My Sister-in-law is forced to fuck their Pitbull 2

By jackieluvsit.

Chapter 6

The sexual tension in the kitchen was at a bomb exploding height for Patti and me, and no doubt, by how Toro stood there where he was sniffing from one direction to the other, our female scent had to be outright filling it. She and I had to have our mixed drinks to dull our minds from hiding our desires and open the gates for things to happen. Patti again got up, took our now empty glasses, and refilled them with the courage water we both needed and had to have in us for this. Again as she turned to bring back our filled glasses, I stared at her bush. I could not help myself not sitting there and looking at it. She knew it and didn’t seem to mind my doing so. Now she took the lead, and after giving me my drink, she came around the table and sat right beside me.

As we chugged our drinks right down and sat our glasses back on the table as the liquor hit us both, she looked at me and said, “Jackie, I know what you want!”

Going on to say that last night it should have happened then because she knew as I did that neither of us got one bit over it. Then she finally admitted to me that she had already had a relationship with another female in her life. Telling me she, unlike me, had indeed more sexual encounters and outright experience of it all than I did. Of course, she had far more than I’d had at that point and time in my life. Four times in the last three years had my husband even tried to have sex with me, and even then, it was fruitless and a waste of time. All he left me with was a damn mess. Being here with such a beautiful, most spectacularly erotic woman as Patti was an outright showed had me drawn to her like moths to light at night.

I was all but an innocent virgin when it came to the natural desires and pleasures a woman must fulfill in her sexual needs. And as yet, to that point in my life, it had never been the satisfaction, the outright feeling, and having even a light orgasm, let alone one of that rattle you to your bones kind. Oh sure, Jasper had gotten me right to the cliff’s edge, but even he never brought me over it and into an outright mind-blowing curl-your-toes full-blown orgasm. So indeed, I confessed to Patti that she was right. I had never had anything of sexual knowledge and adventure except that wham-bam no thank you ma’am sex, my husband, had those so few times if you can even describe that like sex.

After saying that, Patti just stood right in front of me, moved over a bit, and spun me in my chair away from the table and right towards her. Then stepping right back a bit but still right directly now in front of me, she just reached her hands down and peeled those lace panties down and lowered herself as she peeled them down her legs to her ankles and got out of them altogether. Stood right back up and spread her legs wide open and looked down at me and told me to look and see what last night between the two of us had done! You did this to me, Jackie, she exclaimed, as I stared right down into seeing how soaking wet her entire pussy area and that bush of hers was.

We both should have taken each other to one of the bedrooms and made womanly love to each other! Hell, I heard you last night talking in your sleep, and then this morning, having to finger yourself to get any sort of satisfaction, and your desire calmed down. And now, woman, you’re going to get yourself satisfied, and you’re going to get yourself pleasure, and you’re going to scream out in it being done and happening to you at last in your life. I am going to pleasure you, Jackie! No, she said. Toro and I are going to pleasure you! Her words and saying everything she had to me as she stood right there, showing me she soaking wet with desire for me. Me, another Woman.

I was shaking all overhearing her saying all this, not just in fear due to the magnitude of how she said it, oh hell no, far more than that it was. The shaking was more about my pent-up desire about it than anything else. Yes, I was scared, but not about her, it was him! Toro! That and the fact of the lesbian thing! It’s the Bi-Fem thing as we know it now, but I was naïve and all but purely innocent about true and real sexual things then. I was a mere fawn thrown out into a world of wolves, precisely what I was. Oh yes, Jasper had given me at least some bit of pleasure, but everything else in my life was either horrid or outright un-pleasurable at all in that point of my life and time. At least to that point of having known Patti as I had come to know her, I had assumed that she didn’t know all that had happened to me up to that point of time, and was I ever wrong in that!

Because as she stood over me like that though hell standing up, she was barely taller than I was sitting down. But then and there she told me she knew everything! That Bastard of a Brother of mine had told her everything! And in writing this story and what was said and said to me by her, I may leak out a bit or two of some of it, and it may sicken some of you, as it damn sure had me at that time all took place. No wonder I was a pent-up, withdrawn woman from anything sexual at that time of my life. But here, standing over me naked as she could be so I could see the soaked desire and wantonness of being with me as a woman, had me floored.

Patti stood right there and began to describe things that had happened to me in such detail that I knew she was not bluffing in the least and that she was telling me precisely some of the things that had been done to me. Then as she went on telling this and that to me, sitting right there hearing it all, every bit of what she was saying flooding back into my mind with it all over and over again, and it flooded back into my mind.

The very worst of it all was when she told me, “Jackie, how about that time in the barn when you got fucked by that Boar Hog? Yeah, I know all about it, Jackie!”

That Bastard of a Brother of mine had told her everything! Everything he and my Dad and my mom made me do! I was raped repeatedly like that! It was all done for shows they sold tickets for! Yeah, that’s right! That’s the TRUTH! I’ve had some close friends tell me to do this and that about it all. What good would it do? How can one get justice? How can one flush your mind of such things? How can one do one damn thing but live with what you dealt the hand of life? They are all now dead and buried! See what happens when you start digging up bones! Leave the damn things alone! Now Patti wasn’t in any way, shape, or form trying to do anything except help me with my horrid past of all that.

She was merely bringing all this up, so I knew that she knew every damn bit of it, and together we had to free ourselves of all of it. Her main point was that she and I had to somehow rid ourselves of it all. Standing there as she was and telling me all this had me about to have a major breakdown and become mentally inept. But that wasn’t her point at all either. She just merely was pointing out everything and bringing it to light so that when she and I alike could bust me free of the chains that had me bound! The mental blockage I put that wall up against! True outright womanly PLEASURE! Real Pleasure!

Now, at last, I said, I will never again bring one bit of any of that to life. She then leaned down, hugged me up to her, and mothered me as I had that night before. Then she took me by the hand, helped me up, took me to her room, and lay me on her bed. I was already at my limit of alcohol, and it wasn’t even 9 am as yet, and I could tell by how Patti had walked and led me to her room and on this bed that she wasn’t fairing much better in her over the limit of consumption herself. Perhaps the alcohol had indeed opened us both into the world of telling it like it is a thing, for she had done just that before helping me up and taking me where I was then.

