My Summer Job 3

By Oliver Twist.

Read My Summer Job 1 Here
Read My Summer Job 2 Here


Part 3…

Again, I didn’t go home. I washed myself in the river, dressed, and went to my next spot for the survey. Doing my job helped me cope with the deep shame I felt. I could concentrate on looking for the birds and not think of Barny and that horrible man. It worked for a while, but my pussy kept leaking dog sperm, reminding me of what happened, no matter how many times I washed it in the river.

When I got home, my panties were soaked, and I could still smell Barny. His scent seemed to be a permanent part of me now. I showered and rubbed moisturizer on my scratches, shocked by how many I had now. My sides looked like I had been whipped. I stared at the patterns and could see exactly how they came about. It was Barny trying to get his knot inside me, and when he couldn’t, he would try and climb higher or from a different angle, and this was the result, my new look.

I sat in front of my mirror and spread my legs, opening my pussy and looking for any damage. I was happy I couldn’t find any, surprised by my ability to accommodate such a big cock. My pubic hair was very soft and light, and I kept it very trimmed, hardly enough to see, but I liked it like that. It felt sexier and cleaner.

The man’s face suddenly came into my head, the way he looked at me while Barny was fucking me. What was he thinking, I wondered? How did he know I would submit like that? Did he recognize something in me? Was it that obvious? God, who was he?

It was still very warm, so I stayed undressed. Dad was out somewhere, so I had the house to myself. I went to the bathroom and then downstairs for a cuppa. I was still feeling humiliated, and every few minutes, I would be transported back to that field, getting fucked by a dog. At the same time, some stranger watched me, mocking and laughing at me.

A shiver went down my spine as I looked out of the kitchen window into our garden, my neighbors dog playing next door. He was a big old Labrador. Billy was his name. He was very friendly, and I had played with him many times over the years, but I couldn’t look at him the same now. He seemed different, more threatening, capable of taking me against my will in my garden.

“Emma,” I said out loud, in exasperation at my silly thoughts.

I stared at him as he chewed an old ball, tossing it in the air and then chasing it, rolling around and doing it again, his tail wagging with happiness. Fuck, I thought, they don’t need a lot to be happy; a good bitch and a nice ball. I smiled and watched him in my little world, not hearing the front door open and close.

“Jesus, Emma, what the fuck happened to you?” my Dad suddenly asked, sounding very surprised.

I jumped about a foot in the air, turning and trying to cover my body, my Dad’s eyes wide open and looking at me with an expression I had seen many times before but never from my Dad.

“Dad!” I screamed, wanting to run but being blocked by him in the doorway.

“What are those marks?” He smirked, “Are you into BDSM or something?” Not moving, leering at me.

“Can you please let me out and stop staring at me?” I shouted, getting angry and embarrassed at the same time.

“Tell me first, I’m your father, and I want to know,” he demanded, still blocking my way, his eyes wandering all over me, making me uneasy.

“Dad, for fuck’s sake, let me go. It’s none of your business,” I shot back.

“I’ve got all day. It’s up to you,” he said flippantly.

I couldn’t believe he was acting this way. Usually, he didn’t say more than two words to me all week, and now he wanted a conversation about my sex life.

“OK, I like being whipped. Can I go now?” I answered sarcastically.

He smiled and said, “Like mother like daughter.”

“Dad! Stop it, let me go,” I insisted, horrified by the thought of my mother being whipped.

He just stood there, staring. He had been drinking. I could smell it, but that was no excuse. He was being inappropriate.

“What now, Dad? You just going to stare at me all night?” I asked, dropping my arms and stepping forward, hoping he would realize how stupid he was acting.

For a moment, he didn’t move. I could see he was enjoying my body. It was the weirdest interaction I had ever had with my Dad and very unnerving. I was very close to him now, his breath reeking of booze, making him act stupidly. For a second, I thought he would reach out and grab one of my tits. His eyes were not moving from them; my hard nipples were a nice sight. I began to feel scared, not believing this was happening, not another man taking advantage of me.

