Virgin for Horses 4

By David Crane.

Read Part 1 Here.
Read Part 2 Here.
Read Part 3 Here.



With his spent prick drooping and dripping cum, Kingfisher moved away, his lust all spent. Being only a dumb animal, he didn’t realize how lucky he was to have not one but two horny young girls ready to suck his cock.

Rachel was on her back, still breathing heavily, her tits rising and falling, and her dress hiked up above the waist. Her pussy was smoldering and steaming between her parted thighs. There was a slippery film of dog-cum on her lips, and a trace of jism ran down her chin.

Marylou slid up beside her. Rachel batted her eyes and smiled as the blonde leaned over her.

“I’m glad I did it,” Rachel whispered. The girl had expected to feel ashamed of herself once it was over, but the cock-sucking had been so thrilling that she had no regrets at all. “Shit, I’m so full of cum I’m floating!”

“Let me have a taste of it,” Marylou said.

She surprised Rachel by bending down and licking at Rachel’s cummy lips and chin. Then her tongue pushed into Rachel’s mouth. Rachel automatically sucked on it. It wasn’t as if they were kissing, she told herself. Marylou was just lapping up some of the doggy-cum, and that sweet stuff just happened to be in her mouth. But the kiss was becoming more passionate.

Rachel was amazed to find herself getting even hotter as the other girl kissed her. Her tongue slipped into Marylou’s mouth, in turn, and the horny blonde sucked cum and saliva from it.

“Do you like sucking my dog off, huh?” Marylou whispered.

“I fucking loved it.”

“You can do it whenever you want.”

Rachel smiled sheepishly, imagining herself running across the fields with her mouth-watering for dog- prick.

“The only trouble with blowing the dog, though, is that it makes a girl’s cunt all hot and creamy, and she needs to come, too.” As she said that, Marylou slid a hand down and cupped it over Rachel’s smoldering pussy. Rachel gave a little gasp, and her pussy fluttered in the blonde girl’s open palm.

“Yeah, you’re hot, all right,” Marylou said.

Rachel felt it wasn’t right to let another girl feel her pussy. Still, it wasn’t as naughty as sucking off a doggy, and it felt good, too.

Marylou’s hand moved just a little, soothing, caressing.

“Want me to frig you off?” she whispered.

She kissed Rachel again, and her fingers tugged lightly on the dark girl’s throbbing clit.

“If-if you want to,” Rachel said in a soft voice. She didn’t know why Marylou would want to do a thing like that, after all. They were both girls, and Marylou had already proved that she loved cock. But the girl’s hand felt so nice that Rachel was willing.

“Or I could get Kingfisher to lap your pussy,” Marylou added.


“Hummmmm? Do you like your cunt lapped?”

“I-I never had it done to me.”

“The doggy will lick you real good, honey. Or,” Marylou paused, smiling faintly. “Or I will.”

Rachel gulped in shock.

“Or the doggy and I can share your pussy,” Marylou added. “There’s plenty of cunt juice there for us both.”

“But, that’s what lesbians do!” Rachel gasped.

“Sure. But I ain’t a lesbian, don’t worry about that. I just like to suck cunts. There’s a difference.”

Rachel blinked. Maybe so, but it seemed like a very strange difference to her. Could a girl be a cunt- lapper without being a dyke? It was an interesting idea. Rachel remembered how she had tasted her cunt juice earlier when finger-fucking herself. It had been delicious. The thought of having sexy blonde Marylou eat her pussy was thrilling. She knew she’d love to cream in the girl’s mouth. Maybe she could understand why a normal girl would want to suck a cunt, at that.

She might even like to return the favor!

Marylou was gazing expectantly at Rachel, hoping that the sexy teenager would be agreeable but not wanting to press her too hard or too fast, which might prejudice future opportunities. But there would never be a better opportunity. Rachel was as hot as a pistol. While she had been sucking the dog’s cock, she had concentrated totally on that tasty mouthful, ignoring the smoldering fire in her pussy. But now that the dog’s cum had been swallowed and her mouth was empty and satiated, the demands of her pussy were overwhelming. Even if Rachel had not been feeling so randy, the thought of having the blonde suck her cunt would have been intriguing, and at the moment, it was irresistible.

