Tricia’s Big Vacation

By Anonymous.

Tricia is a 40-year-old divorcee. She lives alone in a small apartment and works as an executive for a women’s clothing firm. She said to herself, “My life is too routine, what I need is a long vacation.” She opened her laptop and Googled travel agencies. A number of them appeared, as she scrolled down the list, she caught an advert that piques her interest. It said ‘the vacation of your dreams, where all your fantasies come true.’ It gave a toll-free number. Tricia wrote it down and put the note in the message slot. She thought about it all night and the next day made the call.

A voice answered and said, “Fantasy travel.”

Tricia spoke, “I read your ad online, and I’m interested in booking a trip. Where is the island located?”

The agent, a woman, replied, “It’s about two hundred miles south of Antigua.”

Tricia inquired, “I would like to book a trip. Can you tell me more about what you have to offer and such as prices, length of stay, the usual stuff?”

“Be glad to…” the woman replied in a soft voice. “We offer complete packages that include airfare, hotel, and meals—all inclusive—for about three thousand dollars for a three-week stay.”

Tricia said, “Could you tell me about the hotel and beaches?”

The woman replied, “The hotel has a four-star rating, and the beaches are the best you will find anywhere in the Caribbean.”

Tricia asked, “Could you tell me more about the ‘fantasies come true’ part.”

The woman answered, “We have a body shop that does various procedures that enhance a woman’s looks.”

“Such as?”

“Breast enlargement, tummy tucks, and cosmetic surgery of all kinds. You’ll learn more when you get there.”

Tricia said, “I’ll book a trip.”

“I will need your credit card number.” Tricia gave her the number, and the woman said, “I need your address and will mail you the plane tickets and vouchers for the rest.”

Tricia says, “Sounds great.”

“You’ll fly next Tuesday at 9 am and arrive at 4pm. Have a nice trip.”

Tricia hung up the phone and began packing for a three-week stay.

Tuesday rolled around, and Tricia was standing in front of the hotel. The bellman took her bags, and she approached the front desk. The clerk was a young woman who spoke with an accent. Tricia handed her the vouchers the woman thumbed through them and smiled.

“Everything is fine,” the clerk said and handed her the plastic security room keys. “Your room is 405, the bellman will take your bags.”

When she got to the room, she slid the key and the door unlocked. She entered the room, which was very spacious. She opened the drapes and saw a spectacular ocean view. She began opening her bags and soon everything she brought was neatly tucked away. She said to herself, “I think I’ll shower, change my clothes, and have supper.”

She entered the restaurant near the lobby ordered a quick supper, and picked up a guide. It described things to do and places to go on the island. Also, the body shop was listed and an advert describing what the agent said. Tricia mused, “Sounds interesting.”

After her meal, Tricia went back to her room and thought I need a good night’s sleep. She undressed and slipped into bed the sheets smelled so clean she thought and was soon fast asleep. She woke up the next day called for room service and had a quick breakfast. She put on the new two-piece bathing suit she bought before leaving, she put the top on first but her breasts were small, and it nearly covered them. She stepped into the bottom, which also didn’t reveal much. She decided to call the body shop after spending time at the pool. She threw on a cover-up, slipped into a pair of flip-flops and headed for the pool.

She took the first empty lounge chair she saw, removed the cover-up, and lay facing the sun. She could feel the warmth on her body. Adjusting her sunglasses, soon she was relaxed and thought this feels so good. After about a half hour, she decided to order a drink a server took her order and brought here a martini. As she sipped it, she looked around and saw women with terrific bodies, great boobs, and butts. She thought, ‘If only I were so lucky.’ She thought about the body shop, and said, “I’ll stop there before going back to my room.”

The shop was a separate building next to the hotel. Tricia opened the door, and a gorgeous redhead said, “Can I help you?”

Tricia said, “Yes, I read your add and was interested in your work.”

The women pulled out a large book and said laughing, “We are a custom body shop. Here…” sliding the book to Tricia, “Look through this and see if there’s anything that may interest you.”

Tricia began flipping the pages and saw before and after pictures, her eyes couldn’t move fast enough as she checked out the examples. “Is all this work guaranteed?” she asked.

The woman answered, “We have never had any complaints.”

Tricia said, “I would like breast and butt enhancement, as well as full lips. Also, I would like my nipples enlarged.”

The woman smiled, and said, “Do you have insurance?”

Tricia gave her the card, she made a photocopy and handed it back. “Fine…” the woman said, “I’ll book you for 8am tomorrow. We can do everything in one day. Make sure you fast from midnight.”

Tricia smiled and said thank you.


Tricia was there on time the next day and opened the door. The woman said, “Come with me, dear,” and led her to a door that said ‘body shop.’

She opened the door and entered a large room. The woman said, “We have silicon examples from which you can make selections.”

She produced a large board with many examples. Tricia looked at the boobs, and after perusing various examples, she chose a pair that tilted up and thought how sexy. She looked at the woman and said, “These.”

The woman said, “Fine.”

The butt selection was a little harder. Tricia thought, ‘I want round ass cheeks,’ and found the ones she wanted, and said, “Now for nipples.” There were so many to choose from, and selected ones that were a half inch bigger than hers. The lips were no problem, and she selected full lips.

The woman said, “Now that you’ve made your selections, come with me to meet the team.”

She introduced Tricia to the team. The woman said, “Remove all your clothes and lay down.”

Tricia followed her instructions when she woke she felt a little unsteady. The woman helped her to her feet and brought her to a full-length mirror. Tricia could not believe the transformation. She had a new body. Her boobs were now perfect, and her nipples were so sexy. She placed her back to the mirror and twisted around to look and saw a perfect ass. As she turned, she looked at her vagina, and they added hair making it fuller and wider. Her lips were full.

