My Summer Job 4

By Oliver Twist.

Read My Summer Job 1 Here
Read My Summer Job 2 Here
Read My Summer Job 3 Here


Part 4…

I arrived at John’s just before six. He was in the yard with the dogs as I pulled up, all coming to greet me. John opened my door and smiled. He seemed genuinely pleased that I had decided to accept his offer.

“Welcome. I’m really happy my boys will have a new bitch. Have you got any luggage?” he asked, taking my hand.

His words stung a bit, but I knew he was right. I was here for his dogs to fuck. I was their bitch, nothing else. He had made that clear.

“Just a case in the back. I’ll get the rest later,” I told him, taking his hand.

“OK, let’s get this to your room so you can play with the dogs. They’re very keen to meet you. This one is Duke, and this fellow is Casey. All three are related, as you can probably guess,” he said, taking my case and walking toward the barn.

My heart skipped a beat. John wanted me to fuck the dogs straight away, I wasn’t expecting that, but that’s my job, so hey. We got to the room, all five of us, John putting my case on the bed and sitting beside it, smiling and looking at me. It seemed the rent was payable upfront. I pulled my dress over my head and stood there, letting John look at my naked body, turning slowly before getting on all fours. The three dogs were by his side, all watching me intensely.

“Who’s first?” I asked, wiggling my butt.

“Well, Barny’s already fucked you, so I think Casey can have you next.”

He tapped Casey’s head, and the dog came straight to me, his nose going to my pussy, sniffing loudly before licking me, tasting his new bitch. I moaned loudly, letting him know I was enjoying his tongue, looking at John, hoping I was pleasing him, too. Casey knew exactly what he was doing. He had fucked before. The dog climbed on me and found my pussy within a few seconds, his power and energy just as great as Barny’s. He held me vice-like as he fucked me with real enthusiasm.

My body responded immediately. It loved being taken like this, forcefully and with no choice. Casey was just as big as Barny, his thick, long cock battering me without mercy, determined to knot and impregnate me, give me his puppies before the others. Knowing all three wanted me to carry their offspring made the sex even better. Each of them was competing for my womb, it was exciting, and I wanted them to want me, fight for me, and make me their bitch.

“I’m cumming, John. Casey’s making me cum. He’s so fucking big. I love him,” I cried.

My pussy spasms as he unloaded jet after jet of boiling cum into my womb. I stood strong as he bred me, taking everything he had to give, crying out in ecstasy as his nails raked my young body, adding his marks to the ones Barny gave me. I was one of the pack, and this was my home. As soon as Casey had finished with me, Duke took over, fucking me even harder, making a point, telling me he was just as good as his cousins. I came again with Duke, my body ready and willing to take all these dogs had to give me.

Barny was last, but he needed to show his dominance and was brutal in his fucking, even holding my neck in his jaws as he knotted me. He told me he could snap me like a twig, I was just his bitch, and I must know my place. I got the message. I was at the bottom of the feeding order, they were all my masters, but he was number one. I was to please him first.

I lay in a pool of sperm as all the dogs lay next to me, John still sitting on the bed, more than pleased with his new tenant.

“Why don’t you shower and then come to the house? Dinner is almost ready,” he said, standing and leaving, the dogs following him reluctantly.

My new shower was amazing, it was so big, bigger than my whole bathroom back home, and the water came from all directions. I lifted a leg and could wash my pussy just by leaning against the wall. I loved it. I felt like I had won the lottery. I would have stayed longer, but I was hungry and dying to see what the main house looked like. Plus, I wanted to eat with John and get to know him a bit more, and eating together is a great chance to talk.

I put on one of my sexiest dresses, without underwear, and put a touch of makeup on, just enough to look nice, not overdoing it. I looked in the mirror and was pleased with what I saw. The dress was sexy but not slutty. It was knee-high with a low back and buttons down the front, my nipples sticking through the thin, white material. I had two buttons undone, just enough to show my tits if I leaned over but still modest if I didn’t.