As I lay there on her bed, she went to a drawer, rummaged through it, brought out a tiny bag, and sat beside me. Then she turned to me and leaned over to be face to face with me, nearly sitting her head on her hand as she lay back and began to tell me things. She told me that I needed something far, far more than the mere alcohol we had drunk to free my mind of everything, and I had to agree with her and ask her what would do that? Jackie, she said I have something in this little bag that will help with that and more, and don’t you freak out on me and go batshit crazy when I do what I’m going to do to make things much better for you. I agreed and told her I trusted her, knowing she was a nurse and figured out what that little bag looked like. It was medical and prescribed.

That being agreed upon, she opened it and brought out a shot, one of those prescribed one-time things of which no doubt there were several more in that bag, but she took out only one. I wasn’t scared or afraid of anything she would give me. Hell, I’d come to her and got several shots of antibiotics when sick with a terrible cold, so I trusted her and had no fear of anything she could give me.

She pulled my nightgown sleeve up on my right arm thumped my vein where they do in the crease of where your elbow is, and having already removed the little cap off the needle of the syringe, she tapped it and slowly brought a tiny bit of the medicine from it just a mere drop of it and then lowered the needle and had no problem at all finding my vein and very slowly, and I mean very slowly began to give me the shot. Almost instantly, I began to feel like the whole world had lifted off my shoulders. An instant free of everything came over me. That’s it. She kept telling me, just a bit more Jackie, oh that’s it, girlfriend getting much better now, isn’t it?

All I could do was nod my head yes as she kept saying that, still ever so slowly giving me a tiny bit more, as I was now floating on cloud nine and 5100 above it. That’s it, she said, oh yes, you’re almost there just a bit longer, Jackie, as she pulled the needle out and put a piece of cotton over where she’d given me the shot and pressed it down and held it there watching me intently as she did that.

As I got higher and higher and higher, I seemed to float from the earth as I asked her what was that Patti? My voice, of course, became more and more of a slurred-sounding fashion as I was high as an ivory tower by that time. Don’t worry, Jackie. This medicine will not collide with the alcohol you have consumed. It’s just a medication given to stressed out and freaked outpatients and calms and soothes the mind though you feel like you’re going to float up and away, that is only the momentary thing of it, and you will start to come down some in a few minutes, and level out.

And leaning back over to observe me told me my pupils were dilated in total now, which meant I was at my peak of the highness, of which she was correct in that. Slowly the high of it did begin to subside as I looked directly into her face and eyes, and strange, really wild feelings started to shoot through my body. Now I am not even some dope-headed woman in the least. But damn, that shot made me feel like nothing ever in this world has ever made me feel like. Oh, I’ve had a couple more here and there from her when I got so stressed out, and my mind wanted to explode. It is prescribed strictly over the edge mental patients who want to jump off the bridge and end it all.

And as I’ve said, my mental state of mind is not that great, and I have mental problems, so she got a dr. to prescribe this just for me. Being a nurse and everyone knowing of her total caring about people, especially me, it was no problem for her to get this. She is about the only person ever in my life outside of the course of dawg and witchy and little momma who all genuinely care about me and still have and do even now. People out in this world are cruel and cold-hearted as hell. They see someone like me, and to make their fucked up world and life better, pounce on my mental abilities and looks. Nothing for you readers to concern yourselves within the least. I am just as cold and cruel to them as they are to me.

Patti just stayed right there and still held pressure on the very spot. She gave me the shot, released the pressure against it, pulled the cotton ball away, and tossed it aside to stay there with me. I was floating back down to earth, not one care about anything and everything. A tranquil and peaceful Aura surrounded me, and I was in love with everything. Damn, the more I looked into her face, the more beautiful and exotic she became to me! Patti is a beautiful woman in her outright beauty and her inner beauty, both of which are beyond what beauty can be.

She became so erotically beautiful to me as I looked at her. It began to make me all knotty in my belly from it. Knowing now that that specific drug’s side effect is the aurora of erotic nature. It still is at times prescribed for women who have trouble becoming excited sexually, and believe me, wow, does it ever work!

I felt like I was about to blow a cork, sexually excited just looking at her and into her eyes. That’s how it turned it made me. And I swear I could feel my pussy twitching and writhing with such wanton desire. And looking up right into Patti’s face and eyes was causing all that commotion inside me down there like that. Maybe she intended it to be that way, I have no idea, and she did say she would take me into her room and pleasure me as I had never in my life at that time been? Using the drug she gave me a shot of might have been pre-thought for all this, but I do not even think so. That just is not how Patti is or ever has been. Maybe she just wanted me to experience what the drug was like, a euphorically, now that I’m sure was some of what she did it for.

It certainly was not some drug used to mess someone up like that just to blow their minds up and use them however one would want to do. Oh hell yes, she could have done anything she wanted with me, and yes, in some part, it was that, but it was all I truly, deep inside me, wished to anyway. She just provided the means and way to free me of the demons that held me chained, that’s all it was, and she has told me that. I was now floating like a floaty in a pool as she got up off the bed and threw her nightgown off, letting those magnificent, beautiful can, be breasts of hers free. Wow, does she have some big puffy nipples? No, her breast is not, nor have they ever been some huge twin watermelons all these men satiate themselves with.

They are small but firm, and those puffy nipples of hers make you drool to want to suck into your mouth. She stood before me, totally naked as can be. The thick blonde bush stood out from between her legs like a forest over the ground below. Only the very line of her outer lips showed from the dense mound of hair. She now leaned over the bed, reached up, and grabbed the waistband of my nightie shorts, pulling them free of my waist. Down my legs and at last free from me altogether, as then she reached up and grabbed the waist of the cotton panties I had on and pulled them down and free of my legs completely, leaving me naked there as she asked me to raise. She’d help get my top off, which I presented, and wow, did I feel like I would flat out pass out.

