Mother’s Fulfillment


Ann is a fifty-year-old mother who has a son Peter who is in his mid-thirties. They live together in a steamy jungle and have become like the animals with which they share their habitat. They have long since discarded their clothes because of the unrelenting heat ‘living on the fruits the jungle provides with fresh water flowing from a stream they have more than enough to sustain them. Both have noticed a change in their bodies. Ann’s breasts are much rounder and now have an upward tilt. Her nipples are now stiff and long. Her stomach is flat having lost the small bump, and the hair on her vagina is also black and now reaches three or four inches below her navel.

Peter’s physical appearance has also undergone a remarkable transformation. His penis is now longer by 2 to 3 inches. The shaft is somewhat narrow with the head looking like a snake’s head. They also begin to notice how long their tongues have become and they are forked-shaped like reptiles. They have also built a nest with palm leaves and twigs. Ann looks at Peter and says, “I feel we are being transformed by this jungle being more animal than human.”

As she moved closer to Peter, she admired the changes to his body allowing her eyes to roam all over him. She thought to herself, his penis looks so different, so long, and the head reminded her of a snakes head. He moved his tongue slightly between his lips, and she saw it was forked and did the same allowing him to look at hers, seeing it was forked too. As dusk approached, Ann took his hand, and said, “It’s time to nest.”

They were both lying down when they suddenly heard the sound of something moving in front of their nest. Ann whispered, “I can hear something moving.”

They both sat up, and facing them were two large snakes. As the reptiles raised themselves, Ann became frightened and clasped Peter’s hand. The snakes had large heads and flicked their fork tongues in and out. Their eyes were like lasers. They began to hiss as if trying to communicate. As Ann stared almost transfixed, she noticed they were different in size she slowly began to lose her fear.

“I believe one is male and the other female,” she whispers.

“The larger must be the male,” Peter said.

Ann could feel drawn to the male and Peter felt the same toward the female. Ann and Peter rose on their knees, so Ann was opposite the male and Peter opposite the female. All four were now at eye level. The snakes were now in the nest. Ann now lost all fear as she began to admire the male moving her eyes over his body. She thought to herself, he’s so beautiful and handsome, noticing his bright colors. “His eyes are so penetrating,” she said to Peter thinking his eyes have captured hers as the two continue to stare unmoved.

The female and Peter were now almost head-to-head. The male began to move his tongue in and out and hissed; Ann also did the same moving her tongue in and out and hissed. Ann began kissing his head, and soon their tongues were touching as they moved their heads back and forth coiling their tongues around one another and then letting go. Peter and the female were also touching tongues. Ann thought, he’s so gorgeous, I would love to have his babies. She felt their minds were now one, and she whispered, “I’m now yours, and your desires are mine.”

She reclined slightly allowing him to move on top of her as she felt his increasing weight. She allowed her body to ease onto the nest. She could feel his full weight on top of her and the leaves under her back. He began to lick her right nipple with his long tongue. As her nipple hardened, it became longer, and he now wrapped his tongue completely around it and began to squeeze first softly then tighter and tighter. Ann felt her passion rise and began to hiss. He did the same with her left nipple, and now Ann reached for his head started kissing him on the mouth.

She felt his tongue on her lips and opened her mouth touching her tongue with his. She began kissing him all over his head tongues, coiling and uncoiling, mixing saliva. She thought, I love him so much, I want to give him as many babies as I can. I am now his female I belong to him, feeling total submission I will obey his every wish.

She began to spread her legs slowly as to allow him entry she could feel his long tail begin to probe her vagina. He was moving the tip at the edge of her vaginal lips touching and pressuring one lip then the other. She spread her legs as far as she could, his tail now moved slowly in penetrating a little deeper slowly raising her excitement as she could feel the point of his tale rubbing her clitoris. His penis now extended. Ann knew what he wanted and obediently was on her knees exposing her ass while keeping his penis firmly inside her he began using his long tongue to rim her asshole.

She bent slightly forward to allow his tongue full entry. She was now feeling the passion from both ends, his tongue and penis were now moving in rhythm after tasting her. She lies down to allow him to move on top of her. She opened her mouth to allow his tongue to touch. She thought, he wants me to taste myself, I must obey. She wrapped her tongue around his, and thought, I hope he is pleased.

They were now in rhythm as her vagina held his penis allowing it to move back and forth as she was now completely wet inside. She thought, I want to have his clutch. The very thought excited her even more. She could sense his thoughts as every hiss of his was matched by Ann as the two moved in perfect rhythm. Their hisses communicated their intentions, his thoughts said, Do you love me and will obey my every wish do you want as many clutches as I desire?

Ann responded. I want to have as many clutches as you can give me. I am the receptacle for all your babies. I want to lay clutch after clutch

As they moved faster, Ann noticed Peter was deep inside the female, and they had established a rhythm too. Their tongues were coiled around each other, and her son’s penis was deep inside the female’s slit. Ann about to orgasm thought she is going to have his clutch. He belongs to her. I belong to him. The thought increased her frenzy as she felt an orgasm like never before. She could feel his cum mixed with hers.

She heard Peter cum. She smiled. We will both soon have clutches, she thought. The two females stare lovingly at each other knowing they would soon proudly present their mates with clutches. The females now moved near each other and began to softly touch tongues, and as they touched they reassured each other that they had developed a bond. As pregnant females, they caressed each other with their bodies as they rubbed each other and kissed. They both felt the need to taste each other’s budding clutches. The female used her tongue to probe deep inside Ann’s womb, while the female allowed Ann to probe hers.

Ann moved her long tongue deep inside the female’s slit, reaching her womb, and could feel the eggs. The two now sure their clutches were growing returned to their mates. The four were now coiled around each other in a lover’s embrace.

It had been months, and both Ann and the female snake bellies were expanding and could feel anticipation and excitement about their babies. One evening, they both felt it was their time. Peter and the male snake watched them closely and shared their excitement. Soon Ann and the female were now ready to deliver. Ann smiled, and said to the male snake, “There will be our babies.”

Peter went over and gently licked her vagina making sure her clutch would have easy egress from her slit. She did the same, licking her vagina with her tongue, wetting the lips thinking it will be easy for my clutch. Ann was now laying down spreading her legs as she felt the eggs drop one by one onto the soft nest. The female began to release hers too, as both females were now delivering their clutches while the males looked on.

Soon they had delivered their brood, and the big male snake approached Ann and gently used his tongue to lick each egg. Peter did the same with the female snake. Ann looked at her mate, and said, “This is the first of many. I am so proud to give you this clutch.”

Peter did the same for the female as she coiled around him and they both looked lovingly at their clutch.

The End.



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