Survivors: Part 2

Sheela B.

Survivors: Part 1
Part 2…

The bullet hits the ground beside Dexter the cougar making the big cat stop and stare at the wrestling pair curiously. The big cat senses his new lover is in some kind of danger and suddenly lunges at TJ, taking the pistol in its mouth and ripping it free as he glides past.

“Aaaaahg,” TJ moans pulling his back from the cougar’s mouth and rubbing it.

In the scuffle, Melissa had slipped and is now on her butt staring as Dexter comes and stands by her purring, and licking its lips.

“What the fuck?” TJ says, backing away wide-eyed.

Melissa glances at Dexter, then back at the pilot staring palely at the mighty mountain lion. She realizes the power has now shifted in their relationship.

“I want those pills,” she said sternly, “or maybe Dexter here can get them off you.”

“Why is that fucking mountain lion acting like that?” TJ asks, still rubbing his hand.

Melissa shrugs. “He’s got a collar on,” she said, “he was somebody’s pet, so he’s used to being around people.”

“A collar you say?” TJ asks trying to peer at it from a distance. “Maybe the owner is nearby?”

“I don’t know,” she said, “but I suspect he’s been released or run away.”

“You’re full of surprises, Mrs. Paxton,” TJ said sarcastically.

“Give me those pills, asshole—NOW.”

“I don’t see—”

“DEXTER—KILL,” she shouts pointing at TJ.

She doesn’t know if the mountain lion will obey her, and she knows she’s just bluffing the macho pilot. However, at the sound of his name, the big cat gets to his feet and growls loudly taking a step toward TJ. The pilot’s eyes nearly leave his head as he thinks the mountain lion is about to obey her command. He raises his arms and lowers his head.

“All right, all right, you win,” he said. He reaches for his back pocket, extracts a pack of tablets from a pocket and throws them at her. “Every four hours should be enough,” he said.

She takes the box and holds it tight in her hand. Damn, all this time they were in his jeans, she thought. I coulda taken them on the ridge after Dexter finished with me.


From the adjacent ridge, another pair of eyes has watched with lascivious interest through binoculars with the intense concentration only an extremely sexually aroused person can. Having gathered wood for the camp, Claire Smith decided to climb to the ridge paralleling the one chosen by TJ as a lookout point and signal area. TJ placed three stacks of wood and tinder at the crest of the ridge to act as signal fires if any airplane or helicopter flies over them. The ridge to the north, where Claire sits on the branch of a tree, the binoculars held avidly to her eyes, was the ridge her husband wanted to establish as the lookout point before TJ deposed him as the leader of the small band of crash victims. However, TJ said search planes were more likely to come from the south, therefore, the ridge facing south is the logical one upon which to establish their observation and fire-signal base. The resultant conflict of opinions, coupled with several other blunders on Ben’s part pushed TJ to take control of the situation.

Afterward, Claire convinced her husband he should cooperate. However, the acid hate in Ben for TJ is making him somewhat tedious to be with presently, which is why she’s out getting firewood alone. As she stared through the binoculars, watching the lewd sex coupling on the next ridge first between TJ and Mel, then the pretty blonde with a cougar, she couldn’t help but get aroused. Especially seeing the mountain lion dominate and subjugate of the haughty young Melissa Paxton. Even at this distance, she could see the massiveness of the hard cock the cougar buried to the hilt between her lovely slim legs.

Claire watched the entire performance, and as she did, her clit throbbed and she found herself fingering her hot cunt, reminding herself she was supposed to get a crack at the little bitch too while their men were negotiating oil mining rights. Fuck, look at her fuck, she thought as she watched the cougar slam the petite blonde woman. I’ve never seen anything like it. She can’t get enough of that cougar’s big cock. I wanna try it. I wanna get fucked like that by a wild animal. Fuck me; look at her cum, it’s so fucking wild.

Claire watched the cougar fuck Melissa on the opposite ridge until they climaxed and lay still for several moments. She guesses there won’t be another fucking for a while; certainly, not after a wild ride like that. When he sees Melissa reach for her clothing, she knows her private peep show is over. She climbs reluctantly from the tree. I need a fuck now, she thought. Ben is too depressed to do me, fuck being stuck in this place. Maybe TJ will fuck me since he never got to do Mel after that fucking cougar took over.