As I made my way to the house, I could feel sperm trickling down my inner thigh. ‘Shit,’ I thought, ‘I should have known that would happen.’ I decided to leave it, I had taken too long already, and I didn’t want to keep him waiting any longer.

The front door was open, and all the lights were on. I could hear some music coming from further inside the house. A lovely smell greeted me as I stepped inside. The hall was big with high ceilings, and the décor reminded me of a stately home. It was Georgian, I think. But whatever it was, it was lovely, and the further I got inside, the more I was impressed.

A lovely, wide, and grand-looking stairway led to an open landing with hallways leading off. God knows how many bedrooms there were, too many probably. I was just glad cleaning wasn’t part of the rent, also. There was a set of double doors to the left as I came into the big entrance area, and the music seemed to be coming from there, so I surmised that would be a good place to start. I hadn’t seen or heard the dogs, so I guessed they were probably in there too.

I knocked and pushed the door open, stunned by what I saw. Sitting at the table were John and two elderly people, his parents judging by their striking similarity, all smiling as they looked up. To the side of them was a woman serving some food. She was probably in her thirties and very pretty, dressed normally. The three dogs were laying by the fireplace, though no fire was lit, all standing and wagging their tails once they saw me. John clicked his fingers, and they all lay back down, their tails still wagging. I stood there blushing, so embarrassed. I only expected John and didn’t know what to do or say. I felt so awkward.

“Come on in, don’t just stand there,” John said, smiling and waving me in.

I walked in and stood by the table, still feeling embarrassed and awkward.

“Oh my, John, what a beautiful bitch. You have outdone yourself this time. Where on earth did you find her?” the lady asked, staring at me. “Beautiful and so young, I can’t wait to see her being bred.”

The older man joined in, making me gasp and grab a chair for support. “She was on our land, and Barny took her immediately. She just submitted herself to him instantly. Like she had been looking for it all her life. She’s a natural bitch, who loves being bred by dogs. She craves it. You’ll see,” John told the woman, his tone so even.

I just stood there, my face glowing with shame and my heart pounding, feeling like it might explode. ‘How could I let these people talk about me like this?’ I wondered.

“Come here, dear, come, come,” the lady ordered impatiently.

I looked at John, and he nodded, telling me to do as I was told. So I did. I walked to her and stood next to the table, trembling slightly.

“Lovely, really lovely,” she said, with sincerity, her hand lifting my dress above my waist, telling me to hold it.

I took it as she inspected me like I was a new bitch. Her hands caressed and fondled me, feeling my body for condition and muscle. I had never been so humiliated. I felt like I might faint. It was so shameful. She then pushed a finger inside my cunt.

“Mmmm, nice and wet, she’s aroused, ready for breeding, and the girl’s tight. She’ll bring good puppies,” she laughed, bringing her fingers out and licking them, making me gasp again.

But I still didn’t move. The woman’s husband then got up and came to me, taking my dress, pulling it over my head, and placing it on a chair before feeling my tits and playing with my nipples.

“Small titties but wow. These nipples make up for that. They’re so hard. The girl’s a real bitch. These will make great milk givers. The puppies will love them so long,” he said.

He then ran his hands all over my body, gently playing with me, touching me like a lover, even bending me over the table and fingering my butt. I let him constantly, a moan escaping my lips as he fingered me. What was even more shocking, the other woman carried on serving as if this was perfectly normal. I watched as she set a plate for me and dished out the food, her eyes taking sneaky looks whenever she could. When he was finished with me, he pulled out a chair and had me sit, my food in front of me, my nakedness not an issue.

“Emma, this is my mum and dad, Robert and Emily. And this lovely woman serving us is Sheila. She runs the house, and if you need anything, ask her. Now eat, please,” John explained, passing me some gravy.

“Look at those scratches,” Emily suddenly said, smiling. “Emma looks so beautiful with them. I love to see how the boys mark their bitches. It’s a kind of branding. We’ll recognize her anywhere if she gets lost.”

