The Great Dane


Kim (27) finished work and made her way home to pack a few things so she could go visit her parents. She hadn’t seen her parents for some time, so she was looking forward to seeing them and the house she grew up in again. Her father raised her on his own from when she was 7 years old, after her mother passed away, until she was 12 when he remarried. Her stepmother is an amazing woman whom she bonded with very well when she was younger and their relationship developed into a loving one to the point that Kim saw her as a mother and friend. While driving back home, her mind is filled with fond memories, but after an hour her mind starts to drift into a different direction. A Mona Lisa smile appears on her face as she recalls her encounters with her old boyfriends from her home town. The memories of the sex she had back in the day, when it was new and all she could think about begins to stir up emotions and a growing desire.

She becomes aware of her pussy as it moistens from the thoughts running through her mind, and she begins to feel the need to satisfy her urges. The trip will still last at least another hour and when she gets there she won’t be able to deal with her need as she will have to first greet and chat with her parents before she will be alone. Kim decides to take matters into her hands right away and very skilfully she removes her panties from beneath her skirt without disrupting the journey. She hikes up her skirt and spreads her knees apart to make space between her legs so her hand can work her clit while she continues to drive.

Kim has never tried masturbating while driving before, but it is making her feel exhilaration and her mouth opens to allow gasps of pleasure to escape her lungs. She looks at other drivers and passengers as they pass and delights in the fact that none of them know what she’s up to as she continues working her erect clit. For a moment she looks down to watch her finger massaging her most sensitive spot and smiles at the moment she can feel an orgasm begin to grow. With her eyes back on the road, she increases her efforts between her legs as the intensity of the feeling down there grows. The thought that she usually closes her eyes when she climaxes crosses her mind so she prepares herself to keep them open this time to avoid causing an accident.

“Here it comes!” She exclaims as her climax approaches its peak.

She lets out a loud groan when it finally courses through her body, making sure to keep her eyes open, but her attention is not as it should be. Suddenly she hears a horn honking from the car behind her and realises that she has drifted into the lane for oncoming traffic. She places both hands back on the wheel to quickly rectify the car and giggles when that car overtakes her and the driver rants and raves at her. She looks at her hand on the steering wheel and notices how wet her fingers are. She decides to suck them clean and to taste her juices, something she’d never tried before, but seemed so right in that moment.

A little while later she arrives at her destination. Her parents greet her warmly in the driveway and give her a gift. It’s a bracelet that her parents picked out for her and she absolutely adores it. As her step-mother Sue opens the door so they can go inside, they are greeted by Kim’s parents massive Great Dane Duke, who pushes past Kim’s father looking for Sue’s attention. She crouches down to hug him, giving him a lot of affection.

Kim knew about Duke, but this is the first time she sees him and she is amazed at his size. As they enter the house, Duke’s attention shifts to the unknown woman and he moves slowly around her, sniffing as he circles. Kim stands dead still, a little nervous of this big beast and she realises that she never put her panties back on and is hoping he won’t pick up the scent of her wet pussy. Duke’s keen senses detect her arousal and he immediately hones in on the source.

“Oh, don’t worry dear. Duke’s a big softy, he won’t hurt you” Sue assures

Kim is not so sure and holds her breath as the big beast presses his nose against her crotch. Sue pulls him by the collar and apologizes and Duke reverts back to his loving self, paying attention to Sue again.

As expected, Kim and her parents chat for hours, have dinner and go to bed very late. Kim is happy to be home again and Duke got used to her making Kim fond of him in the process. As she lay in her bed, drifting off to sleep, she reminisced once more and was glad she took care of her need before arriving and then she falls asleep.

Kim wakes up the following day to the wonderful smell of a cooked breakfast as it fills the house, beckoning her to come down stairs. She enjoys all her favourites for breakfast that Sue went out of her way to prepare and helps clean up when everyone is done eating. After breakfast, they all get ready to go to the market together, but Kim overhears her father tell Sue that he wanted to take her to an adult store and they’d have to do it another time.

Kim decides to give them some privacy, so she tells her parents that she has changed her mind and wants to stay home to relax. Moments later Kim walks her parents to their car and waves them goodbye as they drive off. As she re-enters the house, she finds Duke sitting by the front door, waiting for someone to return.

“Oh Duke. Were you getting lonely boy?” She asks while scratching his under his chin.