Planning how she will approach TJ, Claire heads back to the slope toward the little glade, a lewd smile plays across her lips; the anticipation of getting her juicy cunt pounded by TJ’s big cock holds her attention to the exclusion of everything else. Halfway down the slope, her reveries interrupted by something moving on the opposite slope, slightly below her. Remembering how they saw grizzly bear tracks earlier that day, she freezes staring into the trees to see what it might be. Her body trembles as she scans her surrounds, straining to see or hear anything dangerous near her. However, there’s nothing, and she keeps walking trying to keep quiet.

She comes out into a clearing around a big rock, and to her surprise, she sees the animal that had been stalking her. A Lynx. Another feline species of predator in the Canadian Rockies with a dense silvery-brown coat, ruffed face and tufted ears, it gazes at her atop the rock licking its lips. The Lynx has a short tail, characteristic tufts of black hair on the tips of its ears, large, padded paws for walking on snow and long whiskers on its face. Beneath its neck, it has a ruff with black bars resembling a bow tie. Not as big as the mountain lion, yet more than twice the size of the largest domestic cats, it appears huge to Claire who realizes the feline predator has her just where it wants her.

The Lynx suddenly lunges at her, front paws outstretched; its eyes boring into her with an intensity making her piss her pants. She instinctively raises her hands to shield herself, just as she watched TJ do when the cougar lunged at him. The Lynx hits her with surprising strength and she goes down to the ground with the cat on top of her.

“Aaaaaaaah,” she yells as terror grips her.

With Claire lying on her back on the ground, the Lynx is standing on her, it’s paws pressing into her tits, as it licks its lips sniffing her. Then she sees it, at first, she can’t believe it, yet the Lynx has a collar on. Her eyes are full of wetness from her sobs, her body is shaking uncontrollably, and she makes out on the leather collar a word. In her mind, she spells it out: T-I-G-G-E-R. This cat is called Tigger, she thought. What the fuck?

Tigger licks her neck, still sniffing her, and the coarseness of its tongue on her soft skin sends unexpected tingles through her.

“Nice p-pussy,” she says softly. “Good kitty c-cat.”

The lynx purrs and rubs its head against her affectionately. Then she sees it, the pinkish-red cock pointing out of the furry sheath of the Lynx. The cat is sexually aroused, he wasn’t stalking her to eat her, he wants to fuck her. Images of Melissa and the cougar fill her mind, and the lewd smile she had before this returns as she stares at the strange phallus. The cock is pointy, shiny, and a bright pink. Sliding her hand along its furry side she takes it in her hand, feeling the bumpiness of it, as sharp little bumps protrude from the surface. She strokes the Lynx’s cock and it purrs louder.

“So this is what you want, is it Tigger?”

The Lynx moves off her yet keeps sniffing until its licking at her pissy crotch in her pants. Claire can’t believe it, the feline seems to know exactly what to do. She glances around, feeling her heart race and her breathing quicken, then she decides to go for it. Quickly, she undoes her pants and pulls them down, panties and all. The Lynx is soon pressing its cool nose against her pussy slit taking in her womanly fragrance.

“C’mon Tigger, show me what you can do,” she said hotly.

The Lynx doesn’t need the encouragement and is quickly licking hard against her cunt. The Lynx starts licking her inviting pussy with his hot, wide, rough tongue.

“Oh, yes,” she whispers, glancing around to see if any of the other survivors might stumble across her predicament.

With nothing she can do, she clenches her eyes tight, and grabs the dirt beneath her hands, to enjoy the Lynx’s attention in the hope the feline will make her cum hard. Now, this animal is molesting her pretty pussy, she can’t afford to be discovered lying semi-naked in the clearing with a Lynx licking her juicy cunt. Try explaining this to Ben, she thought bitterly. The sensations of the hot, rough tongue as it licked her groin soon start activating her sexual buttons, especially the small one located at the top of her puffy slit. Subconsciously, her body starts thrusting and squirming against the Lynx as his tongue slithers all over her spasming cunt. Claire feels amazed a Lynx can turn her on in this manner, yet she feels something gentle and sensuous with the Lynx’s tonguing. She bucks with a shudder of pleasure as the cat licks her puffy pussy faster and faster, swishing over her stiff clit, and sending jolts of pleasure through her. The tongue tastes everything she has to her offer, her clit, her
pubic mound, her labia, the entrance to her tight cunt, and also her musky asshole.