She kissed the woman, and said, “I feel so much sexier.”

The woman smiled, and said, “Your transformation is almost complete.”

Tricia said, “There’s more?”

“Just one more thing…” the woman said. “We want you to advertise our services.”


“By making a short video promotion for us.”


The woman said, “Tomorrow at 8 pm, a car will pick you up and bring you to our studio. You can wear this dress, but without bra and panties.”

The woman held up the dress, which was a thin flower print with a plunging cleavage. Tricia was somewhat taken aback but took the dress and said thank you.


Eight pm was near, and Tricia put on the dress she looked in the mirror and couldn’t believe how sexy she looked and felt. The dress allowed her new boobs to push her nipples against the front so much it was like wearing nothing at all. As she turned around looking over her shoulder, she admired how much her new ass did for her looks. She said to herself, “What an ass!”

The car arrives on time, and Tricia got in she said, “How far?”

The driver replied, “About three miles.”

They moved down a long narrow road, which led to a small beach house. Tricia could hear the ocean; the driver stopped the car and opened the door for Tricia who got out the hem of her dress showed her shapely legs. He said, “Just knock on the door, and someone will let you in,” and he drove away.

Tricia knocked twice, and a man appeared who was tall and handsome, she said, “My name is Tricia, I’m here to do a video promotion.”

The man said, Come in.” Tricia entered. He said, “All our videos are done in the building in the back. I’ll tell the film crew you’re here.”

Tricia smiled and thanked him.

He said, “Have a seat and wait a minute, I’ll be right back.”

Tricia sat down and crossed her legs the hem was almost up to her crotch showing her gorgeous legs. She was wearing spiked heels all the sexier. The man soon returned and beckoned her to follow him. She followed him out the back door, and they walked to the studio behind the house. He opened the door and said, “She’s here.”

Tricia looked around and thought this looks more like a barn than a studio. Soon an attractive woman and two men appeared as well as a third man who said he was the camera operator. Tricia said, “I’m here for the promo clip.”

The woman smiled, and said, “We know you are. My name is Midge. Meet Vin and Jake, your co-stars.” Tricia smiled. “Our cameraman is Bill.

“Hello, everyone, I’m Tricia,” Tricia said.

Midge said, “You may find our promo a bit unusual, but I assure you the audiences will love it. Now, dear, take off your dress and let us look at that new voluptuous body of yours.”

Tricia took the dress off displaying her new body.

Midge said, “They do great work don’t they?”

Tricia replied, “Yes.”

Vin and Jake looked at her, and Tricia felt embarrassed and sexy at the same time. Midge then said to Tricia, “Honey, all four of us will be making this film.”

Tricia said, “What about the script?”

Midge replied, “Just let your body do the talking.”

Suddenly, Vin and Jake appeared with two large snakes. Midge said, “Tricia, meet Lois and Cal…”

At first, Tricia was frightened and moved back.

Midge said, “They’re experienced actors.” Taking Tricia by the hand, she said, “Meet Lois.”

Tricia got closer to the snake and began to lose her fear, she moved her hand up and down Lois’s body and could feel a female bonding. The camera started rolling as Midge softly kissed Tricia’s lips. Tricia felt awkward never having kissed a woman before. Midge pressed her boobs against Tricia’s who for the first time felt a sensual pleasure in feeling her softness. Midge kissed her again, this time Tricia returned her kiss and slowly opened her mouth.

Vin and Jake were doing the same, two couples almost touching. There was a large mattress in front of the camera as Midge pulled Tricia down and soon Lois was between them as they continued kissing and touching tongues. Midge backed away slightly, and Lois slipped her tail between Tricia’s vaginal lips moving them inside. Tricia felt her new nipples harden as the snake began moving her clit back and forth.

Tricia felt a strange tongue move against her lips she opened her mouth slightly, and both tongues found each other one now coiled around the other. Tricia felt Midge kissing her on the cheek. While Jake and Vin brought Cal over, and Vin moved to one side of Tricia and Jake the other. Vin began licking one boob and Jake the other Tricia felt her juices begin to flow Jake kissed her soft full lips she returned his kiss. Then Vin’s kiss, and back and forth back and forth. Tricia turned her head awaiting each kiss. She could feel Lois the snake move deeper inside her cunt, moving and rubbing her clit until her passion rose to new heights.

Vin and Jake moved their hard cocks in front of Tricia’s mouth she began sucking one then the other, hoping to taste their cum Lois moved furiously in and out, in and out of her cunt. Tricia allowed the lips of her vagina to squeeze Lois’s tail. Midge was now kissing Cal, the male now had his tail deep inside her vagina. Cal and Midge were moving together matching Tricia and Lois, thrust for thrust

They both screamed together as they felt orgasm after orgasm. Vin and Jake came together as Tricia felt her mouth full of cum and savored the taste. Her boobs and nipples were covered with milky white cum as Jake and Vin began licking, each kissed Tricia as she opened her mouth and ate the cum from both men. “Mmm…” she said. “So delicious.”

They all posed together for the camera. Tricia in the middle with Vin on one side and Jake on the other each holding one of her boobs and Cal, the large male snake, draped around her neck with his tail running down her belly touching her pussy. Midge had the female around her neck resting on her boobs. All four smiled the cameraman said cut.

Midge said to Tricia, “With a body like yours, you have a bright future in this business.”

Tricia laughed and replied, “With my new body, I’m now an animal whore.”

They both laughed and kissed and kissed.

The End.



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