She turns to close the door and when she turns back to go to her room Duke jumps, placing his front paws on her shoulders and forces her back against the wall from his weight. She goes quiet from shock and uncertainty and feels a little worried about his intentions. Duke begins to lick her face and she feels relief that he simply wants to show her affection.

“So you just wanted a kiss. What a loving boy you are,” she says to Duke.

Kim is amazed at the size and weight of the animal and even more surprised that she is allowing him to lick her face. She begins to feel a shift in her emotions as she starts to rather enjoy his attention. Suddenly and without any thought, she opens her lips just a little and kiss him back, allowing his tongue to slip into her mouth to make contact with her own tongue. What started as an innocent kiss is quickly developing into a romantic gesture, she even finds herself caressing the back of his neck with one hand and scratching his belly with the other. She turns her face to the side, away from their kiss, taking deep, heaving breaths.

What are we doing, She asks herself?

For a moment she tries to convince herself to stop it, but her body won’t allow her, and she turns back to continue kissing the dog. She begins to wish Duke was human, so she could allow him to ravish her and that sparks the idea of what he might be capable of even though he is just a dog. Her eyes open again and begin to lower, for some reason she has to see what’s under his belly. When her eyes find what they’re looking for, she can’t help but stare. Duke’s cock is becoming erect, sticking out of its sheath a bit, all red and tempting. She becomes mesmerised as she stares at it just thinking what she could do with it.

No! This is wrong, she tells herself.

Kim gently pushes Duke off her and peers down at the beast with one last thought of what might have been. She disengages and turns to go to her room, but her body is fighting her all the way. Half way up the stairs she stops, her body telling her she can have more but her mind telling her she can’t. She looks back over her shoulder and sees him staring back but she does nothing. Duke lets out a low grumble and wags his tail and Kim turns to go back to him. Before she reaches the bottom of the stairs she removes her panties and then stands still before Duke, waiting for him to make the next move. The clever dog knows exactly what to do, he shoves his nose under her skirt and begins to sniff at her wet sex. Kim’s body begins to shudder and she can feel his breath on her pussy. Suddenly her anticipation is met when Duke begins to lick her wanting pussy.

“Oooh, Duke, so good,” she whispers.

Duke seems to be quite comfortable doing this, as if he has done this before. His thick, rough tongue envelops her entire pussy with every lick. Kim lifts the front of her skirt to give him more room and looks down to watch his tongue pleasure her. She spread her feet further apart and now Duke is able to get his tongue between her pussy lips, increasing the pleasure of the sensations. Kim begins to feel weak at the knees, so she slumps back onto the stairs which give Duke even more access to her quivering cunt.

She realises that her pleasure can only improve if she spreads her legs even further apart and opens her pussy with her fingers. Duke’s tongue finds its way inside her cunt and with her leaning back, he can now also please her anus. It is clear to Kim now that this dog is capable of giving her an orgasm, so she gives in completely and an orgasm begins to develop deep inside her.

“Don’t stop! Don’t stop!”

Finally, her body erupts in a magnificent, body shaking orgasm that causes her to cry out in pleasure. Her pussy produces more wetness causing Duke to lick faster to keep up and which prolongs and intensifies her climax. It’s a lot more than she thought was possible for a dog, but she is elated. She places her hand over her pussy to stop him and rests her head back on a stair as she breathes deeply to catch her breath and as she basks in the afterglow of satisfaction.

Kim lifts her head to look between her legs at Duke and can clearly see that his cock has gotten even bigger. She bites her lip, wondering if she can and should take it further. The encounter has turned her into a deviant, all she can think about is experiencing more with Duke and she can’t fight the urge. She stands up to make sure the door is locked and looks out the window like a criminal making sure the coast is clear. Once satisfied all is well, she turns back to Duke and smiles at him as he looks back up at her with anticipation of his own.

“Come on boy, let’s be naughty some more.”

She moves to the living room and Duke follows close behind. Kim instructs Duke to lay down, she wants to investigate his cock a bit before taking it any further. Obediently he lays down on his side and Kim becomes quite excited as she looks at his cock and lowers herself for a closer look. She doesn’t hesitate to grab his cock as soon as she’s on the ground next to him and Duke simply lifts his leg, giving her more room. She begins to massage his dick though its sheath and eventually directly on the red shaft.