She can feel her cunt start spasming wildly, and knows she’s cumming not believing she actually reached a climax with a Lynx. Another long thrust of the Lynx’s tongue is the final push she needs, and an orgasm explodes deep inside her cunt with a force surprising her to the core. Claire slaps her hand over her mouth to stifle her moans.

“Mmmmm—Ooooo—Yeahhhhhh,” she moans, tossing her head from side to side as a series of violent contractions tear through her tender pussy.

She hunches her hips hard against the Lynx’s mouth, and she cums repeatedly, as she grinds her cunt against the feline’s nose. Her legs are trembling, and a light sheen of sweat on her skin makes the beauty glow. Her head sinks into the dirt as her body is racked with an orgasmic fury that’s surprising for such a bizarre coupling. The woman is breathing hard, and her minds blunted to all around her.

Suddenly, the big cat scrambles onto her as she lies on her back, gripping his strong forelegs around her waist. Claire is too dazed to know what the Lynx is doing and seems oblivious to the humping cock now trying to find her wet cunt and breed her. Then the searching pink cock finds its mark, and slips into her tight cunt, slamming inside her pussy as it plunges toward her cervix. Her eyes bulge widely, and she bites her hand over mouth as searing pain rips through her from her inside her cunt. The Lynx purrs deeply as it plunders her tight cunt, rubbing its spiky cock against her causing her pain. Streams of precum dribble from the tip of the spiky cock slimy and warm, easing the pain inside her and making the friction start to feel good. His cock starts feeling like a nobly dildo, only warmer and somehow, harder.

“Ooooo—Mmmmm,” she moans.

She lifts her head and glances between her jiggling tits, and she can see his long pink cock each time it pulls free of her pussy. The organ gleams with her cunt juice, as his heavy balls swing with each thrust. Claire so wants to cry out in lustful bliss, yet the thought her companions may finder doing this, especially her husband, gives her pause. The sensation of the thick feline cock stretching her tight cunt is blowing her mind. Yet it’s also the Lynx’s hot, furry body against her soft skin, and his paws gripping her so tightly around her sides adding so much more to the experience. The friction-based sensations created by his nobly, pointed cock violating her tight pussy is making her belly tingle and tighten, and her legs feel wibbly-wobbly.

“Oooooo—Ahhhhhhhhhhrrr—GOD,” Claire moans, as orgasmic spasms break loose in her body again.

Grunting, screaming, sobbing, she thrashes from side to side as she feels the big cat’s big cock swell inside her already over-stretched cunt. The Lynx’s nobly spines are slamming into her pussy now with the force of a punch, making a loud slapping noise as flesh hits flesh. Thlip— Thlip— Thlip! The sound is so loud Claire fears someone might hear it. However, the Lynx seems determined to reach its own zenith of pleasure and keeps slamming his cock into her. Eventually, the sensation is all too much for the big cat, and he starts firing semen into her pussy.

“WWWWHHHAAATTT—ARRRGH—UNGH—NOOOO,” Claire mindlessly moans as she feels the big cock twitch, throb, and shoot inside her belly.

She didn’t orgasm from it, yet the fact a Lynx just took her causes her to squirm beneath the big cat. The Lynx pulls free, still spraying his semen and stands over her long enough to cover her with his slimy seed. Then, he runs into the bushes leaving Claire staring at her used cunt, gaping and dripping cum. What the fuck did I just do, she wonders.

Slowly she gets to her feet and pulls her pants and panties up, still feeling the slimy semen moving around inside her. She quickly heads to the stream to wash, wondering why the Lynx was collared, and why it attacked her with only the intention to have sex.


Returning to the camp in the glade, Melissa finds her husband sitting up; she gives him a cup of water and a codeine tablet without a word of explanation.

“Thanks, darling,” he said and sighs. “Where’d you find these?”

“The first aid kit in the plane,” she said. “You can take them every four hours if you need to.”

TJ enters the camp with a sneer planted on his face as he looks at Melissa, and he calls Ben over who was napping in his lean-to, and they stand near Melissa and Julian.

TJ explains to the group what happened below the ridge concerning the cougar, leaving out how Melissa used the feline to make him hand over the pills, and his own attempt to fuck the pretty blonde woman.

“Fuck,” Ben said, “Claire and I saw bear tracks earlier today near here too.”

“This area is full of wild animals, so we need to be careful,” TJ said harshly. “Don’t go anywhere alone.”