I couldn’t believe they were talking about me like livestock. It was so shocking and humiliating. ‘This wasn’t part of the deal,’ I thought. To be treated like this wasn’t kind. They seemed to disregard my feelings, and the more humiliated I was, the better. It was as if they wanted to hurt and debase me, to make me feel less than human, an animal, to be treated without feeling. I lifted my fork to my mouth and ate some food, a drop of hot gravy dripping onto my tits, making me wince a little.

“Mmmm, leave it, don’t wipe it. The dogs will lick it off,” Emily whispered, sipping her wine.

‘Go home, leave now before you get sucked in,’ I told myself, taking another bite of this delicious food, more gravy dripping on my chest.

Emily laughed as she watched me eat, my table manners amusing her. Robert then leaned over to me, dipping his hand in the gravy bowl, lifting it, and smearing it all over my tits. Emily laughed some more, John joining in this time. If I went home, I would have to deal with Dad, and I didn’t want to do that. What if he wanted to fuck me again? I would rather fuck the dogs, that was for sure. Robert smeared more gravy on me, pinching my nipples as he did so.

“I love her, John. She’s the best one yet. Look how she revels in this. Nothing is too much for her, a complete bitch, nothing but a cunt who wants to be punished and bred. She’s perfect,” Emily said, so calmly.

I wanted to throw something at her for saying such a thing, but I shivered excitedly every time someone did, no matter how hurtful. It was so arousing being treated this way. When I finished eating, I was covered in gravy. It was running down to my lap. There was that much. Robert then took my hand and stood me up. He wanted to smear more on me, this time on my pussy and thighs. He then led me to a big rug in the center of the room and told me to lie on my back and open my legs. Emily, John, and Sheila stood around me, looking down and grinning.

John then clicked his fingers, and all three dogs responded immediately, coming straight to me. I gasped loudly as all three tongues began to lick at the gravy. Emily pushed my legs further apart, giving them even easier access to my pussy. I closed my eyes and began to moan, their long, hard, and rough tongues sending a million bolts of pure pleasure throughout my body. At that moment, they had won. I was theirs.

I lay there, moaning and writhing like a porn star, those three tongues licking me. At one point, I had one on each nipple and one on my pussy. It was beyond good. I opened my eyes and looked up at my hosts, all staring down at me, enjoying what I was going through, happy I was there putting on a show.

My body felt so sensitive. The roughness of the tongues as they scraped over my body made me cry out. It was so delicious, and knowing I had an audience made me feel shameful but added to my arousal. If I wasn’t sexy and desirable, why would they all be watching me? Why would John want me here? These thoughts drove me on. I wanted to cum, for my audience, for their viewing pleasure. I was nothing but a whore, doing this for my room so I didn’t have to pay. That’s what whores do.

It was too much. I had to cum, and my body gave itself to the dogs and let the dam break. I moaned and stretched out my body, the pleasure taking hold and sending me to a place where no shame existed, only acceptance and forgiveness.

“Oh yes, look at the bitch. She’s cumming. She can’t get enough of it. And wow, does she look the part? She’s going to be a star. The others are going to love her,” I heard Robert saying, but I couldn’t process it. I was too far gone.

“She is, oh yes, she is. I’ve never seen a bitch so keen. I can’t wait to have her,” sheila added.

John was also talking, but my orgasm had peaked, and my mind went blank. The pleasure was just too much. I couldn’t hear or see. I had to concentrate on holding onto this wave. It was wonderful. My body just reacted perfectly to these dogs. Whatever they did, I couldn’t get enough of it. It was just about better than anything I had experienced before. Each time just got better and better, and I wanted more.

Then they were gone. John had called them off. I was left lying there, covered in their drool, twitching as little aftershocks of pleasure shot through me. My pussy was tingling and aching, still aroused and wanting a cock. The dogs were next to John, all with their cocks sticking out, red and angry.

John then brought one over to me, Barny, I think. He stood right over my face, his big cock just above me, sperm squirting and dripping onto my face. The others all knelt next to me, watching with glee. I knew what was coming. I was to suck this beast’s cock, and drink his sperm while they all looked on.