She can tell that Duke is quite comfortable with what she’s doing and again wonders if he’s ever experienced this before. She decides to lower her head to slip his cock between her lips and taste it for the first time. It slides all the way into her mouth, her tongues wrapping around it and then she slowly removes it from her mouth. For a moment she savours the taste and feeling in her mouth and decides that she likes it.

She lowers her head again and this time sucks Duke’s cock to give him a proper blow job. After only 3 or 4 minutes, Kim’s cunt is twitching in desperate need to have that cock inside. She removes his cock from her mouth, gets over Duke and slowly lowers herself until his cock makes contact with her pussy.

I can’t believe I’m doing this, she thinks.

She keeps her eyes fixed on his now massive cock as it slowly disappears into her cunt as she lowers herself further. She is being careful as her pussy needs to get used to his big dick and stretch until it feels comfortable. When her tight body is finally all the way down on him, she takes a moment to get used to his big cock so deep inside her before she begins to rock back and forth, only small movements at first and very slowly. As her cunt stretches and becomes more used to it, she increases her rocking speed. Very soon she is riding Duke’s cock like a lover, with one hand on his chest and the other squeezing her breast. The sensation she is experiencing is incredible and very soon she feels another orgasm beginning to grow. Her climax is coming too soon, so she gets off Duke and onto her hands and knees.

“Okay, Duke. Let’s see if you can fuck me like a girl dog?”

Duke obviously knows what to do, he mounts her immediately and begins to piston his cock at her rear. Kim can’t help but think he’s way too used to this to not have done it before. He edges forward until his cock finds her warm, wet pussy, shoves it in and begins to hump her roughly.

“OH… MY… God! … Good… Boy… That’s it!”

There is no stopping him now, he fucks her with an urgency as if desperate to plant his seed deep inside her. Kim struggles to breath, his cock is so deep in her cunt on the forward thrusts that it takes her breath away. Even before she gets used to the new sensation, her orgasm begins to grow again and she manages to get into rhythm with him before her climax is reached. Just before her body is completely overtaken by her orgasm, Duke manages to shove his knot in and make her shout very loud in ecstasy. As her orgasm begins to subside, Duke slows down to a complete stop and then begins to pump an unbelievable amount of cum into her womb.

“Holy shit Duke!”

The feeling of his hot cum so deep inside her triggers an aftershock orgasm that causes her arms to collapse, sending her chest down to the floor. Suddenly there is no more movement, only the couples heaving chests expanding and contracting while Duke continues to spray cum inside her. Kim starts smiling as she is very pleased with the outcome and is certain she will do it again as soon as she can. She lifts her chest off the floor again and realises that Duke’s cock is stuck inside her, but this pleases her and she settles her chest back down on the floor again to wait for it to come out.

Kim becomes aware of a sound at the door and begins to panic that it might be her father. She tries desperately to get Duke’s swollen cock out of her cunt, but it’s useless, so she stares at the doorway accepting that she’s going to get busted. The next moment she hears the door open and footsteps heading towards her and then Sue appears in the doorway.

“Oh my god! Kim… Ah… Hold on,” Sue says before disappearing.

Kim is devastated, how is she going to explain this? Sue returns a minute later and kneels next to Kim’s naked body. “Don’t worry honey, I got your father back in the car. I told him I forgot something and we need to go back to the market.”

Kim looks up at Sue in confusion and sees Sue smiling down at her. “You two will be stuck like this for quite a while. It usually takes a long for his cock to shrink, but we can talk about this later.”

Sue kisses Kim on the cheek and the gives Duke a kiss too before standing up and rushing out to get Kim’s father away from the house. Kim can’t believe what just happened, but it makes complete sense as she was thinking that Duke knew a little too much about this. Kim begins to like the idea that Sue has fucked Duke too, and that she has someone to discuss it with later.

Sue and Kim’s father returned two hours later, which gave Kim enough time to clean up, set everything straight and relax for a while. Sue winks at her now and then, her father completely oblivious, and Kim blushes every time, but can’t wait to talk to Sue about what happened. Much later Kim’s father falls asleep in front of the TV, so Kim and Sue go to the kitchen to have the chat they are both dying to have. Sue lets Kim know that she’s been fucking Duke for almost 4 months and now they share details of their own experiences with each other.

“Just when I thought our relationship was as close as it could be, I find myself feeling even closer to you than ever before,” Kim confesses.

The End.



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