But he didn’t. He moved slightly, giving me only enough room to squeeze by him, my body rubbing up against his, shocked when I felt his erection, gasping as I quickly made my way up the stairs, slamming my door behind me when I got to my bedroom.

I was breathing heavily, totally shocked by what happened. My Dad is getting aroused by my body. ‘Ewwww,’ I thought, looking in the mirror. ‘God, I do look like I’ve been whipped. No wonder Dad acted so weirdly.’ I tried to remember the last time I was naked before him. It was so long ago that I couldn’t recall.

I picked out a dress and slipped it over my head. I was starving now and needed to eat. When I got to the kitchen, Dad was in the sitting room, asleep, thank God. I cooked and ate before he woke, going to my room immediately and finishing my paperwork. Tom was expecting me in the morning.


The following morning I managed to have breakfast and get out of the house before Dad got up, again, more than happy not to see him. What a bad night I had, tossing and turning, dreaming about dogs and incest, fuck, I’m so fucked, I thought, driving to the office. Tom was already there when I arrived, at his desk, drinking coffee, the first of many. He was a coffee addict.

“Morning, boss,” I said, knocking on the open door and stepping inside, trying to sound cheerful.

“Ah, Emma, give me some good news. You found those River Warblers,” he asked, smiling.

“Sorry, I couldn’t find them and looked for over an hour. I think he was wrong, the farmer. But I have all the paperwork you wanted,” I told him, hoping he wouldn’t blame me.

“Oh, and he sounded sure he knew what he was talking about. Pity that it would be nice to have such rare birds. But if you’re sure. OK, leave what you have and get off to the river. But if you have a spare hour, maybe you could check again. Just a thought. I’ll see you next week, have a nice weekend,” he said, smiling but with a hint of disappointment in his voice.

“OK, if I get a chance, I will,” I told him, not meaning it, smiling nicely as I left.


The morning went well, I made good progress, and the part of the river I walked was lovely and scenic. I loved this part of the job, and if it weren’t for the constant thinking of that man and Barny, it would have been even better. Thinking of Tom and his disappointment did bother me, but I was not going back there to check. I knew they weren’t nesting. It was all a lie. A trap.

As I was having my lunch, feet in the river, birds and bees my companions, I began thinking about that man and who he might be. ‘Was he married?’ I wondered. ‘Does his wife know what he gets up to? Does she like it, too?’

Then my phone rang, it was Tom. “Hello, boss,” I answered.

“Emma, that farmer was just on the phone. He said if you can get to him in the next hour, he will show you exactly where they are nesting. Can you get there?” he asked, all excited.

I was so shocked that I couldn’t answer, a shiver went down my spine, and my body felt hot.

“Emma, you there?”

“Yes… Yes… Um… I’m a bit too far away. I don’t… Ah… Think I could get there that quickly,” I managed to say, my voice trembling.

“Oh, Emma, please, can you try? I’ve told him you would. He said he would love to show you. It would mean so much for the survey,” Tom said, disappointed.

What a bastard. He knew damn well there were no nesting birds. He was using Tom to get me. God, he was so devious, I thought, my hand now shaking.

“I’ll try, Tom. I’ll leave now,” I sighed.

“Thank you, Emma. I won’t forget this,” Tom finished, ending the call.


I sat there, dazed, not knowing what to do. All morning I had been trying to think of anything but that man and his dog, managing it mostly. Still, now I remembered it all, every second of Barny fucking me, his big cock filling me up and then knotting me, making me cum so good I cried out in ecstasy, humiliating myself yet again.

My pussy was damp, and my nipples were erect, aching with arousal, betraying me as usual, turning me into this man’s private whore. I felt so helpless. All seemed lost. I stood and began walking to my car, images of Barny’s cock now the only thing on my mind. I stopped and pulled my panties down, angry with my inability to stop thinking of him. I put them in my backpack before continuing.

A Landrover was parked in the layby when I arrived at the field. It was his. I knew it. I couldn’t see him or Barny as I climbed the gate, but I knew he was waiting there. I saw Barny first, running around near the river, chasing something. The nearer I got, I could hear him barking. Then I saw the man leaning against an old Oak tree, smiling as I approached. He called Barny and made him sit next to him.