Rachel slowly smiled.

“Sure,” she said. “You can suck me off, Marylou. Oh, yes! I want you to! I’m so fucking hot!”

Marylou’s eyes gleamed. As much as she adored cocks, of any species, she loved pussy almost as much. It made a nice change in the horny farm girl’s normal diet of cock and cum.

Rachel squirmed a little, working her steaming pussy around against Marylou’s hand and arching her back slightly. Marylou gave her another kiss, then slid down. She drew Rachel’s cotton dress up higher, exposing all of the dark girl’s nubile loins and belly. Stretching out belly down, between Rachel’s widespread thighs, Marylou stared hungrily at the girl’s pussy.

“Christ, your cunt is like a fucking swamp,” she rasped.

Rachel giggled. It had been no insult, coming from a girl who was eager to drain that swamp. She could feel her cunt lips ripple and spread wider, and ribbons of pussy juice ran down her crotch and seeped into the tight crack of her ass.

Marylou began to lick at Rachel’s inner thighs’ soft, smooth flesh as she gazed at her pussy. Her tongue slurped moistly, and her head moved from side to side as she licked each leg in turn. Her tongue moved higher, slowly working up toward the foaming cunt slot for which her mouth was watering, but going slowly, hungry for the feast but not wanting to rush it, prolonging the pleasure of the anticipation. She also wanted to make it as good as possible for Rachel. This was the first time that Rachel would get her pussy eaten out, and if Marylou did a good job of it, she knew full well that it wouldn’t be the last.

Rachel was whimpering in joyful expectation and urgent need, shifting her ass around and moving her hips.

Marylou reached the junction of leg and loins. Her tongue slipped up the crease, running parallel with the girl’s open cunt slit but not yet dipping into it. Then she switched over and ran her tongue up the opposite crease. Rachel was vibrant with lust, waiting for that nimble tongue to start soaking on her cunt and clit. But still, Marylou chose to linger over the preliminaries, teasing Rachel, and tormenting herself by such prolonged starvation, by nibbling around the edges while the juicy main course waited.

She moved higher and her pink tongue rustled through Rachel’s dark cunt hair like a rodent in a dark forest.

“Please! Suck my fucking cunt!” Rachel begged.

Those words were music to Marylou’s ears. But she moved higher, tonguing up Rachel’s smooth belly. She drew the girl’s dress up as she went, rolling it up above her thrusting tits. She ran her tongue up into Rachel’s cleavage and licked around the plump tit mounds, then licked at a stiff, trembling nipple. The tit tip swelled against her sensitive tongue.

Marylou sucked the nipple into her lips and began to nurse on Rachel’s tit.

Rachel cried out with pleasure.

Marylou mouthed the stiff nipple lovingly, then moved across to pay homage to the other pink peak, sucking the succulent nipple. Rachel’s taut nipples were like valves on her round tits, and Marylou blew softly on them as if to inflate the tit mounds further. Then she inhaled, her lips pulling and her tongue flashing.

Bending over, her mouth full of tit, Marylou worked her shirt up until her big tits were bared. She arched, rubbing her tits against Rachel’s, their nipples sliding together.

Rachel reached down shyly and took one of the blonde’s bobbing tits into her hand. She had never felt a tit before, other than her own. It thrilled her to feel Marylou’s nipple explode in her palm as she cupped the plump tit mound. The horny virgin knew that she would enjoy sucking on Marylou’s tits and nipples when the time came.

Marylou began to work back down toward Rachel’s groin.

But then Kingfisher began to stir again.

The big black dog had been well satisfied, his cock and balls emptied into Rachel’s hungry mouth, and had moved off to stretch out in the corner. But now, the scent of steaming pussy was filling the woodshed, and the delicious aroma caused the dog to raise his head and sniff. His cock was no longer hard, but that fragrant scent was compelling.

He got to his feet and padded across the room, his prick hanging down and his tongue hanging out.

The dog pushed his big, blunt snout into Rachel’s foaming cunt and began to slap his hot tongue up the girl’s open cunt slot.

“Ohhhhh!” Rachel wailed.

She had never felt anything like this before! Her cherry pussy rippled and throbbed as the dog’s big cunt- lapper slurped merrily away. Cunt juice sprayed from her fuck hole as his tongue lapped upward.

