wrong about a lot of things, really.”

“Well, it looks like you’re doing alright now.  Have a good one, Mr. Davidson.”

“Sam, call me Sam, you’re no kid anymore,” he said.  “How old are you now?”

“Nineteen last month…”

“Ha, you’re a man now, good for you—C’ya later, dude.”


Yes, things had really improved now Sam had cleaned up his act.  At least he thought so until one morning a few days later Josh gazed out of his bedroom window to see Sam playing with Baxter in the back yard.  The dog is your typical Labrador, golden yellow fur and a thick body.  Josh never saw much of the dog usually, just heard it occasionally barking at squirrels or raccoons.  On this particular morning, Sam is rolling around with the dog playfully.  However, the man suddenly grabs the dog’s balls.  Josh gasped and snatched the binoculars off the windowsill.  The ones he’s often used to spy on the hunky older man next door since the divorce.

This is the first time Josh had really examined the Labrador’s balls.  They’re huge, and the sack hangs low.  Sam is squeezing them, and the fog seems to like it.  Then the older man starts rubbing the Labradors sheath.

“What the fuck…” Josh whispers, unable to stop watching.

The red tip pokes out as the dog responds to the touch.  Sam suddenly goes beneath the Labrador and puts his lips around the emerging cock.  Josh can see the man’s cheeks hollow in an apparent sucking motion.

“Fucking Jesus,” Josh groans.

Sam’s hand is still fondling Baxter’s balls as he sucks the dog’s cock.  Baxter is turning its head, licking its lips and whining, yet the canine isn’t running away.  It seems to be enjoying it.  The man pulls his head back to examine the cock, Josh zooms in on it too, fascinated.  Baxter’s cock isn’t fully erect yet, but the few inches poking out of the sheath appears red and shiny with a strange tapered tip.  It’s nothing like a human cock at all.  The burly dark-haired man takes the growing cock into his mouth, and his head starts bobbing up and down while his cheeks hollowed slightly.

“Holy shit, he’s giving the dog a blowjob,” Josh moans, feeling his cock growing hard.

Sam thrusts a hand between his thighs and rubs his cock as he gives Baxter’s hard cock some more licks with his tongue.  The man moans, enjoying himself, and kissing the dog’s cock passionately. His face flushes with the heat rising in his loins, his nipples hard as bullets, and as Sam pulls his big cock out, the heads wet with precum.  The dark-haired man sighs softly and licks his tongue all over the red canine cock with enthusiasm.

The Labrador whines as Sam’s tongue massaged its cock.  Sam strokes his own cock to full hardness, making Josh moan at the sight of the eight-inch phallus.  The teen pulls his cock free too and strokes away while still watching with his binoculars.

“This is amazing,” Josh moans.

Excited now, Sam licks the dog’s cock with his tongue, covering the red meat with saliva, and growing bolder by the second as his genitals buzz with arousal.  The man takes a big lick on the cock getting bigger and bigger by the second.  Waves of sexual pleasure rush through the spying Josh and make every inch of his teen body feel tingly and hot.  Growing even more passionate, Sam squeezes the dog’s balls gently, yet firmly, and licks all over the end of its cock tasting the salty/coppery clear precum as it squirts into the neighbor’s hungry mouth.

“I can’t believe he’s doing this so out in the open,” Josh whispers.  The teen realizes the only window on every side of this yard that overlooks it is his.  ‘Maybe he thinks I’m out or back at college,’ wonders Josh?

Horny out of his mind, Sam suddenly captures the end of his cock between his lips.  The man moans and takes several inches of his turgid cock into his hot, sexy mouth.  As if this is second nature to him, Sam starts sucking the Labrador’s cock with such urgency and need that it overwhelms him.  Breathing hotly, Sam sucks hard on Baxter’s cock and works his head back and forth to make it thrust into his mouth.  That excites the spying Josh too.

