Fox and Hounds: Part 5

Ken L. Master (

Read Part 1 Here
Read Part 2 Here
Read Part 3 Here
Read Part 4 Here

—Part 5: Sit Back, Relax and Put Your Feet Up—

The exhausted blonde woke up late the next morning, and showered and dressed quickly so Sally and Denise wouldn’t find her naked when they came in. As before, the women showed up with a serving cart loaded with breakfast, and again, the brunette and the redhead took turns feeding Linda, occasionally making the girl wait or sit in silence before she got a bite.

By the time she finished breakfast, the hapless teen realized that the whole ritual of feeding her was another part of the women’s obedience training; Sally and Denise were using the food to reward her for following orders, training her to do as she was told.

Linda finished her meal in numb acquiescence, and then prowled restlessly around the room after Denise and Sally locked her door and took the cart and dishes downstairs to clean up. The captive blonde wouldn’t allow herself to wonder what was going to happen today, and she waited in mounting apprehension for the redhead and the brunette to return. Linda gasped in terror as the lock clicked open and Sally and Denise stepped into the room with excited smiles.

“It’s another beautiful day, sweetheart,” Sally said cheerfully, “and it’s time for day two of your lessons. You’ll need lots of practice to be a really good girl, so we’re going to help you to get used to being on a routine, baby. You’ll have dressup and some happy time in the morning, and after lunch you get to take a walk and visit the kennels again, okay?”

“Don’t worry, angel, you’ll do just fine,” Denise chimed in quickly, “Sally and I will take care of all the planning, you don’t have to bother about your schedule at all. You just relax and take it easy, all you have to do is follow Sally’s instructions, it’ll come naturally to you, you’ll see.”

“And you get a pretty new outfit to wear each day when we do dressup, baby,” the redhead added, “We have lots of great sexy things for you to wear when you’re getting ready for happy time. Deni and I will pick out something for you right now, so you just get ready. Strip, good girl.”

Linda froze in stunned panic and she shuddered in horror as the brunette and the redhead waited expectantly. The hapless teenager suddenly understood that allowing her to put on the flimsy lingerie before they came to her room was just another part of the women’s awful game; Sally and Denise only let her get dressed so they could order her to strip whenever they wanted. Sally raised an eyebrow when Linda hesitated, and dropped one hand to the shock-collar remote control clipped to her belt. The women watched in satisfaction as the mortified teenager quickly slipped off the lacey negligee and stood naked in front of them.

“That’s a good girl, sweetheart,” Denise whispered softly, “a little slow, but you did fine, you’re learning. Now you just wait right there while Sally and I pick out something nice for you. Stay, good girl, you stay.”

The blonde watched in anxious concern as Denise & Sally pawed once more the dresser and the armoire, pulling out new lingerie, and whispering excitedly to each other while the hapless teenager waited for another dressup session. The full-length mirror showed Linda’s eyes wide with fear and humiliation, but her reflection’s nipples were starting to pucker as she waited obediently. Her mind was a whirl of hesitation and bewilderment, but she had no time to think before the women were back with a handful of lacy lingerie.

“Easy, good girl, take it easy,” the brunette said soothingly, “We’ve picked out some nice new things for you to try on, and we’ll watch while you dress all pretty for us, good girl.”

“Look what I have for you, angel,” Sally said, holding out a pair of long fishnet hose, “these will look really pretty on you.” She handed the stockings to the hapless blonde and commanded, “You can put these on for us, good girl, while Deni and I get your other things. Lift your foot, good girl, put those on.”

The stockings were thigh high, pale blue with a close fishnet pattern that made tiny diamonds as Linda slid them up over her calf, and Denise said they were a beautiful match for Linda’s eyes. The stockings made a silky whisper gliding up her legs, and the girl shivered as the redhead and the brunette watched her slide them slowly up her thighs.

“Now take this, sweetheart,” Denise whispered, holding out a ruffled garter belt and reaching around the blonde’s hips.