Ben sees the holster on TJ’s belt and points to it. “Do we have any more guns?” he asks.

TJ shakes his head. “This is it, and we need it to get food,” he said.

“So what do we do if we see a mountain lion or a bear?” Julian asks.

“Climb a tree and make as much noise as possible to scare it away.”

“Don’t bear’s and mountain lions climb trees too?” Melissa asks.

TJ sighs. “Yes, but if the animal’s not all that hungry, it’ll probably give up.”

“And if it is hungry enough?” Ben asks going pale.

“Then hope we hear you before it’s too late,” TJ said coldly.

“We need to get outta here,” Ben said. “We’ve been here for days and not one plane or helicopter has gone over us. They’re not coming, let’s face it.”

“The animal problem won’t change no matter where we are,” TJ tells him. “We need to wait longer here in case they do fly over.”

“We have some flares right?” Ben asks harshly. “We can signal planes no matter where we are.”

“BEN,” Melissa shouts. “Let’s give Julian a chance to get better before we go trekking across hundreds of miles of wilderness.”

Ben snorts and promptly turns to return to his lean-to, and lies with his back to the trio.

“I’m gonna go and find Claire,” TJ said. “She’s been gone too long.”

The muscular pilot leaves them and disappears into the forest.

Suddenly, Julian asks, “How come you were on the ridge with TJ this afternoon?”

“I went to see the view,” she said. “It’s breathtaking.”

“Is that all?”

She hesitates. “Yes. There’s a beautiful view from there.”

“And you just stared at the view for almost two hours?”

“Yes, Julian, with open eyes,” she murmurs.

“What does that mean?”

“I’m not blind anymore.”

“What? You’re talking in riddles, Melissa,” he said shaking his head.

“Why did you make me come on this trip?” she asks. “You know I didn’t want to come, but you insisted. Why?”

“I don’t—”

“You do,” she snaps, standing and going help find Claire.

Julian says loudly, “Melissa, come back. Let’s talk about this.”

She pauses, turns back and said, “It’s too late for talking, Julian. You wanted to pimp out to your boss, and that’s unforgivable.”

“No. No, I was doing it for us,” Julian said reaching his arm toward her, “for a big promotion and pay rise.”

Ben laughs as he stares at Melissa with beady eyes. “The trip isn’t over yet, Mel,” he said harshly. “I plan to fuck your brains out anytime now.”

“Shut the fuck up,” Julian shouts at his boss, then grimaces as pain shoots through his head. “I’ll kill you if touch her.”

Ben just laughs, and Melissa continues into the forest feeling disgusted by both men. I hope Claire is alright, she thought. Something tells me we might need to work together to keep these men in their place.


The wilderness they’re trapped in is very rough, and it takes Melissa a good fifteen minutes to reach the stream as she got lost for part of it. She squats and has a drink, cupping the cold water in her hand to do so. Suddenly, she hears a muffled scream from somewhere behind her and stands, straining to listen again. She hears it again, and without thinking runs into the forest toward the sound. The branches whip at her as she rushes through the scrub, and eventually, she comes emerges into a clearing surrounding a big rock. Standing with her back against the rock is Claire, her arms also pressing the granite outcrop. Her face is pale, her eyes bulging, and her chin is shaking.

Standing in front of her is a Grizzly Bear on all fours, its head pointing at her and nose actively sniffing the terrified redhead. The bear doesn’t seem enraged, more curious, and as Claire sees Melissa she gasps loudly.

“Run, get TJ,” Claire shouts. “He has a gun.”

Melissa is about to leave, yet something seems odd to her about the situation, and out of the corner of her eye, she sees something shiny on the bear’s neck. A collar, she thought as her stomach roiled with fear.

“Claire. Claire,” she said in a low voice. “Can you see that collar on its neck?”


“The collar, can you see it.”

Claire stares at the still snuffling bear and sees the shiny metallic collar for the first time. “Yes, I see it, I see it,” she shouts.

“Does it have a name on it?” Melissa shouts now, feeling herself relax a little.

Claire frowns as she stares at the metallic collar, then raises her eyebrows and smiles. “Bearnarby—His name is Bearnarby,” she shouts.

Fuck, another collared animal, what are the odds, Melissa thought. Melissa steps closer as a wild idea takes root in her mind. “Hey, Bearnarby, over here,” she shouts at the beast.