Marylou raised her head when Rachel cried out. When she saw that the dog had started licking Rachel’s cunt she was both thrilled and annoyed, wanting the feast for herself. She moved down and watched the dog’s long tongue slap up the girl’s open pussy. Then she slid a hand in and held Rachel’s cunt lips apart with her fingers so that Kingfisher could slip his tongue right up into the juicy inner folds. The dog lapped up Rachel’s cunt slit, his tongue trailing over her trembling and then flipping out into her curly pussy thicket.

Then, overcome by crazed cunt-hunger, Marylou grasped the dog by the nape of the neck and hauled his head away.

“Oh! Don’t make him stop!” Rachel wailed. “Fucking hell, I was gonna cream on his tongue!”

“You’re gonna cream on my fucking tongue!” Marylou rasped. “I’ll let the doggy lap you later if you want. But right now, I’m gonna suck the shit out of you, Rachel.”

Rachel whimpered. It was all right with her. As long as she had a tongue slurping up her cunt, she didn’t give a fuck if it was the dog’s tongue or the girl’s tongue. She hiked her ass up, arching her back and tilting her frothy cunt up toward Marylou’s face. Marylou was still holding Rachel’s cunt lips open, exposing the dark inner cuntal flesh, the folds running with slippery ribbons of cunt juice. She licked her lips. Then she ducked her head down and flicked her tongue against Rachel’s clit.

Rachel gasped and twitched. Her body was bridged up to meet Marylou’s head, and Marylou was on her knees, her face lowered and her heart-shaped ass thrust up at the highest point of her body.

She was, in fact, in the doggy-fucking position.

And this fact did not escape the dog.

Kingfisher was an obedient animal, and when his mistress had shoved him aside, he had retreated, but now he was becoming aroused again. Lapping on Rachel’s pussy had started it, and seeing Marylou on her hands and knees added to it, and, inch by inch, the big dog’s prick began to lengthen and harden.

Kingfisher would be ready when he was summoned.

But for the moment, neither of the horny teenagers was thinking about the dog’s cock. Marylou was working on Rachel’s cunt ravenously. Her tongue was as good as the dog’s, Rachel realized. The dog had been enthusiastic, his tongue-strokes long and swift, and Marylou was skillful and paying more attention to detail.

She licked up Rachel’s cunt lips and lapped at her clit. Then she tilted her blonde head to one side and began to run her tongue as far up the dark girl’s steaming fuck hole as it would go, tongue-fucking her steadily. She fitted her lips to Rachel’s cunt lips, kissing her pussy just as if it were a mouth. She began to suck then, using her lips as well as her flashing tongue.

Rachel thrashed about, her ass grinding and her hips pumping in a wild, frantic, jolting motion. Her legs closed around Marylou’s golden head, then opened wide again. She arched her back, then bowed it, squirming into new positions, unable to decide which was best. As long as Marylou’s mouth was clamped onto her cunt, it didn’t seem to matter where the rest of her twitching body was.

Marylou’s lips were stuck to Rachel’s cunt hole like a suction cup to a flowing drain. Cunt juice ran over her tongue and trickled past her lips, her mouth filling up with the delicious stuff. Creamy streams of pussy juice ran down her chin. She swallowed some and sucked more out to replace it, her whole mouth awash with Rachel’s cunt juice.

Rachel reached down and tangled a hand in Marylou’s long blonde tresses, holding the girl into her groin, but unnecessarily, because Marylou wanted to be nowhere else at the moment. Her blonde hair swept over Rachel’s smooth thighs and dark pussy hair as she turned her head from side to side, grinding her lips on Rachel’s pussy. She sucked on the virgin’s taut clit, then tongue-fucked her cunt hole again.

“Ummmmmm, ummmmm, ummmm,” Marylou moaned as she sucked.

Her hands slid under Rachel’s ass, lifting her higher as if the girl’s cunt were a goblet she was draining. From that hairy goblet, the precious juices of lust poured into her mouth.

“I’m melting! Oh, shit! Suck my cunt, Marylou!” Rachel wailed. “Fucking hell! Suck me off!”

Marylou gently turned Rachel over, raising one hip and pressing down on the other. Rachel turned onto her hands and knees, one leg arching high so that she could rotate without dislodging Marylou’s mouth from her soaking cunt.