Linda was trembling with anxiety as the brunette helped the girl circle it around her waist. The garter belt was peacock blue lace and black elastic, with intricate pale-blue needlepoint running down the straps. The blonde shivered as she fastened the waistband hooks and Denise attached the straps to the silk fishnet, whispering in Linda’s ear how nicely the blue lace accented the teenager’s blonde pubic mound. The taut garter straps felt opulent and depraved sliding over Linda’s ass and thighs, a lot like Denise’s persistently stroking fingers, delicately fondling the quivering blonde whenever she moved.

“Here’s a surprise, sweetheart,” Denise said with a smile, holding out a scrap of blue lace, “panties. Yes, you get to start with panties on today, baby.” She handed Linda the thong underwear and added, “Though I’ll bet you’ll be eager to get out of them soon enough. Yes, you put them on over the garter belt, Linda; you’ll get the point later.”

The brunette watched as the girl worked the string bikini thong up over her hips; Linda spread the thin silk over her bush and gasped as the back string slipped smoothly between her ass cheeks. Denise tugged up the back of the teenager’s panties and tucked the thong tight into the blonde’s ass; Linda stifled a groan as the brunette licked her middle finger and slipped it in under the thong, deliberately rubbing her wet finger lingeringly over the girl’s twitching asshole.

“Now the finishing touch, angel,” the redhead whispered, holding a length of sheer fabric out to the anguished teenager, “one more sexy thing for our good girl.” She stepped close behind the blonde, stroked the soft lace slowly over Linda’s firm smooth ass and added, “Put this on for me, lover, hold your arms back and slip it on. Such a pretty girl you are, what a good, good girl.”

Sally had picked out sheer ruffled silk babydoll nightie, pale turquoise blue with embroidery so delicate it rippled like water over Linda’s tits and ass. The redhead watched as the teenager slipped her arms in and shrugged into the hip-length negligee; Sally smoothly slid her hands around from Linda’s back, caressing the blonde’s full breasts with both hands as she adjusted the open front of the nightie. Linda’s nipples stood out stiffly as the smiling redhead smoothed the perfumed lingerie over her jugs; the brunette was breathing hard as she tugged the ruffled hem down over the garter belt. Linda reached to fasten the velvet ribbon-ties on the nightie, and Deni quickly reached to hold her hands down at her hips.

“No no, good girl, be still,” the brunette ordered firmly, “leave it open for us, hear me? If we want it tied, we’ll tell you can tie it. Now be still, good girl.”

“What a pretty girl you are, angel,” Sally crooned, running her hands over the blonde’s round breasts and down onto her hips. The redhead caressed the teenager’s taut ass with both hands and whispered, “You’re a very good girl, Linda, you’ve been such a good girl. You look beautiful, sweetheart; there’s only one more thing and you’ll be all ready for happy time.”

Satisfied with the teenager’s exotic costume, the redhead led the silk-clad blonde closer to the long mirror and pulled another article from the armoire. She brought the consummate touch from the bottom shelf, blue satin shoes with rhinestone-studded ankle straps and spike heels so high Linda knew she wasn’t supposed to walk in them. The captive teenager shuddered, knowing what the women were getting her all ready for, and she was thankful for the distraction when she got more instructions from Sally.

“Put this one on now, good girl,” the redhead ordered, kneeling beside her and sliding Linda’s stockinged foot into the high-heel shoe, “and now this one. That’s right, that’s my good, good girl.” Denise continued fingering Linda’s puckered sphincter as the girl bent over to buckle the thin rhinestone ankle straps and said, “Now stand up tall, baby, that’s good. Look how pretty you are, angel, isn’t she a pretty girl, Sally?”

“Just like yesterday,” the redhead whispered, “you look a one sweet little slut, Linda. You dressed nicely, baby, you did just what you were told, and I think you deserve some happy time now. You stay right where you are, good girl; Denise will help you get comfy while I go get Prince for you.”

Linda’s eyes widened in horror and she gazed pleadingly at the brunette as the redhead went over and unlocked the door, then peered into the hall; the teenager started shaking as the Sally stepped out the door and whistled sharply.

“Easy good girl, just relax,” Denise whispered softly, licking the girl’s ear and caressing her bare breasts, “it’s all right, you’re okay. It’ll be easier for you today, sweetheart, you’ll see.”

