Mom Saves Her Bitch Ass Son

By gregscott. My fantastic son Chris is a very talented musician; he went to New York’s School of Music and played in two orchestras part-time. He was also in a band trying to make it up the charts. To say I’m proud of him would be an understatement of epic proportions. His band is where all the trouble started. The band went out on the road and was doing shows all over the place, and I guess Chris started doing

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My Sister-in-law is forced to fuck their Pitbull 2

By jackieluvsit. Chapter 6 The sexual tension in the kitchen was at a bomb exploding height for Patti and me, and no doubt, by how Toro stood there where he was sniffing from one direction to the other, our female scent had to be outright filling it. She and I had to have our mixed drinks to dull our minds from hiding our desires and open the gates for things to happen. Patti again got up, took our now empty

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A New Home

By Michelle M. I had been watching a beautiful area located deep inside a native reservation. No one besides tribal people was allowed in there, especially the most sacred area. There were lots of rumors and old wives’ tales as to what went on in there. The tribe was one of the few who worshiped animals, in a different way, a Zoolatry way. They believed animals were sacred and should be sexually enjoyed, played with, become submissive to these creatures

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Wed to a Pig

By CursedStories. In 2069, under the pressure of various extremely political movements, whether it was for the general good or just because they could, was voted laws that would forever change the moral landscape of society. What was now possible went outside the norms of standard sanity, and it would take many years in the future to fully digest the abhorrent, immoral, obscene, and simply cursed decision to allow marriages between humans and animals. As usual, just like forest fires,

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Mating with Curly

by CrazyJ-1 Who could predict the thoughts in the mind of married women. Some women wonder what it might be like to fuck some certain guy while others go out of their way to do it. Gone are the days of the man being a serial cheat. These days it’s the women. And, for some women they even go outside the species. Valerie Daniels wouldn’t have thought of herself as such when she married and had three little girls just

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Swamp Pig

Moe Lester Kylie has heard the stories of the feral pigs in the local swamp for most of her life and like the other folk in town had paid little attention to the tales. As a youngster, she had used the fringes of the swamp as a playground and now at twenty-one, she often camps in the swamp for days on end to paint and photograph the abundant wildlife. Sure, she has seen the disturbs ground makes by wild pigs

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Myra’s Baby Pig

Author Unknown One sunny morning I woke up in the country house where I was staying and low and behold my flat stomach was really starting to fill out and I was very hungry more than I had ever been to start a day. I didn’t know why at the time, but here is how it all started. I had worked for this farmer for about two years now, but as an office worker and not a field hand or

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The All American Belly Rider

Collie99 I was naked draped over a wooden three legged stool with a medium sized pet pig (boar) sniffing at my backside and giving strong licks at my pussy. There were four other people in the room, Chema and Isabel – owner of Porky (my name for the pig) and the house we were in, plus their friends (who was staying with them) Sebastian and Manolita. [Please see my story “Collie Pigs Out” for my first coupling with Porky.] I

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