Sheila lifted my head, holding it less than an inch from this throbbing cock. She looked at me and smiled, nodding her head. I opened my mouth as she pushed me forward, Barny’s cock sliding along my tongue, his juice now squirting directly down my throat.

Sheila pulled my head back, making me suck it back and forth. “Show everybody your skills. Suck his cock like he was the love of your life. When your mouth is full of cum show us all before you swallow it. You are performing a show, be the best star you can be, and make us all proud of you,” she said, stroking my body.

I suddenly felt like a star in a great show, and all these people had come to see me perform. They expected to be entertained. My mouth was full of cum. I could taste it on my tongue as Barny filled me up. It was delicious. I opened wide and showed everybody, my tongue moving about, letting a little run down my chin.

“Don’t lose any,” Emily said, smiling.

I closed my mouth and swallowed loudly, smacking my lips before opening back up widely and showing them all what a good girl I was. They all laughed and praised me, telling me I was a good bitch and to continue. So I did. I took him in and began sucking him again, moaning as I did so, letting them all hear how much I was enjoying it. Sheila was still by my side, her hands caressing my body, sexually touching me, not hiding it all.

She twisted a nipple and whispered, “I’m going to fuck you later. Suck that dirty pussy of yours and make you suck mine, you slut.”

I looked at her as I sucked Barny, her face full of desire. She meant it. A shudder went through my body as I moaned again, pulling off the cock and opening up to show my audience.

“Oh yes, look at it all. Barny is filling her up nicely,” Robert said.

I swallowed again, exaggerating it loudly. Before I could go back to Barny’s cock he was gone, only to be replaced by Duke, I think. I sucked him straight away. My mouth was eager to be full of cock. His taste was the same, delicious. His cock was just as big, and he came bucket loads, my mouth full in seconds.

I sucked them all, drinking every drop they gave me, loving how it felt and tasted, sorry it had to end. Sheila kissed me when I was finished, her tongue going in my mouth and licking me, tasting me and the dogs, sucking out my saliva and what was left of the dog’s cum. She was so passionate, holding my face tightly as she kissed me, her lips and tongue attacking me with an urgency that was so exhilarating. It felt special, at least to me. I had never been kissed like that, and not by a woman.

She let me go and pushed me to the floor, her face smeared with mine and the dog’s secretions, her tongue licking her lips. I lay there, panting, looking at them all, wondering what was next.

“I told you she was a natural. Look at her, what a slut, she can’t get enough,” John exclaimed, his expression one of validation.

“Yes, yes, she is indeed a fine bitch. Now let’s see her bred. I want to see her full of dog cock, cumming and begging for more,” Emily added, sounding very excited.

I was excited, too. Emily’s words sent shivers down my spine. I was to be fucked in front of the whole family and Sheila.

“Barny, mate her,” John said.

I was already on all fours when he got to me, my butt sticking out, waiting for him, my pussy twitching with anticipation. He was on me in a flash, gripping me vice-like with his front legs, holding me still while his hips violently thrust, looking for his bitch’s cunt. His nails were scratching me and making me gasp in pain. Such was his eagerness to breed me.

I moved slightly, hoping this would help, my pussy desperate to feel his huge cock burying itself deep inside. He found me in an instant, pushing so hard I was forced along the floor, my lungs emptied by the violence of his fucking.

“Yes, yes, yes, oh my god, look at him breed her. It’s simply wonderful,” Emily cried out,

Sheila was at my front, looking at me and grinning, loving the show I was putting on. The others were all shouting out comments, too. Having so many people watching me was wrong, but It made me even hornier. I was a whore, fucking three dogs on a rug for all to witness. How much further could I sink?

Another wonderful orgasm crashed into me, my loud moans and grunts letting everyone know. I didn’t even realize we were knotted. It was all such a sexual blur, I was being fucked by a huge dog, and I loved it.


To Be Continued…?



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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