“Prince isn’t going to hurt you, sweetheart, he’s going to make you happy; and there isn’t anything new to learn today, this is just more practice, like rehearsing what you did with Rexie yesterday, you know,” Denise added, “Sally and I want you to know how sweet all the big dogs can be for a good girl, take it easy.”

Sobbing in despair, the teenager balanced carefully on the spike heels, swallowed the last of her tears and stared blankly into the long mirror. Her reflection gazed tearfully back, a beautiful blonde-haired victim in collar and lace, waiting in numb horror while her two cheerful captors prepared to initiate her with another trained canine lover. The huge Harlequin came down the hall at a full gallop as Sally stepped back in the door; he dashed into Linda’s room and the redhead locked the door while eager Prince pranced around the room in anticipation.

Linda realized that the big dog obviously knew what was coming and was looking forward to his chance to work her over. The teenager threw a last desperate glance at the brunette, but the Denise was breathing hard and her eyes were shining as she watched the eager animal prancing in circles around Linda.

“Come here in front of the mirror, good girl,” Sally said quietly, pointing where she wanted the teenager to move; Linda obediently positioned herself in front of the huge mirror and waited fearfully to see what would happen next. The girl watched in surprise as Denise went over to the closet and dragged two low, plush-upholstered ottomans over beside the mirror; judging by the way the brunette shoved and struggled, they were obviously heavy despite the small size.

The blonde stared in mystification while the brunette went back to the closet and brought out a round folding basket chair with an attached upholstered circular cushion. Denise unfolded the supports and sat the chair on the floor about five feet in front of the mirror, then shoved the ottomans into position, one the left side of the chair, the other to the right side. Linda still couldn’t figure out what was going on as the redhead quickly flipped a heavy white fur throw over the basket cushion. Denise took her hand and pulled her gently into place in front of the chair, facing the huge mirror.

Linda gave a stifled whimper as the redhead commanded, “Just sit down and relax, lover, get ready for your big boy down there. You get to sit down for it today, angel.” Sally watched as Linda obediently moved to sit in the chair, then said, “Lean back, baby, move your feet apart more,”; the redhead stepped close to the trembling blonde, using her foot to move the girl’s high-heel shoe to the right spot, “that’s my good, good girl.”

Linda watched in bewildered silence as Denise tugged the heavy ottomans closer in front of her, one on each side of her chair. The waiting dog trotted around her chair and stopped directly in front of the dismayed teenager; tongue lolling, the Dane sniffed delicately at her stockinged thigh and then turned to look at the redhead, obviously waiting for Sally’s permission to begin eating her alive.

“Please, Sally, please,” the anguished teenager whispered imploringly, “please don’t let him–”

“Quiet good girl, be still,” the redhead ordered sharply, “don’t make me scold you again. We’re almost ready, baby; now sit back, relax, and put your feet up on the stools for him, sweetheart.” Sally put her hand under Linda’s left knee and lifted the girl’s shoe up onto the ottoman, stretching her leg out to the side; Linda gave a choked groan as Denise took her other ankle and lifted it into place. The hapless blonde found herself sitting directly in front of the huge mirror with her legs spread wide; her high-heels up on the twin ottomans raised her knees almost level with her shoulders.

Sally walked around Linda as the weeping girl stared at herself, studied the helpless blonde sprawled spread-eagle before the mirror and then said, “That’s good baby, that’s a good girl; just lean back, Linda, lean back and scoot your sweet ass forward. I want your snatch right up at the front edge of the chair, hear me? Now stay, hear me, you stay good girl. The only thing you need now is your little treat, just a hit or two, to help you relax and enjoy yourself; get the surprise for our good girl, Deni.”

Linda watched in dismay as Denise went to the dresser and came back with the carved box the blonde recognized immediately. The girl watched apprehensively as the brunette took a thin cigarette from the box and stuck it into an elegantly carved cigarette holder; Denise held a lighter to the end of the cigarette and inhaled deeply, gasping as the smoke swirled into the air. She stared as the woman held her breath and thrust the carved tube toward her, holding the drug out toward the captive teenager.

“All you have to do is breathe, angel,” Sally said with a smile, “Denise will hold it for you.”

