To Fulfill One’s Lusts

By InnocentxLove.

She lay there, blindfolded, her chest heaving heavily. She was bound; her arms were tied above her head, with a rope connected to a tight leather collar that lightly choked her at her neck. Her legs were split apart and tied to each end, to what she wasn’t sure. The blindfold kept her from seeing much of anything other than the darkness. She was gagged with her panties, tape over the top to ensure she didn’t spit it out. Her nipples, hard and erect, were sensitive to the cold air. Her virgin felt damp; she couldn’t remember what happened or why she was there. Last night was a blur. A bar, dancing, taking a drink and feeling funny, meeting a guy, getting into a car….
The rest was a blur.

A door opening broke the silence, footsteps followed, and the scratchy pitter-patter of something sort of animal. The smell of a dog wafted into the room, and she felt scared. She didn’t know what was going on. Beginning to wiggle around, she heard a chuckle.

“It seems my little slave is awake now. Oh, don’t fret, my little slave, be patient, and I promise you’ll love what’s to come.”

The voice was male. She couldn’t remember why but it was familiar. Petrified with fear, she stayed still, whimpering as she felt a warm hand on her breast.

“Your body is so amazing, my little slave, and I’m going to make it mine.”

She whimpered and began to thrash again in fear.

“Oh yes, that’s right, thrash around my little slave; I love that.”

He grinned; he was getting hard now. He had landed quite the catch; this would make a perfect little toy for him. He began to squeeze and massage harder, enjoying how she thrashed around to get away from him vainly. He began to lick and bite her nipples; he would let loose tonight and have her however he wanted. He would torture her, make her beg, and dirty up that innocent body.

She thrashed, trying to escape his mauling hands as they rubbed hard. It hurt, but it felt so good. She let out a muffled squeak as he began to suck and bite on her nipples, her chest arching up from the pleasure. It felt so good, but this was so wrong. But it was so good….She nearly jumped when she felt his hand snake down her wet pussy.

“Your so wet, my little slave…you like this, don’t you?”

He felt his 9-inch manhood stand at attention now as he felt her wet pussy. It was so damp that the smell hit him hard and didn’t help the situation. But he wanted her to beg for it. He stopped his attack on her breasts, pulled off the tape, and took the tape from her mouth. Immediately she screamed. He was expecting it. It sounded so sweet to his ears.

“Now, little one, no one can hear you, just me. And your screams sound so lovely. I know you’re enjoying this. But as much as I love your cries, I can’t let you keep making all this noise. “

He grabbed two clamps from the table, each with its weights, and clamped them onto her hard nipples. She squeaked and protested. A ra

“Please, no OUCH! That hurts. Stop!”

“Shhh, quiet now before I put something in there to shut you up.”

She fell silent; she didn’t want to know what he had in mind to quiet her. He took a vibrator from a drawer and turned it on high; it was time to have some fun. He placed it at the front of her wet lips, slowly penetrated her lips, and rubbed it up and down her wet pussy.

“N-noOOo, please, no, please stop!”

She moaned in pleasure, pleading to her captor for it to end. It felt so good, but this was wrong; it was so bad. But, of course, he did not. He grinned and rubbed it slowly, savoring her pleas. He continued to rub her with the vibrator; he could tell she was building up to an orgasm. But just before she reached that, he stopped.

“You don’t like this, my little slave? Well, that’s fine, maybe you’ll like this more. Hiet!”

He barked his command and took off her blindfold. He was no longer in her sight range, and she was too busy staring at the large dog approaching her to look around. The dog pressed his cold nose against her wet pussy and eagerly began to lap her juices. She let out a loud squeak in response.

“Oooohhhh~~ Noooo ple-eeasSSSsse make him stoooOop please nooOOo!”

She moaned in pleasure, getting wetter and wetter as the dog’s lengthy tongue hit her wet pussy. The dog’s tongue occasionally lashed at her clitoris, making her squeak louder in pleasure. Her captor watched the sight and stood in front of her face, his large dick standing in her face. He began to stroke and rubbed himself in front of her eyes.

“This will be inside you very soon, my little slave.”

She watched as he began to jack himself off, going faster and faster, still moaning from the dog’s ambush on her pussy. She was nearing her orgasm, and so was he. They both came at once. She spouted like a teapot all over the dog’s snout, which licked her more furiously to get at the sweet liquid. He came all over her chest and face. God, she looked so hot with his cum on her face. He rubbed it into her chest, mauling her chest more. He waved the dog off, and obediently, it backed away. His little slave looked tired, but the fun had just begun.

He untied her hands and tied them together in front of her with a strap of leather. He made it tight to bite into her skin. He couldn’t help but smile as she was passive with his actions, still getting over her orgasm. He placed himself before her, his erection in front of her face.

“Suck it now, my little slave.”

She opened her mouth and took him in, but only part of him fit into her mouth. She began to lick, pressing her tongue up against his shaft and running it up and down. He suddenly grabbed a hand full of her hair and began to force her to take all of him. Shoving his dick into her mouth, he groaned as he felt it go down her throat. He twitched involuntarily in her throat, hearing her squeaks and moans of surprise. He fucked the skin off her face, shoving himself fast into her soft throat. He felt himself building up to cum again, so he went faster.

“Ok, my little slave, I’m going to cum, and you better swallow all of it.”

He warned her and got in a few more strokes before releasing her down her throat. He groaned in pleasure, god this was good.

“Good girl, that’s a good little slave….”

He pulled out, cumming a little bit more on her face. That innocent little face, covered in his cum, god, he loved it. And the night was young. He still had more to do with his little slave.
So much more.


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean the narrative/plot flaws in a story are fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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