The bear turns and stares at her, his nose sniffing the air. Suddenly, Melissa undoes her yellow shorts and pulls them down, panties and all. “I think I know what you’re looking for,” she said rubbing her hand over her moist slit.

Getting her fingers nice and wet inside her cunt she holds them out to the Grizzly bear. The bear sniffs then turns and approaches the outstretched hand.

“What are you doing?” Claire said with bulging eyes.

The bear stops short of her fingers, sniffs, then a big pink tongue slithers from its mouth and licks her digits clean. The Grizzly bear moans with satisfaction at the taste of Melissa’s cunt and promptly shoves its snout into her crotch. The animal’s hot breath tickles her and she giggles, then moans as the big tongue lashes out and rakes her groin from her ass to her clit. Melissa manages to get a leg free from her shorts/panties and spreads her legs wider so the bear can access her better. The coarse tongue is finding her taste enchanting, even with the added cougar sauce he’s licking from tingling pussy.

Claire steps forward, straining to see around the large Grizzly bear now with its back to her. “Omigod, what are you doing?” she asks, her hand on her chin.

The sight of the bear licking Melissa’s tantalizing cunt reminds the woman of spying on her and the cougar on the ridge, and it doesn’t take long for her own pussy to start throbbing.

“Ooh, yeah,” Melissa moans with her eyes closed as the tongue licks her hard against her clit, “It’s the collar, and it means something.”

“Yes,” Clair said moving closer, “I had a run in with some cat thing that had a collar too.”

Melissa opens her eyes to find Claire taking her clothes off. “What are you doing?” she asks the attractive redhead MILF.

“We’re fucking this bear, right?” Claire said as she slipped her panties over her feet.

“Well, I guess.”

Claire shivers and giggles simultaneously. “I think we just found paradise, Mel.”

Standing beside Melissa and spreads her legs, the bear immediately disengages his tongue from Melissa’s pussy and starts licking Claire’s cunt. The redhead moans loudly as the tongue rakes her cunt giving her intense pleasure. Melissa leans over and the women kiss, tongues exploring each other’s mouth hungrily. She grabs the nearest nipple and pinches it making Claire moan. The sound of the snuffling grunting bear is as loud as the noise of his wet tongue whipping Claire’s pussy into an orgasmic fury. The woman’s legs shake and she thrusts her pussy into the toothy mouth of the beast while Melissa rubs her pussy as she watches with rapt attention.

The bear’s tongue seemed so wide and thick, which gave it much more force than a man’s tongue. The bear doesn’t lick as fast and relentless, it seems to want to savor Claire more and its tongue probes her cunt and ass extracting all it can from her. Her legs spread wider, knees bend, upper body arches forward as she moans through pouty red lips. Her skin now has a pinkish glow to it, and a light bead of sweat covers her. Claire began thrusting her hips into the bear’s mouth as her climax built. Melissa is rubbing Claire’s clit in a circular motion as the MILF’s legs wobble and shake, her moans getting louder and louder.

“Oh, oh yeah—Fuck yeah—Eat my pussy—You like my pussy, eh?” Claire moans.

“He does like your pussy,” Melissa said as she rubs hers and Claire’s clit simultaneously with each hand.

“Oh God—Oh, fuck—Oh God—I’m gonna cum,” Claire suddenly shouts.

Therefore, as she announced with her lewd moan, Claire’s body begins shaking and her skin glows a reddish pink as her orgasm releases. She grabs the bear’s head as she squeals and shakes on his big tongue. The fire in her cunt causing ecstasy, consuming her, then releasing her. She slumps, the orgasm had been far more intense than she expected. The bear suddenly pulls away and rolls onto its back opening its legs out. There in its groin, is a reddish-pink penis sticking out of its hairy sheath. The head tapers to a point in a conical shape, but the rest appears thick and enticing. Melissa falls to her knees, crawling to the bear seductively with her back arched so her ass stuck in the air.

“I’m gonna suck that big cock of yours, Bearnarby.” She said, flicking her blonde hair and making it bounce.

The bear is huffing, a common vocalization made in a courting bear. Melissa takes his hairy sheath in a hand and runs her tongue along the shaft, tasting the musky odor of the bear. His long cock is wet, and some precum dribbles from the tip. It feels so hard thanks to the bone inside and Melissa is surprised at how thick it is too. She swallows the head into her mouth, tasting his salty, slimy precum with a gamy aftertaste. As she bobs and her lips massage the springy skin, the bear groans, lying back and closing its eyes.