They were both kneeling on all fours then, Marylou’s face thrust in under Rachel’s heaving ass as she mouthed the girl’s pussy from the back now. Rachel shoved her ass back into Marylou’s face. Her plump tits swayed under her like ripe fruit ready to be plucked. She could hear the soft, wet slurping sounds that Marylou’s lips were making on her cunt slot and the slithering of the blonde’s tongue as it slipped up her fuck hole. Her cunt was making sucking sounds, too, as it pulled on Marylou’s tongue and lips.

Now that she was on her hands and knees, her cunt juice was running down the insides of her thighs. Marylou pulled out of Rachel’s crotch for a moment and ducked down to lap up the overflow from her thighs.

Her tongue slid up, long-stroking now. Marylou held Rachel by the hipbones, and her head bobbed up and down. She began to tongue up the crack of the dark girl’s ass. Then she fucked her tongue right up Rachel’s tight brown bud of an asshole.

Rachel squealed with this new sensation.

Spreading her cheeks apart with her hands, Marylou opened Rachel’s ass crack and tongue-fucked her shit chute with gusto. Then she long-slurped again, her flattened tongue running all the way up from Rachel’s throbbing clit to her asshole.

“Tongue my ass! Suck my cunt! Oh, shit! I want everything!” Rachel sobbed, wild with passion.

“Come, baby, come for me!” gasped Marylou, desperate to feel Rachel’s smoldering cunt melt on her tongue now, to know the thrill of bringing the virgin off with her mouth. She gave the girl’s tight asshole last rimming and licked back down to her cunt, really concentrating on making Rachel cream now.

“Yeah, yeah! I’m gonna fucking come!” Rachel wailed.

“Do it! Cream in my fucking mouth!”

“Here it comes! Suck it out of me, you cunt-lapping sweetheart! Drink my fucking cunt juice!”

Marylou gurgled with joy as she felt Rachel’s hot pussy slime pour out in a heavier flow. The thrill was exciting for the young girl, and her whole nubile body was shaking and vibrating. Darts of sensation shot up her kneeling thighs, and great waves ripped across her belly. She shot her hips from side to side, and her ass churned. If she’d had a tail, she would have been wagging it in Marylou’s eager face.

At the very peak, Rachel cried out, almost screaming.

Her cunt creamed in flood. Marylou’s tongue slid up her cunt hole, and the hot fuck juice poured out and bubbled past her lips. She swallowed and sucked cunt cream.

The last spasm shook Rachel.

She collapsed, sliding forward along the floor, her head and shoulders going down, but her ass still hiked up high and Marylou’s face still glued into her foaming crotch.

Rachel lay belly down then, trembling. Marylou kept sucking and tonguing to make sure that she had finished the delicious meal. Then she used her tongue to gather up the overflow from the girl’s thighs and crotch and a few drops that had sprayed into her ass crevice. When she was sure that she had sucked out every spasm, Marylou crawled up and stretched out beside Rachel. Marylou kissed her on the lips, letting Rachel taste her cunt juice. Rachel was smiling with contentment.

It tasted lovely. And if cunt juice was so delicious, licked from the lips and tongue, Rachel could just imagine what the fucking stuff would be like when a girl drank it right out of a creaming pussy!

Before today, Rachel had never dreamed of such a thing.

But she hadn’t imagined that she would be sucking a dog off, either, and it was obvious that Marylou loved sucking pussy, even though she was not a lesbian. Anything that wonderful couldn’t be too wicked, Rachel reasoned. But that didn’t matter.

Wicked or not, she wanted to eat pussy.

She didn’t realize that, by this time, the big dog had another hard-on and wanted to do a few things, himself.



Kingfisher’s cock had been steadily growing, and his big balls had been filling up again. He had been inspired by the hot aroma of two young cunts, and when Rachel creamed, that fragrant scent had gotten even more thrilling. His prick had snapped up under his belly, as big and hard and hot as if he hadn’t emptied it recently. When the cunt-sucking ceased, the dog stood at attention, ready for whatever sort of action was available.

Rachel and Marylou were ignoring the dog for the moment as they cuddled and kissed and were unaware that the brute needed to bury his bone again. The dog bided his time.

