Marie’s Big Show

By Anonymous

Marie is a sixty-something widow who lives alone. Her husband died several years ago leaving her small savings and the house. She has been getting by but like many women in her situation live on a tight budget, she has a small circle of friends who get together for lunch and a game of bridge. She is also active in her church. Although these dispel some of the loneliness, there are many times Marie feels there is a void in her life.

One afternoon as she and the girls were finishing lunch, Marie breached the subject with Madge who was also a widow. They got on the topics of money and living alone. Madge said, “An attractive women like you would have no trouble meeting a man. Why don’t you join a widows club?”

Marie replied, “What would a man want with an old dame like me?”

Madge said, “Don’t be silly, any man would jump at the chance to date a woman like you.”

Marie continued, “You’re so nice Madge. I’ll give it some thought.”

Marie liked to surf the web late at night. She had been thinking about the advice Madge had given her and decided to search the web there were senior dating websites she had seen and tonight was especially warm. She hated air conditioning it didn’t feel natural but relied on fans to keep the house cool. It was about one am when she decided to go to bed; Marie liked to sleep in the nude on warm nights. She grabbed her laptop and thought, I’ll surf the web for a while. She clicked on Google and hit porn by mistake. A list of sites appeared, and she let her eyes fall on the screen. Then she saw one that said dark web.

This aroused her curiosity, and she clicked on. Appearing was a screen that said imperial animal porn. Marie thought this is interesting and she clicked again. It said pay site and said join our team, new clients welcome, excellent money. There was a number to call on the bottom of the screen. Marie quickly grabbed a pad and pencil and wrote down the number. This may be my answer she mused.

The next day Marie decided to run it by her only daughter Tricia, who was a young widow having lost her husband in a car accident before they could have children, although he had left her well healed with a large insurance policy and a generous pension. Marie said hello Tricia she answered, “Hello mom what’s new.”

Marie replied, “Do you mind stopping by there is a confidential matter I’d like to run by you.”

Tricia said, “I’ll be over at I have to run a few errands.”

Marie said, “Fine, see you then.”

It seemed no sooner had she hung up then Marie heard her car pull into the driveway. Tricia opened the door and said, “Hi mom.”

Marie said, “Hello Tricia. We can talk over tea.”

They both sat at the kitchen table as Marie poured a cup for each. As they drank, Tricia said, “What’s on your mind.”

Marie replied, Well dear you know my financial could stand some improvement.”

“Tell me more.”

“I was on the web last night and clicked on a screen by mistake.”

Tricia said, “What site?”

Marie sheepishly said in a soft voice, “An animal porn web site.”

Tricia threw her head back and laughed. “Oh you naughty woman,” she exclaimed.

Marie asked, “Have you ever visited these sites?”

Tricia responded, “Mom, the web is full of porn almost anything you want.”

Marie continued, “The one I saw is looking for performers.”

Tricia replied, “Are you looking to make extra money mom?”

Marie said, “Yes, finding a regular job is difficult at my age I wrote the number.”

She showed it to Tricia. Tricia looked closer at the toll-free number and smiled.

Marie said, “Could you call and set up an appointment?”

Tricia replied, “Sure just give me the number, and I’ll let you know as soon as I find out.”

Marie kissed Tricia on the cheek and said, “You’re such a sweet daughter.”

Tricia smiled and took the number.


The next day Marie heard the phone ring. Tricia was on the other end and said, “It’s all set for tomorrow. I’ll pick you about eleven and drive you to their location. It’s about five miles out of town.”

Marie said, “I’ll be ready.”

The next day Marie heard Tricia’s car pull into the driveway. Without hesitation, Marie opened and closed the front door got into the car and said to Tricia, “You’re always on time.”

Tricia smiled and said, “We have to step on it otherwise we’ll be late.”

No sooner had they left the house then they were moving up a long driveway as they approached they could see a house with a small building attached there was a sign that read imperial studios. “Tricia, this must be the place,” Marie said.

Tricia stopped, and they both got out. They walked up a few sets of stairs and Tricia knocked on the door. The door slowly opened, and a short, attractive woman appeared. “Please come in, my name is Mira. You must be Tricia and Marie, we’ve been expecting you. Please follow me.”

