The Gray Wolf

By Alex. (

What a pain in the ass?

Gail kept thinking that repeatedly as she worked her way down the hill in the rapidly fading twilight while the rain poured steadily onto her already drenched hair. She was soaked through and through. Getting lost hiking on a mountain trail during a rainstorm was in no way the enjoyment she had in mind when she came up here.

She had spent a couple of hours trying to reorient herself but was realizing that it was not going to happen in the dull light. Before it got too dark, she searched around the numerous rock faces in that area and found a room-sized overhang to spend the night.

It was warm out, so she did not worry about freezing. She just felt crappy in sopping wet clothing. This was to be a day trip only, so she had not brought a change of clothing. Luckily, in her small backpack, she had a warm blanket that she had thoughtfully sealed in a plastic bag. That, combined with some snacks and bottled water, would see her through the night until she could get her bearings the following morning.

In the wall of her bare room were several pieces of stone jutting out like ready-made hooks, so she removed all her clothing and hung them up to dry. She took out the dry blanket, munched on some cheese and crackers, sipped some water, curled up in the blanket against the wall away from the exposed side, and dozed fitfully before finally crashing hard for the remainder of the night.

Gail snapped awake and sat up, startled. Her eyes began to adjust to the dull light of early dawn, and as it did, she made out a shape moving from side to side some twenty feet away from her.

It took a couple of seconds for her to recognize the canine silhouette of a large wolf watching her warily as it continued its pacing. As her vision got used to the light, she could see the grey fur covering the rippling muscles of the powerful wild beast. It stopped and stared straight into her eyes. Its eyes were the palest blue and locked with her deep green eyes as if to relay a greeting.

Gail remembered reading that wolves reacted to eye contact as a sign of aggression, but she felt no threat from this animal. His eyes relayed the curiosity of a male that had happened to a female that may be willing to play around while they were alone. His look was an invitation to realize desires and share pleasure, not to threaten any type of violence.

Her mind fought a battle with her body, the former wanting to convey disgust at the sensations the latter involuntarily began to feel. The beast was sending out signals of craving. Her own sexual core was receiving the powerful message and beginning to respond to them as if the idea of being with this beautiful animal was the most essential thing in the world.

For about four days in a row every month, while her body was in its time of ovulation, Gail’s sex emitted a subtle yet seductive scent and churned out incredibly slick juices at the slightest stimulation. Today happened to be day two of the four, habitually the most intense day.

With her clothes hanging up to dry out of immediate reach, part of her mind felt extremely vulnerable in her nudity while a more primitive part began sending out signals of exhilaration and pleasure to her rapidly moistening pussy.

The great wolf moved its head from side to side, sniffing deeply as if searching for an elusive scent that it desired to find. It quickly realized that the aroused female scent it was receiving was coming from the strange furless creature directly in front of him. He slowly moved towards Gail, stopping just four or five feet away from the nude woman wrapped partially in a blanket.

Gail’s emotions switched rapidly back and forth from fear to passion, and she did not know what to do. Running did not seem to be an option, and fighting a wild animal that was visibly larger and more powerful than her did not seem any more realistic. She looked deep into the eyes of the beast in an attempt to judge just what the intentions were running through its mind.

She sensed no desire in the beautiful eyes to harm her, but there was an unmistakable yearning and dominance there. The staring pale eyes mesmerized her, and her body became even more eager to feel the creature close to her.

Moving slowly, she stripped off the blanket from her body and spread the edges out flat, forming a square roughly seven feet on each side. She remained in the center upon completing the pad she had made on the ground.

The Wolf watched her closely but made no move towards her. Gail sat with her legs together, hugged up to her chest, and watched the animal in front of her as her body continued its climb of exhilaration from the center of her stomach to her breasts and down to her pussy.

The Wolf again caught the scent of a female in heat, and his penis began extending from its sheath. He began to pace from side to side, and Gail caught sight of his dick sticking out from the fur on its belly. She inhaled suddenly, and the sound caused the Wolf to stop and stare at her with his flank showing to her.

It seemed like he wanted her to see his member as it continued to grow larger, so he stayed in the pose that permitted her the best view. After a couple of minutes, a large red cock was visible, with more still hidden in its sheath. Its knot began to swell at the base of his dick, waiting to lock him to his intended mate.

Gail’s breathing now quickened its pace, and she made a choice dictated not by logic but by curiosity and desire. She removed her arms from around her legs and moved her body into a four-legged position, matching the creature’s posture. She crawled around in a slow circle and seductively wriggled her thin body, bending at the waist and swinging her hips from one side to another. She then closed her eyes and surrendered to what seemed to be inevitable.

She jumped involuntarily when a few seconds later, she felt a long, rough tongue taste her pussy. She stopped moving and leaned back as the Wolf continued licking her juices and causing her lips to swell even more than the wild, forbidden, erotic thoughts racing through her mind had already done.

Gail felt the tingling warmth running from her pussy to the center of her abdomen that always preceded her build-up to orgasm when the Wolf suddenly stopped working his tongue from her pussy opening to her clit. She found herself unbelievably disappointed. This emotion was fleeting because within a couple of seconds she felt a heavyweight perch on her back and soft fur rub against her skin. The Wolf was mounting her! This was no longer just a game or a playful exercise. This had become real!

Gail let out a small shriek as the Wolf grasped her tightly around her small waist with his forepaws, his claws digging slightly into her skin. She suddenly thought that this had gone too far. That this was an awful mistake, something unnatural and dirty. Gail just could not allow this violation to take place. She struggled against her would-be invader and tried to get away.

Her new master would have none of that, gripped her tighter and pulled her back in the direction of his wet red rod. He was slowly humping in the air while searching for the target. His acute senses told him sense was nearby. Gail looked back between her legs and saw his dick bobbing slowly above two large balls. His tool was sharply pointed, wet, and throbbing.