“You just can’t stop trespassing, can you?” he asked sarcastically.

“You told Tom you would show me the nesting Warblers,” I replied, equally as sarcastic, not expecting an answer.

He didn’t say anything, just smiled, looking me up and down, my dress short enough to show off my legs. I stood there uncomfortably, waiting for him to tell me to come to him or strip, my nipples so hard, now, easily visible through the thin material. But he said nothing. He leaned against the tree and looked at me, his expression so calm and in control. I shuffled my feet, not knowing what to do, feeling silly just standing there, waiting.

“Are you going to show me then?” I asked, not knowing what else to say, sounding nervous, my voice trembling.

“I’ve told you I know nothing of birds. Stop making excuses to come here. If you want Barny to fuck you, just strip and get on the ground like a good bitch,” he said, sounding indifferent.

“Fuck you,” I dared to say, scared to death, turning and stepping toward my car. I took two steps and stopped, turning back to him, angry and saying. “What game are you playing now? Why are you doing this?” My hands were on my hips, trying to look defiant.

Standing away from the tree, he laughed, saying, “I thought you were going? You don’t want to. You want Barny to fuck you and me to watch. It’s exciting and gets you off. You love it. Admit it. Just take that dress off and get on the ground like a good bitch.”

I stood there, looking at him and Barny, not knowing what to say or do, my legs not working.

“Look at those nipples, so hard and long, and I bet if I put my fingers inside you, you’ll be soaking,” he taunted, walking over to me.

I took a step back but no more, my heart racing as he reached me and put his hand under my dress. His fingers touched my pussy and stopped. He smiled smugly at me, saying, “And you say you don’t want this?”

I blushed even harder, wishing I had left them on now. His fingers then pushed inside me, making me moan loudly as he moved them in and out, teasing me before bringing them back out to show me. He held them between our faces, all wet and glistening. He then wiped them on my face and lips before moving back to the tree and leaning against it, under the shade, looking at me and waiting. I slowly undid a button, then another, my eyes looking at the man, hating his smug expression.

“Do I have a choice?” I asked, feeling like I didn’t.

“You could have left, but you stayed. You didn’t have to come here without your panties on, but you did, and I’m not the one all wet and aroused, am I?” the man asked, still sounding smug.

Those words hurt; they were true, but I hated hearing them, especially from him. I stopped undressing. I was angry again. He was just being mean now.

“OK, I get it. You like me to take charge and tell you what to do. It makes you feel better about yourself. You can pretend I forced you,” the farmer laughed.

“You know you are,” I said quietly, my dress half open.

“Take it off and get on the ground. Barny’s getting impatient,” he told me.

“No,” I managed to say so quietly that I wasn’t sure he heard me.

But he had. He walked over to me, so close now I could smell him. It was nice, manly even. I looked at him and wanted him to kiss, hold, and show affection. Of course, he didn’t. He undid the rest of my buttons and pushed my dress off, letting it fall. He then stood back, admiring my young body. I could see the desire in his eyes, and my heart thumped in my chest. ‘He is human,’ I thought.

“Do you like my body?” I asked, trying to sound sexy, pushing my tits out.

“It’s lovely, so slim, and perfect for Barny,” he answered, still looking.

“Touch me if you want,” I said, surprised by my boldness.

He just stepped back, ignoring my invitation, his eyes still on me but making no attempt to touch me. I was disappointed and annoyed. ‘Why won’t he touch me?’ I wondered. ‘I’m young and pretty. Surely he desires me?’

Barny was still sitting by the tree, waiting so patiently. I felt sorry for him having to sit there and not allowed to come to me.’ At least he wanted me,’ I thought. There were no games with him. It was all very simple.

“Call him if you want him, don’t just look at him,” the man teased, trying to embarrass me.

“Is that all I am to you, a bitch for your dog? A sex toy for him?” I asked.

“Exactly, just that,” he answered, not a hint of sarcasm in his tone. He meant it.