Easy, she said, go easy, Jackie, that drug will make you pass smooth out if you jump right up, and she was right in that. I stayed there, my hands and arms holding the upper bodyweight off my shoulders, as I had to shake the cobwebs off my mind. She helped me sit up better, doing it slowly as my mind returned to the world. Now sitting up fully, she reached out and grabbed my matching nightie top and pulled it over my head as I let my arms go free, almost falling over onto my knees, but she caught me and now let me lay back as she pulled it free of my arms and tossed it away. The two of us now were naked before each other.



Now she and I alike were both fully naked, she standing up me laying back on the bed as she came and sat down first, then lay back along with me and propped herself up on her right arm on her chin and cheek, leaned over me looking again right into my face and eyes.

Just laying there like that, looking me directly in the eyes, she said, “Jackie, how do you feel?”

I replied to her I felt so utterly fantastic.

Good, that’s super good, Jackie she replied to me.

Then she said, “Jackie, are you ready to talk about it?” Talk about what I said to her?

“Oh, you know Jackie about things?” Patti said.

Now, she was mothering me as she reached her other arm out and began stroking her fingers through my hair and still looking me right in the eyes.

I again asked what things Patti?

She steadily looked me right in the eyes, saying nothing at that moment, thinking about somehow how to ask me what she wanted me to talk to her about.

Then said, “Oh, you know Jackie, about things that happened, like things in that barn that day?”

As I was looking her right in the eyes, I saw a strange glow come into her deep blue eyes, a light that made me shudder and shiver all over, but also the thing of that barn and that day coming forth into my mind along with that made me do that.

I thought long and hard about it, though my mind was freed of the chains that bound me inside about it all, and I finally said, “Why do you want to know what happened that day in there, Patti?”

“Oh, you know, Jackie she replied.” “Curiosity and all that, Jackie.”

I was shaking fearfully now, and why I cannot say, maybe it was because I feared telling her anything about it with the same feeling that what if anyone else ever finds out fearful.

She still stroked her hand and fingers through my hair, comforting me, and said, “Jackie, no one else will ever know what you tell me. That is our secret.”

I just half stuttered out to her, asking why you want to know about that day in the barn so much, Patti?

She just said, “I’m intrigued by it all, Jackie. I think about it sometimes, as you know?”

Know what I replied to her?

She said, “Oh Jackie, how did they get you to do it? How were you this and that in it, and you know what it was like, Jackie?”

I did not want to talk about it, and I told her so much.

Still looking me in the eyes as she was and running her fingers through my hair still, she slowly moved her hand and fingers down and ever so slightly and sensually over my cheek, then down under my chin, and slowly to the side of my neck and across the front of it onto the other side the same sensual way she had touched my cheek and elsewhere.

Then she said in a pleading manner, “Oh please, Jackie, oh please tell me all about it?”

Any other time I would have flat gotten up and walked out of that room, storming mad as hell, but the way she was touching me, the way she was pleading with me, the euphoric condition I was in, had me considering it now. Maybe it was to get said to her and shut her up about asking for details.

Since I had clammed up about it all, she seemed frustrated. She stopped stroking her hand and fingers sensuously around my neck as she was and then just rose right up into a sitting position, reached over, grabbed that little pouch, and pulled out that same one she’d injected me with some of earlier.

Took it pulled the cap off, and had yet another little cotton ball. In my state of being as I was from the first dose of it, I had not one chance in hell to get away from her. Still, she grabbed my arm, pulled it out tightly, and then and there again began slowly injecting more of it directly into my bloodstream as I began to shiver and shake and was groaning and moaning out loudly.

I horridly watched as she slowly pushed more and more and more up into me. As my head spun, the whole room began flashing before my eyes, and I never felt anything else. My entire body became instantly numb to everything, and all that consumed my mind and body now was a near horrible shooting agony of total and complete loss of everything.

Now how long that lasted, I have no idea of the time at that point, but a further, even more, agonizing euphoria came over me as I tried my best to fight against it, only to make it rush through my mind and body even harder and far far worse.

Then suddenly, total and complete tranquil peace came over me, so strong and so direct was I believe I began laughing. At least that seemed to me like that’s what I was doing, and hell, who knows? I was at that point fucked up.

Finally, things seemed to settle back down, but that strong euphoric feeling sure didn’t. It got worse, far, far worse.

Thinking on it now, she had to do it. Why, you ask? The healing cannot start until you release that which is sickening you! Think about it? Pneumonia cannot heal until you are fed full of antibiotics and things to stop your lungs from filling with the fluid right.

Well, that same way of healing applies just the same mentally.

For your mind to heal from your sickening pent-up mental condition, the disease(trauma, etc.) must be free of your mind holding it so tightly consumed.

Now that said, Yes, Patti did indeed have tenure to again do that to me. Oh yes, no doubt about that, and she admitted to me about it. But to heal the wound caused by what she wanted me to come fully out and tell her was indeed to help me heal mentally from it. And it sure did that!

I don’t know how long I had laid there in that condition until things began to get clearer and clearer, at least in my seeing things, and slowly as my eyesight returned from seeing stars flying about the whole galaxy, it did return.

And once again, right there face to face with me, and now a big pillow under my head was Patti, who told me to welcome back to the world, Jackie.

I was so far out of it now and so way off into an outright fully euphoric state of mind I couldn’t have done a thing but smile at her as I did.

She stayed there again, running her free hand and fingers through my hair and onto my neck. Now her slightest touch sent wild erotic shivers throughout my whole body.

Looking me right into the eyes, still awaiting my mind’s total return to be able to talk, she waited.

Finally, she said, “So tell me, Jackie, tell me everything about that day?”

Now my mind could not fully grasp what she wanted me to talk about, like what day? What day are you talking about, Patti?

Though I still could not verbally respond to her, she waited, knowing it was in my mind, and as soon as it registered inside it, it could begin.

Now her fingers had moved themselves up onto my shoulders, sending wild erotic tingling throughout my body, so wild it was that I felt every hair on my body stand on end like goosebumps times 300.

