A New Home

By Michelle M. I had been watching a beautiful area located deep inside a native reservation. No one besides tribal people was allowed in there, especially the most sacred area. There were lots of rumors and old wives’ tales as to what went on in there. The tribe was one of the few who worshiped animals, in a different way, a Zoolatry way. They believed animals were sacred and should be sexually enjoyed, played with, become submissive to these creatures

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The Amazons Rare New Breed of Snakes

By Michelle M. I belong to a group of research scientists who set out to prove or disprove claims of strange animals lurking in the darkness, only seen by a few. The team is made up of all women, all accomplished trackers, and hunters. The main goal is to eliminate stores that, in most cases, turn out to be mere stories passed down and enhanced each time they are retold. We don’t even look at the vampires, werewolves, bigfoot, and

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The Herpetologist finds a Mate

By Michelle M. Since I was a small girl, snakes have been so exciting for me. My parents gave me a small boa for my fifth birthday, then each year, I had picked up a few more. All of them excite me. They just seemed to be the perfect pet. When it was time to enter college, my main focus, of course, was to become a vet, specializing in the cold-blooded creatures, eventually narrowing down the study of snakes only.

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The Holiday Surprise

By Togarth. It was a wonderful holiday in Malaga with the girls – sun, rest, shopping and great food. This afternoon, however, Dee found herself at a loose end. Her friends had gone off on a sightseeing tour, which Dee had already done, and she really didn’t want to do it again. She had toyed with the idea of lazing by the pool, but the weather wasn’t that good today and she wondered what she could do. The idea of

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Marie’s Big Show

By Anonymous Marie is a sixty-something widow who lives alone. Her husband died several years ago leaving her small savings and the house. She has been getting by but like many women in her situation live on a tight budget, she has a small circle of friends who get together for lunch and a game of bridge. She is also active in her church. Although these dispel some of the loneliness, there are many times Marie feels there is a

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Mother’s Fulfillment

Anonymous Ann is a fifty-year-old mother who has a son Peter who is in his mid-thirties. They live together in a steamy jungle and have become like the animals with which they share their habitat. They have long since discarded their clothes because of the unrelenting heat ‘living on the fruits the jungle provides with fresh water flowing from a stream they have more than enough to sustain them. Both have noticed a change in their bodies. Ann’s breasts are

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The Hike

By Blade This is a story of a beautiful and sexy lady named, Lizza. Lizza is 1.7 meters tall with perfect firm breasts and a well rounded tight sexy ass and a sweet clean shaved pussy with shoulder length black hair and deep blue eyes and a perfect tanned skin, she is also well built and an extremely fit women that loves the outdoors especially hiking and camping and lived in a valley on a lovely estate left to her

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