A shiver went down my spine, and my pussy twitched. The realization that this stranger only wanted me to be a bitch for Barny sent sexy chills throughout my body. I was just another dog to him, one to own and control, just like Barny. To be used for his viewing pleasure. I knelt on all fours, not waiting to be told. What was the point?

“Call him,” he told me, reinforcing my surrender.

“Barny,” I called, like a good bitch.

Barny jumped up and came straight to me, his tongue going between my cheeks and tasting me, pushing into my eager pussy, a deep moan of pleasure escaping my lips. I didn’t hold back. I was too aroused to try and hide my feelings, I wanted sex, and I wanted to cum. The man came and sat at my side, leaning back on his hands as he watched me. This was different from the other times. Something had changed.

I gasped as Barny’s tongue penetrated my bum. The feeling so good made me push back, trying to get it deeper. I wanted it in me, pleasuring me.

“What does it feel like, tell me?” he asked, a sense of urgency in his voice.

I looked at him in surprise. He wanted to know. His tone and expression were absolutely sincere. This is what got him off. ‘My God,’ I thought, ‘this is what he wants.’

“Big,” I answered, knowing this wouldn’t be enough.

“Describe it better. Tell me exactly how it feels?” the man demanded, irritated.

“It feels strong, powerful, and slightly rough texture. When it scrapes along my lips and clit it’s just amazing, the sensations are like electric shocks, It just makes me twitch, and my pussy goes spastic. I’ve never felt anything like it. And God, can he go deep with it, like now. Mmmmmm. Oh God, it feels so good on my pussy when it’s inside me. He can slide that tongue so deep inside my cunt.”

“Are you going to cum?”

“Soon, I’m getting close. Do you want me to cum on Barny’s tongue? See me cum like his bitch?” I gasped, feeling like a complete whore.

“Yes, cum on his tongue. Show me what a bitch you are,” he said, his voice all excited.

“Oh god, here it comes, he’s licking my clit, it’s too much… Oh God, yesssss,” I cried, my head on my arms as a powerful wave of pleasure washed over me.

It was so good; having him beside me made it even better. I felt like a slut cumming and not having to hide it, but I wanted that to be on display for him, humiliating myself for him. Barny didn’t care that I had just cum. He’d had enough of tasting my pussy and now wanted to fuck his bitch, knot her and impregnate her. He was on my back and inside me in almost one movement, his nails adding more scratches to my collection.

He gripped me tightly and started to fuck me. He was in a hurry, it seemed. I braced myself as this powerful animal took full control of me, his hips a blur as he thrust wildly into me, desperate to join us together, trap me. At the same time, he unleashed his seed into my womb, hopefully giving me his puppies. The man watched me, still eager to see me taken by his big dog.

“Jesus, look at him go. He’s near twice your size. It must feel incredible being fucked by such a beast, tell me,” he demanded again.

It was hard to talk while being pushed along the dirt. My lungs were sucking in air as Barny knocked it out of them.

“He’s…growing inside…me, getting bigger and bigger…I can feel him. It’s amazing. His cock keeps battering me, and his grip is so tight that I feel like a prisoner. I am a prisoner. I can’t move. I’m his bitch. Barny owns me. Barny owns my cunt.”

“More, tell me more,” he insisted.

“I can feel his knot. It’s banging against my lips, he’ll soon be in me, and he keeps scratching me. His nails are raking me. I like it,” I wailed. “He’s nearly there. God, his knot is stretching my cunt so much. It hurts but feels amazing.”

“I can see it, it looks like it won’t fit, but it does. Open up for Barny’s cock. Let him in. Be his bitch,” the man implored.

“I am. The dog’s inside me—cock and knot—filling my whole pussy. It’s so good. Mmmmmm…yesss,” I cried.

Barny’s face was next to mine. I could smell his breath as he panted. His drool was all over my shoulders, and we panted harmoniously.

“Oh God, I’m so full, he’s so big, and his cock tip is right up against my cervix, trying to get in. I can feel his cock throbbing, his sperm filling me, shooting into my womb. It’s the best feeling ever,” I cooed.