“I–I don’t want any more of that, Sally, whatever it is,” Linda whispered, “I didn’t like it when you gave it to me before.”

“You did like it, angel, don’t try to bullshit me” the redhead replied, “and you’re gonna like it more as time goes on, sweetheart,” she added as Denise exhaled noisily, “now don’t fuck with me, Linda, you know how it works here. You can either take a toke like a good girl, or I’ll have Denise get the mask for you again. It’s really much easier if you relax and do what you’re told, angel; it’ll be the same in the end, it’s all about whether you want it hard or easy.”

“It’s really good for you, baby,” Denise added, still holding the moving joint toward Linda’s face, “it makes you feel good, and you really did like it, we know you did.”

Linda’s mind was racing, her thoughts whirled in panic and disgust, but there was no way to escape the patient brunette and the watching redhead. The captive blonde leaned forward with a groan; Denise slipped the tip of the cigarette holder between her lips until the girl gave up and sipped through the tube. Smoke swirled into her face, and Linda’s eyes dripped tears as she sucked the heavy, spicy-smelling vapor down into her lungs. The blonde choked as she exhaled, and her next gasping pulled even more of the smoke down her throat; the vapor was harsh but sweet at the same time.

The teenager’s ears rang and she felt suddenly dizzy as she choked and sucked in a third gasping breath. Sally watched with a smile while Denise held the joint in place; Linda strained and gasped for air, coughing and sucking in still more of the dense, sweet-smelling smoke. The girl’s head was spinning and she could feel her pulse racing when the brunette finally pulled the joint away. Her skin tingled and she thought she could hear her blood rushing through her veins.

“My God, it’s stronger than I remembered, Sally,” she gasped, sprawling back in the chair with tears in her eyes, “I feel all dizzy and spaced out, that’s scary, that it works so fast, you know…”

“Just a little something to help you get in the mood, baby,” Denise said replied with a smile, “a special treat, you can have some anytime you’re working on your lessons. It helps loosen you up, puts you in the right frame of mind to really appreciate your sweet Prince more. I think you’re about ready now, sweetheart, so let’s go ahead and get him started.”

“Sit, Prince, sit, big boy,” Sally commanded, patting the inside of the blonde’s left knee, “come sit right here for Linda, sweetheart.” The blonde lay sprawled in the cushioned bowl, shivering and sobbing in her elegant costume as the obedient animal moved to sit between her spread legs. When she felt the dog’s first sultry breath panting against her thigh, Linda dropped her head and closed her eyes.

“Today is going to be a little different, good girl,” Sally whispered softly, “today I want to hear you tell the big dog what you want him to do. The pretty boys all know they’re supposed to wait until they’re told how to act. You know the words, Linda, just like you heard me tell Rexie yesterday; the big dog needs to hear it from you. Now go on, baby, tell that sweet puppy what you want.”

“Oh, God, no, Sally, please don’t make me do that,” Linda pleaded desperately, staring at the redhead in anguish, “It’s bad enough to have to do it with him, you can’t expect me to ask him for it.” Tears broke from the corners of the captive blonde’s eyes and slid slowly down her cheeks as the women waited implacably. “Please, please, don’t ask me to do that,” the teenager begged, “just you tell him and get it over with…”

Prince sat quietly with his dripping muzzle inches away from the teenager’s spread bush, snorting softly, panting furnace hot breath over her thighs. Unable to escape the watching women and the single-minded animal, Linda lay helpless in front of the mirror, legs spread wide on either side of the big dog, her feet up, her lace-sheathed pussy spread wide before his gaping jaws. Sally frowned in frustration and dropped her hand to the control at her belt, and Linda knew she had only one chance to avoid the lightning in her collar.

“All right, all right, I’ll do it,” she choked, clamping her hands tight on the chair frame and gasping for breath, “don’t hurt me, just give me a second and I’ll tell him—I’ll tell him what I want.” The mortified blonde gave a final wracking sob and whispered, “All right, Prince, make…make Linda happy.”