“Can I suck your cunt now?” Rachel asked.

“Oooooh! Do you want to? I mean, you don’t have to return the favor or anything. I love doing it.”

“Yeah. So I noticed.” Rachel smiled. “You had such a good time eating my pussy that it made me hungry.”

“I know,” said worldly Marylou. “That’s the thing about cunt-sucking. When you’re sucking a pussy, your pussy gets hot, and when some other girl is lapping you, you get hungry.”

“Is your pussy nice and hot now?”

“What do you fucking think?” Marylou said.

“I think I’m fucking starving for it!”

“Oh yeah! Suck me off now, and then maybe we’ll fool around with the doggy some more. Okay?”

Rachel, game for anything now, nodded. Right now, she was more interested in sucking her first-ever pussy. She was thrilled by the mischief of it, and her mouth was watering, and her tongue was as hot as her clit had been before she’d creamed. But the dog’s prick could wait, she figured.

Rachel pursed her lips and flicked her tongue across her mouth. She kissed Marylou again and stabbed her tongue into the blonde’s mouth, pretending that it was a cunt. She licked the girl’s lips as if they were cunt lips, getting warmed up for the real thing.

Marylou moved away and lay back on the floor. Rachel unsnapped her friend’s shorts and tugged them down, thrilled as Marylou’s golden pussy bush emerged. Her crotch was soaking wet. When she parted her thighs, Rachel saw her cunt was flowing like a river. She drooled over it, enjoying the sight before she went down on Marylou, savoring the anticipation of eating out that juicy cunt and discovering the joy of pussy-sucking.

“I’m gonna fucking love it,” she whispered, knowing that was true even before she’d had her first taste of pussy.

Marylou hiked her hips up a little, her thighs spread. Rachel was drooling so heavily that a few drops of saliva fell onto Marylou’s pussy, running in with her creamy cunt juice.

“I’m gonna suck your pussy dry,” she rasped, her voice husky with pure passion, her lips trembling as her tongue slid back and forth across her open mouth.

“Do it! Suck my fuck hole until I fucking flood, baby. Drink the cunt juice out of my pussy!”

Rachel rose onto her knees, between Marylou’s legs. As her head went down, her ass went up.

Rachel, like Marylou, had done before, had assumed the doggy-fucking position. It didn’t occur to her since it was also a cunt-lapping position.

But it occurred to Kingfisher.

And there was one difference.

As she knelt over Rachel’s cunt, Marylou had been wearing shorts, and her cunt was not available. But Rachel was wearing a dress, and that dress was hiked up to her tits, and as her shapely ass hiked up, her flooded cunt was naked and accessible.

Haunches lowered, moving stealthily as if stalking a rabbit, Kingfisher advanced toward his prey. It was a far more thrilling quarry than any rabbit to a dog with a hard-on.

Rachel pushed her tongue out, hesitated for a moment, then took her first lick of cunt. Marylou purred and squirmed. Rachel drew back for a moment, savoring that initial taste of pussy and finding it every bit as succulent as she had hoped it would be. With a sigh of pure pleasure, she leaned down again and began to slap her tongue up the soaking folds of Marylou’s steaming fuck hole and over her pulsing clit. She opened her mouth wide and clamped her parted lips over the blonde’s cunt hole, greedily drooling into the cunt slot and sucking hot pussy juice out. She gurgled and purred as she sucked away so happily.

Eating pussy was as much fun as sucking the doggy’s prick had been, she decided, and just as natural, as well. Even though this was the first cunt she’d mouthed, the horny teenager had found out that she knew instinctively just how to go about it and that cunt-lapping required no practice, training, or previous experience. Her mouth seemed to have been formed for just this purpose, to be clamped over a soaking fuck hole.

Her tongue slurped out mouthfuls of pussy cream from the folds, and her lips sucked on the steaming cunt hole. She raised her head for a moment, with cunt juice running down her chin, and gazed up at Marylou’s face. Marylou looked back, seeing the dark-haired girl framed between her thighs and just over her blonde cunt bush.

“Am I doing it right?” asked Rachel.

“You sure the fuck are, but don’t stop!” Marylou said. “Don’t stop until you’ve milked me off!”