The man gives another little moan and fills his mouth with dog cock, sucking it further into his mouth until he hears Baxter whine with animal pleasure.  Another inch and he’ll have all of Baxter’s cock in his mouth, and he senses the horny Labrador won’t be able to hold back much longer.  Baxter gets so excited, the dog’s cock jumps hard in Sam’s mouth, and it’s difficult for him to hold onto the aroused phallus.  Sam grasps the knot in his fist and jerks it slowly as he slips his wet mouth back and forth on the tapered cockhead.

Baxter lets out a yelp as Sam fills his mouth with the aching, throbbing dog cock.  The Labrador’s hot balls tighten, and its cock swells as if it’s in a bitch’s tight cunt.  Its haunches start to move jerkily as if fucking. Sam moans as the throbbing cock thrust into his sucking mouth.

The man takes the dog’s entire dick into his mouth and plays with the furry balls with naughty fingers.  Sam’s face bobs as his clenched lips slide up and down the canine boner.  His tongue licks the underside of the cockhead.  Baxter’s gripped by bestial lust as the Labrador thrust its turgid cock into the sucking man’s mouth.  Deep whines and grunts escape the dog’s throat; its tongue lolls from its mouth and drooled saliva as Sam sucks its cock.  The neighbor sucks that canine cock as if it’s a tasty lollipop, and just as hungrily, as his cheeks collapse while sucking harder still.

Josh is busy jerking his teen cock too, his hand a blur, as an orgasm builds.  “Omigod…Omigod…this is great,” Josh moans.

Sam’s fingers tremble at Baxter’s furry balls, and he too strokes harder at his cock as he sucks and slurps on the dog.  Baxter’s cock enlarges and lengthens, and thrusts way into Sam’s throat, thrilling the hell out of him.  The man’s so pleased; he smiles as he blows this thick dog’s cock.  Sam now jerks the dog’s shaft and sucks its pointy cockhead, and Baxter whimpers as only a dog can. The Labrador’s cock jerks like a wild thing too.  The neighbor raises his head and gazes at Baxter wide-eyed.

“You’re gonna shoot, huh?” he said.  Sam looks at the red canine cock, throbbing wetly in his hand and smiles. “Here comes the good part,” he whispers.

Rubbing some canine precum into his hand, he uses it as lube to stroke his own cock rapidly. Then Sam sucks the dog’s thick cock back into his mouth licking it wildly, wantonly, and crazily.  Baxter grunts then groans and the Labrador’s whole body jerks as the passionate man sucks its cock.  His head bobs and his wet mouth slides faster along the full length of the rigid cock.  The neighbor squeezes the dog’s balls and blows it hotly.  The dog’s cock gives one more violent lurch in Sam’s horny mouth.  Then all hell breaks loose.  Baxter howls.  The dog’s cock explodes in a series of wild spurts of slimy semen.  Sam moans to feel the gushing cock pump so much sperm down his gulping throat.

Argh…Argh…Fuck…” Josh moans orgasming at the sight, ropey strands of white semen shoots from his throbbing cockhead and splatter on the window glass.

Sam sucks and swallows—sucks and swallows.  The man lets his mouth fill with burning dog semen, and then gulps it down.  The dog’s cock spits so furiously and savagely Sam has trouble keeping up with it.  The dog’s cock jolts, spits, gushes and erupts violently between Sam’s lips.  He holds on to the cock as it jerks and jolts and sucks harder and faster, moaning all the while, as Baxter pumps a hot load of semen for its master.

The neighbor gulps and gulps, sucking all the semen out of Baxter’s aching balls.  Drinking thirstily until the beast’s raging cock spits the last glob of sperm down his throat and then Sam pants hotly with the spent cock in his mouth, sucking on it gently as he strokes himself to a mind-blowing orgasm too, and shooting semen onto the fresh grass from his throbbing cock.


This is an excerpt of ‘The Neighbor‘ by Jack Morningwood. Buy it to read every nasty detail, or join the Members Area to read this and hundreds of original taboo stories like it.




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