She stopped doing that, seeing that I was about to explode from the powerful erotic feelings shooting through my body.

Finally, I was in the state of mind for it to register what day she was even talking about, and it became like an out-of-body experience for me after that.

Again, she asked, “Please, please, Jackie, tell me everything about that day and everything that went on and happened inside the barn?”

In the state of mind I was in now and being as if I was one person here and now and yet another person then and there, I did indeed begin to tell the story.


Chapter 8


That morning, I told Patti I woke up, and it was early as always around our farm/ranch house anyway. It was a Saturday morning, and we all had chores to do, especially today because Daddy and Mom had told us that we would have guests later on tomorrow as they told us last night.

Now for Dad and my brother, that meant feeding the cattle, horses, and other animals around the farm and ranch. Mom went to take care of the chickens, feed them, and gather the eggs in hopes of having way more than we needed and sell some to our guests later on in the day, hopefully, and we sure needed the money right now.

My chores were to go to the barn and get it cleaned out, and knowing all too well meant it better be spic and span clean there. And so off I went to do that and everyone else to do their chores and get it all done as early as possible.

I worked hard and fast as I could to get that barn cleaned out spotless, all the hay and manure taken out in the old beat-up wheelbarrow we had for doing that, and all fresh, clean hay put in all the stalls.

Then go about wiping everything down and washing it all spic and span and sparkling clean as could be, and tired and dirty as I was, Patti, I was glad to be finished and happy that it looked so clean and smelled so good.

But then Patti, I saw something I’d never seen in that barn, and it was back in a far corner I had not seen any reason to clean up being so out of the way of everything else.

It was like this saddle Patti, but it wasn’t a saddle, just a thick leather thing over a small but long open-ended barrel. It was laid over, really strange-looking Patti, and it was adjustable. There were like these pins pushed through holes on every corner of the barrel-like thing, with many holes drilled all along the curvature of each corner.

I was so confused by seeing it, Patti, and wondering just what it was even there for, but I knew it had to be polished and cleaned, for somehow it had to relate to the guest coming later in the day.

So I went and got the saddle soap and clean rags from the rag bin and went into where it was, and leaning over a bit to get to it, I began to put saddle soap all over the leather thing, but something seemed strange about it Patti because there were long gouge marks all over the sides mostly, but some here and there on the top of it.

It was so hard to use the saddle soap to get it shiny and clean like a saddle. But I did as best I could to get it as polished as I could, and over each end of that barrel-like thing, it was thrown over onto two signs, one on each end, and it said do not touch or open it is sterilized inside.

That really had me worried Patti that I had somehow ruined it being sterilized, but it said inside, so I just shrugged my shoulders and left and closed the barn door tight, hoping no dust would get into it and mess my cleaning everything up.

I went to the house and went inside, and already Daddy, Brother, and Mom were back from their chores, and all were sitting at the kitchen table talking. And as soon as I walked in, they all got quiet and stopped talking altogether, not uncommon around our house, as I was left out of everything except all the bad things they did to me, Patti.

All Daddy did was look at me and tell me to get a good bath and get myself absolutely cleaned up and washed everywhere, and I knew what that meant, Patti, and it never was good when I had to do that.

As I walked away and went into the tub room where Mom had filled the tub with water, I got out of my dirty overalls and shirt, got in the tub, and began scrubbing myself just as Daddy had ordered me to do.

I scrubbed myself down there good, wondering just what terrible thing I was going to be forced to do today, knowing all too well it meant something or someone was going to take me, Patti, you know, like fuck me or do something like that to me.

I got myself scrubbed clean everywhere, and usually, Mom had me a lovely dress, one of my very few nice enough to be out in public or at church in knowing guests were coming later on today.

There was no dress, pants, shorts, or even a shirt, and since I hardly needed a bra since my titties were so tiny, I paid no attention to that.

So after drying off well, I ran out of the tub room right into mine and my brother’s room, naked as could be.

I found a suitable dress, put it on, and didn’t care to wear anything under that anyway.

Just as I went into the kitchen, they were again all talking and shut up quick as Mom eyed me up and down and scolded me about putting on my church dress, as she called it, and told me that the guest today didn’t call for me even to wear such.

Mad I stormed out of the kitchen and back to the bedroom, took that dress off, and put on just one of my ragged sewed up many times one on and again went back into the kitchen. Again everyone shut right up as momma told me to go to my room and stay there till they called me to come out.

A big ol’ truck came down the road and up to our house just about that time. I wondered what that was all about since we seldom had anyone come out to our place unless it was one of those special occasions when I would get visitors who came there to do one thing only, and that was to me and with me, Patti.

Daddy and Brother sure seemed in an awful hurry now and ran out the door to meet some big ol’ man who had barely gotten out of his truck.

At least I was spared from anything with him since Daddy and Brother ran out there like that.

I wanted so to run away from there. Patti and I were barely 18 then, but I wished someone would come to take me away from there.

I went back to my bedroom, sitting on my bed, and saw that big ol’ truck go to the barn and back right up. Oh, I was mad as a wet hen then that they were going to open the barn door and let dust get in there and mess my cleaning job, and I’d get the belt for sure since, as usual, it would be my fault, or I hadn’t even cleaned it at all.

I had no idea what they were doing, but Daddy and Brother and that big ol’ man were moving something out of that truck and putting it in the barn.

I sat there, leaned out at my window, and watched what was happening, but nothing was happening. It took them about 20 or 30 minutes doing whatever they were doing, and then that big ol’ man got in his truck and drove away, and Daddy and Brother closed the barn up and came back to the house.

Tired as I was now, I just went over and lay on my bed and fell asleep, and I slept like a baby.

Finally awakened late in the afternoon, and as yet, no one had come to wake me or tell me I could leave my room. Still, I had to pee bad, so I ran out of my room and out the back door and went to the outhouse, relieved myself, then snuck back into my room, awaiting someone to tell me I could leave it.

It now was getting all but dark outside, and yet no one had come to tell me I could leave or come out of my room, but I saw cars and pickups coming towards our house from the old country road that stretched miles and miles and miles this way and that and cars and trucks were coming from each direction towards our house.