And what a pleasant prospect that was. Rachel dipped her head back down and resumed munching on that succulent snack. She began to use her fingers, too, shoving three of them up the cunt hole to the knuckles and twisting them around inside Marylou’s clinging cunt, finger-fucking her while she sucked on her clit.

Rachel had gone suck-crazy.

Her efforts brought Marylou toward the crest, and the blonde girl’s eyes glazed. She turned her head slowly from side to side, aware of nothing but Rachel’s mouth and her hot pussy.

Rachel’s head was buried as she concentrated completely on the delicious pussy she was mouthing.

So neither girl saw the dog advance.

Kingfisher slunk up behind Rachel’s churning ass and pushed his snout into her soaking cunt. He sniffed, then licked.

“Oh!” she cried, startled with the pleasure the dog’s nimble tongue was giving her.

In her momentary surprise, Rachel had stopped sucking Marylou’s pussy, and the blonde stirred impatiently, jolting her pelvis up and down.

“Don’t stop!” Marylou cried. She had been almost at the peak and didn’t want to lose it, wanted Rachel to continue with that steady cunt-sucking and tongue-fucking that was going to make her cream.

“The dog’s lapping my cunt!” Rachel whimpered.

“Fuck the dog! Suck my cunt!” Marylou wailed, desperate with the need to get her rocks off.

Rachel buried her face again and began sucking steadily. Behind her ass, the doggy slapped his tongue up Rachel’s pussy with long, slobbering strokes. Rachel was trembling wildly, enjoying sex at both ends of her nubile body at the same time. She had the pleasure of eating out Marylou’s sweet pussy while, at the same time, the dog’s tongue was churning her cunt to a creamy flood.

As Rachel swallowed Marylou’s cunt juice, her cunt juice poured out on Kingfisher’s tongue, as if it were the same sweet pussy nectar, rushing right through her body. Her head bobbed about as she wallowed in Marylou’s groin. Her ass rose and fell, hips shooting from side to side, working her cunt against the dog’s snout. Kingfisher was trying to push his big muzzle right up Rachel’s pussy, and his long tongue was slithering right up into her fuck hole. The frantic girl, sandwiched between cunt and tongue, girl and dog, was going wild. She was finger-fucking Marylou’s cunt slot while she lapped and sucked, and her other hand slipped back along her belly, and she began to finger her clit, pulling and twisting the sensitive bud and letting the dog lick her cunt hole.

Marylou began to moan steadily. Her hips jolted as if dancing to the rhythm of that moaning. Suddenly she gasped loudly and swayed her back deeply, pushing her cunt into Rachel’s face.

“Coming, coming!” she panted.

Rachel squealed with the joy of knowing that her mouth had brought the other girl to the crest. She sucked cunt for all she was worth, ignoring, for the moment, the tonguing that she, too, was getting. Marylou’s cunt lips rippled open like some carnivorous flower, some tongue-devouring blossom, and into those soft petals went Rachel’s hot tongue.

With a great shudder, the blonde reached the peak, hung there for a long moment, then came crashing down.

Rachel drank her cum juice ravenously, gulping the sweet pussy nectar down as it poured into her mouth. Her face was coated with pussy juice from chin to brow.

“Come, come, come!” she wailed, the words muffled in Marylou’s hot fuck hole.

Marylou obeyed the command, coming again and again in Rachel’s greedy mouth.

At last, she slumped back, finished.

Rachel continued to mouth Marylou’s pussy, but now, with the blonde’s orgasm over, she was able to concentrate on what the doggy was doing to her.

As the dog’s tongue whacked up her swampy cunt slot, Rachel felt the thrill build up. Her ass and hips flew about frantically. Her mouth was still glued to Marylou’s pussy, but her head was not moving now as she turned her attentions to her cunt. She was almost ready to cream again, herself.

“Lap it out of me, boy!” she wailed.

His tongue swiped up her cunt crack, and then it was gone!

Rachel shoved her ass back, waiting for the next long, slurping stroke of that tongue. But Kingfisher had done enough cunt-lapping now. His cock was hard as a stone and throbbing.

That was when the dog mounted Rachel.


To Be Continued…



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Just remember, even with the limited editing we do, it doesn’t always mean the flaws in a story are always fixed.

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