Prince wasted no time in settling in for some prolonged tonguing of the hapless teenager’s snatch; his hot panting huffed against Linda’s lace-covered pubic bush, sending shivers up her flat belly and making her nipples stiffen instantly. Linda’s breath caught in her throat as the sweltering dog tongue rasped over the thin silk stretched over her snatch, but somehow the velvet touch of the Harlequin’s tongue on her mons today was not quite bad enough to send her into the screaming panic she had felt yesterday. Her heart was racing, her skin tingled and she felt like electricity was running through her veins; her thoughts were racing and she realized with horror that the drug the debauched women had given her was winning over her body and her brain.

The excited Dane’s drool slathered tongue washed up between the captive blonde’s shivering thighs, slithering from her ass up over her silk-sheathed twat, spreading her pussy and sliding the lace panties over her clitoris on every stroke. Helpless, marooned spread legged with the gargoyle dog lapping at her with satisfaction, Linda felt her crotch warming and her snatch buzzing with depraved excitement minute by minute. The Harlequin’s broad tongue was as wide as the girl’s spread pussy, and the big dog’s deliberate lapping was exquisite torment washing between her legs.

She writhed and squirmed under the animal’s muzzle, realizing with mortification that Sally and Denise were right, the drugs would make her react no matter how horrified she felt. The big dog’s licking escalated as her renegade pussy began to melt and juices flowed down onto his probing muzzle. Sally and Denise watched with wide smiles as the teenager’s cheeks flushed and her nipples crinkled beneath the thin silk negligee. The defenseless blonde heard herself breathing harder, and felt herself arching up in the chair each time the persistent Harlequin’s velvet smooth tongue lathered over her snatch.

The softly weeping blonde moaned deep in her throat and Denise and Sally watched in delight as Prince continued the slow steady lapping at her pussy, tail wagging, drooling on the lace-covered bronze pubic hair between the lacy garter straps. The massive dog panted and slavered over the teenager’s warm snatch, and the lace tops of her stockings quickly darkened as aroused doggie saliva slopped over her thighs. Within minutes, Linda began breathing faster and her pink nipples began stiffening under the transparent babydoll gown; the teenager’s tan stomach twitched with the pulse hammering in her increasingly steamy snatch.

When her quivering pussy began dripping into his mouth and his saliva soaked her lace-trimmed stockings, Prince began licking harder and faster at the delicious teenage pussy spread open in front of him. Linda felt her crotch begin to loosen and throb as hot blood surged to her pubes; the flimsy lace panties gave no cover at all to her responsive snatch, and within a minute her bush was saturated and her pussy dripped sweet sticky ooze onto the big dog’s tongue.

“Open your eyes, sweetheart,” Sally commanded as the Harlequin began working up a consistent rhythm, “I want you to watch him while he does it to you. Open your eyes, good girl, watch.”

Linda’s eyes snapped open, focusing on the huge Great Dane lapping enthusiastically amid the silk and lace around her soaked and thoroughly inflamed snatch. Staring in horrified fascination at her reflection in the huge mirror, the blonde was mortified at the awful vision of the enormous animal crouched between her thighs, jaws gaping as he licked slowly and deliberately at her saturated crotch. The basket chair held her sensitive slit at the ideal height for the big dog’s lapping, and his broad wet tongue slathered across the width of her snatch, spreading her lips wide open.

His eager lapping parted the shaking blonde’s drool soaked pubic bush through the thin lace panties, spreading her delicate pink lips and throbbing clitoris to the slippery dog tongue. The teenager’s forehead was beaded with sweat and she gasped for breath as the big dog’s tongue lathered over her bush, onto her thighs and up to her flat belly, then dropped back down between the embroidered straps that framed her steaming snatch.

The inescapable eager tongue swarming over her lace sheathed bush made the captive blonde shudder with shameful desire, and she sobbed with humiliation as she sprawled spread-eagled in front of the mirror. Linda moaned in despair as she realized that the incessant licking was slowly making her hotter and hotter while Denise and Sally watched her every move; she choked back a sob when the redhead’s voice gave the next order of her awful lesson.

“Reach down and pull the panties aside, baby,” Sally commanded, “you know you want the big dog’s tongue right on your hot little pussy, angel. It’s time to give it up for him, sweetheart, so reach down and pull your panties out of the way, let that pretty boy lick your clit right now.”