No doubt it was all the guests we had told were coming, and now they were showing up, but they didn’t pull up to the house at all, Patti, they all pulled up in front of, and all around our old barn, I had cleaned earlier.

The doors were now opened wide open, and all these guests began going in, and I could see them sitting on benches that were put in there and knew now what that big ol’ man in that truck had and what Daddy and Brother and that big ol’ man had been unloading but why?

Why were there all those benches that seemed to be put around like some U-shaped fashion, and there were no kids with them, only all these much older people and both men and women alike? Though not many women, I assumed just a handful of them with their husbands.

Then another big truck pulled up and backed right up to the barn, and again I couldn’t see anything or what they were unloading, but boy, howdy, all our hogs began squealing and bellowing out and going crazy out there in their pens.

That big truck pulled up out of the way, and I saw a man with a whip, and he was making this big ol’ huge hog go through the barn and led it out of sight.

At that point, I thought Daddy had rented that barn out, and all these guests were people going to bid on that hog that I saw that man maneuvering about with that whip.

Then Patti, Daddy, and Brother closed the big barn doors, and I saw lanterns being lit up, and it sure got awful bright in there through that one window I could see the light getting brighter and brighter from.

I wanted to get out of this house and run out there, peek through one of the old boards I knew I could see through into that old barn.

But just as I was about to do that, these three women came out the side door of the barn, and right behind them was momma, and they were headed towards our house.

Momma finally caught up to them and led the charge towards our house. I just figured they were coming to the house and let all the other men and a few other women do their business in that barn.

They all came onto the porch, and I saw them go into our house.

I could hear their voices coming from the kitchen but could not understand what they talked about.

Went over to the door, putting my ear against it to see if I could hear better. I did that.

I still could not make out what was being said pure and true, but somehow it seemed these women were attending to momma, or so it seemed to be.

I know one thing it seemed momma was in some sort of awful pain as I heard footsteps coming down our hall and then heard Momma and Daddies door open and a shuffle of many feet. It all went away into their room.

Running from the door over to the wall and putting my ear against it, I heard momma grunting and groaning in pain and the other women talking to and attending to her.

The only thing I did hear enough to understand was one of them saying, “It’ll be this way for you for a few days!”

Nothing seemed to fit anything in my mind about one thing or another, and I just figured somehow momma had hurt herself in that barn.

Quietness came, I ran over to see if they had left the house, but none of the other women were gone.



Authors Note: Sorry if this is confusing to some readers. But it is a story within another story. And one has to be told to get back into the other. I am telling Patti the story of what happened when I lived back on the farm/ranch at home.

At first, I struggled with even bringing this to light about anything to do story-wise when living at home on the farm. But since it happened in the story about Patti and Toro and me, it must be told so the happenings in that story can then be said. Patti was so damn curious about this that she drugged me to get me comfortable enough to tell it to her, so that is why this story is in that story.


Chapter 9

I was still in my room, bouncing from door to wall to window to see what was going on and try to understand what was happening in that damn old barn of ours.

My momma returned to the house. She held her hands over her belly. It didn’t register with me when she and the other women had come to the place from the barn. Still, after hearing through the wall the women attending to mom and one saying it will be better in a few days, something had happened to momma out there in that old barn of ours.

One thing for sure, it got awful quiet in our house and looking out the window, none of the women had left the house.

I heard a few creakings of our old wood floors here and there, but that wasn’t anything out of the ordinary. This old house creaked and groaned everywhere anyway.

Then my door opened, and three middle-aged battle-ax-looking old women came into my room. They came right over to me and seemed almost to surround me, and I asked if my momma was OK, but they just laughed and snickered at me, Patti.

Your mommas gonna be fine, honey child, said one of the women. I wasn’t paying all that much attention to any one of them just figured they were here to tell me my momma somehow hurt herself and would be alright in a few days.

Was I ever wrong in that thinking, as I usually am wrong most of the time, the way I digest things in my naïve mind.

Suddenly one of them had grabbed me from behind, catching my arms and twisting them back behind my back, and holding me to her tightly as I tried to fight and struggle to free myself from her.

One of the ones charging at me from the front, and as I tried to kick that old battle-ax looking bitch, she grabbed me by my long legs, and now I was up off the floor, one holding me from the back, and this one had me by legs and up into the air.

Then that third one came forth and stood there over me, saying, you’re gonna love this, honey child, as she brought some awful smelling rag right up and over my mouth and nose, I fought not to breathe whatever to hell it was in but then Patti, I semi passed smooth out.

I know she pulled that awful smelling rag from my face, and I swear it smelled like ether or something like that.

Oh, I could hear everything. I just could not try and free myself at all. My muscles and things just would not respond.

I was then carried out of my room by these two women who had me in like a stretcher and carried me out of it.

Down the hallway and through the kitchen and out the front door and carrying me in my semi-knocked out fashion across the yard and I knew towards that old barn of ours.

That one that was walking right along with the other two that were carrying me reached her hand up, put it onto my belly, rubbed up and down on it, and said, “This one is sure going to be a challenge.”

I guess she was going on talking to them though I genuinely believe she knew I wasn’t entirely knocked out and could hear her talking.

This one sure gonna’ be a good show for us all, and that little belly’s gonna swell out big, she said.

Then she told them all her momma said she’d be a good outstanding one for this, and she sure was right.

Suddenly we were at the old barn, and like that one that was rubbing up and down, my belly was gone, and then I was taken through our small door that she had disappeared to go open.

They carried me in and put me on some table in our little feed room we kept all our grains and feeds in, and that table had never been there before.

The two carrying me just tossed me right up on that table, and I still could not even move a muscle, but I could hear them, and my eyesight was coming somewhat back through foggy figures, and that light hung over the table was no more than a glow through it.

Suddenly one of them was pulling my dress up over my head, and not being able to feel my arms at all, it came right up over my head and free of it.

Next thing I know, I felt some weird, strange sensation way up in my belly as I heard that same woman saying to the others how I was good and deep, as that peculiar sensation seemed to disappear suddenly.