Mira spoke as she walked, “We always welcome new performers, not everyone keeps their appointments, so it’s good to see you’re on time. I am taking you to the makeup department for your first shoot. They are very professional, and you can meet the staff.”

They reached a door that said makeup. Mira opened it, and they walked into a large room with full-length mirrors, cots, and recliners. Soon another woman arrived; she was taller than Mira but equally attractive. “Hello ladies,” she introduced herself, I’m May, and I rule the makeup department. What I say goes understood?”

Tricia and Marie nodded.

“I want you both to meet Ernie who is our tattoo artist and Max who does body piercing.”

Ernie was a big hulk of a man covered with tattoos and max was short with a slight build. May laughed they are the ‘Mutt and Jeff’ of makeup. Then May addressed Tricia and Marie, “First, let me ask how did you hear about us?”

Marie replied, “I found your number on the internet.”

May said, “Do you know what kind of a business this is?”

Tricia smiled and said, “We understand you make porn videos.”

May said, “Do you know what kind of porn?”

Marie said, “Animal porn.”

May replied, “We like to think we’re the best. We have a genre of films you won’t find on regular sites by being exceptional. We set ourselves apart from the rest because we offer better value and command a higher price.”

May continued, “We have the most professional film crew, and our director is the most imaginative in the business. Commanding larger fees, we can pay our actors more.”

Marie spoke, “What is the pay?”

May replied, “It is based on how good your performance is and, of course, viewership reaction. I spoke to Tricia on the phone, and she said you were interested, Marie.”

Marie replied, “Yes.”

May said, “Do you have any objections to whatever we tell you to do?” Marie shook her head no. “Fine,” May said, “we can start now.” May looked at Tricia and said, “Do you want to stay and watch?”

Tricia said, “I’ll see it on your website.”

May said, “Why don’t you come back in five hours.”

“OK,” Tricia said and left Marie alone in makeup.


The five hours had passed, and Tricia was on time a usual. Marie’s waiting and gets in the car. Tricia said, “Well, how did it go?”

Marie replied, “It looks like your mother will be the queen of animal porn.”

Tricia said, “Did they offer you another shoot?”

Marie said, “Yes, they want me back in three weeks.”

Tricia said, “I can’t wait to see your performance.”

Marie said, “It will be uploaded tonight.”

Tricia said, “We can watch it together.”

Marie said, “Great.”


That night Tricia and Marie sat on Marie’s bed. Marie took out her laptop and clicked on to the website showing her video as the scene unfolded Marie appeared wearing a robe, she let the robe drop and tattooed on the front of her body was a large snake. It had two heads one on each breast with a forked tongue touching each nipple with its long body extending the length of hers with the tail just touching the tip of her vagina. Tricia had never seen her mother’s body like that and felt her nipples begin to harden.

“Oh, mom, you look so sexy,” Tricia said as she squeezed her mother’s knee.

Suddenly a huge snake appeared next to Marie who was now lying on a bed. Tricia’s eyes widened, as she could not believe what she was witnessing. The giant snake moved its head to her mother’s right breast and began flicking its’ tongue on her nipple, which began to harden. He then moved to her left breast and did the same Marie began to moan as he moved his head even with hers. Tricia saw her mother flicking her tongue in and out, and the snake was doing the same soon their tongues were coiling and uncoiling. Tricia felt her vaginal fluids begin to flow and her nipples were now rock hard as she intently watched her mother and the large snake.

Marie began to spread her legs as the snake moved his tail pressing the walls of her vagina. Marie was now moaning with pleasure, “Yes … Yes…”

The snake began to move deeper inside her, Tricia could not believe how her mother was accommodating such a huge entrance. Marie began to move her hips in sync with the snake’s rhythm as they were coiled around each other so you couldn’t tell where each began and ended. Marie now held the back of the snake’s head as their tongues were again tightly coiled and they now moved faster and faster each giving pleasure and receiving pleasure. Marie could feel a river of cum, it was impossible not to cum. Soon she was filled with cum, the snakes and hers.

Tricia reached over, both women were now naked, and kissed her mother on the lips. She whispered, “I’m so proud of you, mom.”

Marie smiled. “How do you like your animal whore mother?”

They kissed softly, and Tricia murmured, “Your daughter is next.”

They kissed passionately.

Marie smiled. “We can both star in the next film together,” she said.

Tricia whispered, “I’d love to.”

The End.



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