In spite of her horror and humiliation, the overwhelmed teenager couldn’t keep herself from obeying the redhead’s order. Gasping in anguished desire, the hapless blonde reached down and pulled her lace panties to the side, exposing her dripping snatch to the animal’s relentless licking. Linda gave a groan of horrified ecstasy as the big dog’s broad tongue washed over her exposed pussy, spreading her lips and flickering over her inflamed clit. The animal’s wide tongue washed deliberately over the helpless blonde’s spread pussy, and she writhed in mortified lust as the dog’s tongue flicked over her pulsing clitoris.

“Pet the pretty boy a little bit now, Linda,” the redhead whispered huskily, “let Prince know how much you likes having him do that for you, angel. Pet the big dog so he knows he’s making his good girl happy.”

Hanging her head and crying silently in her silk and lace, Linda stared at herself in the mirror in despair as she slowly reached down to the big dog and stroked his head and rubbed his ears; she groaned in hopeless mortification as the warm tongue rasped against the silk and lacework around her bush. The shattered blonde stared at herself in the long mirror watching as she petted the panting Harlequin, rubbing his ears and neck as he snuffled and drooled over her gaping bronze bushed pussy.

“You can take your panties off for him now, angel,” Sally said softly, “They’re made with Velcro tabs where the waist string attaches to the front, so you don’t have to get up. Reach down and pull them loose, Linda, so the big dog can get at all that sweet pussy. Give it to him now, baby.” The blonde gave a strangled moan as she submissively tugged the tabs loose, exposing her spread snatch to the animal’s washing tongue; Prince gave a rumbling growl of satisfaction as the lace fell away and the teenager’s wet pussy opened to his eager lapping.

“That’s a good girl, sweetheart,” Denise said with a smile, “you’re doing everything just right. Now it’s important that the dogs learn to take instructions from you, not just Sally and me. You’ll want them to respond to your voice, too, so you need to tell the pretty boy what you want him to do, angel. Look right down at that big furry lover and tell him to lick you, baby. Say lick me, angel, I want to hear you tell the big dog to lick your pussy.”

“Oh, Jesus, no, Denise I can’t do that,” Linda wailed desperately, “please don’t make my say that, it’s too awful, I just can’t do it…” The blonde burst into anguished sobs as she realized the redhead and the brunette had planned this humiliation from the very start.

“Do as you’re told or you’re going to get hurt, Linda,” Sally said harshly, “This is part of your training, and you will learn to follow orders, angel. Now pet the big dog and tell him what you want; say it now, Linda, say lick me.”

“Oh God, no, oh fuck no, no, no!” the tormented teenager screamed in revulsion. The redhead watched the pleading captive implacably, and the horror-stricken blonde understood that she had no choice except to obey; with a final strangled sob, the shattered teen reached down and laid her hand on the slavering Harlequin’s massive head.

“Lick—lick me, Prince,” she choked in an anguished whisper. “Lick Linda’s pussy, big dog, do it now,” she whimpered frantically “Oh my God, Sally, what do you want me to say, lick me, Prince,” the girl babbled, “lick my pussy, lick me, lick me now…”

Shivering uncontrollably, Linda groaned and panted desperately for breath while she kept patting and stroking the enthusiastic animal crouched slavering between her thighs; the throbbing in her crotch was building and she knew she had to get some relief or she would come at any moment. She tried swaying her hips from side to side to keep the velvet tongue away from her clit, shifting and squirming, writhing before the mirror, twitching and gasping with her clit poised under the skillful animal’s assiduous licking.

Despite her horror and mortification, Linda felt herself responding with increasing excitement to the dog’s expert tongue. Letting go of the big dog’s ears, the hapless blonde ran her hands down his neck and shoulders, then stroked her hands up the insides of her stockinged thighs; the feel of the huge animal’s smooth coat encircled by her sheer stockings and sleek skin brought goosebumps out on the blonde’s tits shoulders.