“I’m not the first woman to suck your dick, am I?” Melissa said, glancing at the recumbent bear.

“I think you’re right, Mel,” Claire said watching the younger woman suck the bear’s dick wide-eyed.

Melissa tries to deep throat the Grizzly bear’s cock and gags as it has a bend in it due to the baculum, so to achieve it, she has to become a sword swallower and bend her body to accommodate the cock. Melissa eventually gets to her feet and lowers her pussy over the long cock of the bear, cowgirl style making Claire gasp with awe. She watches the cock slice Melissa’s cunt open and slides inside deeply, feeling her own pussy tingle and throb at the lewd sight. Fuck, that’s so hot, she thought. The bear lies back with narrowed eyes, blinking rapidly as he enjoys the feeling of her tight pussy rub his sensitive cock as she bounces on him.

Claire is getting highly aroused watching the blonde fuck this big furry beast, and goes to the Grizzly bears head and lowers her cunt over its head. The Grizzly bear gets a whiff of her juicy pussy and immediately starts to lick her again making the redhead moan loudly. Claire even rubs her pussy lips against his sharp teeth as the bear’s tongue slides inside her to taste her womanly nectar.

The bear suddenly moves making both women fall to the ground with grunts, as Melissa gets to her feet she feels the bear grab her waist and pulls her beneath his furry body. The bear starts humping his hips into her, and his thick hard cock slams into her cunt making her jump and squeal. The animal crazed with excitement from the strong smell of musk coming from Melissa. His cock thrusts inside her at an amazing speed as he feels her wet cunt wrap around his cock with its silky warmth. He grunts his ecstasy as his body towers over her.

Her body soon responds to this bear hugging copulation, and she starts playing with her clit as she gets fucked. One had rubbed her clit while another squeezes her nipples and breasts. She throws her head back into the body of the beast moaning loudly as the bear smashes his cock into her greedy cunt. It doesn’t take long for her first orgasm to arrive. Her body begins a slow sway that turns into a shaking, as her cunt squirts creamy white juice all over the bear’s cock and balls. She moans loudly, grabbing the ground to steady herself.

“Oh fuck—Oh yeah—Oh fuck—Oh yeah,” she moans as if chanting a sexual mantra.

Claire watches the wild fucking for a moment, the petite body of Melissa engulfed by the furry Grizzly bear whose haunches hump fast. She needs to cum too, and knows Melissa has the bears cock all to her now; instead, she lies on the ground with legs spread in front of the rutting pair rubbing her throbbing clit.

“Eat me—Eat me,” she shouts at Claire.

Melissa stares with glazed eyes into the redhead’s pussy, she can see her juices already squirting from the inflamed pussy slit. Her arousal is too high to refuse, and soon buries her face into the musky cunt and starts sucking on it.

“Oooooo-Yesss,” Claire moans.

The Grizzly bear’s orgasm still seems elusive so he punches Melissa’s cunt as hard as he can with his long cock. Sometimes nearly lifting her off the ground each time his boner crashes into her cervix. Melissa grunts loudly with each bone-jarring hunch and soon finds her cunt exploding again into a thrashing cacophony of orgasmic contractions. The Grizzly bear finally finds his rhythm and grunts as a deep growl as he feels her body spasm on his cock. The sensations become too much for the animal and his hot cum shoots deep inside her. He slows and stops, holding his cock inside her cunt as far as he can go and letting his balls unload in her.

This sensation pushes Melissa into another strong orgasm, and the contractions of her cunt make bear cum squirt out of her and coat her thighs. With Melissa sucking Claire’s clit the redhead’s body suddenly jerks wildly and she squirts stinky woman cum onto Melissa as she has another wild orgasm. The bear eventually pulls free and Melissa falls to the ground, feeling cum dribble out of her. Who knew a bear could cum this much, she thought. She remembers his cock and the warmth of his big furry body and shivers with excitement. The bear ambles out of the clearing into the forest and soon disappears as the women watch.

“What the fuck is this place?” Claire whispers.

“I don’t know,” Melissa said climbing to her feet, “but let’s not tell the guys about this for now.”

“I wonder what else is out here looking to get laid?”

“Time will tell, and maybe whoever owns these animals can help us get outta here.”

The women dress and leave the glade, heading for the stream as they need to wash badly.


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