At first, in her shifting mind, she told herself that the large canine would hurt her if he tried to escape. She was being taken against her will, raped by a dreadful wild animal. For that reason, she was neither guilty nor accountable.

His muscular body drawing her inexorably towards his immense cock and the scent of a wild creature combined to overwhelm Gail, and she once again lost herself in debauched craving. All thoughts of resistance were replaced by the anticipation of being ferociously taken by a wild beast.

Gail finally grudgingly admitted to herself that she wanted him as much as he obviously wanted her.

She stared back at the huge feral member searching for her soaked and eager pussy and began to tilt her little behind up to give her lover a better position to access her gateway to pleasure. Gail felt the pointed tip of Wolf’s dick hit her about an inch to the side of her swollen slit, just inside her leg. She remained still as his second attempt missed again but was a half-inch closer to the mark. Another effort split the distance once again to a quarter inch.

Gail could not imagine that this animal had any experience with a female of such a different species, but he sure seemed to be a fast learner. His next thrust was slower, more careful, and precisely lodged the point of his cock between her wet and puffed-up pussy lips, causing her to gasp and brace herself for a depraved and unthinkable sexual experience.

The Wolf knew that he was close to finding what he wanted and pushed slowly down the slick groove until he hit Gail directly in the clit with the hard tip of his cock, causing her to flinch and let out a small yelp. His cock began slowly spraying the precum that normally lubricated the differently shaped sex of his canine mates.

Realizing there was not an entrance in that direction, he repositioned his legs backward slightly and slid upward with his still growing cock until he felt its trembling end sliding into a tight, slick pussy. He began to apply more pressure, and his red rod began disappearing slowly into his strange new lover.

Gail began moaning as soon as the first inch of wolf meat found its way inside her. His width filled her small pussy delightfully, and the slick juice of her pussy made the continued slow insertion as pleasurable as anything she had ever known. The difference in body temperatures between a human and a canine made his cock feel very hot as more and more of it packed up inside her.

She felt the fur of his sheath hitting the opening of her pussy, and not knowing any better, took for granted that he had gone as deep as he was could. She was already beginning to feel small orgasms coming one after another as the red and hot cock began withdrawing as the Wolf shifted his hips backward until only an inch remained inside Gail.

Gail was relaxed and purring with delight when, without warning, the Wolf forcefully plunged his entire cock into her pussy with all the power his muscular body had. Gail yelled out as the original size was joined by an additional amount that had remained hidden in his sheath. His knot slammed into her pussy, and his balls bounced off her clit. His entire member was now clear of its sheath, and he rapidly worked it in and out of his new mate.

Gail almost fell forward and continued to cry out as this assault continued. She was filled deeper than she ever had been and could feel that his cock was growing still wider as well. The first few thrusts produced nothing but pain, but as she adjusted to the wild pace, pleasure began to well up from her fully engorged pussy.

She knew nothing of the knot that swells on a canine’s dick, but she did become aware that a large ball seemed to be forming at the base of the Wolf’s member and was slapping against her pussy lips. She began to produce incredible amounts of pussy lubricant and was again approaching climax, the likes of which she had never experienced.

The Wolf was hammering this female for all he was worth and had only one more thing to complete; his knot had to lock into her sex. He felt her becoming more and more slick and wet, and he shortened his strokes so that the bulge was only moving an inch or two away from her hole before slamming back.

After several thrusts, he felt it begin to work her slit a little wider, and on the next thrust, he pushed with all his might and felt the familiar pop as it plunged past her muscles that guarded the way inside, locking the two bizarre lovers together.

Gail was coming hard and did not even notice the change in stroking pattern the Wolf performed just before pushing in his knot. Her pussy was squeezing down hard, and she was moaning louder than she ever had. The orgasm was causing her whole body to shudder.

Just as she lost all contact with reality, she felt a pop and felt stabbing pain as something the size of a tennis ball entered her already bursting pussy. This time she let out a real scream as the Wolf continued pumping her pussy deeply, but only withdrawing to the point where his bulge stopped on the inside of her tiny snapper.

Keeping up pace with his plunging cock seemed to lessen Gail’s pain. However, before too long, she was happily moving with him and goading him into even harder action by leaning back into his thrusts and squeezing his cock hard with her pussy muscles. The knot had settled into a position where it massaged her G spot precisely and triggered even wilder orgasms than she had beforehand.

After around twenty minutes of this, Gail really put the clamps on the Wolf’s cock with her tight pussy and its powerful internal muscles. It was the Wolf’s turn to howl as he exploded inside her, filling her with hot cum that seemed to gush forever. Once their fucking ceased, Gail realized that she was covered in sweat and that the Wolf was panting feverishly in an attempt to cool down.

They remained locked together for another ten minutes before his knot deflated enough to come out of Gail with a brief twinge of pain and a muffled pop. Cum ran down her leg in a deluge as she layover on the blanket. Exhaustion overtook her, and she curled up on the sex-stained blanket and fell asleep straight away.

The Wolf went to the other side of the cave, licked himself clean, and walked back over to where Gail lay snoozing. He sniffed at her sex, and instinct told him that she was currently satisfied but would be ready again at dawn of the following day.

His normal hunting route would bring him back by here at about that time. He leaned over her and licked her cheek, causing her to moan, smile in her sleep, and reach up to stroke his fur. He walked to the opening of the overhang and glanced back over his shoulder one last time before trotting off down the trail and into the deep forest.

He would be back here tomorrow at dawn for sure. She felt good and amplified his mating drive to a new zenith. Millions of years of evolution told him that she would be waiting for him right here the next day when he arrived.

She wanted to fuck him again, too.

The End.



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