Linda rubbed the embroidered straps of the garter belt against her smooth upper thighs and brought her hand up to caress her swelling breasts. The girl’s mouth was dry and her breath came fast as the Sally reached over and fondled the firm globes, rolling the blonde’s swollen pink nipples between thumb and forefinger. Arching in the chair, Linda dropped her head back and panted for air as Sally played with her tits, still swiveling her crotch in lingering circles under the incessant doggie blowjob.

The Harlequin made delighted whining noises between the shuddering blonde’s legs as he continued tonguing her eager pussy toward meltdown. Moaning and shaking, Linda clenched her fists around the chair cushion and dropped her head back, crying in silence as the eager Great Dane lapped maddeningly at her melting pussy, while Sally leaned over to lick her aching nipples. She realized she was totally helpless, every move controlled by the women intently watching the obedient animal licking eagerly between her legs. The teenager thought that she couldn’t be more humiliated, desperate and ashamed, but Sally’s next order reminded her that the redhead and the brunette had every move planned.

“Now talk to the big dog, good girl,” the redhead commanded softly, “I want you to tell sweet Prince how much like to have him lick you. Let the pretty dog know how good it is for you, baby. Speak to him, good girl, speak.”

With a burst of total panic, Linda suddenly realized that Sally and Denise weren’t ever going to stop; the brunette and the redhead intended to watch the canine fiend between her legs tongue her clit while she did every appalling thing they ordered. As if he appreciated that she was powerless to refuse, Prince sat unhurriedly back on his haunches between her shaking thighs and shifted his lapping into high gear, his wide tongue lathering over her open pussy as fast as he could lick.

“Oh Jesus, please Sally, please…all right, big dog,” the teenager groaned huskily, spreading her legs wider for the talented Harlequin, “I can’t stop you and I can’t stand it when you do that to me, go ahead and do…do whatever you want, do it to me now, good boy.”

Linda’s crinkled nipples were now achingly hard and her belly muscles quivered as she got closer and closer to coming on the inexorable doggie licking. The panic-stricken teenager was panting for breath and shaking like a leaf, her buzzing clitoris driving her half-mad with desire and shame; the blonde writhed frantically as the Dane’s relentless tongue washed over her open snatch, spreading her lips wide and sliding over her clit like a velvet ribbon.

It’s the drugs, Linda thought frantically, it’s the damned dope they’re giving me, I don’t want this, I don’t, I don’t want this fucking animal licking me. The big dog seemed even more intent now that her pussy was completely open to him, making a contented rumbling deep in his throat and wagging his tail faster as he worked delightedly on the gasping teenager.

“Don’t try to blame it on the dope, angel,” Denise whispered as Linda writhed under the Harlequin’s tongue, “you can try that, but it just isn’t so, baby. Drugs don’t make you do anything you don’t want to do, and they don’t give you anything that isn’t there to begin with, all they do is let out what’s really there. Don’t forget, sweetheart, we saw you on camera, and we watched you with Rexie yesterday, remember? You saw yourself, and we saw it too, you like it when a big dog licks you and makes you come. A little smoke just eases your self-consciousness, lets out what’s really you, that’s all. A little smoke just lets the real Linda come out, it helps you admit what you really want, baby…”

“Now you’re starting to get the idea, sweetheart,” Sally whispered, her hands sliding over the gasping girl’s taut breasts. “Princie likes it when you talk to him, he’ll be real good to you if you just give him some praise and encouragement, angel. Keep telling him how good it is, baby, speak…” The teenager’s brain was a whirling storm of confusion and mortifying desire. Her pulse raced, her thoughts were a tangled snarl of horror and excitement. As much as Linda wanted to deny the redhead’s words, she couldn’t deny her pleasure, couldn’t help but acknowledge the racing pulse in her renegade snatch.

“Oooohh, Jesus, it’s, that’s good, that’s really good, Prince, oh my god, go on baby, do it for me, don’t stop good dog,” Linda hissed through clenched teeth, “Aahh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes,” she moaned, feeling the orgasm building in her throbbing snatch, “do it now, Prince boy, mmmmmm, unnh, oooohhh, I can’t stand it, big dog, I’m gonna come now, I’m gonna cream all over you….”

Continued on the next page (link below).


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