Now I saw some image of a mask foggily right before my eyes, and darkness came. Don’t worry, honey child, that woman told me they ain’t going to know it’s you when you get taken in there.

Then I felt something though vaguely it felt, in my mouth. My jaws felt like they would rip from the sides of my cheeks. Good, said that woman, they ain’t gonna’ hear your voice or screams either, honey child, she said.

Now you just hold on a bit longer, honey child, and soon you’ll be feelin’ good!

I don’t know what they did then, Patti, but somehow a strange, really wild sensation seemed to come from up between my legs, and it was like I couldn’t feel it, yet it seemed to radiate and glow up through my body from there Patti.

Patti spoke to me and said, “Jackie, what your brother told me is that they gave you an outright Spanish Fly suppository in your ass!”

Going to tell me that giving something like that right into the anal cavity makes your body take it even stronger a dose feeling.

That is true, and I’ve heard the stories about people taking cocaine and doing it anally to intensify its strength and effect. It doesn’t matter, but I guess that’s what they did to me.

It started to drive me crazy, Patti. I went on to say and tell the story.

All my feelings and senses started coming back to me, and all I could see was darkness over my eyes and felt like some big ball was stuffed in my mouth and tied or held behind my neck.

I began bucking my body about as horrid heat intensified through me from down there and into my belly. I started to sweat like crazy, feeling like my body was on fire, Patti.

Then I heard that same woman tell them, “ Oh, she’s hot and ready now, girls, it’s time to take her to the arena.

I was then lifted onto the table, then slid off it onto my feet, and not being able to see a thing but total darkness, I had no idea where my feet were except on the dirt floor of the room.

I felt my arms being lifted, and then one on one side and one on the other held me up under my arms and began helping me walk to where I had no idea.

Suddenly, I heard a lot of clapping and whistling and chanting as I was walking to where I had absolutely no idea.

Then they stopped, and I felt them release me under my arms. As I stood there burning up with all this fiery hot heat upside me, my pussy Patti was on fire inside.

Next thing I know, Patti, I was being leaned backward until again I was held up and entirely on my back feeling hands holding me up around both sides of my upper body and someone at each of my legs though I think it was just two people and their two arms doing it.

Suddenly I felt some strange, almost soft leather-like thing pushing downwards from my neck to my back like a sling or a cradle.

My body was pushed up into it, and then as I felt it had covered my entire back from my shoulders to right under my ass cheeks. My head fell back, and my hair fell and flowed out downwards.

I felt my legs raise as they had fallen downwards a moment after that. My feet touched the dirt floor where I was, as strange, almost thick leather-like things began to be slid up both my legs, my feet feeling the rough leather around them both, as then did my lower legs, then up over onto my thighs they were being pulled until it collided with both my ass cheeks on each side.

My legs were then spread wide open and apart, and my knees were pushed upwards and outwards. At the same time, I felt my arms grabbed and pulled outwards and felt these like straps being tied around my wrist and pulling my arms tightly out above me, as I felt both my lower legs from knees down being maneuvered.

My feet felt yet something else being pushed over them. Then I felt their hands on my knees and were pushing my lower legs down into something, and suddenly I felt my legs being pulled even further apart and heard this clicking sound and then like something on each side being locked down.

My thighs Patti were high above me. It felt as wide as they could go, and I was locked in this way and could not move them one bit.

Somehow, I felt left alone, like the woman had gone and left me like this.

But then, like a thing was put under my head, and I felt it being raised and felt like it was high enough if I could have seen to look down my body.

I know I felt this thing go over my forehead and then pulled very tightly and secured. Something like a wedge pillow-like thing was pushed up under my shoulders, making them and my head further upwards.

Then again, I felt left alone and abandoned by them all.

As right shortly after that, I felt hands touching what was covering my eyes and keeping me in the total darkness and doing something there, and then I began to see just a tiny bit of light, and then more, and more light, as my eyes had close from the intensity of going from total darkness to now to high a bright light filling my eyes, and hurting somewhat, like looking right up into the sun on a hot summer day sort of thing, Patti.

Finally, after blinking my eyes many times, I began to see clearer and clearer until, at last, I saw how I was done.

I was pushed up under something, and then it dawned on me that I was under that same barrel-looking thing I had found and then cleaned that morning.

A mask was over my eyes though I could see through each hole in my eyes. My mouth was wide open and stuffed with a leather ball tied behind my neck and head, as was the mask.

My shoulders were pushed upwards as that pillow under them had them that way. My head pulled up so I could see my entire body and saw my legs spread wide open, pulled up and outwards, and my lower legs and feet were in these tubes secured to each side of that barrel I was slid under.

My ass and leather chap-like things around from just touching my ass cheeks and over my thighs and down to where my feet and lower legs were shoved in these tubes and secured to the barrel.

But my ass was just right there at the very edge of the opening of that barrel, almost pushed outside it. I could see through the end of it like looking through a tunnel outward and saw people sitting just feet away from where I was placed and tied in like this under this barrel.

I could not make out faces as all of them were wearing mask-like Halloween ball masks, but they all looked right at me and right at my pussy and mound, Patti. I could see the mound of my bushy dark blonde hair clearly and perfectly in my clit area to Patti.

Then I saw all those who were once looking down into this barrel and me secured up under it as I was tied and placed like this look away to the side as I saw their eyes open wide in awe or disbelief or something like that. A couple of women sitting right there in front shivered all over.

I heard all the gasping out of the entire crowd there to watch what to hell ever I had been positioned and done this way.

I won’t deny Patti that I wanted fucked and whatever it was they had used on me had me primed and ready to explode with desire and want for it. My pussy was on fire, and I needed fucked to put that fire out, but not like this, oh not in this way, it was too horrific, Patti.

Then I heard it! OMG, no, I screamed out and tried to fight my way out of all this, but no one could listen to me except a muffled sound through that ball shoved in my mouth. I was tied up to tightly and securely to get away at all.