The man put his hand just above my pussy, trying to feel Barny inside me, laughing as he did so. “I can feel him, you lucky girl. Are you going to cum?’

“I will, but not yet. My orgasm is building. Barny’s knot is rubbing my g-spot, and his throbbing cock is getting me there. Oh God…he’s shooting more cum into me… Oh yes… I feel like a bitch now. His bitch. He’s my master. I’m just here for breeding. That’s what I feel. Is that what you wanted to hear, cos it’s true. That’s how I feel. Are you happy now? I’m Barny’s bitch. My cunt belongs to him,” I said, moaning loudly.

“I’m very happy, Barny has a new bitch, and she knows her place now. Are you happy?” he asked, turning the question on me.

‘I suppose… I don’t know. I think so. Oh, I’m getting close now. He’s doing that thing, grinding against my insides. Oh yes,” I sighed. I closed my eyes. I wanted to concentrate on Barny, his knot bringing me to another orgasm. “Here it comes,” I cried, squeezing my cunt and moving it from side to side for extra friction.

The man was suddenly squeezing my nipples, twisting them as I came, giving me even more pleasure, the pain a delicious extra. I cried out as a wonderful explosion of sheer, undiluted pleasure again racked my body. Shock after shock hit me, making me grunt, moan, and claw at the earth, my fingers digging deep to hold this feeling, never wanting it to end.

“Emma, yes, ride that wave. Give yourself completely to Barny. He is indeed your master now.”

I heard him but wasn’t taking it in. My body is still in the throes of an amazing orgasm. The world was wonderful, and I had no worries. At least, that’s how I felt at that moment in time. He just watched me as I bathed in the afterglow, not needing to say anything, he was in awe of my performance, and no words could add to the moment. When I opened my eyes, he was still there, leaning back and smiling, waiting for me to return to earth, seemingly happy with what he had seen.

“That was truly incredible. You are a special young lady. I’ve seen a few women in this position, but never have they embraced it as you did. You were meant to fucked like this, to be owned by a beast such as Barny. It’s your calling. I’m being serious. You will never find anything as good as this. No man could ever satisfy you. Give you what Barny gives you. Do you know that?”

Barny gave a big pull and was now out of me, surprising me and making me gasp a little with the pain. I fell to the ground and rolled on my back, looking up at the man.

“What’s your name?” I asked.

He smiled and said, “John.”

“I think I know that, John,” I told him, still ashamed of what I’d just done.

Like the other times, I expected him to leave, but he stayed where he was, happy to look at me. Barny was cleaning himself, and I remembered what John had said about me doing that for him, a sudden urge to suck on his cock coming over me. It looked so big, still, probably nine inches long and thicker than any cock I had ever seen, though I’d only seen two in real life. Hundreds if you count the internet.

John picked up my dress, saying: “Let’s go. I’ll walk to your car with you.”

I was so surprised that I forgot about Barny’s cock. I got to my feet and took the dress, putting it over my head and thanking him. As we returned to my car, John asked me about my home life, where I lived, and what I would do with my life. He sounded genuinely interested in me. I told him about my Dad and how we didn’t get on. About my mom, going to Uni and some other stuff. He listened and asked questions, almost like we were friends, it was nice, and I didn’t feel so embarrassed about what I did this time.

When we got to my car, he stopped and said, “Follow me.”

He got in his Landrover and pulled off slowly, waiting for me to follow him. I sat there for a second, wondering what to do, unsure if I should, thinking he could be a serial killer, but then realizing he could have killed me anytime. He honked his horn and drove off, leaving me to decide. I quickly put it into drive and started following him, scared but intrigued.

About five miles later, he turned off the road onto a dirt track. We were in the middle of nowhere, and I was completely lost. We came to an old farmhouse with many outbuildings a mile down the track. It was a stunning place, old but really beautiful. As we pulled up, two big dogs came to greet us. Both looked exactly like Barny. When I stopped and saw they were both males, a shiver went down my back.

John got out and came to my door, opening it and letting me out. The two dogs went mad and jumped all around me, both sniffing me and putting their heads under my dress. My naked pussy is still dripping sperm. I leaned against the car as they both began licking me, John smiling as I tried to defend myself, failing.