I was going to be fucked by some ungodly beast, a farm girl’s worst nightmare of a farm beast, I had seen these male beasts mate before with like females of their breed, and it’s a horrible thing to watch!

Sure watching how its cock does and acts and its wildly designed penis awe you to see it working. But to be fucked by one, it’s horrible, just horrible!

Then before me, he was led as he was loudly grunting out, now standing there, his massive head and snout merely a foot or so away from where I was positioned and tied up like this to be bred and fucked by him.

I horridly watched screaming and crying out, no oh please, no, don’t do this to me, but not a soul could hear it all, just the muffled screaming cries and pleading echoing within the confines of that barrel over me.

He began sniffing with that huge snout and nostrils of his smelling my female scent, as ever louder grunts came from him as his owner now led him ever closer. Then right at the top of that barrel I was under, I heard something hit it, then two masked women stepped into view, and right there, almost touching my sprawled out and secured legs, it came down over that opening.

It was a huge strap-like, somewhat of a much huger swing seat as they took it and placed it up under his body right behind his big powerful front legs and then snapped the giant chain that was put through the huge leather set seat looking strap.

Then back out of view, those women moved as I heard what sounded like a chain hoist being spun about as slowly his huge front legs began to rise with his huge neck and head going up as well fading from my view as the front of his body disappeared from view. I could see his underbelly now come into view.

Suddenly I heard his hoofs hitting the top sides of that barrel, then heard them both begin to bang against the upper sides of the barrel, sounding almost halfway up where I was positioned under in the barrel.

All I could now see was his huge, thick underbelly consuming every bit of the barrel’s opening where I was placed under as I heard his hoofs pounding and scratching against that leather thing I had cleaned and tried to polish this morning.

I could hear his loud grunting sounds echoing into this barrel I was inside of as I felt the entire barrel almost move and shake about with his struggling against the sides with his hoofs, then heard and felt how he scooted himself forwards up there above me and saw his hind legs now coming into full view.

And OMG, his penis, OMG, his penis sheath and ball sack that looked like a huge pink flour sack hanging down filled with two huge cantaloupe-sized balls, hanging so low and his being raised like this they were mere inches from dragging onto the dirt floor.

That sheath of his looked like a scalbert for a sword, as closer and closer, it all came towards my positioned pussy for it.

I was trying to thrash my head about and scream as loud as possible but only could hear my muffled sounds echoing inside that barrel.

Then I saw one of those women get down right there where his hind legs were planted, looking up and paying attention to where his cock sheath was, and my pussy then just backed away and rose and left.

Suddenly he began to hunch his hind end at me and, even worse, my pussy as I saw that tip of his pink-colored cock come out a half-inch thick spiral screwed itself out through the flat part of it that thick, the spiral itself was more than an inch in width and about itself two or so inches long spiraled right into another one that now screwed out and another one as finally 4 or 5 of them came screwing outwards from that sheath.

It now almost screwed directly up into my awaiting and positioned pussy lips. Then as his hips bucked backward, that thing screwed itself right back up into his sheath.

Then another shove forwards as I was screaming and pleading and trying to thrash my head about, only could not move anything anywhere.

It screwed itself out with those spirals spinning wildly about, making me shiver and tremor, overseeing how they did that and mentally picturing them screwing up into me and how it would feel.

Then it happened!

Spiraling outwards from inside that sheath, they came screwing at my pussy, and closer and closer, the tip one started screwing itself into my pussy. OMG, I tried to jerk and shiver and scream as it twisted into my pussy, spinning an ungodly feeling inside me, Patti!

It felt like a hot spinning around squishy feeling screw was being screwed up into me. Oh, how it spun around inside my pussy as I watched each damn one screw up into me, oh my pussy then there orgasmed Patti!

All my screaming and thrashing and crying out for it not to happen, those spiraling about things were beyond what I can describe to you in feeling, but it is so unbelievably mind-blowing as you feel your pussy spinning and being done that way by those things.

Then further, and further, and it screwed up into me it wasn’t like a hugely thick cock makes your pussy feel when it stretches you out, but that spinning and screwing up into you makes you blow your mind with intensity.

I felt that thing screw halfway up into my belly. Oh, it was too much to handle and take feeling wise as I screamed out, but this time it was the mind-blowing feeling that screwing and spinning up into your cock feels, and my scream Patti was from its intensity.

Then it seemed to stop screwing up into me. I felt it way up into my navel nearly at that point, and then hot, I mean almost scalding your insides hot squirting out liquid began to shoot everywhere, and I mean everywhere up inside me, and it felt like a loose blowing about fire hose was inside me beating and banging against my pussy walls in all directions and every way imaginable way that scalding hot cum was blasting against my the very back of my pussy like a super high pressured power washer inside you.

Oh hell no, that did not indicate the end of it. Oh hell no, that was just the beginning of it. As he thrust those huge back hips forwards again, it screwed up into me so far it hit the back of my pussy, and with a hot hose spraying it was doing against me there, I orgasmed, no Patti, I didn’t orgasm, I GUSHED! I SQUIRTED!

Those damn spirals wrecked up against the very end of my pussy, crashing into each other and exploding outwards into a big wadded up ball there, and that hot spraying against everything inside me was too much, Patti. I passed out!

When I finally came back around, I was screaming as loud as I could in the pleasure of what he was doing inside me with that spiraling and spraying hog cock. Then I felt something give, OMG did something give, and a spiral that very tip spiral began screwing something open, and again I screamed at the intensity of it doing it as it went through it. Each one in succession screwed through it as I felt it even deeper inside me.

Oh, I felt it spraying that hot scalding cum up now and directly into my little womb as it began filling me, and filling me, and filling me more with that cum as a tight full feeling began to be felt up around my belly.

It was so scalding hot and filling me more and more, and my little belly Patti began to grow outwards as it pressured me up unbelievably, so inside my womb, blowing it out like a big balloon blowing out up inside your deepest depths way but hot OMG HOT.

As further and further and further my belly swelled out, the pressure getting so bad it began to hurt me, then something bizarre happened, I mean mind-blowing fucking weird happened.

This hot, melting hot like almost damn candle wax melted hot, and it felt just like that to whatever to hell it was. It felt like I was getting pumped full of burning candle wax!

Then as it screwed up into me like that, Patti, it screwed back out of me, but my belly didn’t go down? Why didn’t my stomach go down?

Oh, the screwing out was just as intense as all that screwing in was, and I screamed out and had yet another mind-boggling gushing, squirting orgasm, and again so intense it was Patti, I again passed out.

HE WAS OUT OF ME when I came around again, and he was gone. Loud clapping echoed and filled that barrel, my eyes seeing how my belly was swelled out so much and all that hot molten lava feeling cum was still churning about inside my ballooned-out womb. I was screaming and crying from how it was all but scalding my womb.

The same women returned and began to free my wrecked, tortured fucked beyond belief body from the things I was put into, and once everything was released. They started pulling me from inside the barrel as people were leaving now as they had me stood up, and my belly swelled out like I was pregnant with piglets inside me!

They helped me limp my way back to the house and took me to the bedroom and lay me on my bed, and told me; “Honey Child, you’ll be swelled out like this for a couple of days, then that seal will break, and you’re little swelled out belly will go back like it was before he fucked you!”

OMG, I screamed out to Patti. A boar hog fucked me, Patti! A boar hog fucked me, Patti!!

The story was over and is over now for this part of it.

We lay there together like this, and my story had Patti so worked up she had to finger herself to satisfaction. I was still too damn out there to care about my pussy now. Why should I? I FUCKED A BOAR HOG!


Chapter 10

After finally coming around from the effects of the drug Patti had given me and sleeping that night, both of us were naked and could be cuddled and snuggled up.

I, of course, wake up early and go into the kitchen, having put my nightie back on and getting coffee and breakfast going for her and me.

The sleepyhead comes into the kitchen, rubbing her eyes, and goes and gets her a cup of coffee. As we both sit at the table, drinking our coffee Toro wanders in and goes to the door needing out to do his business, so Patti goes out and lets him out, telling him as she does that today is going to be a busy day for him.

I had no idea what she meant in that remark, assuming that she took him out for a good walk, but sitting down and sipping her coffee, she tells me today is Toro’s bath day, and this was going to be a wreck of a day.

Doesn’t he love water? I asked, and she replied with a smirky smile, “Oh, it’s not that, Jackie. It’s things to do, like bathing him.”

As we sipped our coffee, she thanked me for telling her the whole story about that day in the barn. I told her no problem, and I do feel much better since, at last in my life, trusting someone enough to be hushed mouthed enough to say things like that which went on while living on the farm.

Even as I do now, this many years later, I tell it in writing. If that’s a thing anymore, I have finally broken the chains that have bound me to tell my story to you readers.

I know one thing Patti wanted after telling her the story she wanted what I had gotten.

Oh, it was evident her desire and want for it by how she got so worked up about it and had to finger herself that very night I told her about it all.

And I guess even now. It has intrigued some of you female readers out there.

But as we ate our breakfast, Toro was scratching at the door, and I got up this time and let him in, got his food bag out, filled his feed bowl, and got him fresh water in his water bowl.

Having broken that vicious behavior of his to her, he was seeking and wanting far more loving attention as even now, as I had sat back down, he was rubbing up against my leg. I reached down and petted him and then over to her. He went doing the same routine to her, and she began to pet him, telling him it was bath day for him.

I swear he understood every word of it as he was now dancing about like a dog does when you have a treat in your hand.

I made him a breakfast plate, too, and he ate that up like it was nothing. I know feeding a dog egg, and breakfast sausage probably is not a good thing for a dog.

But I felt compelled to award him for his good behavior and not his old vicious one.

I could tell by how Patti was playing with him that there might be a few animal lovers around this house today. Oh, with him out of his vicious behavior, sure I’d given thought to take him for a ride.

No doubt that he possessed a cock for pleasure. That boy was hung.

I know Patti had time taking him with small womanly size and his girth and length. He stretched her out mighty good and got up into her and then some.

And I genuinely think that once she’d jumped that hurdle with him, the desire now to want to be fucked by such a hog was set in her mind and fantasies. She had already shown that behavior for damn sure.

I can say this; Yes, readers, she did get some of that! Living here in this farm country, finding such a willing place to have it happen is not that hard, just secretive as hell.

I knew of the place I took her to, yes I sure did, and it is a free and open thing about it, not forced sex, nor rape victims, of any kind, shape, or form.

If someone tried to pull that on some innocent woman, that old man would shoot their ass dead, now a willing woman, that is another story.

I’ll just say it wasn’t all that far from home.

As he calls them, his love animals are taken damn good care of, I mean clean and kept cleaned and brushed and combed and loved.

Here I go again, getting way too hell off track and off into yet another story, one I may just sit down and write you all about. I feel so much freer now.

I’ll just say this; I had to nurse poor Patti for days after she got her belly filled out and sealed by his most loving boar.

I genuinely do believe it is time to put an end to this story. Do a fast completion of it, finish it, and get in the vault of finished stories.

Yes, Patti and I made wild unbridled love to each other, and Yes, we often shared Toro. That boy can fuck all day long. And all night long too!

He never was again vicious to Patti after I broke his ass off that behavior. Aggressive lover, oh hell yes, fierce lover broke of the habit.

Momma and her belt put an end to that shit! lol

I am completing this story now, and yes, Toro got his bath and many other things that day. First, he licked and fucked Patti until she could take no more, then I gave in and let him have me, and he sure did that.

That long tip on that cock of his got up into me, and you know where I’m talking about, and wow, can he squirt cum. Oh, his thickness and girth stretched even myself to take it. I quickly adjusted to his size, but Patti couldn’t adjust to it. She just has the most squeezing pussy any woman can have. I fingered her one night, well, many times for that matter, and even when I orally pleasured her, that pussy of hers clutched to my tongue and fingers like everything.

Patti, the snapping Pussy of the west! Lol.


To Be Continued…?



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Remember, even the limited editing done here doesn’t always mean the narrative/plot flaws in a story are fixed.

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