For a moment, I thought he would let them fuck me here in the yard, but he called them just as I was beginning to fall over. I steadied myself and followed after him as ordered. He led me to a long barn attached to the house, all three dogs following. We entered the barn and stopped. John let me take it in, it was a stable of sorts, and I could see two horses a bit further down. Both looked very expensive. To the right was a door. It looked like an office. John opened it and went in, gesturing for me to do the same.

It wasn’t an office. It was a living area, a self-contained flat kind of. There was a bed, kitchen, and dining area with a big sofa and two armchairs. It was bigger than my house and looked very expensively decorated. John then turned to me.

“This is where you will live. You can move in today, pack your stuff, and return by six pm. There won’t be any rent as such, but you will be the bitch for my dogs, all three of them. You will let them fuck you whenever they want, night or day, wherever that may be. No will not be an option. If you ever refuse them, you will have to leave. You can stay until you go to University, or longer if you want. It’s up to you. If you’re not back by six, I’ll understand, but you’ll never see Barny or me again, your choice.”

With that, he turned and left. I was so stunned that I couldn’t move for a minute. I just looked around at the beautiful room, trying to understand what had just happened, totally shocked. When I regained my senses, I ran after John. I had to ask him some questions. This was so sudden and unbelievable.

When I got outside, he was gone. He and the dogs had driven off before I could get to them. I stood there dumbfounded, not sure what to do. I looked around but saw no one. It was pointless waiting for John to return. I got in my car and drove home, my mind in turmoil as I pulled up to my house. Glad Dad wasn’t home. I needed to think. I went to my room and showered. Barny’s jizz was still leaking out of me, and I stunk of sex.


As I showered, I tried to go over all that had happened. The first thing was the sex with Barny and how good it was. It was different today. I let myself go and gave in to my desires, John pushing me and making me act like a real slut, even giving him what he wanted. That’s why he wants me at his place, I realized. Today was everything the farmer wanted, a young woman acting like a total bitch for his dogs. He loved it. I’m just what he was looking for. He wants me available whenever he, or the dogs, want it. I felt good knowing this, unsure exactly why.

I got out of the shower and dried myself. More moisturizer is needed for the fresh scratches. I admired my body in the mirror, even the scratches looking good. I liked them. I lay on the bed and tried to imagine living at John’s place with three dogs. God, could I cope with three of them? Do I want to be that kind of girl, a whore for someone, just a sex object? But that room and finally getting away from here, fuck, it would be so nice.

I could hear the next-door’s dog barking. It made me think of Barny and his brothers. I imagined all of them taking me, one after the other, while John watched. My pussy was tingling just thinking of it. I got up and went downstairs to the kitchen window to see the dog. He was playing again, chasing the ball. I found him sexy, his sleek body shining in the sun. He looked young and strong, more than capable of fucking me. I giggled as I stared, knowing I wouldn’t do anything.

Standing there, I made up my mind. I would go and live at John’s, it would be exciting, and I had to admit I liked being fucked by Barny.

I heard the door open and close. It had to be Dad. He was probably drunk again, so I stayed where I was, looking at the dog, hoping he would go to the sitting room.

“Jesus, girl, more whip marks. What kind of slut are you?” my Dad asked, obviously not in the sitting room, his words slurring.

“The worst kind, Daddy,” I shot back, turning and facing him.

“Yeah, I see that, just like your mom,” he added, repeating what he said yesterday.

“I’m worse, Daddy. If only you knew,” I told him, my nipples still hard and sticking out.

“She would let men tie her up and whip her, then they would fuck her, here, in this house, while I watched. She loved it. Whore,” he spat, rocking back and forth.

“That sounds so good. I’m going to try that. Can I do it here? You can watch if you want,” I asked, daring him to say something more.

He stumbled toward me, his face red with anger but also something else. I could see it. I didn’t move. I wasn’t scared of him. He stood right before me, his beer breath filling my nostrils.

“Maybe I should do it now, with my belt. You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” he said, his eyes all over me as Dad tried to undo his belt.

“Mmmm, yes, please, I dare you,” I replied, my hands on the sink, my tits pushing out.

I was angry but also excited, I didn’t know why I was acting like this, but I was getting aroused. It must have been what happened earlier. With John and Barny, my boundaries had been shattered. I was acting out, being silly, and not worrying about the consequences. I would be gone soon. Anyway, that’s what I told myself. I could see he was shocked; even being drunk, he couldn’t understand why I was acting this way. He grabbed my tits, squeezing them, making me cry, but I didn’t move. I just stared back at him. He twisted my nipples, grinning, trying to hurt me.

It hurt, but I liked it, and even though it was him doing it, I moaned loudly to let him know, not caring anymore. He squeezed harder, making me gasp in pain, but I didn’t move again.

“These aren’t whip marks, Daddy. They’re from a dog. I fuck dogs, and I love it, even when they scratch me. I love it and can’t get enough of their cocks,” I told him, smiling.

He let go of me and stumbled back a yard, his booze-befuddled mind trying to work out what I just said, unsure if he heard me right.

“Yes, dogs, Daddy. I fuck dogs,” I laughed, waiting for him to get it.

“My god, you are a whore,” he shouted, grabbing me and pushing me toward the table.

I laughed again and let him, bending over the table and presenting him with my bum, watching him as he tried to get his belt off. It was so exciting acting like this. My pussy was tingling and very wet. I couldn’t believe how naughty I felt.

“Come on, Daddy. Punish me. I deserve it,” I pleaded, not meaning it but wiggling my bum.

I could see his erection in his trousers. It made me shiver. Daddy was hot for me, the daughter he never had time for. ‘Now he wanted me, bastard,’ I thought.

“Fuck me, Daddy. Punish me with your cock,” I teased, loving his reaction.

He got his belt off but wasn’t sure if he should beat or fuck me. He looked so confused, staring at my bum.

“Fuck me, Daddy. You know you want to,” I begged, loving his expression.

He undid his pants, pulling them down, his cock springing free. I gasped. It was so big. I wasn’t expecting that. I watched spellbound, unable to move as he took it in his hand and pushed it between my cheeks. It slid easily into my pussy, making me jump, bringing me back to my senses. I tried to move, but Daddy pushed me back down, his weight holding me as he began to fuck me, his big cock thrusting in and out of my pussy. I turned my head and looked at the door, realizing my mistake. My arms stretched out in front of me. I was going nowhere.

For some reason, he felt good inside me, he was a big man, and his cock aroused me more with every thrust. I closed my eyes and accepted the situation, enjoying the sensations coming from Daddy. He was calling me names as he fucked me, telling what a whore I was and a slut, that I would always be one and no one would want me after this. He grabbed my hair and yanked my head up, squeezing it in his hand, making me cry in pain. He slapped me hard on my bum, his big hand crashing down my cheek. Again, I cried out.

He was in his sixties, but he could still fuck. His cock was filling me up and bringing me ever closer to another orgasm, my third of the day. His harsh words and smacking only added to my pleasure. I began to moan, enjoying this incestuous fucking.

Just as I felt my orgasm approaching, Daddy went rigid, thrusting hard again, grunting loudly, and pulling hard on my hair. He was cumming. I felt the first shot of his cum flood my pussy, it was hot, and it felt so good. I moaned in pleasure and disappointment; I wouldn’t get to cum. The bastard wouldn’t even give me that. He collapsed on top of me, his weight pinning me to the table.

“Fucking whore. What kind of girl fucks her father?” he asked with real venom.

“Only the good ones, Daddy. Did you enjoy it? It felt like you did,” I asked sarcastically.

He got off me and stumbled back to the sink, his trousers around his ankles, his cock wet with my juices, still semi-hard. I stood and looked at him, his face now ashamed of himself. His cock was so big, I still stared at it, really impressed. He looked up and saw me looking but didn’t say anything. He was too embarrassed and couldn’t hide it.

I walked out and went to my room. I had a case to pack.


To Be Continued…



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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